Ymag - Window for Action Loving Professionals

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Window for action loving professionals

#1 #24 March 1, 2014

In this issue…

Dear Readers

Felicitating Dr. Athreya


YouTube link; What he means to us…


Dr. M B Athreya - Profile


TEN Questions to Dr. M B Athreya


Advt. Pages 13-14


No editorial is needed when the person you dedicate this Ymag is larger than life and India recognizes him with a PADMA BHUSHAN. Time to fold the hands and hold him in awe forever! Actions always speak louder… Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256.

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©


Window for action loving professionals

#24 March 1, 2014


Pictures by: Dr. Amit Parinja and Rajiv Khurana

Glimpses of the Facilitation event hosted by The Institute of Management Consultants of India, Delhi Chapter, held on 20.02.2014 at IIC, Lodhi Road, New Delhi


Window for action loving professionals

#24 March 1, 2014




Window for action loving professionals


#24 March 1, 2014


*ABCD…G = Academia, Business, Consulting, Development….Government Sectors

Dr. Mrityunjay Athreya has been a founder and pioneer in Indian management education. He joined the faculty of the Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata, as early as 1967. The IIM-Kolkata along with IIM-Ahmedabad was one of the two first Institutes of Management set up by the Government of India, in 1962. He was one of the outstanding members of the IIM faculty, much sought after by Public and Private enterprises as a Trainer and Consultant. Since 1967, over the last more than four decades, he has advised enterprises in several sectors, such as Oil & Gas; Power; Fertilizers; Steel; Automobiles; Banking; Insurance; IT; Health etc. By the decade of the 1980’s, his name became synonymous with management in India. He has been an icon of Management to several generations of Indian Managers; Management Teachers; Trainers; Consultants; and students. 4


Window for action loving professionals

#24 March 1, 2014


Dr. Athreya chose Management as his life mission, early in his academic career. He returned from the US, in 1967, with a Doctorate in Business Administration from the world leader, the Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Before Harvard, Dr. Athreya also studied at the Stanford Business School, California, USA. Thus he had the benefit of the two best Management schools in the US. He brought this intellectual capital immediately to India. He was not for a moment tempted to stay on for a lucrative career, in the US. He was very clear that his karma bhoomi was Bharat. Before proceeding to the US, with full scholarship aid, Dr. Athreya had acquired a first degree in Statistics from Loyola College, University of Madras, Chennai. He is also a qualified Cost Accountant, with all India First Rank and Gold Medals in both the Intermediate and Final Examinations of the Institute of Cost Accountants.


Dr. Athreya has served on many Government policy Committees. The best known is the 1991 Athreya Committee on Indian Telecom Restructuring. He chaired the Committee. Its distinguished members included Dr. Sam Patroda; Mr. N Vittal, IAS; Dr. V. Krishnamurthy; late Mr. M. R. Pai, Consumer Activist; and other very senior professionals. Over the years, the Committee’s recommendations have been implemented, leading to a cell phone-based revolution in rural-urban connectivity; and applications in entertainment, health, shopping, travel, etc. and many other sectors. It has been the most successful reform of any Infrastructure Sector of the Indian economy, as compared to Power, Transportation, Ports, Airports and others. While he was a young professor at IIM, Kolkata, Dr. Athreya was invited by Dr. Karan Singh, then Civil Aviation Minister, to be on the Committee to Restructure Indian Airlines, in 1971, along with Dr. Vijay Kelkar and others.


Window for action loving professionals

#24 March 1, 2014


He was a member of the Committee to Restructure State Enterprises of the Jammu & Kashmir state government, in 1972. He has been on several other Committees, including on Coal; Civil Aviation; and Civilian Nuclear Power. He was, for two terms, member of the RBI Committee for selection of top executives in public sector banks, along with Dr. C. Rangarajan; Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia; Dr. YVR Reddy; and others.


Dr. Athreya has been the preferred educator and consultant in Management for Public and private sectors. He was the youngest Director of the Advanced Management Programme for Indian CEO’s, held annually, by the All Indian Management Association, in Srinagar, J&K. His first such AMP was in 1968, at the age of 27. He has also spoken at many Conferences of the apex national Chambers of Commerce --- FICCI, CII and ASSOCHAM. In the course of his intense travels on Management teaching work, through the length and breadth of the country, Dr. Athreya has spoken at the Regional and State level branches of the above three apex chambers. Dr. Athreya’s consulting work has evolved through several phases, along with reforms of the Indian economy. Initially, in the 1970’s, the MNC’s already present in India, like ITC and Levers were more receptive to Management, and called upon his expertise. In the 1980’s, many PSUs like IOC, ONGC, BHEL, SAIL, HMT, HAL, NFL embarked on Strategic Planning, Organisation Development and HRD, with Dr. Athreya’s help. In the 1990’s Indian Private Sector, Family and Entrepreneurial Groups were also his clients.


Window for action loving professionals

#24 March 1, 2014


Dr. Athreya went abroad on sabbatical leave from the IIM-Kolkata in the 1970’s. Having already learned about American Management in the 1960’s, he chose to learn about European Management, in the 1970’s. He was a Visiting Professor at the London Business School, England; and a Chair Professor, at the young age of 34, at the Strathclyde Business School, in Scotland. With these bases he travelled extensively on training and consulting into the Continent. He returned to India, enriched with this additional learning. This has enabled him to help many Indian companies globalize, through increasing their exports; overseas operations; foreign investments; M&A; global procurement, etc. Dr. Athreya has also contributed to the NGO sector. He brought modern management ideas, with suitable adaptations, to the non-profit sector. He was Founder-President of Sampradaan, The Indian Centre for Philanthropy, whose Mission is to recreate a caring and sharing society, through good giving. He has been a speaker in many NGO Conferences concerned with inclusive development; health; forestry; disabled; senior citizens and other vulnerable sections.


Dr. Athreya has been an anchor resource person for several all-India knowledge-based Professional organizations. He has been elected Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants; All India Management Association; National HRD Network; and Indian Society for Training and Development. He has delivered innumerable Keynote; Inaugural; Convocation; Valedictory; and Special Addresses in National and International Conferences; Conventions; Summits etc. In 1996, he was invited to deliver the Gandhi Memorial Lecture at the University of Kenya, Nairobi. He has been honoured with several awards. In 2014 he was honoured with a Padma Bhushan award by the Government of India. In 2013, he was given the Life Time Contribution Award, by Dr. Shashi Tharoor, HRD Minister, GoI, on behalf of Thinkers50 India. He has been a Role Model and Mentor for thousands of Indian Managers; Strategic Planners; HRD Professionals; and Consultants in the Corporate and Social sectors.


Window for action loving professionals

Looking through the ACTION WINDOW:

#24 March 1, 2014

Dr. Mrityunjay Athreya


2 What according to you are the major challenges before the business world in the next 1-2 decades? What kind of preparedness do you recommend? The major challenges before business are --- one, Climate Change; two, Rising Inequality; and Massive Youth Unemployment. Business needs the following kinds of preparedness. First, make your business sustainable. Be ecofriendly. Reduce your Carbon footprint. Examine every element of the product Value Chain and Life Cycle. ---- Raw Materials; Inbound Logistics; Manufacturing/Operations Process; Outbound Logistics; and final disposal of the used Product and Packaging. Second, develop strategies for Inclusive Growth, including affordable prices to reach the poorer consumers; skill training and employment of people with lower formal education; Third, reach out to the Youth with Scholarships; Campus Interactions; Internship etc. to raise their employability.


If corporate India needs to reinvent itself, what should be the top 5-7 priorities? Why? Indian Corporations need to continue to reinvent themselves in several ways. First, Improve Corporate Governance by adopting the emerging Indian and Global best practices. Also, be pioneers in some of the next practices. Second, develop a deep Leadership Pipeline for smooth succession for expansion. Third, Strengthen Values and Culture, to ensure survival and continuity. Fourth, Step up Project Management towards the awesome Chinese levels of megaproject planning and execution within time and cost. Fifth, improve System Discipline in all areas, especially Quality.


Window for action loving professionals

#24 March 1, 2014

4 What action steps do you recommend towards an impactful integrated ABCD growth (Academia, Business, Consulting and Development Sectors)?

3 Where is India missing in its action agenda towards a comprehensive and inclusive growth? The major barriers to inclusive growth are poor Health and Education. The Central, State and Local governments should focus on Basic Human Development. The two crucial components of BHD are Health and Education. India is falling behind Bangladesh and some African countries on Human Development indices. Children should be the top priority of government. Once the teens reach the market with good health and basic education, industry should reach out and do its own Human Resource Development, to make them productive workers; consumers; and responsible citizens.


In the integration of ABCD, the proactive role of C, Consulting is most important. Academia has the knowledge. Business and Development need that knowledge. Consulting should be the pipeline from A to B and D. A may be theoretical. C has to make it practical. There will be many in A keen to share their knowledge. Similarly, there will be many in B and D, hungry for that knowledge, along with the application skills. But, there may be some in Academia with the arrogance of knowledge; some in Business with the arrogance of Wealth; and some in Development with Moral arrogance. So, the Consultant has to be a Karma Yogi, with a strong identity to be a good bridge, despite these pinpricks.


Window for action loving professionals

#24 March 1, 2014

5 How should we leverage the MSME to the forefront of all round growth? The majority of MSMEs should be adopted by the bigger corporate as part of their Value Chain. Many have the potential to be Vendors of parts; components; sub-assemblies, etc. The corporate should mentor them to be become globally competitive, in their own enlightened self-interest. Some MSMEs will have the potential to be Distribution partners. A few will be capable of becoming Service partners. The Corporates should guide them in their management with SOPs, Standard Operating Procedures. Some MSMEs may be export competitive. Consultants should help them organize for growth. We should also encourage mergers, to build scale, to compete effectively in the tough global market.

6 Our management education is mainly based on western thoughts, how should the practitioners blend the Indian-ness effectively?

We should continue to build Indian case studies; concepts and books. Here again, the ABCD teamwork is essential. C can refer to A companies and NGOs worthy of being written up as case studies. C may also draw upon A’s research reports and books for examples and insights. For historical reasons, western technology and industrial management came first on the scene. We should adapt and utilize relevant ideas from the west. At the same time, we should draw on our indigenous experiences and conceptualize from them. For this, A and C need to overcome any superiority complex and condescension, and develop respect and empathy for Indian Business and Social entrepreneurs. 10


Window for action loving professionals

#24 March 1, 2014

8 What is your action advice for the youth in India?

7 So far, there is more talk and less walk, how can we capitalize on the demographic dividends in India? Turning India’s big youth population into a demographic dividend requires three things -- Health; Education; and Skill Development. The first two have been covered in my answer to Question 3 above. The third, namely Skill Development is a shared responsibility between Government and Corporates. The GoI set up a few years ago the NSDC, National Skill Development Corporation. Every state should set up a SSDC. Corporates should recruit from these centres. In addition, they should also reach out to Schools and Junior Colleges, in Tier 2 and 3 towns and offer skill training.


Take Charge of your own life. Benefit from the support and advice of your parents and teachers. But, don’t expect too much. Never blame them. Focus your energy on action. Introspect on your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t obsess about your weaknesses. Leverage your strengths. Develop a Mission for your life --- What do you want to do; and contribute to India and the world. Dream up a Life Vision. Go on upword spiral of Learning; Action; Further Learning; lifelong.


9 What have been the pleasures and pains in your success journey so far?

Window for action loving professionals

I have experienced the thrill of reaching ideas and enthusiasm for action, to large audiences. I have had great platforms from many Professional Bodies --AIMA, IMCI, ISTD, NHRDN, ICAI, ICSI etc. Also, the apex and state chambers. I have experienced deep satisfaction in being on Government Committees and making recommendations. It has been a joy to see many companies transformed. The pains are from unimplemented advice, mainly in Government; some neglect of the family; inadequate time for art, aesthetics, spirituality, travel and fellowship.

#24 March 1, 2014


To be somewhat like you, what do professionals in India need to do? Start from aham Brahman asmi. God is in me. Treat others as tat tvam asi. You are also Divine. Evolve from a Karmachari to a Karmayogi. Be a Life Marathoner, able to run for decades. Keep physically and mentally fit. Avoid self-pity. Look at clients, colleagues, opponents, detractors and all with compassion. Heal them and heal yourself. Keep learning. Stay always in utsaah; aasha; and aananda.


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