Lotus Guide Spring/Summer Issue

Page 14

How Can You Get the Best Psychic Reading? By Margaret VanLaanMartin


love doing Psychic Readings and healing practices of all different kinds! But what is best for you? Do you need specific answers? For example, do you want a connection with a loved one who has passed from this lifetime? Would it be helpful to find out what a person in your current life did to you or you to them in a past life? Do you need healing? Do you want someone to stop sucking energy from you? Do you need validation of paranormal activity? Are you tired of a habit that drains you and costs time and money? Are you in the process of amazing change spiritually or had a horrible experience and want to work with someone one-on-one to release the trauma and move forward on your unique new path? As a Psychic, Medium, and Healer, I share my services custom designed for you from my years of training, receiving information from different teachers, and sharing experiences with my many students and clients. Over the years, I have developed many reading and healing modalities so you can get the results you desire or the connections you crave.

Do you need specific answers? Have a Tarot reading. I am a skilled intuitive tarot reader who can make the message from the tarot cards come to life for you so you can understand the current energy surrounding your personal situation. A reading can give you so much information. I recommend using tarot reading throughout your life to gain insight into your relationships, career, health, state of abundance, or any other situation you are thinking about. Do you want to connect with a loved one who has passed from this lifetime? Have a Mediumship reading. Love is the only energy that can transcend death. Your loved ones do not stop loving you or stop wanting to communicate with you just because they have made their transition beyond human existence. Through everlasting love, their Spirit is still connected to you and willingly passes information along so you can receive it in ways you will understand. Acting as a Medium, I hear, feel and see

the information in the form of memories, symbols, aromas, references to family photos, belongings, and heirloom items. And your loved ones can also acknowledge other loved ones who are also present for you and want to be heard. Would it be helpful to find out what a person in your current life did to you or you to them in a past life? Have a Past Life reading. Your past life reading will clarify what is going on within your relationships and can: - Identify the old habits you have brought into this lifetime. - Help you see more clearly what is blocking your path. - Explain why certain people in your current life act the way they do. - See old patterns and make changes in line with your hopes and dreams. - Help you resolve conflicts. - Get along better with others. - Live a more productive life. Do you need healing? Do you want someone to stop sucking energy from you? Have a Chakra healing with cord-cutting.



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