June Newsletter 2013

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June 2013 Hola, Half term is fast approaching I find it hard to believe we will be into the final half term when we return – the year seems to have gone so quickly. The summer term is always a busy one with sports days, celebration assemblies, summer fairs and trips out for the children. I intend for this to be the final paper version of the newsletter from next half term it will be published on the website, alerts will appear when a newsletter is posted. Please let the school office know if you require a paper copy and we will arrange for you to receive one. Sport I am delighted that so many of our children have been taking part in sports activities after school. Our sports teams have been taking part in a number of competitions and have done very well. The swimming team took part in the local gala and performed brilliantly – well done to you all. The football team (made up of girls and boys) have played in matches and tournaments and won a number of their games and our basketball team won a tournament played over several weeks against local schools – boys you were amazing. I would like to thank Alan from Maghull FC for his support in training sessions and matches. Well done to the children in Year 5 who completed their cycle safety course yesterday, finally the weather was kind to us. Miss Sinnott is busy organising events for National Sports week (24th June). The children will be taking part in lots of activities and competitions, some involving pupils from ST John Bosco. We have set a date for SPORTS DAY –Tuesday 16th July at 1.30pm, if we are rained off it will be held on Thursday 18th July at 1.30pm (we have been promised summer will start in July!) Learning out of school Thank you to the teachers who have organised great trips for the children this term. Years 4 and 5 have been to the Apple Store in Liverpool to take part in interactive workshops. Year 3 enjoyed a great day in Chester finding out all about the Romans. Reception visited Pets at Home to help them learn how to care for their pets. Year 1 are out today at the Language Centre at Green Bank High – watch out Mums and Dads they will all be fluent by the time they get back!!! Mrs Shotton, with the support of the

staff is planning a culture week in July. The children will be learning all about Spain, Spanish life as well as practising their spoken Spanish. We have also organised Junior Chefs to come in and do Spanish cooking with all the classes. I know there are more exciting activities being planned for next half term. Music We have arranged for our musicians to perform for their parents on Tuesday 9th July at 3.00pm. Children in Year 4 will perform on the drums, the flutes, clarinets, violins and after school music club will join them. We look forward to seeing you there. Year 6 We will get dates for all the end of year events to the Year 6 parents after half term. Disco We have booked a school disco for Monday 22nd July. Infants 5.30pm – 6.10 and Juniors 6.15 – 7.15pm. Further details to follow. A number of parents have commented that they haven’t seen Mrs Hogan for a few weeks, she has been unwell but is now beginning to feel much better and hopes to be back with us all before the end of term. I will pass on your regards. Friends of Green Park We have a date for our joint summer fair with St John Bosco. Friday 12th July 3pm6pm. Planning for the event will start after half term Mrs. Derby, will send out letters requesting volunteers during the first week back. It was a great event last year and we are all looking forward to it again this year. I am sure we are due for the sun to shine on us this year. Safety I am aware that there has been concern this week posted on face book about two men “hanging about” outside Green Park and Deyes High. I am not aware of any sightings and having spoken to the two community police officers who were at school yesterday regarding parking, they also confirmed that they are not aware of any sighting. I would like to ask parents if they have any concerns regarding safety around the school that they inform myself or the police immediately rather than place a post on face book, this will ensure matters are dealt with immediately and appropriately.

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