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Appendix E: Calculation templates
As part of the road-testing activity, the research team produced interim calculation templates using the Google Collaboratory environment so they can be executed online. The calculation templates include instructions, a summary of each metric, links to download the XLSX files to fill the datasets and the code to calculate the metrics. These calculation templates have been tested by Essential Energy and SA Power Networks.
[Note: The code at these links has interim calculation templates, which were developed during the road- test activity. Therefore, metrics that emerged from iterative feedback in the last stage of the project were not part of this activity.]
No File name Metrics Link to edit
1 Utilised DER generation and Emissions Reduction #5 and #17 Link
2 Duration of Curtailment #10 Link
3 Curtailment Volume Metrics #27 and #7 (performance) and #24 Link
4 Flexible versus Static #7 (customer/capacity) Link
5 Customer Complaints #12 Link