239.872.2112 TD@TroyDunn.com TroyDunn.com
“Nobody Wants A Fat Personal Trainer.”
C opy ri ght © 20 1 8 Troy the Loc ator - All Ri ghts Re se rve d .
And you shouldn’t take content advice from anybody who hasn’t: …… Produced multiple hit primetime
If you can find somebody with those credentials, hire THAT guy! đ&#x;˜‰
network TV shows Â…Â… Written and published multiple best-
selling books Â…Â… Produced multiple syndicated
podcasts Â…Â… Produced multiple viral videos
Rich content can ONLY be created by someone who is a master at two rare skillsets: editorializing and marketing. The second-to-worst content in the world is created by people who have only ONE of those gifts. To succeed, you must find a person with BOTH! (We know a guy‌)
Â…Â… Produced multiple viral social media
posts Â…Â… Produced multiple sell-out live events Â…Â… Built & sold an international tech
company to a larger tech company
C opy ri ght Š 20 1 8 Troy the Loc ator - All Ri ghts Re se rve d .
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Services Include: Deep-dive analysis of past and current content across all mediums and platforms
Deep-dive analysis of best and worst practices as they relate to branding, market-share, mindshare and sales.
Monitoring and guiding the execution and implementation of said strategies.
C opy ri ght Š 20 1 8 Troy the Loc ator - All Ri ghts Re se rve d .
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Brutally honest report of the findings followed by insanely specific strategies for implementing/ optimizing rich content usage in brand and business growth.
Services not included: Long meetings discussing stuff. We practice economy of words.
Political correctness. If something sucks, we will be the first to say so and if it is amazing, we will stand up and applaud. (Literally)
Lunch meetings. We find them unproductive even when enjoyable. Lets all eat on our own time. When we meet, lets be productive. Troy does not play golf either, so don’t ask.
C opy ri ght Š 20 1 8 Troy the Loc ator - All Ri ghts Re se rve d .
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Our Two-Part Guarantee PART ONE: We guarantee not all clients who ask for our help, receive it. We aren’t snobs, just very clear on the types of situations we can add real value. We only seek clients in those situations. We reject the rest. (Politely of course.) PART TWO: When we find a client, who IS a match for our expertise and resources, we engage aggressively, almost violently. We are accustomed to winning big for our clients. That level of success only comes from being very picky when selecting our clients and then attacking the opportunity like our families have been taken hostage and the ransom required is a successful client experience. Like, seriously, we become obsessed. It’s how we roll.to help your business begin this shift.
Send us a note telling us whatever you want to tell us. Regardless of what you write, you will hear back from us. We don’t leave people hanging. Not cool.
C opy ri ght © 20 1 8 Troy the Loc ator - All Ri ghts Re se rve d .
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If you want to take a shot at engaging our services, we say, bring it on!