The Things Nobody Tells You!
The Ultimate Guide to the Law of Attraction (The Things Nobody Tells You!) Man’s Search For Meaning In Taoist philosophy, it is said that once upon a time, man was in harmony with all life. When man began to interfere with nature by establishing Laws and forcing his Will, he lost The Way. The Way in Taoism is much like the Law of Attraction. It is attuning with the Universe and manifesting abundance through its inherent nature. As discussed earlier, The Law of Attraction is working all the time. Just because man has lost The Way doesn’t mean it cannot be found again. The journey is cyclical: death, followed by new life. We lose The Way, we find The Way. Whenever we find The Way again, it is through a new window, a new aspect of discovery, giving us even more meaning than we had before. We have an incredible opportunity in our day and age. We have the opportunity to understand The Way in a completely different way, allowing our species to evolve and manifest even more abundance than ever before. Manifestation oftentimes seems out of reach, inaccessible, or daunting. But in reality, anyone at any level can manifest with a little dedication. So, let’s dive into this!
What Exactly IS the Law of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction is simple: you attract what you pay attention to. Let’s break down why this works. Everything in our Universe is made up of matter. Matter is simply anything that exists or takes up space. Matter is constantly in motion. This motion is called energy. All energy has a certain distinct quality, resulting in an existence full of wonderful variety, but also gives way to the illusion of separation. This illusion of separation occurs when we view things that are connected as completely separate entities. For instance, the colors of the rainbow are all colors, but blue looks different from red. In other words, they are of the same fabric, yet emit a different quality. These are perfect examples of energy multiplicity. Different colors all come from the same source, yet emit different frequencies that make them unique. We can use the word frequency to determine the quality of energy.
That being said, your soul emits its own frequencies. Some of these frequencies are your physical qualities of appearance. Some of these frequencies are your nature or your traits. Some frequencies are constantly changing, such as your thoughts and emotions. These particular frequencies emit a signal into the Universe through your breath and your speech. They are all YOU. There is no actual separation. Just different qualities that you possess, most of which go through transformations and change form as time passes. Much like the different attributes that make up the body, our collective bodies are simply forms of matter that make up the Universe. We are not separate from the Universe. We are simply different frequencies of matter. Therefore, we are connected to the Universe and everything it holds. The Universe responds to our frequencies much like our brain responds to our nerve signals. The Universe is a place of infinite possibility and responds to our requests. This is why prayer is so powerful. Prayer uses the Law of Attraction. However, the “power of prayer” is happening whether we’re actually praying or not. The Law of Attraction is literally happening all the time, much like any universal law, such as the law of gravity, or the law of thermodynamics. When we emit a frequency, the same frequency returns to us. When we emit thoughts and feelings of abundance, we receive abundance. Alternatively, when we emit thoughts and feelings of poverty, we receive poverty. Perception is infinite, yet we pick our reality. It’s possible to manifest anything and everything.
This book is intended to help you change your internal thought patterns and start to habitually emit the proper frequencies to create a life of happiness and abundance for yourself.
Why This Law of Attraction Source is Different From All the Others Out There Yes, I need to make a living so I can continue to bring these sources to you. But I don’t want your money to feed my own wallet. I want to feed my own wallet so I can help you. You may have heard of Law of Attraction resources such as the people behind The Secret. But, in all honesty, I believe that the people that run The Secret are mostly just feeding themselves. This e-book is different. Yes, what the people from The Secret say are half correct. You CAN use the Law of Attraction to your advantage. You CAN manifest abundance, happiness, and prosperity. YES, The Universe will provide for you and you have access to all the infinite wisdom and resources of the Universe…. BUT NO… It’s not easy. And it won’t happen overnight. I can’t promise that you’ll get rich tomorrow if you say a few affirmations. Like everything that I preach, I intend to convey to you that everything you want in life requires work and persistence. Humans are dysfunctional.
We harbor old, stale, stagnant energy in our electromagnetic fields. I don’t say this to scare you. This just simply IS. It’s reality. But, the old, stale, stagnant energy is not the problem. The problem is that we live in a society today that does not properly train the general populace on how to clear that energy. Just like when you practice physical body hygiene by showering every day, you must also practice spiritual body hygiene. If you don’t understand how to do the very simple, natural task of routine maintenance on your own energy body, that stale, stagnant energy builds up. This ignorance of how to clear our energy fields is the problem. Not the energy itself. The energy itself is just energy. It’s moveable. It’s malleable. It’s transformable. Clearing out old energy is a really big part of manifesting properly, and it is a step that the resources currently available just don’t cover. This book will cover how to do the real work in a way that will make manifestation actually happen for you!
The First Step: Attune to the Right Mindset Picture yourself driving on a highway with an infinite amount of lanes. Every lane, in this case, represents a different reality. Manifestation is turning that blinker on, checking your sights, and shifting to the lane that you want to be in. To change lanes, we change our frequency. To
change our frequency, we change our mental patterns, our emotional patterns, and our physical patterns.
Express Gratitude Express gratitude for the abundance that is already in your life. Start a page in a journal and write it all down. Begin with “I am grateful for” and emit the frequency of gratitude as you write. I do this myself by starting every session of manifesting with counting my blessings. “I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for clean water and food. I am grateful that I have somewhere to sleep tonight.” It’s easy to focus on the things we don’t have or the things we want, but it’s important to switch frequencies before you start writing things down, otherwise all the universe hears is “I don’t have this” or “I don’t have that.”
Keep a Manifestation Journal The next step is to write down everything you want, in every sector of your life. Your work/career, your social life, the things you own, money, health/lifestyle, your art and passions, etc. Physically writing this down is strongly recommended. There is something to be said about the intention and ceremony of physically writing this down--this can be a great start to a manifestation journal (I update mine whenever I find myself lost or after a bad day and it always puts me in a better mood.) Be detailed and do not hold back. Write dollar amounts when discussing money, make and model for cars, etc. Keeping a manifestation journal is a really good way to organize your manifestation goals. When you write them down, you’re solidifying them on paper, which emits a frequency. Make sure this journal is used specifically for manifestation.
Go through the list and meditate on each item, speaking them as a mantra. Use the sound vibrations of your voice to reverberate in the outside world and then out into the Universe. Don’t just say your manifestations, but feel them. Feel them as if you already have them and are grateful for them.
Involve Others Another tip is trying to visualize or picture others affected by what you’re trying to manifest. For example, let’s say you really want to go to a concert but you can’t figure out how you’re going to pay for it. Visualizing yourself there, and being grateful for being there is a good start. A good next step is incorporating others in your visualizations. Imagine the ticketing person being really friendly about processing your ticket. Picture the band really vibing with you in the crowd. Visualize telling the Lyft driver about how great the concert was. This is a particularly good method when you can’t quite figure out how you’re going to make everything happen.
Spiritual Practices to Enhance Manifestation
Feng Shui and the Law of Attraction Did you know that your living space also affects the Law of Attraction? Actually, all spaces do, but your living space in particular, as they are the most under YOUR control, your energy coincides with it, and you identify with it. Using proper feng shui techniques can allow your living space itself to be clear and able to attract the right frequencies. Feng shui is the Chi (Life Force) energy of a space. Simple as that. You want your rooms Chi to be free of stagnant energy and contain objects that manifest the things you want into your life.
First, declutter. The single most important thing about feng shui is to declutter. To do a full, official feng shui, you are supposed to go through every single item in your home and if it doesn’t serve an immediate practical function or bring you joy, you get rid of it. That bowl that you never really liked? Throw it out. Decorations you’ve outgrown? Trashcan. Once you’ve gone through everything and decided what to keep, organize them. Everything should have a place where it’s easily findable and returned to that place when it’s done being used. Finally, clean everything! Light cannot shine where there is dust. The cleaner and more decluttered everything is, the more that energy can move and light can fill up the space.
Feng Shui Bagua The next aspect of feng shui is the Bagua, which is a map that you can use in a space to funnel the energy to the most opportune places. Your space can be divided into certain areas that do better with certain shapes, colors, and items. This stuff is effective, but doesn’t work if things are cluttered or dirty to begin with, so remember, decluttering is the foundation for feng shui to work. You can find Baguas online that you can map with your house that will guide you to specific colors, shapes, and items that you can place in certain areas of your house to attract certain energy. There is an Eastern and Western Bagua. I recommend the Western because it is easier to follow. Proper feng shui will impact your energy body positively, which will affect your psychology so you can transmit a cleaner frequency to the Universe.
Limiting Beliefs and the Poverty Mindset The western world has very backward ideals about wealth. We assign so much value to money that it affects the way we view people. We deem people below the poverty line to be of less
worth than people with an enormous amount of wealth. The amount of money we have becomes attached to our self-identity and therefore our sense of purpose. We all want to feel worthy, valued, and loved. If we fall below the poverty line, it’s very easy to fall into an “energetic poverty mindset.” The poverty mindset is when we unconsciously decide we are unworthy of monetary comfort and therefore keep attracting more monetary problems. We accumulate more debt, accumulate more bills, and attract even less money. The poverty mindset translates to “I can’t afford” or “I don’t deserve.” We view poverty as a trap that we will never escape and therefore use the Law of Attraction to our disadvantage. Poverty can mean a lot of things. It can mean financial poverty, social poverty, emotional poverty, spiritual poverty, etc. And it can all compound on itself starting with socioeconomic status- because we place so much import on it as a culture. Now, you’re in a poverty spiral that is impacting every aspect of your life! Understand that regardless of socioeconomic status, you are Here. You are Here because the Universe wants you to be, otherwise you wouldn’t be Here. This means that, like all other human beings, you are worthy of this space. You deserve to be here, you deserve to be happy, and you deserve to be prosperous. It is VERY VERY hard to change that dialogue when everyone around you tells you that you should value something different. You have to really step into your power and absolutely believe y ou are worthy of health and abundance. Only real belief and change of mindset will get the Law of Attraction to work for you. Empty words are just empty words- they carry a minimal frequency.
This involves staying very consistent with new positive habits and reminding yourself that you live in an abundant Universe. That’s only the first step. Taking direct action is the second step. Using The Law of Attraction will naturally build your confidence. This confidence, in turn, will allow you to make choices that will influence your position as well. Don’t be afraid to take risks. Apply for that job you’re after. Network and connect with people. Go back to school. Get yourself in a position to receive more of the abundance that you deserve. In Hadith Qudsi, it is said that if you take one step towards the Universe, the Universe will take ten to meet you. If you keep making steps towards your financial goals, the Universe will help you more and more along your journey. Most people forget this last but crucial step. Say you want to manifest more friends who are into metalheads. You write it down and you’re grateful for it. Great, but they’re not going to spawn in your bedroom. Join some Facebook groups. Download MeetUp. Go to a heavy metal show. Perhaps this works because this really tells the universe you’re serious about what you want. This is particularly helpful for health and fitness goals.
Rid Yourself of Limiting Beliefs One of the most important things when dealing with the Law of Attraction is letting go of limiting beliefs. “I can’t have this thing because of this” “It’s impossible for me to have this because of this.” The universe will literally rebuild itself to manifest what it is you want. It’s important to remember that there is room on top for everyone; rather, the universe is abundant. Everyone can manifest what they need.
Clearing Out Energy Clutter Many people will say that they did all of the right things. They meditated, used the manifestation book, said all the right affirmations, etc. Sometimes, they’ll perform all this and say that the Law of Attraction still isn’t working for them. In fact, this is more common than not. Like I said earlier, your energy body attracts the same frequencies that it emanates. Much of your energy body is made up of unconscious frequencies that you’re not even aware of. It could be false stories and negative thinking patterns that are carried down from your ancestral lineage. Your family influences you in heavy ways that you aren’t necessarily actively aware of. It could be past wounds from when you were a kid that haven’t healed. You could be carrying the fears, desires, and stories from others that aren’t even your energy. You carry energy cords that connect you to the people in your life. If you don’t clear these energy cords, those built-up energies can affect your energy frequencies. You may have even more severe things going on such as trauma, soul loss, and ancestral damage. Ancestral damage resides in your roots and since they aren’t necessarily a part of your direct experience in your lifetime, you may be wholly unaware of it. Unfortunately, you can’t bring in new energy if you’re still harboring the old. It’s very important to clear all of your energy when you start manifesting. The Law of Attraction simply isn’t operating on the level of your soul’s desire when you have all of this stuff bogging you down.
Unconscious Energy Clearing Regardless of if we consciously know how to do an energy clearing, the energy is going to go somewhere. If it gets stuck in your body, you will manifest things you do not want to manifest. Additionally, you may feel fatigued, depressed, anxious, antsy, unhappy, etc. Because this energy needs to be released, we tend to find things that release this energy in the physical/material world. Some are healthy, some are not so healthy.
Addiction is the main way that we release stagnant energy in unhealthy ways. We can be addicted to a multitude of things and most of us are. We can be addicted to drugs, we can be addicted to sex, we can be addicted to food, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, video games, social media, people, slacking off, working too hard, unhealthy thought patterns, etc. An addiction is characterized by an obsessive force in your life that keeps you from living your truth in an aligned, good way. Moderation of these things are fine. As soon as things fall out of balance, stagnant energy builds. There are ways to release old energy in more conscious ways, which will naturally allow these other methods of energy release to fall to normal levels. Exercise is one of the most natural and healthy ways to release stagnant energy. We all already know the various health benefits of exercise and the biggest reason for that is the energy release. Not many of us are aware that it is immediately beneficial for manifesting. I highly recommend a consistent energy regimen if you want to use the Law of Attraction to its fullest. There are forms of exercise that are designed specifically to teach to how to run your energy. Most martial arts- especially Tai Chi, are designed for this purpose. For those that require a good degree of physical energy release, Tai Chi is highly recommended.
Meditation Basics Meditation is one of the most natural and healthy ways to release stagnant energy. Meditation is fundamental to the Law of Attraction. Meditation clears out old energy. This old energy that you might not even be aware of is emitting a frequency and therefore receiving energy too. You could end up attracting a lot of things that you don’t want simply because this old energy is getting in the way. This old energy could be embedded family mind patterns, old pain you’ve forgotten about, identities that no longer serve you, etc
Practicing meditation can start clearing this energy and getting you back to baseline, freeing up the space for you to start accepting newer, cleaner energy into your life. Meditation is pretty simple. Sit, either cross-legged or in a chair. And, with your eyes open, turn your attention to your breath. Once you are in tune with your breathe, slowly close your eyes. Start listening to any sounds that you hear: a TV in the background, the A/C blowing, birds chirping, etc. This is just to put you in a state of being aware of your surroundings rather than listening to your inner dialogue. A state of awareness is the most basic, natural state. It keeps you here. It keeps you present. You don’t have to identify any of the sounds, or respond to them emotionally in any way. You are just passively observing them. Noticing them. Then, draw your attention, again, to your breath. Pull your focus as far into it as you can. Is it tight? Easy? Shallow? Deep? You’re not trying to change it. Just noticing. Whenever you get lost in thought, no problem. Just bring your attention back to your breath whenever you remember. Mindfulness meditation tunes you into the inner workings of how your body feels and where you mind tends to wander. From there you can begin reprogramming how you respond to certain stories. When you are able to clear out these old stories, you can manifest purer energy into your life.
How to Do a Basic Energy Clearing This is how to do a basic energy clearing using a mixture of foundational methods and the Chinese chakra system:
Step one will cover connecting with the earth and sky. Step two will cover the clearing of each chakra. Step three will cover a body scan. Step four will cover energy grounding. Step five will cover boundary tending. Sit down to a mindfulness meditation center for about 5 minutes. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and being tuning your mind to your purest frequency. Then, begin the clearing exercise. Step One: Turn your attention to your crown chakra right at the top of your head. Picture it opening to receiving love and light from the highest power of the Universe. Feel a white cord of light extending from the center of your head all the way up, connecting with the highest power. With each in-breath, breathe in love, light, and divine energy. With each out-breath, extend your cord higher. Slowly bring this light from the highest power down through your head and into your heart. Then down into your stomach, then down to your feet. Next, extend your white cord down through all the layers of the earth right down to the center. Slowly start bringing your awareness to your body. Feel the force of gravity pressing your body into the ground. Keeping you safe. Keeping you on this planet. Then, starting with your feet and slowly moving all the way to the top of your head, scan your body slowly. Notice how every part of your body feels. Every muscle, your skin, every strand of hair, every atom. Just notice how it naturally feels.You’re not trying to change it. You’re not reacting to it. Just passively observing it and really feeling it. Feel the energy of the solid stillness of the earth. With each in-breath, draw this earth energy through your feet into your root chakra, located at the base of your tailbone. With each out-breath, extend your chord further into the center of the earth. Step Two:
Root Chakra: Starting with your feet, draw this combination of earth and sky energy through your feet, through your legs, into your root chakra. Your root chakra rules your ancestral line and your connection with the earth. A healthy root chakra attracts frequencies of safety and security. A healthy root chakra tells you that you have a right to be here, on his earth, at this time. Feel that white light begin to penetrate your root chakra. As you breathe this earth energy into your root chakra, picture it turning a beautiful color of pure red and spinning faster and faster. Affirm that your root chakra is centered, aligned, balanced, and purified. Take a few breaths for each one. Affirm that you are safe and secure. This is the foundational aspect of the Law of Attraction. Sacral Chakra: Take another in-breathe and move this energy up into your sacral chakra, located in your stomach. With each in-breath, feel your stomach chakra turning a bright pure color orange and spinning faster and faster. Your sacral chakra rules your relationship with people outside of your family, sexuality, sensuality, emotions, and creativity. A healthy sacral chakra tells you that you have a right to feel. Repeat the mantras from step one with the affirmation the you express your emotions and creativity openly and freely. Solar Plexus: Repeat the same steps as before. The solar plexus chakra is yellow, is a fire element, and draws its power from the sun, and is the seat of the ego. It is located right above your navel and rules empowerment and self-esteem. A healthy solar plexus tells you that you have a right to free will. Heart Chakra: Repeat the same steps as before. The heart chakra is green and draws from the air element. It is deeply connected to nature and unity. It is located in the center of your chest. A healthy heart chakra tells you that you have the right to love and be loved.
Throat Chakra: Repeat the same steps as before. The throat chakra is located in your throat. It is sky blue and correlates with the akasha element. A healthy throat chakra encourages you to speak and live in alignment with your soul’s truth. Third Eye Chakra: Repeat the same steps as before. The third eye chakra is located between your eyebrows. Its color is indigo and its element is divine light. It deals with intuition and divine sight. You may have heard it being referred to as the “sixth sense.” A healthy third eye chakra allows you to see things as they are with perfect clarity. Manifestation levels are very high here. Definitely work to cultivate a stable, balanced third eye chakra. Crown Chakra: Repeat the same steps as before. The crown chakra is massive. It is violet. It deals with the connection to the divine, or the absolute, or the unmanifest. Its element is consciousness/existence itself. A healthy chakra reminds you that you simply ARE. The mantra is simply a resounding I AM.
Step Three: Body Scan A body scan is simple. After reaching your crown chakra and meditating on the energy of your open chakras for a while, start to bring your awareness/energy back into your head, allowing your crown chakra to “rest.” Then scan your entire body closely as you move down through each chakra, allowing them all to rest. Feel every atom in your body as you scan down. Every muscle, even each strand of hair. Down through your head into your throat, through your shoulders and arms, through your core, slowly down your legs right to the bottoms of your feet.
Step Four: Energy Grounding
After scanning the bottoms of your feet, reach, like the root of a tree, all the way down through all the layers of the earth right to the center of the earth. Feel her energy. Feel its cool, dark, centered presence. It’s tranquility. It’s calm. With every in-breath, bring this earth energy into your body. With each out-breath, extend your energy roots even further into the earth’s core. Feel the gravity pressing your body into the earth. Keeping you safe, secure, and grounded firmly on the earth’s surface.
Step Five: Boundary Tending Boundaries are an important part of energy hygiene that is often overlooked. We all have an energy boundary around us that protects our energy from outside energy that we don’t want to have in our energy body. It is elliptical and generally is spread out about an arm’s length from your body in all directions. Begin to send feelers out to the edge of your boundary. Try to make note of its color, its shape, if it’s thin or thick, what the substance feels like, and if there’s any leaks or holes in your boundary. Your boundary can even be too rigid or over fortified which is called shielding. Once you get a sense of what your boundary looks like you can use the law of attraction to start patching it up and getting it to a healthy level. No leaks and no shielding. Once you’ve accomplished all this and made it a part of a consistent routine, you can begin to see real results in your manifestation.
Now You’re Ready to Start Manifesting! The most important rule of manifestation is that time isn’t real and negativity doesn’t register with the highest good. Therefore using negations is ineffective and asking for stuff in the future is pretty ineffective. For example, saying “I am going to have money someday” means nothing to the Universe. Saying, “I am ready now to accept the abundance and prosperity that I deserve” notifies the Universe that you are ready and asking. Manifestation is about changing your energetic patterns, your thinking patterns, and your emotional patterns over time so that you can be open to the happiness and abundance that you
deserve. It’s understanding your soul’s real purpose within humanity and moving wholeheartedly towards that truth.
Taking Action Most people forget this last but crucial step. Say you want to manifest more friends who are into metalheads. You write it down and you’re grateful for it. Great, but they’re not going to spawn in your bedroom. Join some Facebook groups. Download MeetUp. Go to a heavy metal show. Perhaps this works because this really tells the universe you’re serious about what you want. This is particularly helpful for health and fitness goals. Just setting that energetic imprint isn’t enough. It is only the first step. You have to also take action to manifest it physically. It’s the culmination of manifesting spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically with action that heeds the best results. Take an active part in what you want to see happen for yourself and in the world, planning and strategizing accordingly so that you have all layers setting you up for success.
The Importance of Daily Practice My own daily manifestation practices change from time to time; I get bored easily with my visualizations and routines. I tend to write in my manifestation notebook whenever I experience
any sort of weird moods or bad days; it serves as a sort of therapy and reminder of the bigger picture. It also functions as a sort of avenue to touch base with my goals and desires, leaving me with a little more clarity at the end of the session. I often find myself caught up with life. In this busy lifestyle, it’s easy to have so much going on that you forget what your putting in work for. You don’t want to just spin your wheels. That’s not what life is about. Physically writing in a journal everyday is definitely a recommended practice if you can spare the time. This combined with morning meditation will most likely yield greater results while also starting the day on a high note. This could also be done at night as part of a bedtime routine. If physical writing isn’t your cup of tea, perhaps a personalized affirmation combined with visualization. This currently better suits my life; I’ve added manifestation to my grounding meditation practice every morning. While this certainly doesn’t replace my manifestation journal--which I do believe anyone serious about the Law of Attraction should have--it is a lot more practical and more accessible in that I can do this anywhere, anytime. Daily practice is essential and effective because you are slowly tuning your energy to the frequency that you want. Over time, it will integrate deeper and deeper into your energy body until all aspects of yourself are actively manifesting what you want.
Notice Synchronicity Have you ever noticed synchronicities? For instance, you learn a new word and then you start hearing it everywhere, or you get a song stuck in your head and end up hearing it somewhere later that day? This is manifesting! Start to make note of where little synchronicities are occuring. They are common because with little synchronicities like this, we are unattached to the outcome. And because we have little emotional attachment, we’re able to emit a frequency without hanging on to the frequencies too
tightly. They get released into the Universe and come back to us with ease. Noticing synchronicities when they happen is a great way to start getting acquainted with what it feels like to manifest, so you can manifest bigger things more consciously in the same way that you manifest these little occurrences.
The Art of Letting Go When we want something very badly, we have a tendency to hold on tight to it, as if letting go of that deep desire will prevent you from ever having it. In actuality, if you hang on too tight to a thought or feeling, it will become trapped in your energy body and begin to fester. The Universe can do nothing for you because you are not sending the frequency signal out into the Universe. If it cannot receive the message, the Universe can do nothing to help you. Practice letting go of what you want or need. When you let it go, like a radio signal, it goes out into the Universe and then returns to you. Learning to let go is very difficult at first. It is easy to fear letting go because our brains process it as falling into the unknown. Don’t worry! Just fall! The Universe will catch you! And with that…. GO MANIFEST!