Independent Streak Magazine -- June/ July 2021

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St r eak

M a g a zin e June/ July 20 21

Sp o t l i gh t : T al k i n g w i t h D i r ect o r L y n n Ro t h o n "Sh ep h er d : T h e St o r y o f a Jew i sh D o g"

TheMiamiJewishFilmFestival GatewayCinemaOpens MiamiSFF'sFocusOn[Line] FilmGateIsBack! Coral GablesArt CinemaReceivesGrant Fi l m Rev i ew s: "Rita Mor eno: The Gir l W ho Decided to Go For It" "The Auschw itz Repor t" "Por tr ayal " "Her e W e Ar e"

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