Birth magazine 2

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HELLO & WELCOME Bi r t hphot ogr aphyi saver ys peci al wayt odocumentandcapt ur et hi ss peci al t i mef or yourgr owi ngf ami l y.I tf r eesupDad,Gr andmaort hef r i endwhoi st her ef ormor al s uppor tandal l owst hebi r t hi ngt eam t obet her et of ul l yas s i s tMom whi l et he phot ogr apheract sl i keaf l yont hewal l capt ur i ngawayyourbundl eof j oysj our neyi nt o t hi swor l d. I ti smor eofaphot oj our nal i s t i cappr oacht ophot ogr aphyandneverhast omean ex pl i ci tcr owni ngs hot s .T hephot os& s l i des how ar ees s ent i al t ohaveandt r eas ur eand r ef l ectuponwhent hedayscomeandgoandt hememor i esf ade.Ababyi sonl ybor n once.Youonl ygetonechanceatcapt ur i ngt hos emoment s ;t hef i r s tbr eat h,t hef i r s tcr y, t hef i r s tgaz eatmom,t hef i r s tr eact i onf r om s i bl i ngs ,t hef i r s tbat h,et c. Youdes er vet ocel ebr at et hi st i meandmaket hi sat r ul yandr emar kabl ywonder f ul ex per i enceyous hal l NEVERf or get ‌ andi fyoudof or get ,don’ twor r y,yougoti tcapt ur ed!

HOW I TWORKS Whenyours es s i oni sbookedwewi l l s etupa cons ul t at i ont ogett oknow oneanot herand s oIcanans weranyques t i onsyoumi ghthave. Ihi ghl yencour ageyours i gni f i canot hert o bepr es entf ort hecons ul t at i on,i fpos s i bl e. Iwi l l beoncal l 24/ 72weeksbef or eand1week af t eryourduedat e. Phot ogr aphycover agef r om act i vel abor ( about6-7cm di l at ed)t hr oughupt ot wohour s af t erdel i ver yt ocapt ur emanyofyourbaby' s f i r s t s .T hi scoul dmeanI ' m wi t hyou6hour sor 16hour s ,butyouar enotchar gedmor ef ora l ongl abor . Wi t hyourper mi s s i on,a" s neakpeek"gal l er ywi l l bes har edont heourF acebookpage wi t hi n 48hour s . I n3-4weeks ,yourf i nal gal l er yofami ni mum of75edi t edi mageswi l l beaddedt oa pas s wor dpr ot ect edonl i negal l er yf or2weeks f orvi ewi ngandpur chas i ngpr i nt s Di gi t al i magesandaDVDs l i des how ar ei ncl uded i nyourBi r t hS t or y. I ncas eofanunf or s eenci r cums t anceandIcan’ t makei tt ot hebi r t h,exi l l nes sorf ami l i y emer gency,Iwi l l haveabackupphot ogr apher avai l abl ewhowi l l at t endi nmypl ace..  .

WHATTO EXPECT BEF OREYOURS ES S I ON Imeetal l ofmycl i ent sf orani nper s oncons ul t at i on.Att hi scons ul t at i on,wes t ar tt ogett o know oneanot heral i t t l e.T hi si sanoppor t uni t yf oryout oas kmeanyques t i onsorvoi ce anyconcer nsyoumays t i l l have.We’ l l gooveryourbi r t hpl anandmybi r t hcl i entques t i onnai r e, and,we’ l l gohr oughacont r actaswel l . DURI NG YOURS ES S I ON Igener al l ys t r i vet obel i keaf l yont hewal l :pr es ent ,butnoti nt r us i ve.I ’ m notus ual l yan act i vepar t i ci panti nt hebi r t h–whi l eIdohopet ocont r i but et ot hecar i ng,s uppor t i ve ener gys ur r oundi ngt hel abor i ngf ami l y,andIwi l l s t epi nandof f ert ohel pi fneeded( Iwi l l of cour s ef i l l yourwat er bot t l es ,mi cr owaveyourheatpads ,andf et cht hemi dwi ves / nur s e. Iam t her et ot el l yours t or yanddocumentt hebi r t hofyourl i t t l emi r acl e.

BI RTH QUESTI ONNAI RE Name____________________________________ DueDat e__________________________________ Wher ear eyoudel i ver i ng? ______________________________________________________________ Whatt hr eewor dswoul dyouus et odes cr i beyouri deal bi r t hat mos pher e? _________________________________________________________________________________________ Whoal l wi l l beatt hebi r t hs uppor t i ngyou?________________________________________________ Ar et her eanys peci al ci r cums t ancesr egar di ngyourbi r t ht hatwes houl dbeawar eof ? _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mom,how woul dyoudes cr i bet hedad?_________________________________________________ Dad,how woul dyoudes cr i bet hemom?_________________________________________________ Whati smos ti mpor t antt oyout hatIcapt ur e?_____________________________________________ I famedi cal emer gencys houl dhappendur i ngbi r t h,whatwoul dyoul i kemet odo? _____ S t opDocument i ng

_____ KeepDocument i ng

Whoi syourdoct or / mi dwi f e?_____________________________ I st hi syourf i r s tchi l d?___________ I ft hi si snotyourf i r s tchi l d,l i s ts i bl i ngsnamesandages : _________________________________________________________________________________________ Whatdoyoupl ant odowi t hyourbi r t hs t or yphot ogr aphs ? _____ Keeponadi s kf orar chi vi ng

_____ S har eonl i newi t hf r i endsandf ami l y

_____ Pr i nts mal l phot osf oraphot obook

_____ Pr i ntl ar gear tpi eces

_____ Ot her

Whatmadeyoudeci det ohi r emeasyourbi r t hphot ogr apher ? _________________________________________________________________________________________ Doyoupl anondoi nganewbor nphot os es s i on? _____ Yes ,wi t hyou

_____ Yes ,wi t hanot herphot ogr apher

_____ NoNots ur eyet

Doyoupl anondoi ngamat er ni t yphot os es s i on? _____ Yes ,wi t hyou

_____ Yes ,wi t hanot herphot ogr apher

_____ NoNots ur eyet

I st her eanyt hi ngel s eIs houl dknow? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

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