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TrackSafetyStandards Subparts A-F
TrackSafetyStandards, containstheTrackSafety Standards,SubpartsA-F,forClassesoftrack1-5.The standardscovergeneralinformation,Roadbed,Track Geometry,TrackStructure,TrackAppliancesand Track-RelatedDevices,andInspection.IncludesDefectCodes.
Updated January6,2023
BKTSSAF TrackSafetyStandards,SubpartsA-F $11.95 Only$10.75forordersof50ormore!
FRAPart237establishesFederalsafetyrequirements forrailroadbridges.Thisrulerequirestrackownersto implementbridgemanagementprograms,whichinclude annualinspectionsofrailroadbridges,andtoauditthe programs. Part237 alsorequirestrackownerstoknow thesafeloadcapacityofbridgesandtoconductspecialinspectionsif theweatherorotherconditionswarrantsuchinspections. Updated January6,2023 in newer all-season greases rank better here, degrading signi cantly faster and more completely.
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To function properly, GF grease must meet a number of performance criteria in extreme temperatures in order to function properly:
• Adherence to hot or cold wheels and rail
• Low propensity for applicator bar clogging
• High pumpability
• Consistent output
• Low oil separation
In order to assess the performance metrics of their all-season GF grease, L.B. Foster conducted a multi-year field test on a subdivision that was historically treated with seasonal GF grease. The site featured 20 curves and 25 wayside applicators. Based on prior twin-disc tests that indicated the all-season grease had significantly better carry-down than the seasonal variants, L.B. Foster deployed the all-season grease at a 50% reduced volume for the test, Stanlake said.
ThisreprintincludestheFRA's RailroadWorkplaceSafety Standards addressingroadwayworkersandtheirwork environments.Theselawscoversuchthingsas:personal protectiveequipment,fallprotection,andscaffoldingfor bridgeworkers;andtrainingissues.Alsoincludessafetystandardsfor on-trackroadwayvehicles. UpdatedJanuary6,2023
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The TrackSafetyStandardsCalculator isamustfor anyonewhoworksontrack.Thisslideruletype calculatorcontainsmanyofthedetailsforClassesof track1-5.Deviationfromuniformprofileandfromzero crosslevel.Differenceincrosslevel.Compliantwithpart213.
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UpdatesfromtheFederalRegistermaybesuppliedin supplementform.
e test compared roughly two years of historical gauge-face wear data to a similar time-frame a er the introduction of the all-season grease. Under the previous grease regime, one 7.6-degree curve experienced 0.137 in. per 100 MGT gaugeface wear. at same curve, treated with the all-season grease (at a 50% application rate) experience 0.070 in. per 100 MGT gaugeface wear. While there may be other variables at play, such as ongoing rail grinding during the course of the study, they were kept consistent as possible throughout the trial. Regardless, the performance of the all-season grease appears to be self-evident. “ e combination of less wear, less product consumption and reduced track accesses will drive a lower [total cost of ownership] over time,” Stanlake said.
Whether at the top of rail or gauge face, the shi away from seasonal consumables appears to be a quanti able bene t. And if these modern, all-season consumables can be applied at a reduced rate and still increase performance, as the data seems to indicate, the cost/bene t should be straight-forward.
As more properties implement all-season consumables, it will be interesting to see how their experience compares to the results of studies like these.
Je Tuzik is Managing Editor of Interface Journal. is article is based on a presentation made at Wheel/Rail Seminars’ 2022 Wheel/Rail Interaction conference.