ALSO Fall Fash ion
Sept em ber M in i M ag 2017 Issu e
Ph ot o Collage AND M ORE!
Tr ans i t i ons
HAPPY FAL L It is fall time again! We can now enjoy our pumpkin spice lattes, "sweater weather " and crisp leaves on the ground. In this issue read about the fashion of fall, look at a collage of summer to fall and much more! Cozy up with a fluffy blanket, a come of Starbucks coffee and read this little issue.
M in i M agazin e St af f Elise Lean n e Len n on Ash ley
-The R5 Family Magazine Staff
Copyright @ R5 Family Mag. All rights reserved. All content published with these pages are owned by R5 Family Mag unless otherwise stated, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the editor. All messages sent to R5 Family mag are subject for editing and publishing. R5 Family Mag is non-profit and seeks no monetary gain. R5 Family Mag is run entirely by fans and is not endorsed or sponsored by R5 or related names and entities in any way.
T ABL E OF C ONT ENT S 4. Pr epar e You r M in d f or Win t er 5. Fall Food an d Fash ion 6. Su m m er t o Fall Collage 7. R5's Tr an sit ion s
Ho w t o Pr epa r e Yo u r Min d f o r Win t er
By Elise
Cabin fever is the worst thing to experience. Being at home for days on end because you can?t leave the house since the weather is really bad outside sucks. We can all beat the winter blues by preparing our mind for these times of freezing cold weather or just times when we can?t leave our homes. Thinking about different ideas you can do around your house, crafts and much more can help your wandering mind from feeling stuck. These ideas and tips will help you get out of that bad weather funk in no time. Binge watching a show: This task can either be completed by using Netflix or going online and choosing a TV show to watch. There are a variety of television shows that are at least five seasons long. Here are just some of them. -The Vampire Diaries/The Originals -Teen Wolf -One Tree Hill -Friends -Austin and Ally (of course) Painting and coloring: Painting and coloring can help you ease your mind as well as give you something to do when you are stuck at your house all day. You can either draw pictures then color or paint them or print color pages from the internet. Cleaning and organizing your room: Cleaning your room by using dusters, making your bed and organizing with colorful boxes will help you relieve stress in your life. Having a clean room will improve your mood because you would not be stepping on clothes or random stuff on your floor all the time. Try food combinations: Ever tried pizza with ranch? Or peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich (Elvis ate that combination)? Go Buzzfeed or just look up different food combinations that seem super weird to you. Try them and see if the combination will be your new favorite kind of food! Journal everything: Create a journal about what you did that day, so when you are stuck in your house again you can go back to that date and see what you did on that day. Journaling also will help you relax and unwind. I recommend doing this activity before you go to bed.
R5 's T r a n s it io n By Ash ley R5 has been releasing music for 8 years now. Over this great amount of time, a lot has changed. Let?s go back in time and remember how far R5 has come. The first song they released, called Say You?ll Stay, is a very catchy, acoustic song. It features Riker singing the verses and Ross singing the chorus. Because Ross was only 15 years old at the time, his vocal range was higher than it is today. Also released around the same time, their Ready Set Rock EP (which has been taken off of iTunes), has a similar sound. One difference is the addition of electric guitars and heavier amounts of drums. Their next release was their Loud EP in 2013, after signing with Hollywood Records the year prior. It included the addition of electronic percussion, rather than real drum sounds, and a more pop music feel. Later that year, they released a full length album entitled Louder. It included a similar feel as Loud did. It was very pop focused with few songs foreshadowing hints of their future sounds. In 2014, they released another EP called Heart Made Up On You. It proved that the band was attempting to take their music into a new direction. When this EP had come out, I was very excited for the new direction and wanted more songs like these. This EP was very different from their previous full length album. Although it had
some acoustic sounds, showcased in Things Are Looking Up, it also displayed some electronic sounds, as seen in Heart Made Up On You and Easy Love. Smile, released in late 2014, showed some similarity with the tracks from Louder while also bringing a very catchy tune with an awesome music video. Similarly sounded, Let?s Not Be Alone Tonight was released in early 2015 as a single from their upcoming album. Later that year, they released their second full length album, titled Sometime Last Night. This album, had some great lyrics, awesome beats, and some overall amazing songs. It was a step in the right direction for the band and it produced some of my all time favorite R5 songs, two of them being Did You Have Your Fun? and I Know You Got Away. R5?s latest release, New Addictions, which was released just a few months ago, is just as the title suggests: addictive. This EP, almost 2 years after their last music release, was long awaited but worth the wait. With the band taking more of a role of writing and producing the music, each song displays an upbeat, poppy sound while also a groove that is reminiscent of the 80s. We can?t wait to hear what comes next from R5. What?s your favorite song that R5 has released? Let us know by tweeting us at @r5familymag!
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