Southside Easement Staff Report

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Honorable City Planning Commission Cincinnati, Ohio

October 7, 2016

SUBJECT: A report and recommendation on an easement to accommodate a sanitary sewer and fiber optic line in the right-of-way fronting 3117 Southside Avenue in Riverside. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The City of Cincinnati owns the right-of-way known as Southside Avenue, located in Riverside. The Real Estate Manager for Peter Cremer North American, LP submitted a request for an easement to install a private sewer force along the right-of-way of Southside Avenue. Originally, the easement request was located to the west of the property, but due to physical constraints, the easement request was relocated to approximately 1,000 feet to the east. The easement is estimated to be 40’ x 620’ or approximately 0.5 acres. The easement will accommodate a private utility line serving a sanitary sewer. The river terminal operations of Peter Cremer North America, LP have requested this easement to install a private sanitary sewer force main. This easement will connect sewer services of their 3117 Southside property to the closest public Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) main located in River Road. The sewer force main will traverse the City right-of-way and will be encased in steel piping. The private sewer line will also traverse existing CSX rail lines. In addition, Peter Cremer North America, LP requested the right to install and use a fiber optic line within the easement area for telecommunication purposes. The fiber optic line will physically be located within the sewer line casing and no additional right-of-way will be affected. The easement faces no objection from the City as long as the easement does not conflict or interfere with electric and gas facilities in place by Duke Energy or telephone facilities in place by Cincinnati Bell. If any damage is done to said facilities, the property owner will be held responsible for costs and expenses associated with repair or replacement of the facilities. CONSISTENCY WITH PLAN CINCINNATI: The granting of the easement is consistent with Plan Cincinnati (2012), specifically the goal to “coordinate growth and maintenance of our infrastructure and public assets” (page 218). RECOMMENDATION: The staff of the Department of City Planning recommends that the City Planning Commission take the following action: APPROVE an easement to accommodate a sanitary sewer and fiber optic line in the right-ofway fronting 3117 Southside Avenue in Riverside. Respectfully submitted,


Rachel Culley, Intern Department of City Planning

Charles C. Graves, III, Director Department of City Planning

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