Auxilia: Email Marketing & Blogs

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Auxilia: Email Marketing & Blogs

Email Marketing Sample Set One: Email 1 {First Name}, are you getting your name out there? Hi {First Name} Increasing your social media presence can feel like an uphill battle. Auxilia’s donation management system includes tools to help you manage your social media presence. It can: ● ● ●

Collect and analyze data so you can reach the people that matter Access multiple generations with an effective turnkey solution Use marketing communication tools to increase recurring donations

Visit our website to ​schedule a demo​ or ​sign up for a free trial​. Email 2 {First Name}, will people be talking about your next event? Hi {First Name,} Did you know Auxilia’s unique donor portal can help you take your events to the next level? Our platform makes it easier than ever for donors to connect with you. Donors can manage their own accounts, helping them feel more involved. What better way to strike up a conversation? Visit us ​or ​sign up for a free trial​ of Auxilia’s donor management software to see for yourself! Email 3 You don’t have to go it alone, {First Name}.

Hey there, {First Name,} At Auxilia, we know that the key to donor retention is all about strengthening the relationship with your donors. That is why our platform provides excellent tools for social sharing- bringing you closer together by empowering your donors. Curious about how we do it? You can visit our website to ​schedule a demo​ or s​ ign up for a free trial​. Email 4 {First Name,} inspire change with peer-to-peer fundraising! {First Name,} Never underestimate how willing your donors might be to help fundraise on your behalf! But do they have the right resources to do it? That’s where Auxilia’s social sharing platform tools come in. Our donor platform makes it easy for donors to share your nonprofit with others. Find out how by ​contacting us​ here! Email 5 {First Name,} are you getting the donors you need? {First Name}, Engage with donors in a different way with Auxilia’s unique donor portal. We put the power right in the donor’s hands by allowing them to connect, engage, and see their impact on a deeper and more detailed level. Dying to see how it works? Start a conversation by ​contacting us​ here!

Sample Set Two: Email 1 {First Name,} say goodbye to social media letdowns Hi, {First Name,} We know social media can be challenging. That’s why we do what we do! Auxilia can help you grow your social media presence with our unique turnkey solution that uses advanced tools to reach multiple generations. Spend less time stressing and more time finding loyal donors! Visit our website to ​schedule a demo​ or ​sign up for a free trial​. Email 2 {First Name,} are you being seen and heard? {First Name,} We don’t have to tell you that a successful nonprofit is built on awareness of your brand. Did you know you can build awareness faster and more effectively with Auxilia? With access to our diverse pool of tools, analytics, data, and support, you’ll be off to the races in no time. Visit our website to ​schedule a demo​ or ​sign up for a free trial​ of Auxilia’s donor management software. Email 3 {First Name,} organizing your nonprofit just got easier Hey {First Name,} Guess what?

You can finally manage the ins and outs of your nonprofit all in one system. With Auxilia you can: ● ● ● ●

Manage donor engagement Manage payment processing Coordinate event management Facilitate better social engagement

Find out how by visiting our website to ​schedule a demo​ or ​sign up for a free trial​. Email 4 {First Name,} are you connected to the donors you need? Hi {First Name,} We know it can be time-consuming to make all the connections you need for your nonprofit to thrive. Auxilia makes it so much easier to expand your network in the ways that matter. Our powerful marketing tools increase effective communication with your current connections while locating key donors with advanced data collection. But don’t just take our word for it! ​Contact us​ to try it for free! Email 5 Empower. Engage. Enrich. {First Name,} Auxilia works tirelessly to make it as easy as possible for nonprofits to achieve their unique goals. Here are some of the things Auxilia can do for you: ● ●

Empower your relationships with your donors by using powerful analytical tools to understand them better and maximize donations Engage with your audience by using enhanced marketing and social media tools

Enrich your current connections and increase your network with advanced communication tools

Interested? ​Contact us​ and we’ll walk you through the simple transition process.

Sample Set Three: Email 1 Subject line: {First Name}, we are here to help! Hi {First Name}, We understand you may be affected by this time of crisis, so we have a special offer for you. We are offering our services at no cost for the first 90 days. After the first 90 days, you will get half off for the remaining months of the COVID-19 crisis. (you will get half off for life?) You will get access to all of our unique nonprofit portal services such as: ● ● ●

In-depth data analytics Specialized marketing tools Generation-based donor engagement

And more! Contact us ​here and we’ll get you set up right away. Email 2 Subject line: We are all in this together, {First Name}! {First Name,} We know your organization helps make the world a better place. With the current crisis, it’s more important than ever for us to pull together to get through this. We want to help you succeed, so we are offering our donor management services to you at no cost for the first 90 days.

You will get access to a variety of features such as influencer scoring to help you identify key donors, in-depth data reports, and unique marketing tools to help you reach the ones that matter. You don’t have to go this alone. Contact us​ here to sign up today! Email 3 Subject line: {First Name}, your services are needed now… more than ever! As more and more people are falling on hard times due to the COVID-19 crisis, nonprofits are needed now more than ever! In order for nonprofits to stay afloat, donor retention and growth is ​essential. This is why Auxilia is extending a unique offer: You will get access to our nonprofit donor portal at no cost for the first 90 days. With Auxilia, you will increase: ● ● ●

Donor engagement with generation-based outreach Donor growth by identifying the key donors that matter Donor retention with enhanced data collection that supports fundraising goals

Please ​contact us​ now so we can help you! Email 4 Subject line: {First Name}, get unique insights into online fundraising- the new normal! Hi {First Name}, The nonprofit landscape is changing. Online fundraising is our new normal in these uncertain times. This might be scary to navigate… but thankfully, Auxilia is here to help!

To make this virtual life as painless as possible, we are offering our services to you at no cost for the next 90 days. You’ll get access to our innovative donor software that is easy to use and makes online fundraising and donor growth a breeze! We’ll walk you through each step. All you need to do is ​contact us​ to get started!


Nonprofit Partnership: Why in the World Does It Matter? How to Cultivate Relationships With Grantmaking Foundations How to Effectively Use Social Media to Build Brand Awareness 4 Ways to Rescue Your Nonprofit From Financial Hardship 4 Amazing Benefits of Nonprofit Internships How to Build a Successful Board 4 Helpful Tips to Boost Donations on GivingTuesday Creating a Post-Pandemic Plan How to Make Virtual Networking a Success Feeling Stuck? Here are 4 Helpful Virtual Volunteer Opportunities

Photo Credit: ​Perry Grone

Nonprofit Partnership: Why in the World Does It Matter? As you may know, running a nonprofit business comes with a variety of challenges, including managing funding, running operations, raising awareness, and maintaining efficiency. One of the things you can do to assist you with these challenges is partnering up with another nonprofit business in order to help each other tackle unique issues. But this raises the question​: how can collaboration with other nonprofits specifically benefit you? And how can you collaborate effectively? Increasing Awareness One of the biggest assets to nonprofit partnership is getting access to a broader audience. When partnering with another nonprofit organization, you are able to expand your scope of awareness to their donors, supporters, etc. Budgetary restrictions are one of the main hurdles for nonprofit organizations, and pairing with another nonprofit can drastically improve your donation base. When considering who to partner

with, you may want to take a look at who you lack in your donation base and how you might be able to fill that gap. For instance, there may be a specific demographic that is potentially interested in your nonprofit and you simply need an effective way to get their attention. A great way to reach them is to find a nonprofit that already has a solid audience base with that demographic. On top of that, ​you​ might have a demographic that they want greater access to. You can combine your promotional efforts to increase awareness for both organizations. Shared Resources If you find a nonprofit whose message or services are complementary to your own, you might want to consider saving money by combining resources. For instance, your nonprofit may not have access to certain technologies, such as computer software. That could be because most of your money is being used for marketing, programs, event organization, or a variety of other things. Your nonprofit could team up with an organization that has advanced computer systems but lacks outreach. In this way, you can combine resources to fuel and bolster each other, expanding what you are both able to accomplish. Credibility If you’re a newer nonprofit, it can be a great idea to partner with a well-established nonprofit to gain credibility and social proof. If your nonprofit shows a lot a promise and aligns well with the ideals of a popular nonprofit, they will most likely be happy to partner with you to help spread positive change and maximize your organization’s potential. For example, if you are an environmentalist nonprofit, you can find a nonprofit that helps save the environment or improves sustainability. Merge Administrative Operations Administrative operations can be tricky- especially on a strict budget. Merging operations with another nonprofit can drastically cut costs and help streamline your administrative efforts. Computer software, structural operations, and staffing can be combined to increase workflow, efficiency, and capabilities. Financial means and other resources can be combined to accomplish more goals than one entity can do all by itself. Create Joint Programs

When launching events, programs, or new services, you can combine forces with another nonprofit to create a joint venture. For example, if you want to host a marathon event, you can combine with a nonprofit that has similar interests and different resources. Perhaps your nonprofit has many resources for event planning, but may not have access to an easy donation software platform, such as Auxilia. Your partner can keep track of donations while reaping the benefits of your event work. Now, here are some things to consider to ensure a successful partnership: First, when choosing a partnership, make sure the nonprofit has trustworthy credentials. Is their bookkeeping in order? Do they communicate effectively? Do they have proven integrity by aligning their organization with their ideals? Also, consider their values and goals. Does their vision align with yours in a way that ensures your organizations are able to mutually fuel each other? When deciding the nature of your partnership, it is essential that you are both able to carry out each other’s needs effectively. Make note of strengths and weaknesses and consider how you can rise to the occasion for one another. When starting out, test the waters as much as you can with low-risk tasks that you can build upon over time as you monitor success. Be as clear as possible in determining exactly what you need from each other and under what time constraints to ensure smooth operation. Once you pick a nonprofit that resonates with you and all details have been hashed out, you have access to so much more than would ever be possible without the benefits of a good and lasting partnership. If you have any questions about creating a lasting nonprofit partnership, reach out to Auxilia to find out how we can help!

Photo Credit: ​Annie Spratt

How to Cultivate Relationships With Grantmaking Foundations Cultivating relationships with grantmaking foundations is a core method for any nonprofit that relies on relatively large and consistent funds to maintain steady operations. However, it’s important to keep in mind that like any relationship, ensuring harmony and cooperation between two entities requires effort, respect, and communication. The relationship between your nonprofit and grantmaking foundations can be a delicate one, as it puts the grantmaking foundation in a certain position of power. It can feel like the entity funding your nonprofit is doing all the giving while you are doing all the taking, and it can be difficult to navigate that kind of relationship. But with a little understanding of how to hand this dynamic with integrity, you can create and sustain a fulfilling and dependable relationship between you and the foundation. Building Trust

The key to cultivating any relationship starts with building trust. When you first begin working with a grantmaker, you aren’t going to have as much trust between you as entities that have been working together for years… ​and that is perfectly okay! Trust can be built over time, and it’s something that can be established and strengthened by maintaining transparency, authenticity, and clear communication. This sets a strong foundation for a flourishing relationship. In a practical sense, trust includes aligning your words with your actions by doing what you say you are going to do. In a more interpersonal sense, it constitutes showing genuine care and empathy in the conversations you have with the grantmakers and respecting their boundaries and needs on the individual and organizational levels. Clear Communication Communicate your needs as clearly and as detailed as you possibly can. The more the grantmakers knows about you, the more they can help you. This includes keeping them in the loop about exactly what you are doing with their funds and make sure you have their blessing towards where the money is going. Not only does this build trust, but it builds camaraderie, as they will feel more involved with your nonprofit and proud of what they’re supporting. Transcend Transaction Even though your relationship with a grantmaker is primarily based on receiving funds, be mindful of the fact that it is still a relationship. Relationships are living, breathing, and constantly evolving. Any grantmaking foundation that has chosen to fund you has a certain level of passion for your nonprofit - otherwise, they wouldn’t be doing it. This means that they have a certain degree of emotional engagement. The best way to cultivate a thriving, active relationship with a grantmaking foundation is to transcend transaction. Talk to them! Trade knowledge, expertise, resources, insights, and listen to their own failures, triumphs, and wishes. Honesty

Another important thing to recognize is that both your nonprofit and the grantmaking foundation are human organizations. Mistakes, failures, and unclear communication can happen. Be open to giving and receiving constructive feedback, be willing to humbly admit when things go wrong, and express your honest feelings when things go awry on their end. Accepting responsibility maturely, while also accepting error, is the pathway to remedying mistakes and coming up with better solutions in the future. Any relationship should be given natural room to grow and evolve, and it’s no different with grantmakers. In fact, it’s even more important to consider healthy boundaries, so that both parties feel good about the giving and receiving of the funds you need to allow your nonprofit to flourish. If you have any questions about cultivating relationships with grantmaking foundations, reach out to Auxilia to find out how we can help!

Photo Credit: ​Merakist

How to Effectively Use Social Media to Build Brand Awareness When it comes to raising brand awareness for your nonprofit organization, one of the fastest and easiest ways to make some waves is to utilize social media. Social media can be intimidating to some, as it’s still a relatively new outreach technique and it is rapidly changing all the time. Don’t worry! Take a deep breath and keep reading to find out how you can use social media to your advantage with as little stress as possible. Schedule Posts First, know that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel or stay on top of the latest trends, algorithms, and updates to be successful on social media. The most important thing to understand is that consistency is key. Having a presence on social media means... well… being present on social media!

The best way to stay consistent is to come up with a posting schedule and stick to it! Your posting schedule can vary based on your needs and resources. Whether you post once a week or twice a day, the most important thing is to stay the course that you set so your followers know what to expect from you. Find Influencers Building a large follower base can take time and it can be difficult to build when just starting out. But this can be easily remedied by reaching out to influencers that feel inspired to help you get the word out. For instance, if you’re building an Instagram account, you can reach out to Instagram influencers with a high follower count whose platform aligns with your nonprofit’s vision. They can make a special post about you on their Instagram account that lets their followers know who you are. They’ll be happy to include a call to action that asks their followers to follow you, make donations, attend events, get involved, or anything else you might need. Pick your Platforms Don’t try to do everything! There are so many social media platforms to choose from: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Medium, Snapchat, Tik Tok, YouTube… the list is endless! It can be overwhelming if you feel like you have to hit them all, and you absolutely don’t! You can pick somewhere between one and three platforms to focus all of your energy on and ignore the rest. And, you can always add other platforms later as you grow. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have been around for the longest and have the most users across all demographics, whereas platforms like Snapchat or TikTok have mostly younger users that are less likely to become donors. Instagram is one of the easiest platforms to build organic brand awareness due to the open platform culture and ease of targeting organic keywords with their ​hashtag​ tool. Facebook is very successful, but the use of paid ads is a definite requirement to use this platform effectively. However, it has the highest rate of older demographics, making it a good candidate to find donors, even if you may have to put some money into advertising. Interact Finally, no matter what platform you choose, make sure you’re interacting with your followers! Answer their questions, comments, and concerns when they connect with you. The more your social media followers see you as an organization that they can have a personal relationship

with, the more encouraged they’ll feel to take action on your behalf, such as donating, attending events, or spreading the word. Social media is a terrain that is always in flux and it does take time to build. As long as you are authentic, engaging, and present, you will be building your brand awareness in ways that you never thought possible! If you have any questions about using social media effectively, reach out to Auxilia to find out how we can help!

Photo Credit: ​Pawel Czerwinski

4 Ways to Rescue Your Nonprofit From Financial Hardship It’s very common, at some point, for a nonprofit to enter difficult financial times. This can happen for a variety of reasons, especially in times when there are recessions or market crashes. It can also happen internally, due to the sudden loss of key donors or funding. It’s important to do what you can to minimize as much damage as possible. This will help your nonprofit get through the downturns and bounce back as quickly as you can. Here are four things to consider when entering a period of financial straits: Get clear on all the potential risks and where those risks are coming from If you’re losing or have lost funding, outline as clearly as possible where that loss is coming from, the nature of it, and the potential severity of its effect on your nonprofit. Is this loss from government funding, foundations, corporations, or individuals? Are you simply facing delays in funding, or are you facing reductions, or just flat out losses? How will these affect your plans moving forward?

Determine not only the current severity but any likely outcomes that could increase the severity of your risk. Be as detailed as possible in your assessment of the situation. Be prepared with a plan and implement it quickly First, make sure you get clear on your vision for your nonprofit. This will help you figure out what is essential as you move forward. You should focus, for the time being, on the most important programs, most important people, and how your organization needs to be run to have as clear a view on your priorities as possible. Immediately cut any costs that are not a necessity. Don’t launch anything new and make sure you act before you’re in deep trouble, if at all possible. Strip down your activities and fuel all of your resources into the things that have the highest social impact. The more you can minimize damage early, the better and quicker you’ll be able to recover. Communicate and collaborate with your donors Have a conversation with your most important and loyal funders. Be proactive in engaging with them. Update them on the difficult times you’re facing and ask for advice and guidance. Not only will this create clear lines of communication between you and them, but they may be able to help you stay above board. However, make sure that you’re not just unloading the troubling news. Let them know your plans for implementation to solve it and reduce fallout. On the flip side, expect transparency from their part on exactly what their funding will be, so you know exactly where you stand in terms of the money that is coming in. Identify your key decision-makers Consider your team members. Who on your team has the best decision making qualities that can most effectively address your concerns? Who will be the most adaptable players that can make quick and effective adjustments as your situation evolves? Make sure every key player has a specific responsibility so that plans and decisions moving forward have clear and intelligent responses.

Of course, nobody wants to have to face cutbacks, delays, or major adjustments. But the more rapidly you’re able to strip down to what is necessary and adapt, the higher the likelihood of a quick bounceback, allowing you to proceed forward again in no time. If you have any questions about navigating difficult financial times, reach out to Auxilia to find out how we can help!

Photo Credit: ​Mimi Thian

4 Amazing Benefits of Nonprofit Internships Interns can be a mutually beneficial endeavor for your nonprofit and any interns you choose to bring on board. Let’s explore four major benefits below. You’re creating future nonprofit leaders Internship programs are a great way to train potential future talent for the nonprofit sector. As you well know, nonprofit leaders have a particular array of skills and qualities that are needed to be successful, such as compassion, innovation, creativity, intelligence, and organizational skills. When interns take on their role, they are discovering these qualities within themselves as their duties for your nonprofit nurtures it. They are the seeds that will carry on this great work for years in the future. Interns are potential future hires

Your interns are receiving unique training and insights into how to work within your nonprofit. When it comes time to hire, the first place you’ll be able to look for employees is the interns that already know the ins and outs of your company. This can be a much easier transition for a new employee, as opposed to bringing in someone that you don’t know who will require more training than one of your best interns. It’s good for your budget You can, of course, take on paid or unpaid interns as you see fit. If you choose unpaid internships, those interns will be able to use them towards volunteer hours within any student programs. Plus, you will not need to pay them, so your budget will not be affected. If you choose paid interns, it will require some extra paperwork and you’ll need to pay them at least minimum wage. However, the minimum wage is still a modest amount of sacrifice on your end for someone that will most likely be incredibly hardworking, inspired, and take some pressure off of the workload. They can help your nonprofit grow in new ways Interns with recent educational backgrounds can often bring a fresh set of eyes to your operations that are valuable. Younger generations are very good with technology, which can help digital-related aspects run much more smoothly. Plus, young and eager interns can bring a much-needed enthusiasm and inspiration to your company that will rub off on all of your employees, improving the workplace culture. Launching an internship program will immediately draw interest on college campuses. Not only does this bring in potential interns, but it also increases awareness of who you are and what you do among that population. This will help to grow your network among a younger crowd, which can extend outward and help your fundraising efforts, events, and more. Plus, you can increase awareness within the networks of your specific interns. This is invaluable because they will be an asset for raising awareness of your nonprofit on social media. Internally, working with interns will help your current employees improve their leadership abilities. As they teach your interns, they will increase their ability to coach, encourage, and manage others, which they will be able to carry with them through all of your activities.

Your interns will learn from you as you learn from your interns, resulting in a wonderfully beneficial relationship that will allow everyone to grow, change, and make a difference. If you have any questions about navigating difficult financial times, reach out to Auxilia to find out how we can help!

Photo Credit: ​Jo Szczepanska

How to Build a Successful Board Building your board is no small task. In fact, it’s one of the most important tasks you’ll accomplish for your nonprofit organization. Your board members are the heart of your nonprofit. They will hold the whole foundation of your nonprofit in place, being the key decision-makers, planners, and the faces of your organization. Their actions will determine the effectiveness of your fundraising and financial flow as well. When recruiting people for your board, you definitely want to choose members whose values are aligned with your nonprofit, as well as hardworking members that you can entrust with making the right decisions across the spectrum of your nonprofit’s activities. Let’s take a look at things to consider to ensure successful board recruitment! Determine your needs Before you look for board members, decide what will be needed from them.

How many members do you need? What does their skillset need to be? How much work will be required of them and how many hours a week will you need them? Of course, things will be subject to change as you begin operations. But, having a vision ahead of time of what things will look like will help you keep your focus as you progress. Find your members One of the most challenging parts is the recruitment phase. There are many places you can look to find potential board members. You can advertise on places like MeetUp, Craigslist, or Indeed to let people know of the opportunity you are presenting. Consider reaching out to your wider network as well. Let family and friends know that you’re looking for board members and ask them to reach out to their networks. Try searching for people that are involved in other nonprofits and offer them a more defined role in the nonprofit sector as a board member. Many people already involved with nonprofits will love jumping at the opportunity! Look for people that can play multiple roles If this is the first time you’re building a board, you will require more work from your board members than a pre-existing nonprofit. Your team may also play certain staffing roles while you’re getting operations up and running. This is an important thing to keep in mind, as you’ll want to find people that are ready and willing to meet more demands than might otherwise be necessary as you move forward. Make sure you bring on people from diverse backgrounds with different skillsets. For instance, not everyone has to have experience in a leadership role, but some should, as they’ll be able to move the group forward and initiate plans. Not everyone needs to be a financial wizard, but someone should have good financial management experience. Some should be excellent organizers, some should be well-versed in making connections and communicating with the public, etc. Set clear expectations Before you even take anyone on, make sure you’re setting clear expectations for your board members. In as much detail as possible, let them know exactly what you expect from them, when, and how.

When clear boundaries and duties are defined, it gives people a sense of direction, making it easier for them to deliver on what you need. Remember, your board member’s activity will ultimately result in the success of your nonprofit. Choose passionate, dedicated, and diverse individuals that have clearly set expectations and you are destined for a successful first board meeting! If you have any questions about building a board, reach out to Auxilia to find out how we can help!

Photo Credit:​ ​Micheile Henderson

4 Helpful Tips to Boost Donations on GivingTuesday We have good news! In response to the COVID-19 crisis, GivingTuesday, a global event that usually occurs the week of Thanksgiving, will be having a special occurrence on May 5, 2020. This will give nonprofits an extra opportunity to receive important funds that may be needed to get the globe through this crisis with as many resources as possible. Here are 4 tips to help you maximize your donations on GivingTuesday. Notify your email list It’s time to pull out all the stops during a special event like this. Don’t be shy! Make sure everyone in your network knows about it! Send special email sequences with multiple reminders to your email list to make sure they don’t miss it. Do what you can to make sure this email stands out above all the rest.

Incorporate a unique banner, picture, or design with a call to action. Let your supporters, donors, and community know specifically how they can help and what to expect during GivingTuesday. Post on all of your social media channels Just like your email list, add a little extra oomph with your social media to ensure your followers are alerted to the special opportunities of this event. People are very responsive to global community events, but make it easy for them to do so. Make sure you can articulate exactly how they can get involved and give them step-by-step information. Provide an easy link to your website or donor portal, where they can get easy access to your information and know exactly where to go if they want to donate. Get your major donors involved Ask your major donors to get involved by matching donations. People feel even more gratified when donating if they know their donations will be matched. For instance, if someone only has five dollars to give, they’ll be happy knowing that their five-dollar contribution will actually be a ten-dollar contribution. It provides connection, camaraderie with the community, and an extra incentive for people to give what they can - big or small! Reach out to your network Make sure you reach out to your greater network to spread the news as far as you can. Word-of-mouth can be exponential! Tell your friends, family, co-workers, groups, and any other connections that you have. If you send a call-to-action to your entire community, it spreads to their communities... and before you know it, you have a massive global movement where magical things can happen! People want to help out - especially in times of crisis when we truly are all in this together. If you follow these simple tips, you will be amazed at the results! Make sure to visit ​Auxilia​ to discover how we can help make the donation process simple for you. With access to our unique donor portal, receiving and tracking your donations is a breeze. Additionally, you’ll be making the donation process accessible and intuitive for your donors. Not only that, but we can help you expand your outreach with advanced marketing tools on one of the most important days of the year.

Good luck on GivingTuesday!

Photo Credit: ​Engin Akyurt

Creating a Post-Pandemic Plan As we face an unprecedented global crisis, we are in need of critical adjustments to our actions and plans in order to pull through to the other side with as little damage as possible to our nonprofits. Your nonprofit matters - especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, when many of our structures are in fragile positions. Let’s cover how to effectively respond to the crisis with a plan that includes recovery and preparedness for similar future events. Assess your financial needs As businesses, donors, and grantmaking foundations all are potentially taking a financial hit, your normal funding streams may not necessarily be “business-as-usual.” You may have employees that still need to make a living and the people you serve will certainly be in need of you once the crisis is over. Take a careful look at your finances and see if you can forego certain things in favor of what is absolutely essential during this time. Remember, this isn’t permanent.

Once you’ve taken a look at your finances and determined what is essential, take care to identify if you’re still looking at financial straits. This is entirely possible, but that doesn’t mean you’re without help. First, ask any major donors that have no plan to withdraw their funding if they are capable of extending any additional help. You may find they are happy to help you get through a difficult time. Next, explore your options for government assistance. You might be eligible for government funding until you’re in the clear. Fundraise remotely Can you accomplish anything remotely for your nonprofit? Try having video meetings, being active on social media, and encouraging donations without having to host in-person events or services. Tools like ​Auxilia​ allow you to easily fundraise, manage your donations, and engage with your community remotely. Plan your recovery Your post-pandemic recovery plan may need to be a little flexible since we have no idea when the crisis will be behind us and what that will look like once it is. Also, depending on who you serve, you may be in higher demand for a time. You’ll need to decide if you need to make any changes to your organization to fit the unique needs of a post-pandemic period. If you need to change your activities or accommodate who you serve in new ways, you’ll need to have enough financial room to figure out what that will look like and adjust as necessary. Since it will be a rebuilding phase for the globe as a whole, you’re not alone in needing to restructure and grow. Create a prevention plan Now that we’ve experienced a crisis of this caliber, we can be better prepared in case something like this happens in the future. This is an opportune time to improve safety and hygiene guidelines to prevent the spread of viruses among employees and volunteers. You can also include emergency funds in your

financial budget to provide some security cushion for your nonprofit the next time donations are low due to a crisis like this. If you have any other questions about coming up with a post-pandemic plan, contact ​Auxilia​ to see how we can help!

Photo Credit: John Schnobrich

How to Make Virtual Networking a Success When it comes to navigating the current social distancing climate, your nonprofit business will need new and creative ways to keep donors, the people you serve, and your community feel engaged. Thankfully, you do have access to networking avenues that the virtual mediums of connection provide. Let’s discuss how to use these online resources effectively to continue establishing and growing meaningful relationships. Host a webinar You can use a platform like Zoom to host a live Q & A session with your community - including donors and the people you serve! You can open up the space to give your viewers an opportunity to ask any questions they might have about your nonprofit, make suggestions, or share their experience! This makes donors and the people you serve feel a close connection with each other and with your nonprofit - especially in a time where people feel isolated and uncertain. The people you serve may feel a greater sense of safety, and their face-to-face connection with donors or

potential donors will encourage them to know that they are making a difference in such a troubled time. Social media Share engaging content on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or other social media channels that inspire conversation. Ask your followers to share their experiences or stories of this time with you. Plus, you can use social media to let people know if you’re hosting any kind of virtual networking event, such as webinars or fundraisers. People want to feel connected right now, more than ever. And you may be delighted to find that people in your network are more willing to engage through these channels than usual. You can even host a Facebook Live meeting with your Facebook followers, which will give them a new and interesting way to connect with your nonprofit. This is also an excellent time to work towards expanding your network for meaningful connections in the future. LinkedIn’s advanced search functions can help you meet potential donors, partners, or volunteers. Host a virtual walk Getting outside safely is very important right now! People love an excuse to get out in the sun (with social distancing of course) and doing it with a community is a fun way to get some much-needed vitamin D and exercise. People can stream their walk, track their miles with an app, and give updates as they go along. This will bring people in your network together under a unified activity for a common purpose, which can boost morale, raise funds, and be a lot of fun! Virtual meetings But you don’t always have to host something as big and community-wide as a webinar or virtual walk. One-on-one connections can sometimes foster deeper relationships. If you had anything scheduled with potential donors before COVID-19, don’t feel like you have to cancel! You can simply reschedule a video tea/coffee chat and keep things rolling! Make virtual donations easy

It’s important to have an easy virtual platform that makes donors feel like their transactions are safe and convenient. Using a donor portal like Auxilia allows your donors to track, submit, and manage their donations to any of the nonprofits they support under one unified software. This makes virtual fundraising systematic and efficient, ensuring that you are working with these wonderful virtual tools, rather than against them! If you have any other questions about virtual networking, contact ​Auxilia​ to see how we can help!

Photo Credit: ​Nathan Lemon

Feeling Stuck? Here are 4 Helpful Virtual Volunteer Opportunities Just because it isn’t possible to volunteer in a normal capacity at this time, that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of ways to get volunteers involved with your nonprofit! Virtual volunteering is very popular and can bring many benefits to your organization. Let’s explore some of the benefits and opportunities below. Benefits One of the biggest perks of virtual volunteering, for all involved, is flexibility. Because people are working from home, they don’t need to worry about things like travel or scheduling conflicts.

This creates more opportunity for people that wouldn’t otherwise be able to fit volunteering in their lives, potentially bringing in more volunteer work for you. You can find volunteers with a different host of skills that are very qualified in various areas covering a wide variety of tasks for your organization. Plus, virtual volunteering costs next to nothing, due to very few operational costs. Now, below are four different ways you can use virtual volunteers. Social media engagement One of the prime methods of saying connected with the people in your network during this time is to engage with people on social media. You can ask social media savvy volunteers to come up with interesting and engaging content to grow your brand awareness and nurture donor relationships. This can include daily posts, videos, polls, and engaging with other accounts, including potential partners, donors, and the people you serve. Correspondence and outreach You can continue engaging with donors, partners, and your community while also looking for new prospective relationships. You can acquire volunteers that are excellent over the phone or email and can send updates to your email list, answer phone calls, manage email correspondence, and foster new possible donors by making cold emails or calls. Writing and graphic design Writers and graphic design artists can help with a whole host of things across the board. They can collaborate to create newsletters, blogs, articles, website content, and even social media posts. If hosting virtual events, they can assist with creating presentations that you can use to communicate your ideas succinctly and effectively. Virtual assistance and staff support It can be tricky to organize and manage operations when everybody is working in independent locations. This is where virtual assistance and office support can come in handy. You can use people with these skills to make sure everything is accounted for and communications between everyone involved in your nonprofit run smoothy. This can include

data entry, bookkeeping, communications, and general assistance to make sure nobody is taking on too much without help. Plus, if you are hosting any kind of online event, including webinars or meetings, having someone on board with some technical knowledge can be a huge help. This person can help facilitate Zoom meetings or manage any software that is needed to keep everyone connected.

Though it may seem like this is a tough landscape to navigate, your nonprofit can still make a difference during this crisis. There are still plenty of skillful volunteers that are eager to provide, even though you may require different responsibilities at this time. If you have any other questions about virtual volunteering, contact ​Auxilia​ to see how we can help!

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