Dear Readers
#43 October 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
15 modern day SELF DEVELOPMENT
skills Take Charge or keep complaining…
Self Development Quotes
Greetings! We believe that Adam and Eve were the first homo sapiens to arrive on planet earth. What if they had stayed the way they came? No creative thinking! No self development! No progress! Imagine status quo. Our ability to keep changing ourselves for the better has made our world finer and livable – idiots, lunatics and extremists, not withstanding! Instead of expecting the world to change, if we could try to bring the change in developing ourselves, the collective self-propelled efforts could be magical. The wand is in our hands. Time for animated drawing room dialogues… Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256 Advt. Pages 11-12
Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©
#43 October 1, 2015
modern day
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC
Self evaluation
You service your vehicles periodically. How often do you service your mind? High time to evaluate the way you are progressing! Be candid. Be blunt. Take responsibility.
Embrace change
No one likes a change but change keeps happening. The mirror on your wall never lies. Look around, nothing has remained static. Avoid resisting. Go with the flow. Be proactive. Change faster than before.
Look for opportunities
The world will remain busy with itself. No one will make you a hero. People may not even have the time to make you a zero. Each one on his own. Take charge. Look around. When you move, the tunnel ends.
Focus on goals and priorities
Passing each day aimlessly won’t help you reach anywhere. Set your shorter destinations as part of your ultimate goals. Know clearly what will take you there. Set the priorities, keep achieving and enjoying.
Acronym SELF DEVELOPMENT is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
#43 October 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Develop your personal brand
How people view you is important? Be conscious and act to build your image. Take charge of your time, attitude, behaviour, conduct and work habits. What you do and fail to do matters.
Expressing for impact
What you say and How you say is vital. Create an impactful potpourri of your VERBAL, VOCAL and VISUAL skills. Read a lot and learn to write better. Write and speak at the level of peoples’ understanding.
Vibrant creativity
Ignite your curiosity. Ask questions. Be a seeker and lap up all the learning that comes your way. Think often to make improvements around you. Small innovations around you would keep your vibrancy factor high.
Expand self
Life cannot be what you have started with. Avoid being confined to the limited range of your education, experience, situation and circumstances. Take risk. Look beyond. Learn more. Explore and Expand exponentially.
Acronym SELF DEVELOPMENT is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
#43 October 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Lead and influence
There is enough happening around that extends you the ways to lead people and influence their lives. This will come back to you too in enhancing your calibre, capability and credibility.
Orchestrating with people
You are not a Robinson Crusoe. You need people in your team, as your customers, families etc. Ally with them. Listen to them carefully. Respect them. Appreciate them. Propagate their accomplishments.
Personal care and appearance
Do you like badly served food? Serve people the total you. Great in content. Great in packaging. Dress well. Look after your body. Exercise well. Eat well. Rest well. You will feel good. People will feel better.
Motivate self
What may come from outside is just a bonus! Your intrinsic motivation counts. Keep your challenges high. Show them the ways you can turn out to be a winner. Consistently. You may fall. Strive better and higher.
Acronym SELF DEVELOPMENT is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
#43 October 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Enjoy a balanced life
When you work below your calibre, you rust out. When you work overboard, you burn out. Keep the optimum. Blend work accomplishments with time for family and friends. Work hard. Party harder.
Neutralize negativity
All days can’t be the same. You may fail momentarily. Even people around you may doubt your pursuits, preparedness and results. Keep your focus. Retain your sanity. Keep walking‌
Tolerate ambiguity
This world has never been an ideal place. It would never be. Accept imperfections. Accept shortcomings in people around you. Think! You may even not be a perfect being in their eyes. Be perseverant. Tolerate.
Acronym SELF DEVELOPMENT is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
#43 October 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Take Charge or keep complaining… - Rajiv Khurana Kennedy had once said, “Ask not what the country does for you, Ask what you do for the country.” For corporate citizens of the 21st century, this may sound strange. Forget it. How about changing it to “Ask not what the company does for you, Ask what you do for the company.” Forget it again. This sounds like another sermon from the sage on the stage. Lets refine it further, “Ask what you do to yourself.” Now, this may turn out to be a bit difficult to handle for a majority of junta who still feels that to train them is the responsibility of the company, which it should do in a luxury hotel on a working day with special arrangements like company conveyance or treating them on a tour status to earn the DA/TA. Imagine, if the HIRE-TIRE-FIRE were really easy in India, how would the employers react? Simple logic. The employer would keep scouting for cheaper but proficient sources of service suppliers and there would be no place for dead woods. The only rule that would apply in the industry would be to move up or move out. Sounds similar to supply chain management initiatives where it is the responsibility of the supplier to keep doing its R&D for improving the quality and reducing the price. Thus, it will become the responsibility of the individual to upgrade his knowledge, skills, attitude and work habits in order to remain a marketable service provider. Therefore, to take charge of one’s development would be the only strategy left with individuals in order to survive and continuously keep climbing the success ladder.
#43 October 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
Such days are not far of. Some signs have started showing. We can still adopt the pigeon’s approach and keep our eyes closed. But for how long? The reality would soon hit the majority that they and only they have the responsibility for their own self up-gradation. Rest of the talks would be all unnecessary. Mere excuses for in-actions or non-performance. There is a common sense difference between growth and development. Growth is a natural process while Development requires a man made initiative. A child born in the interior jungles of Madhya Pradesh and a child born in an affluent Delhi family, would go through the natural cycles of growth. The resources and efforts deployed by the Delhi family would bring up a different personality geared up better for the modern day rigmaroles. People who join the organizations grow with time. But people who succeed are the people who make efforts to define their targets and work towards accomplishing them. They deploy their limited resources of time, money etc. to take responsibility of their development. They know that their tomorrow depends on what they do in their present instead of hoping to reap the royalty of their past performance. They take charge. Others watch them grow and at times, complain. If you too are conscious of taking charge of yourself, keep these points in mind: 1.Development is an ongoing process. No one learns overnight. There are no short term keys available to sail through the exams. It is like cycling up-hill. If you stop pedaling, you will slide back. Coming down hill is easy. Just sit there and do nothing.
#43 October 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS 2.Responsibility for development starts from what you are doing and not what you would do when you get to the next job. Today is the first day of the rest of your professional life. If you have no satisfactory answer to what you have added to your resume’ during the last six months in your current job, stop fooling yourself. You may keep waiting for a better tomorrow that may never come. 3.Development is always self-driven. Unless of course your parents are owning the organisation. You take charge of your relationships, holidays, entertainment, recouperation, etc. You won’t like anyone prescribing what you should do in any of these. Then why should you leave the domain of development in the hands of others. It’s yours. The better you handle it, the better you can enjoy other things in your life. 4.Development must meet your needs along with that of your team’s and your organization. You have aspirations. Your team and your organisation have expectations. Align them properly so that everyone gets the benefit. You will also derive the benefits when other around you take charge of their development. 5.Development is critical for everyone. Don’t do it because your HR department talks about it. Don’t view it as an action point for weak performers. Whether you are the strongest or the weakest performer in the organisation, you have a range of skills and talents that run from your best to your weakest. Development is the way to actively try to maximize your talents.
#43 October 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS 6.Development is more effective when planned than when left to chance. Your organsation would be a rudder-less ship without a proper plan. So would you. You will need to blend direction and focus in your pursuit for excellence. 7.Make development a part of your daily life. Development does not occur in a vacuum or as a tangent to work. You learn best when you see an immediate application for the skills you are trying to learn. The age old maxim is still true – PRACTICE makes a man perfect. Another old maxim is still true – Only 5% of people make things happen, 15% of the people watch what’s happening while the balance 80% of the people have no idea what’s happening. If you have read so far, you already know that you do not belong to the rest 80% category. Retain your charge and keep it up…
#43 October 1, 2015
Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS
“For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.” ― Benjamin Franklin
“Let him who would move the world first move himself.” ― Socrates
“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.” ― T. Harv Eker
“If you want to lead an extraordinary life, find out what the ordinary do–and don't do it.” ― Tommy Newberry,
“Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.” ― Stephen R. Covey
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
“Take responsibility for your own happiness, do not expect people or things to bring you happiness, or you could be disappointed.” ― Rodolfo Costa
Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening
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Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening
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Call these the handshake programmes or celebrating Learning and Development in ‘tasters’ menu’, these 3 hours customized inputs will help your people undergo sensitization through Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening at your place and time with the quality commitment of Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC.
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