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#42 September 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Karma Yoga: Meaning
Learning from Krishna Karmachari to Karmayogi: Talk Download details KARMA actions
5 6-8
Parable of the Pencil
KARMA originates from the Sanskrit word ‘kri’ that means work. God has programmed all of us to work. Even when we think we are not working, our body keeps working non-stop. How do we work? Our mindset defines us. Do we take on the role of a servant enslaved to the fulfilment of commands given by someone else and feel contended to be called a karmachari? Should we trigger the self awareness switch and become an enlightened contributor so that we may one day be described as a karmayogi? We need to open the mental window and make a choice. Sooner the better. Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256. Advt. Pages 11-12
Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©
#42 September 1, 2015
Practice of Karma Yoga
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Nonattachment to the fruits of actions
Dedicating actions at the altar of God with the feeling of IshvarArpana
Non-attachment makes a man absolutely bold and fearless. When he dedicates his action at the Lotus Feet of the Lord he develops devotion to God and approaches Him nearer and nearer. He gradually feels that God works directly through his Indriyas or instruments. - Sri Swami Sivananda
In the initial stages of Karma Yoga, individual possesses strong sense of ego and consciously or unconsciously he is attached to the fruits of his efforts or at least praise or recognition but by continuous involvement in the work and change in mental attitude, one can surely disassociate himself from the ego and his own personality. In this state the work becomes worship to the God, it becomes spiritual, also the individual becomes expert, skilled and Yogi. He achieves stability of mind in all conditions, he is not disturbed or excited or happy in any of the situations. He becomes divine & his actions represent God's will. - Paramhansa Swami Satyananda Saraswati
#42 September 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Among the ten avatars of Maha Vishnu, Krishna is known as the पूर्ण अवतारं , the most complete Manifestation. We can relate to him as the son of Devaki and Vasudeva; the darling child of Yasodhara; friend of Kuchela; nephew of Kunti; charioteer of Arjuna; lover of Radha; capable of Vishwaroopam; and the giver of the greatest discourse in civilization, Bhagavad Gita. We can learn many lessons from such a diverse avatar. Allow me to highlight five such lessons. The single most important lesson from Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the Gita. It is probably to Hindus what the Bible is to Christians, and the Koran is to Muslims, although Hinduism is not a Kitabia, or a “single book” religion. Read the Gita, in Sanskrit; or in translation; in English or your mother tongue; with or without commentary. Follow some core lessons. From a कर्मचारी, Karmachari, a mere salaried worker, evolve into a कर्मयोगी, Karmayogi, an Enlightened Contributor. Increase the दै ववक्, Divine qualities in yourself. Control, reduce, eliminate the असुररक्, Demonic qualities. Raise your सत्व गुर्. The second big lesson from Krishna, as indeed, from Shiva and Rama, is to uphold धर्ण. He said he was not on the side of the Pandavas, but with धर्ण. They did not win the war because he was with them. They won it because it they were on the side of धर्ण. Protect yourself, from becoming a दु रात्मा, due to रजस् . Instead, strive to become a धर्ाण त्मा. Perform your सार्ान्य धर्ण as employee and citizen. As you become senior, follow श्रेष्ठ धर्ण . When you come to the top, exhibit राज धर्ण . Protect धर्ण . Engage in all necessary धर्ण युध्धं. Don’t run away.
#42 September 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Dr. M B Athreya
The third lesson from Krishna is र्ैत्री, friendliness. His friends include his Gokula playmates; Kuchela; Draupadi; Arjuna; the Gopis; and many more. He protects Gokula from Poothana; Kaalinga; Varuna; Kamsa. He protects Draupadi’s honour, when Dusshasana and others try to disrobe her. He is with Arjuna, helping, scolding and enlightening. He not only overwhelms Kuchela by अवतवि सत्कारं , but also creates a palace for his family. The fourth lesson is क्षर्ा, forgiveness. He watches the many plots of the Kauravas against the Pandavas. He overlooks Dhuryodhana’s arrogance in sitting in front of his face, while asleep, and still gives him all his armies, when asked for. The greatest ever example is his tolerating 99 insults from Shishupala, and using his chakra only on the 100th insult. Use strength and offensive strategies when people around you appreciate that you had patiently exhausted all available peaceful options. क्षर्ा वीरस्य भूषर्ं . Patience is an ornament in a strong fighter. Our fifth and final lesson is प्रेर्, love for all beings. Krishna showered affection on all – the people, gopis, friends and cows of Gokula; the peoples of Mathura and Dwaraka, where he ruled; and, indeed, on all of creation. He also brings out प्रेर् towards him, in all. The Srimad Bhagavatam, the story of his avatar, is one of the three great epics of Hinduism, the other two being, as you know, Ramayanam and Mahabharatam. Devotees of Krishna are themselves called Bhagavatas. The ones with high knowledge of his avatar, and deep devotion are called परर् भागवत. Try to become one, in your long life.
#42 September 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Chairperson: Sumit Chaudhuri CMC, FIMC Speaker: Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC
Download the Presentation Handout from: www.thepersonnellab.com
Photo Courtesy: Pankaj Khanna
#42 September 1, 2015
Nurturing KARMAYOGI@business
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC
Keep them aspiring for more
Clarity on organisation’s vision helps people to look at their own career and prepare for a longer inning. Recognize the need and add the speed.
Appreciate and publicize
Avoid being a big brother to catch people doing wrong things. Plan to catch them doing good and great stuff. Publicize. Propagate. Celebrate.
Remove irritants
Functional irritants create excuses for people. Excuses have no uses. Remove the pot holes and speed breakers. Let people move on their career autobahn.
Manage intangibles better
M A 6
Organisations are fascinated with control mechanism for things tangibles. They apply it on the knowledge assets too. Make people custodians so they thrive.
Address the challenges: Funds, Systems, Human, Technical… Intra-preneurs need not waste their time on running for things themselves. Extend the facilitative hand. Arrange, organise, rationalise, streamline…
Acronym KARMA is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
#42 September 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Daily KARMA for the modern day YOGI@business Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC
Kindle the power
The lighting of the power can be from inside alone. Ignite and the new dawn surfaces. Be hungry. Be clear. Be active. Achieve.
Align with people around
Avoid being a Robinson Crusoe. You need people to work with and work for. Align with them. Cater to their needs with and through people.
Remain ahead with formula 256
Simple rustic formula. Be clear. If your need is for 2, work for 5. Be contended. Avoid getting worked up if someone gets 6. This self imposed peer pressure sucks.
Make ethics your USP
If you wish to be a marathon runner, avoid the temptations of a 100 meters sprint. Ethics always help you in the longer run. Builds your brand and stance.
Act for 3Ps bottomline
Working for Profits is normal and expected. The triple bottomline also expects you to work for People, both inside and outside. Do everything to uplift the Planet.
Acronym KARMA is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
#42 September 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC
Knit the team and partners
A start up needs the unidirectional approach of the team members and partners to synchronise energies and ideas. Keep them on board and aligned.
Aim, don’t blame
Be like water. Find your way. Smoothen edges and force your pressure. Don’t stagnate. Aimers find their way. Blamers stay. Cribbing!
Run – Win or Lose faster!
Momentum is essential. Take the risk of failing in your stride. An early failure is better. Adds to your experience. Keep the pace higher.
Make impact@bottomofpyramid
Money is there at the bottom of the pyramid. Take C K Prahlad seriously. Plan more around the bottom and you will see opportunities galore.
Abstain from short-sighted sellout plans
Working on a start-up with a plan to sell out at the earliest opportunity is bad entrepreneurship. Nurture the venture for some time before hiving off!
Acronym KARMA is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
#42 September 1, 2015
Parable of the PENCIL
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held to a higher standard. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess. You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time. Life will throw curve balls at you. You will be challenged and face adversity but with each challenge comes strengthening and growth. You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make along the way. The most important part of you will always be what’s on the inside. Every day and in every situation, you must leave your gentle and elegant mark.
#42 September 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. Steve Jobs
On one hand, we know that everything happens for a reason, and there are no mistakes or coincidences. On the other hand, we learn that we can never give up, knowing that with the right tools and energy, we can reverse any decree or karma. So, which is it? Let the Light decide, or never give up? The answer is: both. Yehuda Berg
I try to live with the How people treat you is idea that karma is a their karma; how you very real thing. So I put react is yours. out what I want to get Wayne Dyer back. Megan Fox I believe in Karma. If the good is sown, the good is collected. When positive things are made, that returns well. Yannick Noah 10
Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening
Help People
Acquire Improve Master rajiv@rajivkhurana.com
Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening
Awareness Creation
Broadening Horizon
Creating Curiosity
Decluttering Thoughts
Enthusing Actions Visit us at thepersonnellab.com to know more about our consulting facilitation. Better call us at 9810211256 . Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC
Call these the handshake programmes or celebrating Learning and Development in ‘tasters’ menu’, these 3 hours customized inputs will help your people undergo sensitization through Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening at your place and time with the quality commitment of Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC.
Rejuvenating PERSONAL BRAND Accelerating CHANGE MANAGEMENT Jumping ahead with IMPACTFUL PERFORMANCE Intensifying INFLUENCING Vibrant CREATIVITY Knockout BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS Harmonizing RELATIONSHIPS Upgrading LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS Role-impacting COACHING & MENTORING Achieving high results through TEAM PLAYING Novel ways for TRAINING THROUGH MULTIMEDIA Actioning high calibre CUSTOMER SERVICE rajiv@rajivkhurana.com