Ymag - Window for Action Loving Professionals

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Window for action loving professionals



AIMA Talk by Rajiv Khurana




Dear Readers In a perceivably cut-throat competitive world, most of us choose the façade of I-MeMyself. No doubt, the stretch of I to Myself is important but is it based on projecting the hollowness of vanity or is it based on the strong foundation of the value that we possess and the value we extend to others. The strength within us makes our stretch meaningful or else this becomes a nauseating stench to others. What are we doing to strengthen our personal brand? Time to relook, rejuvenate, reinvent, reposition…



whY not!

#1 #27 June 1, 2014

In this issue…

Creating Personal Branding




Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256.

Advt. Pages 11-12


Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©


Window for action loving professionals

#27 June 1, 2014


MODI Mass appeal Organizational excellence Demonstrated calibre Impeccable positioning

BRAND INDIAN …to work in A,B,C,D…G Academia, Business, Consulting, Development and Government Sectors

Initiative to Finishiative – work more argue less Neutralize negative thinking and actions Discipline and diligence Increase effectiveness; beat self goals Align and work cohesively Newness & freshness in thoughts & actions 2

Acronyms developed by Rajiv Khurana


Window for action loving professionals

#27 June 1, 2014

Strengthen Your PERSONAL Brand May 30, 2014 Delhi

Watch on YouTube http://youtu.be/dFiaUD8cLBQ Courtesy: AIMA + Wiziq.com 3

http://thepersonnellab.com/yahoo_sit e_admin/assets/docs/PersonalBrandin g-RajivKhurana.149214958.pdf


Window for action loving professionals

#27 June 1, 2014


Build yourself. Be


Receive feedback from


Articulate needs;


Nurture network


Deliver and monitor



Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC

authentic. Act credibly.

people who matter

position your values

your progress

Invigorate learning and packaging


Nourish presence in


Give more to people

social media

than what you or they may expect

Acronym developed by Rajiv Khurana


Window for action loving professionals

#27 June 1, 2014


Be active


Recognize, endorse and


Avoid cynicism, criticism


Note progress of people;


Develop content


N G 5

Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC

recommend others

and dirty messages


Involve and engage in groups

No overbearing messages – religious, political, communal‌

Give respect to section 66A, IT Act.

Acronym developed by Rajiv Khurana


Window for action loving professionals

#27 June 1, 2014

Creative Personal Branding

One of the most important tools for advancing your career is defining and using your personal brand. A brand is your vision of who you are and what you do for your audiences. It is a message that distinguishes you from your competition by expressing what makes you unique and memorable, so that your target audience connects with you emotionally and wants to work with you. Defining your personal brand is simple using this four-step process: Step One: How am I unique? A personal brand articulates the specific qualities you possess that make you stand out from the competition. To begin, therefore, you must start by defining what is unique or unusual about you by answering these 3 questions: 1. What is your essence? 2. What are you like to work with? 3. What do people remember most about you and how would they describe the experience of working with you? A duo-pianist couple I know are a good example. One is a solo pianist who enjoys the flash of being in the limelight; the other is a collaborative pianist who knows how to create powerful ensemble playing. They combine their essences to create thrilling, passionate and highly coordinated performances.


Astrid Baumgardner http://www.astridbaumgardner.com


Window for action loving professionals

#27 June 1, 2014

Step Two: How is what I do distinctive? The next step is to look at how yourself as a whole and figure out how which you do is unique. Look at your interests, hobbies and preferences. For example, what do your three favorite books, movies or songs say about you? What would someone learn by knowing your taste in music, food or sports? 1. What are your favorite interests? What do they say about you? 2. How does what you do, combined with what makes you unique, distinguish you from your peers in your profession or field of expertise? As an example, a professor friend of mine is a wonderful pianist and also a tri-athlete. Being a tri-athlete means that he brings intensity, passion and razor-sharp focus to his training; it also motivate him to train with a team since he loves connecting with other people. Those same qualities spill over into everything he does professionally and enable him to connect with and inspire his students and his audiences. Step Three: Who is my target audience and why I am the best person to satisfy their needs? Because creative artists do not work in a vacuum, the third step in creating a personal brand is identifying your target audience. This step is critical for two reasons: first, it validates that your unique gifts are commercially viable, and second, it helps clarify your objectives so you can map your career path as efficiently as possible. To complete step 3, answer these questions: 7


Window for action loving professionals

#27 June 1, 2014

1. Who is your ideal target audience? Create a profile of one individual who exemplifies the qualities of the audience you would most want to perform, teach or work for in your creative profession. Write down a list of these qualities. 2. Rank these qualities in their order of importance to you. 3. Why are you are uniquely positioned to satisfy the needs of this audience? Another pianist friend performs for small groups of music lovers in private home concerts in furtherance of his a goal to create the modern-day version of the Romantic-era salon. His target audience includes highly educated musiclovers who enjoy the intimacy of a salon recital experience. His outgoing personality combined with his expressive and deeply emotional performance style are uniquely suited to this venue and enable him to build his network of salon concert lovers. Step Four: Why do I do what I do?


The last – and probably most important -- step in creating your personal brand is to commit to your brand on an emotional level in order to connect deeply with your target audience. Ask yourself the following questions: If the world were a perfect place, what work would I be doing? In this perfect world, what am I achieving through my work? In this perfect world, how am I impacting audiences? These answers are your life purpose! Our final example is a musician who is passionate about the importance of music in our world. In his Step 4, he saw himself in a perfect world creating lasting experiences for audiences who would in turn share their musical insights with their communities, thus expanding the reach of his music. This musician is fulfilling his purpose by producing intimate music festivals with many opportunities for education and interaction between the performers and their audiences.


Window for action loving professionals

#27 June 1, 2014 Create Your Brand Statement Put these elements together into the following template to create your brand statement: I am a_______________________________ (musician/artist/lawyer etc – how you see yourself professionally) who_______________________________ ____________________ (describe how you use your unique talents) for __________________________________ __________________ (describe your target audience) so they can ____________________________. (describe the desired experience you want your audience to have) Here is an example of a brand statement: I am a passionate, creative and inspirational musician who brings excitement, focus and leadership to openminded, engaged and curious audiences (or students) in order to create a memorable experience they will want to share with their communities. Congratulations! You now have a statement that crystalizes the essence of who you are and makes it clear to your target audience why they need you. 9



Window for action loving professionals

#27 June 1, 2014

Think about what people are doing on Facebook today. They're keeping up with their friends and family, but they're also building an image and identity for themselves, which in a sense is their brand. They're connecting with the audience that they want to connect to. It's almost a disadvantage if you're not on it now. Mark Zuckerberg Just as we leave the effects of our work behind in results, we leave the effects of our interactions with people in their hearts, minds, and souls. ― Henry Cloud Building a profitable personal brand online is not a sprint, and something that happens over night. Don’t aim for perfection early on. Instead allow your brand to evolve naturally over time and focus on providing massive value and over deliver to your target audience. Then you will get more clear over your message and brand as well. Always remember that! - Navid Moazzez www.thepersonnellab.com or http://tinyurl.com/q45glgs


Personal branding is about managing your name — even if you don’t own a business — in a world of misinformation, disinformation, and semipermanent Google records. Going on a date? Chances are that your “blind” date has Googled your name. Going to a job interview? Ditto. - Tim Ferriss Branding demands commitment; commitment to continual reinvention; striking chords with people to stir their emotions; and commitment to imagination. It is easy to be cynical about such things, much harder to be successful.” - Sir Richard Branson

Your personal brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room remember that. -Chris Decker

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Help People

Acquire Improve Master rajiv@rajivkhurana.com

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©

Awareness Creation

Broadening Horizon

Creating Curiosity

Decluttering Thoughts

Enthusing Actions Visit us at thepersonnellab.com to know more about our consulting facilitation. Better call us at 9810211256 . Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC

Call these the handshake programmes or celebrating Learning and Development in ‘tasters’ menu’, these 3 hours customized inputs will help your people undergo sensitization through Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening at your place and time with the quality commitment of Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC.

Rejuvenating PERSONAL BRAND Accelerating CHANGE MANAGEMENT Jumping ahead with IMPACTFUL PERFORMANCE Intensifying INFLUENCING Vibrant CREATIVITY Knockout BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS Harmonizing RELATIONSHIPS Upgrading LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS Role-impacting COACHING & MENTORING Achieving high results through TEAM PLAYING Novel ways for TRAINING THROUGH MULTIMEDIA Actioning high calibre CUSTOMER SERVICE rajiv@rajivkhurana.com

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