Ymag61 - Window for Action Loving Professionals

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#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Dear Readers!

The Customer’s perception is your reality. - Kate Zabriskie Join the momentum




Building BRILLIANT Customer Services


Addressing Your Customers


Entrepreneur Quotes





CUSTOMER is the KING. Perhaps a blatant lie which most of the organisations resort to. How many times have you been treated like a king? I won’t ask about the consistency. Often we don’t smile at customer, overlook our commitments, come up with lame excuses and do many things that makes the customer think not to comeback to you later. New approach, new zeal and new ideas needed for New India. Ready! Ynot! Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor rajiv@rajivkhurana.com 9810211256 Advt. Pages 11-18

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©


#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS


Join the momentum…

Education: Create awareness amongst the masses about Lung health and the factors which promote/ destroy it. Research: Futuristic community and laboratory based research. Clinical Care: Set up state of the art apex centres in India for providing “Complete Affordable Lung Care to All”

We focus on ABCDE – Academia, Business, Consulting, Development and Entrepreneurship domains through a wide spectrum of Individual and Institutional Consulting Capability in Management, Technical, Legal and Healthcare. We facilitate: Ideating and Researching for Impact Capability Building in Consulting Promoting Consulting Opportunities Inclusiveness through CSR and PSR




#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

A customer is the most Important visitor on our premises, He is not dependent on us, We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption on our work, He is the purpose of it.

If you think Customers are un-important, try without them for 3 months.

He is not an outsider on our business, He is a part of it. We are not doing him a favour By serving him, He is doing us a favour by giving us an Oppurtunity to do so.� Mahatama Gandhi

Jan Carlson, Scandinavian Airlines



#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Building BRILLIANT Customer Services - Rajiv Khurana Beat your records


If you do the same things every day, what do you expect to get? Same things. Any passionate performer will find it very boring. Save yourself from your self-imposed repetitiveness. Unleash the achiever within you. Break your record of performance every day – little by little. You will be surprised with the heights you can achieve.

Read the mind and work beyond


There are needs which any customer can articulate well. Understand and deliver. There are needs which the customer cannot articulate at present but may like it to be fulfilled. Empathise with your customers. Try to discover these unarticulated needs. Consistently go beyond the solutions that you provide.

Inject 3 Es

I 4

How many times have you entered any store where the service providers do not look at you or smile at you? How do you feel? Use the power of your Energy, Enthusiasm and Excitement. When you feel good about yourself, your customer is likely to feel happy about you, your services and products. He may tell others too. Acronym BRILLIANT is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Building BRILLIANT Customer Services - Rajiv Khurana Learn consistently


Customers do not come in same sizes and packages. Their expectations keep changing. How is your readiness to meet such rollercoaster expectations? How much has been your investment on yourself vis-à-vis your Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits? Do you regularly work on “what to acquire and what to discard?”

Let TEAM work show


It is one thing to ceremonially speak ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ and it is all together different thing to iron-out differences, fine tune synergy, understand each others cues and clues, practice really hard and on top ensure that your team is viewed as a single well oiled machine.

Initiate ‘I TAKE CHARGE’

I 5

It is a crime to make a customer move from one desk to another or one number to anther. Anyone who does that depletes the brand image in the eyes of the customers. Take charge of the situation as they unfold before you. Be the champion who will satisfy the customer or seamlessly handover the customer to your next in line, gracefully. Acronym BRILLIANT is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Building BRILLIANT Customer Services - Rajiv Khurana Ask or Escalate


Asking for help should not be embarrassing. This only shows your commitment to serve your customers – whatever it takes. If you find it beyond your capabilities, talk to your seniors. They may help you or do it themselves. The purpose, after all, remains the same – to work towards customers satisfaction.

Newness & freshness in delivery


Your eyes usually sparkle if the food you eat is presented nicely. Customers like the same when the service providers give them products, services and ideas which are brighter or better to make their personal or professional life more meaningful. Wear your innovative cap. Keep improving.

Treat customers like never before

T 6

Look at the way Jewellers are treating their customers these days. Feel amazed the way hospitals are operating like deluxe hotels. Why do they do it? Because the customers are demanding more. Because the competition is getting tougher. Because you want to shine beyond the rest. You decide the reason. Deliver. Acronym BRILLIANT is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana


#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Addressing Your Customers

Rajiv Khurana


Sitting in the reception area of any company can be fun, at times. I had been sitting in the reception of this big MNC for over 10 minutes while the big executive was struggling for time to meet me at the appointed hour. Reading old magazines and looking at the receptionist can be a good past time too! Life around was routine until there walked in an old man. Old from MNC standards. He must be struggling to look younger than his approximate 65 years of age. He introduced himself as Anand Prakash Mathur and wanted to meet the VicePresident of the company in connection with some quotation which his enterprise had received. The twenty something, receptionist oops Guest Relations Manager, didn’t look up and spoke to the concerned person on the intercom, “Anand has come to meet you.” Keeping down the handset she murmured in her heavily accented tone, “Look Anand, the Veepee is busy. Wait for sometime.”


#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

My wife had been an ardent follower of Ridge Forester and his clan in The Bold and The Beautiful, for years. I don’t know what’s happening to the show these days. I know that the father-inlaw is called by the first name in the US of A. Copying the same practice amongst the MNCs’ in India is a matter of common practice too. Adopting the same for your customer was indeed an over-extension of the cultural liberty, I thought. I looked on with more interest like R.K.Laxman’s Babuji. Surely, this old man, sorry, the gentleman, didn’t like her approach. He swallowed his momentary expressions. While sitting down on the sofa next to her granite table, he enquired, “Are you Satish Gupta’s daughter Pooja? He talked about you. We worked together many years back.” Suddenly everything changed. The transformation looked similar to any Hindi movie where the duet singers stop dancing around the Eiffel Tower and enter gracefully into the Birla Mandir. “Oh, Namaste Uncleji! Kaise hain aap. Kya lenge, Chai ya thunda?” she said. All of a sudden, an oasis had appeared in the desert. “Accept diversity”, “Recognise cultural sensitivity” etc. are modern day sermons of western management. Yet, what we try to practice in corporate India is aping something that is totally a no-no in our own ‘sanskars’. How would elders react in our society if you do not address someone older than you just by four years as, “Bhaiya, Dada or Paa ji…”?



#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS


Is calling someone by the first name wrong? NO. Provided you follow the golden rule of etiquette, DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY WOULD WANT YOU TO DO UNTO THEM. As part of culture building, the American or European MNCs have consciously built-in the first name addressing practice. In their culture, this is a symbol of equality, openness and informality. There is nothing wrong at all if the executives of the same company follow this practice amongst themselves. But outsiders are outsiders. They may not know your culture. They may not like your practice. Why take the risk of calling the visitors or customers like that unless you have their consent? Once they give their consent, they adopt the golden rule too. Until then, play safe. Addressing someone formal is not old fashioned or less progressive. You can’t term all sirs, madams, Misrajis’ and Kapoor sahibs belonging to the by-gone era. Checkout what Japanese and Koreans are doing. Don’t…and just Don’t jump on to the first name if you belong to an MNC Bank, travel, creditcard, or cell-phone company or are trying to market your time share wonder scheme or selling your hotel’s health club. Your customer may not like your sounding over-familiar on the telephone too. A formal start is not all that bad until your customer gives you the clues to call him by the first name. If you overlook this basic courtesy, you won’t get a second chance to make your first impression with all Bhatnagar Sahibs’, Bhallajis’ and Mr. Adhikaris’. This applies to Ms. Kejriwals’, Ms.Malhotras’ and Ms. Nigams’ too. However, even at 70 plus, I would still remain, Rajiv…


#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Make a customer, not a sale. ~ Katherine Barchetti

You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work. ~ Laurie McIntosh Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. ~ Bill Gates Spend a lot of time talking to customers face to face. You’d be amazed how many companies don’t listen to their customers. ~Ross Perot The customer experience is the next competitive battleground. ~ Jerry Gregoire Your customer doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. ~ Damon Richards If you’re not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is. ~ Jan Carlzon 10


#61 April 1, 2017

Download Free eBook

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS


Personal Branding – Social Media – A2Z Action Tips – Rajiv Khurana Download from www.thepersonnellab.com


#61 AprilC1,oaching 2017 Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Make Your SMART People SMARTER Periodic learning investments do wonders to people and business. Take your people to a new orbit of awareness and equip them with SMART skills they need. Start catapulting your business to the level next. Each programme shall be tailor-made to your organization’s specifications and nuances. You are different. Your programme should be different too. Call us for a dialogue. +91 9810211256 +91 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com



Sharpening Business Presentations Multimedia Usage in Training Accelerating Innovativeness Reaping High Performance through Coaching & Mentoring Team playing and Leading Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Rejuvenating Digital Presence & Personal Branding


#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

❖ Family Business Mentoring ❖ Mentoring YES – Young Entrepreneurs for Success ❖ Career Mentoring

9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana


Family business Rajiv Mentoring Khurana by

#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Family ventures in India serve as the backbone of the economy. Name any field of business or social initiative, and families in India would have played a pivotal role. Family businesses have their own unique style and culture which keep evolving over the time. Market opportunities have been expanding globally; technology has been helping in the need and speed of delivery and the social and family milieu has created new dimensions in control and decisionmaking power-centres, besides the newer generation aspiring for new avenues or seeking a higher and faster stake in the enterprise. Complexities have been rising and so has the commitment to succeed. Globally, businesses are seeking professional MENTORS for advice, strength and support. In India, highly aware families have followed suit. Some are gearing up, while a large number still live in the comfortable bliss of ignorance. You too can easily reach out to a MENTOR if you identify your family business with any of these illustrative needs: International Management Consultant & Trainer, Venture Mentor, Executive Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Well published writer‌



#61 April 1, 2017

Family business Rajiv Mentoring Khurana by

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS  You want your business to move

into a new orbit of expansion and excellence  You are bored with a nominal arithmetic progression of growth and wish to transform to a dynamic, geometric progression  You are facing some immediate issues and need a fresh, independent perspective  You need a fresh look at your vision, mission, values and goals  You want your business to raise its standards and performance bar  You desire a rational alignment of all family members and senior executives vis-à-vis your goals and overall direction.  You desire to identify and/or strengthen your competitive edge  You wish to strengthen the work culture and change the customer and people-outlook of your business  You need a sounding board for your ideas  You wish someone could challenge your assumptions and preparedness  You need support to refine the Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Work Habits within the family and senior employees



#61 April 1, 2017

Family business Rajiv Mentoring Khurana by

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

You need help in the right induction of family youngsters  You need support for the grooming and mentoring of family youngsters to refine their experience and skills as they get ready for responsible leadership roles  You wish to create a smoother business succession plan for the next generation to take over  You need help in conciliation, reduction or resolution of cross-generation friction  You want to improve the leadership and managerial abilities of the family and the team  You desire a good blending with your partners and all other stakeholders  You need more time for yourself and desire to decentralize and move into an advisory role  You dream to be known as an institution builder instead of remaining a business sustainer 

Your choice could be any or many of the above. Professional MENTORING can help your business achieve your aspirations. Let’s talk it out. Fix an appointment for a no-commitment dialogue with RAJIV KHURANA at our office. 9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana



MENTORING #61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Young Entrepreneurs for Success For Young Entrepreneurs: ❖ New in business ❖ Starting a new business ❖ Settling into their family business ❖ Wanting to do better in business International Management Consultant & Trainer, Venture Mentor, Executive Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Well published writer…


Imagine Sachin Tendulkar or Virat Kohli without a Coach or a Mentor! Parents, friends and well meaning relatives could not have put them on the right path for pursuing greatness. We all need a coach, a mentor, a guide, a facilitator, a reflector, a listener, a professional friend or an advisor. The earlier the better! Make sure that the person is competent and accomplished to help you succeed in personal and professional situations. Your well mentored moves can ease your pursuits through cumbersome challenges of clarity and the complex maze of competence, commitment and creative results. Get set to • Cultivate your skills for a stronger personality and leadership in your entrepreneurial journey. • Strengthen your functional and process proficiency. • Dream Bigger. Achieve Higher. Mentoring by Rajiv Khurana is customized to your personal needs and time flexibility. Fix your appointment for a 30 minute nocommitment dialogue at our office. 9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana



Rajiv Khurana

#61 April 1, 2017

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

International Management Consultant & Trainer, Venture Mentor, Executive Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Well published writer…

Why Career mentoring? C

Confusion: Choices, Entry to Exit, Options, Mid-career blues, Personal branding, Digital presence…


Acquisition: From employability to advancement Knowledge, Skills, Attitude, Habits, Behaviour, Certifications, Courses…


Route-map: Goal clarity, Milestones, Personalaction dashboard…


Engagement: Role clarity, Balancing and aligning with organisational needs, Strengthening Team and Leadership roles, Pacing the performance relays…


Excitement: Enhancing intrinsic motivation, Energising challenges, Experimenting with multiple avenues…


Relationships: Intra and Inter-teams Seniors, Networking, Work-life balancing… ©Rajiv Khurana

We choose our career. Our career makes us. Our journey through different checkpoints is full of Compulsions Ambiguity and Re-prioritizing, yet Enthusiasm Enlightenment and Rejuvenation. How are you sailing through? How often do you feel the need for a coach, a mentor, a guide, a facilitator, a reflector, a listener, a professional friend or an advisor? Considering the appointment of your MENTOR to be the job of your boss or the company alone is letting them take charge of your career. You have the highest stake in your career. You decide. Help for short-term clarity to long-term course correction is just a meeting away. Send an email answering, ”Why do I need a MENTOR?”, and we may invite you for a 30 minute, no-commitment dialogue at our office. 9810211256, 9013698960 rajiv@rajivkhurana.com http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana

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