J ULY 2 0 1 8
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AILWAY GE S e r v i n g t h e r a i lway i n d u s t r y s i n c e 1 8 5 6
How Ed Hamberger Forged a Lasting Legacy
Why service levels must improve
Where to keep your fleet in prime shape railwayage.com
August 2017 // Railway Age 1
JUNE2018 JULY 2018
19 26 29 31
AAR’s Ed Hamberger For 20 years our man on The Hill
Midyear Report Railroads must improve service
Closing the Gender Gap How ZTR engineers diversity
TTCI: Inspection Tech Preventing wheel failures
William Beecher
47th Annual Car & Locomotive Repair Directory
DEPARTMENTS 4 6 8 32 32 32 33 34 35
Industry Indicators Industry Outlook Market People 100 Years Ago Events
NEWS/COLUMNS 2 10 16 36
From the Editor Update Watching Washington Financial Edge
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On the Cover: Edward R. Hamberger, AAR President and CEO. Photo: AAR
Railway Age, USPS 449-130, is published monthly by the Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation, 55 Broad St., 26th Fl., New York, NY 10004. Tel. (212) 620-7200; FAX (212) 633-1863. Vol. 219, No. 7. Subscriptions: Railway Age is sent without obligation to professionals working in the railroad industry in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. However, the publisher reserves the right to limit the number of copies. Subscriptions should be requested on company letterhead. Subscription pricing to others for Print and/or Digital versions: $100.00 per year/$151.00 for two years in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico; $139.00 per year/$197.00 for two years, foreign. Single Copies: $36.00 per copy in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico/$128.00 foreign All subscriptions payable in advance. COPYRIGHT© 2016 Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced without permission. For reprint information contact PARS International Corp., 102 W. 38th Street, 6th floor, New York, N.Y. 10018, Tel.: 212-221-9595; Fax: 212-2219195. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and additional mailing offices. Canada Post Cust.#7204564; Agreement #41094515. Bleuchip Int’l, PO Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2. Address all subscriptions, change of address forms and correspondence concerning subscriptions to Subscription Dept., Railway Age, P.O. Box 3135 Northbrook, IL. 600653135, Or call toll free (800) 895-4389, or (402) 346-4740. Printed at Cummings Printing, Hooksett, N.H. ISSN 0033-8826 (print); 2161-511X (digital).
July 2018 // Railway Age 1
AILWAY GE Subscriptions: 800-895-4389
Plump, Content, and Slow?
ctually, the headline from the Fre i g h t w ave s . com e-newsletter, What the Truck? (gee, that’s original—not!) was “Fat, Happy and Slower Than Ever.” But this is Railway Age. We’re expected to be a little less in-your-face. Most of all, we’re expected to know what we’re talking about (well, most of the time). “There’s a curious contradiction in the financial and performance data provided by railroads and the analysts who study them,” Freightwaves.com said. “One statistic, average absolute network velocity, paints a portrait of an industry deep in crisis: Average train speed has fallen to less than 22.5 mph ... the slowest it’s been in a decade. The railroads are struggling to fulfill their service obligations, causing customers’ plants to shut down, massive spikes in the costs of critical commodities, and arbitrarily parking their trains in residential areas, blocking neighborhoods. “On the other hand, there’s a financial metric that contradicts the thesis of a dysfunctional industry letting its service, infrastructure, and safety practices deteriorate year after year: the operating ratio… Large trucking carriers typically see operating ratios in the mid to low 90s or high 80s… You’d think that railroads would have similar operating ratios—like truckload carriers, railroads are exposed to the same sorts of fuel price risks, they operate
a large number of expensive machines that they use as much as possible, and unlike trucking, the railroads have a largely unionized workforce. But you’d be wrong.” (What are those ORs? CSX: 63.7%. Union Pacific: 64.6%. Kansas City Southern: 65.8%. Canadian Pacific: 67.5%. CN: 67.8%. BNSF: 67.9%. Norfolk Southern: 69.3%. This is bad?) “One of the reasons why railroads are so flush with cash at the moment is that truckload prices are so high,” said Freightwaves. com. “The railroads are raising prices right alongside truckers, just because they can.” Huh? What the Truck, what are you talking about? “An industry deep in crisis?” “Deteriorating service, infrastructure and safety practices?” “Raising prices just because they can?” Who came up with these simplistic observations? A high school student studying Economics 101 with a 1970s textbook? Investors, especially the activist types (you know how I feel about those people) love those below-70 ORs. Sure, we’ve got some problems. Perhaps our trains are too long. Perhaps we pay way too much attention to Wall Street. Perhaps we’ve gotten a bit too cost-cut-happy. Perhaps we suffer from NIHS (Not Invented Here Syndrome). But a dysfunctional industry? I don’t think so. See p. 27.
Railway Age, descended from the American Rail-Road Journal (1832) and the Western Railroad Gazette (1856) and published under its present name since 1876, is indexed by the Business Periodicals Index and the Engineering Index Service. Name registered in U.S. Patent Office and Trade Mark Office in Canada. Now indexed in ABI/Inform. Change of address should reach us six weeks in advance of next issue date. Send both old and new addresses with address label to Subscription Department, Railway Age, PO Box 3135, Northbrook, IL 60062-2620, or call toll free (800) 895-4389, or (402) 346-4740. Post Office will not forward copies unless you provide extra postage. Photocopy rights: Where necessary, permission is granted by the copyright owner for the libraries and others registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to photocopy articles herein for the flat fee of $2.00 per copy of each article. Payment should be sent directly to CCC. Copying for other than personal or internal reference use without the express permission of Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corp. is prohibited. Address requests for permission on bulk orders to the Circulation Director. Railway Age welcomes the submission of unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. However, the publishers will not be responsible for safekeeping or return of such material. Member of:
SBP 2 Railway Age // July 2018
Editorial and Executive Offices Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corp. 55 Broad Street, 26th Fl. New York, NY 10004 212-620-7200; Fax: 212-633-1863 Website: www.railwayage.com ARTHUR J. McGINNIS, Jr. President and Chairman JONATHAN CHALON Publisher jchalon@sbpub.com WILLIAM C. VANTUONO Editor-in-Chief wvantuono@sbpub.com STUART CHIRLS Senior Editor schirls@sbpub.com Contributing Editors: Roy H. Blanchard, Jim Blaze, Alfred E. Fazio, Bruce E. Kelly, Ron Lindsey, Ryan McWilliams, David Nahass, Jason H. Seidl, David Thomas, John Thompson, Frank N. Wilner Art Director: Nicole Cassano Graphic Designer: Aleza Leinwand Corporate Production Director: Mary Conyers Digital Ad Operations Associate: Kevin Fuhrmann Production Director: Eduardo Castaner Marketing Director: Erica Hayes Conference Director: Michelle Zolkos Circulation Director: Maureen Cooney Western Offices 20 South Clark Street, Suite 1910, Chicago, IL 60603 312-683-0130; Fax: 312-683-0131 Engineering Editor: Mischa Wanek-Libman mischa@sbpub.com Assistant Editor: Kyra Senese ksenese@sbpub.com International Offices 46 Killigrew Street, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 3PP, United Kingdom Telephone: 011-44-1326-313945 Fax: 011-44-1326-211576 International Editors: David Briginshaw, db@railjournal.co.uk Keith Barrow, kb@railjournal.co.uk Kevin Smith, ks@railjournal.co.uk Dan Templeton, dt@railjournal.co.uk Customer Service: 800-895-4389 Reprints: PARS International Corp. 253 West 35th Street 7th Floor New York, NY 10001 212-221-9595; fax 212-221-9195 curt.ciesinski@parsintl.com
Miles ahead In a “what have you done for me lately” world, being a century-old railcar manufacturer isn’t enough. And we know that our next century will require a focus not on quantity, but on quality: Quality of product, of service, of relationships, and most of all, quality of people. Today, our leadership is about investment and commitment. We are all-in. And that is reflected at each FreightCarAmerica facility where our skilled craftspeople turn steel into commerce, blending thousands of years of collective expertise with state-of-the-art automated welding systems and modern robotics. With our 3.2 million square foot American footprint, nobody puts more heart into each railcar. At FreightCarAmerica, the next century of our business is built on the quality of our relationships, putting our customers miles ahead.
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Industry Indicators Railroads On A Roll The U.S. economy is clicking right now, writes the Association of American Railroads, and Class I railroads are both beneficiaries and enablers of that. In May 2018, originated carloads on U.S. railroads were up 3.2% over May 2017, the third straight month with year-over-year growth greater than 3%. In May 2018, 15 of the 20 commodity categories the AAR tracks saw higher carloads, including nearly all the major categories. Total carloads averaged 263,884 in May 2018, the most for May since 2015. Commodities with big year-over-year gains included crushed rock, sand, and gravel (thanks to frac sand, May 2018 was the best month in history for this category); chemicals; coal, and petroleum products.
Railroad employment, Class I linehaul carriers, MAY 2018 (% change from MAY 2017)
Total employees: 147,000 % change from MAY 2017: -1.36%
Transportation (train and engine) 61,593 (2.53%) Executives, Officials, and Staff Assistants 8,359 (-4.41%) Professional and Administrative 11,838 (-5.34%) Maintenance-of-Way and Structures 32,770 (-4.06%) Maintenance of Equipment and Stores 26,856 (-3.14%) Transportation (other than train & engine) 5,584 (-4.14%) Source: Surface Transportation Board
Grain Farm Products ex. Grain Grain Mill Products Food products Chemicals Petroleum & Petroleum Products Coal Primary Forest Products Lumber and Wood Products Pulp and Paper Products Metallic Ores Coke Primary Metal Products Iron & Steel Scrap Motor Vehicles & Parts Crushed Stone, Sand, & Gravel Nonmetallic Minerals Stone, Clay & Glass Products Waste & Nonferrous Scrap All Other Carloads Total U.S. CarLoadS
MAY ’18
119,875 4,170 47,684 29,485 162,903 52,179 398,426 5,575 18,435 28,301 31,806 22,487 48,347 19,546 84,894 139,124 20,467 40,103 17,666 27,947
116,702 3,756 45,816 29,426 153,535 47,330 391,719 5,407 17,178 28,003 34,060 21,570 45,131 18,401 86,213 122,313 24,654 37,681 19,424 30,023
2.7% 11.0% 4.1% 0.2% 6.1% 10.2% 1.7% 3.1% 7.3% 1.1% -6.6% 4.3% 7.1% 6.2% -1.5% 13.7% -17.0% 6.4% -9.1% -6.9%
MAJOR U.S. RAILROADS by Commodity Trailers Containers TOTAL UNITS
MAY ’18
123,210 1,274,993 1,398,203
99,847 1,212,346 1,312,193
23.4% 5.2% 6.6%
2,822 342,671 345,493
4,862 328,722 333,584
-42.0% 4.2% 3.6%
126,032 1,617,664
104,709 1,541,068
20.4% 5.0%
CANADIAN RAILROADS RAILROADS CONTINUE TO ADD JOBS While Class I employment is down from year-ago figures (see above), that now looks like so much ancient history as the largest railroads posted a net employment gain in May from April 2018—the third straight monthly net increase. In May, staffing for the Professional and Administrative category posted the only decline from the previous month, at -0.63%, but that was outweighed by a 1.15% rise, the biggest, for train and engine crews.
4 Railway Age // July 2018
Trailers Containers TOTAL UNITS
COMBINED U.S./CANADA RR Trailers Containers
Source: Monthly Railroad Traffic, Association of American Railroads
1,736,230 MAY 2018
1,666,011 MAY 2017
Short Line And Regional Traffic Index CARLOADS
by Commodity
50,273 22,491 34,209 12,111 27,865 6,706 11,429 3,123 20,491 10,583 2,074 2,486 19,095 44,689 11,146 84,870
47,433 24,650 29,714 11,740 27,841 6,694 10,609 3,135 17,104 11,078 1,819 2,140 16,984 48,628 10,798 85,754
6.0% -8.8% 15.1% 3.2% 0.1% 0.2% 7.7% -0.4% 19.8% -4.5% 14.0% 16.2% 12.4% -8.1% 3.2% -1.0%
Chemicals Coal Crushed Stone, Sand & Gravel Food and Kindred Products Grain Grain Mill Products Lumber and Wood Products Metallic Ores Metals and Products Motor Vehicles and Equipment Nonmetallic Minerals Petroleum Products Pulp, Paper and Allied Products Trailers / Containers Waste and Scrap Materials All Other Carloads
Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved.
average weekly U.S. Rail Carloads: all commodities (not seasonally adjusted) 280,000 2018
270,000 260,000
250,000 2017
230,000 220,000
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Data are average weekly originations for each month, are not seasonally adjusted, do not include intermodal, and do not include the U.S. operations of CN and CP. Source: AAR
Visit http://bit.ly/railjobs To place a job posting, contact: Jeanine Acquart 212-620-7211 jacquart@sbpub.com
July 2018 // Railway Age 5
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Industry Outlook
BNSF GEVO 8131, sporting a PTC antenna array on its cab roof, leads a unit CBR train.
BNSF: We’re Ready— and Waiting for You BNSF announced in December 2017 that it had fully installed and was operating under Positive Train Control (PTC) on all mandated subdivisions in advance of the Dec. 31, 2018 interim federal deadline. However, on June 13, it submitted a request to the Federal Railroad Administration for an alternative schedule, a two-year extension to Dec. 31, 2020, because “full implementation status cannot be achieved until all non-BNSF trains and/or equipment operating on its PTC-equipped lines are also PTC-compliant.” “BNSF has succeeded in the adoption of this key safety technology,” said Chris Matthews, Assistant Vice President, Network Control Systems. “Even with this request for a deadline extension, BNSF’s PTC network is fully installed, and we are currently running, and will continue to run, more than 1,000 trains daily with PTC as we continue to refine the system and resolve all technological challenges.” BNSF completed installation of all mandated PTC infrastructure at the end of 2017, including 88 required subdivisions covering more than 11,500 route-miles on its network. “However, to be considered fully 6 Railway Age // July 2018
implemented requires that all other railroads operating across any of BNSF’s PTC-equipped lines must be capable of operating with BNSF’s PTC system,” the railroad said. “This interoperability of PTC systems between Class I, commuter and short line rail carriers remains a challenge.” BNSF said it has “successfully demonstrated interoperability with several railroads that operate on its network, including commuter railroads and Amtrak. However, not all railroads that operate on BNSF will have completed their PTC installation by the end of 2018.” Amtrak, working with BNSF, the week of June 11 implemented PTC on BNSF-owned subdivisions that host the Southwest Chief and California Zephyr, marking the first activation on host-owned territory used by Amtrak. Full PTC activation on BNSF routes that host these two long-distance trains is expected by the end of August. “This is a great step for Amtrak,” said Matthews. “We have the infrastructure in place that allows Amtrak to operate on our network. We have partnered with them on the federal mandate and in some cases have gone beyond the federal mandate.”
A June report from PFL Petroleum Services, a full-service railcar company covering the North American rail market, says that CBR (crude by rail) is growing in the U.S. and Canada, albeit with some short-term headwinds. “The biggest news that will create headwinds for CBR in the short term is that Canadian basis for heavy [crude] tightened,” PFL said. “Canadian crude oil surged by nearly $13 a barrel after Enbridge, the country’s biggest oil export pipeline operator, said it will not make oil producers stick to crude allocation limits. Enbridge told oil producers that, beginning in July, they would have the right to allocations based on a 12-month rolling average, plus an additional 15% for heavy crude and 40% for light crude, but for any volumes above that they would have to present physical proof. “After discussions with its shippers, Enbridge decided to drop the new rule and leave producers to reserve as much pipeline capacity on the main line as they wish. Enbridge’s main line system continues to be oversubscribed. The WCS-WTI spread is now 37% tighter than it was previously. We view this as an incremental negative for Canadian CBR opportunities in the short term; with new production continually coming on line we anticipate that basis to widen yet again and rail as the only viable option until new pipeline capacity is added. “CBR out of Canada on Canadian Pacific is up 35% and continues to climb as does CN’s crude volume. CBR in the U.S. also continues to grow, and we are seeing demand for cars pretty much everywhere across the board. “Is rail inflation on the way? You betcha! Higher fuel costs and higher wages across the board due to a tight labor market for specialty trades is going to hit the pocketbook of all shippers as those costs, in our opinion, will soon be passed on. Our advice: Lock in your prices today; it certainly is not going to get any cheaper.” railwayage.com
William Beecher
CBR Picking Up Speed
Market GE Lands Big KCS Loco Order Kansas City Southern announced its U.S. and Mexico subsidiaries will acquire a total of 50 new locomotives from GE Transportation, to be delivered during 2019, as well as digital solutions to improve operational and fuel efficiency. The order is the first since GE merged its transportation division with supplier Wabtec in May. The order includes GE’s Tier 4 Evolution™ Series locomotives, equipped with GE’s GoLINC™ Platform, Trip Optimizer™ System and Distributed Power LOCOTROL® technologies. As part of GE Transportation’s Train Performance product suite, these technology solutions optimize power distribution, train handling, brake control and fuel utilization.
Completion of the planned merger between Siemens’ Mobility division and Alstom could be delayed until some time during the first half of 2019 due to the time needed to prepare for regulatory approval from competition authorities in several countries. Alstom shareholders were expected to approve the merger at a meeting this month.
CANADA: The western Port of Prince Rupert and DP World have agreed on terms of a project development plan detailing the DP World Prince Rupert Fairview Container Terminal’s next phase of expansion to boost annual throughput at the country’s second-largest container terminal to 1.8 million TEUs when completed in 2022. ILLINOIS: The Illinois Department of Transportation in June awarded $241 million to 23 state freight projects. The largest award of $49.9 million went to the Chicago Department of Transportation to help fund the Columbus Avenue & Belt Railway Company of Chicago Grade Separation project. The Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis intermodal facility in East St. Louis is receiving $1.93 million. RALEIGH: Amtrak was scheduled to open the new $111 million downtown Raleigh (N.C.) Union Station this month. The city’s passenger traffic totaled 151,000 for the year ending Sept. 30, 2017, making it the second-busiest station in North Carolina after Charlotte. Amtrak in June added
8 Railway Age // July 2018
another roundtrip Piedmont train between Raleigh and Charlotte, making four for that service and a total of 10 trains a day. The Federal Transit Administration has made available $25.8 million in competitive grant funds to support TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) projects, the purpose of which is “to integrate land use and transportation planning efforts along eligible transit projects.” The city of NASHUA, N.H. has contracted with engineerign consultant AECOM to study the restoration of commuter rail, needed infrastructure upgrades, and how to pay for it. Milwaukee streetcar The Hop took delivery of its second vehicle from builder Brookville Equipment Corp. The 67-foot long, 83,000-pound vehicle is part of an ordered fleet of five streetcars. The 2.5mile system, costing $128 million, is scheduled to open in November and will connect the Milwaukee Intermodal Station to the proposed Couture high-rise and connect Downtown to the Lower East Side and Historic Third Ward neighborhoods. railwayage.com
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ailroad grain transportation in Canada has been heavily regulated, with a federally imposed cap on rates determined by a Maximum Revenue Entitlement formula.
A significant change to the formula through the Canadian government’s passage of the Transportation Modernization Act, Bill C-49, has raised the cap, providing CN and Canadian Pacific the needed revenue to begin modernizing their grain hopper fleets and accommodate increasing annual Western Canadian crop yields. Both carriers have placed large orders with National Steel Car, Hamilton, Ont., for new railcars whose design is shorter (55-foot, 8-inches vs. 59 feet, about 5%) and lighter, but with 15% greater cubic volume and 10% greater load weight (102 tonnes vs. 93 tonnes), than the cars being replaced. Of 5,431-cubic-foot capacity, these cars feature a three-pocket design that can be loaded and unloaded more efficiently than the old four-pocket government cars. Shorter frames enable more cars in a train of the same length. CN has ordered 1,000 cars; deliveries will occur over the next two years. Its 12,000-car Western Canadian grain fleet is comprised of CN-owned hoppers, leased cars and 10 Railway Age // July 2018
customer-owned equipment with an average age of more than 30 years. Canadian Pacific, which also placed an initial 1,000-car order with NSC, plans to invest more than a half-billion dollars in nearly 6,000 of these type cars, and expects to place more than 500 in service before the end of 2018, increasing capacity of its unit grain trains. CP’s order comes as the railroad is working toward an 8,500-foot-long, power-on consist model for its unit grain trains. Under this model, CP’s unit grain trains will increase from the current 112-car maximum to 118 cars within the current 7,000-foot length, a per-train capacity increase of 16%. CP said it will eventually be able to fit 147 of the new cars within an 8,500-foot train design, a 44% increase in size. National Steel Car Chairman and CEO Gregory J. Aziz said the company will hire more than 300 new full-time employees in Hamilton, bringing the number of new jobs to more than 550. The facility currently employs more than 1,500. “This translates into more opportunity for the movement of grain in the future, supporting the anticipated continued growth in crop production across the prairies,” CP said. “The future of grain at CP is
one of increasing efficiency that will benefit grain shippers, farmers, port terminals and CP’s network.” “For more than 100 years, grain has been embedded in CP’s DNA,” said CP President and CEO Keith Creel. “We know farmers depend on us to transport their product efficiently, safely and reliably to market. It’s the largest sector of CP’s business by revenue, and we’re committed to continuous improvement for the benefit of our customers and the North American economy. These new railcars will revitalize our fleet and help cement our status as an industry leader in grain transportation for decades to come.”
National Steel Car
modernizing grain car fleet
Connecticut Bets Big with Hartford Line 46-minute trip to 16 roundtrip weekday trains, for $8 one-way. (Twelve trains will run daily to Springfield.) The project’s funding originated in 2008 as part of President Barack Obama’s stimulus package, for a total cost of $769 million, all of it publicly funded. Engineering consultant WSP USA served as program manager. The annual state subsidy for the line will total $21.7 million, with a total annual operating cost of $23 million. The project attracted major rail transit design and construction players including HNTB, STV, Michael Baker International, AECOM, Judlau Contracting, Louis Berger, and National Railway Equipment Co. The operator is a joint venture of Herzog’s Transit America Services and Alternate Concepts. Other partners include the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of Vermont, Federal Railroad Administration, and Amtrak.
Stuart Chirls
If it takes money to make money, then Connecticut has pushed all its chips into the rail transit pot. The state, with help from the U.S. Department of Transportation, is making a $769 million bet that the New HavenHartford corridor can lure commuters to the rails, boost development, and again make the inland route a key link in the region’s transportation network. Ten years in the making, service on the newly-named CTrail Hartford Line got under way June 16 running along the I-91 corridor from New Haven to the capitol at Hartford, and on to Springfield, Mass. Built at a cost of $769 million, including $564 million from the state and $204.8 in federal funding, the project added three new stations, five interlockings, upgraded approximately 70 miles of track while increasing service frequency on the six-stop,
Planners took into account rail freight activity along the line. Genesee & Wyoming’s Connecticut Southern Railroad switches a number of customers for commodities including paper, pulp, construction debris, and lumber. Hartford’s Bradley International Airport and the Army National Guard’s Camp Hartell in Windsor Locks are also customers. It interchanges with CSX in Springfield and New Haven; Central New England Railroad and Providence & Worcester in Hartford, and Pan Am Southern in Berlin. The latter maintains operations and trackage rights on the line, interchanging with CSX and Providence & Worcester in New Haven. Even as the CTrail special arrived at Hartford Union Station, Amtrak continued to run a test train led by a former Metroliner at speeds up to the route’s 110 mph limit. The state’s trains will run at a maximum 79 mph, limited by the pair of four-car sets leased from Massachusetts and powered by the CTDOT’s roster of EMD GP40-2H diesel locomotives, which are being overhauled by National Railway Equipment. Officials said all-new rolling stock is expected to come online in three to five years, though orders have yet to be written. Amtrak currently operates nine daily trains between New Haven and Springfield: seven Shuttles, along with the daily Vermonter and Northeast Regional services. Planners forecast traffic of 1,800-2,000 passengers daily, and also see CTrail as a critical link for potential commuter traffic into New York City via New Haven. The project has already attracted substantial residential and business transit-oriented development (TOD).
12 Railway Age // July 2018
12:35 PM
Update UTLX Expanding Repair Capability in Kansas Union Tank Car Co. is expanding its railcar repair facility in El Dorado, Kan.. The largest manufacturer, lessor, and maintainer of tank cars in North America, Chicago-based UTLX plans to add more repair capabilities to the facility, and create 70 new jobs. The El Dorado facility, originally built by UTLX in the early 1960s, is situated on 40 acres of land adjacent to BNSF. Increasing repair capabilities along the BNSF will provide UTLX customers with easier access to repair services near the geographic center of the country. El Dorado generally services railcars from customers with tank cars in ethanol service, and hopper cars moving grain and other food-grade products. Expanded capabilities, including exterior blast and paint operations, will serve a broader spectrum of cars from customers’ fleets. UTLX will also update all aspects of the shop’s infrastructure, including buildings, utilities, and track. The location is certified by the Association of American Railroads to perform all railcar-related maintenance activities, including tank qualifications, valve removal and replacement, valve rebuilding and general mechanical repairs. “This expansion project has been thoughtfully planned because we see so much more potential to help customers in the Midwest by growing our repair capabilities in El Dorado,” said Neil Finn, General Manager of Shop Operations at UTLX. “We value being part of the El Dorado community, and our team is excited to help further the Kansas economy through these facility changes.” The Kansas Department of Commerce is working with UTLX to assist in the expansion through various tax incentives. UTLX is dedicated to expanding employment in the El Dorado area and foresees hiring approximately 70 new employees over the next few years. The company will also utilize training resources from the department to equip the local UTLX workforce with the best possible on-the-job knowledge, for safe and efficient railcar repair practices. UTLX expects the expansion to be completed by early 2019.
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July 2018 // Railway Age 13
Update GE Brings EdgeLINC™ to the Cutting Edge GE Transportation, in the midst of its acquisition by Wabtec Corp., is introducing new capabilities and features to its EdgeLINC™ Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platform, “extending its scalability, device support and deployment options.” The new capabilities include cloud
support to complement its on-premise offering, software development kits (SDK) to drive device integration for non-native IIoT devices and Android-based devices, and device collaboration and support for Kontron America and MEN Micro USA devices. “These enhancements open
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14 Railway Age // July 2018
Drive Axle Assembly
opportunities for organizations across the transportation industry to unlock the power of real-time device processing and optimization,” GE said. “These robust new capabilities expand EdgeLINC™’s core functionality and allow a broader ecosystem of developers and users to leverage the possibilities of edge-to-cloud connectivity and real-time event streaming,” said GE Transportation Chief Digital Officer Laurie Tolson. “EdgeLINC™ has also been updated to include pre-packaged event streaming rules for freight train operations covering fuel management, excess idle, geozoning and customer notification systems, representing pressing business challenges.” Adding support for Kontron and MEN Micro’s transportation devices “strengthens EdgeLINC™’s device ecosystem and further demonstrates its device-agnostic usability,” GE noted. “Through the combined strengths of these device manufacturers and cloud capabilities, customers will be able to achieve faster time to market by taking advantage of EdgeLINC™’s broad deployment options and user-friendly device interface and management features; support a wider range of connected devices using the new SDK and enable deployments with high reliability; and attain rapid time-to-business value by leveraging EdgeLINC’s native SAS® Event Stream Processing to develop rules and operational alerts.” EdgeLINC™, now being deployed on more than 1,000 GE locomotives, is described as “a comprehensive edge device lifecycle management platform providing IIoT connectivity and data flow management, device management, and, using the SAS® Event Stream Processing engine, streaming analytics at the edge and the back office. It provides for off-board monitoring of device health, device configuration and streaming analytics, enabling real-time data processing and optimization. EdgeLINC™ allows organizations to maximize investments in IIoT systems and harness data and insights to drive significant improvements in asset performance and operational efficiency. It will drive productivity by consolidating the management of multiple devices and applications, as well as generate operational efficiencies from real-time analytics of train crew performance.” railwayage.com
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Watching Washington
Amtrak: A Marx Brothers Revival
hen everybody owns something, nobody accepts accountability or responsibility. Such is the circumstance of Amtrak, a near-50year-old orphan wandering in a public policy wilderness, dependent on grudgingly provided public assistance often provided with conditions and objectives so conflicted as to suggest a Marx Brothers comedy. Although created as a “for-profit” corporation, Amtrak instead has absorbed some $41 billion in federal subsidies since its creation in 1971. In 1978, the policy deceit evident, Congress redirected Amtrak to be “operated and managed” as if it were a forprofit corporation. An obedient Amtrak Board of Directors subsequently told Congress that Amtrak was on a “glide path” to operating selfsufficiency—but was contradicted by the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Inspector General (IG), who identified growing losses and debt that had tripled. Amtrak’s own IG, who reports to Amtrak’s board and lacks the independence afforded the DOT IG, who is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, was silent. Similarly, it was the U.S. General Accountability Office that revealed allegations that the railroad’s chief engineer awarded a neighbor $2 million in “personal services consultant” fees. The Washington Post exposed a possible engineering flaw involving Acela Express trainsets. Shockingly, Amtrak’s internal controls remain scandalous two decades later, even though its IG has a $23 million budget. In
AMTRAk claims L-D trains
LOSE $500
ANNUALly 16 Railway Age // July 2018
2016, Amtrak’s top cop resigned, following the awarding of a contract to a consultant with whom the police chief cohabitated. Recently, Amtrak replaced full-service dining cars with cold-served meals-in-a box following a 2015 congressional directive to cease subsidizing food service—but Amtrak and its IG still ignore a 1997 congressional instruction to outsource food and beverage service to more-efficient private vendors. As Amtrak does not use Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), its financial reports are suspected as dodgy. Amtrak asserts its long-distance trains lose $500 million annually, yet they utilize infrastructure owned, maintained and renewed by host freight railroads to whom Amtrak pays relatively low user fees. Foggy is how Amtrak assigns joint and common costs among its diverse lines of business. On the Northeast Corridor (NEC), Amtrak brags of dominating the air/rail market, ignoring bus operators that increasingly poach Amtrak passengers by offering lower fares, more frequent departures and competitive trip times. Now simmering is Amtrak’s threat to annul long-distance trains hosted by freight railroads on routes where Positive Train Control (PTC) is not fully operational by a statutory installation interim deadline of Dec. 31. Critics allege an Amtrak ruse, as time-honored Federal Aviation Administration risk assessment procedures and FRA safety protocols govern non-PTCcompliant routes. Moreover, Amtrak makes no threat to halt service on the Amtrakowned, dispatched and heavily congested NEC, where numerous segments are non-PTC-compliant. What Amtrak President David Gunn lamented in 2005 remains spot-on: America lacks “a coherent plan for intercity passenger rail.” The current political climate chokes consensus-building on multi-modal infrastructure investments and is particularly unfriendly toward Amtrak. A recent Senate-confirmed addition to the Amtrak board is a former Republican congressman who twice voted to defund Amtrak. There are private-sector alternatives that may bridge the philosophical gulf. For example, the NEC—owned by Amtrak
reform requires transparent congressional involvement.” under a 900-year, no interest, no-principalpayment mortgage—could be separated from Amtrak, which would become a train operating company, with NEC access opened for private sector competition. One such proposal awaiting congressional hearings is AIRNet-21, whereby a private-sector management organization would lease the NEC and self-finance expansion and renewal, earning a profit through commercial development and assessment of statutorily established and federally regulated market-based user charges on passenger and commuter train operators. Also, Congress could jump-start, perhaps with a tax incentive, a so-far unused provision of the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act permitting private-sector operation of up to three Amtrak long-distance routes—a provision Amtrak allegedly is seeking to thwart by squeezing access to Chicago Union Station (Watching Washington, June 2018). Amtrak reform requires unrelenting and transparent congressional involvement, not perpetuation of a status quo suggestive of the slumbering hotel management indifferent to malfeasance and misfeasance in the Marx Brothers slapstick comedy, The Cocoanuts.
FRANK N. WILNER Contributing Editor railwayage.com
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47th annual CAR &
LOCOMOTIVE Repair directory
August 2017 // Railway Age 1
47th Annual
Car and Locomotive Repair Directory The following pages of the 47th Annual Car & Locomotive Directory contain information about companies providing contract car and locomotive repair and support (component repair) services to the railroad industry. Companies advertising in this directory are in boldface.
P. CL3 Main offices
Listed alphabetically
P. CL17 Car shop listings Cover photo and above: William C. Vantuono
Listed geographically, with a breakdown of services rendered
P. CL25 Locomotive shops
Listed geographically, with a breakdown of services rendered
P. CL27 support services
Listed alphabetically
To be included in next year’s directory, please contact Railway Age no later than May 30, 2019: RAILWAY AGE, 55 Broad Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10004 Fax: 212-633-1863 Email: railwaygroup@sbpub.com CL2 C & L Directory // July 2018
Main offices 3M COMPANY - 3M Center 235-3A-09, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000, Tel: 651 733-3879, Fax: 651 733-5012, Toll Free: 800 553-1380, Web Site: www.3m.com/ tss, Abrasives, tapes, respirators and reflective markings for rail cars. AAF INTERNATIONAL - 10300 Ormsby Park Pl Ste 600, PO Box 35690 (402325690), Louisville, KY 40223, Tel: 502 637-0011, Fax: 888 398-0529, Toll Free: 888 388-0529, E-mail: dmarshall@ aafintl.com, Web Site: www.aafintl. com. ABACUS MANUFACTURING GROUP - 516 18th Ave, Rockford, IL 61104, Tel: 800 544-6117, Fax: 815 961-5345, E-mail: info@ abacusmanufacturing.net, Web Site: www.abacusmanufacturing.net, Fastening and assembly products. ABBA CORP - 68 Joseph Dr, PO Box 436, Guilford, CT 06437, Tel: 203 4571599, E-mail: bryan@abbavolt.com, Web Site: www.abbavolt.com. ABLOY SECURITY, INC. - 6005 Commerce Dr Ste 330, Irving, TX 75063, Tel: 972 753-1127, Fax: 972 7530792, Toll Free: 800 367-4598, E-mail: info@abloyusa.com, Web Site: www. abloyusa.com, High security padlocks. ACF INDUSTRIES - 101 Clark St, St. Charles, MO 63301, Tel: 636 949-2399, Fax: 636 949-2825, E-mail: byost@ acfindustries.com, Web Site: www. acfindustries.com. ACTION MACHINERY CO - One Vulcan Dr, Helena, AL 35080, Tel: 205 6630814, Fax: 205 663-3445, E-mail: partsales@vulcangroup.com, Web Site: www.vulcangroup.com. AEP - AMERICAN ELECTRICAL POWER - 1 Riverside Plaza, Columbus, OH 43215-2372, Tel: 614 716-1000, Web Site: www.aep.com, Shop(s) at Columbus, OH [C]. AERO TRANSPORTATION PRODUCTS - 3300 E Geospace Dr, Independence, MO 64056, Tel: 816 257-5450, Fax: 816 257-6910, Toll Free: 800 821-2376, E-mail: thart@aerotransportation.com, Web Site: www.aerotransportation. com, ATP has a complete line of hatch cover & outlet gates. In addition the WestRail Division offers an ever expanding line of aluminum coal car components.
AIRTEK INC. - 76 Clair St, North Huntingdon, PA 15642, Tel: 724 863-1350, Fax: 724 864-7853, E-mail: airtekair@aol.com, Web Site: www. airtek-inc.com. AKZONOBEL - 3489 NW 167th Street, Carol City, FL 33056, Tel: 305 6246839, Fax: 305 624-6839, Toll Free: 800 449-6525, E-mail: pcmarketing. americas@akzonobel.com, Web Site: www.international-pc.com. ALABAMA RAILCAR SERVICE, INC. 1796 Jodie Parker Rd, Ozark, AL 36361, Tel: 334 774-2621, Fax: 334 774-4268, E-mail: homeshop@alarail.com, Web Site: www.alarail.com, Shop(s) at Ozark, AL [C]. ALCO SPRING INDUSTRIES, INC. - 2300 Euclid Ave, PO Box 188, Chicago Hgts., IL 60411, Tel: 708 755-0438, Fax: 708 755-0056, Toll Free: 800 736-2526, E-mail: alco@alcospring.com, Web Site: www.alcospring.com. ALCOA FASTENING SYSTEMS & RINGS - 8001 Imperial Dr, Waco, TX 76712, Tel: 254 776-2000, Toll Free: 800 388-4825, Web Site: www.alcoa. com, Huck Fasteners; fasteners and tooling designed for a broad range of manufacturing industries worldwide. ALDON CO. INC. - 3410 Sunset Ave, Waukegan, IL 60087-3295, Tel: 847 623-8800, Fax: 847 623-6139, E-mail: e-rail@aldonco.com, Web Site: www. aldonco.com, Railroad safety & maintenance equipment. ALGAE-X INTERNATIONAL - 5400-1 Division Dr, Fort Myers, FL 33905, Tel: 239 690-9589, Fax: 239 690-1195, Toll Free: 877 425-4239, Web Site: www. algae-x.net. ALPHA TECHNICAL SERVICES CORPORATION - 5100 Underwood Rd, Pasadena, TX 77507, Tel: 281 291-7453, Fax: 281 291-7610, Web Site: www. alphatechserv.com. ALSTOM TRANSPORTATION INC. - 353 Lexington Ave Ste 1100, New York, NY 10016, Tel: 212 557-7259, Fax: 212 9724404, E-mail: scott.sherin@transport. alstom.com, Web Site: www.transport. alstom.com, Shop(s) at Calgary, AB [L], Hornell, NY [C]. ALTOONA RAILCAR REPAIR - 1128 9th Ave, PO Box 112, Altoona, PA 166030112, Tel: 814 944-1631, Fax: 814 9441635, Toll Free: 877 783-3574, E-mail: tclerkin@altoonapipeandsteel.com, Web Site: www.altoonapipeandsteel. com, Shop(s) at Altoona, PA [C].
AMERICAN & OHIO LOCOMOTIVE CRANE CO. - 811 Hopley Ave, Bucyrus, OH 44820, Tel: 419 562-6010, Fax: 419 562-2186, Toll Free: 800 993-6446, E-mail: sales@ipscranes.com, Web Site: www.aolcrane.com, Shop(s) at Bucyrus, OH [L]. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES USA American Way, Sharon, PA 16146, Tel: 724 981-4100, Fax: 724 981-5032, E-mail: greg.needler@american-ind. com, Web Site: www.americanindustries.com. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE PARTS, INC - PO Box 586, Georgetown, DE 19947, Tel: 302 855-1022, Fax: 302 934-1119, Alt Phone: 606 663-4700, E-mail: info@allenrailroad.com, Web Site: www.allenrailroad.com, Shop(s) at Myrtle Beach, SC [L]. AMERICAN PERMALIGHT INC - 2531 W 237th St #101, Torrance, CA 90505-5245, Tel: 310 891-0924, Fax: 310 891-0996, E-mail: info@ americanpermalight.com, Web Site: www.americanpermalight.com, Photoluminescent Low-location exit path marking. Photoluminescent emergency signage. AMERICAN RAILCAR INDUSTRIES, INC. - 100 Clark St, St. Charles, MO 63301, Tel: 636 940-6000, E-mail: sales@americanrailcar.com, Web Site: www.americanrailcar.com, Railcar & component manufacturing & leasing, full service & mini-mobile repair, Shop(s) at Marmaduke, AR [C], Paragould, AR [C], St. Charles, MO [C]. AMERICAN RAILCAR LEASING - 100 Clark Street, Ste 201, St. Charles, MO 63301, Tel: 636 940-5000, Fax: 636 940-5024, Web Site: www. smbcrail.com, Rail car leasing. Rail car financing. AMETEK - 627 Lake St, Kent, OH 44240, Tel: 330 677-3738, Fax: 330 6773306, E-mail: henry.roesler@ametek. com, Web Site: www.ametektmd.com. AMHERST INDUSTRIES OF PA, INC. 3901 Nolt Rd, Landisville, PA 17538, Tel: 717 898-2271, Fax: 717 898-0246, E-mail: railroadman55@aol.com, Shop(s) at Landisville, PA [C]. AMICO - A GIBRALTAR INDUSTRIES COMPANY - 3245 Fayette Ave, PO Box 3928, Birmingham, AL 35208, Tel: 205 787-2611, Fax: 205 786-6527, Toll Free: 800 366-2642, Web Site: www. amicoglobal.com.
AMSTED RAIL - 311 S Wacker Dr Ste 5300, Chicago, IL 60606, Tel: 312 922-4501, Fax: 312 922-4502, Web Site: www.amstedrail.com. AMTRAK - NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORP. - 60 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002, Tel: 202 906-3771, Fax: 202 906-2911, Shop(s) at Los Angeles, CA [C], Oakland, CA [C], Washington, DC [C], Bear, DE [C], Wilmington, DE [C], Miami, FL [C], Sanford, FL [C], Chicago, IL [C], Beech Grove, IN [C], New Orleans, LA [C], Boston, MA [C], Long Island City, NY [C], Rensselaer, NY [C], Philadelphia, PA [C], Seattle, WA [C]. ANDERSONS, THE - 1947 Briarfield Blvd, Maumee, OH 43537, Tel: 419 893-5050, E-mail: antonio_russo@ andersonsinc.com, Web Site: www. andersonsinc.com, Shop(s) at Bakersfield, CA [C], Fresno, CA [C], McClellan, CA [C], Suisun, CA [C], Westley, CA [C], Woodland, CA [C], Manly, IA [C], Jeffersonville, IN [C], Baltimore, MD [C], Kansas City, MO [C], Bay St Louis, MS [C], Bayshore, NY [L], Binghamton, NY [C], Falconer, NY [C], Glendale, NY [C], Romulus, NY [C], Syracuse, NY [C], Maumee, OH [C], Walbridge, OH [C], Darlington, SC [C], Lancaster, SC [C], Ogden, UT [C]. ANDRESS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC (AEA) - 131 Airpark Industrial Rd, Alabaster, AL 35007, Tel: 205 620-9777, Fax: 205 620-4078, Toll Free: 800 228-7922, E-mail: service@ andressengineering.com, Web Site: www.andressengineering.com, Shop(s) at Mobile, AL, Greers Ferry, AR, Savannah, GA, Stockbridge, GA, Princeton, NC, Anderson, SC, Covington, TN, Franklin, VA. ANSALDO STS USA, INC. - 1000 Technology Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, Tel: 412 688-2400, Fax: 412 688-2660, Toll Free: 800 351-1520, Web Site: www. ansaldo-sts.com. ARKANSAS - OKLAHOMA R.R. - 116 W Main St, Wilburton, OK 74578, Tel: 918 465-0299, Fax: 918 465-0295, E-mail: patricia@aokrr.com, Web Site: www. aokrr.com, Shop(s) at Wilburton, OK [C]. ARRENDADORA NACIONAL DE CARROS DE FERROCARRIL S.A. DE C.V. - Cerrada de Canoa #14, Col Tizapan San Angel, Mexico City, DF 01090, Tel: 55 10850983, Fax: 55 1085-0987, E-mail: info@ ancaf.com, Web Site: www.ancaf.com, Shop(s) at Mexico City, DF [C].
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL3
MAIN OFFICES ASTRALLOY STEEL PRODUCTS - 251 Wheeler Pl, Sharon, PA 16146, Tel: 866 587-6970, Fax: 724 734-5838, Alt Phone: 724 230-5100, E-mail: mainsales@astralloy.com, Web Site: www.astralloy.com, For nearly 50 years, Astralloy Steel Products has been providing innovative & cost effective solutions. We have an extensive product line of abrasion resistant & specialtysteel plate & bar., Shop(s) at Birmingham , AL [C]. ATLAS COPCO COMPRESSORS, LLC - 3042 Southcross Blce Ste 102, Rock Hill, SC 29730, Tel: 866 3444887, Fax: 866 861-2835, E-mail: communications.information@ us.atlascopco.com, Web Site: www. atlascopco.us/en/compressors, Air Compressor, dryer & filter manufacturing and service. ATLAS ERS INC - 1005 Indian Church Rd, West Seneca, NY 14224, Tel: 716 675-2040, Fax: 716 675-4840, E-mail: rrude@ersindustries.com, Web Site: www.ersindustries.com. BACH-SIMPSON - PO Box 5484, London, ON N6A 4L6, Tel: 519 4523200, Fax: 519 452-3165, Toll Free: 800 265-9706, Web Site: www.bachsimpson.com. BBC FASTENERS INC - 4210 Shirley Ln, Alsip, IL 60803, Tel: 708 597-9100, Fax: 708 597-0423, Toll Free: 800 3231347, E-mail: bbcfast@aol.com, Web Site: www.bbcfasteners.com. BIRMINGHAM RAIL & LOCOMOTIVE CO., INC. - PO Box 530157, Birmingham, AL 35253-0157, Tel: 205 424-7245, Fax: 205 424-7436, Toll Free: 800 338-4009, E-mail: bhamrail@aol.com, Web Site: www.bhamrail.com, Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Company is a complete supplier to the industry, with more than 100 years of experience selling and rebuilding locomotives. Provide full-service maintenance, repair and sale of locomotives., Shop(s) at Birmingham, AL [L]. BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION 1101 Parent St, Saint-Bruno, QC J3V 6E6, Tel: 514 441-2020, Fax: 514 4411515, Web Site: www.transportation. bombardier.com, Shop(s) at Sahagun, MEX [C], Auburn, NY [C], Plattsburgh, NY [C], Thunder Bay, ON [C], Pittsburgh, PA, La Pocatiere, QC [C].
BRC RAIL CAR SERVICE CO. - 3915 Hydro St, PO Box 3247, Lynchburg, VA 24503, Tel: 434 384-6200, Fax: 434 384-7505, E-mail: brc@brcrail. com, Web Site: www.brcrail.com, AAR billing, freight car scrapping, car parts sales, cleaning, tank car qualification/ repairs, interior & exterior coatings., Shop(s) at Elk Mills, MD [C], Lynchburg, VA [C], Hinton, WV [C]. BROADWAY RAIL EQUIPMENT, INC. 7873 Bethalto Rd, Alton, IL 62010, Tel: 618 377-5642, Alt Phone: 618 377-5776, E-mail: bmre98@aol.com, Shop(s) at Alton, IL [L]. BROOKVILLE EQUIPMENT CORP. - 175 Evans St, PO Box 130, Brookville, PA 15825, Tel: 814 849-2000, Fax: 814 849-2010, E-mail: info@ brookvillecorp.com, Web Site: www. brookvilleequipment.com, Shop(s) at Brookville, PA [L]. BUNCHER RAIL CAR SERVICE CO. - YOUNGWOOD - 304 N 3rd St, Youngwood, PA 15697, Tel: 724 9253919, Fax: 724 925-2670, E-mail: buncherrailcar@verizon.net, Web Site: www.buncher.com/rail.htm, AAR billing, freight car scrapping, wheel replacements, car parts sales, clean air brakes., Shop(s) at Leetsdale, PA [C], Youngwood, PA [C]. BW SERVICES - 3700 Pete Manena Rd, Westlake, LA 70669, Tel: 337 8820304, Fax: 337 882-0306, Toll Free: 886 350-1402, Web Site: www.bwservices. biz, Shop(s) at Westlake, LA [C]. C.K. INDUSTRIES INC - 365 Surryse Rd Ste 150, PO Box 1029, Lake Zurich, IL 60047-1029, Tel: 847 550-1856, Fax: 847 550-1854, E-mail: rmeyers@ckrail. com, Web Site: www.ckindustries.net. CAD RAILWAY INDUSTRIES LTD - 155 Montreal-Toronto, Lachine, QC H8S 1B4, Tel: 514 634-3131, Fax: 514 634-4280, E-mail: info@cadrail.ca, Web Site: www.cadrail.ca, True one stop Platform for all rolling stocks Maintenance and Re-manufacturing. (Passenger & Freight), Shop(s) at Lachine, QC [C][L]. CALAMP - 299 Johnson Ave Ste 110, Waseca, MN 56093-0833, Tel: 507 8338819, Fax: 507 833-6748, Toll Free: 800 992-7774, E-mail: sales@calamp.com, Web Site: www.calamp.com. CAMERON - 1333 W Loop S Ste 1700, Houstin, TX 77027, Tel: 713 513-3300, Fax: 713 513-3320, Web Site: www. cameron.slb.com.
CL4 C & L Directory // July 2018
CAMFIL FARR - 2785 Francis Hughes, Laval, QC H7L 3J6, Tel: 450 6299594, Fax: 450 629-9825, E-mail: filtrationcanada@parker.com, Web Site: www.camfilfarrrailroad.com. CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE INSTRUMENTS - 33 Boulder Blvd, Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1V6, Tel: 866 963-6016, E-mail: sales@c-a-i.net, Web Site: www.c-a-i.net, Canadian Automotive Instruments Ltd. is the exclusive manufacture of the UltraLink Diagnostic Tool for heavy duty diesel trucks along with various other instruments such as the SAE J1587 / J1708 / J1939 Systems-Link Data Bus Gauge Driver and the J1708 / J1939 Procon Protocol Converter. CANADUS POWER SYSTEMS - 78 Foxcraft Ln, Phoenixville, PA 19460, Tel: 610 933-5826, E-mail: nmossholder@canadus.com, Web Site: www.canadus.com. CAPE FEAR RAILCAR INC. - 2504 Greensboro St, PO Box 53521, Fayetteville, NC 28305, Tel: 910 4885030, Fax: 910 488-5042, E-mail: willard@capefearrailcar.com, Web Site: www.capefearrailcar.com, Shop(s) at Fayetteville, NC [C]. CARBIS INC - 1430 W Darlington St, Florence, SC 29502-6229, Tel: 800 948-7750, Fax: 843 662-1536, Toll Free: 843 669-6668, E-mail: sales@ carbissolutions.com, Web Site: www. carbissolutions.com. CATERPILLAR INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INC. - 100 NE Adams, Peoria, IL 616299310, Tel: 309 675-4619, Fax: 309 6756620, E-mail: catshareservices@cat. com, Web Site: www.caterpillar.com, Shop(s) at Peoria, IL [L].
CENTURY GROUP INC. - 1106 W Napoleon, PO Box 228, Sulphur, LA 70664-0228, Tel: 800 527-5232, Fax: 800 887-2153, E-mail: railroad@ centurygrp.com, Web Site: www. centurygrp.com, Railroad spill collection pans. CHESTNUT RIDGE FOAM, INC. - 443 Warehouse Dr, PO Box 781, Latrobe, PA 15650-0781, Tel: 724 537-9000, Fax: 724 537-9003, Toll Free: 800 234-2734, E-mail: info@chestnutridgefoam.com, Web Site: www.chestnutridgefoam. com. CHICAGO FREIGHT CAR LEASING CO. 425 Martingale Rd 6 Fl, Schaumburg, IL 60173, Tel: 847 318-8000, Fax: 847 318-8045, E-mail: bill.elwess@crdx. com, Web Site: www.crdx.com, Freight car leasing. CHLOR*RID INTERNATIONAL INC - PO Box 908, Chandler, AZ 85244, Tel: 480 821-0039, Fax: 480 821-0364, Toll Free: 800 422-3287, E-mail: chlorrid@ borchers.com, Web Site: www.chlorrid.com. CIT RAIL RESOURCES - 130 S Wacker Dr Ste 3000, Chicago, IL 60606, Tel: 312 906-5701, E-mail: paul.curry@cit.com, Web Site: www.citrail.com, Equipment leasing and financial products to the rail industry. CIVACON - 4304 N Mattox Rd, Riverside, MO 64150-9755, Tel: 816 741-6600, Fax: 816 741-1061, Toll Free: 888 526-5627, Web Site: www.civacon. com. CLARK FILTER - 3649 Hempland Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601, Tel: 717 285-5941, Fax: 717 285-3039, Toll Free: 800 5525275, Web Site: www.clarkfilter.com.
CATTRON - 16401 Swingley Ridge Rd Ste 700, Chesterfield, MO 63017, Tel: 636 898-6000, Fax: 636 898-6100, Web Site: www.cattron.com, Sales, installation and repair of radio remote controls for locomotive.
CLN Industries International, Inc. 2256 Ave de la Rotonde, Charny, QC G6X 2L8, Tel: 418 832-4421, Fax: 418 832-4743, E-mail: pascalrobs@gmail. com, Web Site: www.clnindustries. com, Shop(s) at Charny, PQ [L].
CENTRAL CALIFORNIA RAILCAR REPAIR - Port of Stockton, PO Box 31062, Stockton, CA 95213-1062, Tel: 209 465-2236, Fax: 209 465-4830, E-mail: ccrqa@aol.com, Shop(s) at Stockton, CA [C].
CMP CORPORATION - PO Box 15199, Oklahoma City, OK 73155, Tel: 405 6724544, Fax: 405 672-4547, Toll Free: 800 654-4786, E-mail: sherri@cmpcorp. com, Web Site: www.cmpcorp.com.
CENTRAL MANITOBA RAILWAY INC 2675 Day St, Box 27 Group 514 RR#5 , Winnipeg, MB R2C 2Z2, Tel: 204 235-1175, Fax: 204 235-1189, E-mail: info@candoltd.com, Web Site: www. cemrr.com.
COATING SYSTEMS, INC. - 55 Crown St, Nashua, NH 03060, Tel: 603 883-0553, Fax: 603 883-0535, Toll Free: 877 2188525, E-mail: csicci@worldpath.net, Shop(s) at Nashua, NH [C].
MAIN OFFICES CONBRACO INDUSTRIES - 701 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd, Matthews, NC 28105, Tel: 704 841-6111, Alt Phone: 704 841-6041, Web Site: www. apollovalves.com, Shop(s) at Concord, ON, Conway, SC, Pageland, SC, Pageland, SC. CONSOLEQUIP INC. - 3620 Poirier Blvd, St Laurent, QC H4R 2J5, Tel: 514 2889282, Fax: 514 288-7978, Toll Free: 888 275-2326, E-mail: sales@consolequip. com, Web Site: www.consolequip.com, Shop(s) at Ayr, ON [C]. CONTITECH NORTH AMERICA - 703 S Cleveland-Massillon Rd, Fairlawn, OH 44333, Tel: 888 899-6354, Web Site: www.contitech-usa.com, Suspension systems. CONTROL CHIEF - 200 Williams St, PO Box 141, Bradford, PA 16701, Tel: 814 362-6811, Fax: 814 368-4133, Toll Free: 800 233-3016, E-mail: sales@ controlchief.com, Web Site: www. controlchief.com.
COOPER B-LINE GRATINGS - 3764 Longspur Rd, Pinckneyville, IL 62274, Tel: 618 357-5353, Web Site: www. cooperindustries.com. CROMPION INTL - 3009 W Colorado Ave Ste C1, Colorado Springs, CO 80904, Tel: 719 597-2423, Fax: 719 597-1772. CTLGROUP - 5400 Old Orchard Rd, Skokie, IL 60077, Tel: 847 965-7500, Fax: 847 965-8997, Toll Free: 800 5222285, Web Site: www.CTLgroup.com. CURRY RAIL SERVICES - 1477 DeGol Industrial Dr, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648, Tel: 814 793-7245, Fax: 814 224-7459, E-mail: bperretta@curryrail.com, Web Site: www.curryrail.com, Curry Rail Services is an AAR M-1003 & ISO 9001 Certified shop. CUSTOM MOLDING SERVICE, INC. 3509 NE Minnesota St, Bartlesville, OK 74006, Tel: 918 333-4872, Fax: 918 3335819, Toll Free: 800 853-2655.
CYCLONAIRE - 2922 N Div Ave, PO Box 366, York, NE 68467, Tel: 402 3622000, Fax: 402 362-2001, Toll Free: 800 445-0730, E-mail: sales@cyclonaire. com, Web Site: www.cyclonaire.com. CYGNUS INSTRUMENTS, INC. - PO Box 6417, Annapolis, MD 21401, Tel: 410 267-9771, Fax: 410 268-2013, E-mail: sales@cygnusinstruments.com, Web Site: www.cygnusinstruments.com. D.A. INTERNATIONAL CASTING CO - 23 Industrial Pkwy, Mansfield, OH 44903, Tel: 419 522-2278, Fax: 419 524-1688, E-mail: d.kerrigan@dacasting.com, Web Site: www.dacasting.com.
DANELLA RENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. 2290 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462, Tel: 610 828-6200, Fax: 610 828-2260, E-mail: jbass@danella.com, Web Site: www.danella.com, Rental of vehicles and construction equipment. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE CL5. DAVANAC INC - 1936 St Regis Blvd, Dorval, QC H9P 1H6, Tel: 514 421-0177, Fax: 514 421-0188, E-mail: sales@ davanac.com, Web Site: www.davanac. com.
DANA RAILCAR - 1280 Railcar Ave, Wilmington, DE 19802, Tel: 302 652-8550, Fax: 302 652-7943, E-mail: jnichols@danacompanies.com, Web Site: www.danacompanies.com, Shop(s) at Wilmington, DE [C], La Porte, TX [C], Nitro, WV [C].
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL5
MAIN OFFICES DAYTON-PHOENIX GROUP - 1619 Kuntz Rd, Dayton, OH 45404, Tel: 800 6570707, E-mail: service@dayton-phoenix. com, Web Site: www.dayton-phoenix. com, Building on more than 17 years of experience, no other company is more qualified to repair or remanufacture your Air Conditioners, Grid Resistors, HVAC units, Valves, Motors, AC & DC Auxiliary Generators, and Fan Assemblies. We are the only original equipment manufacturer (OEM) with multiple remote field service locations in: Campinas, Brazil [B], Dayton, OH [B], Gothenberg, NE [B], Harrisburg, PA [B], Houston, TX [B], Kansas City, MO [B], Moneta, VA [B], North Platte, NE [B], Sacramento, CA [B], Tucson, AZ [B]., Shop(s) at Sacramento, CA [L], Lee’s Summit, MO [L], Gothenburg, NE, Dayton, OH, Houston, TX [L].
DIAMOND WIRE SPRING - 1901 Babcock Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15209, Tel: 800 816-5613, Fax: 412 821-2743, Alt Phone: 412 821-2703, E-mail: sales@diamondwirespring.com, Web Site: www.diamondwire.com.
EAST TENNESSEE RAIL CAR SERVICES INC. - PO Box 50923, Knoxville, TN 37950, Tel: 865 576-5838, Fax: 865 5766332, E-mail: cwilliamssouth@msn. com, Web Site: www.railcarservice. com, Shop(s) at Oak Ridge, TN [C][L].
DIESEL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, INC. - 139 N Griffith Blvd, Griffith, IN 46319-2153, Tel: 219 922-1848, Fax: 219 922-1849, E-mail: susan@ dieselelectricalequipment.com, Web Site: www.dieselelectricalequipment. com, Servicing and sale of locomotive electrical components, such as power contactors, relays, controller mechanisms, transfer switches, etc. Remanufactured, UTEX, Repair & Return service available. Customized cable and harness assembly also provided.
EBENEZER RAILCAR SERVICE INC. 1005 Indian Church Rd, PO Box 363, West Seneca, NY 14224-0363, Tel: 716 674-5650, Fax: 716 674-8703, Web Site: www.ersindustries.com, Shop(s) at West Seneca, NY [C].
DEGELMAN INDUSTRIES - 272 Industrial Dr, Regina, SK S4P 3B1, Tel: 306 543-4447, Toll Free: 800 667-3545, E-mail: info@degelman.com, Web Site: www.delgelman.com.
DIT-MCO INTERNATIONAL - 5612 Brighton Terr, Kansas City, MO 64130, Tel: 816 444-9700, Fax: 816 4449737, Toll Free: 800 821-3487, E-mail: infolink@ditmco.com, Web Site: www. ditmco.com.
DELAWARE CAR CO. - Second & Lombard St, PO Box 233, Wilmington, DE 19899, Tel: 302 655-6665, Fax: 302 655-7126, E-mail: srogowski@ delawarecar.net, Serving all passenger railroads & transit authorities., Shop(s) at Wilmington, DE [C]. DELLNER COUPLERS INC. - 8334-H Arrowridge Rd, Charlotte, NC 28273, Tel: 704 527-2121, Fax: 704 527-2125, E-mail: usinfo@dellner.com, Web Site: www.dellner.com. DEQUEEN & EASTERN RAILROAD - 412 E Lockesburg St, DeQueen, AR 71832, Tel: 870 642-1491, Fax: 870 642-1368, E-mail: info@patriotrail.com, Web Site: www.patriotrail.com, Shop(s) at DeQueen, AR [C]. DFW GRATING, INC. - 3835 Singleton Blvd, Dallas, TX 75212, Tel: 214 6300033, Fax: 214 630-0040, Toll Free: 866 819-0033, Web Site: www.dfwgrafting. com, DFW Grating’s 120,000 square foot facility is located in Dallas, TX. We are a privately owned manufacturer and fabricator of bar grating, diamond safety grating, & round hole safety grating products. Our Sales, Engineering, & Production teams are among the most experienced in the industry. We pride ourselves on industry-leading service, quality, value, and overall customer satisfaction. We continue to aggressively invest in expanding our capabilities & capacity to best serve the Rail and Industrial markets.
CL6 C & L Directory // July 2018
DONOHUE RAILROAD EQUIPMENT INC - PO Box 1569, Beaver Falls, PA 15010, Tel: 724 827-8104, Fax: 724 827-8164, E-mail: jtougher@donohue-railroad. com, Web Site: www.donohuerailroad. com. DP WINCH - PO Box 5647, Tulsa, OK 74146, Tel: 918 250-2450, Fax: 918 2500690, E-mail: service@dpwinch.com, Web Site: www.dpwinch.com. DRUMM INC - 5366 Este Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45232, Tel: 513 6414141, Fax: 513 641-4362, E-mail: info@ tankcarcleaning.com, Web Site: www. tankcarcleaning.com, Mobile service by registered facilities., Shop(s) at Worthington, MN [C], Cincinnati, OH [C]. EAGLE RAILCAR SERVICES LP - 9701 E I-20, Eastland, TX 76448, Tel: 254 629-1718, Fax: 254 629-8625, Web Site: www.eaglerailcar.com, Shop(s) at Washington, IN, Cairo, OH [C], Elkhart, TX [C], Roscoe, TX [C], Wichita Falls, TX [C]. EAST PENN MANUFACTURING CO. - 102 Deka Rd, Lyon Station, PA 19536-0147, Tel: 610 682-6361, Fax: 610 682-4212, E-mail: contactus@ eastpenn-deka.com, Web Site: www. eastpennmanufacturing.comcom.
EBT RAILCAR - 297 W Small St, PO Box 585, Dubois 15801, Mount Union, PA 17066, Tel: 814 375-0535, Fax: 814 3750535, E-mail: larrysalon@aol.com, Web Site: www.EBTRailcar.com, Shop(s) at Mount Union, PA [C]. ELCON INC. - 600 Twin Rail Dr, PO Box 910, Minooka, IL 60047-0910, Tel: 815 467-9500, Fax: 815 467-9595, E-mail: info@elconinc.net, Web Site: www. elconinc.net, Shop(s) at Minooka, IL [L]. ELECTRO-WIRE INC - 100 Jytek Dr, Leominster, MA 01453, Tel: 978 534-5300, Fax: 978 534-5320, E-mail: sales@electrowire.com, Web Site: www.electrowire.com. ELLCON-NATIONAL INC. - 50 Beechtree Blvd, PO Box 9377, Greenville, SC 29605, Tel: 864 277-5000, Fax: 864 277-5207, E-mail: freight@ellconnational.com, Web Site: www.ellcon. com. ELLWOOD CHROME CRANKSHAFT 4166 Mound Rd, Joliet, IL 60436, Tel: 815 725-9030, Fax: 815 725-9930, Toll Free: 815 931-9960, Web Site: www. ellwoodcrankshaftgroup.com, Shop(s) at Joliet, IL [L]. ELLWOOD CRANKSHAFT GROUP - 2727 Freedland Rd, Hermitage, PA 16148, Tel: 724 347-0250, Fax: 724 347-0254, E-mail: RRizk@elwd.com, Web Site: www.ellwoodcrankshaftgroup.com. ENNIS-PAIKIN STEEL LTD. - 45 Frid St #2, PO Box 913, Hamilton, ON L8N 3P6, Tel: 905 527-9291, Fax: 905 5279294, E-mail: larrypaikin@nas.net, Web Site: www.locomotives.ca, Shop(s) at Hamilton, ON [L]. ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS INTL., INC. - 4200 Lafayette Center Dr, Suite B, Chantilly, VA 20151, Tel: 703 263-7600, Fax: 703 817-9776, Toll Free: 800 411-3284, E-mail: info@ fuelmanagement.com, Web Site: www. fuelmanagement.com.
EQUIPOS FERROVIARIOS DEL NORTE, S.A. DE C.V. - Av Valle del Guadiana No 242, Zona Industrial, Gomez Palacia, DGO 35070, Tel: 55 1085-0983, Fax: 55 1085-0987, E-mail: info@ancaf.com, Web Site: www.ancaf.com, Shop(s) at Mexico City, DF [C]. EQUIPOS FERROVIARIOS DEL SURESTE, S.A. DE C.V. - Km 50 Carr Federal No 145 Tramo Tierra, Blanca Cd, Aleman La Granja, VER 95370, Tel: 55 10850983, Fax: 55 1085-0987, E-mail: info@ ancaf.com, Web Site: www.ancaf.com, Shop(s) at Mexico City, DF [C]. EXCEL RAILCAR CORPORATION Cantera Lakes Office Campus, 28367 Davis Pkwy Ste 300, Warrenville, IL 60555, Tel: 630 657-1100, Fax: 630 393-1133, E-mail: creetz@excelrailcar. com, Web Site: www.excelrailcar.com, Shop(s) at Kenney, IL [C]. FELLFAB CORPORATION - 200 Tradeport Dr Ste 100, Atlanta, GA 30354, Tel: 262 238-9160, Fax: 262 512-0476, Alt Phone: 414 745-9300, E-mail: maria. greisch@fellfab.com, Web Site: www. fellfab.com, FELLFAB®, with over 60 years’ experience in engineered textile solutions, is a leading supplier of Transportation interior products. With a wealth of success & experience to draw from, FELLFAB® has developed an extensive range of product solutions for diverse applications in the transportation, aviation & military markets. FELLFAB® specializes in Transportation Seating Cushions, Covers, Curtains, and Carpet Kits. We are more than a manufacturer of specialized textile products. We are an engineering company dedicated to working with our customers. We believe in establishing long-term relationships based on providing purpose-built solutions. FELLFAB® is an ISO 9001:2008, AS9100C:2009 certified company which demonstrates our capability to meet the most rigorous performance criteria consistently & cost effectively., Shop(s) at Atlanta, GA [C][L]. FREIGHTCAR AMERICA INC. - 2 N Riverside Plaza Ste 1300, Chicago, IL 60606, Tel: 312 928-0850, Fax: 312 928-0890, Toll Free: 800 458-2235, E-mail: sales@freightcar.net, Web Site: www.freightcaramerica.com, Shop(s) at Cherokee, AL [C], Danville, IL [C], Roanoke, VA [C]. FREIGHTCAR AMERICA PARTS - 2 N Riverside Plaza Ste 1300, Chicago, IL 60606, Tel: 877 739-2006, E-mail: fcaparts@freightcar.net, Web Site: www.freightcaramerica.com.
FULMER CO. - 3004 Venture Ct, Westmoreland Ind Park III, Export, PA 15632, Tel: 724 325-7140, Fax: 724 327-7459, E-mail: jsmillie@wabtec.com, Web Site: www.fulmercompany.com. GAMAJET CLEANING SYSTEMS, INC. - 604 Jeffers Cir, Exton, PA 19341, Tel: 610 408-9940, Fax: 610 408-9945, Toll Free: 877 426-2538, E-mail: sales@ gamajet.com, Web Site: www.gamajet.com. GATX - 222 W Adams St, Chicago, IL 60606-5314, Tel: 312 621-6200, Fax: 312 621-6648, E-mail: contactgatx@gatx.com, Web Site: www.gatx. com, Shop(s) at Citronelle, AL [C], Bartow, FL [C], Macon, GA [C], Sergeant Bluff, IA [C], East Chicago, IN [C], Terre Haute, IN [C], Kansas City, KS [C], Donaldsonville, LA [C], Geismar, LA [C], Minden, LA [C], Sulphur, LA [C], Yazoo City, MS [C], Queensbury, NY [C], Cincinnati, OH [C], Claremore, OK [C], Copperhill, TN [C], Freeport, TX [C], Galena Park, TX [C], La Porte, TX [C], Plantersville, TX [C], Turnwater, WA [C]. GBW RAILCAR SERVICES - 7305 Old Kings Rd N, Jacksonville, FL 33219, Tel: 904 786-1700, E-mail: sales@gbwservices.com, Web Site: www. gbwservices.com. GE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS - 2901 E Lake Rd, Erie, PA 16531, Tel: 814 875-2234, Web Site: www. getransportation.com. GENERAL BEARING CORP. - 44 High St, West Nyack, NY 10994, Tel: 845 358-6000, Fax: 845 358-6277, Toll Free: 800 431-1766, Web Site: www.generalbearing. com, Shop(s) at Novi, MI. GENERAL ELECTRIC CANADA INC. - 2300 Meadowvale Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5N 5P9, Tel: 905 858-5100, Fax: 905 858-5644, Web Site: www.ge.com/canada, Shop(s) at Edmonton, AB [L], Langley, BC [L], Winnipeg, MB [L], Bathurst, NB [L], Burlington, ON [L], Montreal, QC [L], Sept-Iles, QC [L]. GFA RAIL SERVICES INC. - 4110 Centerpointe Dr Ste 207, Fort Myers, FL 33916, Tel: 239 275-6060, Fax: 239 275-0581, E-mail: rfay@floridarail.com, Web Site: www.railservices.com, Shop(s) at Arcadia, FL [C][L], Oneco, FL [C][L]. GRACE INDUSTRIES INC - 305 Bend Hill Rd, Fredonia, PA 16124, Fax: 724 962-3611, Toll Free: 800 204-7277, E-mail: pemmett@graceindustries.com, Web Site: www.graceindustries.com. GRACO INC. - , Minneapolis, MN 55413, Fax: 612 623-6940, Toll Free: 877 844-7226, E-mail: info@ graco.com, Web Site: www.graco.com, Manufacturer of pumps, spray finishing and lubrication equipment used in locomotive repair facilities. GRAHAM-WHITE MFG. CO. - 1242 Colorado St, PO Box 1099, Salem, VA 24153-1099, Tel: 540 387-5620, Fax: 540 387-5639, E-mail: sales@grahamwhite.com, Web Site: www.grahamwhite.com, Locomotive parking brakes. Single car test device - automatic.
GREENBRIER COMPANIES, INC. - One Centerpointe Dr Ste 200, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, Tel: 503 684-7000, Fax: 503 684-7553, E-mail: marketing. info@gbrx.com, Web Site: www.gbrx.com, The Greenbrier Companies [NYSE: GBX], headquartered in Lake Oswego, Oregon, is a leading supplier of transportation equipment & services to the railroad & marine industries. We build new railroad freight cars in our four manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and Mexico & marine barges at our Portland, Oregon deep water site. We are the market leader in the design and production of intermodal, boxcar, gondola, tank car and covered hopper railcars. Our customers include railroads, shippers and leasing companies - partners who depend on us for innovative design, quality production & on-time delivery. We also offer repair & refurbishment services on all car types, along with wheel & parts replacement at over 30 locations across North America. In Europe, we build & refurbish railroad freight wagons through our operation in Poland. We have a lease fleet of over 9,000 railcars & perform management services for customers on approximately 250,000 railcar., Shop(s) at Birmingham, AL [C], Dothan, AL [C], Pine Bluff, AR [C], Kamloops, BC [C], Mira Loma, CA [C], Mira Loma, CA [C], Modesto, CA [C], San Bernardino, CA [C], Frontera, COA [C], Jacksonville, FL [C], Fitzgerald, GA [C], Macon, GA [C], Sahagun, HGO [C], Chicago Heights, IL [C], Peoria, IL [C], Red Oak, IL [C], Wood River, IL [C], Coffeyville, KS [C], Cummings, KS [C], Junction City, KS [C], Kansas City, KS [C], Neodesha, KS [C], Osawatomie, KS [C], Pittsburg, KS [C], Topeka, KS [C], Zwolle, LA [C], South Port, NC [C], Hershey, NE [C], Omaha, NE [C], Omaha, NE [C], Youngstown, OH [C], Mississuaga, ON [C], Portland, OR [C], Springfield, OR [C], Hollidaysburg, PA [C], Lewistown, PA [C], Philadelphia, PA [C], Tetla de Solidaridad, TLA [C], Cleburne, TX [C], Colleyville, TX [C], Corsicana, TX [C], Hockley, TX [C], Houston, TX [C], San Antonio, TX [C], San Antonio, TX [C], Scottsville, TX [C], Von Ormy, TX [C], Chehalis, WA [C], Kennewick, WA [C], Tacoma, WA [C], Cudahy, WI [C]. GRIFFIN WHEEL CO. - 7111 Griffin Rd, Kansas City, KS 6611, Tel: 913 299-2223. GULF SOUTH RAIL CARS - PO Box 9187, Miramar Beach, FL 32550-9187, Tel: 850 699-8585, Fax: 850 424-3165, Toll Free: 850 496-7722, E-mail: rmac@gulfsouthrailcars.com, Web Site: www. gulfsouthrailcars.com, Repair, Cleaning, Storage, Welding Lining Repair, Inspections, 38 Mobile Units, Shop(s) at Decatur, AL [C], Huntsville, AL [C], Mobile, AL [C], Camden, AR [C], Miramar Beach, FL [C], Sanford, NC [C]. HANDLING SPECIALTY - Box 279 Walmore Rd Entrance, Gate 6 Bldg 4, Niagara Falls, NY 14304-0279, Tel: 716 694-6333, Fax: 716 694-6903, Toll Free: 800 559-8366, E-mail: info@handling.com, Web Site: www.handling. com, Lift solutions. HANNAY REELS INC - 553 St Rt 143, Westerlo, NY 12193, Tel: 877 467-3357, Fax: 800 733-5464, Toll Free: 877 GOR-EELS, E-mail: reels@hannay.com, Web Site: www.hannay.com. July 2018 // C & L Directory CL7
MAIN OFFICES HARTING - 1370 Bowes Rd, Elgin, IL 60123, Fax: 847 717-9430, Toll Free: 877 741-1500, E-mail: more.info@harting. com, Web Site: www.harting.com. HATCH & KIRK, INC. - 5111 Leary Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107, Tel: 206 7832766, Fax: 206 782-6482, Toll Free: 800 426-2818, E-mail: jdlevel@hatchkirk. com, Web Site: www.hatchkirk.com, Shop(s) at Houston, TX [L], Seattle, WA [L]. HAYNES CORP. - 3581 Mercantile Ave, Naples, FL 34104, Tel: 239 643-3013, Fax: 239 643-5311, New & rebuilt fuel injection systems for EMD, GE, and ALCO locomotives. HBD/THERMOID INC - 1301 W Sandusky Ave, Bellefontaine, OH 43311-1082, Tel: 937 593-5010, Fax: 800 423-4354, Toll Free: 800 543-8070, E-mail: info@ hbdthermoid.com, Web Site: www. hbdthermoid.com. HEARTLAND RAIL, LLC - 1007 N Main St, Columbia, IL 62236, Tel: 618 2818800, Toll Free: 815 708-2181, E-mail: mike.keasling@hl-companies.com, Web Site: www.hl-rail.com, Since 2015, Heartland Rail has successfully provided rail car leasing solutions with one focus in mind, providing customers with the best solutions for them. HEMPEL (USA) INC - 600 Conroe Park N Dr, Conroe, TX 77303, Tel: 936 523-6000, Fax: 936 523-6073, E-mail: hempel.us@hempel.com, Web Site: www.north-america.hempel.com. HERZOG RAILROAD SERVICES, INC. - 700 S Riverside Rd, PO Box 518 (64502), St. Joseph, MO 64507, Tel: 816 233-9002, Fax: 816 233-7757, E-mail: rcrawford@hrsi.com, Web Site: www.hrsi.com, Shop(s) at St. Joseph, MO [C], Falls City, NE [C], SEE OUR AD ON PAGE CL 7. HILLIARD ENTERPRISES, INC. - 25221 Hwy 365 N, North Little Rock, AR 72113, Tel: 501 851-0510, Fax: 501 851-1156, E-mail: hilliard@heiparts.net, Web Site: www.heiparts.com, HEI reclaims locomotives for sale & re-manufacture of components offering OEM rebuilders, aftermarket rebuilders, & end-users a broad range of Running Take Out (RTO) diesel engines, internal engine components, air compressors, air brake components, equipment racks, traction motors, traction motor combos & more.
CL8 C & L Directory // July 2018
HILMAN ROLLERS INC - 12 Timber Ln, Marlboro, NJ 07746, Tel: 732 462-6277, Fax: 732 462-6355, E-mail: sales@ hilmanrollers.com, Web Site: www. hilmanrollers.com. HITESI PRODUCTS, INC. - 2350 Halpern St, Saint-Laurent, QC H4S 1N7, Tel: 514 334-8205, Fax: 514 334-2544, E-mail: sales@tecgi.ca, Web Site: www.hitesi. com. HOLLAND CO. - 1000 Holland Dr, Crete, IL 60417, Tel: 708 672-2300, E-mail: customerservice@holland.com, Web Site: www.hollandco.com. HONEYWELL SENSING & CONTROL - MN17-3100 2600 Ridgway Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN 55413, Tel: 763 9545204, Fax: 763 954-4626, Sensors and switches. HOTSTART - 5723 E Alki, Spokane, WA 99211-0245, Tel: 509 534-6171, Fax: 509 534-4216, Alt Phone: 509 536-8660, E-mail: sales@hotstart.com, Web Site: www.hotstart.com, HOTSTART has over 75 years of experience developing engine heating & idle reduction systems resulting in easy starts & reduced fuel costs. HYDRATIGHT - 12 Worlds Fair Dr Ste A, Somerset, NJ 08873, Tel: 732 271-4100, Fax: 732 271-4150, E-mail: somerset@hydratight.com, Web Site: www.hydratight.com. IEC-HOLDEN INC - 8180 Cote De Liesse, Montreal, PQ H4T 1G8, Tel: 514 735-4371, Fax: 514 342-3944, E-mail: rob@iecholden.com, Web Site: www. iecholden.com. INDEPENDENT DRAFT GEAR - 1000 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, PO Box 298, Farrell, PA 16121, Tel: 724 9812251, Fax: 724 981-2256, Toll Free: 888 266-6630, E-mail: idginc@earthlink. net, Web Site: www.stucki.com. INDEPENDENT LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE INC. - 21 Main St, PO Box 79, Bethel, MN 55005-0079, Tel: 763 434-4661, Fax: 763 434-0017, Toll Free: 866 4344661, E-mail: ilsloco@qwestoffice.net, Web Site: www.ilsloco.com, Shop(s) at Bethel, MN [L]. INDEPENDENT MACHINE CO - 2501 Danforth Rd, Escanaba, MI 49829, Tel: 906 428-4524, Fax: 906 428-4674, E-mail: sales@imc-mi.com, Web Site: www.imc-info.com.
INDUSTRIAL RAILWAY SWITCHING & SERVICES, INC. - 1020 Washington Ave, Chicago Heights, IL 60411, Tel: 708 759-4100, E-mail: irssinc@aol. com, Web Site: www.industrialrailway. com, All locomotive maintenance and repairs can be performed at our customer’s facility., Shop(s) at Chicago Heights, IL [L], Lorain, OH [C], Magnolia, TX [L]. INDUSTRY-RAILWAY SUPPLIERS, INC. 577 W Lamont Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126, Tel: 630 766-5708, Fax: 630 766-0017, E-mail: sales@industryrailway.com, Web Site: www.industryrailway.com. INDY RAILWAY SERVICE CORP. - 6111 W Hanna Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46242, Tel: 317 856-3708, Fax: 317 856-3775, Shop(s) at Indianapolis, IN [C]. INMETCO - One INMETCO Drive, Ellwood City, PA 16117, Tel: 724 758-5515, Fax: 724 758-2845, E-mail: sales@inmetco. com, Web Site: www.azr.com, Battery recycling.
INTERSTATE DIESEL SERVICE INC - 4901 Lakeside Ave, Cleveland, OH 44022, Tel: 216 881-0015, Fax: 216 881-0805, Toll Free: 800 321-4234, E-mail: proach@interstate-mcbee.com, Web Site: www.intersate-mcbee.com/emd. INTERTRAN CORP - 890 Cape Horn Rd, York, PA 17402, Tel: 717 757-5657, Fax: 717 755-7568, Alt Phone: 717 755-7567, E-mail: j.vonlange@intertranusa.com, Web Site: www.intertranusa.com, Alternate Fax: 717 840-7873. IRECO, L.L.C. - 577 W Lamont Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126, Tel: 630 741-0155, Fax: 630 595-0646, E-mail: sales@ ireco.com, Web Site: www.ireco.com. IRWIN CAR & EQUIPMENT - 9953 Broadway, Irwin, PA 15642, Tel: 724 864-8900, Fax: 724 864-8909, E-mail: bspringer@irwincar.com, Web Site: www.irwincar.com, Shop(s) at Irwin, PA [C][L].
INTERCHANGE SPECIALTY SERVICES - 200 Industrial St, New Castle, PA 16102, Tel: 724 652-0822, Fax: 724 652-0554, E-mail: jhill@iss-inc.com, Shop(s) at New Castle, PA [C].
ITT KONI/ENIDINE - 84 Hubble Dr Ste 500, O’Fallon, MO 63368-8708, Tel: 636 532-1144, Fax: 636 532-1482, E-mail: info@tpscrail.com, Web Site: www.TPSCrail.com.
INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC MACHINES CORP (IEM) - 850 River St, Troy, NY 12180, Tel: 518 268-1636, Fax: 518 268-1639, E-mail: marketing@iem. net, Web Site: www.iem.net.
J BARD MCLEAN INC - PO Box 1010, Paoli, PA 19301, Tel: 610 644-1466, Fax: 610 644-1975, E-mail: jbminc@ aol.com.
INTERNATIONAL NAME PLATE SUPPLIES LTD. - 2905A W Marshall Ave, Longview, TX 75604, Tel: 800 565-3509, E-mail: sales@inps.ca, Web Site: www.inps.ca, International Name Plate Supplies Ltd (INPS) is a graphic component supplier which specializes in the Rail Industry. INPS manufactures Locomotive & Rail Car Graphics such as: Decals, Paint Stencils, Name Plates, Brake Badge Plates, Control Panels, Safety Labels, Fleet Graphics, Complete Rail Car Decal Kits, Maintenance of Way Signage and other related products such as FRA 224 Delineators. INPS is your one stop shop for all your graphic needs. INTERNATIONAL PROTECTIVE COATINGS - 4251 Produce Rd, Louisville, KY 40218, Tel: 502 9690181, Toll Free: 800 231-6415, E-mail: coatingscenter5315@akzonobel.com, Web Site: www.international-pc.com.
J.T. NELSON CO., INC. - 1733 Research Dr, Louisville, KY 40299, Tel: 502 4930105, Fax: 502 491-4395, Toll Free: 800 264-6041. JAMES RAILCAR SERVICE - 6038 Anita Rd, Chico, CA 95973, Tel: 530 8951348, Fax: 530 895-1302, Toll Free: 877 227-5207, E-mail: info@crmsrail.com, Web Site: www.crmsrail.com, Shop(s) at Chico, CA [C]. JBM INC. - 381 Wexford Hollow Rd W, Jacksonville, FL 32224, Tel: 904 223-5302, Fax: 904 223-5402, E-mail: jbardjr@aol.com. JK-CO, LLC - 16960 SR 12 E, Findlay, OH 45840, Tel: 419 422-5240, Fax: 419 4225260, Toll Free: 800 AIR-DUMP, E-mail: joe_kurtz@jk-co.com, Web Site: www. jk-co.com, Shop(s) at Findlay, OH [C]. JUSTRITE MANUFACTURING CO. - 2454 Dempster St Ste 300, Des Plaines, IL 60016, Tel: 847 298-9250, Fax: 847 298-9261, Toll Free: 800 798-9250, Web Site: www.justritemfg.com, Safety containment systems. railwayage.com
MAIN OFFICES K & L ELECTRONICS SALES AND SERVICE, INC. - 1801 S Benton St, PO Box 9208, Searcy, AR 72145, Tel: 501 368-8262, Fax: 501 368-8263, E-mail: kl@kl-elect.com, Web Site: www.klelect.com, Shop(s) at Searcy, AR [L]. KANSAS CITY RAILCAR SERVICE - 1147 S 14th St, Kansas City, KS 66105-1657, Tel: 913 621-0326, Fax: 913 621-0518, Alt Phone: 913 621-1648, E-mail: dane@kcrailcar.com, Web Site: www. kcrs.com, Shop(s) at Kansas City, KS [C]. KAWASAKI RAIL CAR, INC. - 29 Wells Ave Bldg 4, Yonkers, NY 10701, Tel: 914 376-4700, Fax: 914 376-4779, E-mail: kawasakirailcar@kawasakirailcar.com, Web Site: www.kawasakirailcar.com. KAYDON RING & SEAL INC. - 1600 Wicomico St, PO Box 626 (21203), Baltimore, MD 21230, Tel: 410 5477700, Fax: 410 576-9059, E-mail: ringandseal@kaydon.com, Web Site: www.kaydon.com.
KINKISHARYO INTERNATIONAL, LLC. - 145 Baekeland Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854, Tel: 732 230-4501, Fax: 732 9792378, E-mail: businessdevelopment@ kinkisharyo.com, Web Site: www. kinkisharyo.com, SEE OUR AD ON PAGE CL9. K-IV ENTERPRISES LLC - 59 Flaming Arrow Rd, Mahwah, NJ 07430, Tel: 201 828-9492, Fax: 201 828-9493, E-mail: paksr@aol.com. KNOXVILLE LOCOMOTIVE WORKS - 300 W Quincy Ave Bldg 32, Knoxville, TN 37917, Tel: 865 522-7078, Fax: 865 522-9437, E-mail: tfc@gulfandohio. com, Specializes in EMD Locomotive requalifications, air brake service, remote control installation, mobile repairs, engine components, and passenger & freight car repair. KONI NORTH AMERICA - 1961 International Way, Hebron, KY 41048, Tel: 859 586-4100, Fax: 859 334-3340, Toll Free: 800 922-2616, Web Site: www.koni-na.com.
KOSHII MAXELUM AMERICA, INC. - PO Box 352, Poughkeepsie, NY 12602, Tel: 845 471-0500, Fax: 845 471-7842, E-mail: morita@kmamax.com, Web Site: www.kmamax.com, Cab flooring and interior panels. L&S ELECTRIC, INC. - 2820 N Roemer Rd, Appleton, WI 54911, Tel: 920 730-0203, Fax: 920 730-0937, E-mail: productsales@lselectric.com, Web Site: www.lselectric.com. L.B. FOSTER - 415 Holiday Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15220, Tel: 412 8893413, Fax: 412 928-7891, Toll Free: 800 255-4500, E-mail: jhudson@ lbfoster.com, Web Site: www.lbfoster. com, Top-of-rail application systems, environmental products, intermodal car jacks - yard applications. LA MARCHE MANUFACTURING CO. - 106 Bradrock Dr, Des Plaines, IL 60018, Tel: 847 299-1188, Fax: 847 299-3061, E-mail: sales@lamarchemfg.com, Web Site: www.lamarchemfg.com.
LAT-LON LLC - 4251 S Natches Ct Unit C, Sheridan, CO 80110, Tel: 303 9377406, Fax: 303 531-5754, Toll Free: 877 300-6566, E-mail: dbaker@lat-lon. com, Web Site: www.lat-lon.com. LEHIGH VALLEY RAIL MANAGEMENT, LCC - 313 E Broad St, Bethlehem, PA 18018, Tel: 610 694-3484, Fax: 610 694-3316, E-mail: patsabatino@fast. net, Web Site: www.bethintermodal. com, Shop(s) at Johnstown, PA [L]. LIBERTY ELECTRONICS INC - 189 Howard St, Franklin, PA 16323, Tel: 814 432-7505, Fax: 814 432-7050, E-mail: sales@libertyelectronics.com, Web Site: www.libertyelectronics.com. LIBERTY RAILWAY SERVICES, INC. - 598 N States Ave, Pueblo West, CO 81007, Tel: 719 544-6867, E-mail: info@lrsx. com, Web Site: www.lrsx.com, Shop(s) at Pueblo West, CO [C]. LOGAN CORP. - 555 7th Ave, Huntington, WV 25701, Tel: 304 7594800, Fax: 304 759-4817, Toll Free: 800 669-1967, E-mail: info@logancorp.com, Web Site: www.logancorp.com.
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL9
MAIN OFFICES LTK ENGINEERING SERVICES - 100 W Butler Ave, Ambler, PA 19002, Tel: 215 542-0700, Fax: 215 542-7676, E-mail: info@ltk.com, Web Site: www.ltk.com, Rail Vehicle & Systems Engineering Consultants.
METRO EAST INDUSTRIES INC. - PO Box 3220, Fairview Heights, IL 62208, Tel: 618 271-7210, Fax: 618 874-3785, E-mail: rickortyl@metroeastyinc.com, Web Site: www.metroeastinc.com, Shop(s) at Fairview Heights, IL [C][L].
MAC PRODUCTS INC. - 60 Pennsylvania Ave, PO Box 469, Kearny, NJ 07032, Tel: 201 344-0700, Fax: 201 344-5368, E-mail: sales@macproducts.net, Web Site: www.macproducts.net.
METSO AUTOMATION - 44 Bowditch Dr, PO Box 8044, Shrewsbury, MA 01545-8044, Tel: 508 852-0200, Fax: 508 852-8172, Toll Free: 800 626-5965, E-mail: tim.carney@metso.com, Web Site: www.metso.com.
MACTON CORP. - 116 Willenbrock Rd, Oxford, CT 06478, Tel: 800 334-8876, Fax: 203 267-1555, Alt Phone: 203 2671500, E-mail: dlouder@macton.com, Web Site: www.macton.com. MANUFACTURERS RAILWAY CO - 2850 S Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63118, Tel: 314 577-1749, Fax: 314 577-3136, Shop(s) at St. Louis, MO [L]. MARSHALL AIR BRAKE CO. - RR #11, Avoca, PA 18641, Tel: 570 343-1117, Fax: 570 343-5721, E-mail: marshallab@ comcast.net, Supplier of RWY material, air valves, Shop(s) at Avoca, PA [C].
MID-AMERICA CAR INC. - 1523 N Monroe, PO Box 33543, Kansas City, MO 64120, Tel: 816 483-5303, Fax: 816 483-3360, E-mail: f.blanc@ midamericacar.com, Web Site: www. midamericacar.com, Shop(s) at Kansas City, MO [C][L]. MID-AMERICA LOCOMOTIVE & CAR REPAIR INC. - 1601 W Allens Ln, Evansville, IN 47710, Tel: 812 421-1760, Fax: 812 421-1770, E-mail: midamloc@ evansville.net, Shop(s) at Evansville, IN [C][L].
MARTIN ENGINEERING CO - One Martin Pl, Neponset, IL 61345, Tel: 309 594-2384, Fax: 309 594-2432, E-mail: martinone@martin-eng.com, Web Site: www.martin-eng.com.
MIDLAND MANUFACTURING CORP. 7733 Gross Point Rd, Skokie, IL 60077, Tel: 847 677-0333, Fax: 847 677-0138, E-mail: steve.herbst@opwglobal.com, Web Site: www.midlandmfg.net, Valve remanufacturing.
MASTER PACKING & RUBBER COMPANY - 6430 4th St SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404, Tel: 319 364-8282, Fax: 319 364-8282, Toll Free: 800 3973429, E-mail: sales@mprcseals.com, Web Site: www.mprcseals.com.
MIDWEST INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY - 1101 3rd St SE, Canton, OH 44711, Tel: 330 456-3121, Fax: 330 456-3247, Toll Free: 800 321-0699, E-mail: lynn.cielec@ midwestind.com, Web Site: www. midwestind.com.
MCCONWAY & TORLEY, LLC - 109 48th St, Pittsburgh, PA 15201, Tel: 412 6824700, Fax: 412 682-4725, Toll Free: 800 245-6206, E-mail: scott.mautino@trin. net, Web Site: www.mcconway.com.
MIDWEST LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE - 6817 Stadium Dr, Kansas City, MO 64129, Tel: 816 923-1777, Fax: 816 923-3553, Toll Free: 816 923-0120, E-mail: midwstloco@aol.com, Shop(s) at Kansas City, MO [C][L].
MERMEC INC. - 110 Queen Pkwy, West Columbia, SC 29169, Tel: 803 213-1200, Fax: 803 798-1909, E-mail: mermecinc@mermecgroup.com, Web Site: www.mermecinc.com. MERSEN USA - 400 Mrytle Ave, Boonton, NJ 07005, Tel: 973 334-0700, Fax: 973 334-6394, Toll Free: 800 5260877, E-mail: gustavo.xavier@mersen. com, Web Site: www.mersen.com. MESSIAH LOCOMOTIVE SERVICES - 6495 State Hwy 176, Galena, MO 65705, Tel: 417 354-4908, E-mail: jeremy@messiahlocomotive.com, Web Site: www.messiahlocomotive.com, Mobile Service, shortline startups, and onsite wheel turning., Shop(s) at Marionville, MO [L].
CL10 C & L Directory // July 2018
MIDWEST RAILCAR REPAIR, INC. 25965 482nd Ave, Brandon, SD 57005, Tel: 605 582-8312, Fax: 605 582-8305, E-mail: dsmook@mwrail.com, Web Site: www.mwrail.com, M-1002, M-1003 AAR Certified Tank Car & NonTank Car Repair Facility located on BNSF Railway at Corson, SD., Shop(s) at Brandon, SD [C]. MILLER INGENUITY - 1155 E 8th St, Winona, MN 55987, Tel: 507 452-2461, Fax: 507 452-2463, Web Site: www. milleringenuity.com.
MINER ENTERPRISES, INC. - 1200 E State St, PO Box 471, Geneva, IL 60134, Tel: 630 232-3000, Fax: 630 232-3055, E-mail: sales@minerent. com, Web Site: www.minerent.com. MISSISSIPPI EXPORT R.R. CO. - 4519 McInnis Ave, Moss Point, MS 39563, Tel: 228 475-3322, Fax: 228 475-3337, E-mail: mfryfogle@mserr.com, Web Site: www.mserr.com, Shop(s) at Moss Point, MS [L]. MITCHELL EQUIPMENT CORP - 10010 Airport Hwy, Monclova, OH 43542, Tel: 419 867-0400, Fax: 419 867-0582, E-mail: sales@mitchell-railgear.com, Web Site: www.mitchell-railgear.com. MITSUI RAIL CAPITAL LLC - 1 S Wacker Dr Ste 3110, Chicago, IL 60606, Tel: 312 803-8880, Fax: 312 803-8890, E-mail: info@mrc-rail.com, Web Site: www.mrc-rail.com, Facilities in San Francisco, CA and Des Moines, IA. MM-MEX S.A. DE C.V. - Heriberto EnrÃquez 703 1er piso, Col. Emiliano Zapata, Toluca, MEX 50190, Tel: 722 207-8350, Fax: 722 207-5380, E-mail: informes@mmmex.com.mx, Web Site: www.mm-mex.com.mx, Shop(s) at Toluca, MEX [C]. MOBILE SERVICES & EQUIPMENT INC. - 2850 Berlin Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70814, Tel: 225 927-6777, Fax: 225 9276937, Toll Free: 800 438-7660, Shop(s) at Baton Rouge, LA [L]. MOLE-MASTER SERVICES INC. - 27815 State Route 7, Marietta, OH 45750, Tel: 740 374-6726, Fax: 740 374-5908, Toll Free: 800 322-6653, E-mail: contactus@molemaster.com, Web Site: www.molemaster.com, Railcar tank cleaning - on site., Shop(s) at Marietta, OH [C]. MOSEBACH MANUFACTURING CO. 1417 McLaughlin Run Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15241, Tel: 412 220-0200, Fax: 412 220-0236, Toll Free: 888 764-4743, E-mail: info@mosebachresistors.com , Web Site: www.mosebachresistors. com, Shop(s) at Pittsburgh, PA [L]. MOTIVE EQUIPMENT, INC. - 8300 W Sleske Ct, Milwaukee, WI 53223, Tel: 414 446-3379, Fax: 414 446-3380, E-mail: sales@motiveequipment.com, Web Site: www.motiveequipment.com.
MTU AMERICA INC. - 39525 MacKenzie Dr, Novi, MI 48377, Tel: 248 5608000, Fax: 248 560-8001, E-mail: info@mtu-online.com, Web Site: www.mtu-online.com, MTU America Inc. is the regional headquarters of Rolls-Royce Power Systems. Based in Friedrichshafen, Germany, Rolls-Royce Power Systems is a world-leading provider of high-speed MTU diesel and gas engines and drive systems, MTU Onsite Energy distributed energy systems, Bergen medium-speed diesel engines, and L’Orange fuel injection systems. MTU America Inc. is responsible for the sales and service of these brands in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America and South America. MULBERRY RAILCAR REPAIR CO. 1200 Prairie Mine Rd, PO Box 1038, Mulberry, FL 33860, Tel: 863 425-4986, Fax: 863 425-0064, E-mail: joshc@ mulberryrailcar.com, Web Site: www. mulberryrailcar.com, Shop(s) at Mulberry, FL [C]. MULTI-SERVICE SUPPLY DIV. - Ferry St & Ave C Bldg #5, Leetsdale, PA 15056, Tel: 412 741-1500, Fax: 412 741-3320, E-mail: info@multiservicesupply.com, Web Site: www.multiservicesupply. com, Shop(s) at Youngwood, PA [C]. MUNTERS CORPORATION - 79 Monroe St, Amesbury, MA 01913, Tel: 978 241-1100, Fax: 978 241-1263, E-mail: dhinfo@munters.com, Web Site: www. munters.com. NATIONAL COMPRESSOR EXCHANGE 75 Onderdonk Avenue, Ridgewood, NY 11385, Tel: 718 417-9100, Fax: 718 8217032, Toll Free: 800 225-7381, E-mail: natnlcompressor@aol.com, Serving all railroad lines. Locomotive shop serves remanufactured compressors for locomotives., Shop(s) at Ridegwood, NY [C][L]. NATIONAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIR INC. - Foot of Hawthorne St, PO Box 38, Hartford, IL 62048, Tel: 618 254-7451, Fax: 618 254-7451, Toll Free: 800 3253625, Shop(s) at Hartford, IL [L]. NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO - 3100 Steam Ct, Bakersfield, CA 93308, Tel: 661 588-0550, Fax: 661 588-8925, Web Site: www.nov.com. NATIONAL RAILWAY SUPPLY, INC. - PO Box 13727, Savannah, GA 31416, Tel: 800 357-3572, Fax: 912 920-4576, E-mail: info@nrsga.com, Web Site: www.nrsga.com.
MAIN OFFICES NEU INC - 1 N Johnston Ave Ste 211, Hamilton, NJ 08609, Tel: 484 3181214, Alt Phone: 438 827-1058, E-mail: plecomble@neu-inc.com, Web Site: www.neu-inc.com.
NRE WHEEL WORKS INC - 5300A N 33rd St, Milwaukee, WI 53209, Tel: 414 462-8244, Fax: 414 462-8231, Web Site: www.nre.com, Shop(s) at Milwaukee, WI [C][L].
NEW YORK AIR BRAKE CORP. - 748 Starbuck Ave, Watertown, NY 13601, Tel: 315 786-5200, Fax: 315 786-5676, E-mail: Janice.Pfeil@nyab.com, Web Site: www.nyab.com.
OEM REMANUFACTURING - 133-15 156 St, Edmonton, AB T5V 1V2, Tel: 780 468-6220, Web Site: www.oemreman. com.
NGC TESTING SERVICES - 1650 Military Rd, Buffalo, NY 14217, Tel: 716 8739750, Fax: 716 873-9753, E-mail: rjmenchetti@ngctestingservices.com, Web Site: www.ngctestingservices. com. NIAGARA COOLER, INC. - 6605 Slayton Settlement Rd, Lockport, NY 14094, Tel: 716 434-1235, Fax: 716 434-1739, E-mail: jmloiacano@aol.com, Web Site: www.niagaracooler.com. NORATEL POWER ENGINEERING, INC. 1117 E Janis St, Carson, CA 90746-1306, Tel: 310 763-1524, Fax: 310 763-8954, E-mail: inquiries.us@noratel.com, Web Site: www.noratelpowerengineering. com. NORDCO - 8701 Elmwood Ave Ste 300, Kansas City, MO 64132, Tel: 816 767-0300, Toll Free: 816 569-6488, Web Site: www.nordco.com, New, used trade-in rental & rebuilt mobile railcar movers. Field & shop services across the US., Shop(s) at Kansas City, MO [C]. NORFOLK SOUTHERN - 200 N Fourth Ave 3rd Fl GOB, Altoona, PA 166016702, Tel: 877 520-9699, Fax: 814 949-1406, Web Site: www.nstms. com, Shop(s) at Altoona, PA [L], Hollidaysburg, PA [C], Roanoke, VA [L]. NORTHERN PLAINS RAIL SERVICES 114 Main St S, Fordville, ND 58231, Tel: 701 229-3330, E-mail: info@ nprail.com, Web Site: www.nprail.com, Mobile & Shop Maintenance Repair & Service to Rail Car & Locomotives, Shop(s) at Erskine, MN, Fordville, ND [C][L]. NRE - 908 Shawnee St, PO Box 1416, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864-1416, Tel: 618 241-9270, E-mail: sales@nre.com, Web Site: www.nre.com, Shop(s) at Dixmoor, IL [L], Mt. Vernon, IL [C] [L], Silvis, IL [C][L], Paducah, KY [C] [L], Capreol, ON [C][L], Milwaukee, WI [C][L].
OGONTZ CORP. - 2835 Terwood Rd, PO Box 479, Willow Grove, PA 19090, Tel: 215 657-4770, Fax: 215 657-0460, Toll Free: 800 523-2478, E-mail: info@ ogontz.com, Web Site: www.ogontz. com. OHIO VALLEY RAIL CAR - 22 Rosedale St, PO Box 325, Wheatland, PA 16161, Tel: 724 347-2227, Fax: 724 347-2240, Shop(s) at Wheatland, OH [L]. ONTARIO NORTHLAND - 555 Oak St E, North Bay, ON P1B 8L3, Tel: 705 472-4500, Fax: 705 476-9878, E-mail: info@ontarionorthland.ca, Web Site: www.ontarionorthland.ca. ONTARIO NORTHLAND - 555 Oak St East, North Bay, ON P1B 8L3, Tel: 705 472-4500, Fax: 705 476-9878, Toll Free: 800 363-7512, E-mail: info@ ontarionorthland.ca, Web Site: www. ontarionorthland.ca, Shop(s) at North Bay, ON [C][L]. OPW FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 6900 Santa Fe Dr, Hodgkins, IL 60525, Tel: 708 485-4200, Fax: 708 485-7137, Web Site: www.opwglobal.com. ORX - One Park Ave, Tipton, PA 16684, Tel: 814 684-8484, Fax: 814 684-8400, E-mail: Glenn@orxrail.com, Web Site: www.orxrail.com, Shop(s) at Tipton, PA [C][L]. OSBORNE INDUSTRIES, INC. - 120 N Industrial Ave, PO Box 388, Osborne, KS 67473, Tel: 785 346-2192, Fax: 785 346-2194, Toll Free: 800 255-0316, E-mail: info@osborneindustries.com, Web Site: www.osborneindustries.com. OTTAWA RAILCAR SERVICES INC. - 1477 E Norris Dr, PO Box 486, Ottawa, IL 61350, Tel: 815 434-1779, Fax: 815 4342578, Shop(s) at Ottawa, IL [C]. OVERTON CHICAGO GEAR - 530 Westgate Dr, Addison, IL 60101, Tel: 630 543-9570, Fax: 630 543-7440, Web Site: www.oc-gear.com.
OWS RAIL CAR INC. - 100 Clifford St, PO Box 2941, Sarnia, ON N7T 7W2, Tel: 519 332-5683, Fax: 519 332-2650, E-mail: billing@owsrailcar.on.ca, Web Site: www.owsrailcar.on.ca, Shop(s) at St. Clair, MI [C], Sarnia, ON [C].
PHOENIX RAILWAY EQUIPMENT - 2023 Ridge Rd, 2 SE, Homewood, IL 604301749, Tel: 708 798-0090, Fax: 708 798-0847, E-mail: phoenixrailway@ sbcglobal.net, Web Site: www. runningboards.com.
OXFORD ENGINEERED MATERIALS CORP. - 20950 Center Ridge Rd Ste 250-6, Cleveland, OH 44116, Tel: 440 356-4036, Fax: 440 333-0107, Toll Free: 800 966-3853, E-mail: romark@ machined-castings.com, Web Site: www.machined-castings.com.
PHYSICAL ACOUSTICS CORP - 5 Nehly Blvd, Tramwel, NJ 19061, Tel: 610 497-0400, Fax: 610 497-6411, E-mail: samtern@aol.com, Web Site: www. pacndt.com.
PACIFICA - 4233 W Marginal Way SW, PO Box 81106, Seattle, WA 98108, Tel: 206 764-1646, Fax: 206 764-1647, Web Site: www.pacifica.cc, Located in the State of Washington Pacifica has been in business for 21 years assembling & repairing a range of transit & rail vehicles. Please call or see our website at www.pacifica.cc with any questions. PATTEN POWER SYSTEMS - 615 W Lake St, Elmhurst, IL 60126, Tel: 630 530-2200, Fax: 630 530-0998, E-mail: pattencat@pattencat.com, Web Site: www.pattencat.com, Caterpillar engines. PEAKER SERVICES INC. - 8080 Kensington Ct, Brighton, MI 48116, Tel: 248 437-4174, Fax: 248 437-8280, Toll Free: 800 622-4224, E-mail: kulbick@ peaker.com, Web Site: www.peaker. com, Shop(s) at Brighton, MI [L]. PENN MACHINE CO. - 310 Innovation Dr, Blairsville, PA 15717, Tel: 724 459-0302, Fax: 724 459-4869, E-mail: pmcsales@pennmach.com, Web Site: www.pennlocomotivegear.com. PENNSY CORP - 515 S Franklin St Ste 100, West Chester, PA 19382, Tel: 610 692-8618, Fax: 610 692-6478, E-mail: info@pennsy.com, Web Site: www. pennsy.com. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE, INC. - 4693 Iroquois Ave, Erie, PA 16511, Tel: 814 898-1555, Fax: 814 899-8746, E-mail: pamotors@ pamotorservice.com, Web Site: www. pamotorservice.com. PHOENIX CONTACT - PO Box 4100, Harrisburg, PA 17111, Tel: 717 9441300, Fax: 717 944-1625, Toll Free: 800 322-3225, E-mail: info@phoenixcon. com, Web Site: www.phoenixcontact. com.
POWER DRIVES, INC - 801 Exchange St, Buffalo, NY 14210, Tel: 800 888-1373, Fax: 716 824-4817, E-mail: solution@ powerdrives.com, Web Site: www. powerdrives.com, Shop(s) at Erie, NY [L]. POWER, FLUID & METALS, INC. - 462 Sapphire St, PO Box 2846 (94064), Redwood City, CA 94062, Tel: 650 3649779, Fax: 650 364-9779, Shop(s) at Redwood City, CA [L]. POWERRAIL LOCOMOTIVE SERVICES - 780 State Hwy 11 SW, Monroe, GA 30655, Tel: 844 562-6757, E-mail: sales@epowerrail.com, Web Site: www.epowerrail.com, Shop(s) at Monroe, GA [L]. PPG INDUSTRIES - 12780 San Fernando Rd, Sylmar, CA 91342, Tel: 818 3626711, Fax: 818 367-6192, Web Site: corporate.ppg.com. PPG PROTECTIVE & MARINE COATINGS - One PPG Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15272, Tel: 412 434-0941, E-mail: pmcmarketing@ppg.com, Web Site: www.ppgpmc.com. PROCECO LTD. - 7300 Tellier St, Montreal, QC H1N 3T7, Tel: 514 2548494, Fax: 514 254-8184, Toll Free: 800 978-6677, E-mail: cleaning@proceco. com, Web Site: www.proceco.com. PROCOR LIMITED - 585 Michigan Dr Unit 2, Oakville, ON L6L 0G1, Tel: 905 827-4111, E-mail: enquiry@procor.com, Web Site: www.procor.com, Shops at Edmonton, AB; Joffre, AB; Oakville, ON; Regina, SK; Sarnia, ON [C]; and mobile repair locations throughout Canada. Products Produced/Marketing: Tank rail car and specialty freight rail car leasing, repairs and associated services.
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL11
MAIN OFFICES PROGRESS RAIL - - 1600 Progress Dr, PO Box 1037, Albertville, AL 35950, Tel: 256 593-1260, Fax: 256 840-2651, Toll Free: 800 476-8769, E-mail: bjansen@ progressrail.com, Web Site: www. progressrail.com, Shop(s) at Mira Loma, CA [C], Rocklin, CA [L], San Diego, CA [C], Dunnellon, FL [C], East Patterson, GA [L], LaGrange, IL [L], Charlestown, IN [C], East Chicago, IN [C][L], Muncie, IN [C], Corbin, KY [C], Covington, KY [C], Mayfield, KY [L], Raceland, KY [C], Palmer, MA [C], Alliance, NE [C], Bridgeport, NE [C], Gering, NE [L], Sidney, NE [C], Rochelle Park, NJ [C], Lachine, QC [C][L], Amarillo, TX [C], Austin, TX [C], St. Albanes, VT [C], Tacoma, WA [C], Tacoma, WA [L], Portage, WI [C], Douglas, WY [C], Rock Springs, WY [C], San Luis Potosi, Mexico [C].
CL12 C & L Directory // July 2018
PRUETT-SCHAFFER - 3327 Stafford St, Pittsburgh, PA 15204, Tel: 412 771-2000, Fax: 412 771-2205, E-mail: dave@pruett-schaffer.com, Web Site: www.pruett-schaffer.com. QUADRANT EPP USA, INC - PO Box 14235, 2120 Fairmont Ave, Reading, PA 19612-4235, Tel: 800 366-0300, Fax: 610 320-6638, Alt Phone: 610 320-6600, Web Site: www. quadrantplastics.com. QUADRANT EPP USA, INC. - 2710 American Way, PO Box 9086, Ft. Wayne, IN 46899-9086, Tel: 260 479-4100, Fax: 260 478-1074, Toll Free: 877 476-5944, Web Site: www. quadrantplastics.com.
R & W MACHINE - 6551 W 74th St, PO Box 607 (60499-0607), Bedford Park, IL 60638, Tel: 708 458-4200, Fax: 708 458-3299, E-mail: sales@rwmachine. com, Web Site: www.rwmachine.com, Shop(s) at Bedford Park, IL [C][L]. R&R MATERIAL SUPPLY CO. INC. - 9362 Wallisville Rd Ste 120, Houston, TX 77013, Tel: 713 673-4229, Fax: 713 6733606, E-mail: rrmaterialsupply@pdq. net, Web Site: www.rrmaterialsupply. com.
QUALITY BEARING SERVICE - 2580 Frontage Rd Petersburg Industrial Park, Petersburg, VA 23804, Tel: 804 7320202 x4103, Fax: 804 863-1745.
R.J. CORMAN - 101 R.J. Corman Dr, PO Box 788, Nicholasville, KY 40356, Tel: 814 835-2212, Fax: 814 836-2908, Toll Free: 859 881-2400, Web Site: www. rjcorman.com, OEM for Tier 3 & Tier 4 GenSet & single engine locomotives; crashworthyOperator Cabs, Fuel Tanks, & Platforms, LogicPlus Control System; AESS Packages, & other locomotive products.
QUEST CORPORATION - 12900 York Rd, N Royalton, OH 44133, Tel: 440 230-9400, Fax: 440 582-7765, E-mail: quest@2quest.com, Web Site: www.2quest.com.
RAIL BEARING SERVICE INC, A DIV OF THE TIMKEN COMPANY - 2122 Holsten Bend Dr, Mascot, TN 37806, Tel: 865 932-5750, Fax: 865 932-5775, Web Site: www.timken.com.
RAIL CAR SERVICES LLC - 1100 Sunshine Rd, Kansas City, KS 66115, Tel: 913 621-3570, Fax: 913 621-3561, Shop(s) at Kansas City, KS [C]. RAIL ENTERPRISES INC. - 110 W Pineloch Ave, PO Box 568508, Orlando, FL 32856-8508, Tel: 407 857-3645, Fax: 407 857-3649, E-mail: donaldprimi@ gmail.com, Other shops located in Wilmington, DE; Apopka, FL; Kansas City, MO; Philadelphia, PA., Shop(s) at Orlando, FL [C][L]. RAILCAR MANAGEMENT INC (RMI) - 1819 Peachtree Rd NE Ste 303, Atlanta, GA 30309, Tel: 404 355-6734, Fax: 404 352-8814, E-mail: sales@ rmiondemand.com, Web Site: www. rmiondemand.com. RAILCARE INC. - 500 Sherman Ave N Unit #80, Hamilton, ON L8L 8J6, Tel: 905 527-8238, Fax: 905 527-7864, E-mail: railcare@gwrr.com, Web Site: www.gwrr.com/customers/railcare-inc, Shop(s) at Hamilton, ON [C].
MAIN OFFICES RAILCOMM - 1387 Fairport Rd Bldg 900, Fairport, NY 14450, Tel: 585 3773360, Fax: 585 377-3341, Toll Free: 877 RAILCOM, E-mail: info@railcomm.com, Web Site: www.railcomm.com. RAILHEAD CORPORATION - 224 Shore Ct, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, Tel: 708-8445517, E-mail: fcozzi@railheadcorp. com, Web Site: www.railheadcorp.com, Shop(s) at Burr Ridge, IL [C][L]. RAILPOWER HYBRID TECHNOLOGIES CORP - 2021 Peninsula Dr, Erie, PA 16506, Tel: 814 835-2212, Fax: 814 8362908, E-mail: info@railpower.com, Web Site: www.railpower.com. RAILQUIP, INC. - 3731 Northcrest Rd Ste 6, Atlanta, GA 30340, Tel: 770 4584157, Fax: 770 458-5365, Toll Free: 800 325-0296, E-mail: sales@railquip.com, Web Site: www.railquip.com, Supply of shop & track maintenance equipment including installation training & commission & after sales service. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE CL12. RAILROAD BATTERY SERVICES (RBS) - 84 Hubble Dr Ste 500, O’Fallon, MO 63368-8708, Tel: 636 532-1144, Fax: 636 532-1482, E-mail: info@tpscrail. com, Web Site: www.TPSCrail.com. RAILROAD FRICTION PRODUCTS CORP - PO Box 1349, Laurinburg, NC 28353, Tel: 910 844-9700, Fax: 910 844-9733, E-mail: cobrabrakeshoes@rfpc.com, Web Site: www.rfpc.com. RAILWAY & INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC. - 2201 N Center St, Crest Hill, IL 60403, Tel: 815 726-4224, Fax: 815 7264265, Toll Free: 800 435-0149, E-mail: railway@risxinc.com, Web Site: www. risxinc.com, Shop(s) at Crest Hill, IL. RAILWAY SUPPLY SPECIALISTS LLC 26498 Midland Ln, Dow, IL 62002, Tel: 888 391-5823, Full railcar and locomotive parts supplier and AARM1003/M-212 reconditioning facility WBE and MBE certified. RED RIVER VALLEY & WESTERN RAILROAD - 501 Minnesota Ave, Breckenridge, MN 56520, Tel: 218 643-8525, Fax: 218 643-2423, Toll Free: 800 747-4919, Web Site: www.rrvw.net, Shop(s) at Breckenridge, MN [C]. RELCO LOCOMOTIVES, INC. - 1001 Warrenville Rd Ste 201, Lisle, IL 60532, Tel: 630 968-0670, Fax: 630 968-0671, Web Site: www.relcolocomotives.com, Shop(s) at Albia, IA [C], Albia, IA [L].
REPUBLIC LOCOMOTIVE - PO Box 1236, Greenville, SC 29602, Tel: 864 271-4000, Fax: 864 271-4027, Toll Free: 888 LOC-OMOT(IVE), E-mail: info@ republiclocomotive.com, Web Site: www.republiclocomotive.com, Shop(s) at Greensville, SC [L]. RESCAR COMPANIES - 1101 31st St Ste 250, Downers Grove, IL 60515, Tel: 630 963-1114, Fax: 630 963-6342, Toll Free: 800 737-2276, E-mail: customerservice@rescar.com, Web Site: www.rescar.com, Shop(s) at Balzac, AB [C], Exshaw, AB [C], Decatur, AL [C], Boron, CA [C], LA/ Lancaster, CA [C], Sacramento, CA [C], Tampa, FL [C], White Springs, FL [C], Augusta, GA [C], Gordon, GA [C], Cedar Rapids, IA [C], Lakota, IA [C], Pocatello, ID [C], Chicago, IL [C], Joliet, IL [C], Robinson, IL [C], Sauget, IL [C], Savanna, IL [C], Wichita, KS [C], Catlettsburg, KY [C], Baton Rouge, LA [C], Gramercy, LA [C], Springfield, MA [C], Elk Mills, MD [C], Rosemount, MN [C], Aurora, NC [C], Reigelwood, NC [C], Roxboro, NC [C], State Port, NC [C], Wilmington, NC [C], Niagara Falls, NY [C], Canton, OH [C], Lima, OH [C], Toledo, OH [C], DuBois, PA [C], Charleston, SC [C], Columbia, SC [C], Mt. Pleasant, SC [C], N Charleston, SC [C], Belle Plains, SK [C], Kingsport, TN [C], Memphis, TN [C], Baytown, TX [C], Beaumont, TX [C], Bishop, TX [C], Borger, TX [C], Cedar Bayou, TX [C], Channelview, TX [C], Clear Lake, TX [C], Deer Park, TX [C], Fort Worth, TX [C], Gregory, TX [C], Houston, TX [C], Longview, TX [C], Mt. Belvieu, TX [C], Orange, TX [C], Pasadena, TX [C], Tatum, TX [C], Texas City, TX [C], Covington, VA [C], Richland, WA [C], Natrium, WV [C], Nitro, WV [C]. RETLIF TESTING LABORATORIES - 795 Marconi Ave, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779, Tel: 631 737-1500, Fax: 631 737-6496, E-mail: sales@retlif.com, Web Site: www.retlif.com, Other facilities at Goffstown, NH, 101 New Boston Rd 03045; Tel: 603 497-4600; Fax: 603 497-5281 & 3131 Detwiler Rd. Harleysville, PA 19438, Tel: 215 2564133 Fax: 215 256-0775. REXEL ELECTRICAL - 3443 N Sam Houston Pkwy W Ste 500, Houston, TX 77086, Tel: 713 316-2990, Web Site: www.rexelusa.com.
REXNORD POWER TRANSMISSION HQ - 4701 W Greenfield Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53214, Tel: 414 643-3000, Toll Free: 866 739-6673, Web Site: www.rexnord.com, Shop(s) at Auburn, AL [C], Downers Grove, IL [C], Downers Grove, IL [C], Rockford, IL [C], Indianapolis, IN [C], New Orleans, LA [C], Lincoln, NE [C], Grove City, OH [C], Twinsburg, OH [C], Warren, PA [C], Taylor, SC [C], Clinton, TN [C], Salt Lake City, UT [C], Stuarts Draft, VA, Antigo, WI [C], Grafton, WI [C], Milwaukee, WI, Milwaukee, WI [C], New Berlin, WI [C], West Milwaukee, WI [C]. RITRON, INC - 505 W Carmel Dr, PO Box 1998, Carmel, IN 46032, Tel: 317 8461201, Fax: 317 846-4978, Toll Free: 800 872-1872, E-mail: ritron@ritron.com, Web Site: www.ritron.com. ROAD & RAIL SERVICES, INC. - 4233 Bardstown Rd Ste 200, Louisville, KY 40218, Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6688, Web Site: www.roadandrail. com, Established in 1987, Road & Rail Services is a recognized industry leader & a top-tier provider of rail related services to railroads, to rail shippers, & to rail equipment owners. With a reputation for excellence, Road & Rail Services has operations in 18 states & has significant impact on the North American rail network with services that enhance operating velocity & asset condition within the automotive, aggregate, coal, utility, chemical, agriculture, intermodal paper, steel / metals industries., Shop(s) at Stevenson, AL [C], Talladega, AL [C][L], Vance, AL [C][L], Apollo Beach, FL [C] [L], Bartow, FL [C], Greensburg, IN [C] [L], Lafayette, IN [C], Princeton, IN [C] [L], Georgetown, KY [C], Hawesville, KY [C], Louisville, KY [C], New Boston, MI [C], Riegelwood, NC [C], Florence, SC [C], Smyrna, TN [C], Queen City, TX [C][L], San Antonio, TX [C][L], San Antonio, TX [L]. ROBIN INDUSTRIES, INC. - 6500 Rockside Rd Ste 230, Independence, OH 44131, Tel: 216 631-7000, Fax: 216 631-7002, E-mail: robinsales@robinindustries.com, Web Site: www.robinindustries.com, Custom elastomer & thermoplastic parts. ROEMER INDUSTRIES, INC. - 1555 Masury Rd, Masury, OH 44438, Tel: 330 448-2000, Fax: 330 448-8161, Web Site: www.roemerind.com.
RTR TECHNOLOGIES INC. - 48 Main St, PO Box 67, Stockbridge, MA 012620067, Tel: 413 298-0025, Fax: 413 2983130, Toll Free: 800 770-9997, E-mail: info@rtrtechnologies.com, Web Site: www.rtrtechnologies.com. RUSTOLEUM CORP. - 11 Hawthorne Pkwy, Vernon Hills, IL 60061, Tel: 847 367-7700, Fax: 847 816-2330, Toll Free: 800 553-8444, Web Site: www. rustoleum.com. SAFT AMERICA INC. - 109 Beaver Ct Ste 200, Cockeysville, MD 21030, Tel: 410 568-2760, Fax: 410 329-9802, E-mail: carl.wikse@saftbatteries.com, Web Site: www.saftbatteries.com, Batteries and battery systems, including battery boxes for onboard applications. SALCO PRODUCTS, INC. - 1385 101st St Ste A, Lemont, IL 60439, Tel: 630 7832570, Fax: 630 783-2590, Toll Free: 800 792-8186, E-mail: info@salcoproducts. com, Web Site: www.salcoproducts. com. SARDELLO INC - 1000 Corporation Dr, Aliquippa, PA 15001, Tel: 412 375-4101, Fax: 412 375-4290, Web Site: www. sardello.com. SAVAGE SERVICES, CORP. - 1040 H St, Wasco, CA 93280, Tel: 661 758-8454, Fax: 661 758-5617, Toll Free: 800 2330883, E-mail: info@savageservices. com, Web Site: www.savageservices. com, Shop(s) at Wasco, CA [C]. SCHAEFER, INC. - 200 Butterfield Dr, Ashland, MA 01721, Tel: 508 881-7330, Fax: 508 231-0861, E-mail: info@ schaeferpower.com, Web Site: www. schaeferpower.com, Power supplies. SEATS, INC. - 1515 Industrial St, Reedsburg, WI 53959-0060, Tel: 608 524-8261, Toll Free: 800 767-3287, E-mail: jdempsey@seatsinc.com, Web Site: www.seatsinc.com. SECURITY LOCKNUT, LLC - 999 Forest Edge Dr, Vernon Hills, IL 60061, Tel: 847 970-4050, Fax: 847 970-4059, E-mail: sales@securitylocknut.com, Web Site: www.securitylocknut. com, Makers of locknuts and locking fastener systems/ kits (nuts, bolts, washers). Specialize in securing bolted joints. Custom components and specials available. SERVICIOS FERROVIARIOS DE NORTE AMERICA S.A. DE C.V. - Manuel L Barragan No 4850, San Nicolas De Los, 64290, Tel: 81 8331-3851, Fax: 81 83513458, E-mail: bdelagarza@dlg.com. mx, Web Site: www.sfna.dbpe.net.
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL13
MAIN OFFICES SHAMROCK ASSOCIATES LTD. - 9557 N Drake Ave, Evanston, IL 60203-1107, Tel: 847 475-2654, Fax: 847 475-2195, E-mail: smurphy659@aol.com, Shop(s) at Evanston, IL [C]. SIFCO SELECTIVE PLATING - 5708 Schaaf Rd, Cleveland, OH 44131, Tel: 216 524-0099, Fax: 216 524-6331, Toll Free: 800 765-4131, E-mail: info@ brushplating.com, Web Site: www. brushplating.com, Portable brush plating solutions. SIMMONS MACHINE TOOL CORP. - 1700 N Broadway, Albany, NY 12204, Tel: 518 462-5431, Fax: 518 462-0371, Toll Free: 855 444-7682, E-mail: sales@ smtgroup.com, Web Site: www. smtgroup.com. SIMPSON & SONS INC - 10220 Harrison Ave, Harrison, OH 45030, Tel: 513 367-0152, Fax: 513 367-9409. SKF - 900 N State St, Elgin, IL 60123, Tel: 847 742-7840, Fax: 847 742-7845, Web Site: www.skf.com, Fluid sealing devices. SMBC RAIL SERVICES - 300 S Riverside Plaza Ste 1925 South, Chicago, IL 60606, Tel: 312 559-4800, Fax: 312 5594829, E-mail: tim.johnson@smbcrail. com, Web Site: www.smbcrail.com. SMITH EQUIPMENT - 2601 Lockheed Ave, Watertown, SD 57201, Tel: 605 882-3200, Fax: 605 882-1887, Web Site: www.smithequipment.com. SMITH SYSTEMS INC. - 6 Mill Creek Ctr, PO Box 667, Brevard, NC 28712, Tel: 828 884-3490, Fax: 828 877-3100, E-mail: ssystems@citcom.net, Web Site: www.smith-systems-inc.com. SONICOR INC - 82 Otis St, W Babylon, NY 11704, Tel: 631 920-6555, Fax: 516 842-3389, Toll Free: 800 864-5022, E-mail: sonicor@sonicor.com, Web Site: www.sonicor.com. SOUTH BUFFALO RAILWAY CO. Buffalo, NY 14219-0425, Tel: 716 827-2704, Fax: 716 827-2700, E-mail: jnelson@gwrr.com, Shop(s) at Lackawanna, NY [C][L]. SOUTHEAST RAILCAR, INC. - 118 Roy Vaughn Rd, Plains, GA 31780, Tel: 229 924-2862, Fax: 229 924-2853, E-mail: info@southeastrailcar.com, Web Site: www.southeastrailcar.com, Quality Repairs, Quick Turn Around for Railcar Owners. Interchanging with NS, CSXT, Georgia Central & Georgia Southwestern.
CL14 C & L Directory // July 2018
SOUTHEASTERN RAILWAY SERVICES, INC. - 300 E Railroad Ave South, PO Box 72, Magnolia, MS 39652-0072, Tel: 601 783-2006, Fax: 601 783-6855, E-mail: alvin@srsx.com, Web Site: www.srsx.com, Shop(s) at Hybart, AL [C], Iroquois, IL [C], Magnolia, MS [C]. SPECIALTY BULB CO - 80 Orville Dr Ste 101, PO Box 231, Bohemia, NY 11716, Tel: 631 589-3393, Fax: 631 563-3089, Web Site: www.bulbspecialists.com. SPERRY RAIL SERVICE - 46 Shelter Rock Rd, Danbury, CT 06810, Tel: 203 7914500, Fax: 203 797-8417, Toll Free: 800 525-8913, E-mail: malves@sperryrail. com, Web Site: www.sperryrail.com, Shop(s) at Danbury, CT [C], St. Louis, MO [C]. SPITZLIFT INC. - 84 Hubble Dr Ste 500, O’Fallon, MO 63368-8708, Tel: 636 532-1144, Fax: 636 532-1482, E-mail: info@armspower.com, Web Site: www. ARMSpower.com. STANDARD CAR TRUCK - 865 Busse Hwy, Park Ridge, IL 06068, Tel: 847 692-6050, Fax: 847 692-6299, E-mail: info@swabtec.com, Web Site: www. sctco.com. STANDARD CAR TRUCK CO. - 865 Busse Hwy, Park Ridge, IL 60068, Tel: 847 692-6050, Fax: 847 692-6299, Toll Free: 800 292-6050, E-mail: info@wabtec. com, Web Site: www.sctco.com. STANDARD FORGED PRODUCTS INC - 75 Nichol Ave, McKees Rocks, PA 15136, Tel: 412 778-2023, E-mail: vittorio.falbelli@trin.net, Web Site: www.standardforged.com. STANDARD STEEL - 500 N Walnut St, Burnham, PA 17009, Tel: 717 248-4911, Fax: 717 248-8050, E-mail: info@ standardsteel.com, Web Site: www. standardsteel.com. STAR HEADLIGHT & LANTERN - 455 Rochester St, Avon, NY 14414, Tel: 585 226-9500, Fax: 585 226-2029, E-mail: chrisjacobs@star1889.com, Web Site: www.starheadlight.com. STERLING AUCTION SERVICES, LLC - 23823 Hot Springs, San Antonio, TX 78258, Tel: 210 545-3600, Fax: 210 545-3610, E-mail: rwmertz@ sbcglobal.net, Web Site: www. sterlingrailroadauctions.com, Locomotive & Railcar Auctions and Brokers; Auction Services.
STEWART & STEVENSON LLC - 8787 E Freeway, Houston, TX 77029, Tel: 713 679-6525, Fax: 713 671-6386, E-mail: railking@ssss.com, Web Site: www. stewartandstevenson.com, Shop(s) at Houston, TX [L]. STOCKTON RAILCAR REPAIR INC - 1111 N Filbert, Stockton, CA 95205, Tel: 209 465-6300, Fax: 209 465-6335, E-mail: stknrailcar@sbcglobal.net, Box car repairs. STRASBURG RAILROAD COMPANY PO Box 96, Strasburg, PA 17579, Tel: 717 687-8421, Fax: 717 687-6194, Alt Phone: 717 687-7522, Web Site: www. strasburgrailroad.com/machine-shopfreight/steam-locomotive-repairrestoration, Shop(s) at Strasburg, PA [C]. STRATO, INC. - 100 New England Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854, Tel: 732 9811515, Fax: 732 981-1222, Toll Free: 800 792-0500, E-mail: customerservice@ stratoinc.com, Web Site: www. stratoinc.com, Strato, Inc. is a leading manufacturer, engineering quality products while providing exceptional customer service to the rail industry. Products are designed to meet AAR specifications & include air brake hose assemblies, flanges, weld fittings, gladhands, dummy couplings, end of car arrangements, yokes, knuckles, couplers, coupler components, tank car & transit castings, test & custom designed specialty items. Our highly innovative team of engineers design & improve products to exceed current performance expectations & solve industry-wide problems. Strato offers on-site engineering consulting services to assist customers with special projects & challenges. An R&D lab & test facilities located within the plant are equipped to simulate real world conditions. While maintaining a multimillion dollar inventory in-house, Strato offers next day shipping on most items. Each of these value added services enable Strato to deliver the best products in the market today. . STRONG HOLD PRODUCTS - 6333 Strawberry Ln, PO Box 9043, Louisville, KY 40209-0043, Tel: 502 363-4175, Fax: 502 363-3827, Toll Free: 800 880-2625, E-mail: info@strong-hold.com, Web Site: www.strong-hold.com, Storage products for repair shops. STUCKI DE MEXICO - Av Los Andes #200, Monterrey, NL 64510, Tel: 81 8007-7303, Fax: 81 8377-9863, E-mail: ventas@stucki.mx, Web Site: www. stuckidemexico.com.mx.
SUPERIOR GRAPHITE CO - 10 S Riverside Plaza Ste 1470, Chicago, IL 60606, Tel: 312 559-2999, Fax: 312 559-9064, Toll Free: 800 3250337, E-mail: customerserviceusa@ superiorgraphite.com, Web Site: www. superiorgraphite.com. SURE SEAL INC - Rte 2, Box 2242, Mineral Pt, MO 63660, Fax: 573 4384853, Toll Free: 800 382-1604, E-mail: ssi@suresealinc.com, Web Site: opwftg.com. SUTRAK CORP. - 6899 E 49 Ave, Commerce City, CO 80022, Tel: 303 287-2700, Fax: 303 286-1005, E-mail: info@sutrakusa.com, Web Site: www. sutrakusa.com, Lamar, CO; Longwood, FL; Sun Valley, CA; Sacramento, CA; NJ & NY. TCB GROUP, THE - PO Box 14694, Pittsburgh, PA 15234, Tel: 412 531-7101, Fax: 412 531-7104, E-mail: bbruns95@ aol.com, Web Site: www.tcbgroup.com. TECHNICAL METAL SPECIALTIES - 2753 S 31st St, Milwaukee, WI 53215, Tel: 414 645-5540, Fax: 414 645-9779, E-mail: tmichel@tmsinc.net, Web Site: www.tmsinc.net. TENNESSEE SOUTHERN RAILROAD - 100 Railroad St, Mt. Pleasant, TN 38474, Tel: 931 379-5824, E-mail: tsrr-cs@patriotrail.com, Web Site: www.patriotrail.com, Shop(s) at Mt. Pleasant, TN [L]. TESSCO TECHNOLOGIES INC - 11126 McCormick Rd, Hunt Valley, MD 21031, Tel: 410 229-1000, Fax: 410 527-0005, E-mail: info@tessco.com, Web Site: www.tessco.com. TEXANA TANK CAR & MFG, LTD - 290 CR 1223, PO Box 550, Nash, TX 75569, Tel: 903 838-5564, Fax: 903 838-0672, E-mail: judy@texanatank.com, Web Site: www.texanatank.com, Shop(s) at Nash, TX [C]. THE COOPER SPLIT ROLLER BEARING CORP - 5365 Robin Hood Rd Ste B, Norfolk, VA 23513, Tel: 757 4600925, Fax: 757 464-3067, E-mail: coopersalesus@kaydon.com, Web Site: www.cooperbearings.com. THERMO KING CORP. - 314 W 90th St, Bloomington, MN 55420-3630, Tel: 952 887-2200, Fax: 952 887-2615, Web Site: www.thermoking.com.
MAIN OFFICES THERMOMEGA TECH - 353 Ivyland Rd, Warminster, PA 18974, Tel: 877 379-8258, E-mail: valves@ thermomegatech.com, Web Site: www.thermomegatech.com, GURU® technology, Designed by ThermOmega Tech, is the North American standard in freeze protection for Diesel locomotive engines. GURU® valves are self-actuated, thermostatic drain valves that automatically respond to engine coolant temperature. When the locomotive is shut down & the cooling water reaches the set temperature of the valve, the valve will snap open rapidly draining the locomotive cooling system before freeze damage occurs. This technology is now available for passenger cars, too. TIER - 33 S Hyde Park, Niagara Falls, NY 14303, Tel: 800 652-4400, Web Site: www.tierde.com, Vessel Cleaning, Railcar, Tank Trailer, ISO Container, Frac Tank Cleaning, Tote Cleaning & Inspection, Shop(s) at Niagara Falls, NY [C]. TIMKEN CO., THE - 4500 Mount Pleasant St NW, North Canton, OH 44720, Tel: 234 262-3000, Web Site: www.timken.com, Sales Offices: Chicago IL; Jacksonville, FL; Kansas City, KS; Mascot, TN; Philadelphia, PA; St. Louis, MO; Tlalnepantla, Mexico; Toronto, Canada & Wheaton, MD. TITAN RAIL, INC. - One E Merchants Dr, Ste 304, Oswego, IL 60543-9453, Tel: 630-892-9020, Fax: 630-892-9090, E-mail: sales@titanrail.com, Web Site: www.titanrail.com, Locomotive sales, leasing and sale leasebacks; rebuilding and modernization programs; onsite maitenance programs; surplus equipment acquisitions. TMC ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. - 2335 Wadsworth St, Houston, TX 77015, Tel: 281 452-1541, Fax: 281 4525269, E-mail: tmc-eng@tmces.com, Web Site: www.tmces.com. TPSC - 84 Hubble Dr Ste 500, O’Fallon, MO 63368-8708, Tel: 636 532-1144, Fax: 636 532-1482, E-mail: info@ tpscrail.com, Web Site: www.TPSCrail. com. TRACKMOBILE INC. - 1602 Executive Dr, LaGrange, GA 30240, Tel: 706 884-6651, Fax: 706 884-0390, E-mail: trackmobile@trackmobile.com, Web Site: www.trackmobile.com, Suppliers of mobile railcar movers.
TRACTION MOTOR SERVICE, INC. - 9933 Broadway Ave, North Huntingdon, PA 15642-0485, Tel: 724 864-5170, Fax: 724 864-5079, Toll Free: 877 864-5170, E-mail: info@irwincar.com , Web Site: www.tractionmotorservice.com, Shop(s) at North Huntingdon, PA [L]. TRAINTRONIX INC. - 120 S Rverside Plaza Ste 1200, Chicago, IL 60606, Tel: 708 386-5070, Fax: 708 386-5070, Shop(s) at Oak Park, IL [C][L]. TRANS ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. - 1363 Wimbledon Way, PO Box 8001 (22906), Charlottesville, VA 22901, Tel: 434 975-2872, Fax: 434 9752972, Toll Free: 800 220-2466, E-mail: rambishop1@gmail.com, Web Site: www.transenvsys.com, Manufacture spill containment for parking and refueling of locomotives, track collector pans for transloading operations. TRIANGLE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS CO. - 701 Maple Ln, Bensenville, IL 60106, Tel: 630 860-5511, Fax: 630 860-5607, Web Site: www.wabtec.com. TRINITY INDUSTRIES, INC. - 2525 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75207, Tel: 214 631-4420, Fax: 214 589-8271, E-mail: neil.west@trinityrail.com, Web Site: www.trinityrailms.com, Shop(s) at Hamlet , NC [C], Hugo, OK [C], Saginaw, TX [C], Vidor, TX [C]. TRISTAR PLASTICS CORP HQ - 906 Boston Tpke, Shrewsbury, MA 01545, Tel: 508 845-1111, Fax: 508 8451200, Toll Free: 800 TRI-STAR, E-mail: dmello@tstar.com, Web Site: www. tstar.com, Shop(s) at Yorba Linda, CA, Hoffman Estates, IL, Denver, NC, Houston, TX.
TTX COMPANY - 101 N Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606-1718, Tel: 312 853-3223, Fax: 312 456-6232, E-mail: sales@ttx.com, Web Site: www.ttx. com, Shop(s) at Birmingham, AL [C], El Mirage, AZ [C], Glendale, AZ [C], Kamloops, BC [C], City of Industry, CA [C], Commerce, CA [C], Mira Loma, CA [C], Oakland, CA [C], Oakland, CA [C], Richmond, CA [C], Richmond, CA [C], San Bernandino, CA [C], Stockton, CA [C], Terminal Island, CA [C], Yermo, CA [C], Richmond , CA [C], Denver, CO [C], Jacksonville, FL [C], Winter Haven, FL [C], Chicago, IL [C], Chicago, IL [C], Elwood, IL [C], Hodkins, IL [C], Markham, IL [C], Bedford Park , IL [C], Chicago , IL [C], Joliet , IL [C], Edgerton, KS [C], Louisville, KY [C], Baltimore, MD [C], Lansing, MI [C], Waterford, MI [C], St. Paul, MN [C], N Kansas City, MO [C], North Baltimore, OH [C], Etobicoke, ON [C], Mississauga, ON [C], Portland, OR [C], Chambersburg, PA [C], Philadelphia, PA [C], Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC [C], North Augusta, SC [C], Memphis, TN [C], Haslet, TX [C], Houston, TX [C], Von Ormy, TX [C], Norfolk, VA [C], Portsmouth, VA [C], Seattle, WA [C], Seattle, WA [C], Spokane, WA [C], Tacoma, WA [C], Tacoma, WA [C], Tacoma, WA [C]. TWINCO MFG. CO. INC. - 30 Commerce Dr, Hauppauge, NY 11788, Tel: 631 2310022, Fax: 631 231-0314, Toll Free: 800 854-2338, E-mail: jschatz@twincomfg. com, Web Site: www.twincomfg.com. ULTRA-TECH ENTERPRISES INC - 4701 Taylor Rd, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, Fax: 941 575-2020, Toll Free: 800 293-2001, E-mail: pbenton@ute-inc.com, Web Site: www.ute-inc.com.
UNION TANK CAR CO. - 175 W Jackson Blvd Ste 2100, Chicago, IL 60604, Tel: 312 431-3111, Fax: 312 347-5707, E-mail: kellym@utlx.com, Web Site: www.UTLX.com, Shop(s) at Edmonton, AB [C], Joffre, AB [C], Texarkana, AR [C], El Segundo, CA [C], Richmond, CA [C], Mulberry, FL [C], Valdosta, GA [C], Celaya, GTO [C], Muscatine, IA [C], Waterloo, IA [C], Joliet, IL [C], Wood River, IL [C], Baton Rouge, LA [C], Plaquermine, LA [C], Taft/Cypress, LA [C], Ville Platte, LA [C], Midland, MI [C], Laurel, MT [C], Omaha, NE [C], Bayway (Linden), NJ [C], Marion, OH [C], Oakville, ON [C], Sarnia, ON [C], Altoona, PA [C], Marcus Hook, PA [C], Sayre, PA, Regina - East, SK [C], Regina - West, SK [C], Cleveland, TX [C], Freeport, TX [C], Houston, TX [C], Matagorda, TX [C], Seadrift, TX [C], Texas City, TX [C], Anacortes, WA [C], Vancouver, WA [C], South Charleston, WV [C], Evanston, WY [C]. UNIT FORGINGS RAILWAY PRODUCTS GROUP - 1903 S 62 St, PO Box 340350, West Allis, WI 53234, Tel: 414 545-3000 x219, Fax: 414 545-6318, Web Site: www.unitforgings.com. UNIT-TRAIN MAINTENANCE CO. - 24744 Birdsong Dr, Pueblo, CO 81006, Tel: 719 543-3437. UNITY RAILWAY SUPPLY CO., INC. - 577 W Lamont Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126, Tel: 630 595-4560, Fax: 630 595-0646, E-mail: info@railwaysupplygroup.com, Web Site: www.unityrailway.com. UNIVERSAL LUBRICANTS, INC. - 2424 N Ohio, PO Box 2920, Wichita, KS 672012920, Tel: 844 892-9495, Fax: 316 8320301, Toll Free: 800 444-OILS, Web Site: www.universallubes.com. USSC LLC - 150 Gordon Dr, Exton, PA 19341, Tel: 610 265-3610, Fax: 610 9945468, E-mail: info@usscgroup.com, Web Site: www.usscgroup.com. UTC-CALDER S.A. DE C.V. - Prol Ocampo No 8700, Zapopan 45010, JAL 45010, Tel: 33 36821050, Fax: 33 3682-0794, Web Site: www.utccalder.com, Shop(s) at Zapopan, JAL [C]. UTCRAS - 501 Highland Ave, Morton, PA 19070, Tel: 610 328-1100, Toll Free: 800 421-3404, Web Site: www.utcras.com.
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL15
MAIN OFFICES VALSPAR CORP. - 1101 S 3 St, PO Box 1461 (55440-1211), Minneapolis, MN 55402, Tel: 612 851-7000, Web Site: www.valspar.com, Valspar is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Sherwin-Williams Company. Founded in 1866, The Sherwin-Williams Company is a global leader in the manufacture, development, distribution, & sale of paints, coatings & related products to professional, industrial, commercial, & retail customers. VAPOR RAIL - 10000 Boulevard Cavendish, Laurent, QC H4M 2V1, Tel: 514 335-4200, Fax: 514 335-4231, Web Site: www.wabtec.com. VELOCITI - 120 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66105, Tel: 913 233-7200, Fax: 913 342-4849, E-mail: maye@velociti.us, Web Site: www.velociti.us. VOLATILE FREE, INC. (VFI) - 19500 Janacek Ct, PO Box 344, Brookfield, WI 53008, Tel: 262 787-0400, Fax: 262 787-0500, Toll Free: 800 307-9218, E-mail: info@volatilefree.com, Web Site: www.volatilefree.com. VOPAK LOGISTICS SERVICES USA INC - 2000 W Loop S Ste 1550, Houston, TX 77027, Tel: 713 561-7200, Fax: 713 5617323, Web Site: www.vopakamericas. com, Shop(s) at Fitzgerald, GA [C], Deer Park, TX [C], Hockley, TX [C]. WABTEC CORPORATION FOR WABTEC GLOBAL SERVICES - 1001 Air Brake Ave, Wilmerding, PA 15148, Tel: 412 8251000, E-mail: wgsinfo@wabtec.com, Web Site: www.wabtecglobalservices. com, Shop(s) at Willits, CA, Warren, OH, Wilmerding, PA. WAGO CORP. - N120 W19129 Freistadt Rd, Germantown, WI 53022, Tel: 262 255-6222, Fax: 262 255-3232, Toll Free: 800 346-7245, E-mail: info.us@wago. com, Web Site: www.wago.com. WARREN RAILCAR SERVICE INC. - 51 Railcar Rd, Warren, PA 16365, Tel: 814 723-2500, Fax: 814 723-4070, E-mail: wrsx@westpa.net, Shop(s) at Warren, PA [C].
WATCO INC. - 315 W 3rd St, Pittsburg, KS 66762, Tel: 620 231-2230, Fax: 620 231-0812, Web Site: www. watcocompanies.com, Mobile repair services in 48 states., Shop(s) at Prattville, AL [L], Tuscaloosa, AL [L], Jacksonville, FL [C], Fitzgerald, GA [C], Council Bluffs, IA [C], Lewiston, ID [L], Wood River, IL [C], Coffeyville, KS [C], Junction City, KS [C], Neodesha, KS [C], Pittsburg, KS [C], Wichita, KS [L], De Ridder, LA [L], Minden, LA [L], Zwolle, LA [C], Vicksburg, MS [L], Omaha, NE [C], Hollidaysburg, PA [C], Austin, TX [C][L], Hockley, TX [C], Houston, TX [C] [L], Scottsville, TX [C], Silsbee, TX [L]. WELLS FARGO RAIL - 9377 W Higgins Rd Ste 600, Rosemont, IL 60018, Tel: 847 318-7575, Fax: 847 318-7588, Toll Free: 877 753-9328, E-mail: railaccountservices@wellsfargo.com, Web Site: firstunionrail.wellsfargo. com, Shop(s) at Calgary, AB [C], San Francisco, CA [C], San Ramon, CA [C], New Canaan, CT [C], Chicago, IL [C], E St Louis, IL [C], Sewickley, PA [C], Montreal, QC [C], Murfeesboro, TN [C], Arlington, TX [C]. WESTERN REPAIR SERVICE INC. - 1301 Bylsby Ave, PO Box 2533, Green Bay, WI 54306, Tel: 920 435-4451, Fax: 920 4354452, Web Site: www.westernrailcar. com, Shop(s) at Green Bay, WI [C]. WESTERN-CULLEN-HAYES, INC. - 2700 W 36th Pl, Chicago, IL 60632, Tel: 773 254-9600, Fax: 773 254-1110, E-mail: cp@wch.com, Web Site: www.wch.com.
WINTER’S RIGGING INC - 2110 Rt 249, PO Box 488, North Collins, NY 14111, Tel: 716 337-3930, Fax: 716 337-3898. WISCONSIN & SOUTHERN RAILROAD 1890 E Johnson St, Madison, WI 537044745, Tel: 608 620-2050, Web Site: www.watcocompanies.com, Shop(s) at Horicon, WI [C][L], Janesville, WI [C], Madison, WI [C]. WI-TRONIX - 631 E Boughton Rd Ste 240, Bolingbrook, IL 60440, Tel: 630 679-9927, Fax: 630 679-9954, Toll Free: 888 948-7664, E-mail: info@witronix.com, Web Site: www.wi-tronix. com, Wi-Tronix is a leading provider of remote monitoring, video analytics, & predictive diagnostic solutions for locomotives & other mobile assets. Utilizing both edge computing & cloud-based SaaS services, Wi-Tronix provides real-time data aggregation & analytics to reduce operational cost, improve safety, & increase efficiency. WOLF LAKE TERMINALS - 3200 Sheffield Ave, Hammond, IN 46327, Tel: 219 937-4300, Fax: 219 937-0900, Web Site: www.wolflakeinc.com, Shop(s) at Hammond, IN [C].
WHEEL TRUING BRAKE SHOE CO - 305 S St, Rochester, MI 48307, Tel: 248 651-9010, Fax: 248 651-9032, E-mail: mgorang@tir.com, Web Site: www. wheeltruing.com, Wheel Grinding Flange Cutting.
YASKAWA AMERICA DRIVES & MOTION - 2121 Norman Dr S, Waukegan, IL 60085-6751, Tel: 847 887-7000, Fax: 847 887-7310, Toll Free: 800 927-5292, Web Site: www.yaskawa.com, High reliability controls for transit and rail applications.
WHEELING & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD 100 E First St, Brewster, OH 44613, Tel: 330 767-3401, E-mail: executiv@ wlerwy.com, Web Site: www.wlerwy. com.
ZEFTEK, INC. - 2175 Aucutt Rd, Montgomery, IL 60538, Tel: 630 801-1616, Fax: 630 801-0013, E-mail: m.tonn@zeftek.com, Web Site: www. zeftek.com.
WHITING CORPORATION - 26000 Whiting Way, Monee, IL 60449-8060, Tel: 708 587-2000, Fax: 708 587-2001, Toll Free: 800 255-8594, E-mail: info@ whitingcorp.com, Web Site: www. whitingcorp.com.
ZF NORTH AMERICA, INC. - 15811 Centennial Dr, Northville, MI 48168, Tel: 734 582-8106, Fax: 734 582-8027, Web Site: www.zf.com.
WILLIAMS-HAYWARD PROTECTIVE COATING, INC. - 7425 W 59th St, Summit, IL 60501, Tel: 708 4580015, Fax: 708 563-6266, E-mail: jasonkristie@whpc.net, Web Site: hwww.williams-hayward.com, Chemical resistant coatings, epoxy finishes.
CL16 C & L Directory // July 2018
WINCHESTER INDUSTRIES INC. - 106 Groppo Dr, PO Box 917, Winsted, CT 06098-0917, Tel: 860 379-5336, Fax: 860 379-6678, E-mail: john@ railroadgage.com, Web Site: www. railroadgage.com, Recalibration service available.
ZTR CONTROL SYSTEMS - 8050 County Rd 101 East, Shakopee, MN 55379, Tel: 952 233-4340, Fax: 952 2334375, E-mail: railinfo@ztr.com, Web Site: www.ztr.com, Manufacturers of locomotive control systems..
CAR SHOP LISTINGS ALABAMA Auburn REXNORD COUPLINGS / GEAR - Tel: 334 321-9100 Birmingham GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - Tel: 205 991-0384, Fax: 205 991-3062 TTX COMPANY - BNB - BIRMINGHAM (BNSF), A, F, K, N Birmingham ASTRALLOY WEAR TECHNOLOGY - Tel: 205 853-0300, Fax: 205 853-7321 Cherokee FREIGHTCAR AMERICA INC. - A, B, C, F, K, L, M, O - Tel: 256 370-5500, Fax: 256 278-4622 Citronelle GATX - Tel: 251 866-0960, Fax: 251 866-0970 Decatur GULF SOUTH RAIL CARS - GULF SOUTH TRANSPORTATION, INC. - (CSXT, N&S, UP, BNSF), E, J, K, A RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Dothan GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (CHAT), A, B, C, E, F, J, K, M - Tel: 877 459-5445 Huntsville GULF SOUTH RAIL CARS - GULF SOUTH TRANSPORTATION, INC. - (N&S, CSXT, UP, BNSF), E, J, K, A
Key to car shop services A All normal freight car repair B Rebuilding C Wreck repairs D Rapid transit cars E Coating applications F FRA inspections G Passenger cars H AAR-certified tank car facilities J Cleaning K Mobile Repairs L New-car assembly M Painting N Wheel Shop O Car storage facilities P Other
Hybart SOUTHEASTERN RAILWAY SERVICES (CSXT), J, K, P - Tel: 601 783-2006, Fax: 601 783-6855 Mobile GULF SOUTH RAIL CARS - GULF SOUTH TRANSPORTATION, INC. - (UP, CSXT, CSXT, N&S, BNSF), E, J, K, A Ozark ALABAMA RAILCAR SERVICE, INC. (CSX), A, C, E, H, M - Tel: 334 774-2621, Fax: 334 774-4268 Stevenson ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSX, Norfolk Southern), A, K, F - Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687 Talladega ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSX), A, F Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687 Vance ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (Norfolk Southern), A, F - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687
Texarkana UNION TANK CAR CO. TEXARKANA REPAIR SERVICES - (UP), A, C, F, H, J Tel: 870 773-2062
Bakersfield ANDERSONS, THE - (UP, BNSF, SJVR), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 530 379-3093 Boron RESCAR COMPANIES - (BRC), A, B, C, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Chico JAMES RAILCAR SERVICE - (UP), A, C, E, J, M, O, B - Tel: 530 895-1348, Fax: 530 895-1302 City of Industry TTX COMPANY - SPI - CITY OF INDUSTRY - (UP), A, F, K, N Commerce TTX COMPANY - ATH - HOBART - (BNSF), A, F, K, N
Richmond TTX COMPANY - ATRA - RICHMOND (AUTOTRACK) - (BNSF), A, F, K, N TTX COMPANY - ATRC - RICHMOND (BNSF), A, F, K, N UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 510 2353001, Fax: 510 235-4227 Richmond TTX COMPANY - RUPS - RICHMOND (UPS) - (BNSF), A, F, K, N Sacramento RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 San Bernandino TTX COMPANY - BNSB - SAN BERNANDINO - (BNSF), A, F, K, N
El Segundo UNION TANK CAR CO. - (ATSF, UP), A, F, H, K - Tel: 310 333-1702, Fax: 310 615-5492
Fresno ANDERSONS, THE - (SJVR, UP), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 530 379-3093
LA/Lancaster RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
San Francisco WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 877 753-9328
San Ramon WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 925 736-4955, Fax: 925 736-1313
McClellan ANDERSONS, THE - (BNSF, UP, SAVR), A, C, E, H, J, K, M - Tel: 530 379-3093
Stockton CENTRAL CALIFORNIA RAILCAR REPAIR - (BNSF, UP), A, B, C, F, K - Tel: 209 4652236, Fax: 209 465-4830
Mira Loma GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A - Tel: 877 295-1695
GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A - Tel: 800 867-1512
Suisun ANDERSONS, THE - (CFNR), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 530 379-3093
Camden GULF SOUTH RAIL CARS - GULF SOUTH TRANSPORTATION, INC. - (UP, CSXT, N&S, BNSF), E, J, K, A DeQueen DEQUEEN & EASTERN RAILROAD (KRR, UP, KCS), A, C, F, N - Tel: 870 6421491, Fax: 870 642-1368 Jonesboro TRINITY INDUSTRIES, INC. TRINITYRAIL MAINT SVC - Tel: 870802-0046, Marmaduke AMERICAN RAILCAR INDUSTRIES RAILCAR MANUFACTURING - (UP), L, A, E, H, J - Tel: 807 597-2224 Paragould AMERICAN RAILCAR INDUSTRIES - RAILCAR MANUFACTURING - (UP), L Tel: 876 236-6600 Pine Bluff GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES WHEEL SHOP - (UP), N - Tel: 888 254-3515, Fax: 870 534-2050
PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, N, M Tel: 951 360-5967, Fax: 951 361-5967 TTX COMPANY - WRRC - MIRA LOMA - (UP), N, A, F, K, M, B, C - Tel: 951 685-0158 Modesto GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (MET), A, F, J, K - Tel: 866 785-0888
San Bernardino GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - (BNSF, BNSF), N, N - Tel: 887 295-1689 San Diego PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 619 232-2450, Fax: 619 232-7141
Terminal Island TTX COMPANY - BNLB - LONG BEACH (BNSF, UP), A, F, K, N Wasco SAVAGE SERVICES, CORP. - (BNSF), A, C, E, F, J, K, M, O - Tel: 661 758-8454, Fax: 661 758-8454 Westley ANDERSONS, THE - (GWRR, CFNR), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 530 379-3093
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL17
CAR SHOP LISTINGS Woodland ANDERSONS, THE - (CFNR), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 530 379-3093 Yermo TTX COMPANY - ATBM - YERMO (BNSF), A, F, K, N
COLORADO Denver TTX COMPANY - BND - DENVER (BNSF), A, F, K, N Pueblo West LIBERTY RAILWAY SERVICES, INC. (BNSF), A, C, F, B, K - Tel: 719 544-6867, Fax: 719 545-4420
CONNECTICUT Danbury SPERRY RAIL SERVICE - (Metro North), B, C, M - Tel: 203 791-4500, Fax: 203 797-8417 New Canaan WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 224 240-3562
DELAWARE CAR CO. - B, C, D, G, L, F Tel: 302 655-6665, Fax: 302 655-7126
Orlando RAIL INDUSTRIES, INC. - (CSX), A, B, C, D, E, G, K, L, M, O, N, J - Tel: 407 8574645, Fax: 321 449-1779
Tampa RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Apollo Beach ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSX), A, F, K Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687
White Springs RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Arcadia GFA RAIL SERVICES INC. - (SGLR), A, B, C, E, F, G, K, M, O - Tel: 239 275-6060, Fax: 239 275-0581
Bartow GATX - Tel: 863 425-0346, Fax: 863 425-0526 ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSX), A, F Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687
Dunnellon PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 352 522-8113, Fax: 352 522-8114
Jacksonville GBW RAILCAR SERVICES - J, M - Tel: 904 786-1700
GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A - Tel: 904 786-1700
DANA RAILCAR - (NS), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 302 652-8550, Fax: 302 652-7943
TTX COMPANY - SRD - JACKSONVILLE - (CSX, FEC, NS, CP, BNSF), A, C, F, N, B, J, K, M - Tel: 904 354-2530, Fax: 904 358-6401 WATCO INC. - (NS), A, B, C, K, M, F, N, O - Tel: 904 786-1700, Fax: 904 783-6843
Key to car shop services A All normal freight car repair B Rebuilding C Wreck repairs D Rapid transit cars E Coating applications F FRA inspections G Passenger cars H AAR-certified tank car facilities J Cleaning K Mobile Repairs L New-car assembly M Painting N Wheel Shop O Car storage facilities P Other CL18 C & L Directory // July 2018
Miami AMTRAK - MECHANICAL SERVICES - B, C, D, F, G, L Miramar Beach GULF SOUTH RAIL CARS - GULF SOUTH TRANSPORTATION, INC. - (BNSF, CSXT, N&S, UP), A, E, J, K - Tel: 850 699-8585, Fax: 850 424-3165 Mulberry MULBERRY RAILCAR REPAIR CO. (CSX), A, B, C, E, F, J, K, M, N, O, P - Tel: 863 425-4986, Fax: 863 425-1604 UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 863 5343432, Fax: 863 534-3451 Oneco GFA RAIL SERVICES INC. - (SGLR), A, B, C, E, G, K, M, O - Tel: 239 275-6060, Fax: 239 275-0581
GEORGIA Atlanta FELLFAB CORPORATION - D, G, L - Tel: 262 238-9160, Fax: 262 512-0476 Augusta RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Fitzgerald GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A, H Tel: 844 364-7409 VOPAK LOGISTICS SERVICES USA INC Tel: 713 561-7200 WATCO INC. - (CSXT), A, B, C, F, H, K, M, N, O - Tel: 229 423-5651, Fax: 229 423-3938 Gordon RESCAR COMPANIES - (NS), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 478 628-3709, Fax: 478 828-3851 Macon GATX - Tel: 478 743-2016, Fax: 478 743-2017 GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - (NS), N Tel: 866 653-7029, Fax: 877 297-1955 Plains SOUTHEAST RAILCAR, INC. - (CSXT, NS), , Quality Repairs, Quick Turn Around for Railcar Owners. Interchanging with NS, CSXT, Georgia Central & Georgia Southwestern - Tel: 229 924-2862, Fax: 229 924-2853 Valdosta UNION TANK CAR CO., REPAIR SERVICES - (CSXT, CSX), A, F, C, E, F, H, M, J - Tel: 291 244-4125
IDAHO Pocatello RESCAR COMPANIES - A, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
ILLINOIS Bedford Park R & W MACHINE - DIV. OF WARNER INDUSTRIES INC - Tel: 708 458-4200, Fax: 708 458-3299 Bedford Park TTX COMPANY - CXBP - BEDFORD PARK - (UP), A, F, K, N Burr Ridge RAILHEAD CORP. - O - Tel: 708-844-5517 Chicago AMTRAK - MECHANICAL SERVICES - B, C, D, F, G, L, N FREIGHTCAR AMERICA PARTS - A, B, F, K, L, M, O, C - Tel: 877 739-2006 RESCAR COMPANIES - (BRC), A, B, C, F, K - Tel: 778 521-7033, Fax: 778 521-2718 TTX COMPANY - NSCH - WABASH (NS), A, F, K, N TTX COMPANY - UPMS - MORGAN ST (UP), A, F, K, N WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 877 753-9328 Chicago TTX COMPANY - ATMC - CORWITH (BNSF), A, F, K, N Chicago Heights GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - (UP), N Tel: 866 858-3919, Fax: 708 757-4569 Crest Hill RAILWAY & INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC. - (CN), A, B, C, M - Tel: 815 7264224, Fax: 815 726-4265 Danville FREIGHTCAR AMERICA INC. - (CSX, NS, IC, UP), B, C, F, L, M, A, K, O - Tel: 217 443-4106, Fax: 217 443-0750 Downers Grove REXNORD AEROSPACE / SHAFER & CARTSEAL - Tel: 630 968-7710 REXNORD BEARINGS E St Louis WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 636 2739600, Fax: 636 273-9609 Elwood TTX COMPANY - BNLP - JOLIET (LPC) (BNSF), A, F, K, N Evanston SHAMROCK ASSOCIATES LTD. - A, C, H, J, K, L, M - Tel: 847 475-2654, Fax: 847 475-2195 Fairview Heights METRO EAST INDUSTRIES INC. - (ALS, NS), A, B, C, E, M, K, O - Tel: 618 2717210, Fax: 618 874-3785 railwayage.com
CAR SHOP LISTINGS Hodkins TTX COMPANY - ATWS - WILLOW SPRINGS - (BNSF), A, F, K, N Iroquois SOUTHEASTERN RAILWAY SERVICES - (KBSR), A, J, K, P - Tel: 815 429-4014, Fax: 815 429-5690 Joliet RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 TTX COMPANY - UPJL - JOLIET (G4) (UP), A, F, K, N UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 815 4671561, Fax: 815 467-1562 Kenney EXCEL RAILCAR SERVICES - (CN, IC), A, C, E, J, K, O, M, P, B
UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 618 2540181, Fax: 618 254-9765
WATCO INC. - (UP, NS, KCS), A, B, C, F, L, M, N, O - Tel: 618 254-3060, Fax: 618 254-3055
Waterloo UNION TANK CO. WATERLOO REPAIR SERVICES - (CN), A, C, H, H - Tel: 319 234-9023
Albia RELCO LOCOMOTIVES, INC. - (APNC, BN), B, C, M - Tel: 641 932-3030, Fax: 641 932-3375
Beech Grove AMTRAK - MECHANICAL SERVICES (AMTRAK), B, C, D, F, G, L, N - Tel: 202 906-3771, Fax: 202 906-2911 Charlestown PROGRESS RAIL - A, C, K, B, H, N, M Tel: 812 256-2978, Fax: 812 256-9050 East Chicago GATX - Tel: 219 398-3449, Fax: 219 398-4105
PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 219 397-5326, Fax: 219 392-8624
Mt. Vernon NRE - (CSX, NS, UP), A - Tel: 618 2426590, Fax: 618 242-8519
Evansville MID-AMERICA LOCOMOTIVE & CAR REPAIR INC. - (CSX), A, K, O, P - Tel: 812 421-1760, Fax: 812 421-1770
Oak Park TRAINTRONIX INC. - D, G - Tel: 708 386-5070 Ottawa OTTAWA RAILCAR SERVICES INC. (CSXT), A, C, J, K - Tel: 815 434-1779, Fax: 815 434-2578
Greensburg ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (GWRR), A, K, F - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687 Hammond WOLF LAKE TERMINALS - (IHB), A, F, H, J - Tel: 219 932-3650, Fax: 219 932-1404
Peoria GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - N, P Tel: 503 972-5951, Fax: 309 671-9110
Indianapolis INDY RAILWAY SERVICE CORP. (INDIANA SOU), A, B, C, E, F, K, M, J Tel: 317 856-3708, Fax: 317 856-3775
Red Oak GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - N, P Tel: 866-785-4081, Fax: 712 623-4453
REXNORD LINK-BELT - Tel: 317 2735500
Robinson RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Jeffersonville ANDERSONS, THE - (CSX, LIRC), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 502 396-6183
Rockford REXNORD AMERICAN AUTOGUARD Tel: 815 229-3190
Lafayette ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (Norfolk Southern), A, F - Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687
Sauget RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Muncie PROGRESS RAIL - Tel: 765 281-2685, Fax: 765 741-5034
Savanna RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Princeton ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSXT), A, K, F - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687
Silvis NRE - (BNSF, II, SOO), A - Tel: 309 7556800, Fax: 309 755-0278
Terre Haute GATX - Tel: 812 232-2682, Fax: 812 232-6543
Wood River GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A - Tel: 877 459-5410 railwayage.com
Cedar Rapids RESCAR COMPANIES - (UP), A, B, C, E, F, H, K, L - Tel: 319 366-0393, Fax: 319 366-6774 Council Bluffs WATCO INC. - (UP), A, B, C, E, K, M, N, O - Tel: 712 323-2353, Fax: 712 328-8780 Lakota RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Manly ANDERSONS, THE - (CN, CP, UP), A, C, E, J, K, M - Tel: 641 530-5905 Muscatine UNION TANK CAR CO., REPAIR SERVICES - (CP), J, C, E, F, H, M, P - Tel: 563 264-0100, Fax: 563 264-3424 Sergeant Bluff GATX - Tel: 712 943-5792, Fax: 712 943-5793
KANSAS CITY RAILCAR SERVICE - (KCS, UP, NS, BNSF, CSX), A, B, C, J, M - Tel: 913 621-0326, Fax: 913 621-0518 RAIL CAR SERVICES LLC - (UP), A, J, K, P - Tel: 913 621-3570, Fax: 913 621-3561 Neodesha GBW RAILCAR SERVICES. LLC - A, H Tel: 620 325-3001 WATCO INC. - (UP, SKOL, BNSF, KCS), A, B, C, F, H, J, K, M, N - Tel: 620 235-3001, Fax: 620 235-3786 Osawatomie GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (UP), A, K, F - Tel: 866 928-4868 Pittsburg GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A - Tel: 844 364-7404 WATCO INC. - (UP, SKOL, BNSF, KCS), A, C, K, N, O - Tel: 620 231-6427, Fax: 620 231-1548 Topeka GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (BNSF), A, C, F, J, B - Tel: 866 722-7068 Wichita RESCAR COMPANIES - (BRC), A, B, C, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Catlettsburg RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Coffeyville GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A, H Tel: 844 364-7403
Corbin PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 606 523-0120, Fax: 606 523-1652
WATCO INC. - (UP, SKOL, BNSF, KCS), A, C, F, K, N, M, O - Tel: 620 251-2350, Fax: 620 251-6440
Covington PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, K, M, N, H Tel: 859 291-5564, Fax: 859 291-5479
Cummings GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (UP), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 866 785-4085
Georgetown ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSXT), A, K, F - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687
Edgerton TTX COMPANY - BNGK - KANSAS CITY (BNSF), A, F, K, N Junction City GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A - Tel: 785 762-4330 WATCO INC. - (UP), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, L, M, N, O - Tel: 785 462-4330, Fax: 785 762-2109 Kansas City GATX - Tel: 913 287-8837, Fax: 913 596-1238 GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - (KCS), N Tel: 877 459-5440, Fax: 913 342-6246
Hawesville ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSXT), A, K, F - Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687 Louisville ROAD & RAILE SERVICES - CORP - Tel: 502 495-6688, Fax: 502 495-6687 TTX COMPANY - CXLK - LOUISVILLE (CSX), A, F, K, N Paducah NRE - (BNSF, CN), A - Tel: 270 444-4555, Fax: 270 444-4550 Raceland PROGRESS RAIL -
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL19
CAR SHOP LISTINGS LOUISIANA Baton Rouge RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 225 2919222, Fax: 225 293-6303 Donaldsonville GATX - Tel: 225 257-4281, Fax: 225 257-4282 Geismar GATX - Tel: 225 339-2165, Fax: 225 339-2161 Gramercy RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Minden GATX - Tel: 318 377-2276, Fax: 318 377-4158 New Orleans AMTRAK - MECHANICAL SERVICES - B, C, D, F, G, L
Ville Platte UNION TANK CAR CO. REPAIR SERVICES - (AKDN), A, J, C, E, F, H, M, P - Tel: 318 363-5507, Fax: 318 363-0717 Westlake BW SERVICES - (BNSF, KCS, UP), A, B, C, F, H, J, K, M, O, P, E - Tel: 337 882-0304, Fax: 337 882-0306
Waterford TTX COMPANY - DRACO FABRICATION (CN), A, F, K, N - Tel: 248 674-4626, Fax: 248 674-3660
St. Joseph HERZOG RAILROAD SERVICES - (BNSF), A, B, C, J - Tel: 816 901-4959, Fax: 816 233-4471, SEE OUR AD ON PAGE CL7.
St. Louis SPERRY RAIL SERVICE - (TRRA), B, C, M - Tel: 203 791-4500
Zwolle GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (KCS), A, C, F, J, K, B, A, H - Tel: 318 645-6181
Breckenridge RED RIVER VALLEY & WESTERN RAILROAD - A, C, F, K - Tel: 218 6438525, Fax: 218 643-2423
WATCO INC. - (KCS), A, B, C, F, H, J, K, M, N, O - Tel: 318 645-6181, Fax: 318 645-4112
Rosemount RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Baltimore ANDERSONS, THE - (CSX, NS), A, C, E, H, J, K, M - Tel: 567 395-1057 TTX COMPANY - BOMB - BALTIMORE (CSX), A, F, K, N
Worthington DRUMM INC - (UP), J - Tel: 507 3722212, Fax: 507 372-2215
Elk Mills BRC RAIL CAR SERVICE CO. - (CSX), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M, O - Tel: 410 6209920, Fax: 410 620-9922
Plaquermine UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 225 3536290, Fax: 225 353-1534
RESCAR COMPANIES - (CSX), A, B, C, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 410 392-3733, Fax: 410 392-3222
Sulphur GATX - Tel: 337 626-0757, Fax: 337 626-7807
Magnolia SOUTHEASTERN RAILWAY SERVICES (INSR), A, B, C, E, F, J, K, M, P - Tel: 601 783-2006, Fax: 601 783-6855
Yazoo City GATX - Tel: 662 746-3324, Fax: 662 746-3323
Palmer PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, M, N, K, K - Tel: 802 527-3447, Fax: 802 527-3448
Taft/Cypress UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 985 7835502, Fax: 985 783-3546
Key to car shop services A All normal freight car repair B Rebuilding C Wreck repairs D Rapid transit cars E Coating applications F FRA inspections G Passenger cars H AAR-certified tank car facilities J Cleaning K Mobile Repairs L New-car assembly M Painting N Wheel Shop O Car storage facilities P Other CL20 C & L Directory // July 2018
Springfield RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
MICHIGAN Lansing TTX COMPANY - CNLN - LANSING - (CN), A, F, K, N Midland UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 979 6385241, Fax: 989 638-5240 New Boston ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (Norfolk Southern), A, K, F - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687 St. Clair OWS RAIL CAR INC. - MICHIGAN DIV. K - Tel: 519 332-5683
Bay St Louis ANDERSONS, THE - (CSX, ANSLEY; MS PBVR), A, C, E, J, K, M - Tel: 228 304-2908
Kansas City ANDERSONS, THE - (CP, NS, KCS, UP, BN; KCTL), A, A, C, J, E, H, K, M - Tel: 360 430-3681 MID-AMERICA CAR INC. - LOCOMOTIVE - (KCS, CP, BNSF, UP, NS), A, B, C, E, F, K, M, J, G - Tel: 816 483-5303, Fax: 816 483-3360 MIDWEST LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE - (KCS, UP), A, B, C, F, G, J, K, M, O - Tel: 816 923-1777, Fax: 816 923-1777 NORDCO - HOME OF THE SHUTTLEWAGON - B, C, K, P - Tel: 816 569-6488 N Kansas City TTX COMPANY - NSKC - KC, MO (AUTORACK) - (NS), A, F, K, N St. Charles AMERICAN RAILCAR INDUSTRIES ENGINEERING SERVICES - F, P - Tel: 636 940-6000
MONTANA Laurel UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 406 6286217, Fax: 406 628-8466
NEBRASKA Alliance PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, K, H, K, M, N - Tel: 308 762-1393, Fax: 308 762-4753 Bridgeport PROGRESS RAIL. - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 308 262-1727, Fax: 308 262-1608 Falls City HERZOG RAILROAD SERVICES - (BNSF, UP), A, B, C, E, J, M - Tel: 402 245-3663, Fax: 402 245-6026, SEE OUR AD ON PAGE CL7. Hershey GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - (UP), N Tel: 800 920-1668, Fax: 308 368-7904 Lincoln REXNORD ADDAX / COUPLINGS - Tel: 402 325-6000 Omaha GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (BNSF, UP), A, B, C, F, J, K, M - Tel: 877 2951693 GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (ICE, KCS, NS, UP), A, F, H, J, K - Tel: 712 323-2353 UNION TANK CAR CO., OMAHA REPAIR SERVICES - (BNSF), A, C, F - Tel: 402 346-6382, Fax: 402 290-9344 WATCO INC. - (UP), A, B, C, F, H, M, N, O - Tel: 402 894-1008, Fax: 402 891-1366 Sidney PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 308 254-4938, Fax: 308 254-2999
NEW HAMPSHIRE Nashua COATING SYSTEMS, INC. - J - Tel: 603 883-0553, Fax: 603 883-0535
NEW JERSEY Bayway (Linden) UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 908 5235605, Fax: 908 523-5874
CAR SHOP LISTINGS Piscataway KINKISHARYO INTERNATIONAL, LLC. - (CSAO), A, B, D, G, L, M - Tel: 732 2304501, Fax: 732 979-2378, SEE OUR AD ON PAGE CL9. Rochelle Park PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 201 843-7200, Fax: 201 843-7220
NEW YORK Auburn BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION - B, D, G, L - Tel: 315 255-7800, Fax: 315 253-9175 Binghamton ANDERSONS, THE - (NYSW), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 567 395-1057 Falconer ANDERSONS, THE - (WNYP), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 530 723-0140 Glendale ANDERSONS, THE - (NYA), A, E, J, M, K - Tel: 530 723-0140 Hornell ALSTOM TRANSPORTATION INC. - (NS), B, D, G, L, M - Tel: 607 324-4595, Fax: 607 324-7090 Lackawanna SOUTH BUFFALO RAILWAY CO. - (SB, CSX, BP, NS), A, C, F, J, K, N, O - Tel: 716 821-2704, Fax: 716 827-2700
Syracuse ANDERSONS, THE - (NYS&W), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 530 723-0140
Cincinnati DRUMM INC - (CSXT), J, K - Tel: 513 6414141, Fax: 513 641-4362
West Seneca EBENEZER RAILCAR SERVICE INC. (NS), A, B, C, E, F, K, L, M, O, P - Tel: 716 674-5650, Fax: 716 674-8703
GATX - , Fax: 513 557-4225
NORTH CAROLINA Aurora RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F - Tel: 800 737-2276 Fayetteville CAPE FEAR RAILCAR INC. - (CSX), A, F, J, K - Tel: 910 488-5030, Fax: 910 488-5042
Columbus AEP - (BNSF), A, B, C, F, O - Tel: 614 716-1000 Findlay JK-CO - A, B, C, K, L - Tel: 800 AIRDUMP, Fax: 419 422-5260 Grove City REXNORD - Tel: 614 739-6673 Lima RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Hamlet TRINITY INDUSTRIES, INC. TRINITYRAIL MAINT SVC - (CSX), A, B, C, F, K, M, E, H, J - Tel: 910-205-0340, Fax: 910 205-0054
Lorain INDUSTRIAL RAILWAY SWITCHING & SERVICES, INC. - A - Tel: 440 277-5151, Fax: 440 277-5166
Reigelwood RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Marietta MOLE-MASTER SERVICES INC. - J - Tel: 740 374-6726, Fax: 740 374-5908
Riegelwood ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSXT), A, K, F - Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687
Marion UNION TANK CAR CO., REPAIR SERVICES - (CSXT), J, B, C, F, H, M, P Tel: 740 382-8797, Fax: 740 382-5012
Roxboro RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F - Tel: 800 737-2276
Maumee ANDERSONS, THE - (NS), A, C, E, H, J, K, M - Tel: 419 891-5886
Niagara Falls PHILIP SERVICES - Tel: 773 244-8340, Fax: 773 244-8341
South Port GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (BNSF), A, C, F, J, K, A - Tel: 503 670-3125
Toledo RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
State Port RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Twinsburg REXNORD AEROSPACE / PRECISION GEAR - Tel: 330 487-0888
Wilmington RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Walbridge ANDERSONS, THE - A, C, E, J, K, M - Tel: 419 410-5922
Youngstown GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - N, P Tel: 877 459-5401, Fax: 330 793-9567
Plattsburgh BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION - B, D, G, L - Tel: 518 566-0150, Fax: 518 566-0151 Queensbury GATX - Tel: 518 761-9640, Fax: 518 761-9633 Rensselaer AMTRAK - MECHANICAL SERVICES - B, C Ridegwood NATIONAL COMPRESSOR EXCHANGE A, B, D, G - Tel: 718 417-9100, Fax: 718 821-7032 Romulus ANDERSONS, THE - A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 530 723-0140
Fordville NORTHERN PLAINS RAIL SERVICES (CP, BNSF), A, C, J, K, M, O, F, P - Tel: 701 229-330, Fax: 701 229-3365
OHIO Cairo EAGLE RAILCAR SERVICES - (CSX), A, F, H, J, M, O, K - Tel: 419 641-3551 Canton RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
OKLAHOMA Claremore GATX - Tel: 918 226-1616, Fax: 918 226-1155 Hugo TRINITY INDUSTRIES, INC. TRINITYRAIL MAINT SVC - (KRR), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 580 317-8302, Fax: 580 317-8243
Wilburton ARKANSAS - OKLAHOMA R.R. - (UP, BNSF, KCS), K, O, P - Tel: 918 465-0299, Fax: 918 448-6498
OREGON Portland GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - (BNSF, UP), N - Tel: 800 253-4350 TTX COMPANY - BNP - PORTLAND (BNSF), A, F, K, N Springfield GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (UP), A, B, C, E, F, J, K, M - Tel: 866 928-4724
PENNSYLVANIA Altoona ALTOONA RAILCAR REPAIR - (NS), A, B, C, P - Tel: 814 944-1631, Fax: 814 944-1635 UNION TANK CAR CO., REPAIR SERVICES - (NS), C, E, F, H, M, J - Tel: 814 944-4523 Avoca MARSHALL AIR BRAKE CO. - P - Tel: 570 343-1117, Fax: 570 343-5721 Chambersburg TTX COMPANY - CSPA CHAMBERSBURG - (CSX), A, F, K, N DuBois RESCAR COMPANIES - (BP), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 814 375-9050, Fax: 814 375-9167 Hollidaysburg CURRY RAIL SERVICES - A, B, C, E, H, J, L, M, O, Curry Rail Services is an AAR M-1003 & ISO 9001 Certified shop. CRS is a manufacturer & repairer of freight cars & locomotive weldments. - Tel: 814 793-7245, Fax: 814 224-7459 GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A, H Tel: 888 968-4371 NORFOLK SOUTHERN THOROUGHBRED MECHANICAL SERVICES - (NS), A, B, C, F, L, M, N, O, P - Tel: 814 696-2477, Fax: 814 696-2473 WATCO INC. - (NS), A, B, C, F, H, J, M, N, O - Tel: 814 695-5691, Fax: 814 695-5801 Irwin IRWIN CAR AND EQUIPMENT - B, L, N, P - Tel: 724 864-8900, Fax: 724 864-8909 Landisville AMHERST INDUSTRIES OF PA, INC. (NS, LNUT), O, P - Tel: 717 898-2271, Fax: 717 898-0246
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL21
CAR SHOP LISTINGS Leetsdale MULTI-SERVICE SUPPLY DIV - Tel: 412 741-1500 Lewistown GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES WHEEL SHOP - (Juinata), N - Tel: 800 866-1027, Fax: 712 242-2258 Marcus Hook UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 610 4973327, Fax: 610 497-9592 Mount Union EBT RAILCAR - A, K, O, P - Tel: 814 3750535, Fax: 814 375-0535
Sharon ASTRALLOY STEEL PRODUCTS - , For nearly 50 years, Astralloy Steel Products has been providing innovative & cost effective solutions. We have an extensive product line of abrasion resistant & specialtysteel plate & bar. Tel: 866 587-6970, Fax: 724 734-5838 Strasburg STRASBURG RAILROAD COMPANY (NS), F, M, P - Tel: 717 687-8421, Fax: 717 687-6194 Tipton ORX - (NS), N - Tel: 814 684-8484, Fax: 814 684-8400
New Castle INTERCHANGE SPECIALTY SERVICES (CSXT, NS), A, B, C, F, J, L, M, O, P - Tel: 412 652-0822, Fax: 412 652-0554
Warren REXNORD COUPLINGS - Tel: 814 7236600
WARREN RAILCAR SERVICE INC. (B&P), A, B, D, K, P - Tel: 814 723-2500, Fax: 814 723-4070
GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (CSX), A - Tel: 267 314-0788
Youngwood BUNCHER RAIL CAR SERVICE - MULTISERVICE SUPPLY DIV. - (NS, CSX, SWP), A, K - Tel: 724 925-3919, Fax: 724 925-2670
TTX COMPANY - CCPA - PHILADELPHIA (GRS) - (CSX), A, F, K, N Sayre UNION TANK CAR CO. SAYRE REPAIR SERVICES - (NS), A, C, E, E, F, H, J, M Tel: 507 888-9623 Sewickley WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 724 935-5523, Fax: 724 935-5537
A All normal freight car repair B Rebuilding C Wreck repairs D Rapid transit cars E Coating applications F FRA inspections G Passenger cars H AAR-certified tank car facilities J Cleaning K Mobile Repairs L New-car assembly M Painting N Wheel Shop O Car storage facilities P Other CL22 C & L Directory // July 2018
Bishop RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Borger RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Brandon MIDWEST RAILCAR REPAIR, INC. (BNSF), A, B, C, E, H, J, K, M, F - Tel: 605 582-8300, Fax: 605 582-8305
Channelview RESCAR COMPANIES - (UP), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 281 452-4221, Fax: 281 452-5084
Copperhill GATX - Tel: 423 496-9335, Fax: 423 496-9339
Clear Lake RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Kingsport RESCAR COMPANIES - (BRC), A, B, C, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Cleburne GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (BNSF), A, B, C, E, F, J, K, M - Tel: 817 556-6752
Memphis RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Cleveland UNION TANK CAR CO., REPAIR SERVICES - (BNSF), J, C, F, H, M, P - Tel: 281 592-6424, Fax: 281 592-4381
TTX COMPANY - BNM - MEMPHIS (BNSF), A, F, K, N Murfeesboro WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 615 624-6843, Fax: 415 229-1697
Oak Ridge EAST TENNESSEE RAIL CAR SERVICES INC. - (NS), A, C, F, G, K, M, O - Tel: 865 576-5838, Fax: 865 576-6332
Charleston RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Darlington ANDERSONS, THE - (CSX, SCRF; G&W), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 228 304-2908 Florence ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSXT), A, K, F - Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687 Lancaster ANDERSONS, THE - (CSX, NS, LCRR), A, E, J, K, M - Tel: 228 304-2908 Mt. Pleasant RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Cedar Bayou RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Clinton REXNORD LINK-BELT - Tel: 865 2207700
BUNCHER RAIL CAR SERVICE CO. (SWP, NS, CSXT), A, C, K - Tel: 724 923-3919
Columbia RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Key to car shop services
Smyrna ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSX), A, K, F Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 5602 495-6687
TEXAS Amarillo PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 806 335-3900, Fax: 806 335-3902 Arlington WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 817 461-9063, Fax: 817 860-9063 Austin PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, K, M, N, H Tel: 512 238-1868, Fax: 512 238-7016 WATCO INC. - A - Tel: 512 246-0738, Fax: 512 246-0716
N Charleston RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Baytown RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
North Augusta TTX COMPANY - SRD - NORTH AUGUSTA - (NS), A, C, B, J, N, F, K, M - Tel: 803 279-1922, Fax: 803 278-1280
Beaumont RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Colleyville GREENBRIER COMPANIES, INC - (SN), K - Tel: 866 526-2242, Fax: 817 719-9386 Corsicana GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - (UP), N, C - Tel: 903 654-4453, Fax: 903 874-3171 Deer Park RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 VOPAK LOGISTICS SERVICES USA INC Tel: 713 561-7200 Elkhart EAGLE RAILCAR SERVICES - (UP), A, F, H, J, M, O, K - Tel: 903 764-5621 Fort Worth RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Freeport GATX - Tel: 979 415-6780, Fax: 979 265-0038 UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 979 2381374, Fax: 979 238-0847 Galena Park GATX - Tel: 713 758-5330, Fax: 713 758-5318 Gregory RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Haslet TTX COMPANY - ATD - ALLIANCE (BNSF), A, F, K, N
CAR SHOP LISTINGS Hockley GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A, H Tel: 844 364-7405 VOPAK LOGISTICS SERVICES USA INC Tel: 713 561-7200 WATCO INC. - (UP), A, C, B, F, H, J, M, N, O - Tel: 936 372-9136, Fax: 936 372-9568 Houston GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A, H Tel: 844 364-7405 RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 TTX COMPANY - ATSH - HOUSTON (BNSF), A, F, K, N UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 713 9266980, Fax: 713 926-4959 WATCO INC. - (UP), A, B, C, F, H, K, N, O - Tel: 713 453-2900, Fax: 713 453-2704 La Porte DANA RAILCAR - J, O - Tel: 281 4714700, Fax: 281 471-4703 GATX - Tel: 281 476-4661, Fax: 281 476-1976 Longview RESCAR COMPANIES - (UP), A, B, C, E, F, H, K, J, M - Tel: 903 759-0831, Fax: 903 759-0719 Matagorda UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 979 2447187, Fax: 979 244-7187 Mt. Belvieu RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Nash TEXANA TANK CAR & MFG. - C, F, H, L, M, P - Tel: 903 838-5564, Fax: 903 838-0672 Orange RESCAR COMPANIES - (UP), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 409 883-0393, Fax: 409 883-0395 Pasadena RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Plantersville GATX - Tel: 936 894-3483, Fax: 936 894-3517 Queen City ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (KCS, UP), A, K, F - Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687 Roscoe EAGLE RAILCAR SERVICES - (UP), A, F, H, J, M, O, K - Tel: 325 766-3313 railwayage.com
Saginaw TRINITY INDUSTRIES, INC. TRINITYRAIL MAINT SVC - (UP), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 817 236-7141, Fax: 817 238-1159
Covington RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
San Antonio GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (UP, AGCR), A, F - Tel: 877 921-1900
Lynchburg BRC RAIL CAR SERVICE CO. - (CSX), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, M, K, O - Tel: 434 3846200, Fax: 434 384-7505
GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (UP), A, F, J, K - Tel: 877 921-1900 ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (BNSF, UP), A, F - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 4956687 Scottsville GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A, H Tel: 903 935-7847 WATCO INC. - (UP), A, B, C, F, H, J, K, M, N, O - Tel: 903 935-7847, Fax: 903 935-2940 Seadrift UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 361 5533791, Fax: 361 553-2764 Tatum RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 Texas City RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 409 9485369, Fax: 409 948-5328 Vidor TRINITY INDUSTRIES, INC. TRINITYRAIL MAINT SVC - (UP), A, B, C, E, F, J, M, H - Tel: 409 768-1350, Fax: 409 768-1115 Von Ormy GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (UP), A Tel: 877 921-1900 TTX COMPANY - UPSA - SAN ANTONIO (UP), A, F, K, N Wichita Falls EAGLE RAILCAR SERVICES - (BNSF), A, F, H, J, M, O, K - Tel: 940 249-9978
Norfolk TTX COMPANY - NSN - NORFOLK - (NS), A, F, K, N
Roanoke FREIGHTCAR AMERICA INC. - (NS), B, C, F, L, M, A, K, O - Tel: 540 853-3221, Fax: 540 853-3254
Hinton BRC RAIL CAR SERVICE CO. - (CSX), A, C, J, B, K, O - Tel: 304 466-5957, Fax: 304 466-5828
Natrium RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Anacortes UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 360 2931446, Fax: 360 293-1442 Chehalis GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (BNSF, UP), A, C, F, J, K, M, B - Tel: 877 4595441 Kennewick GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (BNSF, UP), A, B, C, E, F, H, J, K, M - Tel: 866 858-3967 Richland RESCAR COMPANIES - A, E - Tel: 800 737-2276
Nitro DANA RAILCAR - J - Tel: 304 755-3800, Fax: 304 755-3802 RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276 South Charleston UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 304 7446674, Fax: 304 744-4758
Cudahy GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A - Tel: 414 744-1612
PACIFICA - B, D, G, L, Located in the State of Washington Pacifica has been in business for 21 years assembling & repairing a range of transit & rail vehicles. Please call or see our website at www.pacifica.cc with any questions Tel: 206 764-1646, Fax: 206 764-1647
Ogden ANDERSONS, THE - A, E, J, K, M, K - Tel: 702 274-1832
St. Albanes PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 802 527-5722, Fax: 802 527-5723
Vancouver UNION TANK CAR CO. - K - Tel: 360 5761206, Fax: 360 576-8216
Turnwater GATX - Tel: 360 705-2264, Fax: 360 705-0495
Salt Lake City REXNORD - FALK RENEW - Tel: 801 887-5480
Spokane TTX COMPANY - BNSK - SPOKANE (BNSF), A, F, K, N Tacoma GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - (BNSF, UP), N - Tel: 800 785-9435, Fax: 253 627-8670 PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 253 926-6395
Green Bay WESTERN REPAIR SERVICE INC. - (CN), A, C, F - Tel: 920 435-4451, Fax: 920 435-4452 Horicon WISCONSIN & SOUTHERN RAILROAD - (BNSF, BRC, CN, CP, SOO, UP, WSOR), A, B, C, E, F, J, K, M, O, P - Tel: 920 4852600, Fax: 920 485-4354 Janesville WISCONSIN & SOUTHERN RAILROAD - (CN, CP, BNSF, BRC, SOO, UP), A, F, K Tel: 608 757-3232, Fax: 608 757-3237 Madison WISCONSIN & SOUTHERN RAILROAD - (BNSF, BRC, CN, CP, SOO, UP, WC), A, F, K - Tel: 608 243-9101, Fax: 608 243-9225 July 2018 // C & L Directory CL23
CAR SHOP LISTINGS Milwaukee NRE - N - Tel: 414 462-8244, Fax: 414 462-8231 NRE WHEEL WORKS INC. - N - Tel: 414 462-8244, Fax: 414 462-8231 REXNORD GEAR (FAULK) - Tel: 414 342-3131 REXNORD POWER TRANSMISSION HQ Tel: 414 643-3000 New Berlin REXNORD COUPLINGS - Tel: 262 7964060 Portage PROGRESS RAIL - C, K, A, B, H, K, M, N Tel: 608 742-4979, Fax: 608 742-7664 West Milwaukee REXNORD INDUSTRIAL CHAIN - Tel: 414 643-2365
WYOMING Douglas PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, K, M, N - Tel: 307 358-9571, Fax: 307 358-4637 Evanston UNION TANK CAR CO., REPAIR SERVICES - (UP), A, J, C, F, H, M - Tel: 307 789-2744, Fax: 307 789-3019 Rock Springs PROGRESS RAIL - A, B, C, H, K, M, N Tel: 307 382-3839, Fax: 307 362-9148
Hamilton RAILCARE INC. - (CP, CN), A, C, B, F, J, K, H, O, P - Tel: 905-527-8238, Fax: 905527-7864 Joffre PROCOR, REPAIR SERVICES - (CN), C, F, H, J, K
Fax: 52 461 609-0889
La Pocatiere BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION - B, D, G, L - Tel: 418 856-1232, Fax: 418 856-1670 Lachine CAD RAILWAY INDUSTRIES LTD - (CN, CP), B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, L, M - Tel: 514 634-3131, Fax: 514 634-4280
UNION TANK CAR CO. REPAIR SERVICES - A, C, F, H, J, M - Tel: 52 461 618-2961,
Frontera GREENBRIER RAIL SERVICES - (UP), A, B, F, K, M - Tel: (52) 866-649-3159, Fax: (52) 866-634-7855 Mexico City ARRENDADORA NACIONAL DE CARROS DE FERROCARRIL S.A. DE C.V. - A, C, E,
PROGRESS RAIL - Tel: 514 639-1785, Fax: 514 639-1651
H, J, M - Tel: (52) 55 1085-0983, Fax: (52)
Mississauga TTX COMPANY - XCNT - TORONTO - (CN), A, F, K, N
Mississuaga GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - (CN), A Tel: 503 937-1556 Montreal WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 514 861-3101, Fax: 514 861-6695
ONTARIO NORTHLAND - A, B, C, D, G, M, N - Tel: 705 472-4500, Fax: 705 476-9878
Belle Plains RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Calgary WELLS FARGO RAIL - Tel: 403 776-8721, Fax: 403 776-8727
Regina - East PROCOR, REPAIR SERVICES - (CP), C, H, J, K
Capreol NRE - A
Regina - West PROCOR, REPAIR SERVICES - (CN), A, C, E, F, H, J, K, M
CL24 C & L Directory // July 2018
Balzac RESCAR COMPANIES - A, E, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
Exshaw RESCAR COMPANIES - A, F, K - Tel: 800 737-2276
D, G, L - Tel: 807 475-2810, Fax: 807
Ayr CONSOLEQUIP INC. - Tel: 519 632-8637, Fax: 519 632-9132
Kamloops GBW RAILCAR SERVICES, LLC - A - Tel: 250 299-7904
North Bay ONTARIO NORTHLAND - (CN, CP, ONT), A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, L, M, N, O - Tel: 705 472-4500, Fax: 705 476-9878
Thunder Bay
55 1085-0987
S.A. DE C.V. - A, C, E, H, J, M - Tel: (52) 55 1085-0983, Fax: (52) 55 1085-0987 EQUIPOS FERROVIARIOS DEL SURESTE - A, C, E, H, J, M - Tel: 55 1085-0983, Fax: 55 1085-0987 Sahagun BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION - A, B, D, G, L - Tel: 79 1913-8700 GREENBRIER COMPANIES, INC (Ferrosur), N - Tel: (52) 79-1913-8853, Fax: (52) 79-1915-3667 San Luis Potosi PROGRESS RAIL - J, K, C, M, F - Tel: 81 8047-2100, Fax: 81 8047-2101 Tetla de Solidaridad GREENBRIER COMPANIES, INC - (TFM), A, F, J, K, N - Tel: (52) 79-1913-8851 Toluca
Salaberry-de-Valleyfield TTX COMPANY - XCXM - QUEBEC - (CSX), A, F, K, N
MM-MEX S.A. DE C.V. - (TFM), A, J, K
Sarnia OWS RAIL CAR INC. - A, B, C, J, K, M Tel: 519 332-5683, Fax: 519 332-2650
Zapopan (Ferromex, KCS, TFM), A, D, E, J, K, M, N - Tel: 33 36821050
PROCOR, REPAIR SERVICES - (CN), C, H, J, K railwayage.com
Atlanta FELLFAB CORPORATION - B, C - Tel: 262 238-9160, Fax: 262 512-0476
North Little Rock HILLIARD ENTERPRISES, INC. - M, O, B, HEI reclaims locomotives for sale & re-manufacture of components offering OEM rebuilders, aftermarket rebuilders, & end-users a broad range of Running Take Out (RTO) diesel engines, internal engine components, air compressors, air brake components, equipment racks, traction motors, traction motor combos & more. - Tel: 501 851-0510, Fax: 501 851-1156
Birmingham BIRMINGHAM RAIL & LOCOMOTIVE CO., INC. - A - Tel: 205 424-7245, Fax: 205 424-7436 Prattville WATCO INC. - B, M - Tel: 334 324-3269, Fax: 334 361-7747 Talladega ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSX), B - Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687 Tuscaloosa WATCO INC. - (CSXT, KCS, NS), B - Tel: 205 542-3606, Fax: 205 391-0057 Vance ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (Norfolk Southern), B - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687
Lewiston WATCO INC. - Tel: 208 743-2211, Fax: 208 743-4647
ILLINOIS Alton BROADWAY RAIL EQUIPMENT, INC. - A Bedford Park R & W MACHINE - DIV. OF WARNER INDUSTRIES INC - G, H, J, O - Tel: 708 458-4200, Fax: 708 458-3299
Burr Ridge RAILHEAD CORP. - O - Tel: 708-844-5517,
Redwood City POWER, FLUID & METALS, INC. - A - Tel: 650 364-9779 Rocklin PROGRESS RAIL - A - Tel: 916 6456006, Fax: 916 645-6076
A All of the following B Light repair/reconditioning inspection C Heavy repair/OEM specification remanufacture D Upgrading/conversion/ repowering E Electrical/control renovation F Diesel engine overhaul/test/ remanufacturing line bore G Traction motor/ generatoroverhaul/ rewinding H Wheel turning/remounting/ bearing overhaul J Truck/brake rigging overhaul/remanufacture K Wreck repair L Painting, exterior/interior M Mobile repairs O Other
Searcy K & L ELECTRONICS SALES AND SERVICE, INC. - E, O - Tel: 501 3688262, Fax: 501 368-8263
Sacramento DPG SERVICE - SACRAMENTO - B, C, E, O - Tel: 916 928-0335, Fax: 916 9280354
Key to locomotive shop services
Monroe RAILRHODES INC. - (CSX, GWRR), A Tel: 770 267-1578, Fax: 770 267-9480
Georgetown AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE PARTS, INC Tel: 302 855-1022, Fax: 302 934-1119 Myrtle Beach AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE PARTS - O Tel: 843 685-0894, Fax: 843 742-5367
Chicago Heights INDUSTRIAL RAILWAY SWITCHING & SERVICES, INC. - A - Tel: 800 798-5841
Evansville MID-AMERICA LOCOMOTIVE & CAR REPAIR INC. - (CSX), B, H, J, L, C, D, E, K, M - Tel: 812 421-1760, Fax: 812 421-1770 Greensburg ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (GWRR), B Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687 Princeton ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSXT), B - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687
IOWA Albia RELCO LOCOMOTIVES, INC. - A - Tel: 641 932-3030
KANSAS Wichita WATCO INC. - (SKOL, SLC), - Tel: 316 261-6155, Fax: 316 265-0854
Fairview Heights METRO EAST INDUSTRIES INC. - (ALS, NS), B, C, D, E, J, K, L, M - Tel: 618 2717210, Fax: 618 874-3785
Hartford NATIONAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIR INC. - F, G - Tel: 618 254-7451, Fax: 618 254-7451 Joliet CHROME CRANKSHAFT COMPANY, LLC - B, C - Tel: 815 725-9030, Fax: 815 725-9930 LaGrange ELECTRO-MOTIVE DIESEL INC - (BOCT, IHB), B, C, D, E, F, G, J - Tel: 708 3876355
Arcadia GFA RAIL SERVICES INC. - (SGLR), B, K, L - Tel: 239 275-6060, Fax: 239 275-0581
Minooka ELCON INC. - (EJE), E - Tel: 815 4679500, Fax: 815 467-9595
Oneco GFA RAIL SERVICES INC. - (SGLR), B, K, L - Tel: 239 275-6060, Fax: 239 275-0581
Mt. Vernon NRE - (CSX, NS, UP), A - Tel: 618 2426590, Fax: 618 242-8519
Orlando RAIL INDUSTRIES, INC. - (CSX), B, H, G, L, J, M - Tel: 407 857-4645, Fax: 321 449-1779
Oak Park TRAINTRONIX INC. - E - Tel: 708 3865070
East Patterson PROGRESS RAIL - A - Tel: 912 647-1433, Fax: 912 647-1637
East Chicago PROGRESS RAIL - A - Tel: 219 397-5326, Fax: 219 392-8624
Dixmoor NRE - (CSXT), A - Tel: 708 388-6002, Fax: 708 388-2487
Apollo Beach ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (CSX), B - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687
Peoria CATERPILLAR INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INC. - D, F - Tel: 309 636-1100, Fax: 309 636-1087
Mayfield PROGRESS RAIL - A - Tel: 270 251-7000, Fax: 270 247-1971 Paducah NRE - (BNSF, CN), A - Tel: 270 444-4555, Fax: 270 444-4550
LOUISIANA Baton Rouge MOBILE SERVICES & EQUIPMENT INC. - LOCOMOTIVE DIV. - (IC), A, O - Tel: 225 927-6777, Fax: 225 927-6937 De Ridder WATCO INC. - Tel: 337 462-0235, Fax: 337 462-1040 Minden WATCO INC. - (KCS), A - Tel: 318 5148167, Fax: 318 371-6911
MICHIGAN Brighton PEAKER SERVICES INC. - (CSX), B, C, D, E, F, O - Tel: 248 437-4174, Fax: 248 437-8280 Rochester WHEEL TRUING BRAKE SHOE CO - O, Wheel Grinding - Flange Cutting - Tel: 248 651-9010, Fax: 248 651-9032
Silvis NRE - (BNSF, II, SOO), A - Tel: 309 7556800, Fax: 309 755-0278
July 2018 // C & L Directory CL25
MISSISSIPPI Moss Point MISSISSIPPI EXPORT R.R. CO. - (CN, CSXT, Del.), A Vicksburg WATCO INC. - (KCS), B, M - Tel: 601 6349500, Fax: 601 634-9590
MISSOURI Kansas City MID-AMERICA CAR INC. - LOCOMOTIVE - (KCS, CP, BNSF, UP, NS), B, C, D, E, J, K, L, M, F - Tel: 816 483-5303, Fax: 816 483-3360 MIDWEST LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE - (KCS, UP), B, C, D, F, H, J, K, L, O - Tel: 816 923-1777, Fax: 816 923-1777 Lee’s Summit DPG SERVICE - KANSAS CITY - B, C, E, O - Tel: 816 554-1050, Fax: 816 5546050 Marionville MESSIAH LOCOMOTIVE SERVICES - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, O - Tel: 417 3544908, Fax: 417 463-2270 St. Louis MANUFACTURERS RAILWAY CO - (MRS), B, C, E, F, G, J, L - Tel: 314 577-1725, Fax: 314 577-1810
NEBRASKA Gering PROGRESS VANGUARD CORP - A - Tel: 308 436-2575, Fax: 308 436-2283
Lockport NIAGARA COOLER, INC. - C - Tel: 716 434-1235, Fax: 716 434-1739 Ridegwood NATIONAL COMPRESSOR EXCHANGE - O - Tel: 718 417-9100, Fax: 718 8217032
NORTH DAKOTA Fordville NORTHERN PLAINS RAIL SERVICES - (CP, BNSF), B, L, M, H, J - Tel: 701 229330, Fax: 701 229-3365
Oak Ridge EAST TENNESSEE RAIL CAR SERVICES INC. - (NS), C - Tel: 865 576-5838, Fax: 865 576-6332
TEXAS Austin WATCO INC. - B, E, H, M - Tel: 512 2460738, Fax: 512 246-0716 Houston DPG SERVICE - HOUSTON - B, C, E, O Tel: 281 372-0685, Fax: 281 372-0683 HATCH & KIRK, INC. - D, F, O - Tel: 713 926-9771, Fax: 713 923-7949 STEWART & STEVENSON LLC - O - Tel: 713 679-6525, Fax: 713 671-6386 WATCO INC. - (UP), A - Tel: 713 4532900, Fax: 713 453-2704
Capreol NRE - A Charny CLN INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. - (CN), A - Tel: 418 832-4421
Altoona NORFOLK SOUTHERN THOROUGHBRED MECHANICAL SERVICES - (NS), A, O Tel: 814 949-1402, Fax: 814 949-1406
Queen City ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (KCS, UP), B Tel: 800 607-2726, Fax: 502 495-6687
Hamilton ENNIS-PAIKIN STEEL LTD. - B - Tel: 905 527-9291, Fax: 905 527-9294
San Antonio ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (BNSF, UP), B - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687
Lachine CAD RAILWAY INDUSTRIES LTD - (CN, CP), B, C, D, E, F, J, K, L - Tel: 514 6343131, Fax: 514 634-4280
Brookville BROOKVILLE EQUIPMENT CORP. (B&P), C, D, E, K, L - Tel: 814 849-2000, Fax: 814 849-2010 Irwin IRWIN CAR AND EQUIPMENT - B, C, F, E, G, H, J - Tel: 724 864-8900, Fax: 724 864-8909 Johnstown LEHIGH VALLEY RAIL MANAGEMENT COMPANY - (CSX, NS), B - Tel: 814 5337150, Fax: 814 533-7156 North Huntingdon TRACTION MOTOR SERVICE, INC. (MJT, SCFE, SEPTA, UR), B, C, G - Tel: 724 864-5170, Fax: 724 864-5079
ROAD & RAIL SERVICES - (UP), B - Tel: 502 264-1630, Fax: 502 495-6687 Silsbee WATCO INC. - Tel: 409 385-6611, Fax: 409 386-2851
Montreal GENERAL ELECTRIC CANADA INC. - (CN, CP, VIA), B - Tel: 514 485-7400, Fax: 514 485-7381
North Bay ONTARIO NORTHLAND - (CN, CP, ONT), A - Tel: 705 472-4500, Fax: 705 4769878
NEW YORK Bayshore ANDERSONS, THE - (NYA), B, M - Tel: 567 395-1057
SOUTH CAROLINA Greensville REPUBLIC LOCOMOTIVE - (CSX), A - Tel: 864 271-4000, Fax: 864 271-4027
TENNESSEE Mt. Pleasant CHEROKEE RAIL EQUIPMENT, LLC - C, D - Tel: 515 386-3000, Fax: 615 370-8211
PROGRESS RAIL - A - Tel: 514 639-1785, Fax: 514 639-1651 Langley GENERAL ELECTRIC CANADA INC. - (CN, CP), B, E, G, H - Tel: 604 882-7700, Fax: 604 882-7730
Tacoma PROGRESS RAIL - A - Tel: 253 926-6395
CL26 C & L Directory // July 2018
Calgary ALSTOM TRANSPORTATION INC. - A Tel: 403 236-6917, Fax: 403 236-6914
Tipton ORX - (NS), G, H, J, O - Tel: 814 6848484, Fax: 814 684-8400
Lackawanna SOUTH BUFFALO RAILWAY CO. - (SB, CSX, BP, NS), J, K, A, B, D, E, H - Tel: 716 821-2704, Fax: 716 827-2700
Burlington GENERAL ELECTRIC CANADA INC. - (CN, CP), E, G, H, L - Tel: 905 335-6301, Fax: 905 332-2418
Edmonton GENERAL ELECTRIC CANADA INC. - (CP), B, E, G - Tel: 403 440-7575, Fax: 403 440-7585
Seattle HATCH & KIRK, INC. - D, F - Tel: 206 783-2766, Fax: 206 782-6957
Erie POWER DRIVES, INC - (BNSF, GE), D Tel: 800 888-1373, Fax: 814 520-6591
Bathurst GENERAL ELECTRIC CANADA INC. (CN), B, E, G - Tel: 506 548-8848, Fax: 506 546-8025
Pittsburgh MOSEBACH MANUFACTURING CO. - O Tel: 412 221-5671, Fax: 412 220-0236
Piscataway KINKISHARYO INTERNATIONAL, LLC. (CSAO), A - Tel: 732 230-4501, Fax: 732 979-2378, SEE OUR AD ON PAGE CL9.
WISCONSIN Horicon WISCONSIN & SOUTHERN RAILROAD (BNSF, BRC, CN, CP, SOO, UP, WSOR), B - Tel: 920 485-2600, Fax: 920 485-4354 Milwaukee NRE - H - Tel: 414 462-8244, Fax: 414 462-8231
ONTARIO NORTHLAND - B, C, D, E, H, K, L - Tel: 705 472-4500, Fax: 705 476-9878 Sept-Iles GENERAL ELECTRIC CANADA INC. (QNS&L), B, E, G, O - Tel: 418 962-5538, Fax: 418 962-8112 Winnipeg GENERAL ELECTRIC CANADA INC. - (CN, CP), G, O - Tel: 204 224-1661
NRE WHEEL WORKS INC. - H - Tel: 414 462-8244, Fax: 414 462-8231
Hotstart......................................... WA Power Drives, Inc............................. NY RITRON, Inc......................................IN ZTR Control Systems....................... MN
Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Caterpillar Industrial Products Inc......IL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Logan Corp..................................... WV National Maintenance & Repair Inc.....IL Niagara Cooler, Inc.......................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI
Consolequip Inc.......................Canada Ellcon-National Inc.......................... SC Graham-White Mfg. Co..................... VA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR JK-CO, LLC....................................... OH Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Marshall Air Brake Co....................... PA Mosebach Manufacturing Co............ PA Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY R&R Material Supply Co. Inc..............TX Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Wabtec Corporation for Wabtec Global Services............... PA
Airtek Inc........................................ PA Atlas Copco Compressors, LLC.......... SC Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Cyclonaire....................................... NE Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Manufacturers Railway Co...............MO Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Railquip, Inc................................... GA RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY Standard Car Truck Co........................IL Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA Sutrak Corp.....................................CO Triangle Engineered Products Co........IL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL
Ametek.......................................... OH railwayage.com
Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Motive Equipment, Inc..................... WI National Compressor Exchange........ NY NRE..................................................IL Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Sutrak Corp.....................................CO TrainTronix Inc...................................IL Velociti............................................ KS
AIR DRYERS Airtek Inc........................................ PA Atlas Copco Compressors, LLC.......... SC Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Cyclonaire....................................... NE Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA Graham-White Mfg. Co..................... VA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN New York Air Brake Corp................... NY NRE..................................................IL
ARMATURE COILS & WINDINGS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA L&S Electric, Inc.............................. WI Logan Corp..................................... WV MAC Products Inc..............................NJ Norfolk Southern............................. PA Traction Motor Service, Inc............... PA
AUCTION SERVICES Sterling Auction Services, LLC............TX
AUXILIARY REMANUFACTURE Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH L&S Electric, Inc.............................. WI
BATTERIES & BATTERY SYSTEMS AAF International..............................KY Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Canadus Power Systems.................. PA East Penn Manufacturing Co............. PA ELCON Inc..........................................IL Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN INMETCO......................................... PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN La Marche Manufacturing Co..............IL National Railway Supply, Inc............GA Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA R&R Material Supply Co. Inc..............TX
Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Railhead Corporation.........................IL Railroad Battery Services (RBS).......MO RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Saft America Inc............................. MD Schaefer, Inc.................................. MA Star Headlight & Lantern.................. NY TrainTronix Inc...................................IL
BEARINGS, NEW AND RECONDITIONED American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co....................... OH American Locomotive Parts, Inc........ DE Amsted Rail.......................................IL East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN General Bearing Corp....................... NY General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Greenbrier Companies, Inc...............OR Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA Hilman Rollers Inc.............................NJ Hitesi Products, Inc..................Canada Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Miner Enterprises, Inc........................IL Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA ORX................................................ PA Pennsy Corp.................................... PA Progress Rail................................... AL Quality Bearing Service.................... VA Rail Bearing Service Inc, a Div of The Timken Company........... TN Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL REXNORD Power Transmission HQ.... WI Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA The Cooper Split Roller Bearing Corp.VA Timken Co., The.............................. OH TriStar Plastics Corp HQ.................. MA Ultra-Tech Enterprises Inc..................FL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL UTCRAS........................................... PA
BOLTS, CAR ALCO Spring Industries, Inc................IL Alcoa Fastening Systems & Rings......TX American Industries USA................. PA BBC Fasteners Inc..............................IL Dana Railcar.................................... DE Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc..........IL J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Salco Products, Inc............................IL Security Locknut, LLC.........................IL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL
BRAKE COMPONENTS (BRAKE BEAMS, BRAKE SHOES, SLACK ADJUSTORS, CYLINDERS AND OTHER BRAKE APPLIANCES) Airtek Inc........................................ PA American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co....................... OH American Industries USA................. PA American Railcar Industries, Inc......MO Ametek.......................................... OH Dana Railcar.................................... DE Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN Ellcon-National Inc.......................... SC Herzog Railroad Services, Inc.......... MO Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Holland Co........................................IL Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA JK-CO, LLC....................................... OH Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Marshall Air Brake Co....................... PA Miller Ingenuity.............................. MN Miner Enterprises, Inc........................IL Mosebach Manufacturing Co............ PA Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA R&R Material Supply Co. Inc..............TX Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Railroad Friction Products Corp.........NC Railway Supply Specialists LLC...........IL RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Salco Products, Inc............................IL South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY Standard Car Truck............................IL Standard Car Truck Co........................IL Stucki de Mexico............................. NL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL ZefTek, Inc.........................................IL
BRUSHES, CARBON Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Fulmer Co........................................ PA Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA K & L Electronics Sales and Service, Inc...................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV MERSEN USA....................................NJ Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL July 2018 // C & L Directory CL27
SUPPORT SERVICES PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL
BUSHINGS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA
CAB HEATERS Ametek.......................................... OH Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH K & L Electronics Sales and Service, Inc...................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN L&S Electric, Inc.............................. WI Logan Corp..................................... WV Motive Equipment, Inc..................... WI Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ogontz Corp.................................... PA Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI RTR Technologies Inc....................... MA Velociti............................................ KS
CAB RADIOS CalAmp.......................................... MN RailComm....................................... NY Wabtec Corporation for Wabtec Global Services............... PA
CAB REFRIGERATORS Motive Equipment, Inc..................... WI Velociti............................................ KS
CABLE ASSEMBLIES Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Diesel Electrical Equipment, Inc........IN ELCON Inc..........................................IL Electro-Wire Inc.............................. MA Harting.............................................IL IRECO, L.L.C.......................................IL MAC Products Inc..............................NJ New York Air Brake Corp................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Rexel Electrical.................................TX RTR Technologies Inc....................... MA Shamrock Associates Ltd...................IL Smith Systems Inc...........................NC TrainTronix Inc...................................IL Twinco Mfg. Co. Inc.......................... NY CL28 C & L Directory // July 2018
Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL
Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Progress Rail .................................. AL Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS
ELCON Inc..........................................IL General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada K & L Electronics Sales and Service, Inc...................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN L&S Electric, Inc.............................. WI Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Quest Corporation.......................... OH RTR Technologies Inc....................... MA TrainTronix Inc...................................IL
ALCO Spring Industries, Inc................IL Altoona Railcar Repair...................... PA American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co....................... OH American Railcar Industries, Inc......MO Chestnut Ridge Foam, Inc................. PA Curry Rail Services........................... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN Holland Co........................................IL IRECO, L.L.C.......................................IL J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA James Railcar Service....................... CA JK-CO, LLC....................................... OH Koshii Maxelum America, Inc........... NY McConway & Torley, LLC................... PA Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Norfolk Southern............................. PA Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Salco Products, Inc............................IL Security Locknut, LLC.........................IL Shamrock Associates Ltd...................IL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Unit Forgings Railway Products Group................... WI Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL
CASTINGS ALCO Spring Industries, Inc................IL American Industries USA................. PA Amsted Rail.......................................IL Consolequip Inc.......................Canada D.A. International Casting Co........... OH Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA Fulmer Co........................................ PA Graham-White Mfg. Co..................... VA Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA IRECO, L.L.C.......................................IL J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA MAC Products Inc..............................NJ Norfolk Southern............................. PA Pennsy Corp.................................... PA R&R Material Supply Co. Inc..............TX Rustoleum Corp.................................IL Standard Car Truck Co........................IL Strato, Inc........................................NJ
Drumm Inc..................................... OH Gamajet Cleaning Systems, Inc........ PA James Railcar Service....................... CA L.B. Foster....................................... PA NEU Inc............................................NJ PROCECO Ltd............................Canada Railquip, Inc................................... GA Salco Products, Inc............................IL Sonicor Inc...................................... NY
COMMUTATORS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Fulmer Co........................................ PA General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN L&S Electric, Inc.............................. WI Logan Corp..................................... WV Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Traction Motor Service, Inc............... PA
CONNECTING RODS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN National Maintenance & Repair Inc.....IL Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Rexel Electrical.................................TX REXNORD Power Transmission HQ.... WI Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA Twinco Mfg. Co. Inc.......................... NY
CONTROL EQUIPMENT Ansaldo STS USA, Inc....................... PA Bach-Simpson..........................Canada Cattron...........................................MO Control Chief................................... PA Diesel Electrical Equipment, Inc........IN
ELCON Inc..........................................IL General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Haynes Corp.....................................FL K & L Electronics Sales and Service, Inc...................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Manufacturers Railway Co...............MO Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ogontz Corp.................................... PA Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Phoenix Contact.............................. PA PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Quest Corporation.......................... OH RailPower Hybrid Technologies Corp. PA RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL RTR Technologies Inc....................... MA Salco Products, Inc............................IL Smith Systems Inc...........................NC South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY TCB Group, The................................ PA TrainTronix Inc...................................IL Wago Corp....................................... WI Yaskawa America Drives & Motion......IL ZTR Control Systems....................... MN
CONTROLLERS (CAM) Diesel Electrical Equipment, Inc........IN ELCON Inc..........................................IL Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN K & L Electronics Sales and Service, Inc...................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Norfolk Southern............................. PA PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA RailPower Hybrid Technologies Corp. PA TrainTronix Inc...................................IL Twinco Mfg. Co. Inc.......................... NY
COUPLERS, COUPLER ASSEMBLIES, DRAFT GEAR, CUSHIONING DEVICES American Industries USA................. PA Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Dana Railcar.................................... DE Dellner Couplers Inc.........................NC Diamond Wire Spring....................... PA Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Holland Co........................................IL Independent Draft Gear................... PA Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA James Railcar Service....................... CA Logan Corp..................................... WV railwayage.com
SUPPORT SERVICES Marshall Air Brake Co....................... PA McConway & Torley, LLC................... PA Miner Enterprises, Inc........................IL Mitchell Equipment Corp................. OH Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Progress Rail .................................. AL R&R Material Supply Co. Inc..............TX Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Railway Supply Specialists LLC...........IL Salco Products, Inc............................IL South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY Strato, Inc........................................NJ ZefTek, Inc.........................................IL
CRANES Control Chief................................... PA Railquip, Inc................................... GA SPITZLIFT Inc..................................MO Whiting Corporation...........................IL
CRANKSHAFTS Ellwood Chrome Crankshaft................IL Ellwood Crankshaft Group................ PA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL OEM Remanufacturing..............Canada Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Tennessee Southern Railroad........... TN
CYLINDER HEADS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN National Maintenance & Repair Inc.....IL Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY Tennessee Southern Railroad........... TN
DIESEL ENGINES Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Caterpillar Industrial Products Inc......IL Haynes Corp.....................................FL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Interstate Diesel Service Inc............ OH Manufacturers Railway Co...............MO MTU America Inc.............................. MI National Maintenance & Repair Inc.....IL railwayage.com
Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Power Drives, Inc............................. NY PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Tennessee Southern Railroad........... TN ThermOmega Tech........................... PA
DIESEL INJECTORS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA Haynes Corp.....................................FL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Interstate Diesel Service Inc............ OH Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL
DIESEL PARTS Algae-X International........................FL American Locomotive Parts, Inc........ DE BBC Fasteners Inc..............................IL Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Canadian Automotive Instruments...AB Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA Haynes Corp.....................................FL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Interstate Diesel Service Inc............ OH Kaydon Ring & Seal Inc................... MD Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Manufacturers Railway Co...............MO Master Packing & Rubber Company... IA National Maintenance & Repair Inc.....IL Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY ThermOmega Tech........................... PA Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL
DITCH LIGHTS ELCON Inc..........................................IL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Quest Corporation.......................... OH
Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Railhead Corporation.........................IL TrainTronix Inc...................................IL
Motive Equipment, Inc..................... WI R.J. Corman......................................KY Railhead Corporation.........................IL
American Industries USA................. PA D.A. International Casting Co........... OH Ellcon-National Inc.......................... SC Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Independent Machine Co................. MI J.T. Nelson Co., Inc............................KY James Railcar Service....................... CA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Koshii Maxelum America, Inc........... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY Strato, Inc........................................NJ Twinco Mfg. Co. Inc.......................... NY Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Vapor Rail................................Canada
DROP TABLES Handling Specialty.......................... NY J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA Railquip, Inc................................... GA Whiting Corporation...........................IL
ELECTRICAL CABINET REWIRING ALSTOM Transportation Inc.............. NY Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Diesel Electrical Equipment, Inc........IN ELCON Inc..........................................IL General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN L&S Electric, Inc.............................. WI Manufacturers Railway Co...............MO Metro East Industries Inc...................IL Mid-America Car Inc.......................MO Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Twinco Mfg. Co. Inc.......................... NY Wago Corp....................................... WI
ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS Harting.............................................IL Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN MAC Products Inc..............................NJ Phoenix Contact.............................. PA
Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN
ALSTOM Transportation Inc.............. NY Bach-Simpson..........................Canada Control Chief................................... PA ELCON Inc..........................................IL Grace Industries Inc......................... PA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN LAT-LON LLC.....................................CO Liberty Electronics Inc...................... PA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY Noratel Power Engineering, Inc......... CA R.J. Corman......................................KY Railcar Management Inc (RMI)..........GA Railhead Corporation.........................IL Smith Systems Inc...........................NC TCB Group, The................................ PA TESSCO Technologies Inc................. MD TrainTronix Inc...................................IL ZTR Control Systems....................... MN
ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT Century Group Inc.............................LA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN L.B. Foster....................................... PA Munters Corporation....................... MA Trans Environmental Systems, Inc.... VA
FILTERS Airtek Inc........................................ PA Algae-X International........................FL Atlas Copco Compressors, LLC.......... SC Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA Environmental Solutions Intl., Inc..... VA Graham-White Mfg. Co..................... VA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ogontz Corp.................................... PA Salco Products, Inc............................IL Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL
FUEL MANAGEMENT Algae-X International........................FL Civacon..........................................MO Environmental Solutions Intl., Inc..... VA Hotstart......................................... WA LAT-LON LLC.....................................CO OPW Fuel Management Systems.........IL Power Drives, Inc............................. NY Railhead Corporation.........................IL July 2018 // C & L Directory CL29
SUPPORT SERVICES Sardello Inc..................................... PA TCB Group, The................................ PA Wi-Tronix...........................................IL ZTR Control Systems....................... MN
GAUGES Airtek Inc........................................ PA Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Canadian Automotive Instruments...AB Conbraco Industries.........................NC Consolequip Inc.......................Canada Cygnus Instruments, Inc................. MD Environmental Solutions Intl., Inc..... VA General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Graham-White Mfg. Co..................... VA Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc..........IL International Electronic Machines Corp (IEM)........................ NY Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Midland Manufacturing Corp..............IL Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ogontz Corp.................................... PA Power Drives, Inc............................. NY Quest Corporation.......................... OH Salco Products, Inc............................IL Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA Strato, Inc........................................NJ Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL Winchester Industries Inc................ CT
GEAR REPROFILING ORX................................................ PA Penn Machine Co............................. PA Union Tank Car Co..............................IL
GENERATOR SETS American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co....................... OH East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Haynes Corp.....................................FL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN MTU America Inc.............................. MI NRE..................................................IL Patten Power Systems........................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Pennsylvania Electric Motor Service, Inc............................ PA Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Railquip, Inc................................... GA RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Tennessee Southern Railroad........... TN
CL30 C & L Directory // July 2018
HAND BRAKES Airtek Inc........................................ PA American Industries USA................. PA Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Dana Railcar.................................... DE Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN Ellcon-National Inc.......................... SC Graham-White Mfg. Co..................... VA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA James Railcar Service....................... CA JK-CO, LLC....................................... OH Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA R&R Material Supply Co. Inc..............TX Salco Products, Inc............................IL Triangle Engineered Products Co........IL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL
HATCH COVERS Aero Transportation Products..........MO American Railcar Industries, Inc......MO Custom Molding Service, Inc............OK Dana Railcar.................................... DE Gulf South Rail Cars..........................FL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR IRECO, L.L.C.......................................IL James Railcar Service....................... CA Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY NRE..................................................IL Osborne Industries, Inc................... KS Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Salco Products, Inc............................IL Shamrock Associates Ltd...................IL Strato, Inc........................................NJ Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Warren Railcar Service Inc................ PA ZefTek, Inc.........................................IL
HEAT EXCHANGERS/ INTERCOOLERS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Caterpillar Industrial Products Inc......IL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Niagara Cooler, Inc.......................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL ThermOmega Tech........................... PA Velociti............................................ KS
HOPPER GATE ASSEMBLIES & CONTROLS Aero Transportation Products..........MO Aldon Co. Inc.....................................IL American Railcar Industries, Inc......MO BW Services.....................................LA Dana Railcar.................................... DE Davanac Inc..............................Canada Degelman Industries................Canada Ellcon-National Inc.......................... SC Gulf South Rail Cars..........................FL James Railcar Service....................... CA JK-CO, LLC....................................... OH Martin Engineering Co.......................IL Miner Enterprises, Inc........................IL Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Salco Products, Inc............................IL Shamrock Associates Ltd...................IL Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL Warren Railcar Service Inc................ PA
HOSE ASSEMBLIES/GLANDHANDS Airtek Inc........................................ PA American Industries USA................. PA Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Consolequip Inc.......................Canada Dana Railcar.................................... DE Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA HBD/Thermoid Inc.......................... OH Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Independent Machine Co................. MI Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA James Railcar Service....................... CA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN MAC Products Inc..............................NJ Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA Power Drives, Inc............................. NY R&R Material Supply Co. Inc..............TX Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL Salco Products, Inc............................IL Strato, Inc........................................NJ
ELCON Inc..........................................IL Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc..........IL Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN LAT-LON LLC.....................................CO Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Ogontz Corp.................................... PA PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Quest Corporation.......................... OH Railhead Corporation.........................IL Specialty Bulb Co............................. NY Star Headlight & Lantern.................. NY TPSC..............................................MO Twinco Mfg. Co. Inc.......................... NY Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL
LINERS ALCO Spring Industries, Inc................IL Astralloy Steel Products................... PA Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA Hempel (USA) Inc..............................TX Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN International Protective Coatings.......KY J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA James Railcar Service....................... CA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Koshii Maxelum America, Inc........... NY Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Pennsy Corp.................................... PA Quadrant EPP USA, Inc..................... PA Quadrant EPP USA, Inc......................IN South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Volatile Free, Inc. (VFI)...................... WI
Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc..........IL J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Macton Corp.................................... CT Railquip, Inc................................... GA Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL Whiting Corporation...........................IL
Abloy Security, Inc............................TX Alcoa Fastening Systems & Rings......TX BBC Fasteners Inc..............................IL Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc..........IL IRECO, L.L.C.......................................IL J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY Salco Products, Inc............................IL Security Locknut, LLC.........................IL Twinco Mfg. Co. Inc.......................... NY Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL
Aldon Co. Inc.....................................IL American Permalight Inc.................. CA
Sterling Auction Services, LLC............TX
Bach-Simpson..........................Canada Cattron...........................................MO Control Chief................................... PA Diesel Electrical Equipment, Inc........IN Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN ELCON Inc..........................................IL General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Hotstart......................................... WA Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Manufacturers Railway Co...............MO Marshall Air Brake Co....................... PA Mid-America Car Inc.......................MO Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Progress Rail................................... AL R.J. Corman......................................KY South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY TrainTronix Inc...................................IL Yaskawa America Drives & Motion......IL ZTR Control Systems....................... MN
AkzoNobel........................................FL ALSTOM Transportation Inc.............. NY Brookville Equipment Corp............... PA BW Services.....................................LA Coating Systems, Inc.......................NH Dana Railcar.................................... DE Graco Inc........................................ MN Hempel (USA) Inc..............................TX Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc..........IL International Protective Coatings.......KY James Railcar Service....................... CA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Manufacturers Railway Co...............MO National Oilwell Varco...................... CA Norfolk Southern............................. PA PPG Protective & Marine Coatings..... PA Pruett-Schaffer................................ PA Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL Valspar Corp................................... MN Williams-Hayward Protective Coating, Inc.......................IL
LUBRICANTS & FRICTION MODIFERS Abba Corp....................................... CT Hannay Reels Inc............................. NY Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc..........IL L.B. Foster....................................... PA Midwest Industrial Supply.............. OH NRE..................................................IL Superior Graphite Co.........................IL Timken Co., The.............................. OH Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL Universal Lubricants, Inc.................. KS
LUBRICATORS, ON-BOARD Justrite Manufacturing Co...................IL L.B. Foster....................................... PA Norfolk Southern............................. PA Universal Lubricants, Inc.................. KS
OIL COOLERS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Niagara Cooler, Inc.......................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE..................................................IL
PISTONS Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA Hatch & Kirk, Inc............................. WA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA Norfolk Southern............................. PA Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA Tennessee Southern Railroad........... TN
RADIATORS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Niagara Cooler, Inc.......................... NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA Rail Enterprises Inc...........................FL RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL ThermOmega Tech........................... PA
RAIL BEARING SERVICE J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA Progress Rail................................... AL Timken Co., The.............................. OH Union Tank Car Co..............................IL
SAFETY GRAPHICS/DECALS 3M Company.................................. MN American Permalight Inc.................. CA
International Name Plate Supplies Ltd....................Canada Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Mid-America Car Inc.......................MO Roemer Industries, Inc.................... OH Salco Products, Inc............................IL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL
SAFETY GRATING Carbis Inc........................................ SC Cooper B-Line Gratings......................IL Dana Railcar.................................... DE Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Phoenix Railway Equipment...............IL Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Salco Products, Inc............................IL Twinco Mfg. Co. Inc.......................... NY Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL
SANDERS Cyclonaire....................................... NE Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH Graham-White Mfg. Co..................... VA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN
SEATS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Chestnut Ridge Foam, Inc................. PA FELLFAB Corporation........................GA Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Norfolk Southern............................. PA Seats, Inc........................................ WI South Buffalo Railway Co................. NY Technical Metal Specialties.............. WI USSC LLC......................................... PA
SHOCK ABSORBERS Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN ITT Koni/Enidine.............................MO KONI North America..........................KY Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS REXNORD Power Transmission HQ.... WI Standard Car Truck Co........................IL ZF North America, Inc....................... MI
SHOP EQUIPMENT Aldon Co. Inc.....................................IL Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc..........IL J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Macton Corp.................................... CT Railhead Corporation.........................IL Railquip, Inc................................... GA TCB Group, The................................ PA Trans Environmental Systems, Inc.... VA Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL Whiting Corporation...........................IL
SOFTWARE, COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIC/BILLING ELCON Inc..........................................IL LAT-LON LLC.....................................CO Railcar Management Inc (RMI)..........GA TCB Group, The................................ PA
STATOR MOTORS Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Norfolk Southern............................. PA Traction Motor Service, Inc............... PA
TESTING ALSTOM Transportation Inc.............. NY CTLGroup..........................................IL Cygnus Instruments, Inc................. MD DIT-MCO International.....................MO Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN ELCON Inc..........................................IL Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN MERMEC Inc.................................... SC Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY NGC Testing Services........................ NY Norfolk Southern............................. PA Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Physical Acoustics Corp.....................NJ Retlif Testing Laboratories................ NY Strato, Inc........................................NJ TESSCO Technologies Inc................. MD TrainTronix Inc...................................IL Ultra-Tech Enterprises Inc..................FL
TOILETS Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Motive Equipment, Inc..................... WI Norfolk Southern............................. PA
TRACTION MOTORS ALSTOM Transportation Inc.............. NY American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co....................... OH Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR IEC-Holden Inc..........................Canada Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN L&S Electric, Inc.............................. WI Logan Corp..................................... WV Manufacturers Railway Co...............MO Messiah Locomotive Services..........MO Miller Ingenuity.............................. MN Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA MTU America Inc.............................. MI Norfolk Southern............................. PA July 2018 // C & L Directory CL31
SUPPORT SERVICES Pennsylvania Electric Motor Service, Inc............................ PA PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Progress Rail................................... AL R & W Machine..................................IL RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Tennessee Southern Railroad........... TN Traction Motor Service, Inc............... PA UTC-Calder S.A. de C.V..................... JAL Winter’s Rigging Inc......................... NY
TRUCK/COMBO REMANUFACTURE Altoona Railcar Repair...................... PA Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN L&S Electric, Inc.............................. WI Mid-America Car Inc.......................MO ORX................................................ PA Progress Rail................................... AL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL UTC-Calder S.A. de C.V..................... JAL
TRUCKS AND COMPONENTS (SPRINGS, BOLSTERS, SIDE FRAMES) ALCO Spring Industries, Inc................IL ALSTOM Transportation Inc.............. NY American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co....................... OH American Industries USA................. PA American Railcar Industries, Inc......MO Astralloy Steel Products................... PA BBC Fasteners Inc..............................IL Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Brookville Equipment Corp............... PA BW Services.....................................LA Consolequip Inc.......................Canada ContiTech North America................. OH Dana Railcar.................................... DE Diamond Wire Spring....................... PA Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Holland Co........................................IL Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Metro East Industries Inc...................IL Mid-America Car Inc.......................MO Midwest Railcar Repair, Inc..............SD Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA Norfolk Southern............................. PA Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA PowerRail Locomotive Services.........GA Progress Rail .................................. AL RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Salco Products, Inc............................IL CL32 C & L Directory // July 2018
Standard Car Truck Co........................IL Tennessee Southern Railroad........... TN Union Tank Car Co..............................IL ZefTek, Inc.........................................IL
TURBINES General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Messiah Locomotive Services..........MO RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Tennessee Southern Railroad........... TN
TURBOCHARGERS, REMANUFACTURED Cameron..........................................TX Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN
VALVES Airtek Inc........................................ PA American Railcar Industries, Inc......MO Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL BW Services.....................................LA Conbraco Industries.........................NC Cyclonaire....................................... NE Dana Railcar.................................... DE Dayton-Phoenix Group.................... OH Diamond Wire Spring....................... PA Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN Graham-White Mfg. Co..................... VA Haynes Corp.....................................FL Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Logan Corp..................................... WV Metso Automation.......................... MA Midland Manufacturing Corp..............IL Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA New York Air Brake Corp................... NY Ogontz Corp.................................... PA Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA Peaker Services Inc.......................... MI Power Drives, Inc............................. NY Salco Products, Inc............................IL Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA Sure Seal Inc..................................MO ThermOmega Tech........................... PA Triangle Engineered Products Co........IL Union Tank Car Co..............................IL
WEAR PLATES ALCO Spring Industries, Inc................IL American Locomotive Parts, Inc........ DE American Railcar Industries, Inc......MO Astralloy Steel Products................... PA Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Inc....................... AL Consolequip Inc.......................Canada Dana Railcar.................................... DE Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN
Holland Co........................................IL Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA James Railcar Service....................... CA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN McConway & Torley, LLC................... PA Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA Osborne Industries, Inc................... KS Quadrant EPP USA, Inc..................... PA REXNORD Power Transmission HQ.... WI Salco Products, Inc............................IL Shamrock Associates Ltd...................IL Standard Car Truck Co........................IL Strato, Inc........................................NJ TriStar Plastics Corp HQ.................. MA Twinco Mfg. Co. Inc.......................... NY Union Tank Car Co..............................IL Unity Railway Supply Co., Inc..............IL ZefTek, Inc.........................................IL
WELDING EQUIPMENT Dana Railcar.................................... DE HBD/Thermoid Inc.......................... OH James Railcar Service....................... CA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Rail Car Services LLC........................ KS Railquip, Inc................................... GA Salco Products, Inc............................IL Smith Equipment............................SD Union Tank Car Co..............................IL
WHEELS/AXLES/WHEEL SETS American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co....................... OH American Industries USA................. PA American Railcar Industries, Inc......MO Amsted Rail.......................................IL Donohue Railroad Equipment Inc..... PA East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Greenbrier Companies, Inc...............OR Griffin Wheel Co............................... KS Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR Independent Locomotive Service Inc..................................... MN International Electronic Machines Corp (IEM)........................ NY InterTran Corp................................. PA Irwin Car & Equipment..................... PA J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA K-IV Enterprises LLC..........................NJ Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN Marshall Air Brake Co....................... PA MERMEC Inc.................................... SC Messiah Locomotive Services..........MO Mobile Services & Equipment Inc......LA Multi-Service Supply Div................... PA Norfolk Southern............................. PA NRE Wheel Works Inc....................... WI
Ohio Valley Rail Car.......................... PA Ontario Northland....................Canada ORX................................................ PA Progress Rail................................... AL R & W Machine..................................IL Railquip, Inc................................... GA RELCO Locomotives, Inc......................IL Salco Products, Inc............................IL Shamrock Associates Ltd...................IL Simmons Machine Tool Corp............ NY Standard Steel................................ PA Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA Union Tank Car Co..............................IL UTC-Calder S.A. de C.V..................... JAL UTCRAS........................................... PA Western-Cullen-Hayes, Inc.................IL Wheel Truing Brake Shoe Co............. MI Whiting Corporation...........................IL ZefTek, Inc.........................................IL
WHEEL-SET SHOP SERVICES Greenbrier Companies, Inc...............OR Handling Specialty.......................... NY J Bard McLean Inc............................ PA Knoxville Locomotive Works............. TN NRE Wheel Works Inc....................... WI ORX................................................ PA R & W Machine..................................IL Standard Forged Products Inc........... PA Strasburg Railroad Company............ PA UTC-Calder S.A. de C.V..................... JAL
WINCHES Aldon Co. Inc.....................................IL dp Winch.........................................OK General Electric Canada Inc.......Canada Holland Co........................................IL IRECO, L.L.C.......................................IL Shamrock Associates Ltd...................IL Whiting Corporation...........................IL
WINDOWS/GLAZING East Tennessee Rail Car Services Inc..TN Ellcon-National Inc.......................... SC Hilliard Enterprises, Inc................... AR J.T. Nelson Co., Inc............................KY Norfolk Southern............................. PA PPG Industries................................ CA USSC LLC......................................... PA railwayage.com
cover story
OUR MAN on the
All photos: AAR
By William C. Vantuono, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Ed Hamberger’s 20-year legacy at the Association of American Railroads. railwayage.com
ransition never comes easy at an organization where the outgoing leader has a record of accomplishments that is virtually unparalleled. For the Association of American Railroads, filling the shoes of President and CEO Edward R. Hamberger, a man who is not only highly respected but also well-liked
among his colleagues and peers, will be, to say the least, a difficult undertaking. Let’s hope that executive search firm Korn Ferry is up to the task of finding a worthy successor to the man who came to the AAR 20 years ago with “the equivalent of a master’s degree in transportation economics and policy,” according to Capitol Hill Contributing Editor Frank N. Wilner (p. 22). July 2018 // Railway Age 19
cover story
Hamberger will be stepping down in early 2019. Until then, his mission is to ensure a smooth transfer of the throttle. “As chief of the AAR, Ed has been the face of the freight rail industry in Washington D.C. for 20 years,” Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) tells Railway Age. “Throughout his tenure, I have collaborated closely with him, first as a Member, then as Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, and now as T&I Chairman. Ed and I have worked across the years on a breadth of freight and passenger rail-related issues. And while we have not agreed on every policy matter, Ed has always interacted with Congress as a fair partner and a forceful advocate. Whether appearing before my Committee as an expert witness or meeting with lawmakers one-on-one, Ed has regularly demonstrated an unmatched command of the issues that impact the rail industry and, by extension, the myriad industries that rely on a vital and viable freight rail industry. Because of his knowledge, coupled with his personable style, he is that rare commodity in Washington: an expert that has earned the respect of members from both major political parties.” “Fair partner and forceful advocate.” We could conclude this article on that note. But we thought we’d share a few more accolades. 20 Railway Age // July 2018
From retired Georgetown Railway Equipment Executive Chairman Chris Aadnesen: “The industry has succeeded in part because Ed Hamberger has done such a superb job as the industry’s chief spokesperson and interlocutor with regulators and Congress. When issues have emerged that
“Ed has always interacted with Congress as a fair partner and forceful advocate.” have threatened the industry’s viability and health, one certainty is that Ed would make the rounds in Washington and educate government leaders about the issues and their potential impact. “Railroad suppliers have known for as long as Ed has been leading the AAR that their interests were being promoted by one of the most effective communicators in the
nation’s capital. Just one example is Ed’s success in educating government leaders about the breadth of the high-tech nature of the freight rail industry and its extensive innovations in the area of safety. “Ed’s success stems from his inclusivity and mastery of the facts. He works tirelessly to build coalitions while mustering the strongest data and most persuasive arguments to make the industry’s case. Data and coalition-building only partially explain his effectiveness. Whether on camera or testifying before a congressional committee, Ed’s personable and collegial style shines through. The industry relies on him for advice and counsel, as do lawmakers. That is a rarity and a measure of his abilities.” Union Pacific Chairman, President and CEO Lance Fritz points to several accomplishments: “When the Surface Transportation Board was considering proposals that would have capped railroad revenue and left railroads with much less money to expand and modernize, Ed led industry negotiations with Congress on economic regulation legislation, resulting in the successful passage of the 2015 STB Reauthorization Act, the first reauthorization of the Board since its creation in 1996. The bill was a consensus product that maintained a balanced economic rail regulatory railwayage.com
THANK YOU Ed Hamberger For your years of service to the industry as AAR President and CEO See you in Minneapolis! Railway Interchange 2019 September 22-25, 2019 Minneapolis Convention Center Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Indoor and Outdoor Exhibits
cover story FIRST AND FOREMOST A Railroad Servant Serendipity and ability boosted AAR’s chief. BY FRANK N. WILNER, CAPITOL HILL CONTRIBUTING EDITOR
or politics, railroads and a talented young attorney, the 1970s were tumultuous, transitional and serendipitous. Seven Northeast railroads and several in the Midwest were insolvent. Federally owned Amtrak was created to abate the cash drain on privately owned railroads then operating money-losing passenger trains. From the dregs of the Northeast insolvents, Congress created a then-nationalized Conrail, and commenced lessening smothering economic regulation made obsolete by the evolution of federally aided modal competition As a Washington scandal labeled Watergate enveloped President Richard Nixon, fellow Republican and Senate Minority Leader Hugh D. Scott Jr. of Pennsylvania broke ranks with his party and urged Nixon to resign, with Scott choosing not to seek re-election. This confluence of Watergate and a national railroad crisis proved serendipitous for a young Capitol Hill climber with degrees in foreign service and law from Georgetown University. The die was cast when Congress created a National Transportation Policy Study Commission (NTPSC), whose purpose was to make “a full and complete investigation” of public policy affecting transportation. Second-term Pennsylvania House Republican Elmer G. (Bud) Shuster was appointed NTPSC chairman and followed Sen. Scott’s urging to name the senator’s soon-to-be-jobless legislative aide, Pottsville, Pa., native Edward R. Hamberger, as NTPSC General Counsel and Director of Public Participation. When the 528-page NTPSC report was issued in mid-1979, Hamberger had completed the equivalent of a master’s degree in transportation economics and policy. He also forged treasured professional relationships with Shuster and another future chairman of the House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee—NTPSC member Rep. James L. Oberstar (D-Minn.). As for the NTPSC report Hamberger helped craft, it advocated many of the partial economic deregulation recommendations later embodied in the bipartisan-supported 1980 Staggers Rail Act; and suggested that rail-competitive barges and trucks utilizing taxpayer-improved rights-of-way pay increased user charges matching cost responsibility. His NTPSC work complete, Hamberger earned Shuster’s recommendation to
22 Railway Age // July 2018
become House Republican Policy Committee Staff Director, followed by several years in private law practice. In 1988, President Reagan nominated Hamberger for Senate confirmation as Assistant Secretary of Government Affairs at the Department of Transportation (DOT). Following Hamberger’s DOT service, W. Lee Rawls—later Chief of Staff to then FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III—recruited Hamberger as managing partner of a lobbying firm whose partners included former Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr. (R-Tenn). Clients included BNSF Railway. Baker, Reagan’s White House Chief of Staff when Hamberger was nominated to the DOT post, and renowned during his Senate years for brokering bipartisan compromise, mentored Hamberger in the art, and subsequently endorsed him for what would be the self-actualization of Hamberger’s talents and potentialities— President and CEO of the Association of American Railroads. Created during the Great Depression, the AAR was, said an early president, “a common agency for doing things that have to be done.” As the AAR board of directors interviewed Hamberger in 1998, his articulation of legislative and regulatory issues was termed “extraordinary.” Since the retirement of William H. Dempsey six years earlier, short-term AAR presidents had roamed the wilderness, sorely missing the proficiencies and charisma Dempsey demonstrated during his 14 years at the AAR helm following a decade as the industry’s chief labor negotiator. Dempsey’s accomplishments were exceptional: The Staggers Rail Act; firsttime imposition of user charges for barge operators; higher truck user charges and blunting of efforts to increase maximum allowable truck size and weight; a tax-law change delivering railroads a $2.5 billion cash-flow benefit; a financial strengthening and restructuring of the Railroad Retirement system; and successfully defending against perennial stabs by shippers to undue rail regulatory freedoms. Hamberger, in his 20 years as AAR chief executive—the longest service of any before him—evoked a second-coming of Dempsey. Hamberger’s successful defense of partial economic deregulation was particularly remarkable, as railroads had regained a financial health not seen since well before the advent of pervasive truck competition—if ever. As shippers reacted by seeking a regulatory cap on
further rate increases, Hamberger superintended a fruitful retort that achieving revenue adequacy is not, in itself, justification for renewed regulatory shackles. Before Congress, his skills shined. That for 12 of his 20 years as AAR head, the chairmen of the House T&I Committee were either Bud Shuster, Jim Oberstar, or Bud’s son, Bill, should not be assumed a reason for success. Indeed, in the Senate, Section 16 of the 2015 Surface Transportation Board (STB) Reauthorization Act was stealthily amended in committee—over objections of some shippers. Railroads allege the change allows the STB to utilize “replacement cost methodologies” when evaluating current and future railroad revenue adequacy needs. The STB has not yet ruled on the issue. Equally shocking to shippers was Hamberger’s hiring in 2013 of a policy adviser to Senate Commerce Committee Democrats—the rub being that shippers considered that Senate aide a trusted conduit for their confidential legislative agenda. Respect for research data is another strength. When the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), at rail labor’s behest, proposed mandating minimum train crew size, Hamberger used a public hearing to challenge a dearth of reliable data. FRA officials scrambled to change the subject, peppering him with questions on blocked grade crossings. Hamberger responded, “I thought this was a hearing on the twoperson crew rule. I did not know I was at a blocked-crossings hearing.” The flawed proposal descended into the dust bin of history. Under the theory that when the answer is longer than the question, you lose, Hamberger clearly, concisely and convincingly clarified lawmaker misunderstanding of Positive Train Control, averting for the industry unrealistic congressional demands and penalties. Long-time Hamberger adversary Robert G. Szabo, who led the now-shuttered Consumers United for Rail Equity (CURE), said: “Ed was a worthy adversary who knew how to marshal the great political power of the railroads against any threat. I say with some regret that he was highly successful in his leadership against all efforts on behalf of rail shippers.” A rail attorney, asking not to be identified, said as praise: “Ed Hamberger never lost the fact that he was first and foremost a railroad servant.”
Thank you for
years of leadership. The strength of a 200-year old industry is only matched by the strength of its voice. In his 20 years of service at the Association of American Railroads, Ed Hamberger worked tirelessly to ensure the future of freight railroads remains as bright as the industry’s remarkable history.
cover story
framework and rejected interventionist policy proposals included in numerous prior legislative efforts. “In 2015, when Ed shepherded a multiindustry effort to extend the deadline for
the installation of Positive Train Control, he earned the support of many disparate trade organizations, state and local agencies and interest groups. Many of these organizations had been at odds with the AAR on past
policy issues, but due to Ed’s cogent, inclusive arguments, they saw the importance of standing behind the AAR in order to avoid a nationwide shutdown of the freight rail system. Ed successfully demonstrated that PTC was not a narrow freight railroad issue, but rather a widespread national issue that was threatening to disrupt the economy and impact the financial welfare of numerous industries dependent on rail. In the end, his leadership helped secure a multiyear extension that provides adequate time for full PTC implementation by railroads. “Ed has been a tireless safety advocate. For many years running, he and colleagues across several industries have been fighting for higher safety standards for the rail tank cars that transport dangerous and flammable liquids, such as crude oil and ethanol. Thanks in part to Ed’s leadership, Congress passed a new law requiring higher safety standards for tank cars, while also closing the loophole allowing the use of older tank cars lacking safety features. These are major victories for communities and emergency
Genesee & Wyoming Inc. is honored to congratulate Edward R. Hamberger on his retirement from the Association of American Railroads after two decades of distinguished leadership and thank him for his long-standing support of the “first and last mile.”
24 Railway Age // July 2018
cover story sitting next to you,” he says. “Providing responders around the country. “Ed always felt that the industry is only effective testimony is a delicate balance as good as its commitment to its labor force. between defending your industry’s reputaThat’s why, back in 2001, he rallied a coali- tion and focusing on getting the votes you tion of labor leaders and railroads to gain need from members of Congress to achieve congressional approval of the Railroad your objectives.” One of the more challenging projects Retirement and Survivors Improvement Act. The law liberalized early-retirement that Hamberger undertook was getting the benefits for 30-year employees and their CREATE program in Chicago, a landmark spouses and eliminated a cap on monthly public-private partnership, under way. retirement and disability benefits, among “There was paranoia about private, selfother actions. This was vital legislation that funded railroads accepting federal money,” benefits millions of freight and passenger he recalls. “But we made it clear that P3s rail workers and retirees by modernizing are not handouts, and the Class I’s agreed the financing of the Railroad Retirement that it’s good policy. It was hard to put system in providing enhanced benefits to together the coalition, and to work with the various municipal entities, but we all realemployees and beneficiaries.” Point out all these things to Hamberger, ized that the railroads are an interdepenand he will gracefully acknowledge them. dent network, that our infrastructure needs But he will quickly credit his staff at the should be addressed, and that we needed to AAR. The 68-year-old father of three operate smarter. It was a milestone to get six understands the importance of humility as Class I’s to work together.” Hamberger’s most daunting challenge well as the power of persuasion. Hamberger has testified before Congress was shepherding the effort to address railsecurity 9/11 no fewer than 85 times. “Your staff is not 1road 3927 RWAgeAd-HambergerFinal2.qxp_Layout 6/20/18 2:07after PM the Page 1 terrorist attacks.
Led by now-retired AAR executives Chuck Dettman and Nancy Wilson and many others, the AAR worked closely with the federal government to establish a Security Operations Center approved by the Pentagon that integrates all the Class I’s. “It was uncharted territory,” he says. “We asked, what can we do? When everything was in place, it was one of my proudest moments.” Ed Hamberger’s successor will be faced with perhaps the biggest challenge since partial deregulation under the Staggers Rail Act in 1980: competing in what he calls the “Amazon Economy,” where speed and smaller shipments are the order of the day. This will require improved operations as well as a continued focus on advanced technologies. “The future of this organization will be working closely with our Class II and Class III partners,” he says. “We’re all really joined at the hip. The overarching issue is not re-regulation, although we must never let our guard down. It’s figuring out what we need to do to be competitive and grow our business.”
years of aar stewardship
Thank you, +d Hamberger !
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July 2018 // Railway Age 25
With a Capital By Todd Tranausky, Senior Transportation Analyst, FTR Associates
he railroad industry’s ability to improve the service levels it provides to customers will set the tone for whether they are able to take advantage of many golden opportunities in the year ahead. But it also presents an impediment that must be overcome if they are to take market share from other modes and overcome possible headwinds from U.S. government policies. Sustained tight truck capacity is likely to cause many shippers to explore a larger use of rail carload and intermodal service to offset the constraints they are feeling in other parts of their supply chain over the
26 Railway Age // July 2018
next year or so. Some shippers feel the railroads did little to help them compete on rates in the most recent downturn, and railroads have been slow to bring railcars out of storage in the present market, making them a less reliable supply chain partner than truckers. Railroads will need to address their service woes to attract additional traffic in many segments, such as pulp and paper, while also marketing more directly to carload and intermodal customers. Carriers for their part are working to address the resource constraints that have contributed to the extended service degradation. They are actively hiring
across their networks, but the same strong economy that has supported volume has meant that carriers have had difficulties attracting employees. In many markets, railroads are offering significant signing bonuses to attract new talent after previously furloughed employees have found other employment. This has extended the amount of time it is taking to restore service levels, as the carriers must fully train and qualify the new hires, instead of a much simpler refresher process when they bring furloughed workers back. It takes railroads anywhere from six to nine months from the time a new hire walks in the door until they can productively railwayage.com
William Beecher
Opportunities abound, but they won’t materialize unless service levels improve.
MIDYEAR REPORT move shippers’ freight, and it is this lag that has helped to extend the slow restoration of service levels. Carriers will over time restore their service to a point that shippers will embrace them, because it is in their business interest to do so. However, it is only by demonstrating to shippers that they are able to deliver consistent, reliable service that railroads will consistently compete for manifest shipper’s business and in underdeveloped intermodal markets. Intermodal Opportunity Intermodal markets in the 550-750 and 1,000-1,250 mile range are ripe for rail carriers to compete in after enforcement of the mandate for trucks to implement electronic logging devices that track a driver’s hours of operation. This has created some destinations that now require an additional day of transit time when moving by truck and providing an opportunity for rail carriers to win over that traffic. Before strict compliance with truck
hours of service was required, it was difficult, if not impossible, for railroads to compete with the delivery time of their trucking competitors. But in order to truly make inroads to traditionally truckfocused markets and lanes, carriers must deliver truck-like service in terms of reliability and consistency. Shippers have always been willing to pay higher rates if the carrier provided a level of service that justified it, regardless of mode. It is incumbent upon the carriers to fix their service problems in order to grow their intermodal franchises and improve their ability to handle so-called “loose-car railroading” in the merchandise sector, which has taken on an increased emphasis in recent years. Intermodal Headwinds Poor service has been a major factor limiting volume growth early in the year, shippers at industry events in the first and early second quarters said. These customers expressed frustration with the carriers’
abilities to improve service and said carriers could have increased volumes if their service was better. Over the past month, train speeds and dwell times on an industry wide basis have stabilized, but both metrics remain far from the 10-year average and the marks hit just a year ago. In the second quarter, carload volumes have inflected positively, compared to 2017 after a slow start to the year. Carload traffic was helped by gains in coal traffic as utilities restocked after an extended winter across the Midwest and mid-Atlantic stimulated higher electricity loads that coal-fired generators met. The incremental domestic coal demand and a robust export market are supporting coal loads in recent weeks, but that cannot be expected to continue. Domestic demand will be tied to weather, particularly the length and significance of heat waves, now that coal has firmly moved to more of a peaking resource in the dispatch stack. The U.S. will always be a swing supplier of coal to international markets, so it is
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July 2018 // Railway Age 27
Todd Tranusky
susceptible to global changes, and any potential trade barriers that other nations could impose. Trade has become a central issue on the global economic stage after the Trump Administration imposed tariffs on steel and other commodities on U.S. allies Canada, Mexico and the European Union, after imposing similar measures on most other countries earlier this year. Coal would be a natural target for any retaliatory actions by European and Asian trading partners. Carload Sector Growth On the carload side of the business, slow but steady is the rule of the day that will govern volume and rate growth for the foreseeable future. There are really two factors limiting additional growth on the carload side for carriers: service levels and disparities among the many sectors that make up the carload markets. Lumber movements are highly dependent on the housing market, which has been strong but could be hurt over the next year by steadily rising interest rates. The Federal Reserve is increasing rates at a steady pace so far in 2018 and is expected to continue doing so into 2019, which raises interest rates across the economy. But the effect is most notable among the real estate market as elevated interest rates historically slow down home buying and construction as people feel they can afford less. Lumber and the construction markets are dependent on housing, putting this category’s growth at risk going forward. Paper volumes moving on the North American rail network are slightly negative for the full year, despite paper mills 28 Railway Age // July 2018
running flat out. Many paper shippers are reporting they have sold more paper than they can produce because of strong demand for brown paper and cardboard used in the shipping of e-commerce-related goods. But so far in 2018 that has not translated into robust railcar loadings, as North American loadings in the paper segment are down 0.4% for the year, according to Association of American Railroads data through the week ended June 9. The breakdown between underlying demand and rail loadings suggests paper shippers are moving their additional production in trucks despite the increasing costs that have become standard in the trucking industry this year. FTR forecasts that truck utilization will remain near 100% for most of the next year, meaning the tight truck market will remain in place.
The STB has a long list of large proceedings that have been on hold since the 2016 election. This will mean shippers will be faced with stronger rates and a search for capacity. If service improves, some paper shippers might be willing to increase the volume of product they move by rail. The Equipment Market Weak service levels have created additional issues in the rail equipment markets as slower transit times result in more equipment needed by shippers and railroads to move the same amount of freight. This has caused carriers to pull equipment out of storage, and has created some inability for shippers to obtain domestic intermodal equipment. This equipment tightness explains the sharp divergence in growth rates between domestic container and domestic trailer loadings that has occurred over the past year.
Domestic container movements have increased in the mid-to-upper single digits compared with growth rates in the upper teens and low-20s for domestic trailers. Part of this disparity is due to shippers moving goods in domestic trailers that could ordinarily move in containers, except for their scarcity. Trailers are relatively abundant and easy to obtain for shippers looking for an alternative to trucks. The Regulatory Environment Enhanced and reliable service will also keep regulators at bay for carriers that will face an increasing regulatory threat from Washington, D.C. in the year ahead. The Surface Transportation Board is inching toward a full complement of five members, with two nominations waiting for approval in the Senate. The Board is well aware of the service problems that have plagued carriers and is also looking for ways to improve its rate case process. The chemical shipper cases of the past decade have helped the STB realize the issues with its existing rate case procedures, and it will likely attempt to rectify at least some of these flaws once it reaches full strength. The Board also has a long list of large proceedings that have been on hold since the 2016 election, when it chose to await a full complement of members before making major policy decisions. One of these large cases is the National Industrial Transportation League’s proposal to allow reciprocal switching (also called competitive access) at interchanges on Class I carriers. This case will almost certainly be decided quickly when the STB reaches full, five-member strength. Shipper complaints about needing access to additional carriers through reciprocal switching because of sub-par rail service would be hard for the Board to ignore. In summary, service is at the core of the year ahead for railroads and their customers. If the railroads can improve their service levels, they should be able to increase carload and intermodal traffic levels while also keeping regulatory threats at bay. However, if service struggles persist, it will complicate efforts to grow traffic levels, and provide an impetus for regulators to play an increasing role in how carriers move traffic across the North American railroad network. railwayage.com
Diversity diversity
Railroading is no longer a male-dominated industry. Here’s how one company engineers diversity.
By William C. Vantuono, editor-in-chief
he next time you’re in a locomotive equipped with any one of a dozen or so stateof-the-art technologies from ZTR Control Systems LLC, more likely than not, a talented woman engineer is behind it. ZTR is a railway industry supplier enthusiastically embracing diversity. Throughout its offices in the U.S. and Canada, diversity encompasses all areas: software development, electrical engineering, electronics technology/technicians, project management, sales and leadership. Heather Shipley, Katherine Kristoferson and Natalie Smith are three trailblazing women at ZTR that took time out of their busy schedules to speak with Railway Age. Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Division Application Engineering Supervisor railwayage.com
Heather Shipley started in product development and quality assurance within the ZTR Railway Division. She developed an automated pre-customer-shipping testing environment. In her current role, she works to ensure that products the Railway IoT group at ZTR develops are reliable and meet customer requirements. Shipley began her career as a co-op student at the University of Waterloo, where she earned a Bachelors of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering. “It takes a lot to move an industry,” she says. “I’m passionate about solving problems for customers and using technology. It’s exciting to be part of a team that plays such a proactive role in ensuring ZTR products and services provide the right information to the right people at the right time. I also participate in events that encourage young women to enter the
engineering and technology fields.” Among these events are Girls Rock IT, at Fanshawe College. From a young age, Shipley excelled in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects. “As an engineer, I can solve real-world problems,” says Research and Development Engineering Supervisor Katherine Kristoferson. “It’s an exciting time for rail IoT. Every few months, there’s something new and challenging.” Kristoferson, who earned a degree in Aerospace Engineering from Carleton University, started her career in the aerospace industry, working in such areas as military aircraft electronic controllers. At ZTR, she and her team develop new products that address the needs of railroads, in many cases working closely with Class I’s. Currently, she’s involved with developing supercapacitor starting systems, July 2018 // Railway Age 29
Katherine Kristoferson
next-generation remote connectivity and machine learning for compiling preventive maintenance data for locomotives. “Diversity breeds innovation,” Kristoferson says. “Women do stand out, but being visible all the time means that the ‘glass ceiling’ can be a magnifying glass.” The mother of two young boys, Kristoferson takes pride in her membership in IEEE Women in Engineering, and in her volunteer work with Go ENG Girl, which provides opportunities for girls in grades 7-10 across Ontario, and other Canadian provinces, to visit local university campuses and learn from women professionals, academics and students about the world of engineering. ZTR Market Development Specialist Natalie Smith has a sales, marketing and business development background within the industrial engineering and technology sectors. She ensures that ZTR stays current with industry trends, and helps bridge the gap between customer needs and engineering. She closely follows the railway market, identifying trends, and what railroads need to operate efficiently. Smith represents the customers’ interests from the beginning of a project to its completion, and beyond. Smith, who received a Bachelor of Health Sciences with Honours from McMaster and Master of Business Administration from McMaster’s DeGroote School of Business, 30 Railway Age // July 2018
wanted to find something where there was a real opportunity for women. “Even in countries with high levels of gender equality, there isn’t a high level of women going into high-tech fields,” she says. “It’s more than simply providing opportunities. We must change perceptions and continue to advocate for women in leadership roles. When I started at ZTR, I didn’t know a lot about the railway industry. I quickly discovered that our customers are receptive to new technologies. The pace of technology adoption is exponential, and I’m passionate about being an active participant in the evolution of the railway industry landscape. ” Smith enjoys travel, fitness group instruction, and supporting agencies and events that look to advance women into leadership roles. Matthew Scott, Vice President and General Manager of the Railway Division at ZTR, recognizes the value diversity brings to the company’s overall success. “At ZTR, women account for between 20% and 30% of the positions on our engineering teams; about 50% in marketing and finance,” he says. “This is significant, as women are generally underrepresented in high-tech roles. Our organization thrives on a broader, more diverse workforce. First and foremost, we’re an innovation company. The more diversity we have, the more innovation.”
Heather Shipley
Natalie Smith railwayage.com
the SURFACE Wayside non-destructive evaluation enables inspection of moving wheels for subsurface damage, before a failure occurs. By Matthew Witte, Ph.D., Scientist; and Anish Poudel, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, NDT, Transportation Technology Center, Inc.
heel impact load detectors (WILD) are commonly used to identify high-impact wheels for removal. However, the majority of broken wheels fail in service absent of high impacts as measured by WILD. While WILD is effective for finding out-of-round (OOR) wheels, it does not serve well at identifying wheels with purely internal cracks. Wheels that break in service more often develop from subsurface discontinuities that do not affect the surface of the wheel until the wheel breaks; WILD is not the technology of choice for finding internal cracks. The mechanism of cracked wheel failure is quite different than OOR development. With internal discontinuities, fatigue cracks grow from the continuous cyclical loading that wheels undergo, particularly just below the tread where stresses are highest. A small inclusion or material irregularity under the tread is subject to high stresses that can start a crack. These internal cracks grow and can spread beneath the tread for substantial distances without causing the OOR condition that causes a rolling impact. railwayage.com
Such subsurface anomalies are extremely difficult to identify with visual inspection or WILD. More advanced methods are required to detect these discontinuities. Automated systems that can inspect for subsurface flaws on trains while they are in service are sought. The Tycho Automated Cracked Wheel Detector Systems (ACWDS) is a wayside non-destructive evaluation (NDE) system designed to inspect moving wheels for subsurface damage. The structural components of the system consist of a custom-designed concrete foundation with special wide-gage track work to expose the wheel tread, and a water delivery and recirculation system for delivering ultrasonic couplant. The detector consists of an array of spring-loaded ultrasonic probes, a wheel imaging system, an automatic equipment identification (AEI) tag reader, wayside data collection units and a central processor housed in a nearby control building. Similar detectors are installed in dozens of locations in China for inspecting high-speed passenger train wheelsets. TTCI has been working with Tycho to adapt the existing technology for inspecting freight trains in the North American environment. Ultrasonic probes are aligned
between the rail and a guardrail where they can contact the wheel tread. Two types of ultrasonic probes are arranged to inspect different areas of the wheel. Zero degree probes look straight up, and angled probes look across or around the wheel. A machine vision system is incorporated to pre-inspect the wheel tread. Wheels with condemnable surface condition do not couple well with the ultrasonic probes and therefore may not be adequately inspected by the probes. The vision system can be used to identify wheels with condemnable levels of surface damage, thus discounting the need for reliable ultrasonic inspection. Non-condemnable surface conditions generally are permissible. The ACWDS ultrasonic system is designed to detect internal discontinuities in the railway train wheels. TTCI test results demonstrate that this technology is capable of detecting subsurface cracks at speeds up to 15 mph (24 kph). Depending on the defect size and location, detection rates vary from 80% to 100%. TTCI has concluded system testing but will evaluate possible upgrades. The system is expected to be deployed in revenue service by a Class I in 2019. July 2018 // Railway Age 31
People / 100 years / Events AUGUST 7-9, 2018
Ulisses Camilo
Michigan Rail Conference
New York Air Brake
High profile: New York Air Brake (NYAB) has appointed Ulisses Camilo President and CEO. Camilo succeeds current President and CEO Michael J. Hawthorne, who accepted the position of President and CEO at Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC, a sister company within the Knorr-Bremse Group, NYAB’s parent company. During his 34-year career, Camilo has worked nearly 20 years in the rail sector, most recently as Managing Director – Rail & Transit Sector for Atkins NA, an SNC-Lavalin Company. He held similar senior leadership roles at Faiveley Transport NA, Parsons Transportation Group, Vossloh NA, and Alstom Transportation. Camilo holds a Bachelor of Arts in Physics from the State University of New York – Geneseo; a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Clarkson University in Potsdam, N.Y., and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Master of Business Administration from Syracuse University.
Saginaw Valley State University Conference Center Saginaw, Mich. http://www.rail.mtu.edu/mrc2018
SEPTEMBER 16-19, 2018
AREMA 2018 Annual Conference & Exposition Hilton Chicago http://conference.arema.org/
SEPTEMBER 16-19, 2018 Intermodal EXPO 2018
DR Vice President Maggie Walsh was recently appointed Chair of the WTS (Women’s Transportation Seminar) International Board of Directors. WTS, of which Walsh has been a member for 20 years, focuses on promoting equity and access for women in transportation careers. Walsh’s two-year term as Chair started in May. The Railway Association of Canada appointed Marc Brazeau President and Chief Executive Officer, effective July 3. Brazeau succeeds Michael Bourque, President and CEO from April 2012 to November 2017. Gérald Gauthier had been running RAC in the interim. Brazeau joins RAC from automotive paint and products distributor Uni-Select, where he has been Vice President of Sales and Marketing since May 2015. Brazeau has more than 20 years of transportation industry association experience.
Between 1995 and 2015, he worked for the Automotive Industries Association of Canada (AIA), where he spent more than seven years as President and CEO. Julie D’Orazio has been named National Market Leader for Transit and Rail at engineering and professional services consultancy WSP USA. Operation Lifesaver, Inc. Interim President Wende Corcoran announced new State Coordinators for the nonprofit rail safety education organization in three states. Jeffrey Pitcher now leads Maine Operation Lifesaver (ME OL), Alan Stouder leads Ohio Operation Lifesaver (OH OL), and Kathy Zander is Operation Lifesaver of the Dakotas (ND/SD) leader. Multi-modal third-party logistics service provider BNSF Logistics appointed Nancee Ronning as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), a newly-created post.
100 years ago in railway age gazette JULY 1918 The Circus Train Disaster The rear collision at Ivanhoe, Ind., on the Michigan Central June 22 is the most disastrous train wreck that has occurred in America, measuring by the number of persons killed (86), since 1910. It appears … that the engineman was asleep or dozing. The automatic train stop, which obviates disaster when the human pilot fails us … is not in general use. Roads like the Michigan Central justify themselves in its non-use because of the relative high safety of their train operations without such a complicated and costly safeguard. 32 Railway Age // July 2018
Long Beach Convention Center Long Beach, Calif. http://intermodalexpo.com/
SEPTEMBER 18-21, 2018 InnoTrans 2018
Berlin Exhibition Grounds Berlin, Germany https://www.innotrans.de/en/
SEPTEMBER 25-27, 2018
North East Association of Rail Shippers (NEARS) fall conference Westchester, N.Y. http://nears.org/
OCTOBER 9, 2018
Western Railway Club meeting Union League Club Chicago, Ill. http://www.westernrailwayclub.org/ railway-meetings.htm
OCTOBER 19-19, 2018
Next-Generation Train Control Conference 2018 Le Méridien Philadelphia Philadelphia, Penn. https://www.railwayage.com/ nextgen/
Products Certified Rolling Stock Cable Glands
Miner Video Explains Draft Gears in Detail MINER ENTERPRISES has released an informative video demonstrating the role that draft gears play in railcar operation. The new video, titled “How Does a Draft Gear Absorb Railcar Energy?” provides a look at draft gear design, and uses computer animation to demonstrate how draft gears protect the railcar during train movement. “Draft gears are an essential element of any railcar, but they’re not as visible as other components, so their role isn’t always as well understood,” says Miner Executive Director of Global Sales Bill O’Donnell. “We hope this video will help customers visualize what their draft gears are doing, and understand
why high-quality gears are so important.” Draft gears are necessary because railcars are subjected to large forces. As the video explains, “The draft gear’s job is to protect the railcar by absorbing the energy associated with pushing, pulling, starting, stopping, and coupling of railcars.” The video uses Miner’s TF-880 draft gear to illustrate where gears are located and how they manage energy. Easy-to-follow animations demonstrate draft gear movements during buff as well as draft events. The video is available on the Miner YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GxTV gvHD9A&feature=youtu.be.
Amsted Rail Forms Amsted Digital Solutions Amsted Rail has formed a new company to deliver onboard telematics and wireless sensor solutions for freight railcars and other unpowered rail assets. The Chicago-based global provider of
truck components and systems for the heavy haul rail industry introduced Amsted Digital Solutions, offering the re-engineered IONX telematics hardware and software in an integrated end-to-end telematics platform for the unpowered asset segment. The end-toend platform features IoT device hardware including wireless sensors, data communications management, data warehousing, IoT device management, and cloud-based tools and applications that deliver real-time intelligence and rich data.
GRO Progress® MS Certified Rolling Stock Metal Cable Glands from Aeros USA can be used with confidence for any rolling stock application, in any arrangement, as has been recently certified by ASTM (1354) and NFPA (130) for railways. Constructed of nickel-plated brass, their compression technology ensures tight seals and offers cables exceptional damage-preventing strain relief, even in dynamic railcar applications. A comprehensive range of standard and EMC cable glands and accessories offers a solution for almost any application. Where the need arises, AGRO also delivers certified solutions according to customer requirements. AGRO Progress cable glands exceed the demands of EN 45545-3, which defines the requirements for fire resistance of fire barriers to limit fire spread by specifying the performance of materials and components. If cables are routed through fire barriers, the requirements apply also to the cable glands used. In order to establish whether or not the required fire resistance is achieved, components are tested in a furnace with respect to requirements for fire barrier, thermal insulation and radiation emission. AGRO Progress® metal cable glands also satisfy the very high demands of fire resistance class E30. This means that the seal inserts remain impervious and prevent the spread of fire through the gland for at least 30 minutes. They do not crack or fissure. From a fire protection perspective, they can be used without hesitation in all railway vehicles. For further information: www.aerosusa.com
July 2018 // Railway Age 33
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July 2018 // Railway Age 35
Financial Edge
Rail Insights Delivers, Again
t Railway Age’s Rail Insights conference in June, the leasing and manufacturing panel covered a range of car and locomotive related topics. The esteemed panel of Barbara Wilson, President of Wells Fargo Rail, Greg Schmid, Managing Director Rail Marketing at Residco, and Ted Baun, Chief Commercial Officer of FreightCar America, gave their points of view on car leasing, the railcar market, the market for locomotives and the new order backlog. Here is a summary of the topics discussed and their points of view. As reported in last month’s Railway Age Guide to Equipment Leasing, demand for scrap-hauling mill gondola railcars has done a 180-degree turn from the end of 2017. When asked about scrap rates, the panel referenced recent decreases in rates from the high $300s per ton (Chicago Heavy Melt #1) down to the low $300s per ton. While there are some expectations that the recent controversy regarding steel tariffs may begin to drive prices back up, the panel was inconclusive on the direction of scrap prices. All panelists felt that mill gondola demand would continue and that it may lead to some new car production, but none of the panelists raised concerns about overbuilding, possibly due to the fact that the average age of the mill gondola fleet is more than 30 years old. Sticking on tariffs and NAFTA, the panelists expressed concern about the decisions being made regarding tariffs, and could not decide if NAFTA was more likely or less likely to be terminated by the Trump
total railcar deliveries for
50,000 2018 will be higher THAN
units 36 Railway Age // July 2018
Administration. Baun noted that plate steel prices had been on the rise for the past few months, and that the price increase was impacting new car pricing. But while the increases in steel prices may impact new car prices, the panel indicated that it did not think it would impact pricing on used equipment. To the contrary, Wilson noted that prices of used equipment being sold in the “secondary market” had declined from peaks in the second half of 2017. The panel was universal in its belief that the total railcar deliveries for 2018 will be higher than 50,000 units, and that while there may have been some tax bill-related demand, the new orders being placed today (10,000 in 1Q2018), the demand has been driven by business fundamentals. Our two lessors identified what continues to be a consistent problem in the rail leasing market. The fact that lease rates, when viewed as a percentage of the cost of a new car, are not rising with new car prices is a cause for concern for purchasers of new railcars and has an impact on the price that can be paid for used equipment. Also, as steel increases in price and railcar prices rise, this is a concern that will continue to be something to watch in the coming months. The state of the grain car rental market highlighted this issue. As grain car rates continue to suffer due to overcapacity in the total market, the Rail Insights conference was happening as Canadian Pacific made the announcement on the placement of an order for 1,000 new high-capacity covered grain hopper railcars (p. 10). With so many cars on the sidelines, CP’s decision feels like it’s marginalizing the operating lessor market and not giving consideration to the equipment overhang in the market today. This continues to create difficult scenarios for operating lessors to earn a reasonable return on their investments. On the sand market, the crazy trifecta of issues impacting demand for sand in frac drilling (rail cycle times, the quantity of sand being pumped into each well and the competitive threat posed by local sand vs. Wisconsin/northern white sand as
railcar demand has been driven by business fundamentals.” an example) had the panel being cautious with regard to the demand for sand cars. Many investors, even considering the current state of demand, are holding back on increasing exposure to this segment of the market. This indicates that the sand market continues to mature, and investors are adopting a wait-and-see attitude rather than rushing in like it’s 2012 or 2014 again. Second, it shows that the story of how sand will be transported (railcars, containers, trucks) continues to be written. On the topic of locomotives, the lease market is showing some strength, but locomotive owners may have some cause for optimism as BNSF and Union Pacific have pulled locomotives out of storage. Tackling the recent Wabtec/GE Transportation Services transaction, the panel generally agreed that the industry needs to have GE around, and that Wabtec’s involvement in its ownership should allow that to continue for the long term. All in all, a great panel with great information for all attendees. Got questions? Set them free at dnahass@railfin.com.
DAVID NAHASS President Railroad Financial Corp. railwayage.com
We’re current, are you? FRA Regulations Mechanical Department Regulations
FRA News:
A combined reprint of the Federal Regulations that apply specifically to the Mechanical Department. Spiral bound. Part Title 210 Railroad Noise Emission Compliance Regulations 215 Freight Car Safety Standards Updated 4-3-17. 216 Emergency Order Procedures: Railroad Track, Locomotive and Equipment Updated 4-3-17. 217 Railroad Operating Rules Updated 4-3-17. 218 Railroad Operating Practices - Blue Flag Rule Updated 4-3-17. 221 Rear End Marking Device-passenger, commuter/freight trains
There are no new proposals or final rules to report for this issue. Be sure to check back next month to see if there are any changes to FRA regulations.
Use of Locomotive Horns at Public Highway-Rail Grade Crossings 49 CFR 222. This regulation provides for safety at public highway-rail grade crossings by requiring locomotive horn use at public highway-rail grade crossings except in quiet zones established and maintained in accordance with this part. 172 pages. Softcover, spiral bound. Updated 4-3-17
Updated 4-3-17.
Safety Glazing Standards Updated 4-3-17. Railroad Accidents/Incidents Updated 3-5-18. Locomotive Safety Standards Updated 4-3-17. Safety Appliance Standards Updated 4-3-17. Brake System Safety Standards Updated 4-3-17.
223 225 229 231 232
Mech. Dept. Regs.
Order 25 or more and pay only $26.96 each
FRA Part #
209 211 BKTSSAF 213 BKTSSG 213 BKWRK 214 BKFSS 215 BKROR 217 218 BKRRC 220 BKEND 221 BKSEP
Update effective
4-3-17 7-20-09 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17
Part 242: Conductor Certification
228 229 230 231 237 240
4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17
BKCONDC 242 4-3-17
232 4-3-17
FRA Part #
40 219
233 234 235 236 238 239
RR Safety Enforcement Procedures & Rules of Practice Track Safety Standards (Subpart A-F) Track Safety Standards (Subpart G) RR Workplace Safety RR Freight Car Safety Standards RR Operating Rules and Practices RR Communications Rear End Marking Device, Passenger, Commuter & Freight Trains Use of Locomotive Horns Reflectorization of Rail Freight Rolling Stock Hours of Service Locomotive Safety Standards Steam Locomotive Inspection RR Safety Appliance Standards Bridge Safety Standards Qualification and Certification of Locomotive Conductor Certification
Brake System Safety Standards
50 or more
10.95 10.00 10.50 8.50 10.50
9.86 9.00 9.45 7.65 9.45
6.75 6.25
6.10 5.60
7.95 12.50 12.50 25.95 10.50 7.95 14.25
7.15 11.25 11.25 23.35 9.45 7.15 12.85
25 or more
Combined FRA Regulations Each
25 or more
1-1-18 Drug and Alcohol Regulations in 6-12-17 the Workplace
4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17 4-3-17
Signal and Train Control Systems
Passenger Safety Standards
Update effective
The Conductor Certification rule (49 CFR 242) outlines details for implementing a Conductor Certification Program. The FRA implemented this rule in an effort to ensure that only those persons who meet minimum Federal safety standards serve as conductors, to reduce the rate and number of accidents and incidents, and to improve railroad safety. Softcover. Spiral bound. 124 pages.Updated 4-3-17.
Conductor Certification Order 50 or more and pay only $11.25 each
Railroad Operating Rules & Practices 49 CFR 217 to 218. Part 217: Purpose, Application, Definitions, Penalty, Operating Rules, Program of Operation Tests and Inspections; Program of Instruction on Operating Rules, Information Collection. Part 218: General Blue Signal Collection of Workers Protection of Trains and Locomotives, Prohibition against tampering with safety services, Protection of occupied camp cars. Softcover. Spiral bound. Updated 4-3-17.
Railroad Operating Rules & Practices
Order 50 or more and pay only $9.45 each
Part 220: Railroad Communications 49 CFR 220. Prescribes minimum requirements governing the use of wireless communications in connection with railroad operations. 23 pages. Softcover.
BKRRC RR Communications Order 50 or more and pay only $6.10 each
800-228-9670 www.transalert.com
Compliance Manuals BKINFRA18
Order 50 or more and pay only $13.25 each
Current FRA Regulations Item Code
Use of Loco. Horns at Public Hwy-Rail Grade Crossings
Track and Rail and Infrastructure Integrity Compliance Manual - Volume II, Track Safety Standards - Part 213 Technical Manual for Signal and Train Control Rules. - Includes Part 233, 234, 235, 236
38.00 49.95
Updates from the Federal Register may be supplied in supplement form.
34.00 44.95
The Railway Educational Bureau 1809 Capitol Ave., Omaha NE, 68102 I (800) 228-9670 I (402) 346-4300 www.RailwayEducationalBureau.com
Add Shipping & Handling if your merchandise subtotal is: U.S.A. CAN U.S.A. CAN UP TO $10.00 $4.50 $8.75 25.01 - 50.00 10.78 16.80 10.01 - 25.00 7.92 12.65 50.01 - 75.00 11.99 21.20
Orders over $75, call for shipping
*Prices subject to change. Revision dates subject to change in accordance with laws published by the FRA. 7/18
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