Comprehensive Employee
Safety Orientation
General Safety Rules R eport to work res ted and alert. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the type of job. J ewelry s hould not be worn when working around machinery. Wear clothing that fits properly and not too loos e. If injured, report it to your s upervis or s o that medical care can be provided.
Bloodborne Pathogens Bloodborne pathogens are virus es in human blood and blood products . BBP may contain Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV. HIV is the virus that caus es AIDS . P recautions mus t be taken when working around blood or body fluids .
Bloodborne Pathogens Firs t aid, CP R providers and emergency res ponders are trained to protect thems elves agains t thes e dangerous virus es . Learn about bloodborne pathogens and how to protect yours elf in an emergency s ituation at work or home. If you are expos ed to blood or body fluids , always was h the affected areas with s oap and water.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) For certain job as s ignments , P P E will be is s ued by the company. Make s ure to wear it. S ome types of P P E would be non-abs orbent gloves , hard hats , hearing protection, s afety glas s es , face s hields , res pirators and s teel-toed s afety s hoes .
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Never wear gloves when operating machinery. Wear s afety glas s es with a face s hield for eye protection. Wear a res pirator for protection from chemicals and harmful liquids .
Electrical Safety Always ins pect electrical cables and cords for defects before us ing. Electrical tools or equipment mus t indicate “double ins ulated” on the manufacturer’s tag. They mus t be grounded with a 3prong plug and a grounded cable. Always tes t equipment for s afety before us e. Do not us e electrical tools near or around wet floors or other damp s urfaces . Unplug electrical appliances or tools before cleaning or repairing. When removing a plug from the outlet, gras p the plug and pull the plug, not the cord.
Control of Hazardous Energy All workers need to be aware of lockout/tagout or control of hazardous energy. Hazardous energy can be electricity, s prings under tens ion, gravity, liquids , or s team under pres s ure. To make s ure the machine does not s tart accidentally, all hazardous energy mus t be locked out by attaching a tag that warns everyone the machine is down for maintenance.
Emergency Actions In cas e of fire, remain calm, exit the building, report to your s upervis or. In cas e of an earthquake or a tornado, get under a s turdy des k or object – “duck, cover and hold.” There are as s igned people to direct workers to s afety or the appropriate action to protect yours elf. Make s ure emergency action plans are updated.
Housekeeping Hous ekeeping bas ics are: Do not block exits Do not block electrical panels Check work area for materials that may caus e trips and falls Check equipment for oil leaks that can caus e s lips and falls Clos ets checked for debris P lace tools where they belong after us e
Hous ekeeping is each worker’s res pons ibility.
Fire Prevention Everyone s hould know how to us e fire extinguis hers and where they are located. P AS S is a keyword to help you remember the proper procedure for extinguis hing a fire: P = pull the pin A = aim the nozzle S = s queeze the handle S = s weep from s ide to s ide
Flammable liquids mus t be s tored in a metal container that has a s pring-loaded top and flame arres tor.
Visitors Vis itors and contractors mus t be advis ed of any potential hazard while in the facility. Contractors have an obligation to abide by the company’s s afety procedures .
Chemicals There are many rules and s tandards that mus t be followed when handling, us ing, s toring, and dis pos ing of hazardous materials . Each chemical mus t have a S afety Data S heet (S DS ) that is s upplied by the manufacturer. The S DS mus t contain information on the P P E required, firs t aid, and emergency procedure. All chemicals mus t be labeled to prevent inadvertent mixture or us e of the wrong chemical. Awarenes s of action to take in cas e of a s pill or other emergency. Chemicals react differently – if not properly trained and authorized, do not mix chemicals . Mixing chlorine bleach with ammonia is called chloramines and it can kill.
Causes of Accidents and Injuries Accident s tatis tics are maintained by a number of organizations and ins urance companies . 85% to 98% of all accidents and injuries are the res ult of uns afe acts ; however, phys ical hazards als o contribute. Making s afety a priority can make a difference.
Accidents One of the reas ons to report an accident is to determine the caus es and appropriate action to prevent a s imilar occurrence. Clos e calls s hould als o be reported and inves tigated. If you are a witnes s to an accident, notify your s upervis or. Any accident incurred by a vis itor or non-employee s hould be reported to avoid laws uits .
Safe Lifting/Back Injury Prevention Doctors believe exercis e and diet can reduce the chances of back pain or injury. Mos t back injuries are caus ed by s trains and s prains . To maintain proper back alignment when lifting, bend your legs , feet firmly on the ground, s houlder width apart, one s lightly in front of the other. Hold object agains t the body.
Ergonomics Ergonomics means adjus ting work to the individual – not the individual to the work. Adjus tments of a monitor, keyboard, body pos ition, chair height, arrangement of works pace - that’s ergonomics . R obotics is an ergonomic s olution to repetitive tas ks .
Personal Hygiene/Sanitation Was h hands frequently. Bacteria is trans ferred every time you touch a doorknob. Keep yours elf and your work area clean.
Personal Responsibility for Safety No s afety program can prevent accidents . S afety is an individual res pons ibility. S afety rules and guidelines s hould be followed. P roper training and knowing the company’s s afety policy and procedures s hould be followed. S afety is a job requirement; it is als o a moral obligation to yours elf.