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#67 October 1, 2017

INITIATIVE Be the change you wish to see. – Mahatma Gandhi

If you put off everything till you’re sure of it, you’ll get nothing done. – Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. – Alan Kay

An initiative by Hello! “I wish I could do something interesting or different!” How often have you thought about it? Who is stopping you? Your inertia! Your habit of procrastination! Your desire to wait for some more time! For how long would you wait? Time to initiate whatever you have been putting off to. Time to convert each one of your initiative into a meaning impact for self and others. Change your initiative into your finishiative. You deserve it. Which way are you initiating? ☺ Cheers Rajiv Khurana

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

TEN ways to transform INITIATIVE to FINISHIATIVE Ignore status quo Never accept routine ways Ideate more than needed Take charge Ignite and sparkle fresh thinking Act like an achiever Take a look at all opportunities Improve KASH Voice out your determination Evaluate, Explore, Expand, Enthuse, Excite

I’m retyred! Concept and Acronym by Rajiv Khurana

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

TEN ways to transform I N I T I AT I V E to FINISHIATIVE Ignore status quo Never accept routine ways Ideate more than needed Take charge Ignite and sparkle fresh thinking Act like an achiever Take a look at all opportunities Improve KASH Voice out your determination Evaluate, Explore, Expand, Enthuse, Excite

An initiative by Imagine if you maintained a status quo when you were born. God never designed you that way. You kept growing and also consciously developing. Apply the same to your work. Why get caught-up in the rut? Everyday life of yours can’t be the Xerox copy of the day gone by. Change it if you are getting stuck in the routine. It’s so un-inspiring. New results cannot emerge out of the old ways. To be different, you need to work on more and more new ways of looking at things. Learn from your camera phone. Change the perspective and new images will start emerging. Nothing will move your way on a pedestal. Be demanding. Be assertive. Take charge. A helicopter view may give you a commanding overview and coconnectivity to construct a meaningful action plan. Inject new ideas amongst the people in your surroundings. Thrive on their mental ignitions. Their views could be important. Help them think better and brighter. Ignore temporary setbacks.

I’m retyred!

Concept and Acronym by Rajiv Khurana

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

TEN ways to transform I N I T I AT I V E to FINISHIATIVE Ignore status quo Never accept routine ways Ideate more than needed Take charge Ignite and sparkle fresh thinking Act like an achiever Take a look at all opportunities Improve KASH Voice out your determination Evaluate, Explore, Expand, Enthuse, Excite

I’m retyred! If you can’t make it, fake it. Position yourself as an achiever. Let your confidence rub others. They may also feel inspired. Worry not if some actions fire back. Every kick towards goal post does not shoot the goal. It may be easy to look at the low hanging fruits and put them in your achievements list. Take your time to evaluate all the opportunities you may be able to see or visualize and then take an informed call. Life is not a one action exercise. The challenges to your initiatives will keep arriving and also keep opening newer opportunities for you. This requires consistently improving your Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits. Declaring your intent to the world is critical. Raise expectations of people from you. Create positive stress on yourself for the accomplishments while people are watching you. Go ahead. Achieve. Pose like a victor. Expand your mental horizon. Enthuse yourself regularly with ignited energy. Keep the child inside you active and agile to work for every result. Evaluate diligently and keep looking out for more. Concept and Acronym by Rajiv Khurana

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

Ways to Take More Initiative at Work and in Life

An initiative by 1. Make a habit of asking “what if” instead of accepting the status-quo 2. Schedule creative brainstorm sessions by yourself or in groups 3. Challenge yourself to try new things every day for a week 4. Ask a lot of questions 5. If you are spending a lot of time doing boring tasks, ask yourself if it really needs to be done. If it does, find ways to make it more efficient. Consider outsourcing some of those tasks. 6. Do different self-awareness exercises every day for a month. Take personality tests. Journal. Ask your friends and family about your strengths and weaknesses. 7. Make a list of all the things you’ve been meaning to do for a while – whether it’s something as small as cleaning the house, or something as big as writing a book – and start doing at least one thing from that list straight away. 8. Find a mentor. 9. Form a mastermind group. 10. Join a class to learn something new, even if it has nothing to do with your career.

I’m retyred!

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

Ways to Take More Initiative at Work and in Life

An initiative by 11. Make a list of your biggest mistakes. Journal about the lessons you learned from those mistakes. 12. Speak up. Next time someone asks you for an opinin, or if you are in a meeting, don’t hold back. Present your ideas, or say exactly what you think. You have to be comfortable with yourself and your beliefs, to get used to taking an initiative. 13. If you see something that needs to be done, go do it – even if it’s not a part of your responsibility. 14. Admit your mistakes. 15. Set goals. 16. Participate. Make your presence known by taking part in any discussion or activity with enthusiasm. 17. Take advantage of new opportunities. 18. Discover your values. Do you know what you stand for? Your core values are an essential part of the life you want to create, so spend some time thinking about them. 19. Make a list of things around you that are not quite good enough, the ones that you know could be better. Pick one, and brainstorm how you’ll make it better. Then, immediately implement the idea.

I’m retyred!

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

Ways to Take More Initiative at Work and in Life

An initiative by 20. Make decisions. When something needs to be decided, don’t just worry or think about it and prolong the situation. Do your homework, assess the situation, and then make an informed decision. 21. Follow the 80/20 rule. Focus your efforts on the things that will deliver high impact results. 22. Make a conscious effort to give your absolute best to every task at hand. 23. Be persistent. If you want something, and you know you are right to want it, then keep at it. Don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back. 24. Influence is power. Experiment with different ways to improve your influencing skills. 25. Send a hand-written “Thank You” card to someone who has helped you. 26. Approach one person who’s good at something you want to improve in, and ask them for help. You could either ask them to be your mentor, or make a mutually beneficial offer where you provide them with something they need in return.

I’m retyred!

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

Ways to Take More Initiative at Work and in Life

An initiative by

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27. Praise someone publically for something they did well. If your spouse did something nice for you, thank them or praise their effort in front of others. If your employee took an initiative, went out of their way to do something, or did a really great job, make a pointing of commenting on it in front of other colleagues. 28. Praise someone who’s in a higher position than you. If your parents did something well, or if your boss did something very helpful, or gave you good guidance, tell them that, and thank them. 29. Lead by example. If you are trying to get someone else to do something, do it yourself first. Inspire action in others. Don’t force it. 30.Help someone with zero expectation for any reward, or even a thank-you. Help them because it’s the right thing to do 31. Find an informal leadership position. Organise events in your local community; offer your help with school projects; start a group that brings like-minded people together. You don’t need to wait for someone else to tell you that you are a leader. Leaders lead – whether they get paid for it or not.

I’m retyred!


#67 October 1, 2017

Ways to Take More Initiative at Work and in Life

An initiative by 32. Find one way that you can improve your communication skills, and practice it every dy for a fortnight. 33. Find out how other people prefer to communicate. Wherever possible, use the medium of their choice. 34. Bring solutions, not problems. This is a cliché for a reason. No one likes naysayers and whiners. If you see an issue, by all means bring it up. But have something constructive to say as well. 35. Anticipate your manager’s, partner’s, children’s, friends’ needs. Do something for them that they need, without their having to ask you. 36. Regularly ask people in your life for their feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. 37. Be honest. Be yourself. Sucess without authenticity is meaningless. 38. Be your own best supporter. Learn to present your ideas and plans in positive and effective manner to others. 39. Volunteer for difficult or weird assignments. .

I’m retyred!

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

Ways to Take More Initiative at Work and in Life

I’m retyred!

An initiative by 40. Smile at people. Greet them. Friendliness is the most effective way to create connection 41. Minimize negative comments that come out of your mouth. 42. Give what you want to receive. This is similar to “do to others what you want done to you.” If you want respect, give respect to others. If you want opportunities, give the opportunities in your power to people who would benefit from it. 43. Find a work environment that supports your authenticity. Don’t try to fit in a place that is totally wrong for you. 44. Create a plan for where you want to be in five years time. 45. Actively break-off association with all negative influences in your life. Surround yourself by people who support, motivate or inspire you. 46. Regularly review your progress on your goals, and adjust your course as required. 47. Pick one skill that is important/necessary for you but you aren’t very good at, and focus on improving it to a high level within 4-6 months. 48. Simplify your life.

previously Ymag


#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

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retyremag Presents an ACE

Alignments to

Create Entrepreneurs

Setting business is glamorous yet not easy. Retiring and starting or retyring to start your business needs handholding. creates meaningful alignments on your behalf with genuine and well established 1/3 partners.

#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

Alignments to

Create Entrepreneurs

previously Ymag

retyremag is committed to facilitating a meaningful platform where you may consider donning the cap of an entrepreneur and retyre into a rewarding futuristic role for yourself – alone or in partnership with a friend or a family youngster.

S M A RT Partnership offers you SMART help.

Screening – right partners you may wish to align with Mentoring – to get started and stay on course Advising – through competent professional services partners Relationships – through wide and varied networking support Training – to learn the technical, commercial and management nuances of your business.


#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

You will receive

Alignments to

Create Entrepreneurs S M A RT Partners with

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You should have a

A highly intensive skills ✓ Burning desire to start or expand your development training enterprise to understand the ✓ Willingness to work products and hard and enjoy your marketing techniques work through interactive ✓ Zeal to deal with class-room and virtual educated medical professionals and platforms hospitals ✓ Support to promote ✓ Capacity to make or and sell the high organise investments quality HOSPITAL ✓ A younger family SURGICAL member to join you CONSUMABLE in this venture to PRODUCTS, Made in attract Bank loans under various India, by the reputed schemes (desirable Sterimed Group with but not essential) around 30 years of successful market You will earn presence. ✓ Good income ✓ Social standing ✓ Opportunities to ✓ Pride of associating compete and win with ‘Make-inrecognition and India’ health-care awards for your high products accomplishments. ✓

Send your interest to:


#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

A brief on retyrement is a newly minted metaphor of the current age. Your age. We are your co-companion whenever you desire a fresh re-start. We enable you. We create the platform for your reengagement. We stay with you. We walk with you into a bright new sun where you may discover the right opportunities for your economic, professional, entrepreneurial or social engagements, desires and well being. Retirement or planning to retire may exhaust you. retyrement will rejuvenate you. Your second inning is set for a better game. Play on. Relive. Retyre.

Intro Video


You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

Choose Wisely

Re-learning For - Career, Advancement, Society, Hobbies Emotional And Spiritual Growth

Join any or many of our

Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling‌ Yoga, Fitness And Health-care

Reading, Writing And Speaking Enterprise India Money-mgt. And Monetising Wisdom Educating and Skilling India New Ways To Societal Impact Travel, Adventure, Rejuvenation‌

10 communities

C.A.T. Community Action Team


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#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

previously Ymag

retyremag Communities Re-learning

For Career, Advancement, Society, Hobbies Times change faster than before. Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits of work remain in transition. How are you keeping up? Get going with a consistent Learn – Unlearn – Relearn mode. Create or join various communities focused around your interest of learning, e.g., social media, photography, financial management, social work, adult literacy etc.

Emotional And

Training, Coaching,

Spiritual Growth

Mentoring, Counselling…

Emotional balancing and maturing of mind, being content with self and in relationships with others, discovering your true spirituality and making yourself internally sound and healthy is an integral part of life’s pursuits. This community shall aim to bring like-minded people together to discover and share the power of self in terms of micro and macro perspective.

Each one of us would have decades of life and career experience. We all have a desire to share as we know that a lighted candle can light another candle. This community brings together people who wish to hone, fine-tune and share their learning and skills besides co-creating opportunities to practice them well for financial or selfactualization goals.


#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

Communities Yoga, Fitness And

Reading, Writing And



A majority of us would agree that we have not taken much care about our physical and mental well-being. Whenever you think about it, it’s a good beginning. Join this community to participate in and understand all the streams of medical sciences and healthcare practices for rejuvenating God’s gift to us. Our body and mind. Yoga adds big time to our life.

Web 2.0 has assured that each one of us could be a great Blogger or Vlogger. Social media has added diverse opportunities. We need a platform to share our creations and showcase our skills. The community brings together people for whom a ‘good expression’ matters. Time to unleash the Shakespeare or Premchand in you. Digital expressions you can hone gradually.

Enterprise India Business, Job, Consulting, contracting or social entrepreneurship, there are opportunities every where. How do we spot them? How do we start a new business or take up a franchise? How do we handle our start-up? When buddy career makers and career builders come together, the colearning can be highly fruitful. ‘Make in India’ needs it. So do SMEs in India. And you?

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

Communities Money-mgt. And

Educating and Skilling

New Ways To Societal

Monetising Wisdom



Financial resources, properties, entitlements, investments, insurance and managing them effectively are critical. We need help from experts in different domains, be it legal, financial or technical. This community brings together professionals to guide and support. How would you like to monetise your own wisdom when you serve? Time to crosscheck and adopt too.

Be it a school, polytechnic, college or an institute of higher education, India has a short supply of talented people. Skilling India needs a large number of professionals with right temperament and skills to groom youngsters for future. With our good life and work learning, we can hone our skills to take up the mantle of teaching/training for India’s future building.

Many of us nurture the dream of doing something someday for the society. Why wait? The time to do is now. Join the like minded people and discover areas, avenues or institutions that may benefit from your expertise. Who knows, some people in this community may create a small help group or big social enterprise to address the societal needs in India.

Travel, Adventure, Rejuvenation‌ We are never too old to discover new culture, places, lifestyles and bounties of nature. A like-minded group may enhance the spirit of discovery and learning. This community may aim to share the experiences and forge bonding with members to move together, dine together and enjoy together for the rejuvenation of mind, body and soul.

previously Ymag



#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

I’m retyred Creed of forever Young

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#67 October 1, 2017

An initiative by

previously Ymag

retyremag Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC

International Management Trainer and Consultant, Executive Coach, Venture Mentor, Author, Blogger, Columnist, Social Entrepreneur, Photography Enthusiast

Honer. Ideator. Mentor. CEO and Founder:

THE PERSONNEL LAB., Management Consultants Twitter: @rajivkhurana

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