Senior Capstone: Glossier on Tour

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­ l o ssi er on Tour : M ar k e t i n g P r o p o s a l G Rachel Hi ck m a n ­– Po r t fo l i o F A S M 4 3 0 Fa l l 2016


Table o f C o n t en t s

5 C oncep t In t ro d u c t i o n

Ta b l e of C o nt e n t s.


Introd u c t i o n t o G l o s s ier


Produc t S elec t i o n


Demogra p h ic


C ompet it ive A n a lys is


C oncep t O verview


Launch P la n

21 Shop Mo c k u p 23

Staffin g


Exclusi ve To u r M erc h


Tour Da t es L i n e u p


Social M ed i a P ro mo t i o n


Web & E ma i l P ro mo t io n


Print P ro mo t io n


Q&A Even t


Promot i o n G a n t t C h art


Assortmen t P l an & S a les P ro jec t io n s


F inancia l P l an


Refere n c es




G l o s s i e r. o n T ou r Glossier on Tour is a touring pop up shop for the beauty brand Glossier through collaboration with Nordstrom. It will stop in 10 metropolitan cities in the United States, hosted at the local Nordstrom. Glossier is typically an ecommerce only company, making this is a great opportunity for them to introduce their products to new consumers, while interacting and conecting with their current customer base.


Meet “Because ‘beauty’ should be fun, easy, imperfect, and personal”


“Hi! We’re Glossier, a beauty company inspired by what girls need in real life. We’re creating the new essentials: easyto-use basics that form the backbone to your unique beauty routine.” Emily Wiess Founder & CEO


The Glossier Values


Show Me The Goods.

Glossier’s carefully edited product selection focuses on skincare, beauty and merchandise. The brand was created through the beauty platform, Into the Gloss. The minds behind Glossier are a mix of beauty editors, experts, lovers, and regular women. They are what makes these products so successful. They knows that women want products that aren’t excessive, but simply enhance their natural beauty, giving them confidence in their skin. Their trusted products, impeccable branding and affordable prices make them appealing to nearly all women.
































The Glossier Girl is a real women in real life. She is passionate, funny, and a hard worker. She doesn’t take life too seriously, and neither should the companies she supports. She wants a product that doesn’t interfere with her life, but rather helps her conquer her day to day life and feel confident in her skin. She relates to Glossier’s honest voice, that feels more like a friend, rather than a group of editors at their desk dictating what is trendy.


Caroline Day

Caroline Day 30 Graphic Designer •Married •Lives in Seattle •Household Income: 100,000/yr •Skincare is a top priority *without breaking the bank* •Loves to hike with friends •Does photography in free time


Rory Conway

Rory Conway 19 NYU student •Lives with roommates in Bushwick •Loves coffee, her dog and friends •Has a boyfriend (sometimes) •Beauty junkie, but likes to keep it natural •Runs an instagram account for her dog •Favorite shops: &OtherStories, Aritzia, Thrifting •Very brand loyal 14

Competative Analysis.

Herbivore Botanicals in a natural beauty brand founded in 2011 by the husband and wife duo Julia Wills and Alex Kummerow. “We bring you products that are safe, non-toxic, and highly effective. We believe in tangible results you can see and feel, and we believe in the power of nature to bring these results.�


Goop in a Juice Beauty line, developed by Gwyneth Paltrow. It is a “high performance, clinically proven skincare line that merges luxury formulas with certified organic ingredients.” 16

Milk is a makeup brand “Driven by creativity and designed by industry insiders”. It was co-founded by Mazdack Rassi, Georgie Greville, Zanna Roberts Rassi, Dianna Ruth, Frank B. All group of industry professionals, seasoned in makeup, beauty editing, product development, and Milk.

G l o s s i e r. on Tour


So What Is It Really? Great Question! Glossier on Tour is a traveling pop up shop that will allow Glossier and customers to interact IRL (in real life). It will move to 10 different cities during the summer, hosted at the local Nordstrom. The shop will through Friday, Saturday and Sunday at each location. There will be the full product selection with testers, tutorials, activities, and exclusive tour merch for the die hard #GlossierGirls The ultimate goal, is to share Glossier with as many girls, women and humans as possible, and inspire confidence through the power of individuality and beauty! 18

Now, lets get into details ->

The L a u n ch M i s s i on


Lets Go To The Mall Where, Why, and How? The Glossier pop up shop will be set up similarly to that of their HQ show room in Lower Manhattan. There will be two white long tables with chairs, where the full assortment of beauty products will be displayed. Glossier posters and images will be displayed on the walls and the overall minimal theme of the shop will give attention to the products.


Glossier on Tour at Nordstrom creates an ideal partnership. Nordstrom’s Director of Creative Projects,Olivia Kim, has made Nordstrom a pop up shop destination, holding pop ups for brands like Opening Ceremony, Warby Parker, Converse, and more. This location allows Glossier to move freely throughout the top US cities, as Nordstrom has stores in all 10 selected. It also lets Glossier connect with the Nordstrom customer while cementing relationships with their current customer.


The assortment will include the full Glossier product selection, with testers that customer are encouraged to try. As well as exclusive tour merch that will be displayed next to the tables on a shelf. The Glossier and Nordstrom employees will also be wearing a variety of the items. Unique to this pop up shop, will be two pink crushed velvet couches with a coffee table and rugs for guest to hangout and chill with friends or with a mask! There will be also be a MirMir photo-booth with a G logo background to create printable memories for customers. 22

These mock up layouts of the pop up shop give an idea of product and prop placement. The couches and checkout desk will be at the entrance of the shop, inviting customers in. In the back will be two long tables on which Glossier products will be displayed. On the left wall is a shelving unit in which the exclusive tour merch will be stored and displayed. The back wall will have the Glossier on Tour logo as well as the MirMir photo-booth for customers to interact with. 23

Meet The Team Staffing: Two Glossier representatives will manage each event. These representatives will change each weekend, so that every team member has a chance to experience and interact with customers, also so that one team member is not traveling each weekend. The two representatives will be flown out to the city of that event the day prior to help with set up. They will be put up in a hotel for four nights with food and travel compensations.


Training: All Glossier employees will attend a training day prior to any of the events, in the Glossier Showroom

Be The Team Staffing: 3 Nordstrom sales associates will join the Glossier team, that have been previously selected will accompany them. Each Nordstrom will suggest to Glossier a list of 10 best employees, that Glossier will then Skype interview and narrow down to 3 associates. They will be paid a stipend by Glossier for each day of working as well as their normal commission via Nordstrom for their sales. Training: Nordstrom employees will be trained by the Glossier team the day prior to the event. They will receive a packet a month before with Glossier’s mission statement and goals, and a packet of free Glossier products. This allows the associates to be familiar on a personal level

Your face goes here



G on Tour Sweatshirt $60

Glossier on Tour Sweatshirt $60 26

GT $30

G on Tour T $30

Skin is In T $30

Tour Poster (with purchase in shop or online during May,June, & July)

G tote $20

Glossier on Tour tote $20

Smile n Wave tote $20

G on Tour tote $20

Glossier on Tour Sticker (with purchase) / $5

Tour tote $20

Glossier on Tour Patch $10


The Drop Glossier on Tour will be announced and advertised through various formats. • Email • Social Media • Website • Digital Advertising • Print Advertising


#RoadTrip. The tour dates list will be advertised through Glossier’s email, social and website. It will also be one of the featured images on street advertising and will be given as a poster with any purchases made through in the months of May, June and July.


Social Butterfly Nobody does social media like Glossier

Glossier will announce ‘Glossier on Tour’ via Instagram with a link to their site for more information. They will continue to promote in fun and quirky glossier style with a variety of Instagram, Facebook and Twitter posts using the hash-tags #GlossieronTour and #roadtrip 30

We’re so ready to rock out Glossier. on Tour

I t ’s o f f i ci al , G l o ssi er i s g o i n g o n To u r ! ! Cl i c k t h e l i n k i n t h e bi o fo r m o r e i n fo ab o u t # G l o ssi er o n To u r

Us to o ! !

@ Nordstrom

Co unting the days ‘till # G lo s s iero nTo ur?

A Glossier team member will share Insta-stories during each event, show casing the customers, photo-booth fun, exclusive merch and Q & A sessions. A select blogger from each city will post Snapstories on Glossier’s Snapchat with her morning routine and her experience at the shop. 31

Web & Email Glossier will announce the tour on the homepage of both their websites, with tour dates and information on the tour. They will also send an email newsletter along with email reminders throughout the summer.

Email Newsletter


#InTheWild Glossier #IntheWild will appear on buses, subways, and stations two weeks prior to the event in each city. Glossier has revamped this traditional method of advertising in their quirky, quick whit style, proving it to be interactive and fun for Glossier fans. Encouraging them to post images of the ads with ‘Glossier #IntheWild’.


Q&A Event Glossier founder and CEO, Emily Wiess and Nordstrom’s Director of Creative Projects, Olivia Kim will sit down for a Q&A on three Saturdays at the Nordstrom locations in LA, Chicago and Seattle. Kim will interview Wiess on the history and future of Glossier. There will also be a speed round of fun questions. All three interviews will be filmed, and the best will be uploaded to Glossier’s Youtube channel. Wiess and the entire Glossier team will attend the launch of the tour at the HQ showroom to interact with customers.


Promotion Plan 5/6 5/13 5/20 5/27 6/03 6/10 6/17 6/24 7/01 7/08 7/15 7/22 7/29 Digital Launch social web email Print Launch New York City Chicago Nashville Atlanta Miami Dallas Houston San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Q&A Event

•Social, Web, and Email advertising will drop on May 1st. Social promotion will continue throughout the summer and the tour dates list will be available on Glossier & IntoTheGloss’s websites. A launch email will be sent May 1st along with reminder emails throughout the summer. • Print advertising will appear in each city two weeks prior to that tour date • The Q&A event will take place in Chicago, LA and Seattle.


Sales Forecast

Assortment Plan


Financial Plan

The Financial Report gives an overview of the costs Glossier will need to support the shop and its staffing, compared to it’s profit. While there is projected loss, the purpose of this pop up shop is not neccisarily to create profit, but rather to spread brand awareness and allow customers to interact with Glossier products with the goal of creating a future loyal customer.

The sales forecast outlines the projected net sales based off each Nordstrom’s average foot traffic each weekend. This data is then translated into the projected units needed for each prodcut category to fulfill these sales.






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