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and not only gave people achance to meet one another,but also get an education.
First,they learned about ArtsAccelerator itself.Franco from the group stood up and explained abit about what ArtsAccelerator is and what they have coming up.?Our mission isto develop South Florida Film talent,?he said. He went on to explain acouple of thingsthey have coming up.On June 13,he said,they will have live script readings,cold reading worksin progresswhere actors are given a script and can read it in front of an audience to help the writer get a better sense of how it readsin front of an audience. An actor can also get experience.[That hastaken place since then and wasvery successful].He went on to say that,on Sept. 23,they will have the ArtsAccelerator Film Festival,a short film festival with filmsprojected on the screen at Savor Cinema. [Later,it wasrevealed it will be the Miami Dade 48 Hour Film Festival. Look for more info. on the Independent Streak Facebook page]
The main guest speaker for the evening wasthe film commissioner for Broward County,Sandy Lighterman,who got up to talk about what they are doing to help filmmakers. First,she said that they updated their website with a new video landing page,which she showed.It focuseson different landscapesof Florida with vibrant drone footage.She also introduced her deputy film commissioner,Christy Andreoni,who she said handlespermits.