Rail-Tech Europe Magazine 2013

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Rail-Tech Europe


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2 0 13 edition

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff honours UIC


rtners Supporting pa R ail-T ech Euro pe Mag a zine I 2 0 13 edi t ion

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Do we know what works best?

European Railway Market ‘On The Move’

High-Speed Rail in North America

19-20-21 March 2013 www.railtech-europe.com

Rail Maintenance Hangar (Rijtuigenloods) Amersfoort - The Netherlands



Rail-Tech Europe

19-21 March 2013 Rijtuigenloods (Rail Maintenance Hangar) Amersfoort, the Netherlands

Exhibition opening hours: Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00 Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00 Thursday 10:00 - 16:00

In case you have any questions, recommendations or would like to receive more information about Rail-Tech Europe 2013, do not hesitate to contact the project management of Rail-Tech Europe 2013: Rob Vos: rvos@europoint.eu or Sandra van Beek: svanbeek@europoint.eu. Laan van Beek en Royen 41 I P.O. Box 822 I 3700 AV Zeist I The Netherlands I T: +31 (0)30 6981 800 Follow us on twitter@railtecheurope Exhibition organisation: Europoint B.V.

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

European Railway Market ‘On The Move’


Dear reader, New developments in the European railways follow each other in rapid succession. The High Speed network is growing in many countries. For example, the existing connection on the conventional railway link between Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp and Brussels has been upgraded to a new High Speed Link and reduced the travel time considerably. Also, the new generation of rolling stock is introduced or will be introduced in the near future in Germany, France and in the Channel Tunnel Link between Brussels, Paris and London. The role of ERTMS will be increasingly important in railway operations. Not only on High Speed Lines, but also on the conventional network. For example, the new Dutch Government recently decided to introduce ERTMS on the entire Dutch network from 2016 on. In addition to the high speed network, new Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI’s) for the conventional network are also introduced, or will be introduced in the next years. As a result, upgrading the Railway standards in the individual countries will follow. The increasing pressure from the market to improve the performance of the current system, forces the European infrastructure managers to give more attention to increasing the RAMS criteria : Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety. These are important to facilitate the growth of freight and passengers transport. Furthermore, many contracts for train operation services and for infrastructure maintenance will be renewed and tender processes are changing from “lowest price” into “the best value for money”. Another important development affecting the entire railway sector is the changing labour market. The workforce of many companies is aging and there is often insufficient inflow of young people. Also, an increasing number of independent professionals are entering the market. Their expertise and experience is highly valued in special projects, interim periods, short periods of need for extra capacity and independent advice. These changes force companies to become more flexible with regard to their own staff. This also offers young people new opportunities in this moving market. Come and see how these developments have influenced rail technology and the market at Rail-Tech Europe 2013. Here you will meet important stakeholders, suppliers and potential customers under one roof. Rail-Tech Europe 2013 is the best opportunity for you and your organisation to network and do business. This magazine is co-created with exhibitors of Rail-Tech Europe, (international) umbrella organisations and partners. We hope you enjoy reading their articles and we look forward to meeting you at Rail-Tech Europe 2013! Project team Rail-Tech Europe 2013

04 Rail-Tech Europe 2013



08 Preface

European Railway Market ‘On The Move’ Exhibition organisation: Europoint B.V. Laan van Beek en Royen 41 P.O. Box 822 - 3700 AV Zeist The Netherlands T: +31 (0)30 6981 800 Rail-Tech Europe Magazine - 2013 edition Published by: Europoint B.V. (www.europoint.eu) Layout and DTP: WeCre8 (www.wecreate.nu) Printed by: VdR druk & print (www.vdr.nl) This magazine is co-created with exhibitors of RailTech Europe, (international) umbrella organisations and partners. Circulation figure: 5.000 Online circulation figure: 30.000 Disclaimer: The news, articles and opinions published in this news­ paper are written, submitted and posted by exhibitors and partners of Rail-Tech Europe 2013. The publisher of this magazine cannot be held responsible for any false or misleading content in this magazine.

Survive the crisis with Dual Inventive


The new Siemens tram

Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways unanimously elected new UIC Chairman.

High-speed rail in the United States is moving forward “Do we know what works best?” CER’s vision



08 10

The role of infrastructure managers in the fourth railway package Monika Heiming (EIM) explains 12

16 18

Innovations for rail-related transport by Vossloh


Preliminary floor plan Rail-Tech Europe 2013


Preliminary list of exhibitors Rail-Tech Europe 2013


Do you know the current conditions of your switches and drives?


‘World First MIV’

Protec Railadvies presents


Rail-Tech Europe 2013



12 Railforum Internationally valued for independent assurance services

33 35

About Alstom Transport


Old tyres on the line!


New solution for stabling yards premiers in the Netherlands 40 Independent professionals in the rail sector by Roel van den Bosch


Rail-Tech Europe Innovation award


Remote Condition Monitoring @ Rail-Tech Europe 2013


Historical Highlights of Rail-Tech Europe


33 36



Rail-Tech Europe 2013

The development of UIC should proceed on the basis of the transparency of

all processes and active cooperation,

not only within the Union but also with other international organisations Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff honours UIC by addressing the world’s railway

On 12 December 2012, Dilma Rousseff, President of the Republic of Brazil, was Guest of Honour at the opening of the 81st General Assembly of UIC, the worldwide railway association which celebrates its 90th anniversary this year. The President of Brazil was welcomed at UIC Headquarters in Paris with addresses by Satoshi Seino, Chairman of UIC, Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General and Guilherme Quintella, Chairman of the UIC Latin-

leaders on the occasion of the

American Region.

international association’s 90-

About UIC’s role, President Dilma Rousseff stressed: “I believe that a great dialogue is to be established with Brazil, which will support its members’ opportunities, will enable stability and security for investments, and will ensure the conditions necessary to Brazil not only to structure its transportation system capable of fitting its challenges for the 21th century, but rather more to allow its people to have more efficient transportation, either for companies with regard to freight – where Brazil is a major producer of food, minerals, energy (oil) and manufacturing, and with regard to passengers.” And in conclusion “I believe that this partnership between Brazil and UIC has everything to yield strong results” and “I am sure that due to the size and importance of UIC, our interests coincide and converge towards a future of opportunities.”

year anniversary. Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways, unanimously elected new UIC Chairman.

The assembly was also attended by Guest of Honour Mr Jozef Szabo, Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) at the US Govern­ ment Department of Transportation, who was present the previous day at the UIC High-Level Round Table marking the UIC anniversary. Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways, was unanimously elected new UIC Chairman, succeeding Satoshi Seino, Chairman of East Japan Railway Company who took over from Yoshio Ishida last July. Mauro Moretti, CEO of Italian Railways FS Italiane, was renewed as UIC Vice Chairman as well as Jean-Pierre Loubinoux as Director General of UIC. In this introductory address, Vladimir Yakunin warmly thanked his pre­ decessors and all members of UIC for the trust and support for his nomination as Chairman “of the world’s most respected railway organisation – UIC.” He stressed that “the senior status of the members of the General Assembly shows how important it is to have a coordinated policy and specific rules for economic, technical, technological, and operational aspects of rail transport operations in the modern context of structural changes and re­ organization of the railways in many regions of the world” and “the growing requirements for sustainable development, safety and energy efficiency are leading to an increase in technical and operational standards. We are seeing a real renaissance of railways, linked with the growing understanding of the efficiency and potential of rail transport”...

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Vladimir Yakunin sees it among UIC’s top priorities “to strengthen its global status, strengthen the authority of the Union, increase its recognition in the international transport and economic community and ensure its maximum effectiveness for UIC member companies.” The progress in UIC’s work should be geared towards three principles: Involvement, Integration, Inno­v ation, and on the basis of these principles, focused on the following strategic areas: n p articipating in the creation of global transport policy and a united view of the world’s railways, n h armonising and unifying railway norms and standards, n developing united approaches regarding unified transport law, n c reating and implementing harmonised IT systems, n defining the network of integrated intermodal international transport corridors, n reducing the negative impact of rail transport on the environment.


The key issues for UIC in the next period will include train safety and efficiency, quality and certification of railway products and a very important objective will be the development of global transport corridors, in all regions of the world. Finally “the development of UIC should proceed on the basis of the transparency of all processes and active cooperation, not only within the Union but also with other international organisations.” UIC Director General Jean-Pierre Loubinoux reported to the General Assembly on the progress of cooperation activities managed and coordinated by UIC since the previous assembly in Philadelphia. As an example over the last four-year term, UIC has signed 30 international agreements or MoUs, organised 200 conferences and workshops in 25 countries with a total of 50,000 parti­ cipants, managed the running of 100 working groups, published 3,000 articles on UIC’s work in 200 editions of ‘UIC e-News’ sent to 4,000 readers, and registered 65,000 hits in average every month on the UIC website.

From left to right: Joe Szabo, Federal Railroad Administrator, USA, Satoshi Seino, UIC Chairman, Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil, Vladimir Yakunin, newly elected UIC Chairman during the 81st UIC General Assembly, Mauro Moretti, UIC Vice Chairman and Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director-General (© UIC/Ph. Fraysseix)


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

High speed rail in the United States is moving forward KellyAnne Gallagher, CAE Director - Member Services American Public Transportation Association

In April 2009, President Obama asked his country to “Imagine whisking through towns at speeds over 100 miles an hour, walking only a few steps to public transportation, and ending up just blocks from your destination. Imagine what a great project that would be to rebuild America.” That oft-cited quote captures the president’s vision for high speed rail in the United States, one that is beginning to pay dividends for citizens across this country. In 2010, 62 percent of Americans were on board. That year the American Public Transportation Association commissioned a survey that found a majority of Americans likely to use high speed rail service for both business and leisure travel when it is an option. Though not without a few bumps along the way, high speed rail in the United States is moving forward. Nearly all of the $10.1 billion in federal funding of President Obama’s vision has been obligated to 152 planning and construction projects around the country. And projects valued at $3.2 billion are already complete or under construction. The North East portion of the country is home to the United States’ only existing high speed service, Amtrak’s Acela Express. With its inauguration in 2000, the Acela linked mega regions along the northeast corridor at speeds that caught the attention of time-starved business travelers. Twelve years later, Amtrak service commands 75% of the Washington to New York market, and 54% of New York to Boston. In fiscal year 2012, Amtrak saw record levels of ridership on the corridor. As demand has increased, Amtrak has been testing trains at speeds of 165mph along the corridor, where its current maximum is 135mph, and has introduced plans for investment in infrastructure upgrades to allow for travel at 220mph. Amtrak has also recently announced plans to replace its fleet of 20 Acela trainsets. In the midwest, a federal investment of $1.1 billion has resulted in trains being tested at 111 mph between the cities of St. Louis and Chicago. That increase of 30 mph means that the midwest is the next stage for delivering higher-speed rail travel to citizens of the United States. A total of $2.5 billion in federal funding has been obligated throughout the region. Elsewhere, states in the southeast received $700 million in federal funds for 12 projects, with an emphasis on extending the east-coast corridor from Washington, DC, to the south. The Pacific Northwest states have $814 milllion for 13 projects, while Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma received

Rail-Tech Europe 2013


The mobility of Americans -- current and future -- demands continued strategic investment in high speed rail. Our highways and our runways are already at capacity, with congestion costing the country $130 billion per year. What’s more, by the year 2050 the population of the United States is projected to reach 438 million; the mobility-dependent elderly population alone is projected to more than double, to 88.5 million. President Obama’s vision didn’t end with the imagining of a seemless journey. It extended to give hope that 80% of all Americans would have access to high speed rail in the next 25 years. © US Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration

a combined $26 million in federal funding for eight projects. But all eyes remain on California, where the High Speed Rail Authority is planning 220mph service linking the state capitol of Sacramento in the north to San Diego in the south, connecting San Francisco and Los Angeles in between. A major boost came when, in July -- just before the UIC’s 8th World Congress on High Speed Rail was about to open in Philadelphia -the California State Legislature voted to approve $5.6 billion in state funding to begin building that 220mph line. Although landowners continue to challenge high speed rail authority’s plan, construction is expected begin in the San Joaquin Valley in the summer of 2013. The entire project is currently projected to cost $68 billion. Whether due to the weak economy and volatile gas prices, a hightened awareness of the personal carbon footprint, or simply greater access and availability, across the United States rail travel is experiencing ridership increases year over year. Ridership records between strategic city pairs are being broken on fully 20 of the 27 state-supported services operated by Amtrak.


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

“Do we know what works best?” What is CER’s vision for the finalisation of the regulatory environment for the railway sector?

Libor Lochman, Executive Director of the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), and Edward Christie, Senior

Europe needs a cost-efficient and competitive railway sector that plays its full role in the overall transport system and offers value-for-money for users and for public budgets. This implies doing what works, not in theory but in practice, concerning rail’s regulatory framework. It also implies the need to establish a level playing field between transport modes. Before asking what works, does everyone agree on the ultimate goals to be reached?

Economic Adviser at CER, talk about the expectations and needs of the rail sector with respect to the Fourth Railway Package.

Whenever stakeholders and policy-makers discuss strategic goals, they tend to agree. CER was very pleased to support the Commission’s 2011 Transport White Paper Goals that foresee that rail should capture higher modal shares on the intermediate- and long-distance segments in passenger and freight.

Libor Lochman, Executive Director of the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

So how can rail achieve higher modal shares? If you want an economic sector to grow, you need that sector to be more efficient. This means using inputs and resources, including public funds, more efficiently. And you will know whether you’ve been ultimately successful by measuring that sector’s growth relative to the other sectors. In the case of transport this means looking at modal shares. How should the contents of the Fourth Railway Package be assessed? We need to look at the reality on the ground and ask ourselves very logical questions: do we know what works best? Is there a single set of reforms that brings about the best performance, or are there several? Where do we need more uniformity at the EU level, and where do we need to preserve the existing degree of freedom for Member States? In some cases we may need a stronger collective discipline in order to move forward; in other cases the European public interest will be better served if Member States can keep their options open.


actual market opening. With regards to the market opening pillar, we strongly support a universal application of open access rights on the entire network, subject to the preservation of the economic equilibrium of Public Service Obli­g ations.

The European Commission seems to favour a concept of ‘the optimal infrastructure manager’ How do we know that there is such a thing as the optimal infrastructure manager for the entire EU? How do we know that there aren’t two or more possible setups that can maximise performance? Or perhaps there is one optimal set-up per country, but it differs between countries – so it is questionable whether the concept makes sense. A second problem is that this concept plays down the need to optimise the rail system as a whole. Railway undertakings are closer to the needs of the final customers, so the infrastructure manager can never have a complete system perspective on its own.

The Commission has announced three ‘pillars’ for the Package: a technical pillar, a market opening pillar, and a governance pillar. Which one should be the priority for policy-makers? The so-called “technical” pillar must be the first political priority: streamlining procedures for the authorisation of vehicles while keeping the highest standards for safety is the most urgent step towards the Single European Rail Area. Any regulation or directive imposing market opening would be useless without full interoperability and without an Agency strong enough to guarantee that national administrative burdens are not misused as market barriers. This pillar is undoubtedly the most important step towards achieving

Edward Christie, Senior Economic Adviser at CER


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

“Rail infrastructure managers need the necessary competences to be able to meet customer demands” Monika Heiming, Executive Director of the association of independent rail infra­structure managers in Europe (EIM), talks about the role of infrastructure managers in the fourth railway package

What do you think of the European Commission’s plans to present a fourth railway package by the end of this year? The fourth railway package is overdue. All actors are expecting a clear signal from the Commission how to finalise the unified European rail market. This applies also to France and other member states which are currently considering a reform of their railways. We warmly welcome the Commission’s wish to eliminate the obstacles to the unified European rail market while at the same time consolidating the performance, competitiveness and growth of the railways. EIM firmly believes that infrastructure managers have a key role to play in this process.

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

What do you mean by ‘key role’? As the market continues to open up, it is essential that the growing expectations placed on infrastructure managers are taken into account and fulfilled. Over the course of the liberalisation process, infrastructure managers will become the only actors in the rail market who have a system-wide perspective and thereby ensure long-term planning for the entire network. The Commission has recognised this fact and will be defining the ‘optimal infrastructure manager of the future’ in the fourth railway package. So what does the optimal infrastructure manager of the future look like? The infrastructure manager of the future must be given all the tools it needs to satisfy the expectations of the market and, above all, of customers. This means efficiency, investment and customer-oriented performance. Doesn’t the move towards an optimal infrastructure manager involve strict unbundling, i.e. a separation between network and operations? EIM supports all proposals that dispel any doubts about infrastructure managers’ neutrality. I emphasise all, and that clearly includes strict separation between network and operations. Only regulations that preclude conflicts of interest among infrastructure managers from the outset can guarantee an efficient, highperformance rail market. Three conditions are needed to meet the expectations of the market and of customers: a strengthening of competences, a consolidation of competences and greater independence for infrastructure managers. How do you see that working in practice? The competences granted to infrastructure managers under EU law must be extended to encompass all functions they need to manage the network as a commercial enterprise. Dividing up responsibilities is inexpedient from both a cost and performance perspective. For


example, this is the case where a infrastructure manager, despite official separation, doesn’t have the necessary room for manoeuvre because a carrier is performing certain infrastructure management tasks. Greater independence is also vital for transparency, so as to avoid any conflicts of interest in decision-making by infrastructure managers. Therefore, infrastructure managers must be completely independent of all carriers when making decisions. Is expanding infrastructure managers’ competences not the same as unbundling? EIM is not interested in dogma or buzzwords. Aside from safety, our members believe that their primary responsibility is towards customers and towards their owners. That is why, as I have said, our focus is on performance, efficiency and transparency in the rail market. Increasing the competences and independence of infrastructure managers will allow them to achieve this. Organisational models must guarantee infrastructure manager neutrality. This would have the added advantage of bringing stability to the rail market after a decade of constant restructuring. We expect the Commission to put forward proposals for a binding definition of the role of infrastructure managers so that resources are not squandered because infrastructure managers have to check whether every move they make contravenes legal standards that are open to interpretation. Once there is legal certainty, resources could be used in a much more useful way, for the benefit of customers. Harmonised rules are one thing, but what about cooperation between infrastructure managers? A harmonised EU-wide definition of infrastructure manager competences and clear guidelines on trans­ parency will also improve cooperation, which in turn would be beneficial for customers. EIM’s members have pledged to turn the rail network into the backbone of the European transport system, disregarding individual interests and focusing on serving rail customers. This is an important difference compared with infrastructure managers owned by holding companies.


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

A. RAWIE GmbH & Co.KG RAWIE is the world’s leading company of all kinds of track closure systems. The range of products includes simple systems like derailers and friction shoes to all different kinds of buffer stops up to car loading ramps with integrated hydraulic buffers and lane pull-out. Also crane buffer stops belonging to the range of products. RAWIE is developing and providing modern track closure systems all over the world. The company, including the production plant, is located in Osnabrück, Germany, close to the Netherlands. RAWIE works closely together with Dutch railway authorities in order to achieve the required safety level. Also during the development of new products, RAWIE is using a large research- and developing team with the newest CAD and FEM systems and also extensive possibilities for control, test and prove of different product features. Please take a look at the energy absorbing buffer stop on the track out­side. Stand number: AO17

360° Clearance profiles recorded accurate and in half the time A new 2D scanner from Amberg enables a significant increase in efficiency in the detection of clearance profiles in track construction and maintenance. This rapidly rotating scanner Amberg Profiler 6012 is used on the well-proven Amberg GRP System FX along with the application software Amberg Clearance Plus. At unchanged resolution the user can now conduct a measurement in half the time. In addition to personal time savings, this also generates a substantial reduction of the required closing times. The special design of the scanner covers a 360 degree field of view, so the track bed is also placed in the scanning area. The already in Europe successfully used Amberg GRP 5000 system (eg. with Amberg Profiler 5003 or compatible Z+F / Leica HDS scanner) can be retrofitted with this new Profiler 6012 easily. This underlines once again the adaptability of the recognized modularity and flexibility throughout the whole Amberg Rail product line. A real benefit for cost-concious and innovative track surveyors. Amberg GRP System FX equipped with the new scanner Amberg Profiler 6012 surveying the environment of a newly maintained track. Amberg Technologies AG Amberg Technologies AG has been developing user-friendly system solutions for geo­ referenced data acquisition and processing in the field of infrastructure development for more than thirty years. This Swiss company offers standardised products, customerspecific system solutions and project-specific services in the fields of railways surveying, tunnel surveying, tunnel inspections and tunnel seismics. For further Information please contact: Hugo Grauf I Amberg Technologies AG I Trockenloo­strasse 21 I CH-8105 Regensdorf I Switzerland I phone +41 44 870 92 86 I hgrauf@amberg.ch Stand number: A017

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Waverail B.V./Koopman & Zn B.V./R.L.M. B.V. At the Rail-Tech Amersfoort March 2013 we will be present together with Koopman & Zn B.V. (rail-installation company) and RLM B.V (heatpump manufacturer) as we did before at the Rail-Tech 2011. A summary of new products : Switchpointheating : Waverail introduces a new electrical switchpointheatingsystem based on a concept from Graybar witch is already in use in the UK, Norway & Sweden for approximately 20 years. This system is converted to the Dutch regulations and will be assisted with several options such as isolation. Watersystems We also present a new hydrant system (type B2) for filling the trains with water. This new hydrant solves the several problems of the old types. Fire fighting : Our new upper- and underground firehydrants together with our new drainsolution are shown at our stand. We’ll demonstrate our renewed filling points for the firefighting, now the system is simply changeable in height. Our rail DBL HDPE-pipes now have a certificate confirming that they can be used for testing up to 25 bar. Furthermore we will introduce many new features, improvements and idea’s for the railway sector on Rail-Tech 2013 in Amersfoort ! Stand number: OUT1


Nord-Lock introduces X-series - a new evolution in bolt security Nord-Lock adds a new dimension of safety to bolt security with the launch of the Nord-Lock X-series washer. X-series combines Nord-Lock’s unmatched wedgelocking protection against spontaneous bolt loosening due to vibration and dynamic loads with an exclusive spring effect to protect against slackening due to settlement and relaxation. This unique combination makes X-series the first, true multifunctional solution — offering the highest security for critical joints, without compromise. With new technologies and demands, joints increasingly have to withstand stresses from multiple fronts, including vibration, dynamic loads, settlement and relaxation. Yet, no solutions on the market have previously been designed to secure bolts from all of these at once. That has left designers with the difficulty of figuring out which issue — spontaneous bolt loosening or slackening— will have the biggest effect on the joint, and choosing a solution to handle that single problem. Now, there is no need to compromise. Nord-Lock X-series ensures total bolt security while simplifying design and maintenance since there is no need to use and stock multiple solutions. For more information visit us at Rail-Tech Europe 2013 or go to www.nord-lock.com Stand number: C017


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Survive the crisis with Dual Inventive “Saving by investing” Ing. Lex van der Poel, Director of Dual Inventive, kicks off with these words, he emphasizes that you won’t buy the product at Dual Inventive, but you invest in the product and in a long term relationship with Dual Inventive. This is testified by the market share that has built up since 2008. “By getting started with the products of Dual Inventive you will experience this. Dual Inventive has been providing track workers safety products since 2008 to the concept of the Deming Circle throughout Europe. With the systems of Dual Inventive you are completely “In control”. Through software applications using your mobile, PDA, desktop or iPad, you have instant overview and can influence your operational security processes. Our products optimize running the safety processes between planning the safety process steps in the office and implementing these in the field, also the controlling and checking process steps are instantly available. There is a continues interface between the office and the field using MTinfo 3000. We provide you with speed, efficiency and information running the process steps that results in; • 20% less Rail Capacity claim during possession , • No people in track anymore when implementing track workers safety, • Maximum safety (SIL 4), • Improvement in attitude and behaviour. “ If you want to know more about saving by investing, then we invite you to visit our booth at the Rail-Tech Europe 2013. We also like to invite you on our “Wednesday afternoon network lounge” from 16:30hr. Yours Sincerely, Dual Inventive Rail Capacity by Instant Safety Stand number: A025

Bemo Rail your reliable partner and specialist in railway shunting vehicles We manufactures Bemo shunting loco­ motives in 2-, 3-, 4- and 6-axles configu­ ration applied at industrial waggon loading areas, shunting yards as well as Service- and Rescue vehicles at Metro (MRT) depot workshops. Bemo Rail designs, produces and commissions rail vehicles in single and small series up to 10 to 15 pcs. Our shunting locomotives are fit for purpose and can be modified to customers wishes. Next to our detailed knowledge, flexibility to adapt is one of the most important benefits of Bemo Rail. During the process of inquiring we provide feasible solutions enabling the client to select an optimised value for money solution for his needs. Shunting locomotives are available in a wide range: e.g. speed, pulling force, (dynamic) envelopes, emissions and of course fuel consumption determine the configuration of the rail vehicle. Bemo Rail will combine all these specs into suitable proposals. Recently we have extended our product range of “clean diesel hydraulic drives” with battery- and hybrid-drive technology. From sole battery powered systems, combined with 3rd rail power supply or in combination with generator power supply enabling autonomous operation. For more information please visit our website www.bemorail.com Stand number: F017

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

SoW-5 The only complete ThermitŽ welding process homologated in the Netherlands Some years ago, in 2004, Elektro-Thermit GmbH & Co. KG, Germany successfully introduced the new welding process SoW-5 in the Netherlands. This process successfully replaced the SmW that has been used by the Dutch rail welding companies until then. The SoW-5 welding process is available for all rail profiles and grades and is the only certified ThermitŽ welding process in the Netherlands that covers all rail combinations and thus the essential requirements in track. This process shows it’s economic strength due to small portion sizes and the use of uniform equipment for all profiles. Gap widths of 29 mm as well as wide gaps of 40-50 mm and 65-75 mm can be welded. Furthermore all available crucible versions can be used which also shows the high flexibility of this welding process. For eight years this welding process successfully has proven its robustness and reliability in the track. Due to continuously development and improvement of portions and moulds and the good cooperation between the Dutch railways and Elektro-Thermit, today we can offer our customers a complete welding process that can be used even for high-tensile perlitic grades up to rail grade R370 CrHT. SoW5 is certified according to EN 14730-1 and is homologated at Railways in many countries that have high requirements on the track. Stand number: A017



Rail-Tech Europe 2013

B+BTec is a System Manufacturer of Unique Heavy Duty Concrete Anchoring Systems. These unique Systems are called: SAS™-Structural Anchoring Systems

Alom - Railway engineering & supply

Since 1970 B+BTec has developed into a Concrete Anchor Engineering Company focused on Structural Anchoring Systems.The SAS Products are backed by extensive R&D work and Approvals from Independent Testing Institutes in France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland & the Netherlands.

Approved supplier of ProRail for AVK14, VK19 and AVK75 rail fastening systems.

The SAS Anchors in combination with the proprietary B+BTec Specification & Design Methods result in excellent Safety on the Job Site. The organization has Engineering Offices in various countries. SAS™The SAS Anchors are specified for: - Highways - Bridges - Tunnels - Harbours - Railway Construction

AVK14 rail fastening system for NS90 concrete sleepers.

Stand number: C007

This system complies with the ProRail specification 00282.

Avenio: the new Siemens tram Almost 130 years ago, Siemens’ first tram was invented. Now, with the Avenio, Siemens has reinvented their tram in a 100% low floor version. The Avenio has a potentially leaner vehicle fleet, low maintenance costs afforded by the concept, and it saves on energy. The energy storage unit, along with intelligent energy management and a modern traction converter help to reduce energy consumption

Alom is engineer and supplier of railway products as rails, complete rail fastening systems and rail components. The strategy of Alom is being proactive with the rail industry regarding safety, environ­ ment and availability of the track.

by up to 30 percent. The tram doesn’t exist yet, it is currently built in Vienna for the city of The Hague. Avenio will arrive in 2014 and the Hague will be the first city in the world where the public can literally see and feel the mockup. Qatar and Munich have also placed orders to purchase the Avenio. Siemens will show a mock up of the tram at their booth at RailTech 2013. Stand number: F011

AVK19 rail fastening system for the fastening of 54E1 rails on baseplates. This system complies with the ProRail specification 00281.

AVK75 rail fastening system for the fastening of 54E1 rails on concrete duo-block sleepers. This system complies with the ProRail specification 00280. For any railway engineering or rail fastening system enquiry please contact us! Email: info@alom.eu Tel: +31 (0)183 - 56 56 63 Internet: www.alom.eu Stand number: A013

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Eurolocking, now in service Stand number: F008

Safety first “Safety first!” The motto is universal. It applies to aviation, to process industries but also - and especially - to the railways. Euro­locking is designed to ensure the safety of rail infrastructure. It prevents derailment, collisions between trains, and between trains and road vehicles. It detects dangerous situations, takes corrective action and so ensures the safe operation of railway traffic. In short, Eurolocking forms the heart of the railway signalling system. Now in service In 2012, the Eurolocking system at Santpoort Noord yard was taken into service – the first SIL4 Eurolocking on a main­line in the Netherlands. The Euro­locking system covers the entire yard, and is the fruit of a Movares project carried out in close cooperation with Dutch rail infrastructure provider ProRail. At this time the design of the second yard, Beverwijk, is also ongoing for its Eurolocking. Mid-December 2013, we expect the Eurolocking acceptance for the complete country and with that Eurolocking is a standard product(by ProRail in the Netherlands.

A wide range of applications Movares, with its extensive knowledge of railway signalling, was able to develop a flexible COTS based inter­locking suitable for both main and regional lines. The know­ledge and experience of programmable logic controller (PLC) techno­logy, together with the indeep know how of signalling application, made it possible for Movares to create Euro­locking. The system is flexible which means that it’s also possible to use it for a wide range of other purposes like: light rail, level crossings, freight yards and marshalling yards. Eurolocking, cost-efficient SIL4 interlocking in service at Santpoort Noord yard. Inquiries: Jean-Paul van Hengstum • Phone: +31 30 265 3171 • Mobile: + 31 6 57 622 464 • E-mail: info@eurolocking.com • www.eurolocking.com



Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Innovations for rail-related transport by Vossloh At Rail-Tech 2013, on its stand B015 in hall 2 Vossloh’s Rail Infrastructure division will showcase its broad range of rail infra­structure applications and services. Vossloh Cogifer will present switch systems and components for all type of railways: from (sub) urban via heavy haul to high-speed. Supplemented with actuation, monitoring and signalling systems, Vossloh Cogifer offers its customers a global competence with its associated services.

What’s new in the area of lubrication? Enabling reliability and safety for local and long distance rail transportation. LUBCON and Van Meeuwen explain. Rail transportation systems require innovative lubricants to be easily biodegradable and compliant with strict safety and environmental requirements. Increasing wheel and rail life is a continuous challenge. The selection of the right lubricant in combination with the right application device, taking into consideration the various operating and environmental conditions, enables to meet the different requirements during critical friction between wheels and rails.

Even with extreme axle loads and at high speeds, rail fasteners of Vossloh Fastening Systems ensure safe and cost-effective rail transport operations. With its own new core component for its rail fasteners: cellentic®, Vossloh Fastening Systems demonstrates once again that the interplay of coordinated measures and technologies reduces the need for expensive noise barriers and additionally enhances travel comfort. This highly elastic material has an important role in the elasticity of rail fastening systems and thus serving as a key ingredient in long-cycle noise abatement. The assortment for “quiet tracks” will be rounded off with the High Speed Grinding (HSG) technology. This worldwide unique rail maintenance service by Vossloh Rail Services reduces or eliminates existing corrugation and longitudinal waviness on the rails and thus also contributes to noise mitigation. With HSG-city, high speed grinding will be also available for urban railways.

In close cooperation with vehicle and component manufacturers (OEM), vehicle and rail owners, operators and maintenance companies LUBCON has successfully developed high grade lubricants. They are resistant to water and oxidation and exhibit excellent load and adhesion properties resulting in longer life time of your materials. Innovative lubricating systems and application techniques providing the best and most cost-effective lubrication solutions are also part of the portfolio. This guarantees longer maintenance intervals and cost savings whilst achieving high safety and performance levels. Precise metering devices for small and large application rates deliver a continuous lubrication film which reduces rolling noise and prevents bearing failures. Together with Van Meeuwen, the longstanding business partner and distributor in the Benelux, LUBCON brings rail, wheel and also switch lubrication to a higher level. Stand number: B022

Vossloh AG I Vosslohstr. 4 I 58791 Werdohl I Germany Stand number: B015

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

HYWEMA® has supplied a set of six mobile lifting jacks, Type FL/VN 35, to a repair workshop for rail-mounted vehicles. In addition to the existing 10 lifting jacks, the new six-piece lifting jack set was supplied with two mobile control panels. This enables the jacks to be operated as an independent set of 4, 6 or 8 jacks. They can also run together with the existing 10 lifting jacks that have been in use for some time. Since the new control consoles been configured as a master/ slave control system, they can be linked and all the lifting jacks can be controlled as a 16-jack set. The user-friendly arrangement of the control panel with central touch screen make working with the unit intuitive and

reduce the instruction phase. The touch screen provides the operator with the status of the set or any individual lifting jack in clear text. The control panels are equipped with a SIEMENS safety PLC S7 system with electronic synchronizer and dynamic load monitoring. Each individual lifting jack has a lifting capacity of 35,000 kg and is freely movable on the existing smooth concrete floor. The load is supported on manually extended cantilevers, which can be adjusted by a maximum of 750 mm.


The raising and lowering actions are by means of an electromechanical self-locking spindle system. HYWEMA® is certified by DGUV to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and in accordance with Annex X of the Machinery Directive. The lifting jacks comply with the latest issue of EN 1493. HYWEMA® offers a range of solutions for different rail applications, lifting jacks capacities up to 40,000 kg each or higher, lifting and rotating devices for bogies, axle stands, scissor lifting tables and several additional accessories. The HYWEMA® Lifting Equipment company founded 1922 is one of the most successful German lifter manufacturer in rail, road und industry market. Worldwide the brand HYWEMA® stands for quality and reliability under extreme conditions. Stand number: F019


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Preliminary floor plan Rail-Tech Europe 2013 (as of 18 December 2012) AVAILABLE FLOOR SPACE




R010 R019















R009 R007






R017 R015 R027









R021 R025 R023










coffee tea corner


F023 F025


F022 F021 F019 F121









Hall 1 Available floor space

Rail Career Square

The floor plan above shows that limited floor space is available. Contact rvos@ europoint.eu to book your preferred stand space in time! Do not miss out on this opportunity to present your company to an audience of over 6,000 rail-professionals at Rail-Tech Europe 2013. Please note that stand spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

The Rail Career Days (Rail Carrière Dagen) are being organised simultaneously with Rail-Tech Europe 2013. It is the career event for students, starters and (young) professionals, looking for a (new) job, trainee- or internship, or an education in the rail sector. Various companies have already committed themselves to the Rail Career Days. We are pleased to introduce NS (Dutch Railways) as partner of the Rail Career Square. Another exhibitor, Railforum will set up a stage for various interesting speakers, activities and their platform “Boeien & Binden.” Also, Railway Gazette will be present with their online career centre with the latest industry jobs. For more information and registration, please visit www.rail-carriere.nl (in Dutch only) or contact Ms. Sandra van Beek, svanbeek@europoint.eu


Rail-Tech Europe 2013







A021 A021

A019 A019

A017 A017

A013 A013

A013 A013

Passage exhibition Passage outdooroutdoor exhibition A009 A009 A007 A007 A005 A005 A003 A003 A001 A001 B029 B029B027 B027

B023 B023 B025 B025

B021 B021 B019 B019

B015 B015

B022 B022

025 C019 C019


B013 B013

B011 B011

C009 C009C007 C007 C005 C005 C003 C003C001 C001

C017 C017 C015 C015

B001 B001

Registration Registration area area

Conference RoomRoom Conference

Exhibition MeetingMeeting Exhibition Room Room Office Office

MainMain Entrance Entrance Exhibition Exhibition

Hall 2 Independent professionals During Rail-Tech Europe 2013, a special platform for consultants and independent professionals will be created. Are you working as an independent professional? Register for Rail-Tech Europe and benefit from the possibility to meet the entire rail sector and invite your own network at special rates. For only â‚Ź750,- you receive a fully equipped stand space of 6m2 including: Electricity, lightning, company name on the fascia, lockable counter, 1 bar table and 2 stools. For more information or to reserve your spot, please contact us at info@railtech-europe.com

For the most up-to-date version of the floor plan, please visit www.railtech-europe.com


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Preliminary list of exhibitors Rail-Tech Europe 2013 company name

Stand number








AIS Automation Dresden GmbH



Alom B.V.



Alphatron UCS



Alstom Transport



Amberg Technologies AG



Amurrio Ferrocarril y Equipos






Bemo Rail









Buntmetall amstetten Ges.m.b.H



Computer Products Professional



Dual Inventive



DVV Media Group



Edilon Sedra






Elektro-Thermit GmbH & Co. KG






ETS Spoor



GMT Benelux



Goldschmidt Thermit Railservice GmbH



Hans van Driel



Heatpoint B.V.



HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + CoKG



Imtech Traffic & Infra






JV - Jonge Veranderaars



KEMA Rail Transport Certification



KOKS Group bv



Koopman & Zn B.V.



Kummler + Matter AG



Rail-Tech Europe 2013

company name

Stand number


Kummler + Matter NL



Lloyd’s Register Rail Europe



Modelec Data Industry









Nedtrain B.V.



Nord-Lock Benelux BV



NS - Nederlandse Spoorwegen






PION Kunststoffen B.V.



Platform Boeien & Binden



PMF Masten



Protec Railadvies



R.L.M. B.V.



Rail Road Systems






Railtech Plötz GmbH



Railway Gazette International



René Prinsen Spoorwegmaterialen B.V.









Schwihag AG









STC Group



Stemman Technik



Theunissen Technical Trading



TKF - Twentsche Kabel Fabriek



Van Gelder Rail b.v.



Van Meeuwen



voestalpine Railpro BV



voestalpine WBN BV



Voith Turbo B.V.



Vossloh Cogifer Kloos BV



Vossloh Cogifer SA



Vossloh Fastening Systems GmbH



Vossloh Laeis GmbH



Vossloh Rail Services GmbH



Wesemann B.V.





Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Advice and innovative solutions for a reliable protection of infrastructure networks PION Kunststoffen has 10 years of experience in providing durable protection for cables and pipes for various types of rail infrastructure projects. We always engage with our clients to find the best solutions, thereby delivering optimum results. This enables us to fulfill our motto ‘Capable in Cable Protection’ on a daily basis. During the Rail-Tech 2013 we present some new solutions. n CrossCube® the modular, versatile

drawing and inspection chambers with the new gas pressure stainless steel lids especially developed for purposes where architec­ tural design is of interest (i.e. railway stations, public squares). n Glassfiber reinforced cable canal S5000 developed for functional separation of 3kV cables. The assortment also contains cable canal solutions for 1500V and 10kV possibilities. PION can also advice in and deliver overground cable canal systems (i.e. wall connection).

n The new Endura 2.0 cable sleeve protection is a durable, separable solution with a integrated pull relief for protecting cable sockets (telecom, 1500V, 3kV). A closed total protection of the network is realised by connecting this Endura 2.0 on our PP dividable ducts. It is a sustainable alternative for the current wooden molds which have a limited lifetime. www.pionkunststoffen.nl Stand number: C019

Rail-Tech Europe 2013


GRINDING with the new VM 8000-E on tracks, switches and in the hump yard Insert blocks for non-circular cables and tubes MCT Brattberg proves once again to be a good partner for customer specific orders. Recently, Theunissen Technical Trading BV (TTT) delivered special, custom made insert blocks, for the extension of relay station Zutphen and the new building of transformer station Zutphen, with Prorail as end customer. With the special blocks, oval tubes and square tubes with rounded corners could be sealed. During the two projects of Prorail in Zutphen (the Netherlands), it was important for installer Strukton Systems Seinwezen & Voeding to seal the modular HDPE tubes in a safe and watertight manner. These special tubes will eventually be filled with fibreglass. TTT asked MCT Brattberg to develop specifically tailored insert blocks. In Sweden, they only needed a small piece of the tubes – in all sizes – to produce the needed blocks. MCT Brattberg is the founding father of the sophisticated modular transit system to seal off cables and pipes. An important characteristic of MCT Brattberg is formed by the flexible and controllable blocks, that are already prelubricated. The transit systems are watertight (up to 5 bar), gastight, fire retardant (A60, H120) and explosion resistant (up to 27 bar). Stand number: A009

The revised vehicle has an independent grinding module at the rear end of the grinding vehicle for switches and a 230 V power supply for manual grinding for finishing the tip of the frog. The inclination of the grinding cups varies between 72° on the inside and 50° on the outside of the rail. In addition, there is a high pressure water cleaning system for cleaning the application area and to extinguish small fires ignited by flying sparks. The performance of the VM 8000-E depends on the application. For example, for grinding new rails or removal of 0.2 mm corrugations between 200 m to 300 m of track can be processed per hour. For reprofiling, the figure is 85 m to 170 m, for removal of lipping 70 m to 140 m and for grinding switches 2 to 3 switches per 8-hour shift; completely ground, cleaned and lubricated. The grinding module also finds special use in marshalling yards (here in a hump yard with special protection provided by retarders). Grinding applications include the outside of tongue rails, stock rails, check rails and crossing noses. Stand number: A017


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

ISOBLOCK POINTS INSULATION Point heating during winter consumes a lot of energy, meaning that a great deal of heat is unnecessarily lost. Heatpoint has developed ISOBLOCK synthetic point insulation which: n saves an enormous amount of energy (42-60%) or n achieves a higher rail temperature (increased availability). This result was demonstrated by Eindhoven University of Technology. ISOBLOCK point insulation is successfully applied to rail in everyday practice, among others, the Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Norway, Hungary, Denmark and Great Britain. More rail companies have also indicated their interest. Either maximum energy saving or increased point availability is opted for, based on the prevailing conditions and demands. Combinations are also applied. The rail profile of ISOBLOCK is such that wind and snow barely affect point cooling. The upper and undersides of the stock rail and possibly the point tongue are insulated. The insulation is applied to the most common rail types ISOBLOCK attributes: n a short return of investment (1-3 years) n annual savings on energy costs n considerable reduction in CO2 emissions n simple assembly on the points n robust, fireproof and UV resistant n the insulation is secured using spring washers For further information visit www.heatpoint.nl Stand number: C019

Do you know the current conditions of your switches and drives? Failure of switches are the cause for a big part of the delays. Every minute of delay costs a fortune. Everyone is looking for reduction of delays, fast failure detection, increase of switch availability through preventive maintenance, reduction of maintenance costs through selective intervention, data analysis and scheduled maintenance. The best way to work with switches is the opportunity to act preventive. It is expedient to have knowledge about force measurements, electric power, function check and traceability. WAMS developed by Hastema is the ­possibility to work preventive on switches and drives. WAMS is a switch ­management system and unites various measuring tasks around switches and drives with ­standardized software and database. With the MobiWAPS you can built up a historical file of the switch. The system consists: MobiWAPS mobile switch inspection system, WAPS switch drive test bench and DAS Data Exchange System. Hastema expanded their assort­ ment with RAWLOC, a wheel load control for wagons and DYNARAIL, a dynamic wagon weighing system. Both systems are to put up directly on ballast and sleeper. Rail Road Systems represent the Hastema products exclusively for the Dutch market. Rail Road Systems BV - Professionals in ­specials

Stand number: F039

Rail-Tech Europe 2013


Automation system PSS 4000 from Pilz as a reliable solution: for example level crossing control systems

To increase safety on level crossings, the automation system PSS 4000 from Pilz is proving that standardised industrial solutions can implement the high, safety-critical requirements of rail transport economically. There are still a large number of unsecured level crossings. The focus is therefore on sophisticated, economical solutions. The automation system PSS 4000 from Pilz demonstrates its flexibility and openness in a wide range of classic mechanical engineering applications. PSS 4000 is even used in the chemical industry, on cable cars, dockside cranes and sluice systems. The benefit: it examines aspects of standard automation and safety within one system. What’s more, PSS 4000 offers the benefits of a decentralised control structure without the complexity that is normally associated with such a system. In detail, the automation system PSS 4000 consists of multiple hardware and software components, plus the real-time Ethernet SafetyNET and corresponding network com­ponents. These can be used to connect

other decentralised control systems and input/output modules, as well as to download both safety-related and nonsafety-related data. The control systems are based on the decentralised I/O system PSSuniversal. The automation system PSS 4000 from Pilz has a logical structure in terms of its practical application and programming, it is easy to manage and is extremely flexible. With PSS 4000 on board, the system can also be adapted to situations in which several streets converge at an intersection, for example. Autonomous operation is therefore guaranteed in every case. The urgent need of many countries to modernise their railway infrastructure should fit well with this standard, industry-

proven, safe and economical solution. In any case, as a centralised unit for standard and safety, the flexible automation system PSS 4000 is versatile enough to undertake far more complex tasks in the field of railway technology. Stand number: F031


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Protec Railadvies presents:

‘World First MIV’ Our New Magneta has a water manage­ ment on board with a holding capacity of 3500 liters water. Which also can be refilled within 15 minutes. We have added automatic nozzles with thermal cameras on board for the benefit of roadside fires. There is also a rotating brush which can be used as a snow sweeper or to clean crossings, tracks and switch’s. Trough a twist lock system there can be a platform assembled that extends 8.5 meter above BS for inspection of tunnels, catenary and perched objects. The magnetic module is also fully in progress allowing even better shots using strong magnets and reverse rotation of the tires. As a result: Higher speed and larger load capacity! There are hight-tech cameras placed by rotating the desired area to inspect. The whole system works by image recognition and is with interface to link to files, drawings

and documents. Safety is above all! By integrating everything into the chassis there are no activities outside the machine in work mode. We added a pressure cabin for the employees to work in confined spaces. Protec keeps the track clean. Also in the light of Corporate Social Responsibility (MVO) is

being thought. A Volvo Truck with Euro 5 + EEV in the field of environmental technology and the latest developments. The new MIV is one of the most inventive machines in the rail infra this year! Stand number: E011

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Wesemann and the traction industry For many years Wesemann has been the specialist for transformers, chokes and power supplies for the rail industry. Besides the rail industry Wesemann also offers solutions for depot power supplies, points heating systems and LED-lamp controls. Production in Rotterdam In its own, well equipped, factory in Rotterdam, Wesemann produces custom made transformers up to 100kVA’s. Since the founding of the company, in 1945, Wesemann has been involved in large projects for the rail industry in the Netherlands, and beyond. This specialism is still one of the pillars of the company’s success today. The diversity of the markets in which Wesemann operates, and the experience of its engineers, makes the company the ideal partner for all electro technical projects. Family Business Wesemann is a family business, run by the third generation Wesemann. The company has deep roots in the city of Rotterdam, which has always held its head office. With the ever continuing development and professionalization, Wesemann is now looking far beyond the Dutch border. According to Business Manager Alex Wesemann: “ We want to expand our solutions and product range to the European markets, as well as far beyond. However we want to maintain our personal involvement and commitment. We stay true to our motto: It’s family business”. Stand number: D017

Follow Rail-Tech Europe online! The Rail-Tech Europe LinkedIn Group and Twitter account are networking opportunities for professionals active in rail technology, rail infrastructure and rolling stock. These are online platforms for exchanging knowledge, discussing ideas and issues and doing business. Following Rail-Tech Europe via LinkedIn and Twitter enables you to: n Stay informed about the latest news n Start or join discussions about topics of your interest n Find answers to your questions about industry related subjects n Share your knowledge n Meet and contact industry professionals n Expand your network n Meet each other at Rail-Tech Europe 2013 n Stay in touch with visitors of Rail-Tech Europe Interested in meeting fellow rail professionals? Join the Rail-Tech Europe LinkedIn group or follow Rail-Tech Europe via Twitter today and be a part of Rail-Tech’s growing International professional rail community! @Railtecheurope

Rail-Tech Europe


ETS SPOOR BV… more than railway materials only! ETS Spoor continuously introduces innovative value-added products and services into the Dutch market. We have a wide international net­ work of A-brand suppliers and a very close cooperation with all net­ work operators. This results in a wide delivery program of (certified) products, always with the best quality for its purpose. As we all know the recession is still going on! The budget for new pro­ jects, renewals and maintenance is getting smaller and the need for a higher safety level is requested. ETS Spoor anticipates on this trend by offering their assistance to customers and work closer together and more efficient together. Because of our close relationships, it’s possible to work in supplier-client-teams to get the best solution for your project! ETS Spoor supports the engineering offices, contractors and the local governments and advises them. Supporting by providing knowledge, certifying products, testing samples, adapt products to make them customer specific and more... We look forward to your visit. Stand number: A017


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Kummler+Matter shows of Total Kummler+Matter Kummler+Matter delivers the knowledge, products and systems that help you trans足 port people from A to B using cutting-edge systems for tram and trolley-bus. Exhibiting at Rail-Tech Europe is one of the most important events of the year for Kummler+Matter. We meet existing clients and contacts, develop new relationships in a friendly and professional environment, display our newly introduced products and determine targets for the coming year. Kummler+Matter shares a booth with PMF (OCS masts), Isodraht (contact wire) and Elektroline (point switches, GFK pipes and connecting materials). Representatives of the Kruch, DTK and GA-wire brands will be present as well. An important milestone for the new year is the launch of our new website at www.kummlermatter.nl. On this web足 site we inform you of our most recent developments in OCS techniques, the

latest Kummler+Matter news and display our most recent projects. We would enjoy meeting you at Rail-Tech 2013 at booth B021 and discuss how we are able to meet any of the project, material supply, engineering and OCS

challenges you will be confronted with in the time to come. Please set an appoint by calling John Verheul at +316-51189883 or Frans Reinders at +316-11921024. Stand number: B019 + B021

Rail-Tech Europe 2013


Railforum Railforum is an organisation which functions as a think tank for 85 companies and organisations that contribute to the train/metro and tram transportation in the Netherlands. The central theme within this platform is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences, to increase and quicken public and commercial interest. For this Railforum offers its services and takes care to spread this knowledge amongst other sectors, government and institutes for scientific research.

institutions with which we share knowledge and experience.

Broadly based platform One of the main goals at Railforum, is to provide a broad platform in which the exchange of knowledge can be facilitated amongst their members. All companies and organisations are member, with a common denominator of sharing specific importance to public interest con­ cerning person based railway transportation and railway based transportation of goods. In this light, Railforum unites transportation companies, contractors, consultants, governmental organisations and financers, and provides a platform in which they can actively participate in the opinionated public debate. It provides a setting in which the whole railway branch can find common ground, despite “real world” conflicts of interest. Themes and opinions on important public issues are prepared together with the members. In projects, this body of knowledge from our members contri­butes to provide new and interesting insights usable and applicable to all members. Advice which is given by Railforum is based on facts that have been gained objectively and independently, and can contri­bute to the larger body of research and knowledge on the general issues pertaining to mobility as a whole.

2013 In 2013, our central themes will be “Reputation Management” , “Sustainable Railway” and the “Long Term Vision Central Railway”. In addition, we focus on the labour market in the knowledge network “Boeien & Binden” (Fascinating & binding). Hence, Railforum also actively participates in the Rail Career Days with a podium “Boeien & Binden.” Finally we will launch the ZP-network (Independent Professional). This network is expected to grow in the coming years to about 100 people. More information: www.railforum.nl

Railforum is also “partner in knowledge” of 30 consumer and industry organisations, like Rail-Tech Europe, umbrella organisations and educational

Young Change agents Railforum also facilitates the financial and organisational network of approximately 600 young professionals in the broad rail sector. They organize among others meetings, study trips and company visits. The aim is to exchange knowledge, thereby stimulating the innovations in the sector

Corina de Jongh Manager Railforum

Stand number: R007


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Purchase of a unique KOKS recovery truck by GVB Amsterdam Recently a KOKS-ZWEIWEG recovery truck was put into operation at GVB. This vehicle will be used in case of calamities with trams in the Amsterdam city centre. GVB is a Dutch transport company, which takes care of public transport in the municipalities of Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Ouder-Amstel and Diemen. This recovery truck is provided with a rail/driving unit and an assistance body. The body is equipped with various tools, among which a recovery winch and a crane.

Replacement of breakdown trucks The KOKS recovery truck stands by on behalf of 216 trams driving around on a 213 kilometer track (registration date January 2012) in Amsterdam. This new recovery truck takes over the duties of two salvage trucks and replaces a 29 year old DAF-breakdown lorry and a 26 year old Mercedes-Benz Unimog. Not only the dragging activities are being performed quicker, but also a derailed tram will stand up in de rails fast.

About us KOKS Group is specialist in the field of rail/road (maintenance) vehicles. The combination of experience with and knowledge of this material makes us a reliable supplier for the industrial and government service sector for many years.

Stand number: F001

Rail-Tech Europe 2013


CFP transitional coupler When it comes to towing or shunting trains, adapter couplers are often mounted on the train for a short period of time by the ope­ rating personnel. For this reason, they should be low-weight yet still be able to withstand the high operating loads encountered when towing entire trains. In order to reduce weight even further, Voith Turbo Scharfenberg has developed a CFRP (carbon fiber-reinforced polymer) adapter coupler. Until now, this high-performance material has been used primarily in aviation. Load tests have provided results that demonstrate its performance capa­bilities. These can be optimized even further through refinement.

Internationally valued for independent assurance services The Lloyd’s Register Group is a global independent risk management and safety assurance organisation. Since 1760 it has worked to further standards of design, manufacture and mainentance across many safety-critical industries – shipping, railways, oil and gas, manufacturing, amongst others – checking that assets and systems work so that people and communities around the world can get on with everyday life. With no institutional or private share­ holders, it is widely respected for its ability to provide impartial, technically correct judgements that are free from commercial or political pressure. Its work for the rail industry extends as far back as the 1920s, since when it has been working on projects large and small across many parts of the world, and Europe and Asia in particular.

More recently they have been appointed to provide independent assurance services on key projects such as Crossrail, Etihad Rail in the UAE, the GuangzhouHong Kong rail link and the scheme to migrate the Danish rail network’s entire signaling system to ERTMS – the largest re-signalling project Europe has ever seen. Lloyd’s Register’s experts will undertake the important role of ‘third party’ assessor in all of these projects, ensuring that stan­dards in safety and quality have been met. Lloyd’s Register Rail Europe B.V., T +3130 7524700, M Europe@lrrail.com, I www.lr.org/rail

Stand number: B023

One4 Modular Coupler With the new One4 coupler head, we have systematically refined the initial modular coupler concept even further. The One4 re­ pre­sents a radical simplification and stan­ dar­dization of previous coupler heads. Its face has been separated from the coupler body and - as a front plate - is connected to it by only a few bolts. The major benefit: the coupler body becomes a standard part. In turn, the front plate can be added for specific coupler types that are compatible with existing systems. This concept yields enormous time and cost savings when it comes to maintenance and repair. Voith sets standards in the markets ener­gy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and trans­portation & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 40 000 people, generates €5.6 billion in sales, operates in over 50 countries around the world and is today one of the biggest family-owned com­panies in Europe. Stand number: D031


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

About Alstom Transport Alstom Transport designs sustainable and global railway solutions tailored to operators, public authorities and passengers. Alstom Transport creates a smarter mobility by building and maintaining solutions that run safely, smoothly and efficiently. From trains to signalling, infrastructure, services and complete “turnkey” solutions, Alstom Transport offers the larger range of state-of-the-art railway solutions. In the fiscal year 2011-2012, Alstom Transport recorded sales of 5.2 billion euros and employs 24,700 people in over 60 countries. Website www.alstom.com/transport/

Urban Systems When it comes to improving the capacity, operating frequency and safety of their fleets - constantly bearing in mind their concern for sustainable development - rail service providers can choose from multiple options: constructing or modernising metro and tramway lines, improving signalling systems, acquiring new cars or renovating old ones. Alstom’s solutions put it ahead of the pack. Alstom urban transport solutions: n Turnkey systems n Metropolis Metro n Citadis Tramways n Citadis Compact Tramways n Signalling (Urbalis - CBTC solutions, control center, interlocking, passenger information and entertainment) n Infrastructure (Track Laying, electrification, electromechanical works) n Services (Maintenance, modernisation, parts supply) Find out more on our website http://www.alstom.com/transport/ Suburban Systems With the rapid expansion of the rail infrastructure and technological advances in rail travel, citizens can now choose to dwell further from their place of employment. As a result, they are altering the traditional landscape, as the urban fabric continues to expand well beyond the city walls. The suburban trains designed by Alstom - X’Trapolis and MI09 for example - as well as its tram-trains - Citadis Dualis and Regio Citadis - offer public authorities reliable, comfortable, high-capacity solutions to energise this type of daily mobility. Alstom suburban transport solutions: n Turnkey systems n X’trapolis suburban trains n Citadis Dualis Tram-trains n Signalling (control center, interlocking, passenger information and enter­ tain­ment) n Infrastructure (Track Laying, electrification, electromechanical works) n Services (Maintenance, modernisation, parts supply) Find out more on our website http://www.alstom.com/transport/ Regional Systems Regional rail travel, the link between urban transit and main line rail service, lies at the heart of the essential mobility issues confronting regional leaders... road and motorway congestion, intermodality, the rising need for public mobility and respect for the environment. By connecting rural areas with regional capitals, regional rail contributes to their economic growth. Alstom regional transport solutions: n Turnkey systems n Coradia Regional trains n Prima II locomotives for passenger transport

Rail-Tech Europe 2013

n Signalling (Atlas ERTMS signalling solution, control

center, interlocking, passenger information and enter­ tainment) n Infrastructure (Track Laying, electrification, electro­ mechanical works) n Services (Maintenance, modernisation, parts supply) Find out more on our website http://www.alstom.com/ transport/ Mainline Systems The newly halved travel times between certain metro­politan areas have influenced lifestyles, provided a substantial boost to economic development and altered regional sociological trends. Alstom, which has been a part of this incredible journey from the start, remains a longstanding leader in high-speed travel, with 1,170 trains sold worldwide and 1,028 trains in commercial service. Offering the widest range of products on the market, Alstom exports its technological expertise to every continent.


n Infrastructure (Track Laying, electrification, electro­

mechanical works) n Services (Maintenance, modernisation, parts supply)

Find out more on our website http://www.alstom.com/ transport/ Freight Systems Rail is a safer, cleaner option that offers a credible and competitive alternative to road and air transport. Numerous challenges remain, but several factors - geo­ graphical, financial and environmental - actually work to the benefit of rail transport. With its high level of expertise, strategic partnerships and on-going search for growth drivers within these evolving markets, Alstom is poised to capitalise on this solid momentum. Alstom freight solutions n Turnkey systems n Prima II locomotives for freight n Signalling (Atlas ERTMS signalling solution, control

Alstom high-speed and very high-speed solutions: n Turnkey systems n Pendolino High-Speed trains n Euroduplex Very High-Speed trains n AGV Very High-Speed trains n Signalling (Atlas ERTMS signalling solution, control center, interlocking, passenger information and enter­­ tainment)

The Coradia Continental is one Alstom solutions for main line rail transport.

center, interlocking) n Infrastructure (Track Laying, electrification, electro­

mechanical works) n Loclife Services: freight locomotives supply, support

and maintenance n Services (Maintenance, modernisation, parts supply)

Find out more on our website http://www.alstom.com/ transport/

Stand number: B013


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Old tyres on the line! That’s not as alarming as it may sound. In fact, old vehicle tyres actually add to sustain­ability and safety on and around the railways - and thanks to a clever vul­ ca­nisation process, Strail and Strailastic products are made of 95% recycled vehicle tyres.

Strail The rubber panels of a Strail level crossing reduce impulse loads on track super­ structure and the immediate environ­ ment when heavy traffic passes over the crossing. Strail crossings are available for every rail-sleeper combination and can be adapted to specific wishes, ranging from emergency crossings in tunnels, with special fire-retardant sur­ f aces, to crossings in or immediately behind points. Strail level crossing: Kennedylaan Vught For crossings where a cycle track or lane crosses the line at an acute angle, or in areas with a relatively high proportion of walking-frame or wheelchair users, there is a special version: Velostrail, the level crossing with no flange grooves. Strailastic track damping systems The quality of life of people living near rail-based transport systems is under increasing scrutiny, which is why reducing vibration is of growing importance. Strailastic offers an extensive range of products for tackling vibration, including: • Rail dampers • Ballast mats • Rail web profiles • Lawn edge profiles For more information about Strail and Strailastic products, visit www.strail.com or www.nedstrail.nl.

Stand number: E129

Rail-Tech Europe 2013


Imtech Traffic & Infra at work in Amsterdam Imtech Traffic & Infra works as special subcontractor on the prestigious NorthSouth metro line (NoordZuidlijn) in Amsterdam. In the project, Imtech Traffic & Infra is responsible for the complete traction system and medium voltage installations of the metro line. Through our longstanding experience with the engineering, installation and maintenance of rectifiers and DC switchgears for light and heavy rail we can provide the best technical solution with a low cost of ownership.

The North-South line is a metro route of nine and a half kilometres, of which more than six runs through a newly drilled tunnel. Along the line are eight passenger stations, including Amsterdam Central Station and Amsterdam South/World Trade Centre. The traction system consists of six sub­ stations and six external section sys­tems, covering the entire route. The ex­ ter­ nal section systems ensure that, in case of an emergency, the power to the third rail tracks can be disconnected in a specific area, to

ensure the safety of the emergency services. What makes this a special project, is the integrated approach to the works, as the organisation works uniquely close together with the contracting firm. To ensure optimal cooperation, Imtech is an actual member of the contracting organisation, making it possible to approach the faced challenges with a ‘Best-for-project’-mentality. This allows all parties to benefit and the project to be run with top efficiency. Stand number: B025


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Certification is the future European legislation aims at liberalization of the rail market (transport, rolling stock and infrastructure). These factors have a major influence on the railway industry. Products and processes have to meet increasing demands. This means that you, being responsible for these products and processes, are faced with increasing expectations. For instance: do you know the specific re­ quirements that your railway systems have

to meet? Do your processes and suppliers meet each and every legal require­ment?

These questions do not have to be ans­ wered by you. Designated Body, Notified Body Interoperability and ISA, KEMA Rail Transport Certification (KEMA RTC) will be pleased to help you. KEMA RTC performs both mandatory and voluntary certifications. The subsystems Energy, Infra­ s tructure, Rolling Stock, Command, Control & Signalling, Operation

and Mainte­nance are subject to mandatory certification. Topics of voluntary certifi­ cation are the use of materials and the calibration of instruments. Furthermore, KEMA RTC is active in all specialist areas of the railway industry, thanks to its knowledge and experience. KEMA RTC assesses: • Design • Production • Testing • Purchasing • Maintenance KEMA RTC certifies: • Design • Instruments • Processes • Products (subsystems and inter­ operability constituents • Quality Assurance Systems • Staff Stand number: D003

New solution for stabling yards premiers in the Netherlands Grote Binckhorst in Den Haag was the first stabling yard in The Netherlands to be fitted with Bombardier signalling. The 12 month project included: the adaptation of Bombardier’s generic products to meet specific Dutch requirements and the design, installation, testing and commissioning of the NedTrain operated NSR stabling yard at Grote Binckhorst. A training centre was established in Amsterdam for the training of operators and maintainers. This project is part of a six-year frame agreement signed in January 2012 be­tween Bombardier and ProRail which delivers a standard solution for stabling yards allowing points to be controlled remotely from a control room rather than manually by train drivers. The system will increase safety, efficiency and capacity and is applicable to industrial yards as well as tram, light-rail and metro depots and lines. The technical solution based on Bombardier’s CITYFLO 150 solution comprises: EBI Screen 300 central control, EBI Lock 400 computer based interlocking, EBITrack 2000 axle counter systems, EBI Light signals, and EBI Switch 2000 point machines. “Our scalable solution offers a low cost, proven solution for our customer’s needs. This represents a major step forward in allowing NedTrain to increase the efficiency and reduce the operating costs of their stabling yards” said Bombardier’s Rail Control Solutions Director Roger Hall.

Bombardier point machine with automated signalling and manual override

Stand number: B011

Rail-Tech Europe 2013


Independent professionals in the rail sector In the past 20 years, the rail market in the Netherlands has changed dramatically. In the early nineties of the last century, the large Dutch Railways group was responsible for all railway operations and used to be politically and financially controlled by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. Today, the Dutch Railways group has split in two separate divisions: NS (Dutch Railways) as carrier and ProRail as infrastructure manager. These organisations are now the main legal successors. In this separation, much knowledge that previously existed within one company is now fragmented across multiple companies. This is also the case for the urban transportation companies in Rotterdam, The Hague and Amsterdam. Reason for this fragmentation of knowledge is the fact that before the separation, these organisations used to be responsible for everything that was related to public transport, with short lines of communication regarding

assignments. In this new situation, they now have to deal with different parties that are responsible for all the preconditions (maintenance, infrastructure, overhead lines, equipment, passengers, etc.) Secondly, new laws and regulations in recent years and the introduction of metropolitan regions, contributed to the change. Thirdly, there are also new international companies working in the Dutch railway sector, for both the railways and the tram, metro and light rail systems. Following the privatization of the sector, cost reduction has become an important driver. Combined with the current economic climate and the consequent trend that an increasing amount of people are working independently, there is a greater role for independent professionals. They are valued as interim managers, as a temporary (extra) professional strength or they are hired to guide a large project. Others are asked for a second opinion, to accompany a conflict between client and contractor or they are hired for their specific piece of knowledge which does not exist in the organisation.

“Combined with the current economic climate and the consequent trend that an increasing amount of people are working independently, there is a greater role for independent professionals� The great advantage of working with independent professionals, according to the clients who hire them, is the flexibility (only hire if knowledge is needed) and the experience that they have gained in several companies. Specifically older independent professionals often have a broad knowledge and experience at administrative and management level. Another advantage is the fact that they are not biased because they are not connected to an organisation. Roel van den Bosch Managing Director BoschSpoor

Stand number: G001


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Rail-Tech Europe Innovation award Since 2003, The Rail-Tech Europe Innovation award is a recurring part of the exhibition and it has proven to be a success for previous award winners. Have you recently developed a new or innovative product or service for the rail industry? Implemented an innovative process or system? Turned your idea into a new venture? Tell us and sign up for the Inno­ vation Award 2013 before 1 March 2013! The selection criteria are: n inventiveness n innovativeness n expected market potential A competent jury, chaired by Prof. Klaus Riessberger of TU Graz and president of UEEIV, will judge the entries and announce the nominations.

Participation conditions: n To participate in the innovation award you have to be an exhibitor of Rail-Tech Europe 2013 n Maximum of two applications per company n Application before 1 March 2013 n Relevance* * The jury will decide whether an appli­cation is of relevance.

Overview Innovation Award winners: 2003 Grontmij - Ground Penetrating Radar System (GPR) 2005 Compa Tech bv - Comparand® and Comparon® 2007 Tracksure - ‘Tracksure’ prevents bolts from selfloosening 2009 Smartwater NDC Consultants - ‘SmartWater’ to tackle railway metal thefts 2011 Rail Safety Systems - Sustainable safety fence with Magnet

“Winning the award brought our new product to the attention and interest of many potential clients throughout Europe,” says a happy Ger Biesbrouck, CEO of Rail Safety Systems (RSS). In 2011, his sustainable magnetic safety fence was chosen to be the most innovative product.

Rail-Tech Europe 2013


Experience the advantages of Remote Condition Monitoring @ Rail-Tech Europe 2013! Improving your rolling stock performance and struc­ turing your maintenance: these are the key words of Real-Time Monitoring of rail vehicles. Following-on from the trail-blazing seminar in November 2011, Lloyd’s Register will take the next step towards achieving your targets by initializing the international Remote Monitoring Congress on Rolling Stock, a platform for this increasingly important topic in the rail market. The programme for this event will combine expertise from both rail and non-rail parties, and will include a number of demonstrations of the process in practice @ Rail-Tech Europe 2013.

Lloyd’s Register invites you to join this Congress on Wednesday 20 March 2013 and challenge us with your burning questions and issues in this area. We invite you to use this opportunity to share these with our speakers, all people who have long been involved in Real-Time Monitoring for rail and non-rail applications, and who are fully aware of the ins and outs of constructively using rail data to maximize the performance and financial benefits to your business! Interested? Mail to Lloyd’s Register Rail  smartfleet@ lrrail.com


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Historical Highlights of Rail-Tech Europe Opening by Prof. Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven (then Chairman Transport Safety Council); first edition of Infra-Tunnel



F irst edition of Rail-Tech Europe in Utrecht officially opened by Annemarie Jorritsma (former Minister of Transport)




Technical visit to test phase Maglev (Transrapid im Emsland, Germany)


Rail-Tech Europe 2013

Exhibition venue Rail Maintenance Hangar (Rijtuigenloods) The Rail Maintenance Hangar (“Rij­tuigen­­loods”) in Amersfoort is a major industrial location in the heart of the Netherlands. The Rail Maintenance Hangar used to be a place where train maintenance was carried out. This is still clearly reflected in the number of tracks laid out throughout the hall. Also, being over 100 years old, the hangar still breathes the traditional

Introduction of Innovation Award ceremony



railway atmosphere, shaping the perfect ambiance for the RailTech Europe exhibition. Today, these elements are the silent witnesses of a rich history… The venue offers great opportunities for demonstrating rolling stock and rail maintenance machines. Its direct connection with the national railway network enables easy transportation and shunting of large vehicles.

Venue change to Amersfoort / Mock – up Alstom metro / Combination with Rail Career Days / opening by Lucas Bolsius (Mayor of Amersfoort)

Life-size train platform on the exhibition floor



Technical visit to HSL-Zuid (High Speed Line South)





Technical visit to HTM RandstadRail, 2-day workshop on rail infrastructure management




Europoint Full service professional congress and exhibition organizer Europoint, your professional partner in organising: n National and inter足national exhibitions n National and international congresses (50 - 1,000+ participants) n Workshops n Seminars n Meetings n And more! n More than 15 years experience (national and international) n Quality and reliability are our core values n Custom made events - Your goals are leading n We can organize every足thing from A to Z, or just a part n Specialist in organising events on rail technology

Contact us to explore the opportunities for your organisation: Europoint B.V. I Rail Technology Conferences & Exhibitions Laan van Beek en Royen 41 I P.O. Box 822 I 3700 AV ZEIST I The Netherlands I T: +31 (0)30 - 6981 800 I E: info@europoint.eu I W: www.europoint.eu

Rail-Tech Europe


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19-20-21 March 2013 www.railtech-europe.com

Rail Maintenance Hangar (Rijtuigenloods) Amersfoort - The Netherlands



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