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#1 #30 September 1, 2014
In this issue… Living with Values
The Values List
Core Values of Hinduism
Values in Practice
Quotes on Values
Dear Readers Imagine for a while about a world devoid of right values! Scary!! A weak foundation cannot create the sky-scrappers of human ingenuity, accomplishments and impact. Universal values and those which keep evolving through the passage of time and human needs of tranquility, happiness and contentment make us what we are. Our interpretations, adjustments, compromises, use and abuse take us where we move – by design or default. How do we stay on course? Time to think. whY not? Time to influence positively. whY not? Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256.
Advt. Pages 14-15
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VALUE LISTING AND AWARENESS. Take your time in identifying the right ones. Understand the intent and impact carefully.
ACKNOWLEDGING AND APPRECIATING OTHERS’ VALUES. This may help you understand others better. They may reciprocate the similar understanding.
LIVE THEM EACH HOUR. Values are not decorative items. Action is the key. Actions will make your life more meaningful. Let this reach the level of unconscious competence.
UNDERSTAND AND REVIEW IMPACT. No tools are needed to measure the effectiveness. Do you live better with others and feel happy with the self? You are doing good.
EXPRESS GRATITUDE TO THOSE WHO HELP. See your pleasures multiply.
STAY ON PATH. There is no destination. It’s your life long journey. The roller-coaster of life may keep testing you. Enjoy the path.
#30 September 1, 2014
Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC
Acronym developed by Rajiv Khurana
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The Values List*
#30 September 1, 2014
Think Choose Act
Abundance Acceptance Accessibility Accomplishment Accountability Accuracy Achievement Acknowledgement Activeness Adaptability Adoration Adroitness Advancement Adventure Affection Affluence Aggressiveness Agility Alertness Altruism Amazement Ambition Amusement Anticipation Appreciation Approachability Approval Art Articulacy Artistry Assertiveness Assurance Attentiveness Attractiveness Audacity Availability Awareness Awe Balance Beauty
Being the best Belonging Benevolence Bliss Boldness Bravery Brilliance Buoyancy Calmness Camaraderie Candor Capability Care Carefulness Celebrity Certainty Challenge Change Charity Charm Chastity Cheerfulness Clarity Cleanliness Clear-mindedness Cleverness Closeness Comfort Commitment Community Compassion Competence Competition Completion Composure Concentration Confidence Conformity Congruency Connection
Consciousness Conservation Consistency Contentment Continuity Contribution Control Conviction Conviviality Coolness Cooperation Cordiality Correctness Country Courage Courtesy Craftiness Creativity Credibility Cunning Curiosity Daring Decisiveness Decorum Deference Delight Dependability Depth Desire Determination Devotion Devoutness Dexterity Dignity Diligence Direction Directness Discipline Discovery Discretion
Think Choose Act
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#30 September 1, 2014
Diversity Dominance Dreaming Drive Duty Dynamism Eagerness Ease Economy Ecstasy Education Effectiveness Efficiency Elation Elegance Empathy Encouragement Endurance Energy Enjoyment Entertainment Enthusiasm Environmentalism Ethics Euphoria Excellence Excitement Exhilaration Expectancy Expediency Experience Expertise Exploration Expressiveness Extravagance Extroversion Exuberance Fairness Faith Fame
Family Fascination Fashion Fearlessness Ferocity Fidelity Fierceness Financial independence
Firmness Fitness Flexibility Flow Fluency Focus Fortitude Frankness Freedom Friendliness Friendship Frugality Fun Gallantry Generosity Gentility Giving Grace Gratitude Gregariousness Growth Guidance Happiness Harmony Health Heart Helpfulness Heroism Holiness Honesty Honor Hopefulness
Hospitality Humility Humor Hygiene Imagination Impact Impartiality Independence Individuality Industry Influence Ingenuity Inquisitiveness Insightfulness Inspiration Integrity Intellect Intelligence Intensity Intimacy Intrepidness Introspection Introversion Intuition Intuitiveness Inventiveness Investing Involvement Joy Judiciousness Justice Keenness Kindness Knowledge Leadership Learning Liberation Liberty Lightness Liveliness
Logic Longevity Love Loyalty Majesty Making a difference Marriage Mastery Maturity Meaning Meekness Mellowness Meticulousness Mindfulness Modesty Motivation Mysteriousness Nature Neatness Nerve Noncomformity Obedience Open-mindedness Openness Optimism Order Organization Originality Outdoors Outlandishness Outrageousness Partnership Patience Passion Peace Perceptiveness Perfection Perkiness Perseverance Persistence
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#30 September 1, 2014
Persuasiveness Philanthropy Piety Playfulness Pleasantness Pleasure Poise Polish Popularity Potency Power Practicality Pragmatism Precision Preparedness Presence Pride Privacy Proactivity Professionalism Prosperity Prudence Punctuality Purity Rationality Realism Reason Reasonableness Recognition Recreation Refinement Reflection Relaxation Reliability Relief Religiousness Reputation Resilience Resolution Resolve
Resourcefulness Respect Responsibility Rest Restraint Reverence Richness Rigor Sacredness Sacrifice Sagacity Saintliness Sanguinity Satisfaction Science Security Self-control Selflessness Self-reliance Self-respect Sensitivity Sensuality Serenity Service Sexiness Sexuality Sharing Shrewdness Significance Silence Silliness Simplicity Sincerity Skillfulness Solidarity Solitude Sophistication Soundness Speed Spirit
Spirituality Spontaneity Spunk Stability Status Stealth Stillness Strength Structure Success Support Supremacy Surprise Sympathy Synergy Teaching Teamwork Temperance Thankfulness Thoroughness Thoughtfulness Thrift Tidiness Timeliness Traditionalism Tranquility Transcendence Trust Trustworthiness Truth Understanding Unflappability Uniqueness Unity Usefulness Utility Valor Variety Victory Vigor
Virtue Vision Vitality Vivacity Volunteering Warmheartedness Warmth Watchfulness Wealth Willfulness Willingness Winning Wisdom Wittiness Wonder Worthiness Youthfulness Zeal
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#30 September 1, 2014 HINDUISM is a religion based on UNIVERSALITY. It gives less importance to the image of God in your mind than to what VALUES ONE CARRIES and how the individual evolves. The EVOLUTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL MIND AND PERSONALITY is more important in Hindu value system than the just faith or religion one adheres to. Because of the importance it gives to the good value systems ingrained in all religions, it is – along with Buddhism –the MOST SECULAR and MOST TOLERANT RELIGION in the world. In fact, India declared itself a secular nation based on the fundamental values of this religion. One must not miss out the fact that the vast majority of Indians, at that time around 90% of the population, supported the declaration of India as a secular country due to the principles ingrained in this religion. It was originally conceived as a conglomeration or confederation of different kinds of religious beliefs that existed in ancient times among different communities. Some people believe that karma theory is one of the core values of Hinduism. It is not. Hindu philosophy only states that karma shapes one’s future experiences, which is a scientifically acceptable statement. One’s Karma is the cause behind an individual’s behavioural manifestations and future experiences. Past karma shapes both the mindbody experiences and all human interactions. LISTING OF CORE VALUES OF HINDUISM 1. ‘Satyameva Jayate’: “TRUTH ALONE WINS.”
Whatever may be the short term result of work of different people in society, even though untruth may appear to be the winner over the short time, truth will be the ultimate winner. One must follow truth and be truthful.
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#30 September 1, 2014 2. Become a Yogi: “WORK FOR INTEGRATION OF SELF AT ALL LEVELS.” One must achieve integration of his mind, body and soul – integration at the levels of physical body, mind and prana (energy field that holds the entire body - all its cells and organs – together). Without yoga one cannot reach a higher level of existence. People who are immensely attached to their work are karmayogis and those who are highly intellectually driven are gnyaanayogis. 3. ELEVATE YOURSELF BY CHANTING "OM": “BASIS OF THE UNIVERSE IS THE SOUND "OM"”. The whole universe is created and sustained out of Vibrations. Human life can be upgraded with the use of the sound “Om”. 4. Follow the principle – “Sarvabhootastam Atmanam, Sarva Bhootani cha Atmani”: “ELEVATE YOURSELF TO SEE OTHERS IN YOURSELF AND YOURSELF IN OTHERS.” As one progresses in spiritual life he/ she can experience everyone else in himself/ herself. Let us learn to experience the problems and sufferings of others as if it is our own. Let us not just empathise, but become a part of the person and share his/ her sufferings. We then become an elevated soul. 5. ‘Ahimsa paramo dharmah’ “THERE IS NO DHARMA (DUTY ORDAINED FROM A HIGHER LEVEL) SUPERIOR TO NOT HARMING OR HURTING OTHERS.” In pursuing one’s goals and in the process of becoming an achiever and a great performer, one should not harm others. There can be no duty to self or family superior to avoiding hurtful or harmful behaviour.
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#30 September 1, 2014 Man evolves through his quest for knowledge. The emphasis of Vedic thought on scientific orientation is the reason why many of the modern scientific discoveries are already part of Hindu Vedic thought. And it says, “Go beyond the trap of present day knowledge and explore into the territory of the unlimited space of knowledge not yet revealed.” An individual’s vaasanas (tendencies, likes and dislikes), background, upbringing and environment determine the quality of his/ her knowledge. Human capabilities are finite and all knowledge is governed by the limits of this capability. We should get out of this limitation. When we reach beyond knowledge by crossing the boundaries of human capabilities, we will realise our ‘self’ at a higher level. 7. The behaviour of all persons is driven by the perception to which he/ she gets attached to. Get attached to the universally valid principles. “Purusha eva idam sarvam - Perception is everything”: “ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE DRIVEN BY PERCEPTION” - Bhagwadgita One can choose the perception that drives him/ her – Good value based or bad ones. To evolve into a superior person, stick on to the right ones. “NOTHING IS CREATED IN THE UNIVERSE WITHOUT FIRST BEING PERCEIVED. UNDERSTAND ITS POWER TO BECOME A CREATIVE PERSON.” Purusha Suktam 8. One’s personality is determined by his/ her Guna and Karma: “OWN NATURE AND PAST ACTIONS DETERMINE THE PRESENT PERSONALITY OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL" Each person’s past actions and nature determine his/ her personality. Hence to improve your personality, you must ensure that you do only work of high universal values, values that provide satisfaction to as many people as possible, that are universally acceptable and that elevate your personality. Also always explore your nature and ensure that it gets shaped and modified into what is universally acceptable.
The caste of a person is determined by his pursuit - whether he pursues power, money, knowledge and spiritual attainment; or is unable to move in any direction of pursuit (his/ her caste). It is determined by his/ her nature and past actions.
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#30 September 1, 2014 It is not decided by his/ her birth, but the social forces in India divided the society based on caste to usurp and retain power. Caste determination based on one’s birth and classification into superior and inferior sects is NOT ANYWHERE PROJECTED IN THE HINDU SCRIPTS, but only got ingrained in social practice.
9. Avoid being driven by action-result syndrome - “Maa Karmaphala heturbhuh”: “AVOID WORKING FOR A DESIRED RESULT WITHOUT INTELLECTUAL ANALYSIS AND GET TRAPPED INTO AN ACTION-RESULT SYNDROME.” Everyone carries out actions expecting desired results. All actions produce some result or the other. The problem is - desired result often does not match the actual result. When this happens, we generally get trapped into stronger actions, more dynamic work and emotional response. Both on good result and bad ones, we should not get emotionally disturbed or stronger and more forceful action. Pause, think, calm down and reorganise your work. You will become a superior personality.
10. ‘Sarvadharmaan parityajya maam ekam sharanam vraja. Aham twa sarva paapebhyo mokshaishyaami’ - Bhagwadgita: “WHENEVER YOU ARE CONFUSED BECAUSE CARRYING OUT AN ACTION COULD EB RIGHT (WHEN VIEWED FROM ONE ANGLE), AND WRONG (WHEN VIEWED FROM ANOTHER)PLEASE COME TO ME", - GOD SAYS IN BHAGWADGITA, "IF YOU CARRY OUT WHAT I GUIDE AS RIGHT, YOU WILL BE RELEASED FROM ALL YOUR SINS." Any action would have two sides from a moral angle. Take the case of a father who raped his daughter recently. By bringing him to book the daughter works against her own father who gave her life and brought her up. At the same time, not exposing him and not taking action against him would be a greater sin, as your own sister would become a victim of his lust. Both values are highly adored. What shall she do? In all such cases, there is only way out for the person concerned. Reach out to God and get the guidance. He will guide your conscience.
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#30 September 1, 2014 11. Projecting a truer better value based concept of heaven and hell - Swarga & Naraka: “Heaven and Hell are not external homes of souls tucked away in some corner or the Universe; they are emotional and psychological experiences.” Hinduism is perhaps the only faith that states that there is no hell or heaven tucked in a corner of the Universe. It is all in ourselves as experiences in this life itself. Do and continue to do good work. You will experience heaven in this life itself and become an emotionally and spiritually satisfied personality. 12. Graduate out of Maya: “MAN LIVES IN A WORLD OF DECEPTION. GRADUATE OUT OF IT TO BECOME A MORE COMPLETE AND ELEVATED SOUL.” In every aspect of our lives, even between husband and wife, parents and children, friends, relations, even enemies, we are driven by misconceptions and lack of total understanding of one another. At the philosophical level, it is impossible to get out of this Maya (deception) in totality. However, one can and must strive to minimise it, so that stresses are reduced and life becomes more satisfying.
13. Achieve freedom and liberate yourself – Obtain Moksham/ Mukti: “THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF MAN SHOULD BE LIBERATION FROM ALL THE TRAPPINGS OF ONE'S LIFE.” We are driven by our desires, ambitions, likes and dislikes. What is right from a universal angle does not drive us and what is wrong does not prevent us from carrying out our desired action. Mostly emotions take control of our actions. One must strive to liberate oneself out of such trappings and become a superior personality.
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#30 September 1, 2014
14. Do all work in the spirit of ‘Yagnya’: “Mankind can progress only through STRIVING TOGETHER. Promote pursuit of goals together as teamwork in all human endeavours.” When we join hands together with all those who work to achieve a common goal, the higher level forces (Devatas) will support us and we will definitely achieve our goals. All of us would carry out our work as the subjects of the goal towards which we work, and if all persons having a common goal work together with a spirit of sharing we shall achieve whatever we desire. The goal becomes the kamadhenu, the cow that fulfils all our positive desires.
15. GOD IS ONE, BUT HE EXHIBITS HIMSELF IN THREE MAJOR FORMS AS BRAHMA, VISHNU AND SHIVA (THE CREATOR, PROTECTOR AND DESTROYER) and countless other forms: “Please do not assume that God can only be perceived as a formless one who is most difficult to comprehend. Each one of us can see Him and perceive him in the way best suited to our way of life and value systems”. This is a major core value that makes Hinduism universal and accepts every belief system as valuable. Every belief system that adopts good positive universal principles is good and must be acceptable to the human society. Hinduism also talks about God as formless (Go to Chidambaram to see it. Also highlighted in Vishnu Sahasra Naamam) and at the same time one who projects Himself in thousands of forms to human beings. This is the root of secularism of Hindu thought and Vedic teachings. K S Madhavan
11 http://hinducorevalues.blogspot.in/
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#30 September 1, 2014
Values in Practice A kindness a day…
It was a normal week day and her husband was at work. After finishing her duties at home, Salma was busy as usual helping her neighbors, today washing their clothes. Her friends were surprised at her selfless kindness but she always told her friends: “A kindness a day keeps the devil away. I try to do one act of kindness everyday in hopes that it will eradicate a sin I may have unconsciously committed in the Book of Life”. One Sunday Salma’s husband said, “May I ride with you today when you go to do the grocery shopping?” Salma was obviously surprised, but she didn’t question his request and said, “Sure why not, then we can spend some time together as you are always busy.” So Salma and her husband left and spent the whole day together. When they got home and put away the groceries, Salma thanked her husband for being so kind as to come with her. He answered, “Salma, the real reason that I went with you is because you always tell people to do just one act of kindness, like eating an apple a day, keeps the Devil away, so I asked to ride with you to see just how kindly you act with people every day.” Salma asked with astonishment: “Why?”. He replied, “Because I wanted to see how do you practice kindness, and I wanted to see if you practiced what you preach. And trust me, I will never doubt anything you say again.” He continued and said to Salma: (1) “When we got in the van, you let the car across from us go first while watching that no car was coming from behind and you signaled him to go. (2) “When we reached the stop, you signaled for people to cross the street saying that this way you protect them at least when you are at the stop sign because most drivers don’t care about people, they just want to be on their way. (3) “On the freeway you signaled the trailer trucks when you were letting them take the lane and slowed down to give them space to change lanes, saying that they had a delivery to make on time and that you had all the time in the world. (4) “When we arrived in the store parking lot as you went to take a spot, someone else just swiped in front of you and we had to go all the way to the back. You never got angry. You said, “Well, maybe he has sore legs and needs to be closer,” and you laughed. (5) “As we arrived at the entrance door, you opened the door and let an elderly couple in saying, “Beauty before age.” “Well when I counted up 25 acts of kindness I stopped counting because your one act of kindness just rolls into many more. I couldn’t believe it; you are so kind that I am sure that in the Good Book it will outweigh whatever you do wrong. From now on I will also do one act of kindness a day, and I will never doubt anything you say you do ever again”. Salma laughed and said, “Kindness is like a box of chocolates, when I open the box, I can never eat just one. I finish the box!
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#30 September 1, 2014
When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier. Roy E. Disney
There are no college courses to build up selfesteem or high school or elementary school. If you don't get those values at a early age, nurtured in your home, you don't get them. T. D. Jakes
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Apart from values and ethics which I have tried to live by, the legacy I would like to leave behind is a very simple one - that I have always stood up for what I consider to be the right thing, and I have tried to be as fair and equitable as I could be. Ratan Tata
Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention. Deepak Chopra
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