What to Expect Guide

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H ELLO & W ELCOM E Congr at ul at i ons !You’ r egoi ngt obehavi ngababy!Whet hert hi sbabyi syourf i r s t ,t hi r dorf i f t h,t hi si s nodoubtanex ci t i ngt i mef oryouandyourf ami l y. T her ei ss omucht hathappensi nt heweeksandmont hst hatpas sbet weenpur chas i ngyourf i r s tpai r ofmat er ni t yj eanst opi cki ngoutcandl esf oryourbaby’ sf i r s tbi r t hdaycake...andwel l ,f r ankl y,i tal l happenss of as t !Wel l ,Ican’ ts t opt i me,butIcanhel pyour emembers omeoft hemos tpi vot al moment sdur i ngt hatver ys peci al f i r s tyearofyourbaby’ sl i f e.

Iam s ohappyyouhavepi ckedRachel DemandPhot ogr aphyt ocapt ur eyourmemor i es . Is t r i vet ocapt ur et hes emoment sandt ur nt her es ul t i ngi magesi nt oawor koff i near tt obet r eas ur ed f or ever .Babyphot ogr aphyr equi r esal ar geamountofpl anni ngandani ns aneamountofpat i ence, andyou’ l l behappyt oknow Iam goodatbot h: )

Sw eet Li ttle Ones


T hepr egnancys t ageofawoman’ sl i f ei soneoft hef as t es tgr owi ngdevel opment al t i mes .Youar e gr owi ngababy–yayyou!Iknow i t ’ snotal wayscomf or t abl e…t hecr amps ,t hebl oat i ng,t hes wel l i ng… ohmynotf eel i ngs oamaz i ng?!I t ’ sok.Myj obasaphot ogr apheri st omakeyoul ookandf eel amaz i ng f orj us taboutanhour .T henyoucant hr ow yourl egsupandeatchocol at et her es toft heday! Amat er ni t ys es s i oni sdes i gnedt ocel ebr at eanddocumentt hepr eci ousnew l i f egr owi ngwi t hi n.T hi si s oneofmyf avor i t es es s i onsasi ti sacombi nat i onofgl amour ,beaut i f ul bel l yandr omance.Amat er ni t y s es s i oncant akepl acei nyourhome,apar kordownt own.Chos eal ocat i ont hatf i t syours t yl eand r ef l ect syourper s onal i t y. T hes ephot oswi l l hel pyourchi l dr ent oknow how pr oudyouwer et obet hei rmot herandwhata pr i vi l egecar r yi ngt hem was . Mat er ni t ys es s i onsar eonl yof f er edasanaddons es s i ont oanynewbor ns es s i on.

W H EN TO SCH EDULE 3236weeksi sper f ectf ormos tmomst obe.T hi si sat i mef r amewher eyourbeaut i f ul bel l yi sofampl e s i z eyetyou’ r enotas“puf f y”anduncomf or t abl easyoumaybei nyourl as tcoupl eofweeks . .T houghIhave s hotmat er ni t ys es s i onsupcl os et odel i ver ywi t hbeaut i f ul r es ul t s ,f eedbackf r om ex pect i ngmomshas encour agedmet oadvi s ecl i ent st owar dst heear l i ers i dewher emamas t obear ef eel i ngt hei rbes t andar emor ecomf or t abl et hant heymaybel at er .

W H AT TO W EAR T hecl ot hest hatyouweardur i ngyours es s i onwi l l pl ayavi t al r ol ei nhow youf eel dur i ngt hes hootand aboutyourphot ogr aphs .Wer eal l ywantt os how of fyourbeaut i f ul f or m,s ochoos eaf ew out f i t st hat accent uat eyourbeaut i f ul body!Il ovef or mf i t t i ngt opswi t hchunkys weat er sorl ongf l owi ngdr es s es . Youcanchoos eyourf avor i t emat er ni t yout f i tbuts ol i dcol or swor kbes t .Asf arass peci f i ccol or s ,i ti s compl et el yupt oyou.T hemos ti mpor t antt hi ngi st hatyouf eel comf or t abl e,conf i dentandbeaut i f ul !

A LITTLE BIT OF ADVI CE Iwoul ds ugges tpamper i ngyour s el fbef or eyours es s i on.Getyourhai randnai l sdoneort akea r el ax i ngbubbl ebat h.Putas i deaf ew hour sf oryour s el ft oj us tr el axandf eel f abul ous .T hebes t phot ogr aphsar ecr eat edwhenex pect antmot her sar er el ax ed,f eel conf i dentandar eabl et oj us t bet hems el vesdur i ngt hes es s i on.Don’ tf or gett hatt hi ss houl dbeas peci al andf undayf oryou.

NEW BORN SESSIONS Newbor ns es s i onsar emyj oy.T her ei snot hi ngmor es peci al t hancat chi ngt hos ef i r s tf ew daysofl i f e. Newbor nschangequi ckl yandweof t enf or gethow t heyl ookedwhent heyf i r s tar r i ved.Iam t hr i l l ed t obecapt ur i ngt hes ememor i esf oryou.Hopef ul l yt hi sl i t t l es ect i onwi l l hel pyoupr epar ef oryous es s i on.

PREPARING FOR YOUR SESSION 1.Onceyou' vecont act edmeaboutphot ogr aphi ngyournewbor n,wecans etupat ent at i vedat e bas edar oundyourduedat e.Becaus ebabi est ypci al l ycomeont hei rownt i me,however ,onceyou havedel i ver edyoucant hencont actmet os etupt heact ual s es s i on.Babi esar ebes tphot ogr aphed wi t hi nt hef i r s t510daysofbi r t hast heyar es t i l l ver ys l eepy,canbeeas i l ypos ed,babyacnehas n' t appear edyetandanys i gnsofj aundi cehavef adedaswel l .S obes ur et ocont actmeass oonas pos s i bl et obookyours es s i on.I fyoucoul daddmet oyourt ex tl i s tf orwhenbabyar r i ves ,t hatwoul dbegr eat . I fyouhavehadaCS ect i on,l etmeknow s owecanpl anonhavi nganex t r as etofhandst ohel pout wi t hbaby' ss hoot ,whet heri ti sDadors omeoneel s e. 2.I fyouchos eas es s i onwi t hpr opst her ei snotneedt obr i nganyt hi ng.Iwi l l s uppl yal l t heheadbands , wr aps ,hat sandbas ket s .I fyouchos et hemi ni i mal i s ts es s i onIwi l l onl ybeus i ngwr aps .I fyouhavebooked al i f es t yl es es s i onIwi l l br i ngal ongaf ew wr aps ,butIkeept hi spr et t ys i mpl e. 3.Mynewbor ns es s i onst ypi cal l yt aket hr eehour s ,s opl anonbei ngher eatl eas tt hatl ong,s omet i meswe f i ni s hi nas hor t ert i me.I twi l l dependonbaby’ smoodt hatday: )Becaus eoft hi sIt ypci al l ys chedul e newbor ns es s i onsi nt hemor ni ng,ar oundni ne.Babi esal s ot endt obes l eepi eratt hi st i meofday. Iam nots hoot i ngt heent i r e3hour s .Muchoft hi st i mei ss pents wi t chi ngbl anket sandpr ops ,get t i ng babyf edordi aperchanged/ cl eani ngupmes s esands oot hi ngbabyi nt opos es .Af us s yorwi deawake babywhoi sunwi l l i ngt of al l i nt oadeeps l eepcanal s oef f ectt hel engt hoft hes hoot . 4.Is hootnewbor nsi nmys t udi ot hati sl ocat edi nmyhome.I fyoupr ef eras es s i oni nyourhome,Ipr ovi dea newbor nl i f es t yl es es s i ont hatmi ghti nt er es tyou. 5.Babi esar ebes tphot ogr aphedonani cef ul l t ummy,s oIwi l l haveyouf eedbabyr i ghtbef or eyouar e r eadyt oheadt oyours es s i on.Iwi l l bes endi ngoutmys l eepybabyt i psadayort wobef or eyours es s i on. 6.Iphot ogr aphbabi eswi t houtanycl ot heson,s omet i meswi t hadi aper ,butot her wi s ecompl et el y naked.Cl ot hest akeawayf r om s howi nghow t i nyanddi f f er entnewbor nsar ewi t hi nt hei rf i r s tf ew days ofl i f eandal s omakesi tmor edi f f i cul tt ocapt ur et i nydet ai l ss uchashandsandf eetandt heumbi l i cal cor ds t ub.Iwi l l al s ous ewr apsandbl anket si ns omeoft hes hot s . 7.It ypi cal l yl i ket odof ami l yands i bl i ngs hot satt heend.I fdadorgr andmacanbr i ngt hes i bl i ngi nt owar ds t heendoft hes es s i ont hatwoul dbegr eat .I ft hi sdoes n’ twor kwel l f oryours chedul ewecandos i bl i ng andf ami l ys hot sf i r s tandt hendadcanl eavewi t ht hes i bl i ngwhenwear ef i ni s hed.Babyus ual l yf al l sgood andas l eepont hecarr i deovers oIl i ket ogets t ar t edwi t ht hem! 8.F orpar entcl ot hi ngIl i kef oryout okeepi tver ys i mpl e.Aneut r al f i t t edt s hi r tf ordad.Ial s odon’ tmi ndf or dadst ogos hi r t l es s ,butIl eavet hatupt omom anddad.Il i kef ormom t obei naneut r al f i t t edt ankt opor f i t t edt s hi r t .Boysar egr eati nas ol dt s hi r taswel l ors hi r t l es s.F orgi r l saneut r al s hi r tands omet i mesIus e awr apar oundt hem whens hoot i ngwi t hbaby.

DURING YOUR SESSION 1.Babi ess l eepbet t erwhent heyhaveaF UL Lt ummy.Ias kyouf eedbabyr i ghtbef or eyouar et owal kout t hedoorf oryours es s i on Iwi l l getyourl i t t l eoneoutoft hecar s eatonceyouar r i veandgets t ar t ed. 2.Newbor nsl ovet obewar m,ands i ncet heywi l l benakedf ort hemaj or i t yoft hei rs es s i onIwi l l havet heheat ar ound80.Iwi l l al s ohaveacoupl eofs mal l header sr unni ng.Mom anddadmi ghtwantt odr es si n l ayer ss ot heydon’ tgett owar m.Ihaveabat hr oom s omom cant ouchuphai randmakeupbef or epar ent s hot s . 3.Il i ket os t ar tt hes es s i onwi t ht hebabys hot sf i r s ts i ncet hecarr i decanputt hem t os l eep.I fyouhave youngerchi l dr enpl anonhavi ngdadoragr andpar entbr i ngt hem l at eri nt hes es s i on.I ft hi si s n’ tpos s i bl ewe canal wayss t ar twi t hs i bl i ngandpar ents hot s . 4.Il i kef ormom anddadt oj us ts i tbackandr el axdur i ngyours es s i on.Iwi l l becl eani ngupanyacci dent s andt aki ngcar eofbabywhencr yi ng.I fbabyi sbot t l ef edt henIdot hef eedi ng.I fbabyi sbr eas t f ed t henIwi l l handbabyof fwhenheors heneedst oeat .I

AFTER YOUR SESSION 1.Af t eryours es s i onIwi l l pi ckar ound5i magest opos tonF acebookf oryout os har ewi t hf ami l yandf r i ends . Pl eas er emembernott ocr opoutt hewat er mar kanddonotaddanyf acebookori ns t agr am f i l t er st ot he phot os . 2.Iwi l l haveal l ofyouri magesedi t edwi t hi n4weeksofyours es s i on.Iwi l l emai l youal i nkt oyourgal l er y wher eyoucanpur chas epr i nt sands pendyourcr edi t .Yourgal l er ywi l l beact i vef or14days .I fyourgal l er y ex pi r est her ei sa$25f eet or eact i vat ei t ,s obes ur et ogetyouror deri nqui ckl y.Onceyoupl aceyour or deri tus ual l yt akesaboutaweekf oryouri t emst oar r i veandf ormet ogett hem packagedupf oryou. Iwi l l emai l youonceever yt hi ngi sr eadyandwewi l l pl anat i mewhenyoucanpi ckyouri t emsup. I for der i ngonl i nei sover whel mi ngt oyouIdoof f ercl i ent st heopt i ont ocomei nt hes t udi oandIcanhel p youpl aceyourpr i ntor der .T hi sal l owsyout os eeal l t hepr oduct sIof f er .It r yt ohaveas ampl eonhand ofmos tpr oduct s . 3.Dur i ngt het i meyouar ewai t i ngonyouror derIwi l l r unyours l i des how onF acebookandIwi l l bebl oggi ng yours es s i ononmywebs i t e.


T heonl yt hi ngyouneedt obr i ngal ongt oyours es s i oni sf oodf oryourbabyanda paci f i eranddi aper s . Iwi l l havewat erands nacksi nmys t udi o. F eedbabybef or el eavi ngt hehous e. T her oom wi l l bewar ms owearl i ghtcl ot hi ng. Haves i bl i ngsar r i vel at eri nt hes es s i oni fpos s i bl e T ur nof fphonesoranyot herdi s t r act i onsdur i ngt hephot os hoot . Par ent sands i bl i ngj us tdr es si nneut r al col or s .Il i kemom i nat i ghtt ankort s hi r tand dadi nani cef i t t i ngt s hi r t .Boyscangowi t houtas hi r torani cef i t t i ngt s hi r t .Icanputa wr apoverl i t t l egi r l sors hecanwearat ankt oporf i t t edt s hi r t . Acoupl eofdaysbef or eyours es s i onwat chyouremai l f oryourS l eepyBabyT I ps !


FREQUENTLY ASK ED QUESTIONS Whats houl dwebr i ngwi t husf orournewbor ns es s i on? L ot sofdi aper s !I fyouwi l l bef or mul af eedi ng,al s obr i ngl ot sofex t r af or mul a.I fyouar enur s i ng,be pr epar edt onur s eaf ew t i meswhi l eyouar et her e.Ikeept her oom ver ywar mf ort henewbi ess o pl eas edr es saccor di ngl y( l ayer sar eyourf r i end) .Ihi ghl yencour ageyout obr i ngapaci f i er ,i thel ps s omuchwi t ht hes es es s i ons . Doweneedt obr i ngpr ops ? Nope Canwedopor t r ai t soft henew babyandi t ’ sol ders i bl i ng? Abs ol ut el y,IL OVEs i bl i ngs hot s …butIcan’ tguar ant eei tf orver yyoungs i bl i ngs .Wewi l l t r yourhar des t andIhavel ot soft r i cksanddi f f er entwayst omakei thappenbutI ’ ms ur eyouknow how unpr edi ct abl e t woyearol dsar e…i ft heywantnot hi ngt odowi t ht henew baby,s omet i mesi tj us ti s n’ tpos s i bl ewi t hout mas s i veamount soft ear s …f r om t hes i bl i ng,andr ar el yt hepar ent ; ) Whendowepayyou? 50% i sdueatt het i meofbooki ngandt her emai ngbal ancei sduewhenyouar r i veatt hes t udi o. Whatt ypeofpaymentdoyouaccept ? Cas horchecki spr ef er ed,butIal s ohaves quar eandIcans endani nvoi cet hr oughpaypal . How l ongaf t ert hes es s i onwi l li tbebef or eouri mageswi l lber eady? Youri mageswi l l ber eadywi t hi n4weeks

W ATCH M E GROW PLAN Wat chmeGROW!Babypl ansar ei deal f orpar ent swhoknow f r om t hever ybegi nni ngt hatt heywant t hef i r s tyearoft hei rbaby’ sl i f edocument edwi t hpr of es s i onal phot ogr aphy.I nmos tcas es ,t heWat ch meGr ow Babypl anspackagei schos en,cont r acts i gnedandpur chas ecompl et ebef or et henew l i t t l eoneevenent er st hewor l d— cr os s i ngone( bi g)t hi ngof ft hever ybus ypar ent s ’t odol i s t s ! Whenyoupur chas eaWat chmeGr ow Babypl anyouar epur chas i ngas peci f i cnumberofs es s i ons andpr oduct s / s er vi ces .Ass uch,t hes epl ansar eus ual l ys chedul edbas edont hedi f f er ents t agesofyour baby’ sdevel opmenti nt hef i r s tyear .T hemos tcommon ‘ s t ages ’ar e:mat er ni t y/ ex pect at i on,newbor n, s i t t i ng/ cr awl i ngand1year / wal ki ng. Yours i t t i ngs es s i onandoneyears es s i oncanbehel dout door sori nmys t udi o

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