Investing in SMARTer Ground Investigation All rail enhancements, renewals and investment projects rely upon the ground to respond in a certain way when loads are applied by the chosen ground engineering solution
o ensure the expected performance of the ground there is a need to gather information and data of the ground that will be relied upon. This capture of information and data is undertaken through the completion of Ground Investigation (GI) projects. The SMARTer the ground investigation the better the results and the more risk is reduced in delivery of the project in the future. BAM Ritchies has an extensive fleet of GI plant, capable of undertaking any investigation, whatever the constraints, requirements or topography. With over 55 years of drilling experience BAM Ritchies are enabled to work with consultants and contractors to identify targeted GI that fully supports the design process and validates the proposed design solution. PreConstruction Managers are available to engage at the earliest opportunity and this supports early identification of the right approach which will reduce change and mitigate risk. Our integrated offer means that we can understand the ground engineering delivery challenges while remaining focused on obtaining the best data from the GI to support the foundation solution. Combining the expertise in our disciplines ultimately delivers predictable, right first time, safe solutions for our customers.
We started working on Phase 2 of a substantial re-signalling project at the end of 2018 which then carried through into 2019. A risk based approach to the design of the GI, involved a detailed desk study and extensive collaborative walkovers at the start of each phase, allowing the total number of GI positions to be significantly reduced. The works involved carrying out 25 exploratory holes in either the four foot or cessway during weekend possessions. Track hand back engineers were always present on site to ensure the alignment of the running rails were not comprised during the investigative works. Our ability to provide honest and robust prices meant that we eliminated surprises and could deliver predictable outcomes during the delivery of the project.
Modular WS Rig with data entry into IPAD
Standalone Dart Rig Rail Professional
By adopting digital processes, BAM Ritchies have eliminated paperwork from our ground investigation discipline. The digital approach ensured one hundred per cent data capture and validation in accordance with the specification. Digital data capture enables ground investigation data to be produced and shared more rapidly. Draft borehole records were produced within 24 hours of a borehole being completed allowing draft ground models to be produced rapidly, usually within 24 hours. Phase 2 success built the trust for our customer to return to BAM Ritchies for further phases.