1 minute read

5 CORE AREAs suCCess faCts

CharaCter + leaDership DeVelopMeNt

leadership programs empower youth to support and influence their Club, community & peers, sustain meaningful relationships, and develop a positive self-image. Club members are given the opportunity to learn about planning, decision-making and how to contribute to their Club and community.


health + life skills

this program helps young people develop the capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals, and develop competencies that will help them to live successfully as self-sufficient adults.

The Arts

enables youth to enhance and nurture their creativity and awareness through appreciation of arts & crafts, performing arts, and creative writing.

sports, fitNess + reCreatioN

these programs encourage youth to achieve and maintain physical fitness, make positive use of leisure time, learn skills for stress management, gain appreciation for a team environment, and enhance social skills. they focus on physical skills, teamwork, cooperation, and fairness.

100% of seNiors GraDuateD hiGh sChool iN 2013.

MeMBers CaN JoiN for Just $10 a year. No ChilD is eVer turNeD aWay.

CluB hours are MoNDay-friDay 2:00 p.M.–8:00 p.M.

Clu B M e MB ers report aN 87% iNCrease iN hoMeWork CoMpletioN.

100% of our teChNiCal traiNiNG CeNter proGraM GraDuates haVe BeeN plaCeD iN JoBs or hiGher eDuCatioN.

our priorities are aCaDeMiC a DV a NC e M e N t, C areer DeVelopMeNt, aND fuN.

thaNk you for helpiNG our kiDs reaCh their full poteNtial.

Throughout our 80 year history, Dixon Hughes Goodman has served as a trusted advisory and accounting firm to clients in the Southern U.S.

As one of the oldest and most respected CPA firms in Memphis, we combine national-caliber resources with a personal relationship that only a local firm can provide. Our local leadership team stands ready to support your business goals.

memphis office partners

David B. Baggett

M. Gregory Bostian

P. Anthony Clark

Robert C. Davis

Buddy Dearman

William M. Hope

Paul R. Hopkins

Kenneth L. Johnson

Jorg Kaltwasser

Jeffrey A. Kitterman

John A. May

Mark H. Nicolas

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