Independent Streak Magazine -- Summer 2017

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I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Film in Broward, 48 Hour Film Project, new film incentive, "Lost in Paris," Florida's furry friend counts on AGT, Film Carpet X is coming & more

" Lost in Par is"

Su m m er 2017


Film ed in Br ow ar d From July 1 to 3, Savor Cinema in Ft. Lauderdale was home to the 3rd annual Filmed in Broward, which showcased 35 movies, including shorts & features, everything from dramas to documentaries. The festival was free to submit and attend, but movies were all made in Broward County. At the end of each night was a party -- taco night the first night, pizza the second and a smorgasboard the third. It became a great way for local films to be seen; many had never had a premier before; many others had already been seen, including "Boyfriend Killer" & "Girlfriend Killer," both produced by and starring Barbie Castro and directed by Alyn Darnay. Both were shown on LMN and Lifetime network as TV movies. The list of films included the following: "Renaissance," "Bonk," "Love & Contempt," "Boyfriend Killer," "Racist Rights," "Life Exchange," "Girlfriend Killer," "Above the Skyline," "Ardor," "Bad Beat," "Broward Bugs," "Deep Within," "Delilah," "Don't Cut the Light," "Drugs, Booze & Woes," "Four Days Missing," "The Biggest Mistake," "From the Ashes," "Grace, " "Hunting Senor," "Our Final Days," "Kali Mah Tina," "I Love Trash," "Consequences," "Not Sorry," "Pick It Up," "Poseidon's Journey," "Prestige Club," "Christmas in July," "Rankling," "Road to Hope," "Robin's Glove," "Tears of Joi," "Wind," "The F Word," "Sehnsucht," "All Alone" and "Island of Cannibal Death Gods."


For more inf ormat ion on upcoming event s, visit www.f l if f .com.

IS f ounder Rachel Gal vin wit h Janet Leavey Schwart z on her birt hday, Direct or/ Writ er Tal ina Adamo wit h Concord Fil m's Carol e Wood, guest s st riking a pose on red carpet , "Sel f ie TV" and "Chicks On LIne" host Audrey Lynn wit h Rachel Gal vin & Direct or Al yn Darnay, Taco night ! James Hook t akes pics, Rachel Gal vin wit h Producer/ Act ress Barbie Cast ro, of Concord Fil ms. (On page No.1, did you see Robert Adanto, Larry Robinson, Celine Alva , Kenny Ruiz, Alexandra Bello, Yarnel Nichols and Richard Sosa?) 2


You can teach old dogs new tricks! AGT cont est ant Mia can count ! By Rachel Gal vin

For those who love watching "America's Got Talent,"you may recognize the above pictured white cockapoo named Mia. Not only is this furry friend doggone cute in her pink tutu, but she is also awfuly smart. This dog can count... not only that, but she can read! That's right! When her owner, Edna, also pictured, says a number, Mia can bark the number out. If she shows off 3 a flash card with a number, Mia carefully studies it and

then can bark out the correct number! Even if someone else picks the card, Mia can do it. Of course, this little cutie got 4 ?Yes? votes from the judges (oops... spoiler alert). But where she goes from here is unsure... Stay tuned. When this reporter discovered that Mia and Edna live in Lighthouse Point, FL, not too far from my office, I knew I needed to bring them in to meet with us. Mia barked out four clearly and hesitatingly barked out the request of 15. When Edna said zero, she shook her head lie Edna was crazy, knowing zero is not a real number. When not showing off her skills, she was content to lie down and happy to pose for pictures. Edna said that Mia is a rehab dog; she takes her into her work at Broward Health and lets Mia show patients how to stretch and use a walker ? another skill set! She decided to teach her how to count when she was only 4 years old. ?She picked it up right away. When she started to do it, it blew my mind,? she said. Her other dog, Mona, is learning now how to sing. A future AGT contestant? We shall see.. Asked about the auditioning process, she said, ?I sent a video in. The producer reached out and asked if I would make another video or drive to Jacksonville to audition. I thought they should see me in person so I drove there. After the first interview, we went to a holding area and stay for another, then a third interview. I have never seen anything like it. Then I found out I was going to California to audition for the judges.?

Asked if the process was tiring, she said, ?It was fun, a once in a lifetime thing. The hotel was right next to the venue so I could go back and forth. Everyone was hanging out in the holding area, people talking and meeting. The producers were interviewing everyone. If you don't say it right, they have you say it again. I was there a couple of days.? It seems Simon especially took a liking to the pretty talented pooch. Edna explained, ?We were in the holding area and the judges came by and Simon came in front of us and started loving on Mia [rubbing noses with him]. I didn't get a picture. I had seen him at a distance and he was looking at her. Outside, Tyra talk to us and said Mia should be her accountant.? The first time they were going to audition, she flew there and it got canceled because judge Mel B's father passed away. Producers asked her to stay, but being dedicated to her work, she said she had to get back and ended up returning a few weeks later. When it was time to finally audition for the judges (in March), she thought, ?Am I really here in Pasadena, California?? Originally from Indiana, Edna, had never been to California before. ?That was my first time there are the first vacation I had in my whole life and they paid for it and I got to go on America's got talent. I was not nervous going in front of the judges. I couldn't see the audience, couldn't really make them out... It was too dark. I was having too much fun. I was like a kid in Disney World,? she said, adding she has never been there either. The only disappointing thing was that when she first went out, her two grown daughters had gone with her, but when she went back, they were unable. At least she took a picture with them in the holding area.

She has gotten some media attention now that she is back home and awaiting the next step. She was on 89.3, was approached by radio personality Paul Castronovo, also from Lighthouse Point, and NBC 6. She also is getting noticed by her new fans. ?I had one lady yell at me out the window of her car when I was on my way to Publix saying, 'Are y'all the ones from America's Got Talent?' When I said, 'Yes,' she pulled over and got out and went crazy, taking pictures. I went to the Boca mall and some people recognized us too.? Asked how she started teaching the dog, she said, laughing, ?I had to bark first.? They would count together and she put up one finger after another and taught Mia to bark, eventually adding the flash card component. They practice daily. ?I have had some people say, 'Isn't it bad to have the dog bark that many times?' The dog barks in the backyard a lot longer and that doesn't hurt them.?



Fil m Review: "Lost in Paris" By Rachel Gal vin

For something completely out of the ordinary, take a look at the indie film "Lost in Paris." It is a breath of fresh air in today's times of news filled with chaos and movie theaters chalk full of shoot 'em up thrillers. Here is a film about romance in an extra-ordinary way. This quirky film opened July 14 and stars Fiona Gordon and Dominique Abel. The characters are named their names. In the film, Fiona, who lives in Canada and is a very awkward librarian, finds out that her elderly aunt 5 in Paris is distraught (seeking to escape those who

want to put her in a home). So she seeks her out only to become hopelessly lost herself. Awash and overcome with the world around her, she seeks an anchor but finds it in a man who is just as unstable as she is, a vagabond named Dom, who seems, despite his wobbliness, to always make it out on top. These two tango, literally and figuratively, like moths to flames, they try to escape but cannot seem to avoid each others magnetism. Reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin antics and intricately choreographed slapstick, this film is a delight to watch.


Film Car pet X showcases local t alent By Rachel Gal vin For the 10 th time, local Alexandra Bello will showcase the work of local filmmakers at her event called Film Carpet. Film Carpet X is sure to be bigger than all of her events that have led up to it. At each event, she has shown short films and other types of videos and trailers. She has featured different types of entertainment as well, everything from an electronic saxophone player to a ballet piece accompanied by a violinist. You never know what to expect. In addition, she always gathers plenty of sponsors to be able to give out some great raffle prizes. The best part about one of her events is that people can strike a pose on the red carpet and be interviewed by the local paparazzi. It is a great chance to network with others in the biz and for budding filmmakers to have their work be seen. Slated to be shown this night are the following short films: Meet My Mother by Alexandra Bello from ABPTV, directed by Stephano R. Schlanger, 8 Count by David Fumero, Prank from Vivian Orozco from Humaya Films, The Cell by Bryan Thompson from Imani Films, Americana by Jacob Allinson from Devil Cat Studios, written by Zach Quinones. In addition, films that were shown in previous renditions of Film Carpet will be considered for awards to be given this night. There is even a $500 prize for Best Screenplay submitted to # Film Freeway?s Festival?s page on Facebook.

Film Carpet X will be on July 30 at 7 p.m. at the Classic Gateway Theater, at 1820 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Ft. Lauderdale. Red carpet starts at 6 p.m. Tickets are $14; VIP is$24 and includes three raffle tickets, medium popcorn, medium soda, historic Film Carpet Magazine. Tickets can be purchased at e/ film-carpet-x-the-awards-tickets35905075046. Like the Film Carpet X Facebook page for any last minute updates and also to see the pictures from that night. About Al exandra Bel l o Born in the Dominican Republic, this go-getter has made a name for herself since moving to South Florida in 2008. She had already been a pageant queen, a ballerina a model and an actress, but, after coming here, she started her own production company to create films, videos, commercials and more after attending the Arts Institute. In addition, she started Film Carpet, ran several radio shows, WOW and Artistic Times Radio and produces Artistic Times TV. She has hosted fashion events down at Brickell recently and is often behind the scenes either helping or filming. Find her on Facebook as well. Any questions about Film Carpet X, including sponsorships and media passes, can be emailed to her at 6


Miami-Dade Count y announces

Incent ive Pr ogr am In keeping with its mission to maintain Miami-Dade County as a top production destination, the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources?Office of Film and Entertainment is launching a local TV/ film and digital entertainment production incentive program. The program intends to help support individual film and entertainment projects that will benefit the industry workforce and boost the local economy and will be available starting Aug. 1. Productions will have to meet certain requirements to benefit from the program. Among those are the following: - The production must spend at least $1,000,000 in Miami-Dade County on payroll (for Miami-Dade County residents only) and other expenditures - At least 70 percent of the entire production project must be produced in Miami-Dade County.

7 - Each production project is required to hire a minimum of

50 main cast and crew (employees) that are Miami-Dade County residents and must include at least one student/ recent graduate who is enrolled at or recently graduated from a local college or university - Salaries for Miami-Dade County residents hired must be a minimum of the current living wage as defined by County law - At least 80 percent of vendors utilized on the production project must be Miami-Dade County-based registered businesses The rebate for qualifying productions would be a maximum of $100,000 per project. Each project?s eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis, and each project/ grant agreement will be require approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Grants will only be disbursed after the project is completed and proof that all requirements were satisfied has been submitted Miami-Dade County is an ideal destination for film and entertainment projects. From diverse locations, experienced crews and local talent base to superior infrastructure, it boasts of a dynamic, flourishing production industry that employs approximately 10,000 full and part-time workers and has an annual impact of over $1 billion to the local economy. For more information on the TV/film and digital entertainment


Let t er f r om t h e Pu blish er When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But be ready to feel a taste a little sour for awhile. If you are experiencing difficulties, know you are not alone. Lumber through it and seek out what is on the other side. It may take longer, but putting one foot in front of the other is sure to get you there eventually. --Rach el Galvin I am currently seeking writers and advertisers. If you are interested, email me at

St ay i n -t h e-k n o w : SEE ARCHIVES ... - w w depen den t st r eak m agazin

Wan t t o adver t ise? Get an ad as low as $25! Con t act u s at w r it er r ach el@yah



48 Hour Film Pr oject On June 16., at the Lauderhill Performing Arts Center, filmmakers set up tables and showed off their films for the 48 Hour Film Project. Ten films were shown, including slapstick, westerns, sci-fi and buddy films in the mix of genres given. Filmmakers were give their genre and had to use the following elements in their film: The character name of Jared or Janine Lober, a museum curator; a bucket for a prop and the line "Can you get that for me?" This is the 8th year that Cathleen Dean has put together this momentous event. Thirty-four filmmakers registered and 30 turned in films. To see a list of all the winners, visit


(On lef t ): Win n in g f ilm " Ode t o Bu ddies" w as beyon d excit ed.

Top lef t : 1310 Ban dit s is alw ays m ak in g ou t like a ban dit . (M iddle): Nik i Lopez w in s f or best post er ; (r igh t ) Cat h leen Dean an d h er son . (Bot t om lef t ): Best act r esses Au dr ey Lyn n (on r igh t ) an d Regin a Cast an eda (lef t ) w it h Cat h leen Dean an d Jose Jach o (of Film Gat e) (on r igh t ): Ver t igo En t er t ain m en t got lau gh s w it h t h eir "Am ph or a Falls."


Out side t he t heat er guest s enjoyed mingl ing and showing of f t heir post ers and awards, such as t he "Al ready Nobody" crew. which won 3rd pl ace, best act or and audience award (above). Peopl e came f rom al l over t o part icipat e in t he event , incl uding Jose Jacho, of Fil m Gat e, f rom Miami, pict ured wit h Cat hl een Dean (on f ar right ). Media came out t o t ake pict ures (on l ef t ), incl uding IS's Rachel Gal vin, who did doubl e dut y as host of "Art ist ic Times TV" wit h Al exandra Bel l o and Audrey Lynn of "Chicks Radio Show" and "Sel f ie TV onl ine." Audrey al so was in "Penis Wil l iams -- No Love" by Dmit ry Zhit ov , f or which she won in t he best act ress cat egory.



Gr and IndieWise Aug. 25-27 Pl ent y of special guest s, incl uding Luis Guzman, Lea Bl ack, Khal il ah Al i, El l en Jacoby, Aaron Johnson, Bil l Gref e and t he l ist goes on...Come check out t he pool part y, yacht gal a, f il m screenings, and more. This event comes t o you f rom t he f ounder of t he Wide Screen Fil m & Music Video Fest ival , Jarrod A. Knowl es.

Get al l t he det ail s at ht t ps:/ / convent ion.get



An t i-Vaccin at ion f ilm t o be r eleased "The Pathological Optimist" The Film Arcade & Gravitas Ventures have announced that they have acquired and will release Miranda Bailey?s documentary "The Pathological Optimist." The film documents Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the man behind one of the most highly controversial, intensely debated topics in modern medicine: the anti-vaccination movement. The film will be released theatrically by The Film Arcade on Sept. 29 followed by a VOD release via Gravitas later this year.


With "The Pathological Optimist," director Miranda Bailey brings us a character study of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, one of 13 co-authors of a notorious 1998 paper in the U.K. medical Journal "The Lancet," but who became the very public face of what has come to be known as ?The Anti-Vaccination Movement.? An expat from Britain who currently resides in Austin, Texas, Wakefield allowed Bailey and her team to follow him and his family for five years beginning in 2011 as he fought a defamation battle in the courts against the British Medical Journal and journalist Brian Deer. The results of that case ? and the self-reflection, pronouncements, and observations of Wakefield, his legal team, wife, and his children ? create a complex and incisive look at one of our era?s most fear-provoking and continuingly provocative figures. The film takes no sides, instead letting Wakefield and the battles he fought speak for themselves. For more information, please visit, and sign up for the e-newsletter, follow @GravitasVOD on Twitter and @gravitasventures on Instagram.



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