Annual Report 2010-2011

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Annual Report


Welcome to Rainbow Schools 1 Message from the Chair of the Board 2 Message from the Director of Education 3 Trustees 3 Executive Council 4 Strategic Directions 5 Vision 5 Mission 5 Values 5 Priorities 6 Ensure success for all 15 Ensure efficient resource management 21 Promote succession planning 23 Awards 24 Scholarship Winners 29 Ontario Scholars 30 Directory

School boards in Ontario are required to produce an Annual Report in accordance with The Education Act. This Annual Report provides highlights of Rainbow District School Board’s key activities during the  2010-2011 school year. It also offers an overview of the current Board budget.

Sustainability Success Stories P Espanola High School received a $3,500 World

Wildlife Fund – Canada Green CommUnity School Grant for Spartan Youth Radio to share go green stories locally and beyond. Spartan Youth Radio is Canada’s only high school podcast radio station.

P Rainbow District School Board recycled over

P Over 2,000 students in Rainbow

P During Earth Month, Carl A. Nesbitt Public

P The Lasalle Secondary School Roots and

10,000 pounds (4,535 kilograms) of electronic equipment as part of its ongoing efforts to promote environmental sustainability. Outdated computers, servers, print cartridges and cell phones were gathered by Greentec Recycling Solutions and sent to the Greentec processing plant at no cost to the Board. School, Lockerby Composite School, Lively District Secondary School and Manitoulin Secondary School hosted electronics recycling events for the community in partnership with Greentec Recycling Solutions. A total of 75,412 pounds (34,200 kilograms) were diverted from landfill sites.

P Central Manitoulin Public School received

$1,000 from Learning for a Sustainable Future to promote sustainability. The school’s Go Green Club used the funds to provide each student with a stainless steel water bottle.

P Markstay Public School received an

EcoVoyageurs Jr. Environmental Award. The award included a $2,000 grant to support school environmental initiatives. Funds were used for further beautification and re-greening projects.

Schools participated in a Water Walk on June 9, 2011. A total of $9,510 was raised in support of Sudbury Minga for Maasai and Free the Children. Students applied for corporate donations through The Big Dreamers Foundation, bringing total donations to $12,510. Shoots Club contributed to a number of local and global causes, including Sudbury Minga for Maasai, World Vision and Pet Save. Students also volunteered at the Soup Kitchen.

P Walden Public School and

Lively District Secondary School were the first in Northeastern Ontario to receive an Ontario EcoSchools certification for their environmental efforts.

P Work was completed on

two posters showcasing go green features at Walden Public School. A model for sustainability, Walden Public School was featured as one of Canada’s most environmentally advanced buildings at Sustainable Buildings 2011 in Helsinki, Finland from October 18 to 21, 2011.

Additional copies of this report can be obtained by contacting: Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning Rainbow District School Board 69 Young Street, Sudbury ON P3E 3G5 Tel: 705.674.3171 | Toll Free: 1.888.421.2661 Fax: 705.674.3167 Email: This report is available online at

Proud to be… Leaders in Learning

It is a privilege for me, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, to present the 2010-2011 Annual Report for Rainbow District School Board to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Education, and our many partners in Sudbury, Espanola, Manitoulin Island and Shining Tree. In the 2010-2011 school year, trustees worked with Executive Council and staff to renew the Board’s vision, mission, values and priorities and map out a multi-year strategic plan. Ensure success for all remains our first and foremost priority as we bring learning to life, enabling students to fulfill their aspirations. This Annual Report, which provides a snapshot of the key activities undertaken in the 2010-2011 school year, celebrates student success. It also pays tribute to the leadership of elected trustees, the dedication of staff and the commitment of parents and community partners who supported students on their journey in learning. Once again, the school year was marked by many success stories. They included the launch of full day, every day Junior Kindergarten, the introduction of the new Early Learning Program, and the implementation of the Welcome to Kindergarten orientation sessions in all schools. At the secondary level, students continued to have many ways to achieve their secondary school diploma, including students who left school and came back.


Through many policies, programs and projects, Rainbow District School Board demonstrated its ongoing commitment to all learners in all areas – early learning, special education, First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education, French as a Second Language, character development, equity and inclusive education, and adult education. With the support of the Province of Ontario, Rainbow District School Board also continued to revitalize its schools, giving students access to the best programming possible in quality school facilities. Significant construction projects in 2010-2011 included the renewal of Princess Anne Public School and Sudbury Secondary School. An accommodation review was also completed for Sudbury South. In closing, I would like to thank the Province of Ontario for its ongoing investment in public education. I would also like to commend staff in Rainbow Schools for nurturing and fostering student success. We are proud to be leaders in learning.

Tyler Campbell

Chair Rainbow District School Board

Message from the Chair of the Board

Message from the Director of Education

Proud to bring… Learning to Life

In the 2010-2011 school year, we continued to focus our energy and resources on higher levels of student achievement, reduced gaps in student achievement and increased public confidence in publicly funded education. With the support of trustees, staff, parents and the community, Rainbow District School Board achieved positive outcomes in its priorities – ensure success for all, ensure efficient resource management and promote succession planning. This Annual Report reflects some of the key initiatives implemented in these areas as Rainbow District School Board inspired success for all students by reaching minds and touching hearts. I commend the Province of Ontario for continuing to support education as the foundation for a bright and prosperous future. With a focus on student success from the early years to secondary graduation, young people are acquiring the skills they need to become confident, well-rounded, critical thinkers. They are being prepared to build positive and productive lives as capable and contributing members of society. With efficient resource management, we are investing our financial resources in those areas where they are having the greatest impact. We are reducing surplus space, renewing our aging schools, and allocating capital dollars to provide quality learning environments for students, with green technology wherever possible. We are also giving students access to 21st century tools, making learning dynamic and relevant. By promoting succession planning, we are ensuring a high level of instructional leadership for the benefit of students, now and in the years to come. An important component of succession planning is valuing and nurturing school and work environments where all students and staff feel safe and welcome. We will continue to embrace equity and inclusion and embed its principles in all that we do. As always, our extended school community plays a critical role in helping us mentor our future leaders through parent involvement, scholarship support, Co-operative Education and other hands-on learning opportunities. On behalf of Rainbow Schools, I would like to thank our parents and partners for working with us to support student success. I would also like to thank all staff for their individual and collective contribution. We are proud to bring learning to life.

Norm Blaseg

Director of Education Rainbow District School Board


On December 6, 2010, Madame Justice Patricia C. Hennessy administered the Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance to

trustees serving on Rainbow District School Board for a four-year term beginning December 1, 2010. After the swearing in ceremony, Trustee Tyler Campbell was acclaimed Chair of the Board and Trustee Doreen Dewar was acclaimed Vice-Chair of the Board. Director Blaseg also welcomed Trustee Grace Fox who is representing First Nations for another term.

Trustees | Your Voice at the Board Tyler Campbell

Doreen Dewar

Sudbury, Area 2

Sudbury, Area 5

Board Chair 705.674.6040

Board Vice-Chair 705.682.9449

Chelmsford P.S. Lansdowne P.S. Larchwood P.S. Levack P.S. M.W. Moore P.S. Chelmsford Valley District Composite School M.W. Moore Secondary School

Alexander P.S., Algonquin P.S. Long Lake P.S., MacLeod P.S. R.L. Beattie P.S. Ruth MacMillan Centre Wanup P.S. Cecil Facer Secondary School Lockerby Composite School Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School

Executive Council

Gord Santala

Robert Kirwan

Sudbury, Area 1

Sudbury, Area 3


Copper Cliff P.S. Gatchell School Princess Anne P.S. R.H. Murray P.S. Walden P.S. Lively District Secondary School


Norm Blaseg

Director of Education

Pinecrest P.S. Redwood Acres P.S. Valley View P.S. Confederation Secondary School

Diane Cayen-Arnold Superintendent of Business

Bruce Bourget


Dena Morrison

Judy Hunda

Larry Killens

Bob Clement

Sudbury, Area 4

Sudbury, Area 6

Manitoulin, Area 7

Espanola, Area 8



C.R. Judd P.S., Churchill P.S. Cyril Varney P.S., Markstay P.S. Monetville P.S. Northeastern Elementary School Westmount Avenue P.S. Lasalle Secondary School

Adamsdale P.S. Carl A. Nesbitt P.S. Ernie Checkeris P.S. Queen Elizabeth P.S. Sudbury Secondary School


Assiginack P.S. Central Manitoulin P.S. Charles C. McLean P.S. Little Current P.S. Manitoulin Secondary School

Superintendent of Schools


A.B. Ellis P.S. S. Geiger P.S. Webbwood P.S. Espanola High School

Ada Della Penta Superintendent of Schools

Oshani Amaratunga Student Trustee Lockerby Composite School

On August 30, 2011, Oshani Amaratunga of Lockerby Composite School was sworn in as Student Trustee for 2011-2012.

Grace Fox

Superintendent of Schools

Sloan Boyd


First Nations

Lesleigh Dye

Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation Dokis First Nation M’Chigeeng First Nation Sagamok Anishnawbek Sheguiandah First Nation

Sheshegwaning First Nation Wahnapitae First Nation Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve Whitefish River First Nation Zhiibaahaasing First Nation

Student Trustee Sudbury Secondary School On August 30, 2010, Sloan Boyd of Sudbury Secondary School was sworn in as Student Trustee for 2010-2011.

During the Board meeting on November 15, 2010, Rainbow District School Board Chair Tyler Campbell paid tribute to Trustee Jeanna Miller and Trustee Ruth Ward whose four-year term of office ended on November 30, 2010.

Sharon Speir Superintendent of Schools

Reaching minds. Touching hearts. Bill 177, the Student Achievement and School Board Governance Act, 2009, mandates that each school board create a multi-year strategic plan. In the spring of 2010, Rainbow District School Board held a strategic planning session to set the direction for Rainbow Schools over the next four years. The Board developed vision and mission statements and adopted values. Three priorities were also established - ensure success for all, ensure efficient resource management and promote succession planning. The Board approved the vision, mission, values and priorities on June 20, 2011. Following this, staff worked diligently to articulate broad goals under each priority. These goals form the foundation for the Board Improvement Plan. Updated annually, the plan outlines strategies to improve student learning and achievement and ensure success for all. The vision, mission, values, priorities and goals are highlighted in Strategic Directions 2011-2015, which was approved by the Board on September 27, 2011 and subsequently shared with staff, parents/guardians and the community. Strategic Directions and the Rainbow District School Board’s multi-year plan are available on the Board’s website –



We are leaders in learning, inspiring success for all students by reaching minds and touching hearts.



We bring learning to life, enabling students to fulfill their aspirations.

P Honesty

P Integrity

P Acceptance

P Respect

P Courtesy

P Courage

P Empathy

P Resilience

P Co-operation

P Responsibility

Priorities P Ensure success for all

- Literacy and Numeracy - Pathways - Community, Culture and Caring P Ensure efficient resource management P Promote succession planning


Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Results Levels 3 and 4

Primary Division (Grades 1 to 3)

Junior Division (Grades 4 to 6)

2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 20102006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 20102006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reading - RDSB - Prov. Writing - RDSB - Prov. Math - RDSB - Prov.

53% 62% 51% 64% 64% 68%

Reading - RDSB - Prov. Writing - RDSB - Prov. Math - RDSB - Prov.

61% 64% 58% 61% 60% 61%

56% 62% 55% 64% 65% 69%

57% 61% 61% 66% 61% 68%

52% 61% 57% 68% 62% 70%

57% 62% 65% 70% 65% 71%

60% 65% 65% 73% 60% 69%

RDSB Results from 2005-2011 by Sub-group

60% 64% 55% 61% 56% 59%

64% 66% 62% 67% 59% 61%

68% 69% 62% 67% 58% 63%

69% 72% 66% 70% 56% 61%

67% 74% 63% 73% 48% 58%

RDSB Results from 2005-2011 by Sub-group

2005- 2006

2006- 2007

2007- 2008

2008- 2009

2009- 2010


2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 20102006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reading - F - M - S - E Writing - F - M - S - E Math - F - M - S - E

59% 47% 20% IS 62% 40% 19% IS 65% 64% 39% IS

59% 52% 21% IS 63% 47% 21% IS 64% 66% 37% IS

64% 51% 21% IS 70% 53% 45% IS 61% 60% 35% IS

56% 49% 27% IS 65% 49% 42% IS 67% 59% 34% IS

62% 53% 25% IS 72% 59% 44% IS 64% 67% 35% IS

64% 56% 28% IS 72% 58% 47% IS 61% 58% 26% IS

Reading - F - M - S - E Writing - F - M - S - E Math - F - M - S - E

68% 55% 26% IS 70% 46% 16% IS 63% 57% 26% IS

F = Female

M = Male

S = Special Education

E = English Language learners

F = Female

Provincial Results from 2005-2011 (Primary)

M = Male

67% 53% 27% IS 69% 40% 15% IS 56% 57% 27% IS

73% 56% 27% IS 72% 52% 28% IS 58% 60% 27% IS

S = Special Education

76% 60% 36% IS 75% 50% 30% IS 63% 54% 28% IS

74% 64% 36% IS 77% 65% 32% IS 57% 54% 28% IS

77% 59% 30% IS 77% 52% 32% IS 53% 44% 15% IS

E = English Language learners

Provincial Results from 2005-2011 (Junior)

2005- 2006

2006- 2007

2007- 2008

2008- 2009

2009- 2010


2005- 2006

2006- 2007

2007- 2008

2008- 2009

2009- 2010


Reading - H - PA - L Writing - H - PA - L Math - H - PA - L

79% 62% 49% 78% 64% 41% 80% 68% 55%

73% 62% 45% 79% 64% 46% 81% 69% 50%

73% 61% 49% 79% 66% 44% 80% 68% 51%

75% 61% 41% 82% 68% 40% 84% 70% 46%

75% 62% 41% 85% 70% 44% 83% 71% 48%

77% 65% 46% 89% 73% 46% 83% 69% 52%

Reading - H - PA - L Writing - H - PA - L Math - H - PA - L

77% 64% 46% 76% 61% 44% 80% 61% 45%

74% 64% 54% 74% 61% 49% 71% 59% 46%

77% 66% 53% 79% 67% 52% 76% 61% 41%

79% 69% 53% 78% 67% 50% 76% 63% 47%

82% 72% 55% 83% 76% 46% 76% 61% 43%

85% 74% 58% 84% 73% 55% 76% 58% 38%

H = Highest PA = Provincial Average English Language Board level results

L = Lowest

Note: E consists of a very small cohort and, in some cases, represents the results of one or two students. IS = Insufficient data for reporting purposes Levels 3 and 4 represent the provincial standard (70 per cent or more).

H = Highest PA = Provincial Average English Language Board level results

L = Lowest


Ensure success for all

Grade 9 Mathematics - Academic

All Students - RDSB All Students - Prov.

05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

74% 71%

60% 74% 77% 71% 75% 77%

78% 83% 82% 83%

RDSB Results from 2005-2011 by Sub-group

05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

71% 56% 76% 65% 71% 54% 0% 100%


71% 76% 78% 77% 57% 76% 100% IS

76% 81% 81% 85% 79% 83% 67% IS

Provincial Results from 2005-2011 (Grade 9 Math Academic)

05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11


81% 71% 46%

83% 88% 86% 71% 75% 77% 32% 50% 31%

90% 92% 82% 83% 53% 60%

English Language Board level results

Grade 9 Mathematics – Applied

All Students - RDSB All Students - Prov.

05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

34% 35%

31% 30% 33% 35% 34% 38%

36% 40% 40% 42%

RDSB Results from 2005-2011 by Sub-group


05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11


26% 39% 24% IS

24% 32% 28% 38% 29% 39% 29% 26% 31% IS IS IS

29% 39% 42% 41% 31% 33% 50% IS

F = Female M = Male S = Special Education E = English Language learners

Provincial Results from 2005-2011 (Grade 9 Math Applied)

05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11


58% 35% 18%

64% 53% 67% 35% 34% 38% 7% 15% 23%

63% 60% 40% 42% 25% 30%

English Language Board level results

Grade 10 OSSLT

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

Success Rate - RDSB Success Rate - Prov.

78% 84%

78% 79% 82% 84% 84% 85%

81% 79% 84% 83%

RDSB Results from 2005-2011 by Sub-group

05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11


78% 75% 75% 79% 82% 85% 68% 66% 67% 68% 74% 73% 37% 37% 37% 44% 42% 50% IS IS IS 67% IS IS

Provincial Results from 2005-2011 (Grade 10 OSSLT)

H (First-time PA eligible) L

05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

92% 91% 92% 92% 92% 91% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 83% 74% 73% 75% 72% 69% 72%

English Language Board level results

H = Highest PA = Provincial Average L = Lowest

Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Reading, writing and math assessments administered by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) in Rainbow Schools continued to show gains over time, with some significant year over year improvements. In the 2010-2011 school year, Grade 3 reading increased by three percentage points to 60%, the highest score ever. Grade 9 math increased by five percentage points to 83% at the academic level and four percentage points to 40% at the applied level, also the best ever for Rainbow Schools. Grade 9 math results at the academic level increased by 23 percentage points over the past five years. Grade 9 math results at the applied level increased by 9 percentage points over the past five years.

Ensure success for all P Sixteen per cent of learners

in Rainbow Schools have a special education designation.

P The Board has one per cent of

learners whose language is not the language of instruction.

P Eight per cent of students are

self-identified as First Nation, Métis and Inuit (including students identified through education service agreements.)

P Ninety-three per cent of Primary

classes (non Early Learning Kindergarten) have 20 or fewer students.

P One hundred per cent of Primary

classes have 23 or fewer students.

P A total of 370 students are currently

enrolled in full day Early Learning in Rainbow Schools.

P A total of 66.5 per cent of

students in their second year of high school completed 16 credits as of June 30, 2011.

Rainbow District School Board implemented a number of measures in the past year to improve learning outcomes: Learning Cycles

All elementary and secondary schools participated in four eight-week learning cycles led by the Principal and supported by program staff in many schools. Schools used assessment for learning to guide instruction, set high expectations for students, employed high-yield strategies that promoted the greatest student growth, integrated the use of technology, moderated student work, shared practices in job-embedded conversations and reflected on next steps.

Framework Schools

Nine elementary Framework schools and three secondary Framework schools took part in networking and in-school professional learning led by the Principal with support from a Consultant or Co-ordinator. Professional learning and classroom implementation focused on assessment for learning strategies, higher-order thinking, differentiated instruction and the components of a comprehensive literacy program. Framework schools engaged in the School Self-Assessment process. A team consisting of the Framework Superintendent, School Superintendent, Principal of Program, School Principal and Consultant/ Co-ordinator provided feedback in the fall and spring.

Demonstration Teachers

Teachers had an opportunity to learn from each other, one of the most effective ways of influencing student learning. Teachers visited Junior and Intermediate demonstration classrooms to observe literacy, assessment for learning and differentiated instruction strategies. Visiting teachers spent time planning strategies for their own classes with the demonstration teachers.

Elementary Networks

Elementary network schools participated in three capacity building network sessions throughout the year. Teachers engaged in professional learning with a focus on assessment for learning strategies, higher-order thinking, differentiated instruction and strategies for closing achievement gaps identified by the school.

Elementary Framework Principal Learning Time

Framework Principals gathered to learn with and from each other based on the inquiry learning cycles. They discussed specific instructional strategies being used at their schools and shared their reflections on next steps from their school’s School Effectiveness Framework visit.

Mathematics Co-teaching

All Grade 1 to 6 teachers in elementary schools with a focus on mathematics participated in a co-teaching network. They focused on deepening teacher content knowledge in mathematics and effective implementation of teaching through problem solving.


Looking Ahead

By August 2012, the number of Grade 3 and Grade 6 students achieving Level 3 and 4 on EQAO reading and writing assessments will increase by 3%. Primary reading: From 60% to 63% (72% in 4 years) Primary writing: From 65% to 68% (77% in 4 years) Junior reading: From 67% to 70% (79% in 4 years) Junior writing: From 63% to 66% (75% in 4 years) By August 2012, the number of Grade 3 and Grade 6 students achieving Level 3 and 4 on EQAO mathematics assessments will increase by 3%. Primary math: From 60% to 63% (72% in 4 years) Junior math: From 48% to 51% (60% in 4 years) By August 2012, the number of Grade 9 students achieving Level 3 and 4 on EQAO math assessments will increase by 2%. Applied math: From 40% to 42% (48% in 4 years) Academic math: From 83% to 85% (91% in 4 years) By August 2012, the number of Grade 10 students achieving a pass rate on the OSSLT will increase by 2%. OSSLT: From 79% to 81% (87% in 4 years)


In order to reach the 2012 target, Rainbow District School Board has implemented a number of additional strategies: Math Principal Learning Mental Math Strategy Principals in schools with a mathematics focus will meet to learn with and from each other through co-teaching and problem solving. They will discuss specific instructional strategies being used in their schools and will share their reflections to improve student achievement.

Gap Closing Mathematics Intervention Resource

All Grade 6 teachers will attend an after-school session for an overview of the Ministry of Education’s Grade 6 Gap Closing resource. Teachers will be able to implement this resource in their class.

Learning Cycles

Four eight-week learning cycles are continuing in elementary and secondary schools, building on the measures implemented in the past year to improve learning outcomes.

All teachers from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 6 will present mental math mini-lessons for five to ten minutes, three to five times a week. Through these lessons, students will develop a conceptual understanding of numbers and operations. Mental math activities provide opportunities for explicit instruction to support students in connecting symbolic and abstract thinking. They also develop efficiency with a range of strategies.

Network Principal Learning Time Principals will engage in dialogue about specific instructional leadership strategies to ensure implementation and monitoring of the effective instructional practices explored in the network sessions.

Early Learning Kindergarten Full Day Every Day Junior Kindergarten and the new Early Learning Program All Rainbow Schools offered full day every day Junior Kindergarten in 2010-2011. The new Early Learning Program for four and five-year-olds was introduced at six sites - Churchill Public School, Lansdowne Public School, Princess Anne Public School, Queen Elizabeth Public School, Wembley Public School in Sudbury and A.B. Ellis Public School in Espanola.

The following schools will offer the new Early Learning Program in Phase 3 of implementation in September 2012 - Algonquin Road Public School, Charles C. McLean Public School, Cyril Varney Public School, Little Current Public School, Monetville Public School, Northeastern Elementary School, Redwood Acres Public School and R.L. Beattie Public School.

Three more schools began offering the Early Learning Program in Phase 2 of implementation in September 2011 - Adamsdale Public School, C.R. Judd Public School and Central Manitoulin Public School.

The Early Learning Program will be fully implemented by September 2014.

Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation Sessions

All Rainbow Schools offered the Learning Partnership’s Welcome to Kindergarten (WTK) orientation session for children starting Junior Kindergarten and their parents/guardians.

Character Development


Stand Up Against Bullying Day

Free the Children

Together for Japan

Spread the Net Campaign

Staff and students in Rainbow Schools wore pink on September 9, 2010, as Rainbow District School Board marked its third “Stand Up Against Bullying Day”. The day served to reaffirm the Board’s collective commitment to safe schools.

Staff and students in Rainbow Schools wore red and white on March 25, 2011 to mark the two-week anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan. Some schools collected donations, including Lockerby Composite School. A total of 20 students, teachers and parents from Lockerby returned home safely from Japan over the March break.

Approximately 450 students gathered on April 1, 2011 to hear a powerful motivational speaker from Free the Children. Former child soldier Michel Chikwanine inspired students to continue to make a difference on a global level.

Espanola High School was featured on the Rick Mercer Report on March 29, 2011 as the top secondary school in Canada in the Spread the Net Campaign. The school raised more than $13,000 for bednets to help protect children in Africa from malaria.

Students Leading Students Conference The 2011 Students Leading Students Conference presented by the Student Senate focused on perseverance and featured holocaust survivor Eva Olsson and gang expert Rick Osborne. The conference inspired students to be good role models in creating healthy school environments where all young people feel welcome and valued.

Parent Involvement Parents as Partners Workshop

Parents participated in an interactive workshop with motivational speaker Allan Johnson. Two sessions were presented - Espanola on October 13, 2010 and Sudbury on October 14, 2010. Parents received practical tools for creating success at home and at school.

Positive Parenting Seminars

Ensure success for all

Rainbow Schools hosted Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) seminars on the Power of Positive Parenting; Raising Confident, Competent Children; and Raising Resilient Children. The free seminars were presented in partnership with community organizations that support children. Childcare was available at each site compliments of local service providers.

Parent Involvement Committee

Parent Involvement Committee presentations included Early Learning, Nutrition Standards in Schools, the Positive Parenting Program and Community Use of Schools, the Accommodation Review process, Special Education, Assessment and Evaluation (Report Cards, Homework and EQAO) as well as Dual Credits, Specialist High Skills Major programs and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program. The Annual General Meeting featured roundtable discussions on topics from fundraising to cyberbullying.


Parents Reaching Out Grants

Thirteen Rainbow Schools shared $11,200 in Parents Reaching Out Grants to support School Council initiatives to further engage parents/guardians. Rainbow District School Board, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, produced a dynamic new website of French as a Second Language (FSL) resources for parents and students across Ontario. The website was made possible through the financial support of the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage. The website - - was officially launched on October 17, 2011.

Sports and Healthy Active Living Program Lasalle Secondary School developed a new program to maximize human potential in sport, fitness and academics. The Sport and Healthy Active Living Program, being offered to all students in the Lasalle Secondary School area, focuses on three strands – Elite Athlete Development, Healthy Active Living and Sports Administration. Student athletes are furthering their academic success by pursuing sport specific courses with a focus on fitness and healthy active living. The program was launched in September 2011.

Ensure success for all

Special Education Intensive Support Programs

Rainbow District School Board offered seven Intensive Support Programs at the elementary and secondary levels.

Life Skills

Students from Gatchell School continued to gain important life skills. Sudbury Developmental Services, the Sudbury Regional Hospital Children’s Treatment Centre and Rainbow District School Board formed a partnership to provide Simulated Healthy Independent Living Opportunities (SHILO) for students. Young people with developmental challenges were prepared for the transition to independent living as part of their regular school day. SHILO is offered to students in Life Skills Programs in Rainbow secondary schools.

Easing the Transition

To ease the transition for all students, secondary schools highlighted pathways for exceptional students in Grade 6, 7 and 8 during their annual Information Nights. Participants received information about the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, a Certificate of Achievement or a Certificate of Accomplishment.

Assistive Technology Assistive technology goals continued to be implemented to ensure sufficient training for students and staff, increase student access to technology, partner with parents to support children and encourage a culture of acceptance that promotes a broader use of technology. For instance, iPad pilot projects were introduced in various elementary and secondary schools and interactive SMART boards were used system-wide.

Section Agreements

Rainbow District School Board had five section agreements with the Child and Family Centre for students who had behaviour, social and emotional challenges. Other agencies that provided services through unique agreements included North East Mental Health, the Children’s Treatment Centre and Northern Youth Services.

Cecil Facer Secondary School

Cecil Facer Secondary School, located in the Cecil Facer Youth Centre, offered educational programs for young persons in conflict with the law. The students thrived in the small class setting with emphasis on literacy, numeracy and life skills. The programs were complemented by apprenticeship, technical and vocational skills training as well as Co-operative Education and employment preparation. The Attendance Centre helped students make the transition into a regular secondary school. Cecil Facer Youth Centre celebrated its 40th anniversary on September 22, 2011.

Alternative Program Elementary

The Alternative Program Elementary gave students in Grades 6 to 8 an opportunity to develop the personal, interpersonal and academic skills that, in the past, have prevented them from succeeding in a regular school program.

Learning for All

In keeping with the philosophy of Learning for All, meeting the needs of all learners, Rainbow District School Board remained committed to universal accessibility through a variety of supports. All students had school and home access to assistive technology software such as Kurzweil 3000, Premier and Word Q. This software, as well as Dragon Naturally Speaking, was available on all special education computers.


First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education The First Nation Advisory Committee as well as youth leaders, families, communities and FNMI staff continued to be consulted in the development and delivery of programs and services for First Nation, Métis and Inuit students in Rainbow Schools.

Native Studies and Ojibwe Language Programs

Elders in Schools

Native Studies was offered in most secondary schools. Ojibwe Language was offered in twelve elementary schools and seven secondary schools, including the N’Swakamok Native Alternative School. Native Studies/Ojibwe teachers had an opportunity to network with other teachers from across the Board and the Northeast Region.

Elders Winnie Pitawanakwat and Stan Peltier visited many schools to deliver cultural workshops such as tipi teachings. They also offered drumming for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

FNMI Perspectives Reflected in Curriculum

Support Workers and FNMI Centres in Secondary Schools

Work began on embedding First Nation, Métis and Inuit perspectives into the Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 curriculum. Teachers participated in training to further develop culturally inclusive teaching strategies and practices. Big ideas in Social Studies were also developed that will incorporate key FNMI perspectives.


N’Swakamok Native Alternative School Successes

Eleven students achieved their secondary school diploma through the N’Swakamok Native Alternative School. Students benefited from flexible school hours, one-on-one or small group learning, tutoring, a strong support system within the N’Swakamok Friendship Centre as well as supportive partnerships within the local Aboriginal community.

Kindergarten Programs with an Aboriginal Focus The Aboriginal Oral Language Specialist, Sharla Peltier, worked in three schools (Cyril Varney Public School, Little Current Public School and Wembley Public School) along with Elders, families and communities to make Kindergarten classrooms more reflective of Aboriginal history, culture and traditions.

First Nation, Métis and Inuit Support Workers in all secondary schools fostered a welcoming environment for students and their families. At First Nation, Métis and Inuit Centres, students connected with students from similar backgrounds and students from different backgrounds.

Dual Credits for FNMI Students

Aboriginal secondary students participated in the dual credit Business and Native Social Work courses offered by Laurentian University, earning secondary school credits and university credits at the same time. These were the first dual credits offered for Aboriginal students at the university level in Ontario.

Youth Education Day

An Education Day was held at Tom Davies Square in conjunction with the Northern Aboriginal Festival. Hundreds of Grade 7 and 8 students met Aboriginal role models and explored local secondary and postsecondary programs and pathways. The Education Day included a focus on the importance of water in the Anishinaabe culture.

Aboriginal Youth Leadership Group Reduces the Impact of Poverty

Students from the Aboriginal Youth Leadership Group produced public service announcements to highlight the issue of poverty as a tool to engage other youth and start a dialogue about actions that can be taken to reduce poverty and its effects.

Student Success

Re-engaging Students

Pathways to Bilingual Success

Barrydowne College

Close to 200 French Immersion students in Grades 10 to 12 participated in the Pathways to Bilingual Success Conference on October 28, 2010. Students and graduates shared their personal experiences on how bilingualism has enhanced their lives and careers.

Dual Credits, Co-op, OYAP and SHSM

Parents and students were invited to learn more about Dual Credits, Co-operative Education, the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) and Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) in Rainbow Schools.

Dual Credit Programs

Students continued to earn credits that could be applied towards both their secondary school diploma and their postsecondary diploma, degree or apprenticeship certification.

Specialist High Skills Major Programs

Rainbow District School Board offered Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs in seven sectors: Arts and Culture, Business, Energy, Environment, Health and Wellness, Manufacturing, and Mining. Transportation, and Construction were introduced in the fall of 2011.

Co-operative Education

The Co-operative Education Program integrated classroom theory with practical experience. Students divided their time between the school and the workplace, spending at least half the day with an employer. Co-op continued to offer continuous intake.

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

Senior students had an opportunity to begin a career in a skilled trade while attending high school. In 2010-2011, OYAP began offering co-op placements in Early Childhood Education within Rainbow Schools.

Trades Training Trailers

Cambrian College’s mobile trades training trailers toured five Rainbow secondary schools, bringing hands-on learning to students in Grades 7 to 12. The trailers are equipped for instruction in a variety of skilled trades, such as welding, heavy equipment, truck and coach, machining, electrical and millwright.

Transition Evening

Grade 7 and 8 students and parents/guardians attended Making the Transition: Finding Your Way from 8 to 9 on November 16, 2010. The information session focused on the changes, challenges and choices students face as they enter high school.

Work began on the creation of Barrydowne College, an alternative school for young adults ages 16 to 20 at Cambrian College. Students who are not registered in a secondary school can obtain credits towards their secondary school diploma in a non-traditional environment with small class sizes and individualized instruction. Students have flexible schedules and many ways to earn credits - Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR); eLearning; Independent Learning Centre courses; Co-operative Education, including the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP); and dual credit courses. Barrydowne College was officially opened on October 21, 2011. In 2010-2011, Student Success staff phoned students who had left school to invite them to come back. Over 250 students re-engaged, earning hundreds of credits towards their secondary school diploma.

ReconnectPlus – Skills Link Initiative Eleven students were supported in their studies through the ReconnectPlus – Skills Link Initiative. Students earned an hourly wage during their co-op placement with participating employers. The wage was funded by Service Canada.

Supervised Alternative Learning

Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) enabled students ages 14 to 17 to earn credits in a variety of alternative ways, including courses, training, certifications, volunteer work and/or other work. Students developed job search skills, essential skills, work habits and life skills.


Students who were suspended for six or more days or expelled were supported in both academic and non-academic areas through the Restart program, offered in Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin.


2011-2012 Budget Ensure efficient resource management Rainbow District School Board approved a budget of approximately $169.5 million for the 2011-2012 school year at the regular Board meeting on June 20, 2011. In order to balance the budget, the Board reduced its expenditures by close to $2 million. Like most school boards in Ontario, Rainbow District School Board continues to experience declining enrolment. Enrolment in Rainbow Schools has dropped by 2,400 students or 15 per cent since 2002-2003 due to the decrease in school age children in the community. In June 2011, enrolment was projected to total 14,258 students in 2011-2012, a loss of 252. Declining enrolment means less revenue and this continues to have a significant impact on the Board’s ability to sustain programs and services at current levels. As a result, expenditures were realigned to meet revenue.


The Board achieved a balanced budget while continuing to invest in programs for students, such as full day, every day Junior Kindergarten. The Board also remains committed to the renewal of technology in the classroom and the revitalization of Rainbow Schools, providing the best programs possible in quality school facilities. Provincial funding for 2011-2012 has increased by approximately 3.5 per cent. The Province has allocated $1.2 million for Phase 2 of the new Early Learning Program, which will be fully implemented by 2014-2015. The Province has also increased funding for school renewal for a total investment of $4.8 million. Provincial support declined in a number of areas. Rainbow District School Board will lose $286,000 more to operate its schools in 2011-2012. (Funding for school operations was reduced by $187,000 in the 2010-2011 school year.) The Province has also reduced funding for board administration, classroom computers and staff development. A total of 78 per cent of the budget or $133 million has been allocated to salaries and benefits. Eight per cent of the budget will go towards supplies and services, nine per cent to fees and contracts, and three per cent to capital and replacement projects in the 2011-2012 school year. As we look ahead, we will continue to welcome as many students as possible into Rainbow Schools. More students means more revenue. Thank you for working together to ensure that Rainbow Schools remain vibrant for years to come.

Diane Cayen-Arnold Superintendent of Business

Enrolment at a Glance P Rainbow District School Board had

14,366 students on October 31, 2011.

P In the elementary panel, enrolment

totaled 8,748 students including 6,344 in the English Program and 2,404 in the French Immersion Program.

P In the secondary panel, enrolment

reached 5,618 students including 4,935 in the English Program and 683 in the French Immersion Program.

P A total of 810 children entered

Junior Kindergarten in Rainbow Schools.

P A total of 815 children enrolled in

Senior Kindergarten.

P A total of 1,181 students registered

for Grade 9.

P Enrolment is calculated

as full-time equivalents.

2011-2012 Budget

2011-2012 Budget Process

Inclusive. Comprehensive. Focused on accountability. Public Input

Starting Point

Did you know?

Long before budget discussions begin, the Board invites the community to provide input.

The 2010-2011 expenditure budget was used as the base for the 2011-2012 budget, adjusted: • to exclude one-time budget allocations • to include inflationary pressures such as increased utility costs • to include contractual/statutory increases due to collective agreements • to reflect the impact of enrolment projections on staffing • to allow for the implementation of the 2011-2012 Special Education Plan

The Province of Ontario determines funding allocations for school boards.

The 2010-2011 revenue budget was used as the base for the 2011-2012 budget, adjusted: • to reflect 2011-2012 funding from the Province based on projected enrolment

School boards are mandated to deliver curriculum/programs to students within the funding provided by the Province.

School Councils, principals, teachers, unions and the public at large are given an opportunity to share their ideas in keeping with Board priorities, not only on possible program and service enhancements, but also on ways and means of achieving ongoing savings as the Board continues to experience the impact of declining enrolment. Ideas are reviewed and, as appropriate, forwarded to the Board for consideration as part of the budget process. Rainbow District School Board thanks all those who provided valuable input.

Funding is provided by the Ministry of Education through a series of grants. When approving its budget, Rainbow District School Board must work within the funding limitations established by the Province. School boards must balance their budgets on an annual basis.

For more information about the 2011-2012 budget, please contact Rainbow District School Board, 69 Young Street, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 3G5 | Tel: 705.674.3171 | Toll Free: 1.888.421.2661 | Fax: 705.674.9112 |

Rainbow Schools

Sudbury, Espanola, Manitoulin Island and Shining Tree Rainbow District School Board provides quality education to students in Sudbury, Espanola, Manitoulin Island and Shining Tree in 37 elementary schools and 9 secondary schools. The Board also operates other educational programs - Ruth MacMillan Centre, Frank Flowers School, Cecil Facer Secondary School, Barrydowne College and N’Swakamok Native Alternative School. In Rainbow Schools, programs focus on student success from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 in English, Core French and French Immersion. Quality programs, caring teachers and a nurturing environment with a focus on character development combine to make Rainbow Schools great places to learn.

Rainbow District School Board covers a geographic area of more than 14,757 square kilometres in Sudbury, Espanola, Manitoulin Island and Shining Tree.


2011-2012 Budget

Overview P The most significant savings were

P The per kilometre rate for employee

P The 2011-2012 budget represents

P The Board continues to invest in full

achieved in two ways – the closure of the Educational Media Centre, for a savings of $625,500 and a reduction in the Early Reading Intervention Program, for a savings of $940,000. a decrease of 64 full-time equivalent positions, including 44 full-time equivalent teachers. A few non-teaching positions were eliminated through attrition.

P The Board also achieved savings

by reducing expenditures for professional learning for program, teaching and office staff and budgets for supplies in all areas, except schools.

travel decreased from .52 cents to .46 cents effective September 1, 2011. This brought the Board’s per kilometre rate in line with other public sector employers in the province. day, every day Junior Kindergarten as implementation of the full day Early Learning Kindergarten Program continues.

P The Board allocated one-time funding

for a new Student Information System called Trillium. Rainbow District School Board’s current student information system is being discontinued.

P The Board allocated funding for a

Co-ordinator for the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program, which continues to expand.

P In the area of capital, the Province of

Ontario provided ongoing funding to revitalize Rainbow Schools, including the expansion of classroom space to accommodate full day Early Learning Kindergarten.

P The budget also has some increases

in expenditures, including a refresh of computers for teaching staff as the Board continues to invest in technology in Rainbow Schools.

P The Learning to 18 Program,

P School renewal will include additions

to Algonquin Road Public School and R.L. Beattie Public School. The Province also announced $13.1 million in funding to replace MacLeod Public School with a new green school on the existing site.

Alta Bancroft and Restart were consolidated at Barrydowne College in Cambrian College in the fall of 2011, under the leadership of a dedicated Principal.


Personnel Complement

Our human resources are our greatest asset. Teaching and non-teaching staff bring their individual and collective experience to the Board, making Rainbow Schools great places to learn. Rainbow Schools - Personnel

Teaching Elementary Schools Secondary Schools

Actual 2010-2011

Budget 2011-2012

599 414

575 394

63 17 12

61 15 8


Since 1998, Rainbow District School Board has significantly consolidated its facilities to ensure the most effective and efficient use of space. This means less money is spent on facilities and more money is channeled directly into the classroom, where it will benefit students the most. The following figures do not include programs operated at the Ruth MacMillan Centre, Cecil Facer Secondary School, Barrydowne College, Frank Flowers School and N’Swakamok Native Alternative School.

Non-teaching Principals/Vice-Principals Consultants/Co-ordinators Itinerant Teachers Secretaries in schools/ The Gord Ewin Centre, Media Centre Custodial/Maintenance Early Childhood Educators Educational Assistants Technicians Student Services Aboriginal Support Workers Board Office Total

86 166 12 138 32 22 4 49 1614

84 161 12 141 25 22 4 48 1550



Elementary Schools



Secondary Schools




Administration Total





2011-2012 Budget

Sources of Revenue Due from the Province:

a. Pupil Foundation Grant b. School Foundation Grant c. Special Purpose Grants d. Transportation e. Declining Enrolment f. Administration and Governance g. Pupil Accommodation h. Debt Charges

a. (39.5%)

$ 66,966,000 11,652,000 43,115,000 12,710,000 1,299,000 4,705,000 20,037,000 2,532,000

Subtotal Provincial Funding i. Education Programs / Other

163,016,000 1,930,000

Total Provincial Funding


j. First Nations Tuition Fees k. Reserve Funds l. Miscellaneous

(6.9%) b.

(25.4%) c.

4,123,000 152,000 280,000

Total revenue

l. (0.2%) k. (0.1%) j. (2.4%) i. (1.1%) h. (1.5%) g. (11.8%)


d. (7.5%)

f. (2.8%) e. (0.8%)

Expenditures: What Goes Where

Expenditures by Function

How the Board allocates its budget to have the greatest impact on the classroom.

a. Instruction: Money spent directly in the classroom, on teachers and textbooks.

b. School Management: Principals, Vice-Principals, School Secretaries and office supplies.

(59.8%) a.

i. (1.2%) h. (0.2%)

h. (1.1%) g. (0.1%) f. (1.5%)

g. (7.7%)

e. (8.6%) d. (3.0%)

(69.2%) a.

(7.9%) b.

c. (7.5%)

b. (9.0%)

(4.3%) c.

d.(1.2%) e. (2.9%)

f. (14.8%)

Expenditures by Object:

Expenditures by Function:

b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

a. Salaries

Employee Benefits Supplies and Services (including P.D.) Capital and Replacements Fees and Contracts Debt Charges Other Education Programs / Other

Total expenditures

$117,316,000 15,205,000 12,724,000 5,151,000 14,504,000 2,532,000 139,000 1,930,000



a. Instruction

$101,416,000 School Management 13,453,000 Student Support Services 7,247,000 Teacher Support Services 2,076,000 Administration and Governance 4,941,000 Pupil Accommodation 25,014,000 Transportation 13,062,000 Other 362,000 Education Programs / Other 1,930,000

Total expenditures


c. Student Support Services: Computer Technicians, Library Technicians, Library teachers and Guidance teachers. d. Teacher Support Services: Co-ordinators and Consultants who provide program support to teachers in schools, benefiting all students. e. Administration and Governance: Board Office staff as well as trustees. f. Pupil Accommodation: The cost to operate, maintain and renovate Board buildings, primarily schools. g. Transportation: Student busing to and from school.

Revitalization of Rainbow Schools Sudbury South Accommodation Review

Following an accommodation review in Sudbury South, Rainbow District School Board trustees approved the following motions on November 15, 2010. That: P Alexander Public School remain as is.

P R.L. Beattie Public School remain as is.

P Lockerby Composite School remain as is.

P Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School remain as is. P Monetville Public School be right-sized. P A new JK to Grade 8 green school

be built on the MacLeod site.

P Long Lake Public School be closed

by September 2012, at the earliest.

P Students currently attending Long Lake

Public School be transferred to Algonquin Road Public School by September 2012, at the earliest, pending available space. P New registrants at Long Lake Public School have the option to attend Algonquin Road Public School effective September 2011. P Wanup Public School be closed by September 2012, at the earliest.


P Students currently attending Wanup Public

School be transferred to Algonquin Road Public School in the English program by September 2012, at the earliest, pending available space. P New registrants and students in the English program, in the Wanup catchment area, residing in the Northeastern Elementary School French Immersion boundary, have the option to attend Northeastern Elementary School, effective September 2011. P Algonquin Road Public School be expanded. P The Consortium be directed to reduce the bus ride times for students in the Wanup catchment area within 60 minutes one way, where possible.

A number of factors were considered as part of the review process, including the range of program offerings for students, the learning environment at the school, and the proximity of the school to students. Other factors, such as enrolment, operating costs, and capital needs, were also considered, within the following guiding principles - to ensure that all students continue to have access to the best programming possible in quality school facilities, to reduce surplus space, and to ensure the sustainability of existing programs and services for all students of the Board.

Independent Facilitator’s Report

Independent facilitator Margaret Wilson completed a review of the Sudbury South Accommodation Review process. In her report, she concluded that Rainbow District School Board followed its accommodation review policy in Sudbury South. The Board will consider the findings and suggestions in the independent facilitator’s report before beginning any other accommodation reviews.

Funding for the new MacLeod Public School

The Province of Ontario provided $13.1 million for a new elementary school to replace MacLeod Public School. Construction will begin in 2012. The funding will support the building of a new green school on the MacLeod Public School site. The sustainable design will foster environmental awareness within the school and community, create a healthier environment for students and staff, and develop a culture of conservation while minimizing operating expenses.

Ensure efficient resource management

Algonquin Road Public School

An addition of approximately 8,600 square feet will be completed at Algonquin Road Public School in the 2011-2012 school year. The addition will accommodate six classrooms, new washrooms, a new gymnasium, a library and a music room. The existing building will be retrofitted and the playground area will be reconfigured. Students from Long Lake Public School and Wanup Public School will be transferred to Algonquin Road Public School in September 2012.

R.L. Beattie Public School

An addition of approximately 4,000 square feet will be completed at R.L. Beattie Public School in the 2011-2012 school year. The addition will accommodate three classrooms, an elevator, new second floor washrooms and a new gymnasium. The existing building will be retrofitted, including the installation of ramps to enhance accessibility. Administrative offices will be relocated near the entrance of the school.

French Immersion Program Review

At the annual Accommodation Meeting on January 24, 2011, Rainbow District School Board trustees decided to review the Board’s French Immersion Program. The review included community consultation.

Renewal of Sudbury Secondary School

Construction of the new arts wing began in June 2010 and was complete by September 2011. The new arts wing has modern music rooms and studios for dance, drama, visual arts, photography and media arts. The arts wing also houses a new library, wood shops, auto shops and administration offices. This part of the building will be connected to the Sheridan Auditorium, which is being upgraded as part of the school renewal project. Demolition of the B and C wings, which run along Baker and College Streets, began in the fall of 2011.

Renewal of Princess Anne Public School

The renewal of Princess Anne Public School began in May 2010 and was complete by September 2011. The school was upgraded with a displacement ventilation system as well as new energy efficient washrooms, boilers and lighting. A two-storey addition of approximately 29,079 square feet houses a new gymnasium, the Early Learning Program, a music room and six classrooms. The school provides excellence in education to students from the Early Learning Program to Grade 8 from Princess Anne Public School and Wembley Public School, including students from Wembley’s Intensive Support Programs. An official opening ceremony was held at Princess Anne Public School on September 20, 2011.

In addition, the Board approved the following motions as part of its 5-Year Capital/Accommodation Plan: P That an Accommodation Review Committee be considered for the following Espanola area schools within the next five years - A.B. Ellis Public School, S. Geiger Public School, Webbwood Public School and Espanola High School. P That an Accommodation Review Committee be considered for the following Valley North area schools within the next five years - Chelmsford Public School, Larchwood Public School, Levack Public School and Chelmsford Valley District Composite School.

New Student Information System

In June 2011, Rainbow District School Board signed an agreement with SRB Education Solutions Inc. to license the Trillium Student Information Suite to manage student data. Elementary schools began migrating to the new system in the 2011-2012 school year. Secondary schools will start using Trillium in September 2012. Rainbow District School Board’s current student information system was being discontinued. This prompted the Board to carry out a comprehensive review of options. Trillium was selected following an extensive product evaluation with valuable input from stakeholders.

Purchasing Policy and Procedures

The Board aligned its Purchasing Policy and Procedures with the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive, ensuring that publicly funded goods and services continue to be acquired through a process that is open, fair and transparent.


Equity and Inclusive Education Standing Committee

In keeping with Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy, Rainbow District School Board began implementing its Equity and Inclusive Education Policy and Procedure as well as its Religious/Spiritual Accommodation Policy and Procedure, which are available on the Board website – The Board established an Equity and Inclusive Education Standing Committee with representation from trustees, staff and federations. The Committee met four times throughout the year. The Committee developed a comprehensive equity and inclusive education survey. Board employees completed the survey on September 30, 2011. The Committee also created an equity calendar highlighting important events for all staff, with specific resources for teachers. An equity staff representative was selected at each school.

Equity and Inclusion Strategies

Steps have been taken to embed the principles of equity and inclusion in all aspects of school/Board operations and monitor progress.


Equity has been highlighted in Strategic Directions 2011-2015 under Ensure Succession Planning as follows – ensure that all students and staff work in learning environments that are safe and equitable while valuing student voice and develop equity standards to deepen understanding of diversity among students, staff and the community. Each school will include equity strategies in their school improvement plans. In addition, equity was included in the School Effectiveness Framework: School Self-Assessment process. Superintendents reviewed school improvement plans with Principals during fall school visits.

Reaching Out to School and Community

In March 2011, parents/guardians and community members were invited to a special evening presentation on Building Inclusive Schools and Communities with Christopher D’Souza, a passionate advocate for the eradication of discrimination. D’Souza illustrated his message with stories from his own experiences with racism and dealing with stereotypes. He challenged the audience to look at situations that are unfair and determine what they could do to make a difference and bring about change. Students in Rainbow secondary schools gathered at Lasalle Secondary School in May 2011 to take part in a Gay Straight Alliance Symposium featuring keynote speaker Jeremy Dias. Dias talked about his experience of racism and homophobia growing up in Northern Ontario. Gay Straight Alliances have been established in a number of Rainbow secondary schools. They are designed to support students who may identify as being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, two-spirited or questioning, and students who may have friends, parents or other family members from these communities.

Promote succession planning

Talent Development Learning Leadership

School improvement plans reflected Board priorities, including student learning and achievement, instructional leadership, assessment and evaluation, and curriculum and instructional strategies. In 2010-2011, the plans focused on literacy, numeracy, pathways and community, culture and caring.

Institute for Education Leadership

Rainbow District School Board tapped into the Institute for Education Leadership online resources to further develop leadership and improve student achievement in Rainbow Schools.

Ontario Leadership Framework

The Ontario Leadership Framework provided the foundation for the Future Leaders Program, the Principal/ Vice-Principal Eligibility Process, the New Principal/ Vice-Principal Mentorship Program and the Principal/ Vice-Principal Performance Appraisal.

Principal/Vice-Principal Eligibility Process

Teachers and Vice-Principals interested in leadership positions were invited to apply for the Eligibility Process, which included an application package, two site visits and an interview.

Principal/Vice-Principal Performance Appraisal

The Principal/Vice-Principal performance appraisal process served as an important tool to foster growth by developing, supporting, and sustaining leadership of the highest quality.

New Principals and Vice-Principals Mentorship Program

As part of the Just in Time Program, 12 new Principals and Vice-Principals in their first and second years of administration were paired with experienced administrators in Rainbow Schools who served as mentors. Mentors and mentees participated in monthly professional learning on a number of topics related to the instructional and operational aspects of their leadership and management roles.

Future Leaders

In 2010-2011, aspiring leaders participated in the second year of the two-year Future Leaders Program in order to gain an understanding of leadership and management skills. Topics included emotional intelligence, leadership, communications and change management.

New Employee Orientation Program

All new employees participated in an orientation session. Topics included organization roles and responsibilities, professional conduct, the child abuse reporting protocol, equity and accessibility, safe schools, email and use of the Internet, workplace safety as well as respectful working and learning environments.

New Teacher Induction Program

A total of 27 permanent new teachers and 33 occasional teachers participated in the Rainbow District School Board’s New Teacher Induction Program in 2010-2011. Created to help new teachers make a successful transition into the profession, the program paired new teachers with experienced teachers as mentors throughout the year. In addition to mentoring, the Teacher Induction Program included a series of workshops on topics such as effective planning, classroom management and organization.

Professional Learning for Experienced Principals and Vice-Principals

Monthly meetings served as a forum to share best practices in sound learning leadership and efficient school management. Emphasis was placed on outcomes for boys, students who are First Nation, Métis and Inuit, students with identified learning disabilities, and education for sustainable development. Professional learning through networking opportunities for Principals and Vice-Principals continued with the Ontario Principal Council initiative Leading Student Achievement: Our Principal Purpose. School administrators focus on assessment for learning strategies during teaching learning critical pathways, set high expectations for students, guide instruction, establish high-yield strategies, moderate student work, facilitate job-embedded professional learning conversations and reflect on next steps.


2011 Awards Honouring Excellence in Rainbow Schools

Rainbow District School Board paid tribute to dedicated employees and community partners at the Board meeting on May 16, 2011. Employees with 25 years of service were also recognized.

Awards for Outstanding Contribution to the Co-curricular Program

Community Partnership Awards

Promote succession planning Barbara Konarek Memorial Award

Kerry Abols

Teacher and Coach Lockerby Composite School

Pauline Therrien David Wiwchar Teacher and Coach Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School

Vice-Principal Lively District Secondary School

Awards for Excellence

Pina Cotesta

Lockerby Composite School Kids Caring for Kids cancer drive in memory of Laura Cotesta

Bela Ravi

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Joan Mantle Music Trust / Equity and Inclusive Education Committee

Go Green Globe Awards 23

Cam Coulter Custodian R.H. Murray Public School

Fran Proulx Custodian Wanup Public School

Judy Land

Special Education Resource Teacher Central Manitoulin Public School

William N. Roman Teacher of the Year Award

Peter Scherzinger Music Teacher Lasalle Secondary School

Adamsdale Public School

Accepting the award were, from left, teacher Brenda Parks, teacher Stephanie Brunette and Principal Dawn Chew.

Kristina Rivard Gobbo Teacher Lasalle Secondary School

Heather Skuro

Guidance Secretary Lasalle Secondary School

Kelly Stevens

Paul Wright

Educational Assistant Program Leader Northeastern for Student Success, Elementary School Business and Science Espanola High School

25 years of service Manitoulin Secondary School

Accepting the award were, from left, teacher Judy Olacke, Principal Laurie Zahnow and teacher Chantal Desbiens.

P Anna Armstrong P Sylvie


P David Baxter P Sonia Cacciotti P Michelle

DesmaraisBouchard P Paul Dupont P Paul Flanagan

P Jane Henry P Gerald Hughson P Brenda Johnston P Sharon Katarincic P Simone Kinnonen P Helene MacIntyre P Jill Patterson P David Schinbeckler P Margaret Stringer P Carole Williamson

2010-2011 Scholarship Winners CHELMSFORD VALLEY DISTRICT COMPOSITE SCHOOL Annett, Matthew Pegasus Bursary

Audette, Danielle

Belanger Ford Business Award

Audette, Samantha

Gordon Erion Memorial Award CVDCS Alumni Association Award Cambrian College Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Barnes, Shelby

All-Risks Insurance Award

Beers, Elizabeth

Archie Wade Memorial Award Levack District High School Alumni Award Vale Scholarship Most Outstanding Student Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Frank S. Ressel Memorial Scholarship Dowling Horseshoe Club Bursary Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Beres, James

Joan Mantle Music Trust Award

Brebant, James

Chelmsford Lions Club Award Chelmsford Lions Service Award Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award

Brisson, Joshua

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award

Chedore, Christopher

Cambrian College Entrance Scholarship Melissa Willett Memorial Award Levack District High School Alumni Award

Daggett, Haiden

Chelmsford Animal Hospital Award for Science Onaping Falls Lions Club Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Findlay, Chelsie

Specialist High Skills Major Award – Health & Wellness

Lively, Shelby

CVDCS Staff Award Laurentian University Millennium Leadership Award Onaping Falls Royal Canadian Legion #503 Ladies Award Ontario Principals’ Council Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

McNichol, Tasha Chartrand YIG Award

Methe, Chad

Onaping Falls Lions Club Award Most Outstanding Student Valedictorian Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Njari, Danika

Azilda Lions Club Award

O’Byrne, Shanleigh Co-operative Funeral Home Achievement Bursary

Ouimet, Amy

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award Voima Athletic Association Scholarship Knights & Ladies of Kaleva Award

Paradis, Richard

Dr. Nathan Grebe Award

Rowe, Matthew

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award

Seguin, Rebecca

CVDCS Heart of Learning Award

Sherman, Lana

Chelmsford Lions Club Award

St. Germain, Anthony

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award Specialist High Skills Major Award – Mining

Watson, Dylan

Bert Galasso Memorial Award

Woermke, Melissa

Chelmsford Royal Canadian Legion #553 Ladies Award


Gervais, Kassandra-Marie

Aelick, Leah

Giusti, Cassandra

Aubin, Lindsay

CVDCS School Council Award Chelmsford Fix-Auto Collision Centre Award for Trades

Guse, Kyle

Lifetouch School Services Award

Hykin, Jessy

Shawn Martel Memorial Award

Kessler, Perry

Justin D. Hogan Memorial Award CVDCS Alumni Association Award Chelmsford Royal Canadian Legion #553 Award

George Young Memorial Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Bourgeois, Miranda

Principal’s Award for Student Leadership

Bridge, Emily

Laurentian University Leadership Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Metal Air Mechanical Systems Ltd. Bursary

Caron, Lindsay

Most Outstanding Student Award – College Destination

Charette, Veronica

Pitre Family Award Association des étudiantes et étudiants francophones (AEF) Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Cleary, Leanne

Valley East Lions Club Student Memorial Award

Cook, Kelsey

Duff Walker Memorial English Award

Cousineau, Jake

Most Outstanding Student Award – Workplace Destination

Currie, Brandon

Juston Walker Memorial Award

Dempsey, Matthew

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 553 & Ladies Auxiliary Award

Fernandez-Bain, Jesse

Most Outstanding Student Award – University Destination Carl and Lyle Sanders Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Gagnon, David

Confederation Secondary School Exemplary Attendance Award

Huffman, Jade

School Council Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Action Sudbury Bursary

Huffman, Kelsey School Council Award Action Sudbury Bursary

Kelly, Taija

Staff Memorial Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Kingan, Cody

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lloyd, Vanessa

Valley East Lions Club Student Memorial Award

McAnulty, Corinne

Valley East Lions Club Award

Compass Group - Chartwells Award University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship

Mejia, Emily

Babcock-Rimore, Lauren

Meunier, Amanda

Student Parliament Leadership Award Dalhousie University Entrance Scholarship Ida Sauve Dance Studio Scholarship

Beaton, Donald

Harry A. Tuer Memorial Award

Bergeron, Kristofer

Confederation Secondary School Achievement Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Nebonaionoquet, Kate-Lynn

University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship

Pabst, Charlotte

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award

Pabst, Rachel

Marie Martin Memorial Award

Pelkman, Rebekah

Kin Club of Valley East Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Gerald (KSTJ) and Marguerite Lougheed Scholarship Steelworkers Secondary School Scholarship Xstrata Nickel Scholarship

Ristimaki, Wesley

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Scott, Melissa

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Snyder, Kayla

Confederation Secondary School Exemplary Attendance Award

St. Jean, Kyle

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award

Stevenson, Cruz Grill Marks Community Appreciation Award

Villeneuve, Katrina

Harry A. Tuer Memorial Award Beaudoin-Berthiaume Award Action Sudbury Bursary University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship University of Ottawa French Studies Bursary

Vogan, Keenan

Charger Character Award

Wagg, Jasmine

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

White, Spencer

Grill Marks Community Appreciation Award


E.H.S. Student Parliament Bursary Jean Placken Memorial Scholarship

Berry, Joel

Specialist High Skills Major Award – Mining Espanola I.D.A. Pharmacy Bursary

Blake, Kailen

Domtar Inc., Espanola Mill Scholarship Order of the Royal Purple Scholarship Lifetouch School Services Bursary Compass Group - Chartwells Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Brown, Arielle

Spanish River #237 – Order of the Eastern Star Prize E.H.S. Stage Band Bursary

Brown, Bradley

E.H.S. School Council Award

Browne, Leah

St. Jude Parish Catholic Women’s League Bursary

Christakos, Caitlin

Knights of Columbus Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Clark, Christopher E.H.S. Yearbook Award

Desjardins, Stephanie

Espanola Elks Lodge #346 Scholarship Edward J. Blanchard Memorial Award

Douglas, Jolene

Cambrian College – Employment Options Bursary Yusko Construction Ltd. Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Dougon, Kaitlyn

Spartan Youth Radio Bursary

Dufour, Carly

Manitoulin Family Resources Bursary Espanola Little Theatre Award

Ferguson, Aaron

E.H.S. Stage Band Bursary Giant Tiger Scholarship O.S.S.T.F. Technical Award E.H.S. School Council Award Rose Fox Memorial Mathematics Award

Foucault, Chelsea

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 39 Bursary

Fraser, Melody

C.E.P. Union of Canada CLC/CTC Local 74 & 74-2, Wm. H. Burnell Scholarship E.H.S. Alumni Spirit Award Rose Fox Memorial Mathematics Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Gagan, Hilary

Espanola Income Tax Service Bursary E.H.S. Student Parliament Michael Galvin Bursary Legion Ladies Auxiliary Espanola Bursary

Gamble, Keilyn

Lee Valley Autumn Leaves Espanola Animal Hospital Bursary

Golden, Nickolas

C.E.P. Union of Canada (CLC/CTC), Local 156: Kevin Vance Memorial Scholarship Cambrian College – Employment Options Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Harasemchuk, Samantha Pinewood Motor Inn Scholarship

Hicks, Holly

McGregor Bay Association Louis Polk Bursary Whitefish River First Nation Bursary

Houle, Kassandra

Veteran’s Transportation of Espanola Ltd. Bursary Royal Canadian Legion Branch 39 Bursary

Jacko, Myles

McGregor Bay Association Louis Polk Bursary Whitefish River First Nation Bursary Edward J. Blanchard Memorial Award

Jacko, Paige

McGregor Bay Association Louis Polk Bursary Whitefish River First Nation Bursary Leadership Certificate and Award sponsored by United Chief & Council of Mnidoo Minising/Whitefish River First Nation Perseverance Award


Jones, Kayla

Espanola & District Credit Union Scholarship

Kelly, Larissa

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award Espanola Masonic Lodge #527 Bursary

Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lachance, Adam

Espanola Little Theatre Award

Larson, Dennis

H. Dodge Haulage Ltd. Scholarship Huron-Superior Catholic Principals’ Association Bursary

Leclair, Kelsey

E.H.S. Yearbook Award E.H.S. Student Parliament Bursary

Lemire, Madeline

Spartan Youth Radio Bursary Ida Morrison Scholarship E. H. S. Student Parliament Dave Tuer Memorial Award Dorrie Finnen Memorial Bursary Margaret Best Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

McGregor, Brianna

McGregor Bay Association Louis Polk Bursary Whitefish River First Nation Bursary Inez Pitawanakwat Memorial Bursary

Meijer, Bob

Sylvio Proulx Memorial Bursary H. Dodge Haulage Ltd. Scholarship


Radbourne, Julie

D. Peter Best Law Offices Scholarship Dr. Josée Labrecque Optometrist Bursary E.H.S. Staff Bursary Domtar Inc. Espanola Mill Scholarship Order of the Royal Purple Bursary

Nelson, Drew

Rainbow Country Chrysler Ltd. Scholarship

Nicholson, Darren

Vale Scholarship C.E.P. Union of Canada (CLC/CTC) Local 74 & 74-2, Wm. H. Burnell Scholarship

Paibomsai, Edward

E.H.S. Alumni Spirit Award Caisse Populaire Vermillon Inc. Scholarship McGregor Bay Association Louis Polk Bursary Whitefish River First Nation Bursary Leadership Certificate and Award sponsored by United Chief & Council of Mnidoo Minising /Whitefish River First Nation Perseverance Award

Patterson, Kaitlyn

E.H.S. Staff Bursary Espanola Regional Hospital & Health Centre Bursary

Penner, Jeremy

B & D Auto Bursary Michael Brown, M.P.P. Award

Peters, Emma Lee The Co-operators Bursary

Phillips, Nathan

E.H.S. Student Parliament Bursary Richard Olivier Memorial Award

Presseau, Daniel

E.H.S. Student Parliament David Byers & Glen Arnold Memorial Bursary

Rancourt, Sarah

Robinson’s Pharmasave Scholarship

Robinson, Alexander

Sakaluk, Stephanie The Co-operators Bursary

Schouten Allison

C.E.P. Union of Canada (CLC/CTC), Local 156: Dean Poole Memorial Scholarship

Smith, Amanda

Lions Club George Morrison Community Service Citizenship Bursary

Stata, Gwendolyn

Bilton, Robin

Nguyen, Minh

Bléau, Jacob

Noor, Mohammad Sharjeel

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Specialist High Skills Major Award – Energy

Burgess, Alexandra

Lasalle Physical Education Award Lasalle French Immersion Award Lasalle Staff Association Award

Clarke, Kelsey

Jim Turcott Memorial Bursary

Evans, Avryl

Award for Academic Excellence Ryerson University Entrance Scholarship Lopes Mechanical Award Lasalle Business Club Award Lasalle Alumni Bursary

Ominika, Winona

Douglas, Nicholas

Picard, Courtney

Fielding, Graham

Harris, Kevin

Pontes, Kendra

Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award Samantha Vitone Memorial Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Lasalle Award of Merit

Johnson, Sara

Roach, Chelsey

Julien, Marguerite

Sabourin, Alyssa

Manitoulin-West Sudbury Dairy Producers Committee Bursary

Whalen, Danielle

Lee Segarra & Mauno Kauppi Memorial Award Winnifred Mooney Scholarship Alex & Joyce Caldwell Bursary sponsored by Lee Valley Autumn Leaves

Wood, Hillary

Lion Harvey Dodge Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship


B.D.I. Award Rona Cashway Award YMCA Employment Services Award

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award

Kurvits, Owen

Lifetouch School Services Award

Laari, Vanessa

Lasalle Achievement Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lavallee, Karilyn

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lavoie, Chelsey

Madore, François

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award

Lasalle Alumni Bursary

Shirk, Brandon

AKFIT Fitness Superstore Award Northridge Savings and Credit Union Award

Simpson, Jessica

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Lasalle Concert Band Award Lasalle Lancer of Note Award

Van Horn, Andrew

Northridge Savings and Credit Union Award

LIVELY DISTRICT SECONDARY Linde Group Award McFadden-Houle, Sherrie Lee SCHOOL Collège Boréal Scholarship

Girl Guides of Canada Scholarship Lane Family Memorial Award Lasalle Alumni Bursary Lasalle Students’ Council Award

McCarvell, Ashley

Bartell, Chelsea

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Lifetouch School Services Award

Sharif, Nicholas

Umpherson, Carter

Ashick-Stinson, Jillian

Beaudry, Robyn

Jaak Valiots Memorial Award Lasalle Staff Association Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University French Immersion Award

Lockwood, Heather

Marentette, Thomas

Lasalle Alumni Bursary Laurentian University Leadership Award Management Elite Certificate Award Principal’s Award for Student Leadership Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Modern Language Award Doris Thompson Lane Memorial Scholarship

Exploration Services Award

Thompson, Riley

Anderson, Connor

Lasalle Staff Association Award Sudbury Wolves Award

Lasalle Staff Association Award Lifetouch School Services Award

Lasalle Staff Association Award Maslack Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Miller, Scott

Moratz, Kyra

Lasalle Alumni Bursary

Morissette, Alyssa

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award Trade Secrets Award

Moroz, Tanner

No Strings Attached Community Band Award

Ferro, Nathan

Heather Stobo Seguin Memorial Award

Fox, Adam

Walden Family Drugstore Award Kelly Scheuer Memorial Award

Lasalle Achievement Award Specialist High Skills Major Award – Health & Wellness

Verch, Hailey

Award for Student Accomplishment

Rienguette, Kylah

Homayed, Meerna

Auxiliary-ERHHC Bursary

Bianco’s Student Appreciation Award

OSSTF Technical Award Kent Cousineau Memorial Award

Sutherland, Dylan

Girl Guides of Canada Scholarship

Lockerby Legion Fellowship Award

Predon, Alexander

Henderson, Lindsay

Trottier-Scully, Taylor

Business Award Manitoulin Transport Award

Peregrine, Daniel

Espanola Lions Club Herman Dorriesfield Scholarship Knights of Columbus Scholarship Espanola Income Tax Services Bursary Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award

Cox, Maegan Digby, Casey

Lasalle Achievement Award

Lasalle Alumni Bursary Special Academic Award Lasalle Students’ Council Award

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Meadowbrook Scholarship Walden Animal Hospital Award

Sudbury Ladies’Volleyball Association Award – B Division

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Specialist High Skills Major Award – Business Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University Bursary

Cousineau, Ashlyn

Ganzini, Kelly Haas, Megan

Health Science Award Meadowbrook Scholarship

Heerschap, Nathaniel

Award for Student Accomplishment

King, Jamie

Walden Senior Citizens and Pensioners Ladies Auxiliary Award Valedictorian Award

Kippax, Dawn

Walden Daycare Award in Memory of Marlene Marshall

Lapierre, Shalena

Penage Lake Road Seniors Club Award

Lampman, Tyler Walden Welding Award Dalron Homes Award

Mackevicius, Carly

Health Science Achievement Award Rick Desjardins Award Laurentian University Leadership Award

Marshall, Katelyn

Ceming (Lively Apartments) Science Award Ward 2 Councillor’s Award Walden Oldtimers Hockey Club Award Lively District Secondary School Reunion Award Rick Desjardins Award Edo Catherine Lively Memorial Scholarship Most Outstanding Student Award

Meuser, Mitchell

Beilhartz, Kevin

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship School Award

Bernard-Keast, Brittany

Compass Group Canada Award

Adrian McLean Memorial Award Ward 2 Councillor’s Award Pat Peters Humanitarian Award Most Outstanding Student

Brear, Jacob

Howard Scott Memorial Award Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award

Chartrand, Brandon YMCA School to Work Award

Closs, Alexander

Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award Fashion Fair Business Award

Mikkelsen, Matthew Mirka, Keely

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Queenie Svensk Bursary Voima Athletic Association Scholarship Waters Women’s Bursary

Montgomery, Kenley

Student Council President’s Award Principal’s Award for Student Leadership Business Award Walden Senior Citizens and Pensioners Award

2010-2011 Scholarship Winners Morrison, Jordan

Walden Family Drugstore Award Friends of the Library Award

Newson, Connor

Do It All Contracting Award

Blais, Eric

University of Ontario Institute of Technology Entrance Scholarship

Blanchard, Trevor

Niemi, Erik

Laurentian Leadership Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Bursary

Parks, Scott

Bryce, John David

Voima Athletic Association Scholarship Adrian McLean Memorial Award Richard S. Stephenson Memorial Scholarship Edo Catherine Lively Memorial Scholarship

Peacock, Nicholas

Kurt Kaitila Memorial Award

University of St. Francis (Indiana) – Baseball Scholarship

Boyce, Connor

Student Council Lifetouch Award University of Western Ontario Entrance Scholarship

Rainsberry, Holly

Byrnes, Danyka

Langille, Lauren

Lockerby Reunion Award

Cameron, Jessica

Laurentian University Entrance Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Abate, Joshua

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award

Adriaans, Rachel

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Armstrong, Jordan

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship WMI Scholarship

Beausoleil, Cody

University of Calgary Bursary

Bell, Bradley

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Bellrose, Samuel

Specialist High Skills Major Award – Mining

Staff Association Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Leduc, Lindsay

University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Sudbury Multicultural Award Carleton University Entrance Scholarship

Richard, Kaitlin

Labour Union Essay Contest Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Lockerby Reunion Award

Roy, Kyler

Bruce Hatton Cancer Award

Young, Samuel

Sudbury Mine Mill Award

Young, Wesley

University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship

Yu, Hong Fei

KPMG Accounting Award University of British Columbia Entrance Scholarship


Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Maslack Supply Limited Scholarship

Ahrbeck, Christopher Joan Mantle Music Trust Award

Desmarais, Patrick

MacCullough, Christopher

Safonov, Andrey

Duhamel, Brittany

MacPherson, Amy

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Eaton, Alexandra

F. Jean MacLeod Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Eaton, Genevieve

Lezun, Peggy

Laura Cotesta Bursary

Secondary School Achievement Award Specialist High Skills Major Award – Health and Wellness University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship

Mailloux, Rebecca

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Linda Owens Bursary

Voima Athletic Association Scholarship University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Knights & Ladies of Kaleva Scholarship Vale Scholarship

Elsner, Haley

Malinski, Katrina

F. Jean MacLeod Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Elliott, Bobby-Jo

Favero, Corey

Battison, Brooklyn

Voima Athletic Association Scholarship

Carleton University Entrance Scholarship

Wismer, Kathleen

Amyot, Paul

Clark, Krystel

Aulakh, Gurpreet

Lockerby Reunion Award

Sudbury Multicultural Award

Vale Scholarship

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Rychlo, Christopher

National Deans’ Entrance Scholarship for Excellence - Humanities Northern Cancer Research Foundation - Allan Epps Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Barr, Jordan

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Wilson, Heather

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship School Award

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Lockerby Staff Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Jack & Maija Ceming Science Award John, Annie & John Seme II Memorial Scholarship Trust Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Governor General’s Award

Kapan, Bryanne

Secondary School Achievement Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Carl J. Sanders Scholarship

Alarie, Antoine

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship


Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Williamson, Chad

University of Western Ontario Entrance Scholarship

Willis, Stephanie

Student Achievement Award

Page, Jonathan

Lahti, Steven

McMaster University Entrance Scholarship

Chiasson, Chloe

Witherell, Stephanie

Ontario Principals’ Council Award University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship French Studies Bursary

John Cook Bursary Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

A & J Home Hardware Award

Lively District Secondary School Staff Award Governor General’s Academic Medal Lively Tim Hortons Award

Orr, Madeleine

Pollesel, James

VanClieaf, Matthew

Weist, Kelsi-Ann

Lockerby Reunion Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Kutchaw, Jade

Brooks, Sarah

Lively Heritage Art Guild Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Health Science Achievement Award

Jones, Erin

Munasinghe, Lashan

Palys, Matthew

Bravo Clavero, Yisell

Walter, Samantha

Virginia State University Athletic Scholarship

Four Corners YIG Award

Khuwaja, Pashmeena

Soucy-Leroux, Allyssa

Transportation Placement Services Inc. Award

Johnson, Curtis

Montgomery, Kyle

YMCA Award

Boyd, Scotia

Friendship Masonic Lodge Award

Josten's Yearbook Award University of Guelph Board of Governors' Scholarship University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship Humanities Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lockerby Reunion Award FCR Accounting Firm Scholarship University of Western Ontario Entrance Scholarship

Punkari, Jacob

Award for Student Accomplishment

Harbottle, Lauren

Ethier, Ashley

Eddie’s Restaurant Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Ferguson, Heidi

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Fragomeni, Tyler

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Wilfrid Laurier Entrance Scholarship

Compass Group - Chartwells Award No Strings Attached Community Band Award University of Waterloo Entrance Scholarship

Matson, Kaitlyn

Staff Association Award

Mazzella, Veronica

Epilepsy Ontario Scholarship

Michael Trevisiol Memorial Award University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Barbeau, Pierre

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Board Award Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program School Award

Smith, Timothy

Lieutenant Governor's Award

Smith, Emily

YMCA Camping Services Bursary

Thomson, Grace

University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship

Tiplady, Kara

Staff Association Award

Traore, Tiye

McGill University Sports Scholarship

Mazzuca, Kelsey

Vale Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Carl J. Sanders Scholarship

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Urban, Ryan

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Board Award

Visentin, Justin

Gough, James

McDougall, Tessa

University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship

Voutier, Kaylie

McPhee, Kelsi

Walters, Erica

University of Toronto Book Award Lockerby Alumni Scholarship Michael Rollins Bursary St. Francis Xavier Entrance Scholarship

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Mitchell, Ryan

Royal Canadian Legion Award

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park School Council Award

Smith, Matthew

Tremblay, Zachary

McCann, Brittany

Appanna, Nishma Baker, Kiyomi

York University Entrance Scholarship

Lockerby Reunion Award

Galloway, Dylan

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Alumni Award

Sallan, Nisha

Four Corners YIG Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Staff Association Award

Vale Scholarship

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Royal Canadian Legion Award

Westhaver, Kurt

Mike Doyle Dodge Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Maslack Supply Limited Scholarship University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship

Battistoni, Aaron

Lo-Ellen Park School Council Award

Bimm, Bryanna

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Brown, Stephen James Wendler Award

Caines, Brittany

Ontario Principals' Council Award for Student Leadership

Cameletti, Joseph

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Charbonneau, Kelsie Lo-Ellen Park Alumni Award

Charbonneau, Meredith University of British Columbia Entrance Scholarship University of British Columbia Faculty Award Andrea, Melanie and Stephanie Raaska- Bran Memorial Award

Cormie-Bowins, Donald University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship

Crabtree, Nicholas

Sudbury Regional Guidance Heads Association Award

Czaja, Christopher

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship


Dailey, Carlene

Cambrian College Entrance Scholarship Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award James Wendler Award

Dempsey, Michael

Sling-Choker Manufacturing Award

Denniston, Scott

Pearce, Benjamin

Kelly-Dicaire, Gabrielle

Perih, Melissa

University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship John Cook Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Kim, Jae Ho

Ukrainian Professional Business Club Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Maslack Supply Limited Scholarship


Denomme, Sarah

Queen's University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Graduation Foundation Award

Di Feo, Vanessa

Kosar, John

Rebeiro, Nicholas

Most Outstanding Male Student Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Maslack Supply Limited Scholarship Loran Provincial Award Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Thorneloe University Scholarship Andrea, Melanie and Stephanie Raaska- Bran Memorial Award

Kristin Kivikink Memorial Award

Lappa, Baron

Cambrian College Entrance Scholarship Lieutenant Governor's Community Volunteer Award

Dykstra, Mathiew

Lepage, Amanda

Eleftheriadis, Aristotelis

Ley, Robert

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship John Cook Award Sudbury Multicultural and Folk Arts Association Award

Ellero Dionne, Loran

University of Western Ontario Entrance Scholarship Lockerby Animal Hospital Scholarship

Fairgrieve, Sean

Humber College Entrance Scholarship Marasco Creative Design Award

Fievoli, Alexander

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Vrab's Your Independent Grocer Award

Fitzgerald, Jordyn


Joseph, Alok

Loran Provincial Award Buzzy Brown's Brasserie Merit Award

Found, Jade

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Gallagher, Joël

University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Graduation Foundation Award

Glass, Andrew

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Professional Engineers of Ontario Scholarship

Hansen, Keith

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Whitefish District Lions Club Scholarship

Hick, Michelle

Queen's University Principal's Scholarship Most Outstanding Female Student Award

Algonquin College Entrance Scholarship Marasco Creative Design Award University of Waterloo Entrance Scholarship Principal’s Pursuit of Excellence

Lielkalns, Amy

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Award

MacLean, Alannah

Lakehead University Academic Scholarship 2011 Stacey Levitt Women and Sport Scholarship Joseph Bacon Elite Athlete Award

Mayhew, Carley

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Award

Maziarski, Joel

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

McLean, Connor

Queen's University Chancellor’s - John B. Stirling Entrance Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Award of Merit

Michel, Kyra

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Michelle Jane Richer Memorial Bursary Mr. & Mrs. Myer Levin Scholarship Maslack Supply Limited Scholarship

Mick, Brianna

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Staff Award

Moutsatsos, Jasmine

Northern Uniform Merit Award

Hirschfeld, Erica

Nikodem, Jonathan

IODE Deeda Cook Award

YMCA Employment Services Award

Horne, Abigail

Ouellette, Andrea

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Suomi Lions Club Scholarship

Ingham, Kirsten

University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship

Izumi, Isabella

No Strings Attached Community Band Award

Jacques, Michelle

Vrab's Your Independent Grocer Award

Patel, Heema

University of Western Ontario Scholarship of Excellence Sudbury Multicultural and Folk Arts Association Award

Patrick, Katherine Lo-Ellen Park Graduation Foundation Award

Pattison, Shannon

Harvey's Mallette Food Service Co-operative Education Award

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Northern Uniform Merit Award

Randa, Michael

Sling-Choker Manufacturing Award Queen's University Entrance Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Staff Award

Richer, Michael

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University Alumni Award Le concours de français - Laurentian University Award Modern Language Teachers Association Award Vale Reserved Scholarship

Sauve, Claire-Helene

University of Western Ontario Entrance Scholarship The Vicki Dale Prize for Excellence in Mathematics

Sauve, Selena


Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation Bursary Sudbury Anishinabek Post Secondary Bursary

Abotossaway, Mariah

All Saints Anglican Church Bursary Manitoulin Family Resources Bursary Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nations Bursary Art Department Award

Addison, Janelle

O.G. Davies Memorial Bursary Lions Club of Western Manitoulin Bursary Lyons Memorial United Church Bursary Masonic Lodge Education Bursary SHARE Committee Bursary

Addison, Marc

Royal Canadian Legion Western Manitoulin Bursary Arla Thibault Memorial Bursary

Aelick, Tanya

M’Chigeeng First Nation Chief & Council Bursary Joey Fox Memorial Bursary Betty Ferguson Memorial Bursary

Alston, Bradley

Northeastern Manitoulin & the Islands Bursary

Bailey, Rebecca

Scarfone, Kelsey

O.G. Davies Memorial Bursary Manitoulin Minor Hockey Bursary Gore Bay Child Care Bursary Burpee & Mills Municipality Bursary

Schwabe, Katarina

Bailey, Derek

The Harvey's Mallette Food Service Co-operative Education Award University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship Laurentian University's National Dean's Entrance Scholarship of Excellence The Laurentian University Leadership Award Le concours de français - Laurentian University Award Burger King Scholarship Northern Life Carrier's Award

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Sidun, Jenna

Channelview Drop-In Centre Bursary Pearl Laura Finch Memorial Bursary Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Bursary Mindemoya Medical Clinic Bursary

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship Lo-Ellen Park Graduation Foundation Award

Slater, Jonathan

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Smith, Carter

Laurentian University Entrance Scholarship

Smith, Jessica

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Lockerby Animal Hospital Scholarship

Smith, Kelsey

Cambrian College Entrance Scholarship

Yoon, Leanna

Northern Nissan Bursary

Zikman, Chelsey

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Award

Bayer, Chad

M’Chigeeng First Nation Board of Education Bursary United Chiefs & Councils Manitoulin Bursary

Bedard, Cassandra

Bell, Keisha

Royal Canadian Legion Branch #177 Bursary

Bickell, Jordan Mike Brown Award Vale Scholarship

Bond, Kyle

Carrick, Christopher

Big Lake Women’s Institute Bursary Manitowaning Home Hardware Building Centre Bursary

Case, Marissa

Manitoulin Health Centre Auxiliary Bursary Royal Canadian Legion Branch #177 Bursary

Charette, Patrick

Patricia Anderson Memorial Bursary Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Bursary

Cormier, Reid

Lions Club of Little Current Bursary

Debassige, Colin

George Corbiere Memorial Bursary

Desaulniers, Etienne

Burpee & Mills Municipality Bursary Gore Bay Manitoulin Lodge Auxiliary Inc. Bursary Mills Township Citizens Association Bursary Scott Veterinary Services Bursary

Dunlop, Courtland

Domtar Inc. Bursary Manitoulin Snowdusters Award Manitoulin Secondary Staff Bursary Vale Scholarship

Eade, David

John Budd Memorial Bursary Domtar Inc. Scholarship Thomas Farquhar & Sons Ltd. Bursary Vale Scholarship Dr. K.J. Tipper Bursary

Elliott, Paige

Big Lake Community Association Bursary Tom Porter Memorial Bursary Central Manitoulin Township Bursary

Francis, Santanna

Turner’s of Little Current Bursary Arla Thibault Memorial Bursary Manitoulin Secondary School Athletic Association Bursary Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation Bursary

Gammie, Kristen

Mike Brown Award Meeker Aquaculture Bursary Raymond Snyder Scholarship

Glasby, Vanessa

Douglas Allen Bursary Dr . R.B. & J.B. McQuay Memorial Scholarship Phyllis Tilston Sellers Memorial Bursary Writers’ Craft Award SHARE Committee Bursary

Green, Laura

Espanola & District Credit Union Little Current Guardian Pharmacy Bursary Northeastern Manitoulin & the Islands Bursary Don Ridley Memorial Bursary

Assiginack Municipality Bursary Manitowaning Guardian Pharmacy Bursary Ham, Brett Margaret Bond Memorial Bursary Bowerman, Kurtis Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Bursary Har-Cor Diesel Award Jewell’s Collision Centre Bursary Technical Trade & Apprenticeship Bursary

Brown, Adam

Tehkummah Triangle Club Bursary Manitoulin Student Aid Fund Bursary

Burnett, Clinton

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Harasym, Mitchell

Millennium Bursary Lions Club of Southeastern Manitoulin

Hartley, Kerra Lee

Seeds of Joy Bursary Family Studies Bursary John & Jennie McCulloch Memorial Bursary

2010-2011 Scholarship Winners Hayden, Adrienne

Orford, Jeffrey

A.J. Bus Lines Award Doug Patterson Memorial Bursary Gordon & Barrie Island Municipality Bursary Orr, Jessica Gordon Women’s Institute Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming Ice Lake Community Bursary for the Top Scholarship Manitoulin Secondary School Staff Bursary

Hunter, Cody

Doug Patterson Memorial Bursary

Jeeves, Heather

Manitoulin Secondary School Students’ Council Bursary Manitoulin Transport Bursary Rockville Women’s Institute Bursary

Laidley, Jonathan

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lovelace, Geoffrey BMO Award Royal Canadian Legion, Ladies Auxiliary Bursary

Masbou, Anais

Little Current Medical Associates Bursary Manitoulin Chiropractic Clinic Bursary Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Bursary

McAllister, Leah

Campbell Horticultural Society Twilight Club of Providence Bay Bursary Elmer & Doreen Wood Bursary Central Manitoulin Bursary

McDonald, Troy

All Saints Anglican Church Bursary Thomas Farquhar & Son Ltd. Bursary Gordon & Barrie Island Municipality Bursary Manitoulin Snowdusters Award Order of the Eastern Star Spanish River Bursary

McLennan, Shawn

Manitoulin – West Sudbury Scholarship Manitoulin Community Food Network

Meinzinger, Joshua

Compass Group – Chartwells Bursary

Migwans-Sheilds, Jonnie

Tehkummah First Response Bursary Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Bursary

Montgomery, Marcy

Rotary Club of Gore Bay Bursary Manitoulin Community Fitness Centre Bursary

Murdock, Courtney

Carl Brown & Sons Bus Lines Bursary Lions Club of Central Manitoulin Bursary Manitoulin Elementary Teachers’ Bursary Manitoulin Secondary School Staff Bursary Mindemoya Guardian Pharmacy Island Foodland Bursary

Corelli, Teal

E.J. Wiley Music Award Lieutenant Governor’s Community Involvement Award

Dembek, Eleisha

Pinkerton, Elysha

Bieronski, Adam AXSYS Computer Award J. B. Wallace Award

Derkacz, Mersadies

Ray, Alyssa

Bisaillon, Chad

Dixon, Samantha

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Manitoulin Cattlemen’s Association Bursary Manitoulin Transport Scholarship Mindemoya United Church Bursary Scott, Sara Central Manitoulin Bursary Lions Club of Central Manitoulin Bursary Kurek, Courtney Providence Bay Agricultural Society Bursary United Chiefs & Councils of Manitoulin UCCM Anishnabie Police Bursary Bursary Sinclair, Laura Manitoulin Secondary School Queen Elizabeth II Aiming Three Fires Scholarship for the Top Scholarship Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation Bursary

Labelle, Elyse


Smulders, Carson

Manitoulin Secondary School Athletic Association Bursary Manitoulin Secondary School Staff Bursary Zella McCutcheon Memorial Bursary Wes Parkinson Memorial Bursary Principal’s Award for Excellent Leadership

Steele, Connor

Gore Bay Bursary Royal Canadian Legion Western Manitoulin Bursary

Taylor, Jamie

Lions Club of Central Manitoulin Bursary Manitowaning Home Hardware Building Centre Bursary

Trimmer, Samuel

Lions Club of Southeastern Manitoulin Bursary Ashley Frank-Roy Memorial Bursary Pro-Gas Energy Services - Manitoulin Geothermal Bursary

Trudeau, Dina

Academic Excellence Award Denise Michalak Memorial Award Henry and Claudette German Memorial Award High-Tech Class of ’74 Reunion Bursary

Boyd, Sloan

Harry Melnychuk Centennial Bursary Mason Poratto-Mason LLP Law Award Ontario Principals’ Council Student Leadership Award Student Parliament Award

Brunet, Ashleigh Dramatic Arts Award

Burke-Elgee, Lilith

Parent Involvement Committee Award

Burmaster-Hansen, Matthew-Kai

Dramatic Arts Department Award for Writing Evelyn Crandell Bursary for the Arts F.J. Costigan Alumni Association Award Kiwanis Club of Sudbury Music and Dance Performing Arts Award Ontario Principals’ Council Student Leadership Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Specialist High Skills Major Award – Arts and Culture Terpsichore Award for Dance Warna Timlock Award for Excellence in Arts

Manitoulin Secondary School Three Fires Scholarship Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation Bursary

Cardinal, Jeffrey

Varey, Ryan

Robert Gawalko Award

Lions Club of Little Current Bursary Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bursary Donald Patrick Memorial Bursary

Whalen, Zachary

Billings Municipality Bursary National Wild Turkey Federation Bursary

Williamson, Jade

Dr. D.A. Hart Memorial Bursary Dwight McGauley Memorial Bursary Regner Blok-Anderson Memorial Bursary Isobel Harry Bursary Manitoulin Fine Arts Bursary

Wright, William

A.J. Bus Lines Award Little Current Fish & Game Bursary Meeker Aquaculture Bursary Rona –Tims & Co. Home Centre Bursary Pro-Gas Energy Services - Manitoulin Geothermal Bursary

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Guitar Award

Dance Award of Excellence

High-Tech Class of ’74 Reunion Bursary

France, Devin

High-Tech Class of ’74 Reunion Bursary Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Gagnon, Brittney

Life Touch Art Award English Achievement Award Wiinhgash Award

Gagnon, Mikayla

Kruk, Mariah

Benjamin Foote Merwin Jr. Memorial Award Joseph and Marion Castaldi Memorial Award United Steelworkers of America Local 6500 Award

Kryzanowski, Danielle

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award

Lacelle, Jennifer

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Lawrence, Amanda Academic Excellence Award

Leger, Danielle

Student Success Award

Luopa, Rita

Visual Arts Innovation Award

Carrington Mathematics Award Denise Michalak Memorial Award Performing Dance Troupe Award of Excellence

Moggy, Lyndsay

Gallagher-Robin, Julie

Sudbury Secondary School Staff Award

Staff Award

Groves, Crystal

George Albert Bergh Bursary

Guse, Caitlin

Academic Excellence Award CTV Arts Education Award Lions Club of Sudbury Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship History Award Vale Mathematics Award Voima Athletic Association Scholarship

Hajdukiewicz, Meagan

North Star Business Award Accounting Award Specialist High Skills Major Award – Business

Hamilton, William

Harry Melnychuk Centennial Bursary Student Parliament Award

Morrissey, Alyssa

McCooeye, Brooke

Family Studies Scholarship Award

McIntyre, Mitchell

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship Romeo Cundari Memorial Music Bursary

Parsons, Olivia

Ernie Checkeris Award Joseph and Marion Castaldi Memorial Award Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Pilon, Celine

Student Merit Award

Punkari, Eric

Voima Athletic Association Scholarship

Rainville, Jason

Joan Mantle Arts Education Drama Award Kiwanis Club of Sudbury Music and Dance Performing Arts Award Sudbury Secondary School North Star Award

Visual Arts Student Award

Chynybaeva, Kunduz

Henry, Kyla

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship

Clancy, Eric

Hurtubise, Micheline

Carniello, Quinn Chabot, Kelsie

William J.P. Mills Scholarship Vale Science Award English Excellence Award

Jack and Maija Ceming Award for Chemistry

Collin, Ailani Vocal Music Award

Cook, Morgan

Kyle Manuel Memorial Award

Laurentian University Leadership Award Lions Club of Sudbury Award YMCA Employment and Career Award

Kagesheongai, Morgan

High-Tech Class of ’74 Reunion Bursary Media Arts Innovation Award

Rome, Mandie

Cambrian College Secondary School Achievement Award

Speedie, Kendra Toivonen, Traci

Sudbury Secondary School Staff Award

Tymchuk, Paulina

Sudbury Secondary School Staff Award

Vocaturo, Amanda North Star Award


2010-2011 Ontario Scholars CHELMSFORD VALLEY DISTRICT COMPOSITE SCHOOL Audette, Samantha Beers, Elizabeth Daggett, Haiden Gervais, Kassandra-Marie Lively, Shelby Methe, Chad O’Byrne, Shanleigh Ouimet, Amy



Aelick, Leah Babcock-Rimore, Lauren Aubin, Lindsay Beaton, Donald Bergeron, Kristofer Bourgeois, Miranda Bridge, Emily Brunelle, Emily Byers, Brittany Caron, Lindsay Charette, Veronica Cleary, Leanne Cook, Kelsey Cousineau, Jake Dempsey, Matthew Fernandez-Bain, Jesse Gagnon, David Gorman, Dylan Hanson, Alyssa Huffman, Jade Huffman, Kelsey Kelly, Taija Kenny, Andrew Lloyd, Vanessa McAnulty, Corinne McTiernan, Jasmine Mejia, Emily Nebonaionoquet, Kate-Lynn Pelkman, Rebekah Sbrega, Niko Scott, Melissa Snyder, Kayla Trites, Brandon Van den Heuvel, Jamie Villeneuve, Katrina Villeneuve, Jacqueline Wagg, Jasmine


Bouwmeester, Corey Brown, Arielle Gagan, Hilary Jones, Kayla Kelly, Larissa Lachance, Adam Leclair, Kelsey Lefebvre, Carmen Lelievre, Darcy Lemire, Madeline Meijer, Bob Phillips, Nathan Radbourne, Julie Robinson, Alexander Trottier-Scully, Taylor Whalen, Danielle Wood, Hillary

LASALLE SECONDARY SCHOOL Anderson, Connor Ashick-Stinson, Jillian Bartell, Chelsea Bilton, Robin Bonas, Lindsay Burgess, Alexandra Chisholm, Hayley Evans, Avryl Haavisto, Christina Henderson, Lindsay Homayed, Meerna Johnson, Sara Kosiw, John Laari, Vanessa Lio, Ho Kwan Lockwood, Heather Miller, Scott Moratz, Kyra Nardai, Sean Noor, Muhammad Sharjeel Nguyen, Minh Nixon, Jordan Peach, Carissa Perrin, Travis Picard, Courtney Pontes, Kendra Prince, Holly Rideout, Justin Rienguette, Kylah Sabourin, Alyssa Sharif, Nicholas Staszak, Robert Thompson, Riley Tremblay, Bianca Umpherson, Carter Vallier, Cody Welch, Meghan

LIVELY DISTRICT SECONDARY SCHOOL Bernard-Keast, Brittany Cousineau, Ashlyn Cox, Maegan Danyliw, Steven Fox, Adam Kippax, Caitlin Ganzini, Jamie Haas, Megan King, Jamie Marshall, Katelyn Mikkelsen, Matthew Mirka, Keely Niemi, Erik Parks, Scott Stransky, Caitlan Walli, Trevor Walter, Samantha Wanamaker, Miranda

LOCKERBY COMPOSITE SCHOOL Abate, Joshua Adriaans, Rachel Aelick, Krista Armstrong, Jordan Aulakh, Gurpreet Barr, Jordan Bell, Bradley Blais, Eric Blanchard, Trevor

Boyce, Connor Bravo Clavero, Yisell Brooks, Sarah Byrnes, Danyka Cameron, Jessica Chiasson, Chloe Clark, Krystel Cobb, Connor Desmarais, Patrick Dorigo, Davide Duhamel, Brittany Dumencu, Zachary Eaton, Alexandra Eaton, Genevieve Elliott, Bobby-Jo Elsner, Haley Favero, Corey Fenerty, Katie Ferguson, Ryan Fragomeni, Tyler Fraser, Mason Galloway, Dylan Gervais, Jacob Gordon, Samantha Gough, James Guitard, Nathan Guscott, Thomas Harbottle, Lauren Hargan, Rachael Henderson, Calvin Jones, Erin Khuwaja, Pashmeena Kivi, Emily Kuchtaruk, Alexander Langille, Lauren Leduc, Lindsay MacCullough, Christopher MacPherson, Amy Mailloux, Rebecca Malinski, Katrina Manarin, Brandon Max, Carissa Mazza, Stefano Mazzella, Veronica Mazzuca, Kelsey McDougall, Tessa McPhee, Kelsi Montgomery, Kyle Munasinghe, Lashan Orr, Madeleine Page, Jonathan Palys, Matthew Persi, Teghan Petryna, Elissa Pitzel, Alexander Pollesel, James Rainsberry, Holly Richard, Kaitlin Roy, Kyler Safonov, Andrey Sallan, Nisha Schmidt, Jacob Smith, Matthew Smith, Emily Smith, Timothy Staalstra, Carly Stone, Kurtis Thomson, Grace Thwaites, Mianda Tiplady, Kara Traore, Tiye Urban, Ryan Verrilli, Mark

Visentin, Justin Voutier, Kaylie Walters, Erica Westhaver, Kurt Williamson, Chad Wilson, Heather Wismer, Kathleen Young, Wesley Yu, Hong Fei

LO-ELLEN PARK SECONDARY SCHOOL Abidi Ali, Mehdi Ahrbeck, Christopher Alarie, Antoine Amyot, Paul Appanna, Nishma Baker, Kiyomi Battistoni, Aaron Bertrand, Jessica Bimm, Bryanna Caines, Brittany Charbonneau, Meredith Chiesa, Alicia Copas, Ryan Cormie-Bowins, Donald Crabtree, Nicholas Dailey, Carlene Denniston, Scott Denomme, Sarah Di Feo, Vanessa Dykstra, Mathiew Eleftheriadis, Aristotelis Ellero Dionne, Loran Fairgrieve, Sean Fievoli, Alexander Fitzgerald, Jordyn Gagnon, Chloe Gallagher, Joël Garisa, Meghana Généreux, Angèle Glass, Andrew Gomirato, Aaron Harris, Marina Hick, Michelle Horne, Abigail Ingham, Kirsten Izumi, Isabella Jacques, Michelle Joseph, Alok Kelly-Dicaire, Gabrielle Kim, Jae Ho Latendre, Jenna Ley, Robert Lielkalns, Amy MacLean, Alannah Malloy, Jazmyn Mayhew, Carley McLean, Connor Michel, Kyra Mick, Brianna Mills, Alysha Moutsatsos, Jasmine Nizzero, Adrian O'Grady, Paige Ouellette, Andrea Pagnutti, Sarah Patel, Heema Patrick, Katherine Pattison, Shannon Perih, Melissa Pettigrew, Kyla Pilkington, Tyson

Rebeiro, Nicholas Richer, Michael Rysdale, Austin Rysdale, Ryan Sauve, Claire-Helene Scarfone, Kelsey Schwabe, Katarina Sidun, Jenna Slade, Erik Slater, Jonathan Smith, Carter Smith, Jessica Smith, Kelsey Spry, Courtney Tessier, Molly West, Gabriel

MANITOULIN SECONDARY SCHOOL Beaudry, Christopher Bondi, Parker Burnett, Clinton Campbell, Barret Campbell, Delaney Chartrand-Hudson, Emily Clarke, Caitlin Connoy, Richard Corbiere, Bnehns Debassige, Naomi Delange, Jennifer Dittmar, Trevor Flanagan, Daniel Hicks, Brittany Laidley, Jonathan Lauzon, Kristen Mackan, Jacob Madore, Brenna Maracle, Rachel Ogbamichael, Rebecca Orford, Andrew Pinkerton, Elysha Poenn, Heidi Proulx, Lucas Riching, Deanna Robinson, Jennica Runnalls, Katie Scheuer, Deanna Sinclair, Laura


Boyd, Sloan Brock, Victoria Burmaster-Hansen, Matthew-Kai Burton, Natasha Chynybaeva, Kunduz Derkacz, Mersadies France, Devin Gallagher-Robin, Julie Guidoccio, Deanna Guse, Caitlin Henry, Kyla MacLeod, Miranda Parsons, Olivia Speedie, Kendra

Rainbow District School Board – 2011-2012 School Year

Sudbury | Espanola | Manitoulin | Shining Tree

69 Young Street, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 3G5 | Tel: 705.674.3171 | Toll Free: 1.888.421.2661 | Fax: 705.674.3167 | |


Adamsdale Public School Alexander Public School (FI) Algonquin Road Public School C.R. Judd Public School Carl A. Nesbitt Public School (FI) Chelmsford Public School (FI & EP) Chelmsford Valley District C.S. (Grade 7 & 8) Churchill Public School Copper Cliff Public School Cyril Varney Public School Ernie Checkeris Public School (FI) Lansdowne Public School (FI & EP) Larchwood Public School Levack Public School (FI & EP) Lively District Secondary School (Grade 7 & 8) Long Lake Public School MacLeod Public School Markstay Public School Monetville Public School Northeastern Elementary School (FI & EP) Pinecrest Public School Princess Anne Public School Queen Elizabeth Public School R.H. Murray Public School R.L. Beattie Public School (FI) Redwood Acres Public School Valley View Public School (FI) Walden Public School (FI & EP) Wanup Public School Westmount Avenue Public School (FI)


Dawn Chew Jacques Mantha Bob Deeth Michael Bellrose Terry Moss Pam DeMarco Mike Mirka Dave Farrow Chris Bourré Ron Hodkinson Terry Moss Chantal Lacroix Trevor Dewit Jack Mallette Leslie Mantle Bob Deeth Michelle Walton Stephen Winckel Paula Mackey Kathy Wachnuk Randy Wallingford Colleen McDonald Gisèle Sivret Danielle Williamson Paul Dupont Susan Cousineau Gisèle LaLonde Lesley Fisher Cathy Nursall Denise Goodmurphy


Chelmsford Valley District C.S. (FI & EP) Confederation Secondary School (FI & EP) Lasalle Secondary School (FI & EP) Lively District Secondary School School of Integrated Technology Lockerby Composite School (FI & EP) Science Technology Education Program Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School (FI & EP) International Baccalaureate Program Sudbury Secondary School (FI & EP) Arts Education Program


A.B. Ellis Public School S. Geiger Public School Webbwood Public School

Espanola High School

Heather Gaffney


Craig Runciman


Paul Camillo



Lynn MacDonell Kendra Mihell Kendra Mihell


Marty Punkari


Assiginack Public School Central Manitoulin Public School Charles C. McLean Public School Little Current Public School


705.675.0225 705.671.5948 705.566.2280 705.692.3671


705.566.6020 705.675.5961 705.522.3171 705.671.5953 705.566.3935 705.671.5945 705.675.0225 705.566.5130 705.682.4721 705.566.2424 705.566.7610 705.675.6451 705.671.5944 705.671.5943 705.692.3671 705.522.6168 705.522.8040 705.671.5946 705.898.2785 705.675.0204 705.675.0200 705.673.6516 705.675.6198 705.671.5942 705.522.7178 705.675.0202 705.671.5956 705.692.3602 705.522.2671 705.566.1770

Mike Mirka Pablo Gil-Alfau Jeff McKibbon Leslie Mantle




Wayne Murdock Tracey Chapman Anna Armstrong Jamie Mohamed


705.869.1651 705.865.2052 705.869.3751




705.368.7010 705.368.7005 705.368.7015 705.368.2932


Manitoulin Secondary School


Laurie Zahnow


M.W. Moore Public School


John Capin


M.W. Moore Secondary School


John Capin










Alternative Program Elementary Iva McNair 705.674.1221 Barrydowne College Maureen McNamara 705.566.2302 Cecil Facer Secondary School Linda Mende 705.522.0196 Community Use of Schools Kathy Longarini 705.674.3171 ext. 7227 Continuing Education Centre Gloria Trudel 705.675.5481 Co-operative Education Linda Urisk 705.688.0888 First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Katherine Dokis-Ranney 705.671.5940 Frank Flowers School Program Linda Mende 705.524.3354 Gatchell School Iva McNair 705.674.1221 N’Swakamok Native Alternative School Katherine Dokis-Ranney 705.674.2128 Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Sharon Orlak 705.688.0888 Program Lisa Piquette 705.523.3308 Restart Program Kim Proulx 705.671.5941 Ruth MacMillan Centre Iva McNair 705.675.9193 ext. 8263 Special Education Programs/Services Margaret Stringer 705.523.3308 Student Success Judy Noble 705.523.3308 The Gord Ewin Centre for Education 705.523.3308 Transportation Inquiries 705.521.1234 (Sudbury Student Services Consortium) Toll Free: 1.877.225.1196 For bus cancellations, visit and click on Transportation. FI - These schools offer the French Immersion Program. FI & EP - These schools offer the French Immersion as well as the English Program. All other schools offer the English Program.


Tyler Campbell – Chair Doreen Dewar – Vice-Chair Grace Fox Gord Santala Robert Kirwan Dena Morrison Judy Hunda Larry Killens Bob Clement Oshani Amaratunga – Student Trustee

Sudbury, Area 2 Sudbury, Area 5 First Nations Sudbury, Area 1 Sudbury, Area 3 Sudbury, Area 4 Sudbury, Area 6 Manitoulin, Area 7 Espanola, Area 8

705.674.6040 705.682.9449 705.377.4615 705.866.5229 705.969.7215 705.693.0484 705.671.1640 705.859.2371 705.869.2235


Board Office Norm Blaseg Diane Cayen-Arnold Bruce Bourget Ada Della Penta Lesleigh Dye Sharon Speir Nicole Charette

705.674.3171 Director of Education Superintendent of Business Superintendent of Schools Superintendent of Schools Superintendent of Schools Superintendent of Schools Senior Advisor Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning

Toll Free: 1.888.421.2661 ext. 7254 ext. 7254 ext. 7213 ext. 7216 ext. 7213 ext. 7216 ext. 7217

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