Ymag34: Window for Action Loving Professionals

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Window for action loving professionals

Dear Readers

#1 #34 January 1, 2015

2015 In this issue… 15 New Year Resolutions to Make and Break


TOP 15 Workplace Trends I would love to see during 2015


Imperatives for Career Seekers


Banish this MAN


Quotes on Future


Let 2015 be the new dawn of your unconditional commitment to bring change in the way you think, act and impact. Let 2015 make you an Aimer even when you are surrounded by the gang of Blamers. My you have 2 times the energy, 0 worries, 1 life king-size and at least 5 ways to improve the way you live… Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256.

Advt. Pages 11-12


Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©


Window for action loving professionals

#34 January 1, 2015

15 New Year Resolutions to Make and

1. I will start losing weight 2. I will quit smoking 3. I will stop drinking 4. I will walk regularly 5. I will take more holidays 6. I will stay in touch with my friends 7. I will read – one book a month 8. I will avoid fried/junk food 9. I will be punctual 10.I will start complementing more 11.I will start balancing work & life 12.I will spend more time with my parents 13.I will improve my work relationships 14.I will stop back-biting 15.I will start writing for this Ymag


“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 2

- Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC


Window for action loving professionals

#34 January 1, 2015

TOP 15 Workplace Trends I would love to see during 2015

1. Bosses search for reasons to appreciate their team mates 2. No more back biting; Colleagues connive to put in good words about each other to their superiors. 3. The blame game is over. We own responsibility and auto correct. 4. Mistakes are celebrated as lessons for development. We always commit a new mistake. 5. There is no My Man and Your Man. The organizational Man arrives. 6. Conflicts are no longer detested. We thrive on diversity of thinking, ideas and actions. 7. Goals are clear. Roles are clear. Processes follow. Relationships thrive. 3

Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC


Window for action loving professionals

#34 January 1, 2015



10. 11. 12.



15. 4

TOP 15 Workplace Trends I would love to see during 2015

Games people play remains the title of a book. We talk straight. We deal strait. We act straight. Team work is actually celebrated. Individual awards get minimized. The team share zooms. We beat our performance records, consistently. We learn vigorously. We unlearn rapidly. We consider feedback as a weapon of champions. We seek eagerly. We take responsibility of enthusing, encouraging and exciting people around us. We consistently create our successors to move vertically and horizontally. We give our colleagues gifts of helping, sharing and caring.


Window for action loving professionals


#34 January 1, 2015


"This is a century of knowledge. And India has a huge role to play.“ "Our education apparatus can't be one that produces robots. There has to be overall

personality development."

Mr. Narendra Modi Prime Minister, India

Imperatives for Career Seekers

Energy, Drive, Enthusiasm and Initiative Hard-working, disciplined and dependable. Eager, professional and positive attitude. Strong self-motivation and high self-esteem. Confident and assertive, yet diplomatic and flexible. Sincere and preserves integrity. Ambitious and takes risks. Uses common sense. Adapts Textbook Learning to the Working World Quick learner, asks questions, analytical; independent thinker. Willing to continue education and growth. Committed to excellence, open-minded, willing to try new things. Communication Skills Good writing skills, very good oral communications skills. Listens well; compassionate and empathetic. Good problem-solving and analytical skills. Creative and innovative. Leadership Skills Extracts from the book: Organization skills and attention to detail. SMART Actions for First Accepts and handles responsibilities. Job by Action-oriented and results driven. Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC Loyal to employers. Customer-focused. Team-spirited; understands group dynamics. Always willing to help others with respect and dignity. Adaptability Ability to accommodate, accept and adjust to changing circumstances/situations and to easily get along with others. Assertiveness Ability to be bold and energetic in a group situation and be influencing in one's thoughts and ideas by convincing and persuasion.


Window for action loving professionals


#34 January 1, 2015


Competitiveness Ability to be self-assertive, dominant and aggressive Dynamism Ability to put in sustained efforts and to remain lively and enthusiastic for achieving the goal. Showing active energy level in most of one's undertakings. Likes to perform. Reasoning Ability to put across one's thoughts and ideas logically and to arrive at judgment by rational thinking. Stress-tolerance Ability to withstand day-to-day stress. Having harmonious state of mind. Proactive in thoughts and behavior. Self-reliance Independent and enterprising. Self-sufficient and self-dependent. Shows state of self-confidence. Emotional stability Ability to control one's owns emotions as well as that of others. Shows sense of discipline, foresight and feelings of empathy. Team work Ability to work with others cohesively and in unison for group goals. Ability to influence others. Initiates action for the team. Shows self-control and ability to win other's cooperation. Decision-making Ability to arrive at a fair and workable conclusion. Clear- headed and resourceful. Is able to lay priorities? Tactfulness Ability to skillfully manage the feelings and behavior of others. Creativity To be imaginative, spontaneous and original, showing fluency in thoughts. Explorative and self-assured. Career maturity Ability to foresee, take and tap the opportunities for career growth. Readiness to face challenges in career. Keep good relations with colleagues, seniors and juniors. Ability to decide things in time. Integrity Shows sincerity and honesty in thoughts and actions. Cherishes values of respectfulness, obedience and responsibility.


Banish this MAN

Window for action loving professionals

#34 January 1, 2015

Why it's great to be a MAN in the office? [An imaginative first person confessional narration by the man in the office who hates to give respect, equal treatment and care to his colleagues of the fairer sex -A satire on the dirty minded]

I could be anybody. May be part of you. It does not matter. Some people reading this hardly shared personal account of mine may call me stupid. Let them. Who bothers? I know I am STUPID – Smart Talented Unique Person in the Department. I am not alone. I have hundreds and thousands of clones. They are spread all over the country. We have counter parts all across the globe. We think differently. We act differently. But we behave the same. Our un-written one line motto is: TO THINK NEGATIVE, ACT NEGATIVE AND BEHAVE NEGATIVE TOWARDS OUR WOMEN COUNTERPARTS IN THE ORGANIZATIONAL JUNGLE. How do we do it? Each one of us is an authority himself. We learn from each other. Where else would you find such a great team performance. I will share with you what I do. You can create your own encyclopedia by watching others and sharing with others. Don’t hide away to read this article. I dare you to share your negativities openly. •


Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC

I believe in equality. I believe men are more equal than women. I extend my negativity equally amongst the women. I admire Bosses who are fond of embarrassing my women colleagues in front of everyone. I have learnt new techniques of embarrassments. I will show them when I become more responsible in the organizational hierarchy. I like talking about women in my office. I talk about them in my chartered bus/shared cab/metro, in my friends’ circle and with some colleagues like me. Even the chaiwala and paanwala near our office enjoys the stories about the women colleagues who are old spinsters, separated or single parents.


Window for action loving professionals

#34 January 1, 2015 •

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I feel even responsible for entertaining my women colleagues. I do share my double meaning and sometimes explicit jokes. It’s their outlook if they do not laugh. Women have limited sense of humour, you know. I do not like some of my colleagues who take extra care about their women colleagues. Why should I hold the door or stand up for a woman. I don’t even like it when the Big B holds the chair for a women on KBC. I think women take advantage of their proximity with men. That’s why they get promoted faster even though, I feel, they should at the best be doing only the support roles. Women are not very intelligent. I strongly believe that men are. So what if girls have been constantly scoring the highest marks in the X and XII standard board exams. I don’t think that women are serious about their jobs. They come to pass their time and even claim all medical benefits. I feel that newly married women should not be hired in the office as it amounts to lot of time and money loss within 2-3 years. I must tell you that I am very fond of poetry and graffiti. Haven’t you seen my scriptures on the toilet walls and lift cabins. You couldn’t have missed them. Sometimes, I play with them. Making blank calls is a great office hide and seek game. I am gradually learning but some of my friends have mastered the art of making women cry. Great fun! No?


Window for action loving professionals

#34 January 1, 2015 •

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I am quite religious minded. Whenever there is an office party, I and my friends adopt the mandir or gurudwara approach. Women one side and men on the other side. After all, we need our space to talk about the three Ws [Wine, Wealth and Women]. Some of my friends are quite hi-tech these days. They keep mass mailing/WhatsApping the XXX web-material to each other. Few intentional accidental transmittals do occur and my women colleagues do get them. Technology has some short-comings too. What can be done about it? I am very generous. Who so ever asks me, I do provide the personal home and office numbers of my women colleagues. Many a times, I think that I should be a newspaper columnist on fashion. I have documented every nuance of what I see in the back-up memory of my brain. There are times when I feel reserved or may be a bit shy but my kinds of other colleagues do not. They do indulge in a bit of strip tease when they move around with their 2-3 shirt buttons open in the office. I wish I was a bit more senior than I am. I would have, by position of my authority, made my women colleagues sit in my cabin for hours to have tea/coffee and to witness my ‘majma’ style of management.

I wish I had the time and space to write more. But why should I tell you everything. Go ahead, use experience and creativity. The organizational jungle is big and wild. Roar. Be a Lion. The other part is normally timid and defenseless. Be mean. Be self obsessed. The life of a man will not come again. Go for the kill. Don’t worry about what people say. Be an MCP – Magnificent Creation in this Peninsula.


Window for action loving professionals

#34 January 1, 2015

I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. - Donald Trump Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough. - Mark Zukerberg When you’re first thinking through an idea, it’s important not to get bogged down in complexity. Thinking simply and clearly is hard to do. - Richard Branson www.thepersonnellab.com or http://tinyurl.com/q45glgs


Don't start a company unless it's an obsession and something you love. If you have an exit strategy, it's not an obsession. - Mark Cuban If you're competitor focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer focused allows you to be more pioneering. - Jeff Bezos Don’t be threatened by people smarter than you. - Howard Schultz

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Awareness Creation

Broadening Horizon

Creating Curiosity

Decluttering Thoughts

Enthusing Actions Visit us at thepersonnellab.com to know more about our consulting facilitation. Better call us at 9810211256 .

Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC

Call these the handshake programmes or celebrating Learning and Development in ‘tasters’ menu’, these 3 hours customized inputs will help your people undergo sensitization through Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening at your place and time with the quality commitment of Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC.

Rejuvenating PERSONAL BRAND Accelerating CHANGE MANAGEMENT Jumping ahead with IMPACTFUL PERFORMANCE Intensifying INFLUENCING Vibrant CREATIVITY Knockout BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS Harmonizing RELATIONSHIPS Upgrading LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS Role-impacting COACHING & MENTORING Achieving high results through TEAM PLAYING Novel ways for TRAINING THROUGH MULTIMEDIA Actioning high calibre CUSTOMER SERVICE rajiv@rajivkhurana.com

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