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Appendix A: Project details and method summary
A.1. Project partner team
Organisation Name
UTS Edward Langham Project Director
UTS Jaysson Guerrero Project Manager and Researcher
UTS Kriti Nagrath IRG Coordinator and Researcher
UTS David Roche Researcher
SA Power Networks Cathryn McDonald SAPN Project Lead, Network Optimisation Engineer
SA Power Networks Bryn Williams Network Strategy Manager
SA Power Networks Sheryl Mourin Network Optimisation Graduate Engineer
Essential Energy Gavin Morrison Network Capability Manager
Essential Energy Scott Condie Senior Engineer, Forecasting and Ratings
A.2. IRG composition
The following organisations provided invaluable input to the industry reference group (IRG) process:
• Australian Energy Regulator
• Energy Networks Australia
• ARENA / Distributed Energy Integration Program
• Australian Energy Markets Commission
• Solar Analytics
• Energy Consumers Australia
• Clean Energy Council
• Queensland DNRME
• South Australia DEM
• Horizon Power
• Australian Energy Market Operator
A.3. Methodology
The developed methodology consists of four core tasks including an environmental scan, metric development, a road test and a set of outcomes and emerging lessons. The emerging outputs of each core task were discussed with key stakeholders through a series of engagement activities encompassing four RACE IRG workshops 46 across the duration of the project, one workshop with SAPN solar industry reference group to 46 A table showing all discuss draft metrics and calculation approaches, and an online survey for DNSPs to flag any potential data access limitations or potential implementation issues across different network circumstances.
Environmental scan
To explore relevant academic literature and industry activities an environmental scan review was conducted during the project's first stage. This task sought to clarify the breadth of terminology being applied to related and intersecting work to ensure that the developed work adequately covers the relevant activity and clarifies the interplay with the evolving regulatory environment. The reviewed literature underpinned the background context described in Section 2 above, as well as the basis for the long-list of performance metrics for export services.
Develop metrics and calculation options
As a result of the environmental scan a set of assessment criteria and use cases were developed to define what a successful approach to understanding and communicating DER export service quality looks like. This covered issues such as data accessibility, the accuracy of representation, interpretability, fairness, ability to facilitate higher DER uptake, ability to reduce total curtailment, regulatory outcomes (including unintended consequences) and applicability to different use cases or network types. The assessment criteria were then applied to a long list of metrics to score options and develop a proposed shortlist
Road test
The chosen shortlisted metrics were tested using SAPN and Essential Energy network data to identify access or reliability issues and review possible formats and use cases. This clarified how the outputs would reach endusers and any technical considerations that this may pose. Throughout this process the research team constantly communicated with network strategy and operations staff from SAPN and Essential Energy, and emerging outputs were discussed internally and presented to key stakeholders during the IRG workshops. Shortlisted metrics were tested using two types of analysis:
1. A metric-by-metric analysis in which the shortlisted metrics are estimated using real network data
2. A use-case analysis to clarify the use of the proposed calculated metrics and how they will reach endusers and stakeholders.
The metric-by-metric and use case analyses are presented in Sections 4 and 3.5, respectively.
Survey outcomes and emerging lessons
Iterative versions of emerging analysis and feedback were compiled in this document. The outcomes of this project are listed below
1. Assessment criteria for scoring export service quality metrics Subsection 3.2
2. Long list of potential export service quality metrics Appendix B
3. Review of potential barriers to implementing the developed metrics across different network circumstances via an online survey Section 5 shows the reporting of results and Appendix D the survey instrument
4. A detailed review, test and analysis of shortlisted metrics Appendix C
5. Interim calculation templates of the developed shortlisted metrics Appendix E
6. Recommendations and conclusions Section 6