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#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

DETERMINATION Dear Readers! When Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “I have a dream…”, the people of USA came together with a solemn determination of doing and changing the destiny of the country. A determined Eklavya learnt the art of archery. A determined Gandhi galvanised the country to lead India to freedom and became a mahatma.

ICPI news


Unsung Heroes


DETERMINATION – way forward…


Future – Quotes




The power of determination and action changes everything. Let’s strengthen ours. whY not! Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256

Advt. Pages 11

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©


#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

We focus on ABCDE – Academia, Business, Consulting, Development and Entrepreneurship domains through a wide spectrum of Individual and Institutional Consulting Capability in Management, Technical, Legal and Healthcare. We facilitate: Ideating and Researching for Impact Capability Building in Consulting Promoting Consulting Opportunities Inclusiveness through CSR and PSR



Training Professionals’ Boot-Camp -Full day Token Fee

T-20 by Women Leaders FREE Evening Session

Round-Table P.R.I.C.E. Promotions, Recognition, Incentive, Compensation, Enthusiasm Blending the right momentum forward… FREE Evening Session


#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS



#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

This Man Employs Only Visually Impaired Women and Acid Attack Survivors in His Travel Company A unique travel agency in Delhi only hires women who are visually impaired or are acid attack survivors. Named Khaas, meaning ‘special’ in Hindi, it provides an empowering experience to these women.

Un-sung Heroes

Sujith Kumar and His Team Helped 300 Underprivileged Students in TN Get Free Higher Education This group in Tamil Nadu has helped over 300 students from underprivileged backgrounds gain admission in colleges - without them having to spend a single rupee.

Meet ‘Uncle’ Shyam Bihari Prasad, the Retired BSNL Officer Teaching Kids on a Pavement in Delhi Meet Shyam Bihari Prasad, or 'Uncle' as he is known to his 30 wards, who teaches street kids on a pavement in Vasant Kunj, Delhi.


Source: www.betterindia.com


#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Shrikant Jadhav uses His Limited Resources to Buy Drinking Water for Poor Residents in Drought-Hit Junnar A young man from drought-hit Junnar in Maharashtra is quenching the thirst of area residents with his own resources.

Un-sung Heroes

Meet the Thane Auto Driver, Purushottam Das Gupta, Who Plants New Trees and Takes Care of the Old. All for a Greener India! This rickshaw driver from Thane has assumed his part of the responsibility and is sowing the seed for a Greener India - ‘Hara Bhara Bharat’ as he calls it.

Kalyan Akkipeddi, an Engineer with an MBA Degree Is Now Building a Model Village in Andhra Pradesh He quit a well-paying corporate job to build a ProtoVillage that will exemplify abundance for the rest of the country. This is the story of Kalyan Akkipeddi.


Source: www.betterindia.com


#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

DETERMINATION way forward… Describe success for yourself


Everyone has different attributes for success. Some want money, some fame, some peaceful living and some even wish to come out of their physical constraints. What are your factors? You can only move towards what you aspire.

Evaluate readiness realistically


Old poem, “Standing on the foot boys and gazing at the sky, how can you get there boys, if you never try.” A dream without readiness to accomplish is hallucination. How badly do you want to achieve? What can you give to achieve? Look inside before you act outside.

Take care in setting targets


Each step should take you towards your goals. Determine these goals so that it is easy for you to work backwards and evolve your action plan. Be clear in setting these goals. Take help if needed. Use simple measurable language to guide your way forward.

Establish plans

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Plans take care of all the small steps that help you move towards the goals which you have established. Ensure that there are no loose links and confusing paths. Take time. Test check. Follow what Japanese says, “When we plan we don’t do, when we do, we don’t plan.” Pneumonic DETERMINATION is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

DETERMINATION way forward‌ Refine and define boundaries


It's hard to accomplishing things, even when you're determined, if you don't have a clear idea of what you're accomplishing and what is outside of that limit. Being clear about your boundaries will make accomplishing things much easier.

Make-up your momentum


How do you cover the distance of 10,000 kms.? One step at a time. Momentum is critical. Optimum stress is vital. Above the optimum leads to burn-out while performing below the potential leads to a peculiar stage of rust-out. Where do you wish to see yourself?

Invest in skills and self-upgradation


The Olympians prepare for years to participate in a race that may get over in less than 10 seconds. They prepare themselves each day physically and mentally to overcome all odds and enhance their calibre. They consistently challenge themselves and overcome them.

Nurture flexibility and positivity

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Murphy’s law applies to all. If everything is to go right, something may go wrong. Change perspective. Change plan. In a competitive world, having a plan B is not sufficient. We need the vibrancy of plan C, D or E. Refrain from negativity. Keep improving the +ves. Pneumonic DETERMINATION is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

DETERMINATION way forward… Act confident


Confidence is the ability to believe in yourself, no matter how bad things are looking. Self-confident people experience a hurdle and believe that they can overcome it. Confidence is the ability to believe in yourself, no matter how bad things are looking.

Tolerate set-backs to bounce-back


Fear of failure is one of the main things that stops people from gaining their goals, however determined they think they are. Great sportsmen have faced failures and setbacks. They go back to prepare. Leave things behind and bounce-back with new vigour and will.

Imagine success and it’s impact


Visualization matters. Whatever you think for yourself, you would be right. When you have set clear goals and have built the momentum and are moving with all gusto, start imagining the fruits of success. Relish them in your mind to improve your hunger for success.

Off-time, breaks and hobbies

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We have grown up with the saying, “all work and no joy makes…”, you perhaps a very boring and tired person. Recuperate regularly. Form some hobbies and interests. Find time for them. Bring variety to bring spark back in your life and pursuits. Rejuvenating is for all times. Pneumonic DETERMINATION is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

DETERMINATION way forward… Next actions readiness after accomplishments


Accomplishments are important. What after that? Can you stay in the past glory to repeatedly tell the future generations? Perhaps not, lifting your targets, making them tougher and thriving higher would prove you to yourselves. Outside world comes later.

Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC CEO and Founder: THE PERSONNEL LAB., Management Consultants


Managing Trustee and Director INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING PROFESSIONALS' INSTITUTE www.icpi.in Pneumonic DETERMINATION is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. -Calvin Coolidge

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. - Colin Powell Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence that will enable you to attain the success you seek. -Mario Andretti We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. -Jesse Owens



#54 September 1, 2016Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening Coaching

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Make Your SMART People SMARTER Periodic learning investments do wonders to people and business. Take your people to a new orbit of awareness and equip them with SMART skills they need. Start catapulting your business to the level next. Each programme shall be tailor-made to your organization’s specifications and nuances. You are different. Your programme should be different too. Call us for a dialogue. +91 9810211256 +91 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com




Sharpening Business Presentations Multimedia Usage in Training Accelerating Innovativeness Reaping High Performance through Coaching & Mentoring Team playing and Leading Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Rejuvenating Digital Presence & Personal Branding


#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

 Family Business Mentoring  Mentoring YES – Young Entrepreneurs for Success  Career Mentoring

9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana


Family business Rajiv Mentoring Khurana by

#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Family ventures in India serve as the backbone of the economy. Name any field of business or social initiative, and families in India would have played a pivotal role. Family businesses have their own unique style and culture which keep evolving over the time. Market opportunities have been expanding globally; technology has been helping in the need and speed of delivery and the social and family milieu has created new dimensions in control and decisionmaking power-centres, besides the newer generation aspiring for new avenues or seeking a higher and faster stake in the enterprise. Complexities have been rising and so has the commitment to succeed. Globally, businesses are seeking professional MENTORS for advice, strength and support. In India, highly aware families have followed suit. Some are gearing up, while a large number still live in the comfortable bliss of ignorance. You too can easily reach out to a MENTOR if you identify your family business with any of these illustrative needs: International Management Consultant & Trainer, Venture Mentor, Executive Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Well published writer‌



Family business Rajiv Mentoring Khurana by

#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS  You want your business to move

into a new orbit of expansion and excellence  You are bored with a nominal arithmetic progression of growth and wish to transform to a dynamic, geometric progression  You are facing some immediate issues and need a fresh, independent perspective  You need a fresh look at your vision, mission, values and goals  You want your business to raise its standards and performance bar  You desire a rational alignment of all family members and senior executives vis-à-vis your goals and overall direction.  You desire to identify and/or strengthen your competitive edge  You wish to strengthen the work culture and change the customer and people-outlook of your business  You need a sounding board for your ideas  You wish someone could challenge your assumptions and preparedness  You need support to refine the Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Work Habits within the family and senior employees



Family business Rajiv Mentoring Khurana by

#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

You need help in the right induction of family youngsters You need support for the grooming and mentoring of family youngsters to refine their experience and skills as they get ready for responsible leadership roles You wish to create a smoother business succession plan for the next generation to take over You need help in conciliation, reduction or resolution of cross-generation friction You want to improve the leadership and managerial abilities of the family and the team You desire a good blending with your partners and all other stakeholders You need more time for yourself and desire to decentralize and move into an advisory role You dream to be known as an institution builder instead of remaining a business sustainer

Your choice could be any or many of the above. Professional MENTORING can help your business achieve your aspirations. Let’s talk it out. Fix an appointment for a no-commitment dialogue with RAJIV KHURANA at our office. 9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana



MENTORING #54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Young Entrepreneurs for Success For Young Entrepreneurs:  New in business  Starting a new business  Settling into their family business  Wanting to do better in business International Management Consultant & Trainer, Venture Mentor, Executive Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Well published writer…


Imagine Sachin Tendulkar or Virat Kohli without a Coach or a Mentor! Parents, friends and well meaning relatives could not have put them on the right path for pursuing greatness. We all need a coach, a mentor, a guide, a facilitator, a reflector, a listener, a professional friend or an advisor. The earlier the better! Make sure that the person is competent and accomplished to help you succeed in personal and professional situations. Your well mentored moves can ease your pursuits through cumbersome challenges of clarity and the complex maze of competence, commitment and creative results. Get set to • Cultivate your skills for a stronger personality and leadership in your entrepreneurial journey. • Strengthen your functional and process proficiency. • Dream Bigger. Achieve Higher. Mentoring by Rajiv Khurana is customized to your personal needs and time flexibility. Fix your appointment for a 30 minute nocommitment dialogue at our office. 9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana



Rajiv Khurana

#54 September 1, 2016

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

International Management Consultant & Trainer, Venture Mentor, Executive Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Well published writer…

Why Career mentoring? C

Confusion: Choices, Entry to Exit, Options, Mid-career blues, Personal branding, Digital presence…


Acquisition: From employability to advancement Knowledge, Skills, Attitude, Habits, Behaviour, Certifications, Courses…


Route-map: Goal clarity, Milestones, Personalaction dashboard…


Engagement: Role clarity, Balancing and aligning with organisational needs, Strengthening Team and Leadership roles, Pacing the performance relays…


Excitement: Enhancing intrinsic motivation, Energising challenges, Experimenting with multiple avenues…


Relationships: Intra and Inter-teams Seniors, Networking, Work-life balancing… ©Rajiv Khurana

We choose our career. Our career makes us. Our journey through different checkpoints is full of Compulsions Ambiguity and Re-prioritizing, yet Enthusiasm Enlightenment and Rejuvenation. How are you sailing through? How often do you feel the need for a coach, a mentor, a guide, a facilitator, a reflector, a listener, a professional friend or an advisor? Considering the appointment of your MENTOR to be the job of your boss or the company alone is letting them take charge of your career. You have the highest stake in your career. You decide. Help for short-term clarity to long-term course correction is just a meeting away. Send an email answering, ”Why do I need a MENTOR?”, and we may invite you for a 30 minute, no-commitment dialogue at our office. 9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana

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