Ioana antoniu catalog 2016 web

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Mitologie personală

Era iarnă pe Aleea Snagov din cartierul Gheorgheni, orașul Cluj, iar eu copil fiind, încercam să îmi surprind cele

mai nostime fețe reflectate și deformate în luciul multicolor al globurilor din bradul de Crăciun. Acuma e o iarnă tărzie pe strada Ioan Budai Deleanu, cartierul Andrei Mureșanu, iar eu mă regăsesc după ani tot în orașul meu natal și poate nu întâmplător în casa moștenită de la bunicii mei, suprapunând imagini peste imagini, amintiri legate de un traseu atât de calm, liniștit și firesc al vieții mele.

Toate întâmplările miraculoase din viața mea s-au petrecut în orașul Cluj, nașterea, căsătoria, școala și studenția,

trecutul și viitorul se suprapun și se reduc la o clipă pe care de cele mai multe ori încerc să o redau în lucrările mele sub titlul generic de Ireversibil, Miraj, Sub stele....*

Pictura, artele în general, propun o interpretare expresivă a lumii şi a vieţii sociale, eliberând-o din solitudinea

atelierului, creeând o realitate nouă, cu multiple semnificaţii interpretative. Succesiv, redescoperim prin intermediul operei de artă, semnificaţii şi valori estetice care ne impun să o reevaluăm şi să o reconsiderăm prin prisma contemporanităţii.

Vedem astăzi altfel? Suntem mai eficienţi, mai bine dotaţi din punct de vedere al aparatului de analiză teoretic şi

conceptual? O raportăm mai complex la ceea ce ştim, din punct de vedere al istoriei, ştiinţelor sociale şi aplicate? În orice caz, abordarea multidisciplinară a învățământului artistic și a operei de artă este un fapt ce aparţine modernităţii. Accesul calitativ şi cantitativ este mai complex ca niciodată, fiind chiar ameninţaţi de perspectiva de a ne rătăci în semnificaţiile şi suita de relaţii pe care o propune interpretarea teoriilor moderne ale artei.

Revin din voiajul general și teoretizant la ceea ce presupune demersul meu artistic personal, la încercarea de a

dezvolta un concept plastic original, care să valorifice reprezentări ale figurii umane sau detalii de obiecte personale, folosind elemente de contrast rezultate din juxtapunerea de valori formale clasice și contemporane. O preocupare constantă a fost surprinderea inefabilului pictural dar și poetic al naturii.

Am cumpărat un trandafir, acuma aștept să înflorească, e splendid și parfumat, nu simt nevoia să îl pictez acum,

aștept să se ofilească puțin ca să pot să îi dau o nouă viață în lucrarea numită Înflorire.... Ioana Antoniu, 2016 4

Personal Mythology

It was winter on Snagov Alley, in the Gheorgheni neighbourhood, Cluj, and I, as a child, was trying to capture the

funniest faces as they were reflected and deformed by the colourful and shiny globes hanging from the Christmas tree. Now it is late winter on Ioan Budai Deleanu Street, and years later I find myself still living in my home town, and perhaps not by chance, in the house that I inherited from my grandparents, overlapping images upon images, memories connected to the calm, natural path that my life has taken.

All the miraculous events from my life have taken place in Cluj; my birth, marriage, school and college years, the

past and the future blend together and are reduced to a moment that I try to create in my works, most of the time, under the generic title of “Irreversible”, “Mirage”, “Under the Stars”...*

Painting, art in general, suggests an expressive interpretation of the world and of social life, releasing it from the

solitude of the studio, creating a new reality, with multiple creative meanings. Successively, we rediscover, through the work of art, meanings and aesthetic values that make us reevaluate and reconsider it through the prism of contemporaneity.

Do we see differently today? Are we more efficient, better equipped from a theoretical, analytic and conceptual

point of view? Are we connecting things more complexly to what we know, regarding history, social and applied sciences? Regardless, the multidisciplinary approach of the artistic education and the work of art is a fact that belongs to modernity. Our access, both in quality as well as quantity, is more complex than ever, feeling even threatened by the prospect of getting lost in the meanings and the multitude of relations suggested by the modern theories of art.

Returning from the theoretical voyage back to what my personal artistic approach involves, to my attempt of

developing an original concept that captures representations of the human form, details of personal objects, using elements of contrast resulting from the joining of classical and contemporary formal values. A constant concern has been the capture of the ineffable in nature, both pictural and poetic.

I have bought a rose, and now I am waiting for it to blossom; it is splendid and fragrant, I do not feel the urge to

paint it now, I am waiting for it to wither slightly, so that I may give it a new life, in the painting called “Blossoming”.... Ioana Antoniu, 2016 5


OBSCURUM PER OBSCURIUS IGNOTIUM PER IGNOTIUS Să te îndrepți spre cele tainice și necunoscute prin ceea ce este încă și mai tainic și necunoscut




Sfârșitul jocului / The End of the Game

Mixed media on canvas, 100 x 100 cm., 2016

Piangete voi?

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 90 cm., 2016



Sub vânt / Under the Wind

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 90 x 100 cm., 2016

Rămășițele zilei / The Remains of the Day

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 100 cm., 2016


Prospețime / Freshness

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 100 cm., 2016


テ始tr-alte seri / Other Nights

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x100 cm., 2015


Vălul rupt / The Broken Veil

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x100 cm., 2016

Tainice tangențe / Secret Tangents

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 80 cm., 2016



Poveste de iarnă / Winter Story

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 70 cm., 2014

Răcoare / Chill-up

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 80 cm., 2015


Cascada Vălul Miresei / The Bride’s Shroud Waterfall

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 70 cm., 2015

Te văd! / I see You! 18

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 70 x 100 cm., 2015

Înserare / Nightfall

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 150 cm., 2015



Intimitatea naturii I / Nature’s Intimacy I

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 80 cm., 2015

Intimitatea naturii II / Nature’s Intimacy II

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 70 cm., 2015




Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 70 cm., 2015


Cele tainice și necunoscute / The Mysterious and Unknown Mixed media on canvas, 100 x 80 cm., 2016


Viva giardini

Mixed media and embroidery, 100 x 70 cm., 2015


Obiect transparent / Transparent object

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 100 cm., 2016



Ispitit de g창ndul... / Tempted by the Thought...

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 100 cm., 2015

Iarna dincolo de pleoape / Winter Beyond Closed Eyelids Mixed media on canvas, 100 x 100 cm., 2015

Cascadă / Waterfall 28

Mixed media on canvas, 100 x 70 cm., 2014

Inflorire / Blossoming

Oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm., 2014

Creanga de aur 1 / The Golden Branch

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 40 x 50 cm., 2015




Dimineață de ianuarie / Jannuary Morning

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 70 x 100 cm., 2014

Sub zăpadă / Under the Snow

Oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm., 2014


In vivo

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 120 x 80 cm., 2014

Sub ceață / Beneath the Fog

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 100 cm., 2014

Sub ceață / Beneath the Fog

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 80 cm., 2014



In vivo

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 120 x 80 cm., 2014

Viața încremenită / Stunned Life Oil on canvas, 140 x 80 cm., 2015


Miraj / Mirage

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 110 cm., 2014



Miraj / Mirage

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 140 cm., 2014

Dincolo de pleoape / Beyond the Eyelids

Oil and embroidery on canvas, 140 x 80 cm., 2016


Azi / Today

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 70 x 100 cm., 2015



Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 100 cm., 2015


Floare / Flower

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 80 x 60 cm., 2014

Tortul miresei /Bride’s Cake

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 100 x 70 cm., 2015



Cascadă / Waterfall

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 50 x 40 cm., 2015


Cascadă / Waterfall

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 40 x 50 cm., 2014


O amintire / A Memory

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 30 x 60 cm., 2014


Creanga de aur 2 / The Golden Branch 2

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 50 x 60 cm., 2014


Muntele vrトニit / The Magic Mountain

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 80 x 100 cm., 2015


Creanga de aur 4 / The Golden Branch

Mixed media and embroidery on canvas, 30 x 40 cm., 2015


IOANA ANTONIU Painter Born in 1964 at Cluj- Napoca, Romania. 1983- 1988 studied at the Art Academy of Cluj- Napoca. Actualy Phd. Professor at the University of Art and Design of Cluj- Napoca. Member of the Romanian Union of the Visual Artists. Lives and works in Cluj- Napoca. Solo Shows 2016, Mirage, at The Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. 2011, Holderlin, Ein Gesprach mit Bildern, Neuwerk Kunsthalle Konstanz, Germany. 2010, La Rosa di Nessuno, Galleria Spazio Mirionima, Macerata, Italy. 2008, Image, at The Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. 2005, Paintings, at The Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. 2002, The Garden, Radio Gallery, Cluj-Napoca. 1997, Painting Show, Documenta X, Werkgalery, Kassel, Germany. 1997, Paintings, De Boog Gallery, Ijsselstein, Holland. 1995, Paintings, Greater Gallery of the Union of the Artists, Cluj- Napoca. 1992, Paintings, Covalenco Gallery, Geldrop, Holland. 1991, Gijzenrooi Gallery, Geldrop, Holland. Group Exhibitions (a selection) 2016 The Water in the Garden, at the UAP Gallery in Bistrita, Romania. 2015 The Annual Art Show of the UAP, at The Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. The Art in The Garden, at the Botanical Garden of Jibou, Romania. 2014 The School of Cluj, BWA Sokol Gallery for Contempory Art, Nowy Sacz, The Malopolska Art Center, Poland. Safari Art Fair, Bucharest. 2013 Intact Space Gallery, Fabrica de Pensule, Cluj- Napoca. The Meeting Point International Biennale, Arad. 2012 Salon on the Balcony, at The Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. InspirArt, AnnArt Gallery, Bucharest. Hangar Gallery, Cluj- Napoca. The Romanian Graphic Arts Show 2012, Caminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest. 2011 The Meeting Point International Biennale, Arad, Romania. 2010 Ceaţa/ Fogg/ Bruillard, International Art Show at Ioan Sima Museum, Zalau and The Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. 2009 Europa Artium 2009, Show of the School of Cluj in The Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. 2008 NeoReal, Show of the School of Cluj at The Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art.

2007 Artists from Cluj, group Show at the Senso Gallery, Bucharest. The National Show of Painting and Sculpture, at The Parliament Palace, Bucharest. 2006 Natural/ Artificial, International Land Art Show, Cluj- Napoca, Romania. 2005 ArtEast, Show of the School of Cluj at The Greater Gallery of the Union of the Artists in Cluj- Napoca. Show of the School of Cluj at The Montecatini Terme Museum of Art, Italy. I Love Pictura, Show of the School of Cluj at the Continental Hotel, ClujNapoca. 2004 Grey Pink, Show of the School of Cluj at The Greater Gallery of the Union of the Artists in Cluj- Napoca. Essentia, International Art Show at the Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. In the Mirror of Las Meninas, Art Show at the Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. 2003 The Line of View, Show of the School of Cluj at The Greater Gallery of the Union of the Artists in Cluj- Napoca. Underground Black, Show of the School of Cluj at Casa Matei Gallery of the University of Art and Design in Cluj- Napoca. 2002 Afirmative, Show of the School of Cluj in The Greater Gallery of the Union of the Artists in Cluj- Napoca. Incontro a Roma, Galley of the Academia di Romania, Rome, Italy. 2000 “Liber Studiorum” , Art Show at the Cluj- Napoca Museum of Art. Painters from Cluj, Culture Palace, Iasi, Romania. 1993 Romanian Art, The Zwolle University, Zwolle, Holland. The Romanian Painting and Sculpture Showcase, Dalles Hall, Bucharest. 1992 Ecce Homo, Orizont Gallery, Bucharest. The Romanian Painting and Sculpture Showcase, Dalles Hall, Bucharest. 1991 Ecce Homo, in The Greater Gallery of the Union of the Artists in ClujNapoca. 1990 The Show of the Young Artists, in The Greater Gallery of the Union of the Artists in Cluj- Napoca. 1988 The Romanian Painting and Sculpture Showcase, Dalles Hall, Bucharest. Studio Adress: Ateliers of the Union of the Artists, 19 Albac Street, Cluj- Napoca. Home Adress: 36 Ioan Budai Deleanu Street, 400474, Cluj- Napoca, Romania. E- mail: Website:


Ioana Antoniu: Mirage The Cluj-Napoca Museum of Art 22-th of June to the 21-th of July, 2016 Preface and introduction by Ioana Antoniu. Ioana Antoniu would like to thank Radu Pulbere, Ioan Sbârciu, Radu Șerban, Duiliu Crișan, Alexandra Breban, Lucian Nastasă-Kovacs, Marcela Pop. Translation in English Language by Luca Pulbere. 50

Photography and catalogue design by Radu Șerban. Printed by GPO Cluj-Napoca.



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