Rackem Magazine February Issue 2011

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2 Rackem Magazine - June 2010

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Cover Photo by: Rick Schmitz-Rixx Images

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About Rackem

Don “Cheese” Akerlow

Rackem is a monthly publication, dedicated to the advancement of the sport of pool and to promoting enthusiasm and encouragement among the players at all levels, regardless of their league affiliation, in addition to recognizing th o se b u si n e sse s who support them all. Covering the midwest. Look for Rackem by the 10th of each month. The opinions Publisher expressed are those of the author or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rackem or its staff. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher. © 2011 Rackem

4 Bears Classic New Town, ND Atlas Billiard Supply Skokie, IL Billiard Congress of Wisconsin CSI/BCAPL Henderson, NV Cue & Case St Augustine, FL CueStix International Lafayette, CO Delta-13 Parker, CO Fargo Billiards Fargo, ND Kamui Tips Lone Star Tour Texas Lucasi Hybrid St Augustine, FL Mueller Lincoln, NE OTBnTV Live Q-Spot Tulsa, OK sammspocket.com Sharky’s Sedalia, MO Shooters Olathe, KS Simonis Cloth Gurnie, IL SD State 8 Ball Rapid City, SD TAP Little River, SC Tiger Amateur Tour Houston, TX Tiger Products Burbank, CA Varsity Club Oshkosh, WI


Bob Jewett OTBnTV Live Pool On TV Product Reviews Samm Diep Tournament Trail Weekly Tournaments

13 13 13 15 10 16 14 7 14 7 2,14 3 14 12 3 12 13 14 8 6 12 14 12

4 14 3 4 3 14 14

All times are Central time. 03/02/2011 9:00 AM 2007 Skins Billiards Championship Johnny Archer & Jennifer Barretta vs. George Breedlove & Jeanette Lee 03/05/2011 6:00 AM 2001 Sudden Death 7-Ball 03/09/2011 9:00 AM 2007 Int’l Challenge of Champions 03/13/2011 7:00 AM 2001 BCA Open 9-Ball Championship Corey Deuel vs Jose Parica

Control it or Ignore it By Samm Diep © January 2011

You play pool because it’s fun. There’s also a part of you that enjoys the problem-solving aspect of the game. Your brain looks at the table and begins finding solutions to the puzzle. You can’t control it. That’s just how it works. It’s a game, which means there’s ultimately a winner. Your brain automatically begins to troubleshoot all the possible scenarios and outcomes to determine a way to the finish line. What it’s overlooking is one significant detail. Your subconscious does not distinguish between can and cannot, e.g. things that you can or cannot control. Therefore, your brain will automatically attempt to fix anything, even if it may be out of your control. In the problem-solving mode, the brain is Samm Diep involuntarily seeking solutions to ‘problems.’ In most cases, the problems may be how to get from the 3 ball to the 4 ball or should I bank this ball or play a safety? What you may not realize is that your brain will continue working overtime to address your other needs. Such as, the tables are awfully close together or these balls are terribly dirty. There may be other valid concerns that your brain will want to manage. It’s instinctive to react when you’re uncomfortable or displeased with your surroundings, without considering whether or not they are even within your control. Instead, before changing your behavior to accommodate for the circumstances, ask yourself if what you’re reacting to is in your jurisdiction? If you are reacting to something that you cannot control then you shouldn’t be reacting at all because if it was out of your control to begin with, it will still be out of your control after you react. Okay, let’s review. Things you cannot control: • Your opponent plays a safety on you • Your opponent is running out on you • The table rolls to the left • The spectators are being very loud • Your opponent misses and accidently hooks you Things you can control: • Making the best educated decision possible on how to make a good hit • Studying the table and being prepared for your next opportunity • Making a mental note to yourself and playing your next shot wisely • Giving extra focus and attention to your mechanics and follow-through • Taking deep breaths and remaining calm so you can think clearly and deliberately The next time you’re in a match and you catch yourself distracted by something. First, ask yourself, “Is this something I can control right now?” If the answer is no, then just do your best and quit inviting unnecessary stress. If the answer is yes, then do what you can to address the issue. Control what you can and only focus on the things that can be controlled.

February 2011 - Rackem Magazine 3

Product Review Slug Doctor

Slug Doctor Tight Rack System by: Don “Cheese” Akerlow I had the opportunity to test out the Slug Doctor System and see for myself how worked. I received a package that contained the Slug Doctor Template and to my amazement “hole reinforcements”. I was very skeptical that these tiny stick on “holes” would hold anything, let alone a pool ball in place to make a tight rack. After aligning the template to make sure the “holes” were placed in the proper place on the table, I proceed to apply the “holes” using the punch provided. It was simple and easy to do. I used a ball to adhere the “hole” securely to the cloth. Now it was time to test the “holes” to see if they would throw an object ball or the cue ball if it was rolled slowly over the “hole”. I was not able to do it either by stroking the ball or rolling it across by hand. I ran my hand over the “holes” to see if I could feel them. While I knew they were there, it was very hard to detect them by touch. The “holes” did not appear to move except when I lifted them with my fingernail to remove them. I decided to rack a game of 10-Ball. I started at the head and moved to the back of the rack placing the balls in one at a time. I found that if I placed the balls from the middle out on the later rows, the outside balls seemed to “snug” the rack after they were placed. It was as if all the balls were drawn into each other. This was the same for a 9-Ball rack. These are what the current design of the Snug Doctor was made for, but I wanted to try it on a rack of 8-Ball. I was able to add the extra 4 balls to complete a full rack but I would have liked to have had a template available to place “holes” down for those balls as well. I have used the same “holes” over and over again, game after game, with no noticeable wear. I cleaned my table without removing the “holes” to see what would happen and nothing moved or was disturbed. The Slug Doctor is a great aid in creating a tight rack and gives you the opportunity to see the action after the break when the rack is tight. This can be a great learning tool. The only drawback I see is that if you play in tournaments or league you may not have the opportunity to use the Snug Doctor and your rack will be subject to your own racking or your opponents ability to rack well. You can order the Slug Doctor Tight Rack System at www.Slug-Doctor.com Read the testimonial and watch the video. It sells for $24.95 which includes the shipping.

Simonis X-1

by: Don “Cheese” Akerlow

I was skeptical about this product and whether it could clean my pool table cloth or not, so I put it to the test. It was amazing! I loved it. It fit easily in my hand and I was able to clean my table with very little effort. When I finished I turned the X-1 over and was shocked to see the amount of chalk dust it had picked up. It did however turn a little blue which is normal and didn’t effect the ability to clean at all. If you are serious about taking care of your table this is the product to use.

• Amazing cleaning ability • Easy to use • Creates a static charge that removes chalk dust • Preserves the integrity of your cloth • Designed to be used on ALL the table’s surfaces without damaging the finish • Can be used over and over again and nothing more to purchase • Buy it from your local billiard supplier

For more information http://www.simoniscloth.com/product/simonisx1_P1005

4 Rackem Magazine - February 2011

Pitching Curve Balls By: Bob Jewett

San Francisco Billiard Academy www.sfbilliards.com Can you make the object ball curve? There are some easy ways and some other ways that may be impossible. Usually you want the object ball to take as straight a line as possible. This makes planning shots much easier. Sometimes you would like the ball to curve some, and then you need to be Bob Jewett creative. The table can help in some situations. I first learned to play on a table that was tilted enough that if you shot a ball off the spot from the kitchen, you could aim full at the ball and by the time the cue ball got there, it would have moved a half a ball off-line which is just what you want for that cut shot. When playing a straight-in shot, like the one ball in the diagram shooting with the cue ball at A, all you had to do was shoot straight at the one ball with the right speed. The cue ball would curve a little to the left in the short distance to the one ball, the one ball would go to the right around the two and then take a big curve to the left to get to the pocket. For your next shot, you could play the two ball slowly along the rail with just enough speed to get to the side pocket, where it would take a hard left turn and score. While such conditions can be amusing and even help you trim ? B the suckers, they are not exactly pool. A more legitimate way to make an object ball curve is to have it hit a cushion while rolling The one ball is exactly one ball off the cushion. smoothly on the cloth. Just bank The two ball is frozen to the a ball three cushions around the cushion. Make the one table and watch carefully as it ball in the corner, but comes off the third rail -- it will hook not by jumping it over the two. Put the cue ball five or ten degrees right after the where you like. rail contact. On new, slippery cloth, the hook might last for a foot of travel depending on the speed. Similarly, if you shoot an object 2 ball to travel a fair distance and it hits another object ball, it will curve 1 after the collision due to the follow it has picked up from the cloth. On strongly napped snooker cloth, the ball is said to curve A depending on whether it is running with or against the nap, but I’ve never seen a noticeable effect. But the most interesting kind of object ball curve is the sort shown in the diagram. Is it possible to get some kind of spin on the object ball, presumably by putting the opposite kind on the cue ball, to make it curve over enough to go into the pocket? There are some very good players who claim to be able to do such shots, but I’ve never seen it demonstrated. I played with the shot for hours after first hearing the claim and the best I could ever do was maybe a quarterinch of curve in six feet. Considering how many times I ran the one ball partly into the two in the attempts, one very slight success is not promising. Maybe I just didn’t have the right idea about cue ball placement and spin -- I put the cue ball as shown and usually used right English. To see your progress, freeze a third ball to the cushion at B and see how much of it you can hit. So, here’s deal: if you can teach me how to make the one ball legally and consistently on good equipment with curve -- jumping the one over the two is easy but that’s not what I’m after -- I’ll buy dinner the next time we’re in the same place. You get to pick the restaurant, but your share has to be less than two Ben Franklins. REJ

Read more articles by Bob Jewett at www.onthebreaknews.com

Pagulayan Banks Champ Derby City Classic - Horseshoe Casino Elizabeth, IN January 21-29, 2011

Photos by: Rick Schmitz By AzB Staff - www.azbilliards.com Fans were treated to a late night Filipino Finale in the 9-ball banks division of the 2011 Derby City Classic. “The Lion” Alex Pagulayan and Ronnie Alcano fought until one man was left standing. Pagulayan took the first game with a five and out and the second game after much defensive play. Alcano responded with a five and out in rack three. Pagulayan did not give up. He fired in a crossside to close out the match. Alcano’s only two losses came from Pagulayan. The Lion was thrilled to be back in the winners’ circle. A new “one bye” rule was implemented this year to help avoid back to back byes for the same player, as we’ve seen in the past. This new rule automatically Ronnie Alcano advanced Pagulayan to the 1st $10,000 Alex Pagulayan 2nd $5,000 Ronnie Alcano 3rd $2,500 John Brumback 4th $1,335 Justin Hall, Jeremy Jones 6th $1,050 Shannon Daulton, Francisco Bustamante

finals when he was undefeated against reigning champ, John Brumback and Alcano received the bye. After his brief hiatus, Pagulayan has been spending much time in Las Vegas recently, walking seven miles a day and devoting his life to the game again. “This is Alex Pagulayan the first year I’m not tired yet,” he told friends as he entered round 12 with five players remaining. This victory earns him a new title and $10,000 in prize money. 8th $800 12th $600

Tommy Tokoph, Sylver Ochoa, Shannon Murphy Dee Adkins Brandon Shuff, Dennis Orcollo, Larry Nevel Jason Hunt, Mike Hughes, Tim Heath Buddy Hall, Mike Grooms

Van Boening Crowned One-Pocket Champion

Shane Van Boening

By AzB Staff - 2011-01-28 For all the 2011 DCC results log on to www.azbilliards. com “The South Dakota Kid” Shane Van Boening defeated “The Pearl” Earl Strickland tonight in a finals match which packed the arena and every seat in the balconies. Strickland, who lost his first match to Troy Jones, went on to win 11 more rounds, defeating one-pocket connoisseurs such as Jeremy Jones (back to back in rounds nine and ten), Alex Pagulayan, and Shannon Daulton. Van Boening didn’t buy back until he met up with reigning one-pocket champ Scott Frost, in round seven. He later defeated both Frost and Pagulayan with

lopsided scores of 3-0. Pagulayan remains the points leader for the all-around, closely followed by Van Boening, Daulton, Strickland, Jones, and Alcano. Only the final two days of 9-ball will determine who takes it all. Current U.S. Open 9-Ball Champion, Darren Appleton defeated Francisco Bustamante 15-13 to advance to the finals against the winner of Lee Vann Corteza and Rodney Morris in the Fat Boy 10-Ball Challenge. That match guarantees Appleton at least $4,500 for second place. First place is worth $9,000. The $10,000 added prize fund came from “FatBoy” Eric Petersen and Diamond Billiards. The AzBilliards 2011 DCC Coverage page was made possible by CueBallTracker.com and PoolDawg.com.

Earl Strickland

February 2011 - Rackem Magazine 5

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The Lone Star Bar Box 8-Ball Season Opener January 22nd-23rd yielded a whopping 96 entries with 59 open players, 14 ladies, 12 juniors, and 11 One Pocket players. Jason Brown, David Gutierrez, Brian Rosenbaum, T.J. Davis, Marco Tschudi, and other notables converged on Bogies Billiards whose owner Bobby Rone added $1,000 to the main event. LSBT upped the ladies’ purse $350 while the One Pocket

Rick Castillo, Marco Tschudi

and Junior events paid back 100%. Eugene Lee aka “Lone Wolf” hosted “Lone Star Live” along with special guest commentators and streamed the two-day main event from start to finish. Play wrapped up unusually early Saturday night and produced 16 Open finalists for Sunday’s live stream action. In the final 8 of the Open winners’ side it was Rick Castillo over T.J. Davis 6-4, Marco Tschudi passed Brian Rosenbaum 6-1, Brian Hickman bested Danny Roland 6-5, and Lanny Herrin defeated Barry Strickland 6-2. On the one-loss side, Gutierrez won 3 consecutive matches after Herrin sent him west in the second round. Guttierez was eliminated by Kevin Frauenberger who in turn fell to Roland. Dale Briones secured 4 consecutive wins after his first round loss to Bobby Perez. Dalton Riley defeated Briones 5-3 but was eliminated by Strickland 5-3. On the east side, Castillo defeated Tschudi 6-2 and Hickman defeated Herrin 6-5. This pitted a first time ever hot seat match between these two young guns. Castillo ran away with the set and the hot seat 6-2 over Hickman. Out west, Strickland was ousted by Tschudi 5-3, and Thomas defeated Chris Young 5-3 who was on a role after a first round upset by Dalton Riley. Thomas plowed through 7 opponents that OPEN PAYOUTS 1ST $700 Marco Tschudi 2nd $450 Rick Castillo 3rd $250 Brian Hickman 4th $200 Brent Thomas 5-6 $165 Barry Strickland, Lanny Herrin 7-8 $130 Brian Rosenbaum, Danny Roland 9-12 $80 Andy Jethwa, T.J. Davis, Dalton Riley, Kevin Frauenberger 13-16 $65 David Gutierrez, Dale Briones, Chris Young, Jason Brown

included Davis, Rosenbaum, and Herrin but fell short of Tschudi 5-1. Hickman shared the same 5-1 fate and the Swiss player moved on to play the undefeated Castillo in the finals. Tschudi exacted his revenge on the San Antonio master player who sent him west earlier 6-2. Castillo was defeated the first set 6-5 and the match went into overtime. In the second set, Castillo proved no match for the focused Tschudi and was laid to rest 5-1. Congratulations to Marco Tschudi, Rick Castillo, and Brian Hickman for their extraordinary play and their debut finishes on the Lone Star Tour. In the One Pocket event, David Gutierrez defeated Danny Lee for the hot seat while Jason Brown fought through the one-loss side after he suffered a blow from Gutierrez in an earlier round. Brown defeated John Newsome, Lanny Herrin, and Lee for a rematch with Gutierrez. Brown came on strong, start to finish, and scored a two-set win. Juniors also completed their 8-ball event on Saturday with Joey Torres, Robyn Petrosino, J.C. Torres, and Carlos Martinez who finished first thru fourth respectively. The ladies’ 8-ball event geared up on Sunday. Ming Ng annihilated the 14 player women’s field with wins over 10 yearold Tiffany Abernathy, Terry Petrosino, and Courtney Peters. Peters bested Garland in the semi final 4-3 but perished to Ng in the final match. Thank you to all of the ladies who participated in this event. The Tour would like to acknowledge Poison Cues as its 2011 Official Cue www.poisonbilliards. com and Delta-13 as its Official Rack www. delta-13.com. Find our Official Apparel at www.Leagueshirts. Courtney Peters, Ming Ng, Teresa Garland com and many thanks to www.Poolwebsites.com, our Official Web Designer and I.T. Support. Congratulations to Judy Alvarez and Darci Whatley who won Poison VX Cues at this event. Enjoy! The next tour stop is Feb. 12th-13th at Crazy 8’s Family Pool Hall in Port Arthur, Texas. For complete information on this pool room visit the “venues” section of the website. JUNIORS LADIES’ PAYOUTS 1ST $75 Joey Torres 1ST $225 Ming Ng 2nd $50 Robyn Petrosino 2nd $170 Courtney Peters 3rd $35 J.C. Torres 3rd $110 Teresa Garland 4th $20 Carlos Martinez 4th $55 Belinda Lee ONE POCKET 1ST $365 Jason Brown 2nd $210 David Gutierrez 3rd $140 Danny Lee

Feb 12th Crazy 8’s Port Arthur, TX Mar12th Houston’s Billiards Houston, TX Apr 9th Q-Stix Billiards Houston, TX May 7th Bogies Billiards Houston, TX $1350-$3000 added each event 4-Divisions: Main Event, Ladies, One Pocket and Juniors Contact Kim White 713-825-1411 February 2011 - Rackem Magazine 7

2nd Annual Fargo Midwinter Shootout

Lee Heuwagen

January 21-23, 2011. With over $19,000 paid out for the weekend, the second annual Fargo Midwinter Shootout was bigger and better than the inaugural event that drew rave reviews a year ago. The weekend kicked off with a raceto-7 Friday evening 9-ball tournament on the 35 Diamond 7-foot pro am tables that drew 60 players wanting to have some fun and gear up for the main 8-ball event. The temperature dipped to colder than -20 F that night, and the players who traveled in from North & South Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, and Illinois learned two things about pool and cold weather: (1) they actually play pool in Fargo inside, not outside, and (2) players get a little frisky with a full moon and low temperatures. The two challenge tables—a tight Diamond Professional and a Gabriels

Signature Pro—rocked all weekend. And sets of 9-ball, 10-ball, one pocket, 8-ball, and last-pocket 8-ball could be found all over the building. Eighty two players began their race-to-5 8-ball matches shortly after noon on Saturday, but not before enjoying a complimentary breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, bagels, and a taste of Tanya’s home-baked muffins, and not before a full-field Calcutta that would see the pot grow to over $10,000. Lee Heuwagen of Minneapolis plowed his way to the driver’s seat with wins over Larry Wentz, 9-ball champion Jamie Pluta, Johnny Meyer, Aaron Williamson, Dean Flanders, and Marc Oelslager. Accomplished young player Justin Bergman of the St. Louis area, who must have made a wrong turn on his way to Derby City, would win the B-side. Bergman’s long ride before the weekend continued after a fourth-round loss to Canadian Jerrod Spence required him to prevail over Neal Cook, Dave Olson, Craig Stainbrook, Dean Flanders, Jerrod Spence, Marc Oelslager, and Danny Olson to face Heuwagen in the finals. Lee Heuwagen won the first set of the finals to win the tournament and to join Shane Van Boening in the exclusive Fargo Midwinter Shootout 8-Ball Champion club.

Johnny Meyer, Jamie Pluta, Marc Oelslager

8-BALL RESULTS 1. $2,000 (+$3,320) Lee Heuwagen 2. $1,200 (+$2,210) Justin Bergman 3. $800 (+$1,610) Dan Olson 4. $600 (+$1,020) Marc Oelslager 5-6. $400 (+$600) Jerrod Spence, Chris Messer 7-8. $200 (+$300) Dean Flanders, Layne Opstedal 9-12. $100 Albert Bruha, Dave Pearl Craig Stainbrook, Mike Fieldhammer 13-16. $75 Jerrod Bernath, Dave Olson Robert Pulver, Travis Mann 17-24. $40 Mike Decelles, Darren Moen Dan Voeller, Neal Cook Aaron Williamson, Rory Hendrickson Cornell McClean, Dave Johnson 9-BALL RESULTS 1. $600 Jamie Pluta 2. $400 Marc Oelslager 3. $300 Johnny Meyer 4. $200 Craig Stainbrook 5-6. $120 Justin Bergman, Gene Albrecht 7-8. $80 Josh Shones, Tyler Perry 9-12. $60 Lee Heuwagen, Dave Johnson Dan Voeller, Albert Bruha 13-16. $40 Jim McNenny, Dustin Hansen Berry McClean, Jerrod Spence

8 Rackem Magazine - February 2011

2011 Aberdeen Open Results of the Hub Music & Vending sponsored 2011 Aberdeen Open 8-Ball Pool Tournament held at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel January 14th – 16th.

1st A Division - Steve Smith

1st C Division - Morley Foster

A DIVISION B DIVISION 1st – Steve Smith – Sioux Falls 1st – Carl Pollard – Watertown 2nd – Jason Seaman – Watertown 2nd – Tom Lewis – Aberdeen 3rd – Wayne Fast – Huron 3rd – Todd Muldoon – Aberdeen 4th – Corey Jaragoske – Pierre 4th – AJ Agard – McLaughlin 5th-6th –Mike Bertsch – Eureka 5th-6th – Steve Cogley – Aberdeen 5th-6th – Kurt Peterson – Aberdeen 5th-6th – Jarimey Halstead – Aberdeen 7th-8th – Jim Winter – Mitchell 7th-8th – Jeremy Bostian – Aberdeen 7th-8th – Dan Pease – Pierre 7th-8th – Jim LaRosh – Pierre, SD C DIVISION D DIVISION 1st – Morley Foster – Aberdeen 1st – Tammy Doerr – Aberdeen 2nd – Bob Dietz – Lemmon 2nd – Ira Muldoon – Aberdeen 3rd – Steve Gunckel – Redfield 3rd – Chad Delonais-Olson – Aberdeen 4th – Tyler Vance – Aberdeen 4th – John Kramer – Aberdeen 1st B Division - Carl Pollard 5th-6th – Shane Franks – Aberdeen 5th-6th – Chase Muldoon – Aberdeen 5th-6th – Chris Hagen – Ellendale 5th-6th – Dan Heidinger – Aberdeen 7th-8th – Carsten Hirtz – Watertown 7th-8th – Jordan Enstad – Aberdeen 7th-8th – Marty LeCompte – Aberdeen 7th-8th – Tyler Efraimson – Aberdeen JR DIVISION 1st – Bradley Claymore – Aberdeen 2nd – Kelsey Saylor – Aberdeen 3rd – Trevor Saylor – Aberdeen TEAM TOURNAMENT – A DIVISION 1st – Pour House – McLaughlin – Jimmie Martell, Sam Martell, Paul Bourdeaux, AJ Agard 2nd – Flame #2 – Aberdeen – Pat Martin, Randy Jaragoske, Larry Jaragoske, Justin Keckler 3rd – Harbor Strokers – Watertown – Jason Seaman, Morley Foster, Bryce Harms, Rob Angland 4th – Flame #1 – Louie Olivera, Darrell Phillips, Jonah McLaughlin, Mitch Wilson 5th–6th – Fighting Crabs–Aberdeen – Dennis Joy, Charlie Gould, Lance Lickfelt, Steve Speck, Nathan Speck 5th – 6th – Time Bandits – Aberdeen – Mike Saylor, Eric Duven, Steve Cogley, Rob Zimmerman TEAM TOURNAMENT – B DIVISION 1st D Division - Tammy Doerr 1st – R & A #4 – Aberdeen – Mike Job, Jim Peck, Steve Gauer, Jim Gauer 2nd – Big Deal – Aberdeen/Bemidji – Brandon Messmer, Stephanie Wallace, Lamar Marshall, John Hepola 3rd – Limpsticks – Leola/Aberdeen – Kami Yost, Doug Yost, Tyler Vance, Chad Erickson 4th – Schwan’s – Aberdeen – Kari Reder, Nancy Peterson, Ardie Peterson, Kenny Leibel HARD LUCK TEAM TOURNAMENT 1st – Stevie’s Wonders – Sioux Falls/Aberdeen – Steve Smith, Patty Haselhorst, Bev Bieber, Tracy Berg 2nd – Bubba Ray’s – Pierre – Dale Jacobsen, Shannon Coyle, Jay Penrod, Don Berger

1st – Pour House – McLaughlin – Jimmie Martell, Sam Martell, Paul Bourdeaux, AJ Agard

1st – R & A #4 – Aberdeen – Mike Job, Jim Peck, Steve Gauer, Jim Gauer

CSI Now Accepts Online Registration

CueSports International (CSI) announces players are now able to register online for all upcoming independent events via the CueSports Tournament System (CTS) website (www.ctsondemand.com). The online registration section of CTS went live Friday, January 7th. Online registration is now available for the following events: • The 15th Jay Swanson Memorial 9-Ball Tournament • The 18th U.S. Bar Table Championships Players who register must pay their online entries by credit card using a Visa or Mastercard. All players will be sent an auto-generated email confirmation for each event they register for. Additional events will be added to the CTS online registration page soon. Starting the end of January online registration will be available for all divisions of the BCAPL National 8-Ball and BCAPL National 9-Ball Championships (May 11-22, 2011, Riviera Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas). However, in addition to registering online, players still have the option to

either mail or fax their entries for all CSI tournaments and events. Only one form of registration should be used in order to avoid duplication. CSI launched its custom designed CueSports Tournament System (CTS) in 2010. The CTS has a highly robust online bracket system which allows for both individual player and team searches, cross event archives, and offers detailed information about matches, such as table assignments, times, history of a player’s event matches, results and payouts just to name a few. Additionally, the CTS site has the added functionality of tournament live scoring, which CSI rolled out in the 2010 U.S. Open 10-Ball event. Now going into 2011, the online registration function has been added making the CTS site revolutionary in the industry for its cross function capabilities. To register online for the 15th Jay Swanson Memorial 9-Ball Tournament or the 18th U.S. Bar Table Championships go to:www.ctsondemand.com. For more information about these and all CSI and / or the BCAPL upcoming events visit: www.playcsipool.com andwww.playbca.com.

February 2011 - Rackem Magazine 9

10 Rackem Magazine - February 2011

2011 East River Tournament Results



1st 2nd 3rd 4th

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

JJ’s TN2S Keven Willard, Dan Hein, Rick Boehrns, Todd Murra, Troy Sauers

Lemkes Break out the Gypsy

Keith Hanson, Rick Lemke, Mike Morris, Joey Kuhns, Maurey Johnson



Jim Aldren, Dave Olson, Danny Olson, Don Tanner

Walnut #2

Gary Kozak, LeRoy Greeves, Mike Townsend, Mitch Glover, Bernie Esser

Sioux Falls American Legion #1 Toby Lang, Terri Lang, Mindy Olson, BJ Olson

Lemkes Surgeons

Jim Kramer, Bryan Zacher, Lary Jensen, Neil Burghardt

Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate (SWO)

Ted Rederth, Dean Renville, Carson Labatte, Reno Greeley

The Keg

Gary Kortan, Emanuel Kortan, Mark Kortan, Danny Kortanm, Doug Larson


1st 2nd 3rd 4th

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

JJ’s Who Dave Hexamer, Chris Rolfes, Tanner Druess, Tommy Wendt

Big Dummies

Brent Hood, Richard Spain, Jim Winter, Dave Wieger

Bigs ERO Speedwagon

Steve Heirigs, Jeff Schultz, Justin Couch, Corey Putzier

DCC Crooked Cues

Eric Reed, Jay Dvorak, Ron Carlson, Scott Greb

Deeders X Rated Shawn Behrens, Rebecca Deinert, Jim Foarde, Miah Norwood


Melissa Moulton, Chad Fetters, Charlotte Johnson, Max Jones

Haases SOS

Mike Berg, Tom, Hlavac, Toby Remmers, Mark Fillaus

Rec Bar

Sean Barret, Keith Fischer, Tony VanBeek, Duane Hochstein

2011 U.S. Open 10-Ball Championship Qualifiers Announced The 3rd U.S. Open 10-Ball Championship will be held May 1621, 2011 in Las Vegas, NV, at the Riviera Hotel & Casino. Produced by CueSports International (CSI), the $25,000 added event will again be held alongside the BCAPL National 8-Ball Championships and live streamed by The Action Report (TAR). The U.S. Open 10-Ball Championship is one of a select group of high level U.S. tournaments

where players earn points towards the Billiard Congress of America (BCA) pro point ranking list. The CSI coed 10-Ball event has a 96 player limited field and is also officially recognized by the Women’s Pro Billiard Association (WPBA). As a BCA point and WPBA recognized event, the top 20 U.S. ranked male players and the top 10 WPBA ranked players were emailed invites in early January. Any declined

or un-registered invite spots will convert to open spots after March 1st. In addition to the invite and open spots, nine qualifiers have been scheduled. One paid entry valued at $550 is included in the payout of each qualifier. Should the winner of a qualifier not be able to accept their spot, it will be offered to the next person in line from that particular qualifier event. In addition to the eight qualifier tournaments, one spot has been

allocated to the Predator 9-Ball Tour. The point leader of the tour pro/open division, after the first 5 stops, will win that qualifier spot. For more information about the Predator 9-Ball Tour contact Tony Robles at tonyroblesnyc@aol.com. For more information about the U.S. Open 10-Ball Championship or other CSI and BCAPL events contact Holly Ryan at holly@playcsipool.com or visit www.playbca.com.

Qualifiers Scheduled for 12th U.S. Open One Pocket Championship

CueSports International (CSI) is producing the 12th U.S. Open One Pocket Championship at the Riviera Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV on May 13-15. The $10,000 added three day event will be held immediately prior to the 3rd U.S. Open 10-Ball Championship and alongside the BCAPL National 8-Ball Championships. The game of One Pocket is often compared to chess. To play well it requires a keen sense of both offensive and defensive strategy. To be the best, a player must have the precision of a diamond cutter with their cue ball control and the patience of a long

distance runner. It is anticipated that some of the best known talents in One Pocket will be participating in the event. With a limited 48 player field a list of former One Pocket champions were emailed invites in early January. Any declined or un-registered invite spots will convert to open spots after March 1st. In addition to the invite and open spots, four qualifiers have been scheduled. One paid entry (valued at $340) is included in the payout of each qualifier. Should the winner of a qualifier not be able to accept their spot, it will be

offered to the next person in line from that particular qualifier event. For more information about the U.S. Open One Pocket Championship or other CSI and BCAPL events contact Holly Ryan at holly@playcsipool. com or visit www.playbca.com. In 2011 the host venue, the Riviera Hotel & Casino is offering great new lower rates starting at $60 per night. Reservations must be booked through the BCAPL online Riviera booking link or call the Riviera toll-free number (800) 634-6753 Group Code BCAPCPP.

February 2011 - Rackem Magazine 11


Jonathon Madere,Don Bullard 9-5 over Ray Porter. The 9-12 round saw David The Tiger Amateur Tour kicked off the season at Bogies Billiards in Houston,Texas Owens eliminate Don B. 9-7, Roy over on the weekend of January 8-9. The event had an extra $250 added (making the total David Taylor 9-5, Bobby G. 9-3 over Bill $1,000/$250) by room owner Bobby Rone Fuller, and Sonny B. over Ty Few. The for the superb turnout. The event drew 7-8 round saw Sonny B. eliminate Bobby 83 players, and was played down to 16 G. 9-2, and Roy 9-3 over David Jr.. The players on Saturday night. So the final 16 5-6 round pitted Mike Alonzo against Roy came back on Sunday to fight it out for the Payton, no score recorded but Mike got the cash. win, also the battle of the Sonny's, Sonny The Final 8 of the winners side D. vs Sonny B. and Sonny B escaped by entering Sunday along with their match the narrow margin to advance. This set up ups and scores were David Owens Jr. vs. Sonny to play Mike, and Mike rolled thru Sonny Demetro, Sonny got the nod 119-5. On to the one loss final and Mike kept 9, Chris Young squeaked by Roy Payton the pedal to the medal and got thru Ernesto 11-10, Mike Alonzo bested Bill Fuller 11-5 next 9-3 to get a shot at Chris in the finals. and Ernesto Bayaua who was seconds The finals saw Machine Gun come out away from being late and forfeited rolled with his gun fully loaded and did he ever thru Sonny Bosshamer 11-4. This now shoot Happy Hour full of holes. Mike won paired Sonny against Chris in a match set one 11-4, and the proceeded to win Sonny was up 9-4, he eventually got sent set two 9-1. An impressive feat I must say, to the one loss side by a final score of 11congrats to Mike for his win and Chris for Ernesto Bayaua, Mike Alonzo, and Chris "Happy Hour" Young 9. On the other side of the board Ernesto his great run. squared off against Mike and Ernesto got the nod by an 11-8 score. The Second Chance Event had 19 players and it was chopped at the end The hot seat match saw Chris “Happy Hour” Young against Ernesto Bayaua, this between Stefan Slisz and Brian Rosenbaum. match was a little wild. First it saw Chris at 7-3 ahead miss the most simple 8-ball We want to thank everyone who came out and played and also just came out to shot to go up 8-3, so its 7-4 and Chris breaks , makes 5 balls and gets no real look at sweat the action. Also we want to thank room owners Bobby and Chris Rone, they his shot. Now he makes an amazing cut, but wait, whitey went 3 rails and scratched, always do a superb job. now it's 7-5 and Chris is feeling the heat. Ernesto keeps the heat applied and makes And a super special thanks to all of our sponsors. Tony Kalamdaryan of www. the most of this chance. Now on to the end, it gets to hill-hill, Ernesto is breaking TigerProducts.com , Jay Helfert author of Pool Wars www.JayHelfert.com ,Gil and everyone knows how big of a break Castillo of www.castilloleathergoods.com , www.DreamlinePromotions.com , and he has, the best in town. So he calls Terry Russel of www.Htownbilliards.com. the 9 on the snap, and guess what, its Also thanks to our referee Bob Mcferren, Auctioneer Chuck Adams, and Cue headed straight for the side pocket and repairman Roger Allen. a ball kicks it away from the side, but The cue raffle for the Tiger cue was won by John Linton, known by most as C-Dog. now towards the corner, Ernesto hollers We hope to see everyone at the next event on Feb. 19-20 at Bigtyme Billiards. “onetime” , and the 9 shoots in the For more info you can always check on the website at www.TigerAmateurTour.com corner. So you think it”s over? Nah the 1st $1,000 "Machine Gun" Mike Alonzo crowds screaming and then they look 2nd $680 Chris "Happy Hour" Young again and whitey is still rolling at pocket 3rd $400 Ernesto Bayaua speed it drops in the same corner. Wow. Chris has ball in hand and proceeds to 4th $260 Sonny Bosshamer Stefan Slisz, and Brian Rosenbaum run the rack out. It was a thriller of a 5/6 $160 Sonny Demetro, Roy Payton match. 7/8 $125 Bobby Gonzales,David Owens Jr. On the one loss side notable scores from the 13-16 round were Bobby Gonzales 9/12 $85 Don Bullard,David Taylor,Bill Fuller,Ty Few over David Mendiola 9-7, Ty Few 9-6 over Jason Bacon, David Taylor 9-1 over 13/16 $60 Ray Porter,Jonathon Madere,David Mendiola, Jason Bacon 6149 E 31st St Tulsa, OK


Hours: Sun 2-10 pm Mon-Thurs 12-2am Fri-Sat 12-1am


12 Rackem Magazine - February 2011

810 W 56 Hwy - Olathe, KS 913-780-5740

Cue Sales & Repair

21-Valley Bar Tables 3-Diamond 9’ 1-Gabriel Billiard

4-Diamond Bar Tables 9-Brunswick Gold Crowns 1-Antique Billiard

Fri & Sat Pool Tournaments

February 2011 - Rackem Magazine 13

Call First - All Tournaments are subject to change without notice

DATE Feb 4-6 Feb 4-6 Feb 10-13 Feb 11-13 Feb 11-13 Feb 12 Feb 12-13 Feb 12-13 Feb 18-20 Feb 18 Feb 19-20 Feb 19-20 Feb 21-27 Feb 21-27 Feb 21-27 Feb 25-27 Feb 27 Mar 5-6 Mar 12 Mar 12-13 Mar 16-20 Mar 19-20 Mar 26-27 Apr 1-3 Apr 2 Apr 9 Apr 15-17 Apr 30 May 7 May 13-15 May 13-21 May 16-21

CITY LOCATION PHONE EVENT / RULES ENTRY ADDED San Leon, TX CSI Qualifier (281) 508-3284 Casper’s One Pocket Qual. $200 (incl g.f.) $5,000 Deer Creek, IL Nana’s Pub (309) 447-6272 River City Open $50+$15 g.f. $3,000 Shakopee, MN Midwest Regional (702) 719-7665 Singles & Team Regional Varies $10,000 Springfield, MO Billiards of Springfield (417) 866-4319 MO State 9-Ball (MO residents only) $95+$10 g.f. $500 Alpena, MI Alpena Holiday Inn (231) 625-2114 Players Promotions B-Players Call Call Port Arthur, TX Crazy 8’s (409) 960-7399 Lone Star Tour 9-Ball on 8’ Tables $45/$65/$25 Call Bellflower, CA CSI (702) 719-7665 Jay Swanson Memorial Call $4,000 w/192 Schofield, WI Mickey’s Billiards (715) 241-7665 Women’s Lupus 6 person team $90 (incl don.) Call Alpena, MI Alpena Holiday Inn (231) 625-2114 Players Promotions A-Players Call Call Thibodaux, LA Cuesports (985) 387-2066 Ring Game Limit 16 $100 (incl g.f.) $200 Guar Thibodaux, LA Cuesports (985) 387-2066 9-Ball Race to 7/Rotate Breaks $40 (incl reg.) $1,000 Guar Spring, TX Big Tyme Billiards (832) 725-9750 Tiger Amateur Tour $40 $1,000 Reno, NV CSI (702) 719-7665 U S Bar Table 10-Ball (M/W) Call $6000/$1000 Reno, NV CSI (702) 719-7665 U S Bar Table 9-Ball (M/W) Call $6000/$1000 Reno, NV CSI (702) 719-7665 U S Bar Table 8-Ball (M/W) Call $6000/$1000 Alpena, MI Alpena Holiday Inn (231) 625-2114 Players Promotions Mixed Call Call Midland, MI Big D’s Bar & Grill (989) 839-9815 Big D’s 9-Ball Call $250 min. Houston, TX Big John’s Sports Bar (832) 725-9750 Tiger Amateur Tour $40 $750 Houston, TX Houston’s Billiards (713) 825-1411 Lone Star Tour 10-Ball on 8’ Tables $45/$65/$25 Call Milwaukie, WI Romines Billiards (414) 281-2212 BCW SE Exravaganza 9 Ball Call $400/$600 Rapid City, SD SD State 8 Ball (605) 342-0530 SD State 8-Ball Singles & Teams Call Call Watch it LIVE on OTBnTV.com presented by Tiger Products Spring, TX CSI Qualifier (832) 725-9750 Bigtyme CSI 10-Ball Qual. $60 (incl g.f.) $1,000 w/32 Oshkosh, WI Varsity Club (920) 651-0806 Mueller 9 Ball Championship Call $550/$950 Saratoga, WY Platte Valley Open (307) 329-8924 8-Ball 3 Divisions $60-$160 $9,000 Watch it LIVE on OTBnTV.com presented by Tiger Products Alsip, IL CSI Qualifier (708) 388-3700 Red Shoes 10 Ball Qual. $75 (incl g.f.) $250 w/16 max Houston, TX Q-Stix Billiards (281) 580-0880 Lone Star Tour 9-Ball on Bar Tables $45/$65/$25 Call New Town, ND Four Bears Casino (701) 421-0604 8-Ball Classic M & W Alsip, IL CSI Qualifier (708) 388-3700 Red Shoes One Pocket Qual. $75 (incl g.f.) $250 w/16 max Houston, TX Bogie’s Billiards (281) 821-4544 Lone Star Tour 8-Ball on 8’Tables $45/$65/$25 Call Las Vegas, NV CSI (702) 719-7665 U S Open One Pocket Call $10,000 Guar Las Vegas, NV BCAPL (702) 719-7665 BCAPL Nationals Varied $750,000 payout Las Vegas, NV CSI (702) 719-7665 U S Open 10 Ball Call $25,000 Guar

TIME Noon Call Call 8 PM Call Call Call Call Call 8 PM Noon 1 PM Call Call Call Call Call 1 PM Call Call Call 11 AM Call 6 PM 10 AM Call 10 AM Call Call Call Call

WEEKLY TOURNAMENTS Call First - All Tournaments are subject to change without notice



Wednesdays Oshkosh, WI

Thursdays Fridays Saturdays

Oshkosh, WI Tulsa, OK Oshkosh, WI Tulsa, OK






Varsity Club Varsity Club Q-Spot Billiards Varsity Club Q-Spot Billiards

(920) 651-0806 (920) 651-0806 (918) 779-6204 (920) 651-0806 (918) 779-6204

9-Ball Beginners 9-Ball Intermediate 8-Ball 7 & under 9-Ball Open - Break Pot 9-Ball 7 & under

$8 $10 $5 $15 $5/player Guar. $10 (incl. g.f.)

TIME Call Call 9 PM Call 9 PM TM




Streaming Schedule


Feb 19-20, 2011 February Freeze Tacoma, WA

Mar 16-20, 2011 SD State 8-Ball Rapid City, SD

Apr 1-3, 2011 Platte Valley Open - WY

Apr 8-10, 2011 MCMOA Montana State 8-Ball

To Schedule your LIVE Streaming call 406-285-3099

14 Rackem Magazine - February 2011

February 2011 - Rackem Magazine 15

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