Ymag 44 - Window for Action Loving Professionals

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Dear Readers

#44 November 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS



Is there a Melinda Gates in you?


Do we see God?


Responsibility Quotes


Greetings! No one will come to save us. This is our life and we have 100% responsibility. How often, do we take charge of our responsibility towards us? Others come much later. It is easy to find fault in others and play the blame game. Action loving professionals do not stoop low to point fingers at others and absolve themselves of all responsibilities. They take charge. Absolute charge! India can’t be built on the foundation of pointed fingers. We need efforts of the committed kind. Action loving professionals provide that. Y not! Y now! Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256 Advt. Pages 11-12

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening Š


#44 November 1, 2015


Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Rajiv Khurana

Respect law


“We the people…”, have created the law. We the people have the responsibility to obey it, at every traffic signal or while filing the IT return…or else, use the democratic process to get it changed!

Elect the right people


The power to vote has created wonders for India. Sending the right representative right for the panchayati raj responsibilities is our responsibility. Judicious exercise of our right is our primary duty.

Stay balanced


A lot keeps happening amongst the regions, religions and fringe elements. Wearing a secular fabric is our responsibility and we need to ensure that the interpretation of secularism is as per the Constitution.

Protect environment & public property

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Every thing the nature has given us is in limited supply. Whatever the government has created with public funds costs money. Our money. Time to take charge as a custodian for the next generation instead of being a sole consumer. Acronym RESPONSIBILITY is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#44 November 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Observe tolerance


No one is perfect. There are bound to be shortcomings, excesses, over-sights, loose tongue lashing etc. Reacting on everything can make life a permanent battle-field. Tolerate a bit and let it pass. Let’s grow.

Neutralize negativity


The drawing room discussions, the adda talks and more recently the FB, WhatsApp utterances…only create higher tempers but no solutions. Reduce or stop the negativity when it starts instead of fuelling it.

Stand for or support a cause


Everyone of us can be a social entrepreneur. Look around and you will find causes a plenty. Pick any or stand with people who are already committing their efforts and resources. Thrive for self and others.

Inspire youth with positivity & patriotism

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India is growing young. Sure. They are impressionable. Be the conduit to facilitate the right thoughts and actions for them. Imagine, if you don’t influence them and they get influenced by the undesirable ones, what will be in store for us! Acronym RESPONSIBILITY is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#44 November 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Be a role model


The younger kids aspire to be like their parents. Sustain their interest when they grow up. How many of our team mates and youngsters around us would like to be like us?

Improve India’s image


The world outside has a mixed picture of us. The media, unfortunately, does not contribute positively to it. Be the flag bearer of India’s image when the overseas guests come here or we travel outside the country.

Leverage the past, build the future


Yes. We have a rich heritage. Someone worked hard at that time. Are we adding to it and improving upon it? We can’t bask in the glory of the past and keep our eyes away from the future. Let’s build a brighter one.

Initiate & finishiate a +ve change, start over

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The old proverb ‘drops of water make an ocean’, is strong in it’s impact. Imagine the 1.25 billion people do something around themselves with responsibility! One change at a time. Take another later. Start with ‘Clean India’. Acronym RESPONSIBILITY is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#44 November 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Take care of elderly, children & weak


Thank your stars that you don’t need any support or protection. Be blessed that God has given you the energy to support others. Be good. Be responsible. Make India worth living for all.

Yell or create hell when injustice is done



Indifference or silence when injustice is done to us has been the hallmark of our responsibility as a citizen. High time we challenge it and change it. With awareness levels on the rise, you will be surprised how others may join the crusade you lead.

Acronym RESPONSIBILITY is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#44 November 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Is there a Melinda Gates in you? - Rajiv Khurana

“A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a person need to be happy?” People who achieve a lot or saints alone would indeed agree with Albert Einstein. You have a point. Happiness after all lies in money, more money or may be much more money. Argument accepted. How much is too much? Sorry, Einstein did not leave any formula. Examples at both extremes exist today. A man went to the forest and met an old lady with a sparkling stone. He knew it was precious. He asked for it and the woman gave him. He came back to her the next day. The woman told him that she did not have another precious stone. The man was in tears. He said, “Give me the heart with which you gave away the precious stone.” Simplicity, happiness, giving, doing things for others or just being there for others is driven more by heart. Head follows if heart believes in it. Melinda Gates is a living example. “After a number of years dating, we decided we were good partners.” Bill Gates and Melinda have partnered well. Setting aside billions and billions of dollars for Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation for people, causes and communities is no small partnership. “We have met parents who love their children just as much as we love ours yet who can’t protect them from polio or measles.” Sufferings moved them and she moved ahead to show others the way. Working for the under-privileged is not a fashion statement. Women who work for the civil society do not do it to ‘show’. They do it because they believe in it. Melinda Gates may be able to give away her billions. The Melinda Gates inside you need not give away her money. Doing something good for others requires deep commitment, careful planning and consistent efforts. You can spot the beneficiaries all around. Your efforts need not be big. They need not be widespread. The start matters. Very soon, things, people and resources fall in place. Sit back and ponder. Your start may be sooner than you think.



#44 November 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS Pick the fields of your choice. Focus. Don’t try to do everything at once. Start with something that is closer to your heart. It may be child, family or school social work. Spend time with kids to guide and counsel them. Areas could be numerous. Careers, personality, life skills, child abuse, maladjustments, coping with trauma, sex education are just few challenges we face in India. Medical and public health social workers face different challenges. Coping with disabilities is tough. Sensitive handling of sick, guiding people on nutrition and diseases, helping them in events of serious ailments and bereavement etc. could be some of the areas you may have to deal with. Mental health and substance abuse is another segment where you may have to focus on mental illness, drugs or alcohol abuse. Working with the elderly, criminals or their families, sex workers, gays, lesbians, environmental issues, animal cares etc. are many more areas to choose from. How should you get started? Think. Do you want to do it full time or part time? Do you wish to run your own establishment or be a part of a venture already initiated by someone? Decide. Only some jobs would require specialized qualifications or training. For the rest, your commitment, initiative, perseverance and personality matters. An honorarium may come your way unless you only want to work as a volunteer. Incidentally, some NGOs in India have started paying decently well. If you choose to be independent, you may remain a lone ranger with few assistants helping you out. Or else you may set up your establishment. You may form a society or a trust under the respective laws. Registration with home ministry will be needed if you expect foreign exchange contributions. Take care of your finances well. Good deeds but bad financial management can damage your image. It’s possible that some people may discourage you. Your determination matters. “ A question that sometimes drive me hazy: am I or the others are crazy.” Einstein surely was not crazy. The old woman who was asked to gift her heart definitely wasn’t. Melinda Gates is an icon for women. “We talk a lot in our home together about where we’re going, what I’m doing.” Bill Gates has the windows for her. Look around. You also have people to help you at micro and soft levels. Take stock. Get started.



#44 November 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Do we see

God? - Rajiv Khurana

Preeti looked totally confused and scared. Presence of 19 other children in the adoption center did not give her any comfort. For a 3 year old this was a different world. A world where she is just a figure. Some day some couple will come and take her away. And she will become statistic for the NGO which was given bundles of joy to numerous children Indian and foreign couples. While other children felt happy to see us again, Preeti stood in a corner with a bit of surprise and expectation in her eyes. Other children wanted to spend some precious time with me, my wife and son. Cake and sweets on birthday was enough occasion to share something that they wanted in abundance but were currently deprived of due to the cruel hands of destiny. Preeti did not find my wife threatening. She quietly sat besides her. We could see her body moving to the music but she surely was not inclined to dance along with the other kids. We know all these kids come from different part of India and are up for adoption. All of them have adjusted well to the small SFS flat as their home. Somehow Preeti has not found any comfort so far during the last one month of the stay. With her looks we could make out that she must have belonged to a good family. The way she ate her piece of cake and started eating her eclairs, good habits formed over the period were clear. We probed further. The results were shocking. Her mother brought her to the adoption center. Her father had died and her mother wanted to get married again. Preeti was an obstruction. She had to be given away. The Indian man wanted a wife but not a mother. The Indian mother gave up a piece of herself for the man. Mother India hid behind her compulsions and shame. The great Indian family system perhaps showed further cracks in spite of all cosmetic family soap operas.



#44 November 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS When we visited this adoption center last time the shock of poverty was different. A father of three had abandoned his children because his wife ran away. This father from the northeast only knew how to bring kids to this world but not bring up the kids in this world. We will go again to the children, perhaps Preeti will not be there. Some angels may pick her up. ‘Son Pari’ is only symbolic in the TV serials. Some childless mother would be her ‘son pari’. These three kids are already booked for the USA. There is always hope. The light at the end of the tunnel is there for such kids too. These kids are still blessed. There are centers that look after them. There are parents that want them. The number is big and ever growing in supply. The demand is still limited and restricted. The bigger question still remains. – Shall we fight for temple or mosque or bend down on our knees before these children and look into their eyes. Because God is waiting to see us.


A COW asked me HOW… HOW do you define beef? Explain me different meats in brief. HOW do people get the heart to kill? On hearsay, rumours or petty thrills. HOW do people pray to God through me? When I eat plastic and garbage they throw at me. HOW do I matter in the votes they cast? When happiness and harmony all gets lost. HOW do people live with standards double? And create for self and others huge undue trouble. A COW asked me HOW…

Rajiv Khurana


#44 November 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. George Bernard Shaw

Every right implies a responsibility; Every opportunity, an obligation, Every possession, a duty. John D. Rockefeller

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. Jim Rohn

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up. John C. Maxwell

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. Abraham Lincoln


Where globalization means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom. Nelson Mandela

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening


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Acquire Improve Master rajiv@rajivkhurana.com

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening

Awareness Creation

Broadening Horizon

Creating Curiosity

Decluttering Thoughts

Enthusing Actions Visit us at thepersonnellab.com to know more about our consulting facilitation. Better call us at 9810211256 . Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC


Call these the handshake programmes or celebrating Learning and Development in ‘tasters’ menu’, these 3 hours customized inputs will help your people undergo sensitization through Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening at your place and time with the quality commitment of Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC.

Rejuvenating PERSONAL BRAND Accelerating CHANGE MANAGEMENT Jumping ahead with IMPACTFUL PERFORMANCE Intensifying INFLUENCING Vibrant CREATIVITY Knockout BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS Harmonizing RELATIONSHIPS Upgrading LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS Role-impacting COACHING & MENTORING Achieving high results through TEAM PLAYING Novel ways for TRAINING THROUGH MULTIMEDIA Actioning high calibre CUSTOMER SERVICE rajiv@rajivkhurana.com

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