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The 27th annual American Black Film Festival (ABFF) took place June 12-18. Heralded asacornerstone of diversity in Hollywood,and held in Miami Beach,the festival isdedicated to empowering Black talent by providing a platform for up-and-coming artistsand entertainment content made by and about people of African descent.


ABFFisaone-of-a-kind experience that celebratesBlack culture, executives,content creatorsand a live audience of 5,000+ from around the world for five daysof screenings,master classes,talk events,talent showcases,exclusive partiesand avariety of networking events. The festival ispivotal for Black artistsin front of and behind the camera? many of whom have become today?smost successful actors,producers, writers,directorsand stand-up comedians. Screeningsincluded a Hollywood release along with studio premieresand independent films

If you missed it this year, no worries, there is always next year. Find out more at www.abff.com/miami.

Popcorn Frights

Are you ahorror fanatic?Then, you should definitely know about the Popcorn FrightsFilm Festival. Thisyear'sevent will be held August 10-20 at Savor Cinema,at 503 SE6 St,in Ft. Lauderdale,FL, but they do have filmsall year long.

For more information on this year's fest, visit https://popcornfrights.eventive.org.

"Just My Type" getsdistribution

Congratsto Jill Melody for getting distribution for her latest project -- "Just My Type," produced by her Punch Line Productions,LLC, distributed by Indie Rights. She had aspecial screening at VIPCinema in Deerfield Beach,FLfor local cast & crew.See photosfrom that event coming soon on Independent Streak Magazine'sFacebook page. She also went to the CannesFilm Festival thisyear aswell.

"Just My Type" wasset up to be ashow and she filmed a pilot basically,which could be extended into a series.It followsthe drama that unfoldsbehind the scenesat aTVstation.It includeslocal to South Floridaactors.She also played a part asPat Walker.

Melody isalso known for creating the Florida Comedy Film Festival for five years,which may be making acomeback soon.

Check out "Just My Type" on Tubi, You Tube, Amazon and Google Play. For more information, visit https://punchlineproductions.tv.

"Mob King" screens at Hard Rock

Wereyouat thepremier of "MobKing?"It tookplaceat theSeminole HardRockHotel & CasinoinHollywoodonMay24.Lookfor special coverageof that event inthenext issueof Independent StreakMagazine!

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