#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Join the momentum
What is Person perception?
You must Change
Falling apart…
Dear Readers! We read it. We know it. We accept it – ‘People Perceive Differently’. Yet, we don’t act it. The painful reality, with people around us, bothers them too. How should we handle it? Should we always see from the other person’s perspective? Are we not important? Time for us to understand the different situations, the nuances and our actions. Be true to self. Be responsible for others. Act now. whY not! Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256
Advt. Pages 11-18
Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Join the momentum…
Education: Create awareness amongst the masses about Lung health and the factors which promote/ destroy it. Research: Futuristic community and laboratory based research. Clinical Care: Set up state of the art apex centres in India for providing “Complete Affordable Lung Care to All”
We focus on ABCDE – Academia, Business, Consulting, Development and Entrepreneurship domains through a wide spectrum of Individual and Institutional Consulting Capability in Management, Technical, Legal and Healthcare. We facilitate: Ideating and Researching for Impact Capability Building in Consulting Promoting Consulting Opportunities Inclusiveness through CSR and PSR
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Social psychology is a fascinating topic that has yielded a great deal of research on how people behave in groups. In many cases, the results of several famous experiments contradict how you would expect people to act in social situations. Here are ten things that you should know about social psychology: 1. The presence of other people can have a powerful impact on behavior. When a number of people witness something such as an accident, the more people that are present the less likely it is that someone will step forward to help. This is known as the bystander effect.
What Is Person Perception? 10 Quick Facts About Social Psychology A Few Things You Should Know About the Study of Social Behavior https://www.verywell.c om/quick-facts-aboutsocial-psychology2795914?print
2. People will go to great lengths to obey an authority figure. People will go to great, and sometimes dangerous, lengths to obey authority figures. In his famous obedience experiments, psychologist Stanley Milgram found that people would be willing to deliver a potentially fatal electrical shock to another person when ordered to by the experimenters. 3. The need to conform leads people to go along with the group. Most people will go along with the group, even if they think the group is wrong. In Solomon Asch's conformity experiments, people were asked to judge which was the longest of three lines. When other members of the group picked the wrong line, participants were more likely to choose the same line. 4. The situation can also have a major influence on social behavior. Situational variables can play a major role in our social behavior. In the Stanford Prison Experiment, psychologist Philip Zimbardo discovered that participants would take on the roles given to them to such an extreme that the experiment had to be discontinued after just six days. Those placed in the roles of prison guards began to abuse their power, while those in the role of the prisoners became anxious and stressed.
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
5.People tend to look for things that confirm the things they already believe. People typically look for things that confirm their existing beliefs and ignore information that contradicts what they already think. This is known as expectation confirmation. It plays a major role in what is known as the confirmation bias, a type of cognitive bias. This tendency to seek confirmation leads us to sometimes avoid information that challenges the way we think about the world.
6. The way we categorize others helps us make sense of the world, but this also leads to stereotyped views. When we categorize information about social groups, we tend to exaggerate differences between groups and minimize the differences within groups. This is part of the reason why stereotypes and prejudice exist. 7. Underlying attitudes have a strong influence on social behavior. Our attitudes, or how we evaluate different things including people, ideas, and objects, can be both explicit and implicit. Explicit attitudes are the ones that we form consciously and of which we are fully aware. Implicit attitudes, on the other hand, form and work unconsciously yet still have a powerful influence on our behavior.
8. Our expectations influence how we view others and how we think they should behave. Our perceptions of other people are often based upon things such as expected roles, social norms, and social categorizations. Since we expect people who are in a certain role or part of a particular social group to behave in a particular way, our initial impressions of a person frequently rely on these mental shortcuts to make fast judgments of how we expect people to behave.
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
9. We attribute outside forces for our own failures, but blame others for their own misfortunes. When explaining behavior, we tend to attribute our own good fortune to internal factors and negative outcomes to external forces. When it comes to other people, however, we typically attribute their actions to internal characteristics. For example, if we get a bad grade on a paper, it's the teacher's fault; if a classmate gets a bad grade, it's because he didn't study hard enough. This tendency is known as the actor-observer bias. 10. Sometimes it is easier to just go along with the crowd than cause a scene. In groups, people often go along with the majority opinion rather than cause disruption. This phenomenon is known as groupthink and tends to occur more frequently when group members share a great deal in common, when the group is under stress, or in the presence of a charismatic leader. These are just a few of the fascinating forces that influence our social worlds. Dive deeper into the world of social psychology to learn more about the myriad factors that influence our social behavior, perceptions, and interactions.
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
You must change…
Rajiv Khurana 6
“You must change?” “Why?” “Because some people don’t like you.” “People don’t like Modi ji too. Who are these people? Why can’t they tell me? What about people who love me too?” “I can’t tell you what they tell me. You must change now.” “What do they want me to change?” “Think over it and change.” “Do they want me to change anything specific? Something in my role or way of doing thing!” “You argue too much. Take it as a feedback. Be a better person. Be rational.” “What’s wrong with what I have done so far?” “You are arguing again. You are an emotional buffoon. Listen. Agree. Act.” “I am confused. What if I refuse to change?” “That’s your character. Always I-MeMyself. I can’t take it anymore with you.” Uff…Uffffff… This is not my wife speaking. She is an expert in setting me right. This is my well-wisher. I have many of them. I am glad Modi ji is not living with his wife and he does not give proximity to his ‘holier than thou’ well-wishers.
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
I received the following gyaan through ‘forward maharaj’ on WhatsApp today: “Ek main hun jo khud ko samjha nahin aajtak, Ek dunia hai jo mujhey kya kya samajh hai baithi.” Jai ho, forward maharaj. You may be thinking ‘what a tough nut I am!’. I know I am taking the risk. What would you do in my place? How often have you changed because people want you? Don’t give me a job role funda. Those are role adjustments. I am a job outcast for over three decades. Let’s talk about personality. Why is it that people need a small adjustment in your role relationship with them but demand that you change your personality in to-to? What will happen if we keep changing our personality as per each person who shares the life or career journey for infrequent shorter duration? What will happen if we start making comments and demand a personality change in them? Confusing!
How often have we scored 100 out of 100 in each exam we took? I had been a good student but never so brilliant. Every high score made me celebrate. I never bothered about some percentage I missed out. Relationships too are like that. Expecting a cent-percent in each is a sure route to disaster. People tend to point out the missing score instead of being happy about the major positive score they derive from a relationship. Let’s use the Pareto Principle in relationship as an example. Shouldn’t we be happy that we have received 80% positives in a relationship or in other words 4 out of 5 situations are happy situations instead of moaning about the 1 that is missed out because of personality, perception or preference. More confusing!
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
In India, the disease is very profound – “Sabse bada rog, kya kahenge log.” Who are these ‘log’. We don’t ponder. Are we the ‘log’ for others. No way! We are the God’s gift to humanity. Should I listen to the ‘log’ who think my total overall un-questionable personality change is the solution to all the problems they perceive or receive? Modi ji is a happy man. He refuses to listen to these ‘log’. Only the ‘log’ shiver when he starts with ‘Mitron…’. What should I do? I choose to remain in the perpetual romance with my personality. I am responsible for it. I have nurtured it over many decades. Good, bad or ugly – that’s me. One of my early stage mentors taught me, “When you accept someone, accept him in full. Accept his limitations too. People are not good or bad. They are good and bad. Set your ratio and move on in life.” I choose to respect others. Let them be the way they wish to be. Move out if the personal or professional relationship score goes dismal below the Pareto standard. Bear out the ‘one out of five’ discomforts and not to demand anyone’s personality change. Ensure ‘my self-esteem’ respects their ‘selfesteem’. Correct myself. Still if the expectation is too compound to keep hitting me on my personality, wish them ‘go climb the tree.’ Period. Confusion – no more!
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Falling Apart‌
When I feel love When it's apparent, "You and Me" I get such an adrenalin rush Like I am the only narration on this earth Of the beauty and it's beholder Of the love and 'eternal lovers'. But as the rain comes down When clouds of dark surround, 'You and Me" I feel hollowness insurmountable Like I have no purpose but to grieve Over losing you and myself in you Over the loss and 'lost love'. It is such a moment of weakness in me I can do anything for 'You and Me' I have never known what is falling out of love Like the water always quenches thirst You are my breath and elixir of my life You are my smile and my completeness. But I should have known Falling apart, 'You and Me' Because you can see through me Like I'm sheltered in your arms. And it was just a dream I have a broken wing and you have no inkling I am a falling star, the light is gone and I am fading.. I miss you when you're around Can it still be 'You and Me'? Do you love me or you don't? Like a cipher decodes in further codes I give up on your words now But I am afraid to let you go....
Shivangi Malhotra
RateGain Travel Technologies
I still remember your first words Never gone never far, 'You and Me' Do you still feel the same for me?
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception. - Aldous Huxley
Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they're all a projection of you. -Deepak Chopra The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure. -John C. Maxwell Facts matter not at all. Perception is everything. It's certainty. -Stephen Colbert The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure. -John C. Maxwell
#63 June 1, 2017
Download Free eBook
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Personal Branding – Social Media – A2Z Action Tips – Rajiv Khurana Download from www.thepersonnellab.com
#63 JuneC1,oaching 2017 Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Make Your SMART People SMARTER Periodic learning investments do wonders to people and business. Take your people to a new orbit of awareness and equip them with SMART skills they need. Start catapulting your business to the level next. Each programme shall be tailor-made to your organization’s specifications and nuances. You are different. Your programme should be different too. Call us for a dialogue. +91 9810211256 +91 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com
Sharpening Business Presentations Multimedia Usage in Training Accelerating Innovativeness Reaping High Performance through Coaching & Mentoring Team playing and Leading Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Rejuvenating Digital Presence & Personal Branding
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
❖ Family Business Mentoring ❖ Mentoring YES – Young Entrepreneurs for Success ❖ Career Mentoring
9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana
Family business Rajiv Mentoring Khurana by
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Family ventures in India serve as the backbone of the economy. Name any field of business or social initiative, and families in India would have played a pivotal role. Family businesses have their own unique style and culture which keep evolving over the time. Market opportunities have been expanding globally; technology has been helping in the need and speed of delivery and the social and family milieu has created new dimensions in control and decisionmaking power-centres, besides the newer generation aspiring for new avenues or seeking a higher and faster stake in the enterprise. Complexities have been rising and so has the commitment to succeed. Globally, businesses are seeking professional MENTORS for advice, strength and support. In India, highly aware families have followed suit. Some are gearing up, while a large number still live in the comfortable bliss of ignorance. You too can easily reach out to a MENTOR if you identify your family business with any of these illustrative needs: International Management Consultant & Trainer, Venture Mentor, Executive Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Well published writer‌
#63 June 1, 2017
Family business Rajiv Mentoring Khurana by
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS You want your business to move
into a new orbit of expansion and excellence You are bored with a nominal arithmetic progression of growth and wish to transform to a dynamic, geometric progression You are facing some immediate issues and need a fresh, independent perspective You need a fresh look at your vision, mission, values and goals You want your business to raise its standards and performance bar You desire a rational alignment of all family members and senior executives vis-à-vis your goals and overall direction. You desire to identify and/or strengthen your competitive edge You wish to strengthen the work culture and change the customer and people-outlook of your business You need a sounding board for your ideas You wish someone could challenge your assumptions and preparedness You need support to refine the Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Work Habits within the family and senior employees
#63 June 1, 2017
Family business Rajiv Mentoring Khurana by
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
You need help in the right induction of family youngsters You need support for the grooming and mentoring of family youngsters to refine their experience and skills as they get ready for responsible leadership roles You wish to create a smoother business succession plan for the next generation to take over You need help in conciliation, reduction or resolution of cross-generation friction You want to improve the leadership and managerial abilities of the family and the team You desire a good blending with your partners and all other stakeholders You need more time for yourself and desire to decentralize and move into an advisory role You dream to be known as an institution builder instead of remaining a business sustainer
Your choice could be any or many of the above. Professional MENTORING can help your business achieve your aspirations. Let’s talk it out. Fix an appointment for a no-commitment dialogue with RAJIV KHURANA at our office. 9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana
MENTORING #63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Young Entrepreneurs for Success For Young Entrepreneurs: ❖ New in business ❖ Starting a new business ❖ Settling into their family business ❖ Wanting to do better in business International Management Consultant & Trainer, Venture Mentor, Executive Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Well published writer…
Imagine Sachin Tendulkar or Virat Kohli without a Coach or a Mentor! Parents, friends and well meaning relatives could not have put them on the right path for pursuing greatness. We all need a coach, a mentor, a guide, a facilitator, a reflector, a listener, a professional friend or an advisor. The earlier the better! Make sure that the person is competent and accomplished to help you succeed in personal and professional situations. Your well mentored moves can ease your pursuits through cumbersome challenges of clarity and the complex maze of competence, commitment and creative results. Get set to • Cultivate your skills for a stronger personality and leadership in your entrepreneurial journey. • Strengthen your functional and process proficiency. • Dream Bigger. Achieve Higher. Mentoring by Rajiv Khurana is customized to your personal needs and time flexibility. Fix your appointment for a 30 minute nocommitment dialogue at our office. 9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana
Rajiv Khurana
#63 June 1, 2017
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
International Management Consultant & Trainer, Venture Mentor, Executive Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Well published writer…
Why Career mentoring? C
Confusion: Choices, Entry to Exit, Options, Mid-career blues, Personal branding, Digital presence…
Acquisition: From employability to advancement Knowledge, Skills, Attitude, Habits, Behaviour, Certifications, Courses…
Route-map: Goal clarity, Milestones, Personalaction dashboard…
Engagement: Role clarity, Balancing and aligning with organisational needs, Strengthening Team and Leadership roles, Pacing the performance relays…
Excitement: Enhancing intrinsic motivation, Energising challenges, Experimenting with multiple avenues…
Relationships: Intra and Inter-teams Seniors, Networking, Work-life balancing… ©Rajiv Khurana
We choose our career. Our career makes us. Our journey through different checkpoints is full of Compulsions Ambiguity and Re-prioritizing, yet Enthusiasm Enlightenment and Rejuvenation. How are you sailing through? How often do you feel the need for a coach, a mentor, a guide, a facilitator, a reflector, a listener, a professional friend or an advisor? Considering the appointment of your MENTOR to be the job of your boss or the company alone is letting them take charge of your career. You have the highest stake in your career. You decide. Help for short-term clarity to long-term course correction is just a meeting away. Send an email answering, ”Why do I need a MENTOR?”, and we may invite you for a 30 minute, no-commitment dialogue at our office. 9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana