Product Data Sheet
Super Guard 5W-30 Description Super Guard 5W-30 is a synthetic smooth-running engine oil with reduced sulfate ash content for petrol and diesel car engines. It is particularly well suited to modern diesel engines with particle filters. Super Guard 5W-30 is characterised by its excellent cold starting properties, minimisation of fuel consumption, friction and wear. Provides measurable fuel savings and a reduction in emissions due to a reduced HTHS viscosity. Super Guard 5W-30 contributes to the protection of the environment. Extended oil change intervals as per manufacturer’s instructions.
Excellent cold starting properties, even at low temperatures below -30° The function of the hydraulic valve lifter is guaranteed at all temperatures Fuel savings under all operating conditions A secure lubricant film at high operating temperatures Neutrality towards sealants Extensive protection against wear, corrosion and foaming. Low evaporation, thus low oil consumption Extended oil change intervals protect natural resources Low SAPS = reduced sulfate ash, phosphorus and sulfur
Application Super Guard 5W-30 is a universal, synthetic smooth-running engine oil, which has been developed especially for modern diesel engines with particle filters. Super Guard 5W-30 is suitable for petrol and diesel engines in cars and transporters with and without turbochargers.
Specifications ACEA C2/C3 API SN Approval MB 229.51 MB 229.52 MB 229.31
Approved, tried and tested in engines requiring adherence to manufacturer’s fluid specifications: Renault RN0700 / 0710 BMW LL-04 Dexos 2 Physical Characteristics Properties Colour Density at 15°C Viscosity at 100°C Viscosity index Pour point HTHS mPa*s
Data brown 850 12.2 166 -39 3.54
Unit kg/m³ mm²/s °C
Tested according to visual EN ISO 12185 DIN 51 562 DIN ISO 2909 DIN ISO 3016
The data mentioned in this product information sheet is meant to enable the reader to orientate himself about the properties and possible applicati ons of our products. Although this overview is composed with all possible care on the stated date, the compiler does not accept any liability for damages caused by incompleteness and/or inaccuracies in this information, especially when these are caused by obvious typing errors. The terms of delivery of the supplier apply to all product supplies. The reader is advised, especially for critical applications, to make the final product choice in consultation with the supplier. Due to continual product research and development, the information contained herein is subject to changes without notification.
01.01.2017 NDTL GmbH Breite Strasse 44 23552 Lübeck Deutschland Tel.: +49 451 29630957 Fax: +49 451 39689180 e-mail: