This book is about my understanding and explorations with type.
The composition displays the principal of hierarchy as the first thing one tends to look at is the lettform R and thereafter the letterform M. M is merging with the counter of R and thus showing contrast.
Mrs Eaves
This composition is based on the principle of hierarchy as the two letterforms vary in their sizes and forces the viewer to focus on one letterform more than the other. The composition has enough space to for the letterforms to breathe and allow the focus to be in one direction.
The composition shows contrast because of the placement of the letterform M and the way it is placed. There is a presence of hierarchy because of the different sizes of the letterforms.
The letterforms in the composition are proportionate and thus giving equal weightage to both of them and at the same time they are aligned to each other. This creates a sense of balance between the two letterforms while giving weightage to a section of the composition.
Helvetica Mrs Eaves
The letterforms and the form created by it brings out the principle of contrast. The size and the placement of the letterforms allows it to do so.
Cocon Rockwell
The composition displays hierarchy as the the letterform R attracts the attention and forces one to look at only that, while the other letterform plays a subsidary role in the composition.
Mrs Eaves Rockwell
This composition potrays hierarchy as the letterform R is the first thing one notices in the composition and therby the letterform M. There is a sense of alignment too as the letterform M is aligned with the base of R.
Cocon Mrs Eaves
The letterforms in the composition are inverted therfore potraying contrast. As the letterforms are of different sizes they show hierarchy as one views the letterform R before the other letterform.
Mrs Eaves Helvetica
The most dominating principle in this composition is reptition as it is created soley by the repetition of letterforms. At the same time there is a lot of contrast in the composition because of the colours that are used. Balance is another principle which one can notice because of the way the letterforms are repeted.
Cocon Mrs Eaves
The composition is based on the principle of foreground and bacground as due to the difference in the opacity and the letterforms it seems as if some parts are in the foreground, while the others are in the bacground.
Typeface Cocon The composition contains the same pattern throughout and inspite of that it creates a sense of foreground and background. The pattern is circular as I feel that the typeface used is very curvy in nature. Even the colours used interact differently with the other which enhances the principle of foreground and background.
The typeface used is vertical in nature and very bold at the same time. Therefore I decided to use lines to orm a pattern for the composition. The colours used interacts differently with the yellow and the blue which is in the background.
This book is about my understanding and explorations with type.