Annual Report 2009-2010

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Annual Report 2009-2010

1 Message from the Chair of the Board 2 Message from the Director of Education 3 Trustees

Welcome to Rainbow Schools ★ Colin Roos, a Grade 9 student at Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School, captured a Bronze Medal in the Environmental Innovation category at the Canada-Wide Science Fair. ★ Rainbow Schools raised $28,573 for Haiti relief.

★ Since its inception 15 years ago, Lockerby Composite School's Kids Caring for Kids Cancer Drive has raised close to $500,000 for the Northern Cancer Research Foundation’s Pediatric Facility. A total of $52,000 was raised in 2010.

★ A.B. Ellis Public School ranked seventh in Ontario per capita in fundraising for the Terry Fox Foundation, raising $21,929 in 2009.

★ Lasalle Secondary School placed third at the Provincial Secondary School Mock Trial Tournament.

★ Lasalle Secondary School Grade 12 graduates, David Bailey and Ben Eckert, placed second and third respectively in all of Ontario in the William Hogg Math Contest sponsored by Algoma University.

★ Students from Rainbow Schools installed more solar LED lighting systems in Costa Rica.

★ Caroline Ehrhardt of Espanola High School and Ross Proudfoot of Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School competed at the World Junior Track and Field Championships. ★ Adamsdale Public School donated $2,000 in items to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Sudbury Regional Hospital. ★ Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School raised $5,000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. ★ Manitoulin Secondary School’s S.H.A.R.E. Committee (Students Helping All ‘Round Everywhere) raised $21,000 for various local and global projects over the past three years.

★ Churchill Public School collected 5,750 non-perishable food items for the Kids Helping Kids Canned Food Drive. ★ Board Office employees donated $1,000 to the Elgin Street Mission. ★ Staff and students in Rainbow Schools wore pink on Thursday, September 10, 2009 for “Stand Up Against Bullying Day”. ★ New playground equipment was unveiled at Assiginack Public School thanks to the leadership of the Assiginack School Council with impressive community support. ★ Since its inception in 2008, the Joan Mantle Music Trust has raised $65,000 for the purchase of new instruments in Rainbow Schools.

3 Administrative Council 4 Vision 4 Mission 4 Values 4 Priorities 5 Ensure success for all students 13 Ensure efficient business management 19 Promote succession planning and talent development 21 Awards 22 Scholarship Winners 29 Ontario Scholars 30 Directory

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The Education Act. This Annual Report provides highlights of Rainbow District School Board’s key activities during the 2009-2010 school year. It also

Message from the Chair of the Board Champions for children It is a pleasure for me, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, to present the 2009-2010 Annual Report for Rainbow District School Board to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Education and our many partners in Sudbury, Espanola, Manitoulin Island and Shining Tree. The 2009-2010 school year was marked by many success stories, some of which are highlighted in this Annual Report. These include the arrival of full day every day Junior Kindergarten and the Early Learning Program, significant gains in literacy and numeracy, the expansion of experiential learning opportunities, the introduction of system-wide character traits and the ongoing revitalization of Rainbow Schools.

The 2009-2010 school year was marked by many success stories.

Guided by caring adults in safe and supportive learning environments, students excelled in arts, athletics and academics. They also made significant contributions to their local and global communities, actively demonstrating that they care about the world in which they live. In the process, they brought tremendous pride and praise to Rainbow Schools. Ongoing investments in education and powerful partnerships between home, school and community continued to benefit students. We commend the Province of Ontario for putting students first and giving them every opportunity to achieve their full potential. We acknowledge our school administrators, teachers and support staff for making Rainbow Schools leaders in learning. We salute our parents/guardians and community partners for working with us to nurture and support student success.

Thank you for being champions for children.

Tyler Campbell Chair Rainbow District School Board

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.



Message from the Director of Education Excellence in education This Annual Report provides an overview of the key activities undertaken by Rainbow District School Board in the 2009-2010 school year. The highlights represent a snapshot of the programs, policies and partnerships implemented to ensure high levels of student achievement, reduce gaps in student achievement and increase public confidence in public education. Students remained our first and foremost priority as committed trustees, dedicated staff and supportive parents worked together to reach minds and touch hearts. With the Province of Ontario, we continued to invest in our most precious resource, our children, giving them every opportunity to succeed in learning and in life.

We invested in our most precious resource, our children.

Success for all students, efficient business management, and succession planning and talent development provided a focus for Board and school improvement planning. Students benefited from safe learning environments in quality school facilities with state-of-the-art technology. Our efforts to nurture strong literacy and numeracy skills, the foundation for all learning, continued to yield positive results. Once again, our teaching and non-teaching staff proved that they are passionate about the work that they do on behalf of Rainbow Schools and the students in their care. Together, with committed trustees and supportive parents, they made student success their hallmark. As Director of Education, it gives me tremendous pride to share our progress in the pages of this Annual Report. As we move forward, we will build on our successes, making Rainbow Schools great places to learn.

Our rich tradition of excellence continues.

Norm Blaseg Director of Education Rainbow District School Board

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Trustees | Your Voice at the Board 3 Tyler Campbell Board Chair 705.674.6040

Sudbury, Area 2

Chelmsford P.S. Lansdowne P.S. Larchwood P.S. Levack P.S. Chelmsford Valley District Composite School Elected Chair of the Board in December 2009. Served as Vice-Chair until December 2009.

Doreen Dewar Board Vice-Chair 705.682.9449

Gord Santala

Ruth Ward

Grace Fox

Sudbury, Area 1

Sudbury, Area 3

First Nations



Sudbury, Area 5

Alexander P.S. Algonquin P.S. Long Lake P.S., MacLeod P.S. R.L. Beattie P.S. Ruth MacMillan Centre Wanup P.S., Wembley P.S. Cecil Facer Secondary School Lockerby Composite School Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School

Copper Cliff P.S. Gatchell School Princess Anne P.S. R.H. Murray P.S. Walden P.S. Lively District Secondary School

Pinecrest P.S. Redwood Acres P.S. Valley View P.S. Confederation Secondary School

Elected Vice-Chair of the Board in December 2009.

705.377.4615 Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation Dokis First Nation M’Chigeeng First Nation Sagamok Anishnawbek Sheguiandah First Nation Sheshegwaning First Nation Wahnapitae First Nation Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve Whitefish River First Nation Zhiibaahaasing First Nation

Billy Mekers

Student Trustee Lasalle Secondary School

Dena Morrison

Judy Hunda

Larry Killens

Jeanna Miller

Sudbury, Area 4

Sudbury, Area 6

Manitoulin, Area 7

Espanola, Area 8


C.R. Judd P.S., Churchill P.S. Cyril Varney P.S., Markstay P.S. Monetville P.S. M.W. Moore P.S. Northeastern Elementary School Westmount Avenue P.S. Lasalle Secondary School M.W. Moore Secondary School



Adamsdale P.S. Carl A. Nesbitt P.S. Ernie Checkeris P.S. Queen Elizabeth P.S. Sudbury Secondary School Served as Chair of the Board until December 2009.


Assiginack P.S. Central Manitoulin P.S. Charles C. McLean P.S. Little Current P.S. Manitoulin Secondary School

A.B. Ellis P.S. S. Geiger P.S. Webbwood P.S. Espanola High School

Director of Education Served as Superintendent of Schools until July 17, 2010.

Diane Cayen-Arnold Superintendent of Business

Bruce Bourget Superintendent of Schools

Appointed Superintendent of Schools as of July 17, 2010.

Ada Della Penta Superintendent of Schools

Sloan Boyd

Student Trustee Sudbury Secondary School On August 30, 2010, Sloan Boyd of Sudbury Secondary School was sworn in as Student Trustee for 2010-2011.

Administrative Council Norm Blaseg

On August 24, 2009, Billy Mekers of Lasalle Secondary School was sworn in as Student Trustee for 2009-2010.

Lesleigh Dye Superintendent of Schools

Sharon Speir Superintendent of Schools


We are leaders in learning in Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin, inspiring success for all students.


Rainbow District School Board provides quality programs and character education which enable students in Rainbow Schools to maximize their potential and fulfill their aspirations.


We are committed to:

★ ensuring success for all students ★ providing high quality programs and character education ★ encouraging innovation, initiative and creativity ★ celebrating student, staff, school and system-wide success ★ nurturing strong partnerships between the school, the home and the community ★ keeping schools safe ★ maintaining honest and open communication ★ managing the resources in our trust efficiently, responsibly and effectively ★ practising collaborative leadership and principled decision-making ★ respecting diversity ★ promoting continuous improvement and a sense of pride ★ enhancing quality of life by encouraging life-long learning


★ Ensure success for all students ★ Ensure efficient business management ★ Promote succession planning and talent development

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.


Ensure success for all students

Full Day Every Day Junior Kindergarten and the new Early Learning Program

Effective September 2010, full day Junior Kindergarten is being offered every day in all Rainbow Schools. The new Early Learning Program was introduced at six schools - Churchill Public School, Lansdowne Public School, Princess Anne Public School, Queen Elizabeth Public School, Wembley Public School and A.B. Ellis Public School. A total of 250 children are enrolled in Early Learning. The Early Learning Program will be offered in three more schools in the second phase of implementation in September 2011 - Adamsdale Public School in Sudbury, C.R. Judd Public School in Capreol and Central Manitoulin Public School in Mindemoya. The program will be phased into all schools over the next five years. In Early Learning Program schools, a teacher and early childhood educator lead the program, with average class sizes of 26 children. For a fee, parents have the option of enrolling their children in before and after school programs, providing continuity of learning and a seamless day for families. A revised curriculum document is guiding the implementation of this program for four and five-year-olds in both the day and extended day components. With full day Junior Kindergarten available every day, all children are immersed in a rich play-based learning environment.

Quality schools where character counts

Honesty, respect, empathy, responsibility, integrity, courtesy, resilience, acceptance, courage and co-operation are the character attributes that will be modeled, taught and expected in Rainbow Schools. These ten traits, adopted at the regular Board meeting on January 18, 2010, provide the foundation for ongoing character development in elementary and secondary schools. The traits were approved following a series of school and community consultations held during the 2009-2010 school year.

Equity and Inclusive Education The Board approved a new Equity and Inclusive Education Policy, as well as a new Religious/Spiritual Accommodation Policy, in the fall of 2010. Existing policies have been reviewed and will be updated on a regular basis. Ongoing communication will focus on students, staff, parents/guardians and stakeholders. School and community members are being invited to continue to participate in a Board Steering Committee in order to provide input. Progress will be monitored at the school and Board level using the templates from Ministry of Education guidelines.

Welcome to Kindergarten

Sixteen schools offered the Learning Partnership’s Welcome to Kindergarten orientation in 2009-2010. Three and four-year-olds were invited into Kindergarten classrooms to participate in pre-school activities and connect with staff in preparation for school. Parents and children received early learning resources for use at home. All schools will offer Welcome to Kindergarten in 2010-2011. | Reaching minds. Touching hearts.


Ensure success for all students 6

Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Results Levels 3 and 4 Primary Division (Grades 1 to 3)

2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 20092005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Junior Division (Grades 4 to 6)

2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 20092005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Reading - RDSB 50% - Prov. 59%

53% 62%

56% 62%

57% 61%

52% 61%

57% 62%

Reading - RDSB 57% - Prov. 63%

61% 64%

60% 64%

64% 66%

68% 69%

69% 72%

Writing - RDSB 44% - Prov. 61%

51% 64%

55% 64%

61% 66%

57% 68%

65% 70%

Writing - RDSB 50% - Prov. 59%

58% 61%

55% 61%

62% 67%

62% 67%

66% 70%


64% 68%

65% 69%

61% 68%

62% 70%

65% 71%


60% 61%

56% 59%

59% 61%

58% 63%

56% 61%

- RDSB 61% - Prov. 66%

RDSB Results from 2004-2010 by Sub-group

- RDSB 62% - Prov. 60%

RDSB Results from 2004-2010 by Sub-group

2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 20092005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 20092005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Reading - F - M - S - E

56% 46% 9% IS

59% 47% 20% IS

59% 52% 21% IS

64% 51% 21% IS

56% 49% 27% IS

62% 53% 25% IS

Reading - F - M - S - E

65% 49% 18% IS

68% 55% 26% IS

67% 53% 27% IS

73% 56% 27% IS

76% 60% 36% IS

74% 64% 36% IS

Writing - F - M - S - E

53% 38% 10% IS

62% 40% 19% IS

63% 47% 21% IS

70% 53% 45% IS

65% 49% 42% IS

72% 59% 44% IS

Writing - F - M - S - E

62% 39% 10% IS

70% 46% 16% IS

69% 40% 15% IS

72% 52% 28% IS

75% 50% 30% IS

77% 65% 32% IS


58% 63% 34% IS

65% 64% 39% IS

64% 66% 37% IS

61% 60% 35% IS

67% 59% 34% IS

64% 67% 35% IS


63% 61% 29% IS

63% 57% 26% IS

56% 57% 27% IS

58% 60% 27% IS

63% 54% 28% IS

57% 54% 28% IS

- F - M - S - E

F = Female M = Male S = Special Education E = English Language learners

- F - M - S - E

F = Female M = Male S = Special Education E = English Language learners

Provincial Results from 2004-2010 (Primary)

Provincial Results from 2004-2010 (Junior)

2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 20092005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 20092005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Reading - H - PA - L

79% 59% 47%

79% 62% 49%

73% 62% 45%

73% 61% 49%

75% 61% 41%

75% 62% 41%

Reading - H - PA - L

74% 63% 52%

77% 64% 46%

74% 64% 54%

77% 66% 53%

79% 69% 53%

82% 72% 55%

Writing - H - PA - L

73% 61% 44%

78% 64% 41%

79% 64% 46%

79% 66% 44%

82% 85% 68% 70% 40% 44%

Writing - H - PA - L

71% 59% 42%

76% 61% 44%

74% 61% 49%

79% 67% 52%

78% 67% 50%

83% 76% 46%


81% 66% 53%

80% 68% 55%

81% 69% 50%

80% 68% 51%

84% 70% 46%


72% 60% 50%

80% 61% 45%

71% 59% 46%

76% 61% 41%

76% 63% 47%

76% 61% 43%

- H - PA - L

H = Highest PA = Provincial Average L = Lowest English Language Board level results

83% 71% 48%

- H - PA - L

H = Highest PA = Provincial Average L = Lowest English Language Board level results

Note: E consists of a very small cohort and, in some cases, represents the results of one or two students. IS = Insufficient data for reporting purposes Levels 3 and 4 represent the provincial standard (70 per cent or more).

Larchwood Public School has received the Dr. Bette M. Stephenson Recognition of Achievement Award from the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). The award recognizes the school’s efforts at improving student achievement in reading, writing and math. Larchwood Public School’s success story was profiled in EQAO’s 2010 Provincial Report, which is shared with schools across Ontario. The entire school community - including students, teachers, administrators and parents - are to be commended for these impressive gains. | Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Grade 9 Mathematics - Academic 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 All Students - RDSB 66% 74% 60% 74% 77% 78% All Students - Prov. 68% 71% 71% 75% 77% 82%

★ Sixteen per cent of learners in Rainbow Schools have a special education designation.

★ The Board has one per cent of learners whose language is not the language of instruction.

★ Eight per cent of students are selfidentified as First Nation, Métis and Inuit (including students identified through education service agreements).

RDSB Results from 2004-2010 by Sub-group

★ Rainbow District School Board is on track to meet the Province of Ontario’s target of 75 per cent on EQAO Grade 6 reading, writing and mathematics assessments by 2011 based on the trend line, with gains of between two and four per cent. All elementary schools are provided with release time for learning cycles. Seventeen elementary schools will meet throughout the year and network based on the learning needs of their schools as part of the Schools in the Middle strategy. Teachers and principals will continue to engage in learning cycles as the model for teaching and learning. With the support of a program consultant, teachers will participate in professional learning, use assessment for learning to guide instruction, moderate student work, set high expectations for students, share high-yield teaching strategies and reflect on next steps. Special consideration will be given to closing the gap for boys, students who are First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and students with learning disabilities.

67% 66% 55% 50%

71% 56% 76% 65% 71% 54% 0% 100%

71% 76% 78% 77% 57% 76% 100% IS

76% 81% 79% 67%

Provincial Results from 2004-2010 (Grade 9 Math Academic) H PA L

★ Ninety-one per cent of primary classes have 20 or fewer students. ★ Sixty-one per cent of students achieved 16 or more credits as of June 30th, 2009.


04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10

04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 95% 68% 49%

81% 71% 46%

83% 71% 32%

88% 75% 50%

86% 77% 31%

English Language Board level results

90% 82% 53%

Grade 9 Mathematics – Applied 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 All Students - RDSB 19% 34% 31% 30% 33% 36% All Students - Prov. 27% 35% 35% 34% 38% 40%

RDSB Results from 2004-2010 by Sub-group

04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 F M S E

14% 22% 5% IS

26% 24% 32% 39% 38% 29% 24% 29% 26% IS IS IS

28% 39% 31% IS

29% 42% 31% 50%

Provincial Results from 2004-2010 (Grade 9 Math Applied)

04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10


53% 27% 15%

58% 35% 18%

64% 35% 7%

53% 34% 15%

67% 38% 23%

63% 40% 25%

English Language Board level results

Grade 10 OSSLT

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 Success Rate - RDSB 81% 78% 78% 79% 82% 81% Success Rate - Prov. 82% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84%

RDSB Results from 2004-2010 by Sub-group

04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 F M S E

77% 65% 41% IS

78% 68% 37% IS

75% 66% 37% IS

75% 67% 37% IS

79% 68% 44% 67%

82% 74% 42% IS

Provincial Results from 2004-2010 (Grade 10 OSSLT) H (First-time PA eligible) L

04-05 90% 82% 69%

05-06 92% 84% 74%

06-07 91% 84% 73%

07-08 92% 84% 75%

08-09 92% 85% 72%

09-10 92% 84% 69%

English Language Board level results F = Female M = Male S = Special Education E = English Language learners

H = Highest PA = Provincial Average L = Lowest


Ensure success for all students 8

Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)

Strategies implemented in Rainbow Schools to improve reading, writing and math are having a positive impact on student achievement. EQAO assessments administered in 2009-2010 continue to show gains over time, with significant year over year increases. These results are a tribute to classroom teachers and instructional leaders in Rainbow Schools who continue to make reading, writing and math a priority. Learning Cycles,

Demonstration Teachers Junior and intermediate demonstration teachers enable teachers to learn from each other, one of the most effective ways of influencing student learning. Teachers visit junior and intermediate demonstration classrooms to observe literacy, assessment for learning and differentiated instruction strategies. Visiting teachers spend time planning strategies for their own classes and implement new strategies in their own classrooms.

Framework Schools Framework Schools receive additional support for literacy, assessment for learning and differentiated instruction. In 2009-2010, teachers at ten elementary schools and three secondary schools received release time to work with a consultant or co-ordinator. A team of principals, superintendents and federation representatives visited these schools in the fall and spring to provide ongoing feedback and support.

Demonstration Teachers and Framework Schools are three of a number of strategies having a positive impact on student success.

Learning Cycles All elementary teachers and many secondary teachers engage in Learning Cycles. Teachers work in teams to focus on the needs of their individual students. Special attention is placed on assessment for learning and differentiated instruction strategies. Some of these strategies include writing and implementing clear learning goals in student friendly language and using descriptive feedback to support learning processes. Co-ordinators work with applied Grade 9 and 10 math, science and English teachers to support students so they can be successful in learning grade-appropriate concepts.

Ontario Focused Intervention Partnership (OFIP) OFIP schools are selected by the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat based on their EQAO results over the past two years. OFIP schools receive release time and resources to enhance literacy learning.

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Summer Literacy Camp

More opportunities to succeed

Thirty-five Grade 1 and 2 students participated in Rainbow District School Board’s first Summer Literacy Camp. Funded by the Ministry of Education, the program combined intensive instruction in reading with recreational activities. The City of Greater Sudbury Leisure Services Department and the Sudbury & District Health Unit partnered with the Board to assist with the recreational component.

Students can recover credits in less than the 110 hours required to repeat an entire course. Credit recovery focuses on key learning that students must achieve. Credit rescue programs are also offered in all secondary schools. Student success teams recommend students for the program. Students receive support with assignments as well as organizational and time management strategies. Rainbow District School Board offers Specialist High Skills Major programs in arts and culture, health and wellness, mining, business, energy and, new for the fall of 2010, the environment and manufacturing. As of 2010-2011, each Rainbow secondary school offers at least one Specialist High Skills Major.

Mathematics Instruction Grade 3 to 6 teachers are developing implementation strategies for teaching through problem solving. Participants visit a mathematics classroom to deepen their understanding of effective instructional strategies. In 2009-2010, networks of principals and teachers from two schools joined together to plan and teach a lesson. They analyzed and monitored evidence of student learning. As a result, participants developed their math content knowledge and refined instructional practices in order to better meet the learning needs of their students. In Grade 9 mathematics, initiatives are focusing on increasing student achievement through the development of deep understanding of research based instructional strategies. Students are engaged in their learning through the use of Senteo response systems, interactive whiteboard activities and differentiated instruction.

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Rainbow District School Board’s success rate on the OSSLT has remained relatively stable. In Rainbow Schools, reading and writing is taught in all subject areas and this continues to be an effective approach. Embedding literacy across the curriculum demonstrates that good reading and writing skills are essential to all learning. It also supplements the explicit instruction that students receive in English. Literacy strategies targeted to specific learners, such as boys and students who benefit from assistive technology, have also proven to be beneficial. Literacy teams ensure that differentiated strategies are in place to support students. This includes the use of technology such as Premier, Kurzweil, Co-Writer and Write Out Loud. The Board has a license for parents and students to use Premier technology at home.

Dual credit programs enable students to earn credits that can be applied towards both their secondary school diploma and their postsecondary diploma, degree or apprenticeship certification. Co-operative Education now offers continuous intake throughout the school year.

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.



This flexibility has enabled more students to re-engage in school when they are ready to do so. The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program is giving senior students an opportunity to begin a career in a skilled trade while attending high school. The number of students enrolled in Summer Co-operative Education more than doubled in 2010, enabling students to supplement their secondary school education with two additional credits. Rainbow District School Board provides a number of online secondary school courses. e-Learning gives students more opportunities to earn credits and achieve success.

First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education The First Nation Advisory Committee as well as families and communities were consulted in the development and delivery of programs and services for First Nation, Métis and Inuit students.

The First Nation, Métis and Inuit Guide for Staff was officially launched in January 2010 to provide staff with strategies and practices that are locally approved and culturally appropriate. A Transitions Guide for Staff was developed to support First Nation, Métis and Inuit students as they undergo transitions.

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Professional learning for staff included cultural awareness, curriculum connections and network opportunities. An oral language specialist promoted knowledge of First Nation dialects in schools and in local communities. The population of First Nation, Métis and Inuit children and youth in Rainbow Schools increased, as did participation in the voluntary self-identification process. Cultural learning opportunities hosted at schools, such as drumming, elders in schools and tipi teachings, enabled students to learn and participate in activities that enhance their understanding of First Nation, Métis and Inuit culture, history and perspectives. Rainbow District School Board hosted the third annual Youth Education Day for Grade 7 and 8 students in partnership with the City of Greater Sudbury, Laurentian University and Cambrian College in conjunction with the Northern Aboriginal Festival. The Youth Leadership Group participated in a leadership camp where they earned ORCA qualifications, developed team work skills and were mentored by First Nations leaders and elders. Native Studies courses were offered in all secondary schools. Native Language courses are offered in six secondary schools, eleven elementary schools, as well as the N’Swakamok Native Alternative School.

Aboriginal secondary students participated in the dual credit Native Social Work course offered for Aboriginal students by Laurentian University. The N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre, in partnership with Rainbow District School Board, provided an alternative school setting and secondary credit options for First Nation, Métis and Inuit students who are 16 to 18 years of age and 18 years of age or older. Three alternative programs provided Grade 9, 10 or 11 students with the opportunity to achieve three compulsory credits from one teacher in a culturally inclusive setting at three secondary schools. Kenjewin Teg Educational Institute and Manitoulin Secondary School partnered to offer a four-credit outdoor education program that included credits in leadership, physical education and environmental science. First Nation, Métis and Inuit Support Workers provided opportunities for students to meet, connect with students like themselves, plan projects and get assistance in secondary schools. The Aaind Enookiiyang (Some of the Things We Do) newsletters highlighted new staff hires, breakfast programs, transition nights, and local community gardens developed by youth as part of an anti-poverty campaign. A First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Lead facilitated all of these initiatives and made connections between students, staff, families and communities.

Special Education Rainbow District School Board offers seven Intensive Support Programs at the elementary and secondary levels. As of October 31st, 2010, 1,255 elementary students and 1,014 secondary students were identified with special needs.

Students from Gatchell School continue to gain important life skills. Sudbury Developmental Services, the Sudbury Regional Hospital Children’s Treatment Centre and Rainbow District School Board have formed a partnership to provide Simulated Healthy Independent Living Opportunities (SHILO) for students. Young people with developmental challenges are preparing for the transition to independent living as part of their regular school day. SHILO is now offered to students in Life Skills Programs in Rainbow secondary schools.

To ease the transition, secondary schools host Open Houses for students and parents to highlight pathways for exceptional students in Grade 6, 7 and 8. Participants receive information about the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, a Certificate of Achievement, or a Certificate of Accomplishment. Rainbow District School Board has five section agreements with the Child and Family Centre for students who have behaviour, social and emotional challenges. Other agencies that provide services through unique agreements include North East Mental Health, the Children’s Treatment Centre and Northern Youth Services. Cecil Facer Secondary School, located in the Cecil Facer Youth Centre, offers educational programs for young persons who have been in conflict with the law. The students thrive in the small class setting with emphasis on literacy, numeracy and life skills. The programs are complemented by apprenticeship, technical and vocational skills training as well as Co-operative Education and employment preparation. The Attendance Centre helps these students make the transition into a regular secondary school. Rainbow District School Board offers alternative educational programs. Alta Cambrian is designed to support students, aged 17 and 18, who will benefit from a small class learning environment and who have not been successful in a regular secondary school setting. Alta Bancroft is

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.



an alternative program for secondary school students ages 14 to 16. The Alternative Program Elementary gives students in Grades 6 to 8 an opportunity to develop the personal, interpersonal and academic skills that, in the past, have prevented them from succeeding in a regular school program. Students who have been suspended for six or more days or expelled are supported in both academic and non-academic areas through the Restart program, offered in Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin.

Use of technology All Rainbow Schools have SMART boards, creating a dynamic learning environment for students and staff. Teachers bring lessons to life in real time, engaging students in new and innovative ways. Students interact with the technology, making learning fast-paced and fun.

Engaging Parents Innovative parent involvement projects were implemented in Rainbow Schools thanks to funding provided by the Ministry of Education’s Parent Engagement Office. Eight Rainbow Schools shared $6,555 in Parents Reaching Out Grants to support School Council initiatives to further engage parents/guardians in their child’s learning. Activities ranged from literacy and numeracy family fun nights, to the establishment of a parent resource centre, to a parent conference on special education, workshops on differentiated learning and an Aboriginal celebration evening.

In addition to SMART Boards, other technology being used in Rainbow Schools includes LCD projectors, First Class conferences, document cameras, podcasts, classroom websites, school websites, assistive technology, e-Learning courses, the Ontario Educational Resource Bank and ePearl electronic portfolios, which encourage active reflective learning.

The Parent Involvement Committee invited Susan Hess, the mother of a daughter with serious mental health problems, to share her story and the story of other courageous children and their families who have let their names stand on a Quilt of Honour. Susan Hess was a member of the Board of Children’s Mental Health Ontario for six years. Holocaust Survivor Eva Olsson shared her poignant and powerful life story with the community at a special evening presentation. Rainbow District School Board unveiled two new resources for students and parents to support French Immersion and Core French - a booklet called “La boîte à outils” and an accompanying interactive website. Funded by the Ministry of Education and the Government of Canada, the resources will help parents/guardians learn French along with their children.

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Ensure efficient business management

Budget 2010 -2011

Rainbow District School Board approved a budget of approximately $172 million for the 2010-2011 school year at the regular Board meeting on Monday, June 21, 2010. Like most school boards in Ontario, Rainbow District School Board continues to experience declining enrolment. The 2010-2011 budget provides the financial framework for Rainbow District School Board to achieve its priorities – ensure success for all students, ensure efficient business management, and promote succession planning and talent development. Provincial funding for 2010-2011 has increased by 1.3 per cent. The Province has allocated funding for the introduction of the new Early Learning Program in six Rainbow Schools and the ongoing implementation of retrofits to achieve energy savings. Provincial support declined in a number of areas. Rainbow District School Board will lose $187,000 overall to operate its schools in 2010-2011 and another $286,000 in 2011-2012. In addition, the school renewal grant has dropped to $2.9 million, which means the Board will have less money to repair its aging infrastructure. The Board will need to continue to maximize its resources to ensure it provides the best education possible for students in quality school facilities. The 2010-2011 budget includes the introduction of full day every day Junior Kindergarten in all Rainbow Schools. The Board also approved funding to renew some computers for teachers and upgrade the wireless network in secondary schools. A total of 78 per cent of the budget or $133 million has been allocated to salaries and benefits. Eight per cent of the budget will go towards supplies and services, eight per cent to fees and contracts, and two per cent to capital and replacement projects in the 2010-2011 school year.

Diane Cayen-Arnold, Superintendent of Business

Enrolment at a Glance ★ Enrolment at October 31, 2010 was 14,531 students. ★ There were 8,843 students enrolled in the elementary panel, including 6,476 students in the English Program and 2,367 students in the French Immersion Program. ★ There were 5,688 students in the secondary panel, including 4,997 students in the English Program and 691 students in the French Immersion Program.

★ In the 2010-2011 school year, 787 children entered Junior Kindergarten in Rainbow Schools. ★ A total of 787 children enrolled in Senior Kindergarten. ★ A total of 1,155 students registered for Grade 9 classes in area Rainbow Schools. ★Enrolment is calculated as full-time equivalents.

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.



Rainbow Schools

Sudbury, Espanola, Manitoulin Island and Shining Tree Rainbow District School Board provides quality education to students in Sudbury, Espanola, Manitoulin Island and Shining Tree in 38 elementary schools and 10 secondary schools. The Board also operates educational programs at the Ruth MacMillan Centre, Frank Flowers School, Cecil Facer Secondary School, Alta Bancroft, Alta Cambrian and N’Swakamok Native Alternative School. In Rainbow Schools, programs focus on academic excellence and character development for all students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 in English, Core French and French Immersion. Quality programs, caring teachers, and a nurturing environment where character counts combine to make Rainbow Schools great places to learn.

Rainbow District School Board covers a geographic area of more than 14,757 square kilometres in Sudbury, Espanola, Manitoulin Island and Shining Tree.

2010-2011 Budget Process

Inclusive. Comprehensive. Focused on Accountability. Public Input

Starting Point

Did you know?

Long before budget discussions begin, the Board invites the community to provide input.

The 2009-2010 expenditure budget was used as the base for the 2010-2011 budget, adjusted: • to exclude one-time budget allocations • to include inflationary pressures such as increased utility costs • to include contractual/statutory increases due to collective agreements • to reflect the impact of enrolment projections on staffing • to allow for the implementation of the 2010-2011 Special Education Plan

The Province of Ontario determines funding allocations for school boards.

School Councils, principals, teachers, unions and the public at large are given an opportunity to share their ideas in keeping with Board priorities. Ideas are reviewed and, as appropriate, forwarded to the Board for consideration as part of the budget process. Rainbow District School Board thanks all those who provided valuable input.

The 2009-2010 revenue budget was used  as the base for the 2010-2011 budget, adjusted: • to reflect 2010-2011 funding from the Province based on projected enrolment

Funding is provided by the Ministry of Education through a series of grants. When approving its budget, Rainbow District School Board must work within the funding limitations established by the Province. School boards must balance their budgets on an annual basis. School boards are mandated to deliver curriculum/programs to students within the funding provided by the Province.

For more information about the 2010-2011 budget, please contact Rainbow District School Board, 69 Young Street, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 3G5 | Tel: 705.674.3171 | Toll Free: 1.888.421.2661 | Fax: 705.674.9112 |

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

2010 -2011 Budget Overview ★ Full day Junior Kindergarten is being offered every day in Rainbow Schools in Sudbury, Espanola, Manitoulin Island and Shining Tree effective September 2010. ★ Six schools are implementing the new Early Learning Program, which includes an optional before and after school component for four and five-year-olds for a fee. ★ First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education strategies continue to benefit Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students. ★ Priority Schools funding has been received to expand community use of Lansdowne Public School, Queen Elizabeth Public School and Little Current Public School after school hours and on weekends. ★ Rainbow District School Board has received $2.6 million to implement more energy efficiencies. ★ Funding has been provided to support numeracy and literacy, including professional learning. ★ French Immersion and Core French is benefiting from French Second Language funding. ★ Safe schools funding has been provided to continue to improve the school climate and offer training. ★ Secondary schools are receiving office support for Ministry of Education reporting and training of new employees. ★ The professional learning budget for teachers has been reinstated. ★ Funding has been provided for a junior demonstration classroom teacher.

Personnel Complement

Our human resources are our greatest asset. Teaching and non-teaching staff bring their individual and collective experience to the Board, making Rainbow Schools great places to learn.

Rainbow Schools - Personnel

Actual 2009-2010

Budget 2010-2011

589 420

599 410

61 17 15

62 18 12



168 0 143 31 21 0 50 1603

167 11 138 31 22 4 50 1610

Teaching Elementary Schools Secondary Schools

Non-teaching Principals/Vice-Principals Consultants/Co-ordinators Itinerant Teachers Secretaries in schools/ The Gord Ewin Centre, Media Centre Custodial/Maintenance Early Childhood Educators Educational Assistants Technicians Student Services Aboriginal Support Workers Board Office Total

Overview of Facilities Since 1998, Rainbow District School Board has significantly consolidated its facilities to ensure the most effective and efficient use of space. This means less money is spent on facilities and more money is channeled directly into the classroom, where it will benefit students the most. The following figures do not include programs operated at the Ruth MacMillan Centre, Cecil Facer Secondary School, Alta Bancroft, Alta Cambrian, Frank Flowers School and N’Swakamok Native Alternative School.

Facilities Elementary Schools Secondary Schools Administration Total



45 12 5 62

38 10 1 49

★ Some computers for teachers are being refreshed. ★ The wireless network in secondary schools is being upgraded. ★ An off-site recovery system for data is being established.

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.



Sources of Revenue

Due from the Province:

a. (39.2%) b.


l. (0.3%) k. (2.3%) j. (2.5%) i. (2.6%) h. (1.2%)



g. (10.7%)

e. f.


(6.6%) (0.6%) (2.8%)

What Goes Where

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Pupil Foundation Grant School Foundation Grant Special Purpose Grants Transportation Declining Enrolment Administration and Governance Pupil Accommodation Debt Charges

$67,483,000 11,617,000 41,982,000 11,425,000 1,026,000 4,765,000 18,463,000 2,112,000

Subtotal Provincial Funding 158,873,000 i. Education Programs / Other 4,403,000 Total Provincial Funding


j. First Nations Tuition Fees k. Reserve Funds l. Miscellaneous Total revenue

4,258,000 4,003,000 448,000 $171,985,000

How the Board allocates its budget to have the greatest impact on the classroom.

Expenditures by Object

h. (2.6%) g. (0.1%) f. (1.2%) e. (8.2%) a. (68.6%)

d. (2.0%)

a. Salaries $117,948,000 b. Employee Benefits 15,071,000 c. Supplies and Services (including P.D.) 14,687,000 d. Capital and Replacements 3,442,000 e. Fees and Contracts 14,179,000 f. Debt Charges 2,112,000 g. Other 143,000 h. Education Programs / Other 4,403,000 Total expenditures $171,985,000

b. (8.8%) c. (8.5%)

Expenditures by Function

i. (2.6%) h. (0.2%) a. (58.8%) b. (7.4%) c. (5.8%)

g. (7.2%) f. (13.5%)

d. (1.4%) e. (3.1%)

a. Instruction $101,066,000 b. School Management 12,785,000 c. Student Support Services 10,051,000 d. Teacher Support Services 2,352,000 e. Administration and Governance 5,256,000 f. Pupil Accommodation 23,142,000 g. Transportation 12,601,000 h. Other 329,000 i. Education Programs / Other 4,403,000 Total expenditures $171,985,000

Expenditures by Function a. Instruction: Money spent directly in the classroom, on teachers and textbooks. b. School Management: Principals, Vice-Principals, School Secretaries and office supplies. c. Student Support Services: Computer Technicians, Library Technicians, Library teachers and Guidance teachers. d. Teacher Support Services: Co-ordinators and Consultants who provide program support to teachers in schools, benefiting all students. e. Administration and Governance: Board Office staff as well as Trustees. f. Pupil Accommodation: The cost to operate, maintain and renovate Board buildings, primarily schools. g. Transportation: Student busing to and from school.

Ensure efficient business management Revitalizing Rainbow Schools Walden Public School

Valley View Public School

Rainbow District School Board’s second green school, which opened in the fall of 2009, will be showcased at an international conference on sustainability. Walden Public School has been selected as one of the poster projects for a presentation on Canada’s most environmentally advanced buildings at Sustainable Buildings 2011 to be held in Helsinki, Finland from October 18 to 21, 2011.

Rainbow District School Board’s first green school is among the top performing schools in Canada. Valley View Public School, which opened in the fall of 2007, ranked third on the Enerlife 2008 List of Top Energy Performing Schools. Espanola High School ranked 16th on the list. On average, top performing schools use 40 per cent less energy. Forty school boards and more than 400 schools were included in the 2008 dataset.

Green features at Walden Public School include geothermal heating and cooling systems, radiant floor heating, displacement ventilation, energy efficient fixtures, occupancy sensors, waterless urinals and a wind turbine. In addition, Rainbow District School Board has received $971,800 under the Renewable Energy Funding for Schools initiative to install a 100 kilowatt solar photovoltaic system on the roof of Walden Public School. The project will be completed by August 31st, 2011.

Espanola High School is achieving savings with the installation of energy efficient boilers, new windows and lighting retrofits. Go green features at Valley View Public School include geothermal heating and cooling systems, radiant floor heating, displacement ventilation, occupancy sensors, waterless urinals, sun screening devices and a wetland biofilter to remediate sanitary waste.

Sudbury Secondary School The renewal of Sudbury Secondary School began in September 2008 with the revitalization of the A wing which runs along Mackenzie Street, including a displacement ventilation system, new energy efficient washrooms, lighting and boilers, new state-of-the-art science labs, a family studies area, sewing room, weight room, computer labs and cafeteria. An addition accommodates change rooms adjoining a newly renovated gymnasium. The new arts wing will have modern music rooms and studios for dance, drama, visual arts, photography and media arts. The arts wing will also house a new library, wood shops, auto shops and administration offices. This part of the building will be connected to the Sheridan Auditorium, which is also being upgraded as part of the school renewal project. Demolition of the B and C wings, which run along Baker and College Streets, will occur in 2011.

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.


Princess Anne Public School


The renewal of Princess Anne Public School began in May 2010 and is scheduled to be complete in the fall of 2011. The school is being upgraded with a displacement ventilation system as well as new energy efficient washrooms, boilers and lighting. A two-storey addition of approximately 29,000 square feet will house a new gymnasium, the Early Learning Program, a music room and six classrooms. The building has been designed to accommodate solar panels in the future to offset energy costs. When complete, the school will provide excellence in education to students from the Early Learning Program to Grade 8 from Princess Anne Public School and Wembley Public School, including students from Wembley’s Intensive Support Programs.

Healthy living

Sustainability in Rainbow Schools With a focus on the environment, the economy and a just, humane, democratic, respectful society, Rainbow Schools have made tremendous progress in their efforts to Go Green/Visez Vert. Fostering a culture of conservation, implementing green technology, encouraging eco-friendly practices, and developing global citizens who care about the world in which they live have made Rainbow Schools leaders in education for sustainable development. The Sustainability in Rainbow Schools publication is available on the Board’s website -

Accommodation Review Rainbow District School Board established an Accommodation Review Committee for Alexander Public School, Algonquin Road Public School, Long Lake Public School, MacLeod Public School, Monetville Public School, R.L. Beattie Public School, Wanup Public School, Lockerby Composite School and Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School. Parents/guardians and the community at large had an opportunity to provide input as the consultative process unfolded. Working in an advisory role, the Accommodation Review Committee provided to the Board’s Administrative Council recommendations to maximize student learning within the resources available to the Board in keeping with two guiding principles – all students will continue to have access to the best programming possible in quality school facilities and surplus space will be reduced. Administrative Council examined the possible consolidation of the administrative and support services (Board Office, Gord Ewin Centre for Education, Educational Media Centre, Computer training lab, Computers in Education staff, Computer Technicians, Maintenance Shop) into one site in conjunction with the Sudbury South Accommodation Review timelines.

Deep fryers have been removed from school cafeterias and replaced with Rationale Energy Efficient Ovens. Cafeterias are now serving baked products as part of the Board’s ongoing efforts to offer healthier food choices for students. The Board is well positioned to meet the Nutrition Standards for Schools, part of Ontario’s new School Food and Beverage Policy, which come into effect on September 1st, 2011.

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Purchasing Procedures In keeping with new requirements, Rainbow District School Board has implemented supply chain management procedures. The procedures cover all aspects of the purchasing process including tendering, timelines, limits, approvals and debriefings. The procedures will further enhance transparency and accountability in the public sector.

Promote succession planning and talent development

Instructional Leadership

Future Leaders

School improvement plans reflected Board priorities, including strategies related to an inclusive school climate, character development and environmental education. School Improvement Plans focused on student learning and achievement, instructional leadership, assessment and evaluation, and curriculum and instructional strategies. In 2010-2011, the plans focus on literacy, numeracy, pathways and community, culture and caring.

In 2009-2010, aspiring leaders participated in the first year of the two-year Future Leaders Program in order to gain an understanding of leadership and management skills. Topics included emotional intelligence, behaviour management, cognitive coaching and standards and ethics.

Institute for Education Leadership Rainbow District School Board tapped into the Institute for Education Leadership online resources to further develop leadership and improve student achievement in Rainbow Schools.

Ontario Leadership Framework The Ontario Leadership Framework provided the foundation for the Future Leaders Program, the Principal/ Vice-Principal Eligibility Process, the New Principal/ Vice-Principal Mentorship Program and the Principal/ Vice-Principal Performance Appraisal.

Principal/Vice-Principal Eligibility Process Teachers and Vice-Principals interested in leadership positions were invited to apply for the Eligibility Process, which included a portfolio assessment, site visit and interview.

Principal/Vice-Principal Performance Appraisal The Principal/Vice-Principal performance appraisal process served as an important tool to foster growth by developing, supporting, and sustaining leadership of the highest quality.

Jean Hanson retired as Director of Education effective July 16, 2010 following 40 years of distinguished service in public education. On May 6, 2010, she received The Leadership in Northern Education Award presented by The Lougheed Teaching and Learning Centre of Excellence at Huntington University. The award paid tribute to her exceptional lifetime leadership and dedication to creating strategies to enhance teaching and learning experiences across Rainbow Schools and throughout the north. | Reaching minds. Touching hearts.



New Principals and Vice-Principals New Teacher Induction Program A total of 27 permanent new teachers participated in Mentorship Program Rainbow District School Board’s New Teacher Induction As part of the Just in Time Program, new Principals and Vice-Principals in their first and second years of administration were paired with experienced administrators in Rainbow Schools who served as mentors. They reviewed Board and School Improvement Plans. New administrators also participated in professional learning on a number of topics related to the instructional and operational aspects of their leadership and management roles.

New Employee Orientation Program

Program in 2009-2010. Created to help new teachers make

All new employees participated in an orientation session. Topics included organization roles and responsibilities, professional conduct, the child abuse reporting protocol, equity and accessibility, safe schools, email and use of the Internet, workplace safety as well as respectful working and learning environments.

a successful transition into the profession, the program pairs new teachers with experienced teachers as mentors throughout the year. The single most important factor in student success is the quality of teaching. As a result, the Board is committed to helping new teachers develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes required for effective teaching and learning in Rainbow Schools.

Employer Service Excellence Award

In addition to mentoring, the Teacher Induction Program includes a series of workshops on topics such as effective planning, classroom management and organization.

The Teachers’ Pension Plan has, once again, recognized Rainbow District School Board for its excellence in pension reporting with the presentation of the Employer Service Excellence Award. The award is a tribute to the efforts of staff in the Finance Department who continue to provide

Professional Learning for Experienced Principals and Vice-Principals Monthly meetings served as a forum to share best practices in sound instructional leadership and efficient school management. Emphasis was placed on outcomes for boys, Aboriginal students, students with identified learning disabilities and education for sustainable development. Professional learning through networking opportunities for Principals and Vice-Principals continued with the Ontario Principal Council initiative Leading Student Achievement: Our Principal Purpose. This initiative focuses on the professional learning of Principals and Vice-Principals as they guide teachers to enhance student achievement.

exceptional pension reporting services on behalf of Board employees. Payroll Clerk Mary FitzPatrick and Payroll Administrator Jody Levesque were praised for their diligence in maintaining accurate employee records and their timely response to priority enquiries.

School administrators focus on assessment for learning strategies during teaching learning critical pathways, set high expectations for students, guide instruction, establish high-yield strategies, moderate student work, facilitate job-embedded professional learning conversations and reflect on next steps.

35 Years of Service ★ David Parks ★ Douglas Bornn ★ Mary FitzPatrick

★ Bruno Favretto ★ Sandra Boyd

25 Years of Service ★ Lisette Bernier ★ Andrzej Blaszczuk ★ Michel Brunette ★ Terry Fallat ★ Valentina Haller ★ Susanne Leblanc ★ Suzanne McCombs ★ Ian McVey ★ Marileen Monette

Barbara Konarek Memorial Award

Laura Schmitt Program Leader Special Education Lively District Secondary School

★ Bruno Noel ★ Michelle Parisotto ★ Rheal Poulin ★ Frances Proulx ★ Michelina Scarfone ★ Dan Taylor ★ Lise Watt ★ Dayle Wright ★ Paul Wright

William N. Roman Teacher of the Year Award

2010 Awards Honouring excellence in Rainbow Schools

Rainbow District School Board paid tribute to dedicated employees, volunteers and community partners at the Board meeting held on Monday, May 17, 2010. Employees with 25 and 35 years of service were also recognized.

Awards for Outstanding Contribution to the Co-curricular Program

Community Partnership Awards

Craig Thomson

Guy Campeau

Teacher and Coach C.R. Judd Public School

Earl Coté

Co-operative Education Teacher Confederation Secondary School

David Gallant

Program Leader for Social Sciences and Coach Espanola High School

Victoria Wingate

Regional Director Mission of TEARS

Janet Gasparini

Teacher Algonquin Road Public School

Kent Rendell

Physical Education and Science Teacher and Coach Sudbury Secondary School

Go Green Globe Awards

Laura Stanyon Teacher and Coach Lockerby Composite School

Executive Director Social Planning Council of Sudbury

Awards for Excellence Pastor Steve Gudrie

Markstay Public School

Accepting the award on behalf of Markstay Public School were Principal Stephen Winckel, School Council Chair Alex Linnen, parent Natalie Lippert with daughter Hali Goatley, teacher Suzanne Montgomery and secretary Marileen Monette.

Leslie Chisholm-Paul

Educational Assistant Churchill Public School

Erminia Cocchiola Ardeth Gordon Cleaner Wembley Public School

Principal MacLeod Public School

Chelmsford Valley District Composite School

Accepting the award on behalf of Chelmsford Valley District Composite School were Principal Leslie Mantle, Go Green teacher Katie Bannister and Go Green member Elizabeth Beers.



Gatchell School

Nancy Shelsted

Teacher Wembley Public School

2009-2010 Scholarship Winners 22

CHELMSFORD VALLEY Gosselin, T.J. DISTRICT COMPOSITE Chelmsford Lions Club Award CVDCS Greenhouse Award SCHOOL

Ouimet, Wesley

Ayerst, Lauryn

Bailey, Kaitlyn

Pacan, Chasity

Baillargeon, Karly

Chelmsford Royal Canadian Legion Queen Elizabeth II Aiming #553 Ladies Auxiliary Award for the Top Scholarship

Paradis, Richard

Ballagh, Colleen

Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Award

OYAP Award

Guse, Jenna

Bowie, Victoria

Archie Wade Memorial Award Melissa Willett Memorial Award CVDCS Greenhouse Award CVDCS Greenhouse Award Burns, Kate Chelmsford Scholar Chelmsford Royal Canadian Legion Metal-Air Mechanical Systems Ltd. #553 Award Bursary Laurentian University Millennium Queen Elizabeth II Aiming Leadership Award for the Top Scholarship Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Laurentian University Legion #503 Award Entrance Scholarship CVDCS Alumni Award Mr. & Mrs. Myer Levine Scholarship Most Outstanding Student Henri, Tawneysia Xstrata Scholarship Cambrian College Laurentian University Achievement Bursary Entrance Scholarship Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Burton, Spencer Legion #503 Award Ted Favot Memorial Award

Castonguay, Corey OYAP Award

Chedore, Brittany Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Award

Chedore, Christopher

Chelmsford Lions Club Award Chelmsford Lions Service Award Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Award Ontario Principals' Council Award Specialist High Skills Major Health & Wellness Award CVDCS Staff Award

Lifetouch School Service Award CVDCS Greenhouse Award

Vale Inco Scholarship

Day, Brent

Chelmsford Fix-Auto Award

Dean, Kayla

CVDCS Heart of Learning Award

Dubreuil, Samuel

Azilda Lions Club Award CVDCS Greenhouse Award Most Outstanding Student Award Valedictorian Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Onaping Falls Lions Club Award Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Award

Co-operative Funeral Home Achievement Bursary

Patrakka, Megan Vale Inco Scholarship Voima Athletic Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Perry, Shannon

John McNeill Memorial Award Claude Gravelle Citizenship Award

Pierce, Daniel

CVDCS School Council Award Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Award The Student Leadership in Northern Education Award

Polulak, Ashley

Lamothe, Michael

Gordon Erion Memorial Award

LaRue, Zarlee

Beauchamp Insurance Bursary

CVDCS Greenhouse Award

Chelmsford Animal Hospital Award for Science Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Award

Rivait, Kayla Reid, Kayla

The Pegasus Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lahnalampi, Owynn Samas, Eric Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Award Voima Athletic Scholarship

Specialist High Skills Major in Mining Award Randy Beland Memorial Award

Leclair, Jordan

Skinner, Samantha

Lovelace, Scott

Simons, Jessica

CVDCS Alumni Award CVDCS Greenhouse Award

Cunning, Brett

Gervais, Kaitlin

Kewais, Caitlyn

Bert Galasso Memorial Award

MacDonald, Tiffany Macleod, Carley

Williamsson, Natalie

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Award Order of the Royal Purple #145 Award

Martel, Evan

OYAP Board-Wide Award

Martin, Jordan

Belanger Ford Business Award

Principal's Award for Student Leadership Valley East Lions Club Student Memorial Bursary

Bastien, Kelsey

Harry A. Tuer Memorial Award

Belec, Travis

Confederation School Council Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Bellrose, Jacob Hicks Morley Scholarship

Cowx, Ryley

Royal Canadian Legion Branch #553 & Ladies Auxiliary Award Most Outstanding Student Award Workplace Destination

Daoust, Michael Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Eaton, Jesse

Confederation Secondary School Achievement Award

Fantin, Nicholas

Chartwells Compass Group Award

Ferlotte, Jason

Confederation Secondary School Chelmsford Royal Canadian Legion Exemplary Attendance Award #553 Ladies Auxiliary Award Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Ladies Auxiliary Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Onaping Falls Lions Club Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Juston Walker Memorial Award

Chartrand's Your Independent Grocer Award


Aelick, Kayla

Staff Memorial Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Xstrata Nickel Scholarship

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Gudrie, Trevor

Kin Club of Valley East Award

Johannson-Knox, James

George Young Memorial Award

Lafreniere, Lindsay RCC Technological Award

McCutcheon, Cassandra

Hicks Morley Scholarship

O'Hearon, Kayla

Hicks Morley Scholarship Most Outstanding Student Award College Destination

Oakley, James OYAP Award

Paquette, Christopher

OYAP Award Confederation Secondary School Technological Award

Stamplecoski, Katelynn

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Student Parliament Leadership Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Strader, April

Confederation School Council Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Talevi, Emily

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award

Theriault, Courtney Laurentian University Leadership Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Most Outstanding Student Award University Destination

Violin, Alicia

Valley East Lions Club Award

Walker, Jason

Valley East Lions Club Student Memorial Bursary

Walsh, Meghan Duff Walker Memorial English Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Yensen, Renee

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Marie Martin Memorial Award


Anderson, Scott

E.H.S. Staff Bursary Burke's Custom Machining Bursary Sylvio Proulx Memorial Bursary Specialist High Skills Major in Mining Scholarship Specialist High Skills Major in Mining Award

Beaulieu, Chantal

E.H.S. Stage Band Bursary E.H.S. Student Parliament Michael Galvin Bursary C.E.P. Union of Canada (CLC/CTC) Local 74 & 74-2, Wm. H. Burnell Scholarship

Bender, Kelsey

C.E.P. & Paperworkers Union of Canada (CLC/CTC) Local 156: Kevin Vance Memorial Scholarship Richard Olivier Memorial Award

Bentley, Craig

Knights of Columbus Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Bond, Joel

Rose Fox Memorial Mathematics Award Espanola Chapter No. 257 Royal Arch Masons Bursary

Bourcier, Brandon

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 39 Bursary E.H.S. Student Parliament David Byers and Glen Arnold Memorial Bursary

Burk, Jessie

Spartan Youth Radio Bursary Manitoulin Family Resources Bursary

Burke, Joseph

Fallat, Thomas

Guidance Heads' Association Award E.H.S. Staff Bursary

Fox, Theresa

The Co-operators Bursary

Glofcheskie, Adriana

Vale Inco Scholarship Robinson's Pharmasave Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Hardisty, Carrie-Lynn

Giant Tiger Scholarship Lifetouch School Services Bursary

Hardisty, Jessica

E.H.S. Student Parliament Bursary

Hill, Logan

Ida Morrison Scholarship E.H.S. Alumni Spirit Award

Inez Pitawanakwat Memorial Bursary

Yusko Construction Ltd. Bursary


McCulloch, Andrew

Sago, Brittany Job Connect Bursary

Amirault, Cameron

Sanftenberg, Jewel

Bailey, David

Job Connect Bursary

McCulloch, Graham

of Espanola Ltd. Bursary

Moroz, Andrew

Dodge's Waste Management Ltd. Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Kelly, Jonathan

Peltier, Marcellina

OYAP Award

Kozachanko, Taylor St. Jude Parish Catholic Women's League Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

LeClair, Rachel

Dorrie Finnen Memorial Bursary Espanola Masonic Lodge #527 Bursary

Lee Segarra & Mauno Kauppi Memorial Award Spanish River #237 - Order of the Eastern Star Prize

Maslack Award

Award for Academic Excellence Lane Family Memorial Award Lasalle Secondary School Most McGregor, Kigen Outstanding Student Award Whitefish River First Nation Bursary McGill University McGregor Bay Association Shawanda, Excellence Scholarship Louis Polk Bursary Zachariah Miller Thompson National Whitefish River First Nation Bursary Foundation Scholarship McGregor, Taylor United Steelworkers Bursary Whitefish River First Nation Bursary McGregor Bay Association Louis Polk Bursary McGregor Bay Association Balson, Maegan Louis Polk Bursary Smith, Amanda Laurentian University Margaret Best Award Entrance Scholarship Morley, Kaija E.H.S. School Council Award Veteran's Transportation B & D Auto Bursary

Specialist High Skills Major in Mining Award Royal Canadian Legion Branch 39 Bursary Job Connect Bursary

Kutschke, Megan E.H.S. Alumni Spirit Award Chartwells Compass Group Bursary Espanola I.D.A. Pharmacy Bursary Espanola & District Credit Union Bussieres, Micayla Scholarship D. Peter Best Law Offices Labelle, Avery Scholarship Domtar Inc., Espanola Mill Bursary Lee Valley Autumn Leaves Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming Laderoute, Emma for the Top Scholarship Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers Bursary Case, Brian Chartwells Compass Group Bursary Jean Placken Memorial Scholarship Landry, Kendell Dodge's Waste Management Ltd. E.H.S. Stage Band Bursary Scholarship Vale Inco Scholarship Cutler, Lisa Dr. Josée Labrecque Optometrist Langlois, Larissa Bursary Huron-Superior Catholic Principals' Association Bursary Diebel, Robert Winkel's Your Independent Grocer E.H.S. Staff Bursary Scholarship Diguer, Robyn E.H.S. School Council Award E.H.S. Student Parliament Bursary Ehrhardt, Caroline

Levesque, Micheline Sabourin, Darren

Espanola Income Tax Services Bursary

Piche, Nickolas

E.H.S. Student Parliament Dave Tuer Memorial Award

Pitawanakwat, Amber Edward J. Blanchard Memorial Award

Powers, Chantal

Michael Brown, M.P.P. Award

Recollet, Lesley-Anne

St. Onge, Calyssa

C.E.P. Union of Canada (CLC/CTC) Local 74 & 74-2, Wm. H. Burnell Scholarship Winnifred Mooney Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Stables, Morgan

Jean Hanson Award Espanola Lions Club (Herman Dorriesfield) Scholarship

Sweeney, Angele

Lions Club George Morrison Community Service Citizenship Bursary Espanola Elks Lodge #346 Scholarship E.H.S. Student Parliament Bursary

Tizzard, Brittany

Pinewood Motor Inn Scholarship Knights of Columbus Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Whitefish River First Nation Bursary Wiest, Joshawa McGregor Bay Association Rainbow Country Chrysler Ltd. Louis Polk Bursary Scholarship

Richer, Rebecca

Wilson, Tessa

Cambrian College Secondary Caisse Populaire Vermillon Inc. School Achievement Award Scholarship C.E.P. & Paperworkers Union Espanola Income Tax Services of Canada (CLC/CTC) Local 156: Bursary Dean Poole Memorial Scholarship

Ruby, Olivia

Domtar Inc., Espanola Mill Scholarship Manitoulin-West Sudbury Dairy Producers Committee Bursary Order of the Royal Purple Scholarship Espanola General Hospital Bursary

Zheng, Biang (Aileen)

Auxiliary of Espanola General Hospital Bursary E.H.S. Yearbook Award Lion Harvey Dodge Award Rose Fox Memorial Mathematics Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Beaudry, Jean-Robert

Lopes Mechanical Award

Beaulieu, Karyssa Cambrian College Achievement Award

Bentzen, Reid

Lasalle Secondary School Staff Association Award

Blaseg, Kyle

Joan Mantle Music Trust Award Lasalle Secondary School Achievement Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Bonas, Lindsay Lasalle Secondary School Staff Association Award

Brideau, Stephane Northridge Savings and Credit Union Award

Brown, Crystal Lasalle Secondary School Staff Association Award

Castonguay, Laurie-Line

Northridge Savings and Credit Union Award

Cornthwaite, Brittany

Jim Turcott Memorial Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Davidson, Abigail Lasalle Secondary School Award of Merit

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.



Dussiaume, Mathieu Mainville, Michelle

Walker, Liana

Vendramin, Carlee

Copes, Nicholas

Eckert, Benjamin

Woods, Lauren


Cooper, Lindsay

Lasalle Secondary School Alumni Bursary

Lasalle Secondary School Special Academic Award University of Waterloo Entrance Scholarship

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University Bursary Lasalle Secondary School Alumni Award Sudbury Ladies' Volleyball Association Award

Maki, Christian

Garrett, Craig

OSSTF Technical Award

Jaak Valiots Memorial Award University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

McCarvell, Ashley Business Club Award

Mekers, William Lasalle Secondary School Achievement Award Lasalle Secondary School Students' Council Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University Leadership Award

Graham, Joshua Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Haq, Humma

Lasalle Secondary School Staff Association Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Moggy, Santana

Lasalle Secondary School Graduation Foundation Award

Horodziejczyk, Peter

Murphy, Ryan OYAP Award

Specialist High Skills Major in Business Award Colin Hood OFSAA School Sport Award Lasalle Secondary School Alumni Award

Nyari, James

Metal Air Mechanical Systems Limited Bursary

Ojalammi, Ashley

Ingham, Richard

Lasalle Secondary School Graduation Foundation Award

Kenny, Michael

Lasalle Secondary School Alumni Award Sudbury Ladies' Volleyball Association Award Sudbury Wolves Award

Peloquin, Jessica

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lasalle Secondary School Achievement Award

Kosiw, John

Lasalle Secondary School Graduation Foundation Award

Laporte, Derek

Pilon, Sarah

Management Elite Certificate

Plouffe, Chantal

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming Lasalle Secondary School for the Top Scholarship Achievement Award International Silverstick Prince, Holly Larry McGrath Memorial Award Modern Language Award Sudbury Minor Hockey Association Rayan, Tamara Bursary Lasalle Secondary School University of Waterloo Achievement Award President's Scholarship

Ramsey, Tanner

Lang, Genna

Garfield Weston Entrance Award Lasalle Secondary School Graduation Foundation Award

Ministry of Natural Resources Award

Lehto, Laura

Thirkill, Amanda

OYAP Award

Lemieux, Mathew Rona Cashway Award

Lasalle Secondary School Achievement Award

Lasalle Secondary School Students' Council Award

Kelly Scheuer Memorial Award

COMPOSITE SCHOOL Laurentian University French Immersion Award Abitbol, Julia Laurentian University Sudbury Multicultural Award Entrance Scholarship University of Western Ontario Lasalle Secondary School Most Outstanding Student Award Entrance Scholarship Samantha Vitone Memorial Award Bartolucci, Brent LIVELY DISTRICT SECONDARY SCHOOL

Andretta, Lucas

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award

Beneteau, Ashley Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Queenie Svensk Bursary

Dempsey, Emily OYAP Award

Ingraham, Bryce Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Ketola, Patrick

Sudbury Guidance Heads' Student Scholarship

Laframboise, Brendon Voima Scholarship

Leblanc, Maggie Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lefrancois-Bartel, Kody Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Pilbacka, Kyler

Kent Cousineau Memorial Award

Shields, Maegen Heather Stobo Seguin Memorial Award Voima Scholarship

Sitko, Christina

Janis E. Groom Memorial Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Marchigiana Association Scholarship

Battistoni, Kristin

Advocacy & Technology Award

Beange, Kristen

F. Jean MacLeod Scholarship University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship

Beland, Sophie Mathematics Award Queen’s University Entrance Scholarship Science - STEP Award Vale Inco Scholarship

Berdusco, Amy Geography Award University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship

Brooks, Matthew Gerald G. Hatch Scholarship John Cook Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Mathematics Award

Brown-Berton, Jayme-Lee Minto Scholarship Northern Cancer Research Foundation University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Carr, Garett Theatre Award

OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Laurentian University Leadership Award Edo Catherine Lively Memorial Scholarship

Caverson, Julie

Weist, Kelsi-Ann

Cleveland, Maria

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Richard S. Stephenson Memorial Scholarship

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Lockerby Composite School Alumni Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Lockerby Composite School Staff Association

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Carleton University Entrance Scholarship

Decosse, Thomas Lockerby Composite School Alumni Award Science Award

Deeth, Chelsea OYAP Award

Desforges, Denis Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Dwyer, Patrick Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Eastick, Jeffrey

Lockerby Composite School Alumni Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Falcioni, Dean

Michael Trevisiol Memorial Award

Flamand, Emileo YMCA Award

Flewelling, Lauren Bruce Hatton Cancer Award

Foschia, Giustina Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 564 Ryerson University Entrance Scholarship

Fournier, Jasmine University of Western Ontario Entrance Scholarship

Garrioch, Kelsey University of Windsor Residence Scholarship

Gervais, Anthony

Lockerby Composite School Mathematics Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Gould, Erica

Specialist High Skills Major in Health and Wellness Award

Heffern, Allison

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship University of Western Ontario Entrance Scholarship

Innocente, Samantha

MacPherson, Troy

Israelson, Sean

Mancini, Mark

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Deeda Cook Award Co-operative Education Award Photography Award Specialist High Skills Major in Mining Award University of Western Ontario Entrance Scholarship

Jelen, Meghan

Lockerby Composite School Alumni Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Johns, Zachary Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Tim Hortons Scholarship

Joseph, Melissa Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lafraniere, Jaimee Bruce Hatton Cancer Award Humanities Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Lanteigne, Jordan Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lanteigne, Justin Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Larocque, Miguel

Laurentian University Bursary Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Marrs, Riane

Lockerby Composite School Alumni Award Queen’s University Entrance Scholarship

Matte, Danielle Linda Owens Bursary Technology Award

McArthur, Samantha

Eddie's Restaurant Award

McCue, Michael Lockerby Composite School Alumni Award

McGinn, Sheldon

Michael Rollins Memorial Award University of Waterloo Entrance Scholarship

Meyer, Julia

Lavallee, Amanda

Miller, Devin

University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Moggy, Kelsie

Lessard, Adam

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Luttrell, Alannah

Bruce Hatton Cancer Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Ontario Principals' Council Award

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Northern Cancer Research Foundation

Scheer, Marty

Weirmeir, Melissa

Paul, Mitchell

Simpson, Erin

Welbourne, Jorrey

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Lockerby Composite School Canadian and World Studies Award Alumni Award Joan Mantle Music Trust Award Paul, Matthew Laurentian University English Award Leadership Award OYAP Award Laurentian University Sudbury Mine Mill & Smelter Dean’s Scholarship Workers' Union (Local 598) Award Music Award Student Council Bursary Penny, Laura - Lifetouch Canada Laura Cotesta Memorial Award Michael Trevisiol Memorial Award Mariotti, Steven Lieutenant Governor’s Pisaric, Clarissa Community Volunteer Award Brock University Walden Lions Club Scholarship Entrance Scholarship

Collège Boréal Award Physical Education Award Sudbury Multicultural Award

Dalhousie Entrance Scholarship Secondary School Student Achievement Award YMCA John Island Camp Bursary

Ogston, Wesley

Mulloy, Jordan

O’Brien, Darren

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship University of Toronto - Book Award

Price, Jasmine

A & J Home Hardware Award

Raciborski, Jordan Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Read, Kayla

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Rhodes, Steven

Lockerby Composite School Alumni Award

Romanyszyn, Victoria Jack & Maija Ceming Science Award Science Award

Roy, Benoit

KPMG Accounting Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Roy, Shelby

Eddie's Restaurant Award

Sager, Melayna Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Sanders, Timothy Carleton University Entrance Scholarship

Santi, Carly

Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 564 Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Scola, Anthony

Four Corners Vrab’s Your Independent Grocer Award

University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship

Lockerby Composite School Alumni Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University Bursary

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Collège Boréal Award

Wight, Cassandra

Voima Athletic Scholarship

Four Corners Vrab’s Your Independent Grocer Award Jim Fielding Memorial Bursary Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Smal, Justin

Yao, Jiefei

Sliede, Brittany Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Smith, Brennan

Advocacy & Technology Award

Smith, Dalton

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Secondary School Student Achievement Award

Smith, Nicholas University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship

Smith, Veronica University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship

Szymanski, Michael Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Business - Accounting Award John, Annie & John Seme II Memorial Scholarship Trust Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Mathematics Award Science - STEP Award Thayler Lindsey Scholarship Vale Inco Scholarship

Zhang, Ru

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Zhou, Catherine English Award Languages - French Award Lockerby Composite School Staff Association Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Tardif, Angela Mathematics Award


Toivonen, Michael

Andrews, Ellen

Tremblay, Scott

Banete, Andra

Computer Science Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Languages - Immersion Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Vuorensyrja, Alicia Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Ward, Cassia Visual Arts Award Technology Award

Warren, Tanner Voima Athletic Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Weirmeir, David Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Acadia University Entrance Scholarship Joan Mantle Music Trust Award Queen’s University Entrance Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Graduation Foundation Award

Barbeau, Pierre

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Council Award

Belzile, Mei-Ni

Dr. Robert John Wilson Entrance Scholarship Lincoln Might Scholarship Laking Toyota Scholarship Daphne Kochar Memorial Award

Benson, Heather Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.



Bertin-Haggart, Jessy

Guraya, Sehajmeet

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Alumni Award

Bhardwaj, Aarish Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Brown, Madison Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Vale Inco Scholarship

Haavisto, Aaron Cambrian College Entrance Scholarship

Hartwick, Bradley

Maslack Supply Limited Award Regular Officer Training Program Award

Haslam, Joshua

Chaghtai, Waseah Kanwall

Huskie Football Scholarship

Hawkins, Ryan

Brock University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship John Cook Award

Cummings, Scotty Principals’ Pursuit of Excellence Award

Douglas-Jamieson, Lorencie Dr. Albert Rose Bursary

University of Waterloo Entrance Scholarship Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Vale Inco Scholarship

University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship Knights and Ladies of Kaleva Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Staff Award

Franklyn, Alexandra

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Graduation Foundation Award

Garg, Aashish

University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Graduation Foundation Award

Germond, Caitlin

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Award of Merit

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Staff Award

Leydon, Scott

McGill University Entrance Scholarship Vale Inco Scholarship Brenda Pushman Memorial Award Waters Women's Institute Bursary Lockerby Royal Legion Scholarship

Lolas, Christos

University of Waterloo Entrance Bursary University of Waterloo President’s Scholarship of Distinction Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Graduation Foundation Award

Johnson, Jessica

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Maslack Supply Limited Award

Joncas, Amanda

YMCA Employment Services Award

Lacelle, Kaitlyn

Vrab’s Your Independent Grocer Award

Larsen, Christian University of Waterloo Entrance Scholarship University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering Scholarship Vale Inco Scholarship

Lavigne, Jeffrey Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Leadley, Roberta

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Special Merit Award

Lepage, Kendall

Vale Inco Scholarship Jane McMurray Memorial Bursary OYAP Award

Nicholson, Thomas OSSTF Technical Award

Nizzero, Alexis McMaster University Entrance Scholarship

O’Brien, Keith

Luczak, Erik

Hood, Phyllis

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship

Ouimet, Valerie

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Jacques, Stephane

Moulton, Emily

Ormsby, Keith

Brock University Entrance Scholarship OYAP Award

Macey, Logan MacTaggart, Carli-Rose

Buzzy Brown’s Brasserie Merit Award

MacTaggart, Tara

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Knights & Ladies of Kaleva Award

Maki, Heidi

Maslack Supply Limited Award

Manninen, Kendra Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Martin, Joshua

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Professional Engineers of Ontario Foundation for Education Award Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Graduation Foundation Award

McCutcheon, Cara Andrea, Melanie & Stephanie Raaska-Bran Memorial Award

Merotto, Lucas

Ontario Principals’ Council Award

Mireault, Amy

YMCA Camping Services Bursary

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Ravi, Anjali

University of Ottawa Queen’s University Entrance Scholarship Entrance Scholarship Sudbury Multicultural and Folk Arts Daphne Kochar Memorial Award Association Award

James Wendler Award

Hirvi, Maija

Knights and Ladies of Kaleva Award Suomi Lions Club Scholarship

Moore, Riley

Lucciantonio, Emma

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Voima Athletic Association Scholarship

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award

Ellsworth, Katherine

Grimard, Christopher

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Frank Ressel Memorial Award John Cook Award

Harvey’s Mallette Food Service Co-operative Education Award

Pelletier, Miranda Suomi Lions Club Scholarship

Popuri, Haritha

Roos, Caitlin McMaster University Entrance Scholarship

Rose, Alexander

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Knights and Ladies of Kaleva Award

Sajatovic, Alana

Laurentian University President’s Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Award of Merit

San Cartier, Serena Joseph Bacon Elite Athlete Award

Scherbak, Chantal

Sudbury Multicultural and Folk Arts Association Award

Schmitt, Michael Brock University Entrance Scholarship

University of King’s College Entrance Scholarship Laking Toyota Scholarship

Sheppard, Maude

Primeau, Courtney

Strasser, Douglas

Queen’s University Entrance Scholarship Queen's University Award of Excellence Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Northern Uniform Merit Award

Proudfoot, Ross

University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship Vic Mather’s Award Joseph Bacon Elite Athlete Award

Provencal, Paula Wilfrid Laurier University Entrance Scholarship

Andrea, Melanie & Stephanie Raaska-Bran Memorial Award J. W. McConnell Scholarship Vrab’s Your Independent Grocer Award

Theoret, Louidgie McMaster University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Northern Nissan Bursary

Tonelli, Leah

University of Western Ontario Scholarship of Distinction Vale Inco Reserved Scholarship Knights and Ladies of Kaleva Award Olena Pyzik Memorial Award

Rainsford, Georgina Toner, Chelsea John B. Stirling Entrance Scholarship

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Northern Uniform Merit Award

Raso, Filippo

University of Toronto Entrance Scholarship University of Toronto Scarborough Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Kristin Kivikink Memorial Award

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Alumni Award

Townend, Sarah Emily Laurentian University Leadership Award

Trayling, Emily

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Special Merit Award

Tuohimaa, Samantha

Brunetti, Danielle

O.G. Davies Memorial Bursary Manitoulin Elementary Teachers' Laurentian University Bursary Entrance Scholarship Knights and Ladies of Kaleva Award Manitoulin Secondary School Students' Council Bursary Voima Athletic Association Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Bursary

Uy, Hillary

Maslack Supply Limited Award

Burt, Kevin

Flood, Janene

Campbell Horticultural Society Bursary Gordon & Allan West Municipality Bursary Gordon Women's Institute Rev. Munro Bursary Ice Lake Community Bursary Manitoulin Family Resources Bursary Manitoulin Snowdusters Award

Domtar Inc. Scholarship Vanderbeck, Robert Gordon & Allan West Municipality Queen’s University Bursary Foster, Christine Entrance Scholarship Manitoulin Cattlemen's Association All Saints Anglican Church Bursary Maslack Supply Limited Award Bursary Gore Bay Bursary Royal Canadian Legion Western Wills, Larissa Cada, Nadja Manitoulin Bursary University of Western Ontario Jim Eadie Memorial Bursary Jean Williamson Memorial Bursary Entrance Scholarship Dr. R.B. & J.B. McQuay Memorial Helen J. Fogal Memorial Bursary Canadian Federation of University Scholarship Women Award Sheshegwaning First Nation Fowler, Kayla Knights and Ladies of Kaleva Award Bursary Lakeview School Bursary Doris Thomson Lane United Chiefs & Councils M'Chigeeng First Nation Board Memorial Award Manitoulin Bursary of Education Bursary United Chiefs and Council Wiseman, Kevin Case, Ben of Manitoulin Bursary University of Waterloo Big Lake Community Association Entrance Scholarship Bursary Frank, Daniel Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School John Budd Memorial Bursary Manitoulin Secondary School School Council Award Manitoulin-West Sudbury Students' Council Bursary Scholarship Zella McCutcheon Dr. K.J. Tipper Bursary Memorial Bursary MANITOULIN Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary SECONDARY SCHOOL Chatwell, Chase Bursary All Saints Anglican Church Bursary Abotossaway, Gabe Thomas Farquhar & Sons Ltd. Geick, Melissa Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation Bursary Family Studies Bursary Bursary M & R Jewellery Bursary John & Jennie McCulloch Manitoulin Secondary School Regner Blok-Anderson Memorial Bursary Three Fires Scholarship Memorial Bursary UCCM Anishnabe Police Busary Gelaznikas, Ashlyn Cranston, Britney Pearl Laura Finch Memorial Bursary Aiabens, Maryagnes Espanola & District Lions Club of Little Current Bursary Tehkummah First Response Bursary Credit Union Bursary Wikwemikong Nursing Home Gilpin, Charlene Royal Canadian Legion Bursary Burpee & Mills Municipality Bursary - Ladies Auxiliary Bursary Twilight Club of Providence Bay Seeds of Joy Bursary Bailey, Rebecca Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming Desaulniers, Etienne Betty Ferguson Memorial Bursary for the Top Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming Hanninen, Ty for the Top Scholarship Barss, Natasha A.J. Bus Lines Award Douglas Allen Bursary Wes Parkinson Memorial Bursary Eadie, Chelsea Little Current Fish & Game Bursary Channelview Drop-In Centre Lions Club of Little Current Bursary Harasym, Mitchell Bursary Meeker Aquaculture Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming Northeastern Manitoulin Bursary for the Top Scholarship Royal Canadian Legion Best, Jonathan Ladies Auxiliary Bursary Manitoulin Health Centre Auxiliary Harris, Brianna Bursary Carol Lane Memorial Bursary Edwards, Kendra Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Rotary Club of Gore Bay Bursary A.J. Bus Lines Award Bursary Billings Municipality Bursary Writer's Craft Award Manitoulin Snowdusters Award Masonic Lodge Education Bursary Principal's Award for Excellence Leadership Award

Hart, Hilary

Vale Inco Scholarship Little Current Medical Associates Bursary Manitoulin Chiropractic Clinic Bursary Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Bursary

Hayden, Emily

Mindemoya Guardian Pharmacy Bursary Mindemoya United Church Scholarship Scott Veterinary Services Bursary Manitoulin Fine Arts Bursary

Hayden, Kyle

Jewell's Collision Centre Bursary Arla Thibault Memorial Bursary

Head, Carly

Patricia Anderson Memorial Bursary Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Bursary Central Manitoulin Bursary

Karn, Tyler

Lions Club of Central Manitoulin Bursary Manitowaning Home Hardware Bursary Don Ridley Memorial Bursary

Leeson, Kelsey

Margaret Bond Memorial Bursary Tehkummah Township Bursary Tehkummah Triangle Club Bursary Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Bursary

Lockeyer, Devin Royal Canadian Legion Branch #177 Bursary

MacLeod, Ian

Manitoulin Transport Ltd. Scholarship

McKeen, Brenda

BMO, Bank of Montreal Bursary Manitoulin Secondary Athletic Association Bursary Turner's of Little Current Bursary Compass Group - Chartwells Food Bursary

Meinzinger, Joshua Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Meneray, Jessica

Lions Club of Central Manitoulin Bursary Millennium Bursary Compass Group - Chartwells Food Bursary Island Foodland Bursary

Middleton, Spencer

Burpee & Mills Municipality Bursary Manitoulin Transport Bursary

Nahwegahbow, Savannah

United Chiefs & Council of Manitoulin Bursary Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation Bursary Manitoulin Secondary School Three Fires Bursary United Chiefs & Council of Manitoulin Anishnabe Police Bursary

Orford, Mitchell

Mills Township Citizens Association Bursary National Wild Turkey Federation Bursary Technical Trade & Apprenticeship Bursary

Peltier, Dustin

Manitowaning Home Hardware Bursary Royal Canadian Legion Branch #177 Bursary Sudbury Anishinabek Post Secondary Bursary

Perkins, Leanne

Carl Brown & Sons Bus Lines Bursary Central Manitoulin Bursary

Phillips, Mitchell

Assiginack Municipality Bursary Lions Club of Southeastern Manitoulin Bursary

Poenn, Jonathan

Dr. D.A. Hart Memorial Bursary Little Current Guardian Pharmacy Bursary Manitoulin Secondary School Staff Bursary Dwight McGauley Memorial Bursary Rona - Tims & Co Home Centre Bursary Isobel Harry Bursary

Priddle, Alyssa

Manitoulin Transport Bursary Order of the Eastern Star Spanish River Bursary

Riching, Scott

Tom Porter Memorial Bursary Royal Canadian Legion Western Manitoulin Bursary

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.



Rumley, B. J.

Robert Conlin Memorial Bursary Lions Club of Western Manitoulin Bursary Arla Thibault Memorial Bursary

Wood, Andrew

Barry & Eric Corbiere Memorial Bursary Har-Cor Diesel Award Lions Club of Southeastern Manitoulin Bursary Sinclair, Jenna Manitoulin Secondary School Doug Patterson Memorial Bursary Staff Bursary Rockville Women's Institute Bursary Elmer & Doreen Wood Bursary

Smulders, Carson Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Wright, William Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Starke, Sydney

Northeastern Manitoulin Bursary Little Current Community Peace Scholarship Phyllis Tilston Sellers Memorial Bursary Manitoulin Secondary School Students' Council Bursary Dr. D. A. Hart Memorial Bursary

Tann, Lisa


Allard, Renée YMCA Employment and Career Award

Bedard, Natalie

Hazel Sutton Memorial Bursary OYAP Award

Big Lake Women's Institute Bursary Compass Group - Chartwells Foods Bishop, Brett Academic Award of Excellence Bursary Mindemoya Medical Clinic Bursary Royal Canadian Legion Providence Bay Agricultural Society Onaping Branch 503 Bursary Bursary Brazeau-Wilson, Manitoulin Secondary School Samantha Athletic Association Bursary J.B. Wallace Award

Third, Amanda

Gore Bay Manitoulin Lodge Auxiliary Inc. Bursary Lyons Memorial United Church Bursary Betty Ferguson Memorial Bursary

Tracey, Caitlyn

F.J. Costigan Alumni Association Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Queen's University Entrance Scholarship Sudbury Secondary School English Excellence Award

Halvorson, Justine Sudbury Secondary School Student Success Award

Dubé, Kristy-Anne

Hering, Vanessa

Visual Arts Student Award

Ernie Checkeris Award Laurentian University Leadership Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Vale Inco Science Award

Specialist High Skills Major in Business Award Governor General's Academic Medal

Flake, Thomas

Labelle, Jennifer

George Stelmack Music Award High Tech Class of '74 Reunion Bursary Kiwanis Club of Sudbury Music and Dance Performing Arts Award Romeo Cundari Memorial Music Bursary Specialist High Skills Major in Arts and Culture Award Sudbury Secondary School North Star Award Warna Timlock Performing Arts Award

Fox, Dakoda

Dormer, Jessica

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Harding, Manton

North Star Business Award

Contois, Katelynn

Sudbury Secondary School English Award

Gravelle, Julie

Dubé, Dustin

Fleming, Stacy

Academic Award of Excellence

O.G. Davies Memorial Bursary Raymond Snyder Scholarship

Harry Melnychuk Centennial Bursary Life Touch Art Award Ontario Principals' Council Student Leadership Award Terpsichore Award

Cacciotti, Chelsea-Lynne

Domtar Inc. Bursary Cook, Patrick Thomas Farquhar & Sons Ltd. Kiwanis Club of Sudbury Music and Bursary Manitowaning Guardian Pharmacy Dance Performing Arts Award Bursary Dasti, Robyn Manitoulin Secondary School Student Merit Award Staff Bursary Betty Ferguson Memorial Bursary DiPietro, Ashley Jack and Maija Ceming Wall, Daniel Chemistry Award Lions Club of Central Manitoulin Lions Club of Sudbury Award Bursary Robert Gawalko Award Central Manitoulin Bursary Manitoulin Minor Hockey Bursary DiPietro, Chealsey Lions Club of Sudbury Award

Webb, Amber

Dresen, Starlotte

Joan Mantle Music Trust Award Lieutenant Governor's Community Volunteer Award Sudbury Secondary Staff Award Joseph and Marion Castaldi Memorial Award

Gasparini, Kelsey

Huynh, Pauline

Carrington Mathematics Award Sudbury Secondary School Staff Award

Lacelle, Jennifer CTV Arts Education Award Dramatic Arts Department Award for Writing

Lafortune, Robyn

Sudbury Secondary School Student Success Award Wiinhgash (Sweetgrass Award)

Landry, Lauren

Academic Award of Excellence Denise Michalak Memorial Award High Tech Class of '74 Reunion Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lane, Donny

Academic Award of Excellence

Langlois, Sabrina

Academic Award of Excellence Benjamin Foote Merwin Jr. Memorial Award Joseph and Marion Castaldi Memorial Award Lyle S. Hallman Entrance Scholarship University of Waterloo President's Award Entrance Scholarship University of Waterloo Sudbury Secondary School Accounting Award Sudbury Secondary School Mathematics Award United Steelworkers of America Local 6500 Award

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Giles, Justine

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Sudbury Secondary Staff Award Voima Athletic Association Scholarship

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.

Larochelle, Kyle Robert Gawalko Award

Léger, Danielle

High Tech Class of '74 Reunion Bursary

Lidkea, Natasha

Family Studies Scholarship Award

MacLeod, Caressa

Denise Michalak Memorial Award

McKnight, Alison Davidson Science Award

McKnight, Rachel

McLoughlin, Justin William J.P. Mills Scholarship

Mallette, Catherine

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award Kathleen Russell Award for French Mason, Poratto-Mason LLP Law Award University of Toronto Book Award

Martin, Tamara

Kyle Manuel Memorial Award Sudbury Secondary School Dramatic Arts Award

McIntyre, Mitchell

E.J. Wiley Music Award Sudbury Secondary School Parental Involvement Committee Award

McKillop, Graeme Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Rainville, Sabrina

R.G. McDorman Physics Bursary Sudbury Secondary School Multimedia Award Sudbury Secondary School Science Award

Richard, Dillon

Harry Melnychuk Centennial Bursary Joan Mantle Arts Education Drama Award Sudbury Secondary School Student Parliament Award Sudbury Secondary School North Star Award

Prevost, Robert Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Roy, Riley-Jordan AXSYS Computer Award High Tech Class of '74 Reunion Bursary

Sylvestre, Chantal

Sudbury Secondary School History Award Sudbury Secondary School Parental Involvement Committee Award Sudbury Secondary School Vocal Music Award

2009-2010 Ontario Scholars Chelmsford Valley District Composite School Bowie, Victoria Burns, Kate Chedore, Christopher Dubreuil, Samuel Gervais, Kaitlin Gosselin, T.J. Guse, Jenna Henri, Tawneysia Pacan, Chasity Patrakka, Megan Perry, Shannon Reid, Kayla Simons, Jessica

Sabourin, Darren Smith, Amanda St. Onge, Calyssa Sweeney, Angele Wiest, Joshawa Zheng, Biang (Aileen)

Lasalle Secondary School

Dangerfield, Anthony Eaton, James Eaton, Jesse Gudrie, Trevor Levesque, Jessica McConnell, Conner O'Hearon, Kayla Oakley, James Paquette, Christopher Pollock, Zachary Ranger, Veronica Simard, Adelle Spreadbury, Melanie Stamplecoski, Katelynn Strader, April Theriault, Courtney Violin, Alicia Walsh, Meghan Watters, Brittany Willey, Perry Yensen, Renee

Bailey, David Balson, Maegan Blaseg, Kyle Bonas, Lindsay Carroll, Lacey Carter, Stacy Chamberland, Justin Cornthwaite, Brittany Cunningham, Laura Davidson, Abigail Drake, Carter Eckert, Benjamin Garrett, Craig Godin, Alysha Golde, Silvija Graham, Joshua Grandbois, Caitlin Haq, Humma Heckman, Misty Ingham, Richard Keetch, Vanessa Kosiw, John Lisi, Tyler Mainville, Michelle Mekers, William Ojalammi, Ashley Pilon, Sarah Plouffe, Chantal Pou, Chi Lam Rayan, Tamara Vong, U Cheng Woods, Lauren

Espanola High School

Lively District Secondary School

Confederation Secondary School

Akey, Tyler Beaulieu, Chantal Bender, Kelsey Bond, Joel Bourcier, Brandon Burk, Jessie Burke, Joseph Bussieres, Micayla Case, Brian Ehrhardt, Caroline Ferguson, Aaron Fraser, Melody Glofcheskie, Adriana Hill, Logan Kozachanko, Taylor Kutschke, Megan Landry, Kendell Langlois, Larissa Larson, Dennis LeClair, Rachel McCulloch, Andrew Morrissette, Michael Patterson, Kaitlyn Podlatis, Alyx Richer, Rebecca Ruby, Olivia

Allen, Amy Beneteau, Ashley Edwards, Shannen Graham, Brian Hamilton, Brett Lepage, Rory Manninen, Kayla Mirka, Keely Morin, Ariane Pakkala, Kaitlyn Paquette, Wade Rodda, Samuel Shell, Brandon Sitko, Christina Stub, Jeffery Vendramin, Carlee Weist, Kelsi-Ann

Lockerby Composite School Abitbol, Julia Alonso-Rodriguez, Willian Assinewe, Jordan Bartolucci, Brent Beange, Kristen

Beasley, Kayla Beland, Sophie Berdusco, Amy Berton, Jayme-Lee Boyce, Connor Brooks, Matthew Bryce, John-David Casey, Jessica Caverson, Dylan Caverson, Julie Clyke, Karin Collins, Spencer Cooper, Lindsay Copes, Nicholas Decosse, Thomas Derro, Leah Desforges, Denis Duchesne, Katryna Dwyer, Patrick Eastick, Jeffrey D. Flewelling, Lauren Foschia, Giustina Fyfe, Ian Gervais, Anthony Ghiandoni, Jordan Golubovich, Philip Heffern, Allison Israelson, Sean Jelen, Meghan Kangas, Chelsey Kolbasovsky, James Lafraniere, Jaimee Lamb, Dylan Lanteigne, Jordan Lanteigne, Justin Lavallee, Amanda Luttrell, Alannah MacDonald, Geoffry MacPherson, Troy Mancini, Mark Mariotti, Steven Marrs, Riane McCue, Michael Meyer, Julia Miller, Devin Moggy, Kelsie Mulloy, Jordan O’Brien, Darren Ogston, Wesley Palkovits, Justin Paul, Matthew Penny, Laura Perdue, Jason Pisaric, Clarissa Polano-Newell, Kelsie Puiras, Andrew Read, Kayla Romaniuk, Colleen Romanyszyn, Victoria Roy, Benoit Roy, Shelby Sager, Melayna Santi, Carly Scarr, Carson Scheer, Marty Shaw, Tyler Shrigley, Jeffrey Simpson, Erin Smal, Justin Smith, Brennan Smith, Dalton Smith, Nicholas

Smith, Veronica Szymanski, Michael Tardif, Angela Toivonen, Michael Tremblay, Scott Vagnini, Alison Villemere, Jessica Ward, Cassia Warren, Tanner Weirmeir, David Michael Weirmeir, Melissa Wight, Cassandra Yao, Jiefei Zhang, Ru Zhou, Catherine

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Andrews, Ellen Banete, Andra Belzile, Mei-Ni Benson, Heather Bissett, Alexander Brown, Madison Chaghtai, Waseah Kanwall Cummings, Scotty Cunningham, Daniel Eddy, Jillian Ellsworth, Katherine Franklyn, Alexandra Garg, Aashish Germond, Caitlin Gilbert, Bensen Gilbert, Rebecca Grimard, Christopher Guraya, Sehajmeet Haavisto, Aaron Hartwick, Bradley Hawkins, Ryan Hirvi, Maija Jacques, Stephane Johnson, Jessica Johnston, Ryan Kmit, Lindsay Lacelle, Kaitlyn Larsen, Christian Lavigne, Jeffrey Lepage, Kendall Leydon, Scott Lolas, Christos Lucciantonio, Emma Luczak, Erik MacTaggart, Tara Macey, Logan Maki, Heidi Martin, Joshua McCutcheon, Cara Merotto, Lucas Mireault, Amy Moore, Riley Moulton, Emily Murray, Lauren Nizzero, Alexis Nurmikivi, Anders Pelletier, Miranda Popuri, Haritha Primeau, Courtney Proudfoot, Ross Provencal, Paula Rainsford, Georgina Raso, Filippo

Ravi, Anjali Rinta, Dana-Lee Roos, Caitlin Rose, Alexander Ross, Ian Sabau, Daniel Sajatovic, Alana San Cartier, Serena Schmitt, Michael Sheppard, Maude Strasser, Douglas Theoret, Louidgie Tonelli, Leah Toner, Chelsea Topps, Nichol Townend, Sarah Emily Uy, Hillary Vanderbeck, Robert Lindsay Walker, Joseph Wharton, Tanner Wiley, Matthew Wiley, Robert Wills, Larissa Wiseman, Kevin

Manitoulin Secondary School Addison, Janelle Aelick, Tanya Bedard, Cassandra Bickell, Jordan Desaulniers, Etienne Dunlop, Courtland Eade, David Gammie, Kristen Glasby, Vanessa Green, Laura Hayden, Adrienne Labelle, Elyse Manitowabi, Gerrilynn McColman, Cassandra McDonald, Troy Murdock, Courtney Ray, Alyssa Scott, Sara Smulders, Carson Trimmer, Samuel Varey, Ryan White, Matthew Williamson, Jade Williamson, Jenna Wright, William

Sudbury Secondary School Brierley, Angelica Dormer, Jessica DubĂŠ, Kristy-Anne Fleming, Stacy Gasparini, Kelsey Giles, Justine Labelle, Jennifer Landry, Lauren Lidkea, Natasha McLoughlin, Justin Mensah, Denise Roy, Riley-Jordan Sylvestre, Chantal

| Reaching minds. Touching hearts.


Rainbow District School Board – 2010-2011 School Year

Sudbury | Espanola | Manitoulin Island | Shining Tree 69 Young Street, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 3G5 | Tel: 705.674.3171 | Toll Free: 1.888.421.2661 | Fax: 705.674.3167 | |


Adamsdale Public School Alexander Public School (FI) Algonquin Road Public School C.R. Judd Public School Carl A. Nesbitt Public School (FI) Chelmsford Public School (FI & EP) Chelmsford Valley District C.S. (Grade 7 & 8) Churchill Public School Copper Cliff Public School Cyril Varney Public School Ernie Checkeris Public School (FI) Lansdowne Public School (FI & EP) Larchwood Public School Levack Public School (FI & EP) Lively District Secondary School (Grade 7 & 8) Long Lake Public School MacLeod Public School Markstay Public School Monetville Public School Northeastern Elementary School (FI & EP) Pinecrest Public School Princess Anne Public School Queen Elizabeth Public School R.H. Murray Public School R.L. Beattie Public School (FI) Redwood Acres Public School Valley View Public School (FI) Walden Public School (FI & EP) Wanup Public School Wembley Public School Westmount Avenue Public School (FI)


Dawn Chew Jacques Mantha Bob Deeth Michael Bellrose Terry Moss Pam DeMarco Mike Mirka Dave Farrow Chris Bourré Ron Hodkinson Terry Moss Chantal Lacroix Trevor Dewitt Jack Mallette Leslie Mantle Bob Deeth Michelle Walton Stephen Winckel Paula Mackey Kathy Wachnuk Randy Wallingford Colleen McDonald Gisèle Sivret Danielle Williamson Paul Dupont Susan Cousineau Gisèle LaLonde Lesley Fisher Cathy Nursall Colleen McDonald Denise Goodmurphy


Chelmsford Valley District C.S. (FI & EP) Bilingual Trades Program Confederation Secondary School (FI & EP) Lasalle Secondary School (FI & EP) Lively District Secondary School School of Integrated Technology Lockerby Composite School (FI & EP) Science Technology Education Program Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School (FI & EP) International Baccalaureate Program Sudbury Secondary School (FI & EP) Arts Education Program

A.B. Ellis Public School S. Geiger Public School Webbwood Public School


Pablo Gil-Alfau Jeff McKibbon Leslie Mantle

705.671.5948 705.566.2280 705.692.3671

Heather Gaffney


Craig Runciman


Paul Camillo


Mike Mirka


Lynn MacDonell Kendra Mihell Kendra Mihell


Espanola High School


Marty Punkari


Assiginack Public School Central Manitoulin Public School Charles C. McLean Public School Little Current Public School

705.566.6020 705.675.5961 705.522.3171 705.671.5953 705.566.3935 705.671.5945 705.675.0225 705.566.5130 705.682.4721 705.566.2424 705.566.7610 705.675.6451 705.671.5944 705.671.5943 705.692.3671 705.522.6168 705.522.8040 705.671.5946 705.898.2785 705.675.0204 705.675.0200 705.673.6516 705.675.6198 705.671.5942 705.522.7178 705.675.0202 705.671.5956 705.692.3602 705.522.2671 705.673.1381 705.566.1770





Wayne Murdock Tracey Chapman Anna Armstrong Jamie Mohamed



705.869.1651 705.865.2052 705.869.3751


Manitoulin Secondary School


Laurie Zahnow


M.W. Moore Public School


John Capin


M.W. Moore Secondary School


John Capin










Alternative Program Elementary Iva McNair 705.674.1221 Alta Cambrian Paul Camillo 705.674.7551 Alta Bancroft Paul Camillo 705.524.5490 Cecil Facer Secondary School Linda Mende 705.522.0196 Continuing Education Centre Gloria Trudel 705.675.5481 Co-operative Education Linda Urisk 705.688.0888 First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Katherine Dokis-Ranney 705.671.5940 Frank Flowers School Program Linda Mende 705.524.3354 Gatchell School Iva McNair 705.674.1221 N’Swakamok Native Alternative School Paul Camillo 705.674.2128 Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Sharon Orlak 705.688.0888 Program Lisa Piquette 705.523.3308 Restart Program Kim Proulx 705.671.5941 Ruth MacMillan Centre Iva McNair 705.675.9193 ext. 8263 Special Education Programs/Services Margaret Stringer 705.523.3308 Student Success Judy Noble 705.523.3308 Educational Media Centre 705.675.3028 The Gord Ewin Centre for Education 705.523.3308 Transportation Inquiries 705.521.1234 (Sudbury Student Services Consortium) Toll Free: 1.877.225.1196 For bus cancellations, visit and click on Transportation. FI - These schools offer the French Immersion Program. FI & EP - These schools offer the French Immersion as well as the English Program. All other schools offer the English Program.


Tyler Campbell – Chair Doreen Dewar – Vice-Chair Grace Fox Gord Santala Robert Kirwan Dena Morrison Judy Hunda Larry Killens Bob Clement Sloan Boyd – Student Trustee

Sudbury, Area 2 Sudbury, Area 5 First Nations Sudbury, Area 1 Sudbury, Area 3 Sudbury, Area 4 Sudbury, Area 6 Manitoulin, Area 7 Espanola, Area 8

705.674.6040 705.682.9449 705.377.4615 705.866.5229 705.969.7215 705.693.0484 705.671.1640 705.859.2371 705.869.2235




705.368.7010 705.368.7005 705.368.7015 705.368.2932


Board Office Norm Blaseg Diane Cayen-Arnold Bruce Bourget Ada Della Penta Lesleigh Dye Sharon Speir Nicole Charette

705.674.3171 Director of Education Superintendent of Business Superintendent of Schools Superintendent of Schools Superintendent of Schools Superintendent of Schools Senior Advisor Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning

Toll Free: 1.888.421.2661 ext. 7254 ext. 7254 ext. 7213 ext. 7216 ext. 7213 ext. 7216 ext. 7217

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