Chaplains’ Prayer & Info Johanna Childs East Scotland
These were Jesus’ instructions to His disciples (including us): ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So, pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.’ Luke 10:2 My prayer is that I might be one of the workers. To have the wisdom and compassion to reach people where they are busy - living. I pray for a sensitive spirit. Also, that God will establish His kingdom and glory in this beautiful country, Scotland. May the new season bring new opportunities to serve the Railway Family in unique and special ways. John Robinson Southern, Gatwick Express, GTR for Southern Routes
As chaplains, encountering rail staff who are suffering a range of difficulties, we aim to listen, offer care and often signpost to agencies that provide specialist support. At present, I am working with a young man who is threatened with the loss of his home and an uncertain future for him and his two young children, for whom he is the main care
provider. Please pray that the Lord will bring hope and a resolution to the housing situation and make the young man aware of God’s presence and love. Graham Whitehead West Highlands and Central Scotland
In Scotland, everyone is grateful that the worst effects of the pandemic seem to be easing. Reduced timetables have been proposed by ScotRail, to match the reduced passenger numbers, and Abellio cease to operate the franchise at the end of March. These naturally combine to make people worry about staff numbers and job security in the future. At the same time, ScotRail has just won a major award for its inclusivity as an employer. Please pray for the peace of God for all our rail staff in Scotland, and give thanks for their commitment to service, and to each other. Helen Lewis South & Mid Wales & The Marches
During my first few months as a Railway Chaplain, I have been struck by the number of times I have heard the phrase "It's just part of the job."