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Where in the Hellenistic world did Greek technology, science, and medicine attain its greatest achievements? 45. Bactria 46. Ptolemaic Alexandria 47. Pergamum 48. Seleucia Answer: b Page: 96
The Hellenistic thinker who proposed a heliocentric theory of the relationship of the earth and planets was 46. Eratosthenes of Cyrene. 47. Euclid. 48. Aristarchus of Samos. 49. Archimedes of Syracuse. Answer: c Page: 96
46. Expertise in which of the following helped to aid Ptolemaic advances in medicine? 47. mummification 48. Hippocrates’ four humors 49. heliocentric theory 50. engineering Answer: a Page: 97
Why did Alexander and the creation of a wider Hellenistic world set religion on the move? 48. Alexander and his successors were recognized as kings and honored as gods.