Ymag - Window for Action Loving Professionals

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Window for action loving professionals

Dear Readers

#1 #16 July 1, 2013

In this issue… Event pictures

POLL results






CHANGE barriers


Reciprocal roles in CHANGE Management


6 tips in managing personal CHANGE




Quotes: Nelson Mandela


The speed for change all around us has been rapidly increasing yet the need for opting for the change has not been able to pace up. We change our cell phones and IT tools much faster but the CPU installed in our mind generally does not create self-upgrades regularly. Is it because we love status quo or are quite apprehensive to venture into domains unknown or unexplored? Our readiness to accept or accede to change may come under shadow but an interesting part is that once we determine the need for change, we are too impatient to see the results often losing interest mid-way or finding another distractive change more fascinating. Only the change initiated at the right time and executed in the right manner can create the right impact. We need to develop sensitivity and consistently improve our perseverance. Time to ask Y. Start MAG – My Actions Game to remain a benchmark of change. Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor PS – Please don’t forget to send your feedback at thepersonnellab@gmail.com. You may even call me at 9810211256.


Window for action loving professionals

#16 July 1, 2013

DELHI Jointly hosted a talk by Rajiv Khurana, CMC FIMC on 28.06.2013

Organisational Change Management

Pictures by: Dr. Amit Pareenja

From Initiative to Finishiative‌



Window for action loving professionals

www.easypolls.net June 11 – 26, 2013

#16 July 1, 2013

What has been the major focus of planned organizational CHANGE MANAGEMENT you have experienced during the last 3 years? Voters

204 Votes



Vision, Mission, Values‌creation/consolidation Performance shift at a rapid pace Alignment during M & A Reducing costs Installing/Intensifying processes Accelerating pace of business growth/development Turning around a crisis situation Running ahead of competition Actioning brand repositioning/strengthening None of the above


Window for action loving professionals

#16 July 1, 2013

31 11 40 29 49 38 24 27 20 6

Performance shift at a rapid pace Alignment during M & A Reducing costs Installing/Intensifying processes Vision, Mission, Values‌creation/consolidation Accelerating pace of business growth/development Running ahead of competition Turning around a crisis situation Actioning brand repositioning/strengthening None of the above

Choices re-arranged forms the word PARIVARTAN which in Hindi means CHANGE. PARIVARTAN is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC Paste the links below in your browser to see the complete presentation and download the 50 slides file from any of the following links:

http://www.slideshare.net/theperla b/organizational-changemanagement-rajiv-khurana http://imcidelhi.in/downloads


Listen to the talk at 4

https://soundcloud.com/rajivk hurana/organizational-changemgt


Window for action loving professionals

#16 July 1, 2013




Confusion The best of fusion comes out of confusion. So what if the senior management is perpetually enjoining the endless loop of confusion! Something keeps happening. Adrenalin remains high!

Hindrance More the troubles, problems and hindrances, the better prepared we are. Rollercoaster ride is the essence of organizational life. It helps us becoming stronger!

Aimlessness More the troubles, problems and hindrances better prepared we are. Rollercoaster ride is the essence of organizational life. It helps us becoming stronger!

Negativity Why do we watch crime movies and serials? Negativity sells. It’s entertaining. We can’t eat so much of sweet stuff. We save the organizational blood-sugar levels.





Dr. Eric Berne wrote the book, “Games People Play.” We take the title seriously. It gives good exercise to the mind, body and tongue. We practice strategic manipulations of the highest order. Call it ‘Comedy of Errors’ or ‘Parody of Errors’, it works in all situations for us to internalize and add to the learning experience so that we are consistently on the never ending upward curve of attaining meaninglessness.

*CHANGE acronym is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


Window for action loving professionals

#16 July 1, 2013






Commitment/co-ordination amongst the top When senior team members hold different opinions about the NEED and SPEED for change, the causality is the change itself. The initiative dies on the drawing board itself.

Half baked strategies Inadequate preparation is a bickering companion. The trouble is that we move ahead with expensive and time consuming manoeuvrability. Be patient or else feel sick with the gooey cake.

Accounting alerts on costs Profitability does not mean reducing costs. Money spent on change management is not a cost. It’s an investment. Else a deferred revenue expense. Check the accountant’s urge!

Negativity, personal agenda, past baggage Different people from different backgrounds can’t impose their past towards determining the future. Unlearn first. Detach. Leave games behind if you are genuinely interested in change.


Goofed up R&R


Exigencies of the routine

Change takes time. Unclear milestones, inadequate Reward and Recognition plus fuzzy equality nurture discontentment. Be large hearted, liberal, generous and transparent. Routines will always bring the fire to focus. Reward fire-fighters and you can never enthuse fire-preventers. Discard the ‘tyranny of the urgent’ and embrace the beauty of important actions that take you towards your sure and certain goals.

*CHANGE acronym is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


Window for action loving professionals

#16 July 1, 2013

Reciprocal role of Top Management and Employees





Communicate openly Talk openly wherever you can. Cafeteria, over coffee-tea, town hall meetings, informal or formal setting. The more the better. Each opportunity to talk will create better clarity.

Handle emotions Every change situation brings in numerous conflicts of head and heart. Patience works better. Show empathy. Try diplomacy. Choose the right words, tone and body language. Delicate handling prepares for stronger results.

Align personal goals with organizational goals Each employee brings a personal agenda to the organization. Align it with the team agenda and that with the organizational agenda. Keep a track. Handle alerts early.

Nurture symbols, ceremonies, slogans… Every day symbols, language, slogans, pat on the back, posters, motivational emails and sms…etc. contribute. Involve people in running them effectively. Use simplicity. Link it with the heart.


Gear up capabilities & measure results


Evolve, Excite, Enthuse, Encourage…

How can we eat an elephant? Simple. Piece by piece. Convert big objectives in small and manageable targets. Measure the progress and keep correcting the course. Hi5s work! Every day Hi5s work better!! Every significant work followed by spontaneous celebratory Hi5s create the magical effect!!! Use Hi5s in any form suiting the socio-cultural fabric of the organization. The more you do, the more you desire. Go and indulge. This costs nothing. Enjoy.

*CHANGE acronym is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


Window for action loving professionals

#16 July 1, 2013

SIX tips on managing personal CHANGE





Consider the 5Ws + 1H Before the emotions of change take you over, recall Kipling's six friends: What, Why, Who, When, Which and How? Take stock of the situation dispassionately.

Handle anxiety; take charge Try to describe and name your emotions. You may even write “I am feeling______”. This may give you clarity and keep you from ignoring the message your mind and body is telling you.

Ask for help Your family and friends are always there to help you. Seek it and you will be surprised with the gift of wisdom you receive.

Neutralize negativity No positive results are ever achieved through negative thoughts. Ignite your self-talk with enthusiasm and see the difference.


Gear up; Learn more


Express gratitude

New situations may need new set of Attitude, Knowledge, Skills and Habits. Super charge your learning calibre and keep improving consistently. When things change, don’t change your attitude and turn your face. Express gratitude from your heart to all who helped you. Reciprocate when they need help too. Keep smiling. Keep growing. Keep changing.

*CHANGE acronym is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


Window for action loving professionals

#1 #16 July 1, 2013

Go to the people Learn from them Love them Start with what they know Build on what they have But of the best leaders When their task is accomplished Their work is done The people will remark: "We have done it ourselves." 2000 Year Old Chinese Poem 9

Dr. Shiv Dhawan has published an e-book entitled "Finding a Panacea for Stress-Move from Distress to De-Stress". This has been published by Bookboon Publishing Denmark which is the first book publishing company in the world to focus 100 percent on free eBooks and publishes education related books for business professionals and students. The book defines stress as the outcome of interactions between a person and a set of external stimuli which are neither good nor bad, neither inducing joy nor creating stress. Joy and stress are caused through the attitude of each person and the manner in which he or she relates to the specific stimulus. The panacea for stress-moving from distress to de-stress, lies in working on the cause. This can be downloaded completely free via the following link: http://bookboon.com/en/findi ng-a-panacea-for-stress-ebook


Window for action loving professionals

#16 July 1, 2013 Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership. If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.

It always seems impossible until its done.



readers say Yes and whY-not to positive action

Ymag is an initiative of YPROSINDIA, a social enterprise founded by Rajiv Khurana

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