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Shenzhen World, The Largest Trade Fair Venue Globally, Successfully Hosted The World’s Largest Furniture Exhibition
from Sep 2020
Shenzhen World, The Largest Trade Fair Venue Globally, Successfully Hosted The World’s Largest Furniture Exhibion
Shenzhen World has successfully with the outcome of the show. “In the hosted the world’s largest furniture current circumstances we did not expect show, the Shenzhen Internaonal such an overwhelming success, but buyer Furniture Exhibion, which took place interest was very high and thus the show from August 20 unl 23. succeeded much beer than expected.

With the gradual reopening of the exhibion business in China by the central Government many venues have restarted operaons. To date, however, most shows have seen significant reducons in size and aendance In accordance with local health regulaons, Shenzhen World together with the organizer of the Shenzhen Internaonal Furniture Exhibion implemented strict safety protocols. For aendees, social distance keeping and the wearing of face-covering masks throughout the enre venue were mandatory. Addionally, all aendees were obliged to be in possession of their respecve green travel passes (mobile). A further combinaon of health measures, such as body temperature scanners, sanizaon staons and regular cleaning enabled the show to go forward in a safe environment.
The event’s overwhelming success can, amongst other factors, also be aributed to the new product segments which were introduced this year, such as "Challenging Impossibility" by Japanese residence master Sadao Tsuchiya, or “WorkBox: Foreseeing the future 2025”. In addion, a number of world leading brands, like Gensler, Vitra, Haworth or Vita Home took part in the show. As a result, Shenzhen Internaonal Furniture Exhibion, in its first edion in Shenzhen World, advanced to the largest furniture show globally. Exhibitor numbers increased by 75% compared to the previous edion of the show, whilst visitor numbers increased by nearly 40% to 216.000.
With 320.000 gross m² and more than 140.000 net rented m² the size of the show nearly tripled. Oliver Hou, Execuve Chairman of the Shenzhen Furniture Associaon, the organizer of Shenzhen Internaonal Furniture Exhibion, expressed that he was extremely pleased For the next edion of the show in 2021 we expect that the show will use 400.000m², the enre space of Shenzhen World.” Mr. Yun Ma, President and CEO of Shenzhen World, said: “Hosng such a big show was a challenge for us but also very rewarding. Shenzhen World, with its ample hall space, its large boulevards, its grand meeng rooms and vast F&B areas is the only venue globally which can host such shows and we are proud that the enre event took place smoothly and so successfully”.
Dr. Gerd Weber, partner at jwc, said: “It is clear that when we at jwc developed the Master Plan for Shenzhen World, we did not foresee the extent of a Covid-19 situaon. But of course, seeing today that Shenzhen World was capable to host an event of this size in the current circumstances, gives us great sasfacon and confirms our venue development philosophy”.
2020 IELA General Assembly Elecon Results: Guido Fornelli Elected As New IELA Chairman 2020
The Internaonal Exhibion Logiscs Associaon (IELA) has elected a new chairman and four new exhibion logiscs leaders to its Board of Management. Three Women leaders were elected to head the 'IELA Strategy in the NEW NOW' project.
Guido Fornelli was elected as the new Chairman for a period of two years. Guido has been involved with the Associaon since 1992 and joined the IELA BOM for the first me in 2003. Aer the announcement of the results, the new Chairman Guido Fornelli stated:“I'm honoured to be the Chairman of our Associaon and look forward to starng work with the new elected Board. It is amazing to see that distance didn't dampen, but even increased, our enthusiasm for involvement and parcipaon in IELA life during the last months.

The Digital Assembly and e-mail vote are definitely an experience of a new kind this year. I strongly hope we'll not need to repeat it in the future!!! It is indeed so sad that we did not get the chance to meet in person as usual and have to shi to our interesng Zoom meengs. Let's hope we can step into a “New Now” next year and resume the work we love and which we are used to handling so successfully. I can assure you that myself, the IELA Board and Elizabeth's Team are restless to connue on project development and to deliver the value we all need to overcome the Pandemic with new ideas, new tools and new plaorms for the new era! ”

The newly-formed IELA 2020-2021 BOM welcomes 4 new faces this year for a 2- year term. The following individuals are all recognised leaders in the exhibion logiscs industry and already involved in the associaon's acvies:
Ÿ Mahias Dornscheidt, Vice President Global Fairs & Exhibions - Schenker Deutschland AG, Germany Alexandra Erdmann, CEO - Swiss Expo Logiscs Ltd., Switzerland Daniel Mithran, Director - JIM Project & Expo Logiscs (M) Sdn.Bhd, Malaysia Jacqui Nel, Director - EF-GSM South Africa, South Africa
The 2020-2021 IELA COMMITTEE: During the General Assembly, Lena Widman, Managing Director - On-Site Exhibions AB, Sweden, was elected as new Commiee Member, joining Greg Keh, COO of TWI Group Inc., USA and Ravinder Sethi, Managing Director of R.E. Rogers India Pvt. Ltd., India., to form the 2020-2021 IELA Commiee.
Elizabeth Niehaus, Execuve Officer of IELA sad: “The NEW NOW poses new challenges to the event value chain. The exhibion and event industry is a truly global industry made of resilient, creave and strong people. It's the factor People which is the answer to all new threats. A great example is the new IELA Board of Management, ready to take decisive acons and launch a formal transformaon programme for the associaon.
We are parcularly proud that women leaders make up 40% of Management. They will be a source of inspiraon to ignite IELA acvies from another perspecve, bringing their fresh input, ideas and iniaves to drive IELA into the future.
The IELA trademark stands for excellence and cohesion in the industry. IELA is commied to the industry and to its members and is determined to acvely promote the paramount role of events and exhibions for all economies worldwide more than ever.”