Component 2 - Rainier Reyes

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Component 2

Design Brief and Specification

Design Brief Specifications

Grenfell Park located in Hornchurch London, is a 20-acre large park. The park contains a large area of conservation grassland as well as the River Rom which has been preserved as habitat space for birds' mammals and insects. In recent years, the park has remained rather bleak with the last renovation being in 2018 which was done to improve the habitat for wildlife. Houses as well as the YMCA youth club reside nearby the park making it a popular spot for locals to visit. Occasionally, nearby primary schools also use the park as an opportunity for small class trips. Insidethe park lies a playground containing several items of children’s play equipment. This has been left untouched since it’s instalment in 1960s which has kept it outdated and bland. Due to this, I feel that the park could use potential redevelopment with the playground area, transforming the spaceintoa more interactiveand interesting spacefor allages of Youth.

To make this happen, I would be working with the Havering London Borough Council redeveloping the playground into a more unique community spot. A portion of the nearby trees would also be cut down so that the playground space I would be working with will larger. The primary inspiration of this space would be complex organic forms and most of the equipment will be inspired by natural forms such as plants and animals. I would also like to include a small pavilion people can use in case of rain or just for shelter. Altogether, the focus of this redevelopment project is to bring the local community a high-quality park they can usefor leisure and activities.

The entire playground space will be redevelopment however much of the surrounding area will be left untouched aside from the large path spanning across the two main entrances of the park. This was made with intent to serve locals but will also be made in hopes of attracting any tourists whowould like tostop by.

- Playground space

- Accessiblefor everyone.

- Greenery such as trees and plants that will help blend the park with thesurrounding nature.

- Spots that can beused for aesthetic photos/pictures.

- A pavilion that peoplecan enter when it is raining.

- Benches - seating areas in general

Location Review

The site location resides in a perfect spot for a park as the surrounding area consists of mainly housing buildings as showcased below. There are a couple of shops and restaurants nearby with the most notable being the large Tesco building which lays walking distance away from the site. This means thegeneral area doesn’t necessarily lack anything important with most necessities being close for the local community. Nearby is YMCA Romford which provides the community with gym facilities, children’s and youth clubs, a restaurant as well as a housing unit. Renovating the park into a more welcoming space for activities will therefore influence the YMCA to use it more which will leave it less empty as it is now.

The very important factors to take into consideration with the chosen site location would be:

- There is no issues with housing units in the area considering that most of the spacesurrounding thesiteconsists of houses

- There are two main entrances to the site with one being connected to a main road

- The site location sits adjacent to a habitat ground that has been preserved for local wildlife, which means foxes, insects and other animals could potentially bepresent in thesitelocation

- Next to the Site location is the YMCA building which holds a lot of different purposes that could potentially linkwith thedesign brief

General Area

Cad mapper shows which buildings stick out the most in the area. As expected, this includes the YMCA building adjacent tothe site location. There is potential ideas for a bridge to connect the YMCA to the park through the use of a bridge across the small river separating the two. This would ease access but is not necessarily important.

Using cad mapper, I was able to greatly simplify the site location and its surrounding buildings. We can see from the images being displayed on this screen that there is limited grass land compared to land used for paths/ roads and buildings. This means that for my renovation project I must try preserve as much grass as possible ensuring that the playground will not take up too much of thepark’s space. The birds-eye view image also shows how there is one path that cuts through the middle of the park. On the left of this path is where I will do the majority of the renovations as I feel it would be best to leave the right section as it is. It is important that this part of the site remains untouched considering that it is usually used for sports / pet owners / other physical activities.

- Site location is primarily grass but is surrounded completely by buildings / concrete and paths

- Very simple outline for the site location

Cad Mapper Outline

- Roads found around the site location

Site Photographs

The area has a lot of the sky exposed which makes me want to build a small climbable tower. This would then be accessible for people to take photos of the surrounding spaceand sky.

I feel that the path travelling across the path will be left untouched as there is no real need to add any change to it. What I feel is necessary would bebranching this pathtothenew renovated parkI will create.

The YMCA building is extremely visible from the site location. There are bins stationed at the end and middle of thecentre path which keeps the spaceclean.

The image to the left shows the other buildings surrounding the space. They are not too tall which helps reducethe shadows looming over thesite location.

The gathering of trees displayed above rest next to the current playground. To increase the size of this playground It will be necessary to remove these trees and use the land for the future playground renovations. This is fine as the trees arenot necessarily important or being used.

Natural Forms Research

Bonsai Tree

In general, I think trees are one of the most popular aspects of nature as they can be found almost everywhere in the world. Shown on this page are bonsai trees, a smaller type of tree that people would grow inside their houses rather than outside like most. I quite like the form of the tree trunk as it bends more naturally than most trees. This aspect of the bonsai tree has helped me develop inspiration.

Using the outline of the two bonsai tree images, I was able to create multiple organic form shapes showcased below.

Instead of having the tree hold up leaves, It could be holding up platforms / rooms thatpeople could climb to.

On the left is a wire model I based on the bonsai tree image found on this page. The model has helped me understand tree formation much more. We can see how all these tree branches stem off the tree's primary trunk which I believe can be used as inspiration for many more developed ideas. I wrapped up the wired model in tape in order for the form to better represent a tree.

The flower branch shown to the right interests me due to the positioni ng of the flower petals and how the stem connects all the different flower petals with one another. This connecti on helps combine multiple elements with one another which I attempte d to simplify in my sketches shown in the right. The simple drawings can be used as inspiratio



I believe flowers are another integral part of nature and can be considered one of the more beautiful aspects of it. These primary photos taken of a flower branchwere used mainlyfor its form.

I tried using the flowers as different park equipment. On the left is a flower inspired lamp whichI think could be an interesting additionto my park renovation. Below is my attempt small bench that has similar branch. The only issue with this the very thin branch that holds the bench together. This section as shelter for rain and was simplified complex flower form itoriginally


With these sketches, focused more on the flower due to the multiple layers of petals flower. These layers helped me create a seating area design that would have multiple platforms. The centre could potentially be well or just a seat as shown in the sketches above. This would be a very easy design to implement into the park considering how simplistic it is.

Here I tried making a more complex seating area that derives from two flowers instead of just one like the previous idea. I was able to produce multiple designs with the same layering aspect that the flower and previous seating area contained

Side Elevation View:
Above is a flower inspired seating area with a verysimple design.

The ideas created from Topograp hic maps serve mainly as the basic formation of my park. I would develop these ideas later on as they help give a general idea on what an organic space could look like. The amount of contour lines inside one shape is a factor that I can also easil y manipulat e and change which produces varying designs.


Topographic maps detail the topography(the forms and features ofland surfaces) of a givenarea. Idecided to take inspiration from the contour lines showninTopographic maps.

Contour lines create very fluid shapes that serves as amazing inspiration for organic forms. The lack of corners in contour lines and topographic maps helps give a sense of nature. This is because the lines don't seem purposefully placed but more random and rhythmic. I decided to use these as basic inspiration for the layout of my park as well as seating spaces. Having the different shapes inside one another creates depthand Iused this to make the organic seating space designs showcased on the left, fitting perfectly with my theme of organic nature.

This SketchUp model helped me better understand how a simplified design based on contour lines would look in 3D. This model could easily be used as a sort of seating area or a place like a garden bed.

Above is a slightly more advanced sketch up model inspired by topographic maps. There is a very organic feel to its shape which gives off an interesting view from a birds eye view which mimics contour lines.

The picture portrayed to the right has a lot of different layers with certain mountains being closer than others. Through this, I have drawn sketches based on the varying layers there is with mountains.


Mountains have very complex shapes and silhouettes. I used inspiration from this and simplified their very intricate outline into a more curved and basic shape.

I was able to develop the sketches into some potential playground equipment / decoration. I quite like the idea of having different shaped walls scattered across the park as it would make the space seem more dynamic and less repetitive.

The sketch up model being presented below is just a potential playground equipment design. This one in particular has inspiration from the image shown on the right where different mountains peak up from the flat snowysurface.

With these sketches I focused more on the mountain’s pointy tops which I felt could be simplified to triangular shapes. This produced a broad range of ideas which I feel could potentiallybe used on a wall as a climbing wall or just decoration. On the other hand, it does notwork as well placed onground as it acts as a potential hazard with the pointed tips of the triangular shapes.

Organic Model 1

For this model I used foam to create a trio of organic shaped structures. This has helped me understand how unique and interesting designs can be made from complex forms. I greatly simplified the model in my drawings as I sketched only the general outline. The sketches I produced could potentially be used as inspiration for building layouts . In addition to this, the grainy texture of the foam has given me ideas on wall texture and patterns.

These sketches showcase the complexity behind the foam model's shape. Having 3 distinct foam objects and placing them with one another has also showed me how combining different shapes can produce one large design. I also aimed to mimic the texture of a rock hence the useof foam.

Here I decided to implement wiring that attached all the separatefoam blocks with oneanother. This helped connect all three designs and as a result brings more shapes and inspirations from the model. I feel that the way wiring is used in this model could be replaced with bridges that people could use to travel to other sections. This is a very effective design choice that helps people move from one block to another.

Through adjusting colour effects and applying artistic effects, I found that there are interesting patterns found when using the mosaic bubbles effect.

In these sketches I decided to enlarge the wires in the model to make them stand out more in thedesign.

Organic Model 2

After experimenting with metal wires, I found that I could combine multiple with one another to create a very complex shape through their intersections. In this model, the wiring is thin which I believe makes thedesign easier to implement

The wiring could easily be used as a climbing frame or a potential pavilion place. It is a very simple design and therefore could beplaced around thepark

This wire model was inspired by the shape given off by a mountainous landscape. ark. I could potentially add the amount of wires in the design to make a more dynamic shape.

Adding duct tape to the model has broadened my ideas for playground equipment / seating spaces. The sketches shown on this page would work well as a slide shape. This would stray away from commercial playground slides and could serve as a key area for the playground space. Itwould also have been inspired by nature therefore linking my park redevelopmen t to my ongoing theme of nature. I must further develop these ideas to make a more efficient and effective slide design.

These sketches show a more organised set of wirings. I quite like the sketch far below with the pillars attached to the original wiring. This created an interesting form which could serve as its own part of the entirepark.

To improve on the wire mesh model, I added duct tapearound thewires which helped thicken their shapeand outline. Their thicker shape helped me develop designs in more interesting ways. This version of the model also gives off a more natural feel due to the duct tape texture being like that of a tree branch, linking with my theme of nature.

Secondary Research

PublicSpace MoodBoard

PublicSpace Design

Public Space Design is an important subject to research for my brief as I will be redeveloping a public park. This means that the path placement is integral as well as the positioning and amountof greeneryIdecide to implement.

The public space displayed onthe right uses interesting shaped bushes to help carve out the path's general shape and direction. I like how this led to a curved and fluid path formation. I think mimicking this onto my own project will help me create a more natural park that will flow a lot better.

The public space shown to the left has one central path with many less significant paths branching outwards from it. Having one main path feels like a great addition to my park as it would help link the entire space a lot better.

Here I raised the heights of the green spaces shown in the top image to bring interesting inspiration.

The NewYorkCityHighLine

I think the New York City High Line uses greenery in aneffective wayas it helps pave outinteresting path shapes for civilians. It also retains the abandoned feel that the original High Line had but does so in a modernand functional way.

The New York City High Line honours its roots by keeping sections of the railway and maintaining its main shape. Having one long strip as the entire park is a unique choice of architecture that also connects multiple communities together as it passes througha large portionofthe city.

The path I made on sketch up serves as the foundatio n of the paths in the New York City High Line. It is a very repeatabl e design choice.

Tainan Spring

The Tainan Spring project was done to transform what was previously an abandoned city mall area into an urban lagoon park space that’s accessible for the local community.

The most interesting aspect of the springs would be the different shaped structures scattered around the space. These all have a similar but not identical shape which creates a natural feel to the park.

The use of water to separate the various spaces is an effective replacement to pavements as it brings an interesting element to the entire space. I like how grass is used to add another sense of nature / greenery to the place with the pillars providing a unique contrast due to their strong white colour. The positioning of every pillar although seeming random at a first glance is effective as it helps fill the entire space up without feeling too repetitive.

I really like the shape of the bushes found in Thames Barrier Park. Their curved shape is very similar to the formatio n of mountai ns as they vary in heights at different position s. Their form is also extreme ly smooth which helps make an intricate shape that can be easily repeate d around the park.

Thames Barrier Park

Thames Barrier Park has an extremely uniform pattern with its bushes whichcreates aninteresting bird's eye view image ashshowcased below.

I tried using the flowers as different park equipment. On the left is a flower inspired lamp which I think could be an interesting addition to my park renovation. Below is my attempt at making a small bench that has similar form to the flower branch. The only issue with this design would be the very thin branch that holds the upper part of the bench together. This section is supposed to act as shelter for rain and was simplified from the complex flower form it originally was,


Here I tried making a more complex seating area that derives from two flowers instead of just one like the previous idea. I was able to produce multiple designs with the same layering aspect that the flower and previous seating area contained

Here I tried making a more complex seating area that derives from two flowers instead of just one like the previous idea. I was able to produce multiple designs with the same layering as

I decided to use this very geometric pavilion and transform it into a more organic inspired design as showcased in the sketches below. These forms suit my design brief a lot better.

This pavilion contains a very simple shape with the circular roof acting as the focal point of the entire design. The different shaped pillars are what makes the pavilion a more complex space. The colour scheme also contrasts efficiently with the surrounding greenspace.

I attempted to recreate the pillars shown to the left in sketch up so I could better understand and grasp the general shape and structure of the pillars.

Finalising Ideas

Developed Idea 1

Using the following model/ designs I have combined and adapted them both into a simplified form that consists ofsmoother edges and feels more suited to a playground environment

The highlighted area is where I would like to implement this specific idea/design. The rectangle shaped base is just a general idea of where it would go however, I plan to have a very complex shape as its base template. This is to further link my theme of simple and complex as well as my overlying theme of organic shapes and patterns.

To the left shows my process in developing this model on SketchUp. I plan to add the main pavilion in this area. The railings that attach to the pavilion’s walls help connectthe entire space with each other, as well as just adding another element of nature as the railings have a similar formation to tree branches. I primarily used curved lines for most aspects of this model to keep it consistent.

As shownbelow, the model has become rather complex, and I think serves as a good template ofa space inmy final model. Itcould also serve as its ownsector in the final park designas Icould easilyadd onto it.

Adding the glass roof to the pavilion helped provide a more modern aspect to the pavilion. It not only produced an area of shelter for the park but makes the design a lot more interesting and sleeker.

Overall, I think this SketchUp model has helped me create more developed and connected ideas as well as helping me understand the general directionIwould like to go with mypublic park space. The use of greenery is also great as it does not overwhelm the park space completely. I do, however, feel that the colour palette and materials used below for my space could be slightly reworked in making a more interesting park design that is not as basic.

Developed Idea 2

I decided to make another, smaller section that is inspired by the bottom two images. I quite like the use oflayers whichalso draw inspirationfrom topographic maps

I began with adding multiple layers that stay consistent with the theme of organic shapes. The curved outer lines are supposed to be more unsystematic to give off a more organic feel.

After placing multiple layers with one another, I carried on with the topographic inspiration decided to also putcylindrical structures thathelped add another element to the design. These also work as pavilions and spaces for shelter as I used a glass roof to connect the pillars in groups of In order to connect the two raised platforms, I decided to connect them with an organic shaped bridge .

Above in the highlighted area, is where I would like to place this design, sitting next to the previous developed idea. The base templated will still stay rather complex to keep my theme of organic / complex shapes coherent

Combining Idea 1& 2

Adding the glass roof to the pavilion helped provide a more modern aspect to the pavilion. It not only produced an area of shelter for the park but makes the design a lot more interesting and sleeker.

As shown below, the model has become rather complex, and I think serves as a good template of a space in my final model. It could also serve as its ownsector inthe final park designas Icould easilyadd onto it.

Overall, Ithink this SketchUp model has helped me create more developed and connected ideas as well as helping me understand the general direction I would like to go with my public park space. The use of greenery is also great as it does not overwhelm the park space completely. I do, however, feel that the colour palette and materials used below for my space could be slightly reworked in making a more interesting park designthat is not as basic.

Final Sketch Up Model

Below showcases all the keyparts I have made which Iwould like to include inmy final model. This final sketch up model acts more as a guide to the model I will be making during my exams as I feel that the positioning of multiple elements within this sketch up projectcould be moved ina more desirable position.

The Final Model madeduring Exam

After completing my sketch-up model, I decided to create a real-life model which took heavy inspiration from the sketch-up design while having its own layout. A lot of the elements and composition of the sketch-up model were revamped in a way that would better fit the site location I chose. I had included the river and parkgrass which can beseen below as thegrass acted as themodel's base.

As shown to the left, I had implement ed a lot of different structures and pieces to my model which were not previously experimen ted on inside the sketch up. This is because during my exam I found multiple ways of adding interest to the design through small details such as trees, arch ways or poles. I also utilised a gravel path that went through the model just like in the actual site.

Here are a variety of the different elements in my park which helped elevate its design. I decided to create a more modern feel in my park with a lot of sections also having inspirationfrom organic forms whichIhave beenresearching.

To the right is a seating area which has a unique shape inspired by organic forms. I wanted to make sure that the seats were all positioned in a way that made it seem like they were fitted together in one system. The raised platform isolates the seating area from the restofthe park.

To the left showcases a small swing that I placed on an arc. Its curved shape compliments the organic forms that scatter around the park while also providing a very friendly aesthetic as arcs feel more approachable than rigid lines.

On the left is a structure that was inspired by topographic maps through its multiple layers. I added a natural shaped bridge which connects the two platforms with one another into one entire design. There are also two pavilions which connect with this platform and branch out purposefully to make it seem more connected with the entire park.

This seating area was made to be larger and fills out the other raised platform in the site. I also placed black pillars around this segment as another cosmetic aspect in the park.

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