Independent Streak Magazine--November/ December 2018

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Spot light : Fi l mmak er Robert A danto & h i s l atest proj ect:

" Born Just Now "

Also: - FLIFF 20 18 - Spooky Empir e - & mor e


8 1 0 2 The Ft. Lauderdale Intl. Film F F I Festival (FLIFF), in its 33rd year, FL brought in people from all over the


world to enjoy films, parties and have plenty of fun Nov. 2-18. This year was a little different with new events -- like a rooftop pool party, a dinner cruise (rather than breakfast cruise) and a Caddyshack-themed Wrap Party that was to die-for on the golf course. Independent Streak Magazine was there to enjoy much of the fun and is sharing some of the highlights with you, our wonderful readers. Enjoy! To find out more about FLIFF, visit and also see more on all of the award-winners in our last issue!


FLIFF O p e n in g

Nig h t

This year's Opening Night party was themed "French Garden Party" and the party room was decked out with a Eiffel Tower and had a French band playing away. Actually, there was a pre-movie VIP party and a post party as well. The French movie, with English subtitles, was "Return of the Hero," a light comedy that delighted the audience. Ginny Miller, FLIFF's Chair Emeritus, talked a bit about the recipient of the Marti Huizenga Humanitarian Award and about Steve Savor before he came up on stage as the award's recipient. He also presented the Broward Children's Center with a check for $20,000 and a representative of the organization said a few words before taking it. Of course, Chairman Jim Norton also said a few words, as did Gregory von Hausch. On the red carpet for the evening, very tall can can girls in brightly-colored attire posed with guests as filmmakers did the step and repeat. About Ret urn of t he Hero The film begins with a hero who is betrothed being sent away to war saying he will write every day only to never write at all, leading to the distruaght woman's sister picking up the pen and writing the missives herself, which creates quite the turmoil when he does actually eventually return. Pict ured: Top: FLIFF CEO & President Gregory Von Hausch wit h Can Can girl s. Bot t om Lef t : Sharon Pf eif f er & Pet er Wein, Right : Sl ider, anyone?


FLIFF C e n t e r p ie c e Film

On Nov. 8, FLIFF's Centerpiece Film, "The Saint Bernard Syndicate, was shown at the Sunrise Civic Center, bringing many filmmakers and film lovers to enjoy the movie and party. The film, directed by Mads Brugger, followed an unlikely duo trying to sell Saint Bernards to people in Asia. The film was basically all Improv and filmed using guerilla filmmaking. It starred a comedy team that kept the laughs coming. Pict ured: (Lef t ): Direct or Mads Brugger wit h a Saint Bernard, but not t he one in t he f il m. (Next ): Act or/ Direct or Robert Schwart zman, whose f il m "The Unicorn" was al so shown at t he f est , wit h IS f ounder Rachel Gal vin. (Next ): Even Gregory Von Hausch t akes t o t he red carpet wit h pal s. (Right ): Imre Nagypal , direct or of "Nyit va Open." (Bot t om): Fil mmakers st rike a pose wit h Greg.


FLI FF Fi l m Spotl i gh t: " Th e Uni corn" By Rach el Gal v i n For Malory and Caleb, life has become stagnant and predictble. They go to bed early. The magic has gone out of the relationship and everything just seems status quo. Four years have gone by and there is not only no marriage in sight but the live-in couple seems to have no hope of anything changing in their life. But, a spark of an idea takes them on an unexpected journey that could change everything. It begins with getting out of bed and going out on the town and trying some role playing to spice things up. Next thing they know, they are truly contemplating finding someone to do a threesome with them. But finding a copasectic partner is not as easy as it seems and it tests the very fabric of their own relationship that seemed so steady and reliable for so long, despite the boredom of it all. This is a fun movie with plenty of laughs and unexpected characters entering their lives, and it has great comic actors like Lauren Lapkus (Malory) and Nicholas Rutherford (Caleb), as well as Lucy Hale as Jesse, Beck Bennett as Tyson, Beverly D'Angelo as Edie, John Kapelos as Louis, Dree Hemingway as April and others. Director Robert Schwartzman, along with his wife Zoey Grossman, attended the FLIFF screening and other events at the fest. He was just at FLIFF a few years ago for his film "Dreamland." Look for "Unicorn" in theaters Feb. 1. Rober t Sch w ar t zm an t alk s t o au dien ce at scr een in g at FLIFF.


FLIFF Film Sp o t lig h t "Cr u el Hear t s" Guests attending the screening of "Cruel Hearts" at the Ft. Lauderdale Intl. Film Festival received candy hearts with words on them like "How could you" and "'Til Death," apropos as an introduction to a movie about love and betrayal. Directed by Paul Osbourne, who is not a stranger to FLIFF, the film has some twists and turns and features Melora Hardin, Eddie Jemison, Bonnie Root and Marion Kerr. A little about the plot--it follows a young man who finds out that the woman he has been sleeping with is married to a crime boss, who he decides to reveal the truth to in order to nip in the bud any possible animosity that would come his way if said husband were to find out the truth first. It goes without saying that the crime boss (played by Patrick Day), is not happy. It seems like a simple tale, but this story is anything but. Is everything what it is cracked up to be? Patrick Day is one to watch. He was also excellent in the film "Favor," which was also shown at FLIFF. Melora Hardin received a Career Achievement Award at the screening. Pict ured (L t o R): Paul Osbourne & Rachel Gal vin; Gal vin again wit h act ress Mel ora Hardin; Gal vin one more t ime wit h Producer Bil l Eikost , act or Pat rick Day & act ress Mel anie St arks.


FLIFF Sh o r t s a t


On Nov. 12, guests boarded the Musette for a special night cruise up and down the Intracoastal. They have a cruise every year, but usually it is a smaller crowd and it is a breakfast cruise. This time, it was packed with people for a small dinner and then people could watch some of the short films on the top deck, although a rain shower led to people heading down to another deck where there were also films showing.

Top (l ef t ): Rachel Gal vin af t er l eaving t he Muset t e. (Right ): Susan Lazarus & "Cinema" Dave pract ical l y l ying down t o wat ch movies. (Bot t om l ef t ) Guest s hang out and wat ch f il ms. (Right ): Chairman Jim Nort on wel comes guest s.


FLIFF Cu r t a in P ar ty

Ca ll

Following a screening of "Pleasantville," its director, Gary Ross, was given his Lifetime Achievement Award, and other awards were announced. Next was the premier of "Sharkwater Extinction" and director Rob Stewart's parents gave a Rob Stewart Environmental Award to Teresa Tico, producer of "Poisoning Paradise." A party followed outside with Mexican food choices.


(Top) L t o R: Rober t Adan t o & Rach el Galvin , Gr egor y Von Hau sch t alk s abou t f ilm m ak er s in at t en dan ce, Gar y Ross get s Lif et im e Ach ievem en t Aw ar d. (Bot t om ): Givin g Gar y h is aw ar d, Br ian & San dy St ew ar t give aw ar d t o " Poison in g Par adise" pr odu cer Ter esa Tico.

FLIFF W rap P ar ty The best party of the entire film festival was the wrap party. Held at the Ft. Lauderdale Country Club, this event was themed around the film "Caddyshack." The employees wore Bushwood shirts and the front of the clubhouse even said Bushwood. Cindy Morgan, a.k.a. Lacey Underall, showed up to pose for pictures and everyone else dressed up for the occasion to look like they were ready to go golfing. A few people dressed as gophers! It was open bar for wine and champagne and there was a large buffet dinner with Baby Ruth bars everywhere. The Pixels performed 80s music and many jumped up to get into the groove. A Rodney Dangerfield lookalike drove up and did a quick bit of stand up comedy. Then, guests jumped into a golf cart to watch "Caddyshack" on a huge inflatable screen right on the golf course. Each cart was given a large box of popcorn and could wave a glow stick to get refills of popcorn and their drinks. Then, The Pixels played some more. It was a great evening. Snaps f rom t he event , incl uding The Pixel s perf orming, act ress Cindy Morgan posing wit h guest s, serving up ice cream & Ray Brast ead & Susan Lazarus enjoying t he night .


M or e sn aps f r om t h e even t , in clu din g sexy caddies, Sk ip M ar ger u m f r om FLIFF Boar d of Dir ect or s; Rodn ey Dan ger f ield look alike com edian ; (Below ): Au t h or , act or & dir ect or Alyn Dar n ay is r eady t o w at ch m ovie w it h IS f ou n der Rach el Galvin ; Exec. at Lar ge St eve Savor w it h f r ien ds; Capt ain Lee f r om TV sh ow " Below Deck ," w h o w as sellin g h is book s at t h e even t t oo, pict u r ed w it h Lisa Scot t -Fou n ds.



Spooky Em pir e It was another great year for Spooky Empire's Horror Film Festival, run by Kurt Donath and IS founder Rachel Galvin. Kurt said of the fest: "Spooky Empire's Horror Film Festival had an incredible turnout, and we can?t thank the attendees and filmmakers enough who made it so. We also wanted to thank our sponsor Some of the highlights included; Bill Moseley introducing our late night screening of "Crepitus" and staying until 1:30 in the morning to do a Q & A with the filmmakers, Actress Lyndsey Craine explaining how fun it is to kill Monsters (puppets), Dublin Filmmaker Damian Draven flying out all this way to share his love of Edgar Allan Poe and screen his adaptation of "The Raven," and first time director, 80-year-old Tony Schweikle telling our audience it?s never too late to follow your dreams. We also wanted to thank our amazing panelists: Visual Effects Producer Dean Lyon, Producer/ Director Lou Simon, Author and Filmmaker Jacqueline Journey, Director Brendan Rogers, Producer Alea Figueroa, Composer Karl Anderson, as well as Filmmakers Brian Rosenthal, Dirk Sholar, and Brian Mills." Congrat s t o al l our winners: Best Short Fil m: ?The Reckoning of Darkness?--Director Christopher Kulikowski; Best Feat ure: ?Crepitus? -- Director Haynze Whitmore; Best Int ernat ional Fil m: ?Book of Monsters? -- Director Stewart Sparke; Best Special Ef f ect s: ?I Am the Doorway?-- Director Simon Pearce; Audience Choice: ?Girl # 2? -- Director David Jeffery; Fl orida Spot l ight : ?Mr. Facey? Above: Som e of t h e w in n er s. Below : Wom en Film m ak er pan el---Director Austin Maxwell Jacqu elin e Jou r n ey, Lou Sim on , Rach el Galvin (m oder at or ) & Alea Figu er oa.


Spooky Snaps



Pu blish er 's Not e Fall is here. Think about the word "fall." It is a season, but it also means to fall down. Where have you fallen in your life? Everything that goes down, eventually has to go back up. Look at any time when you fall down and think about how you can turn that downturn into an opportunity. Have you heard the phrase "When one door closes, another one opens?" Think about that next time you have a disappointment in your life or something doesn't go your way. Wishing you the best!

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Rachel Galvin Publisher



No w

f ilm in g : "Th e D r iven "

Synopsis: An aspiring actor tries to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry while life's hardships try to prevent him from achieving his dream. "The Driven" has been the first feature film that Alex Leaty has directed, produced and starred in, as well as written the script. He has been busy filming throughout Palm Beach County, including in West and Royal Palm Beach, Lake Worth and Boca Raton. He shot in front of the Harriet Himmel Theater and even got the Wick Theatre to allow him to shoot inside their space. Currently, he is taking break during the holidays, but will resume finishing up the film in the new year. The film includes too many South Florida actors to mention! Find out more about the film, cast & crew on Facebook or (L-R): Paul a Carras, Vict or Cent of ant i, Rachel Gal vin, Al ex Leat y, Frank Licari, (f ront ) Dougl as Ul mer; Dir. Al ex Leat y & DP St even Brevig; Al ex & daught er on set ; (Above): Eric EC Cl aussen is in f ilm t oo.



"Born Just Now" By Document ary f il mmaker Robert Adant o By Rachel Gal vin For Marta Jovanovic, art is everything. Her medium of choice is herself, whether she is smashing eggs, being tied up or having pig hearts pelted at her body. Her performance art is entrancing and inviting, as she welcomes the viewer into what she is trying to convey. She covers topics from what it is to be a woman and an artist, to finding beauty in unique places, to the brutality and heartbreak of war and conflict. The unfolding of her story is brilliantly told by documentary filmmaker Robert Adanto. With captivating and, at times, disturbing visuals, he follows the life of this Serbian artist, who has suffered through an abusive relationship, the misunderstanding of her work and the

accusation that she has wasted her life on art rather than creating a family. You can feel her angst, her anger brewing inside waiting to bubble out. Like a rebel punk, she is filled with fury but, instead of exploding it out, she channels it in specific and thought-provoking ways that push boundaries. She sets fire to convention in the same way she lights her old wedding dress on fire, burning away thoughts of her ex-husband and letting that dream that once was die away while perhaps unveiling something about relationships and what they should and should not be. There is a certain freedom in it and that is something she seems to have in spades, but does she really? Like all of us, she struggles with her own identity, but, in her case, she holds it up, like an open wound, to the world to see, throwing caution to the wind and shoving it in the faces of art-loving bystanders whether they like it or not. Adanto has created another masterpiece in this film like so many of his films before that have touched on art and culture wrapped up into celluloid magic. His other films include "Pearls on the Ocean Floor," "The Rising Tide," "The F Word" and "City of Memory." 14

Q&A wit h Robert Adant o: Q: How did you meet Mart a Jovanovic? A: In the winter of 2013, I was in New York doing some final, follow-up interviews for "The F Word," my documentary exploring feminist performance. While I was interviewing Dr. Kathy Battista, an expert on feminist performance and the Director of Contemporary Art at the Sotheby?s Institute of Art in New York, Kathy mentioned she had just finished "Performing the Self," a book about a Serbian multidisciplinary artist who I should consider featuring in "The F Word." She gave me an advance copy to read and mentioned that she was curating the artist?s first exhibition in the city. As I looked through the book, I was struck by what I saw. Some of it was very powerful work exploring femininity and feminist concerns, but, after reading more about Marta Jovanovi?, the artist who had made the works, I knew there was no way that she would find her way into "The F Word." That previous film looked at feminist performance artists working in Brooklyn, and, though Marta does performance


work, she has a drastically different background and history, a whole other story, one so unique and layered that I felt I had to dedicate an entire film to her, to do her story justice. Kathy connected us via email, and we began Skyping in 2015. We soon agreed to start shooting in early 2016. Q: Did you go t o Serbia? A: Yes. Production began in Belgrade, the capital of the former-Yugoslavia, in February of 2016, and I returned on two other occasions over the course of a year and a half. I had a small but talented crew of local Serbian filmmakers there, led by my Director of Photography Lazar Bogdanovi?. Lazar and I also shot parts of the documentary in Paris, and Daniel Cole-ParĂŠs, who shot "The F Word," was a second cinematographer, responsible for shooting the scenes taking place in New York.

Q: How l ong did it t ake you t o edit ? Was t here a l ot on t he cut t ing room f l oor? A: That?s an interesting question because when I shoot, I am shooting with the edit in mind. I get the shots that I will need to build sequences so the edit begins during the shoot. I work pretty quickly. With my previous documentaries, I had just enough funding to do some initial shooting, but I always had the confidence I could cut a piece that would compel investors to fund the rest of the work down the road. I just needed to start. That was the case with "Born Just Now," which was one of four projects selected by the Sundance Institute Documentary Program for their Rough-Cut Lab in Miami in December of 2016. I initially submitted 20 minutes, and they contacted me a few weeks later asking if I were selected to the Lab would I be able to present 40 minutes of footage at the workshop. I had about 30 minutes assembled at the time and added another 10 minutes to my rough-cut. My presentation was well-received by the Sundance people and award-winning documentary filmmaker Catherine Tambini, who ran the Lab, became my mentor, and, soon after that, CSI Producer and Creator Anthony E. Zuiker came on board as Executive Producer. Anthony made the final shooting trip happen and about 10 of the 35 days I spent in Belgrade during that final trip were devoted to translating Serbian to English and cutting sequences with a Belgrade-based editor in my room at the Radisson Blu. Q: Which of Mart a?s pieces most int rigued you and why? A: The work which continues to intrigue me most has to be

"Motherhood." It was a piece that sprung from Marta?s personal life, but, for me, the beauty of the work, why it?s sublime, is that it ends up representing the predicament that a lot of women in the 21st Century find themselves in. Marta performed "Motherhood" after ending an eight-year relationship, and it?s a contemplation of her life choices. It also says something about her status as a woman artist in a patriarchal world. Having just gone through a fundamental transformation in her personal life, which forced her to reevaluate her path, her past, and her future, she had to choose, once again, between society?s vision for a woman and her own way.

Q: It seemed you spent a l ong t ime on t he t ying scene ... what are you t rying t o say? A: There are four of Marta Jovanovic?s performances documented in the film: "Motherhood," "Ljubav (?love?)," "Until Death" and "The Beauty of Tight Binding." Marta comes from the durational performance tradition in which a four or eight-hour performance is not out of the ordinary. Every one of the aforementioned works lasted longer than their screen time, and given the constraints and flow of the film, I could not see ?stopping? the progression of the narrative to show one in its entirety or anything close to it, so I edited to suit the story but also wanted to respect the artist?s work. By the time we get towards the end of the film, I feel that Marta, having endured and overcome an abusive relationship and a turbulent year, has earned it to some degree and so has the audience. With the final performance, I wanted the audience to experience her final act of creation in all its beauty. I think "The Beauty of Tight Binding" makes an incredibly powerful statement in 16 its simplicity. In moving forward, Marta is so free she

is able to trust again, to be the clay and medium of another artist?s work, without fear. It's an act of total trust and courage in oneself. Ph ot o f r om " Th e F Wor d."

Q: Where is it shown next and how shoul d peopl e f ind out more about you and it ? A: I?m very excited that the Belgian curator Erich Weiss of the Rotterdam Institute: Museum for Architecture, Design & Digital Culture, has selected "Born Just Now" and "The F Word" to be presented at FLOW pavilion, a special section at this year's Art Palm Beach Contemporary Art Fair, featuring the works of icons Peter Fischli, Bruce Nauman, Hans Op de Beeck and Christian Marclay! "Born Just Now" will be screening twice: Friday, Jan. 18th and Sunday, Jan. 20th at 3 p.m., and "The F Word," will be presented on Saturday, Jan. 19th at 3 p.m. (Art Palm Beach is located within the Palm Beach County Convention Center 650 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. For more information, visit https:/ / artpalmbeach.)


Save t he Dat e: Boynt on Beach Short Fil m Fest ival Hel d April 30 t o May 5 Al co's Boynt on Cinemas Boynt on Beach For more information, visit

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