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Lesson Observation Record Form School Date Outstanding Quality of teaching and use of assessment

• Teaching is highly effective in inspiring pupils and results in pupils making exceptional progress. • Teacher’s subject knowledge is excellent and is applied consistently to challenge and inspire pupils.

• Resources make a marked contribution to the quality of learning, as does the precisely targeted support provided by other adults.

Pupils’ learning and progress

• Teacher and other adults are acutely aware of pupils’ capabilities and prior learning and understanding, and plan effectively to build on these. • Teacher systematically and effectively checks on pupils’ understanding throughout the lesson, anticipating where they may need to intervene and doing so with striking impact on the quality of learning. • Marking and dialogue between teachers, other adults and pupils are consistently of a very high quality. • Pupils acquire knowledge, develop understanding and learn and practise skills exceptionally well. • Pupils’ progress is at least good for different groups, and is exemplary for some. • Pupils show exceptional keenness, commitment to succeed and ability to grasp opportunities to extend and improve their learning. • Pupils demonstrate excellent concentration and are rarely off task, even in extended periods without direction from an adult. • Pupils show resilience when tackling challenging activities. • Pupils understand in detail how to improve their work and are consistently supported in doing so. • Pupils’ thoughtful behaviour is an outstanding factor in their successful learning. • Classroom climate encourages risk taking and creative thinking.

Teacher Time Good

Year group Subject Satisfactory


• Teaching is consistently effective in ensuring that pupils are motivated and engaged. • Teaching secures good progress and learning. • Teacher demonstrates strong subject knowledge which enthuses and challenges most pupils and contributes to their good progress. • Imaginative use of made of good quality resources. • Other adults’ support is well focused and makes a significant contribution to the quality of learning. • As a result of good assessment procedures, teachers and other adults plan well to meet the needs of all pupils.

• Teaching ensures that pupils are generally engaged with their work and little time is wasted. • Teaching may be good in some respects. • Teacher’s subject knowledge is secure.

• Teacher listens to, observes and questions groups of pupils during the lesson in order to reshape tasks and explanations to improve and/or extend learning.

• Teacher monitors pupils’ work during lessons and addresses any misconceptions

• Pupils are provided with detailed oral and written feedback.

• Pupils are informed about their progress and how to improve through marking and dialogue with adults. • The extent to which pupils acquire knowledge, develop understanding and learn and practise skills is at least satisfactory. • Pupils make progress expected given their starting points and some, although not the majority, make good progress. • Pupils work steadily and occasionally show high levels of enthusiasm and interest.

• Pupils receive little or no oral and written feedback.

• Pupils can work independently and manage their own learning. • Pupils exploit a range of quality resources which enhance learning.

• Most pupils work effectively when provided with appropriate tasks, resources and guidance.

• Pupils are not clear about the task • Pupils give up easily unless closely directed by an adult.

• Pupils know how well they have done and know what they need to do to sustain good progress • Pupils’ behaviour makes a strong contribution to good learning in lessons. • There are very good relationships and this promotes a positive atmosphere in which achievement flourishes.

• Pupils lack confidence in how to improve the quality of their work.

• Pupils are not clear about what they need to do to improve.

• Pupils’ behaviour ensures that learning proceeds appropriately and time is not wasted.

• Persistent low-level disruption, excessive offtask chatter and a lack of attention impairs learning. • Health and safety of learners is endangered.

• Pupils acquire knowledge, develop understanding and learn and practise skills well. • A very large majority of groups of pupils make at least good progress and some may make outstanding progress. • Pupils are keen to produce their best work and show interest and enthusiasm in their learning.

• Adequate use is made of resources, including other adults, to support learning.

• Regular and accurate assessment informs planning, which generally meets the needs of all groups of pupils.

• Teaching is poorly geared towards the learning objective or fails to gain the interest and commitment of the learners. • Teaching is poorly matched to the pupils’ starting points. • Weak knowledge of the curriculum leads to inaccurate teaching and low demands on pupils. • There is inadequate use of resources, including other adults and the time available.

• Poor assessment and planning take too little account of the pupils’ prior learning • There is a lack of challenge and differentiation. • No evidence of assessment for learning during the lesson. • The pace is too slow and time is wasted which hinders progress.

• The extent to which pupils acquire knowledge, develop understanding and learn and practise skills is inadequate. • Most learners, or a significant specific minority of learners, make less than satisfactory progress. • Pupils do not enjoy the activities, resulting in poor completion of tasks during the lesson.

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