1 minute read
SNAPSat theScreening SNAPS
The t heat er is packed as people aw ait t he film .
Actor Kenny Ruiz started out being known only as an artist and later became a fashion designer. His art and fashion has been in local films and event s t oo. He also is a co-host on Pow er Up & Da 6t h Borough Radio Show
Cinem at ographer Alex Flash w it h direct or/ act or John C. Vasquez, speaks t o audience.
Act or Kenny Ruiz & m usic m aker ext raordinaire, Koder

Act or Tyler Gallant , w rit er/ direct or/ act or John C Vasquez, act or Kenny Ruiz, act or Tre Dee, & cinem at ographer Alex Flash, w it h John Garzon in front .
Dr. Khalilah Cam acho-Ali cam e out t o support t he film ; w it h act or Kenny Ruiz & IS founder Rachel Galvin
Director John C Vasquez and actor Kenny Ruiz address the audience with actor John Garzon