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DAILY TRIBUNE Issue No. 5547

May 4, 2012

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Obama campaign targets India

P 32

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Friday, May 4, 2012

On this day, Bahrain took part in the signing ceremony of the Palestinian reconciliation deal between Fatah and Hamas which ended years of internal divisions.

PM wishes BJA head Manama Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa yesterday sent a cable of congratulations to new Bahrain Journalists Association (BJA) Chairman Moa'nes Al Murdi marking his election. The Premier hailed Mr Al Murdi's efforts to promote the Press, his keenness on accuracy and objectivity and choice of issues that need to be highlighted.

Dhuhr 11:35 Asr 3:05 Maghreb 6:10 Isha 7:41 Fajr (tomorrow) 3:35

TURNKingINendorses G Constitutional POINamendments T IN

DT News Desk news@dt.bh

is Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa yesterday endorsed the H Constitutional amendments that have been approved by the Shura Council and the Parliament. His Majesty hailed the amendments and said the day would be remembered as a landmark day for Bahrain. “Our unification, embodied in the implementation of Constitutional amendments that were set out in the recommendations of the National Dialogue, is a turning point in Bahrain’s history,” King Hamad said. “The Shura Council and Parliament have analysed the amendments and approved the final draft, which we are proud of.” “Through history, our noble ancestors have made outstanding contributions. It is true that each generation has a different approach to reforms. The present generation considers consensus as the best way for reform. Consequently, we embarked on a

and common coexistence to work together and achieve the collective national interests in ways that maintain and guarantee progress, independence, security, and stability.” He was speaking during a ceremony held in the presence of Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa His Majesty meeting the attendees at the ceremony. bin Salman Al decade of reform in every aspect of Khalifa and Crown Prince and our life. Upon our consensus, we have Deputy Supreme Commander HRH set together the principles and foun- Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa. “In our Kingdom, the people elect dations of our democratic transition in the National Action Charter, which their representatives in the municipal garnered overwhelming popular sup- councils, and in the Parliament. They port, and almost unanimous consen- go to the independent judiciary syssus,” His Majesty said. “We are keen, tem and the Constitutional Court. all the time, to preserve our plurality Further, the Constitution guarantees

‘Novel look to bolster democracy’ Manama ustice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa yes terday lauded the constitution al amendments endorsed. He said the new-look Constitution would bolster Bahrain's fledgling democracy.


He described the tactic of boy cott as being fruitless, adding that reform needs a great deal of determination, participation and openness. “Sincere participation is the true path to ensure achieve ments for the country,” he said. Shaikh Khalid

freedom of expression and assembly, participation in and contribution to public and national affairs in accordance with the Law,” King Hamad stressed. “We look today on these constitutional amendments, through the participation of the legislative power in consolidating its role to oversee the government’s performance, and in continuously supporting this role to accommodate and respond to the hopes and aspirations of our citizens.” “The Bahraini people, as they have proven through many eras, are resilient, resolved and capable of overcoming crises and harsh times,” His Majesty reiterated. “As history has proven, citizenship, unity, and participation are the pillars of the reform and development march. Our reform process enriches our experience, while the events that swept Bahrain have fuelled our determination and given us more strength.”

‘Realistic realisation’ arliament Chairman Khalifa Al Dhahrani also praised His P Majesty’s endorsement and said it was an advanced step towards more reform. He pointed out that the constitutional amendments are a realistic translation of the people’s will and what was agreed by the Bahraini society in the National Dialogue. Mr Al Dhahrani

‘Reforms are just an eyewash’ Raji Unnikrishnan raji@dt.bh

pposition members yesterday said O they do not accept the Constitutional amendments approved by the government. The approved Mr Matar amendments are not real reforms, they are just an attempt to ‘show’ the people and the world that the government is ‘trying’ to do something, said ex Al Wefaq MP Dr Abdali Mohammed Hassan. “This is not what the opposition has been demanding and we do not accept this,” he stressed. The reforms are just an eye-

wash and would not make any difference, he said citing the example of the decision to make Parliament Chairman Khalifa Al Dhahrani head of the National Assembly instead of the Shura Chairman Ali Saleh Al Saleh. He said: “It was obviously not going to make any difference.” “Our demand is an elected Parliament – society should elect its representative through fair mandate and they should have a say to revise, question and amend any clause of the Constitution,” noted Dr Hassan. Reformation cannot be a stepby-step process and we have to

Riot police in action during a protest. put our step on reality, he added. Ex MP Matar Ibrahim Matar said that the real issue is denial of a serious problem that exists in the social fabric of the Kingdom.

“Reforms are welcome and we do accept that it will take time, but our demand is a tangible solution to the crisis,” he said. The road map towards an exit

to the crisis is missing in the whole reform process, he noted. “Bahrain is always marked as a ‘constitutional monarchy’ which itself is an absolute denial of our demands, which is again far from the basic principles of democracy,” he added. Mr Matar also pointed out that the Kingdom ranks 144 out of 167 countries in the index of democracy by the Economist Magazine and it falls within the ‘worst 25 countries around the world’ in terms of democracy. Meanwhile MPs Salman Al Shaikh, Khalid Abdulaal and Hassan Bukhamas welcomed the reforms and were of the opinion that the country is on the right path.

Friday, May 4, 2012


IAA withdraws NGO visas The government yesterday withdrew its visa approval for a human rights organisation that was supposed to visit Bahrain next week.


King Hamad and Prince Khalifa arrive at the ceremony, accompanied by His Majesty’s Personal Representative HH Shaikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Supreme Council for Youth and Sport Chairman, Bahrain Olympic Committee President and Royal Charity Organisation Chairman HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Supreme Council for Youth and Sport First Vice Chairman and Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation President HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa and other senior officials.

‘Quantum leap forward’ Manama CC Secretary General Dr Abdullatif Al Zayani yesterday hailed the Constitutional amend ments endorsed by His Majesty. He described the amended Constitution as a quantum leap on


Dr Al Zayani

the path of reform and development. “The amendments are the fruit of the National Dialogue,” he said. He paid tribute to King Hamad for his keynote speech, hailing his assertion that the door of dialogue would always remain open.

‘Amendments reflect popular will’ Manama ational Unity Gathering Chairman Dr Shaikh Abdullatif Al Mahmood also hailed the Constitutional amendments. He said the amendments reflected popular participation in decision-making. He pointed out that they stemmed from the dialogue that yielded key


Dr Al Mahmood

visions and recommendations. “With these constitutional amendments, the Parliament will have greater authority in legislating laws and approving the government's programme,” he said. Minister of State for Information Affairs Sameera Rajab also hailed the amendments.

Think tank hails changes Manama Bahraini think tank yesterday hailed the amendments ratified by His Majesty. Bahrain Institute for Political Development


(BIPD) described the move as heralding a new phase in constitutional construction and building on the 2002 landmark amendments. In a statement issued yesterday, the think tank

said that the royal endorsement of the amended constitution would bolster state government partnership, in conformity the popular will and the rule of the law.


Friday, May 4, 2012

IAA WITHDRAWS NGO VISAS Rights and Social Development Ministry for its team after defining their purpose of visit. However, the remaining six did not go through the process,” said the spokesperson. Moreover, in such a short notice, the ministry was not prepared to accommodate such a big team. Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) Secretary General Faisal Fulad said this was ‘not a

Raji Unnikrishnan raji@dt.bh

he government yesterday withdrew its visa T approval for a human rights organisation that was supposed to visit Bahrain next week. An official spokesperson at the Information Affairs Authority (IAA) said that the move was subsequent to the NGO Freedom House, which had applied and obtained a visa to enter Bahrain

Mr Fulad earlier, demanded permission for six other NGOs to accompany them. “The NGO had taken an approval from the Human


welcome move’. “Authorities should think of a new strategy – a policy of more fairness and openness, especially when Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa is travelling to boost Bahraini economic ties with other countries,” said Mr Fulad. “If we close doors to NGOs, we are dampening the efforts of Prince Salman, while we should be fear-

less and have an open door policy.” Bahrain houses various embassies, international and local media and entertains people on social media and bloggers, unlike many other countries, he said. Mr Fulad pointed out that the world is like a small village today, where nothing can be hidden and a better cooperation with the NGOs will only help the country, whereas the contrary could prove

to be messy. Recent incidents like denying entry to the EU parliamentarian and Channel 4 TV will not be good for Bahrain, he said pointing out how the episode of allowing BBC to interview Abhdulhadi Al Khawajah helped prove many speculations wrong. Bahrain proved to the world through BBC that Mr Al Khawaja was fine and he was being treated in the best way possible, he explained.

Fire victims seek help PIC: ANWAR MOIDEEN

DT News Desk news@dt.bh

welve men, out of the 65 affected by a fire that gutT ted a Manama flat, yesterday

TRAGEDY An expat was killed while crossing the road opposite Seef Mall in Seef Avenue yesterday. Palestinian national Abdul Majeed, 37, was hit by a car being driven by a Bahraini. The incident occurred around 2pm. Police suspect that the driver was speeding. The body has been taken to the Salmaniya Medical Complex mortuary and the driver is in police custody.

approached the Bangladesh Embassy for assistance. They informed the mission they had lost all their belongings in the blaze. This included not just their money and valuables but also their passports and CPRs. “They have requested us to provide financial help,” embassy First Secretary Muhammad Ibrahim told DT. “We will not be able to provide financial aid immediately, as there is a procedure that has to be followed. We have asked them to get the report of the damage. Following which, we will recommend that aid should be provided,” he explained. The mission expressed thanks to the social workers who came forward to help the

Items that the MWPS collected as aid for the workers. affected men. “We are grateful for their selfless service and for reaching out to help those in need without looking at nationality and status,” Mr Ibrahim said. Bangladeshi workers who have lost their passports and other identifications in the fire have been asked to approach the embassy with a police report. The embassy will assist

them in getting a new passport and CPR, he added. Social workers yesterday distributed clothing and bedding to the victims. “These were their main requirements,” Mehru Vesuwala, one of the social workers told DT. Also providing aid is Helping Hands and Migrant Workers Protection Society (MWPS).

Expat dies of liver infection Raji Unnikrishnan raji@dt.bh

n Indian expat yesterday died of a liver infection. Biju Navath, 38, had been complaining of severe stomach ache and back pain for the past three days. Mr Biju’s friend Ravi Sola, who is in a state of shock, had taken him to the Al Amal hospital following the pains. Even though Mr Biju was given medicines, he did not get any relief. He was then referred to the Bahrain


Success is like reaching an important birthday and finding you're exactly the same. - Audrey Hepburn

Mr Biju Defence Force (BDF) Hospital, where he was diagnosed with a weak liver condition. He was then taken to

the Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) on Wednesday. His condition deteriorated and he started bleeding from his mouth. He also started passing blood in his urine. The bleeding could not be contained and he passed away at around 9.30am yesterday, said Mr Ravi. Mr Ravi, who is Mr Biju’s childhood friend, said he still couldn’t come to terms with the fact that his friend is no more. “I cannot believe that I lost my friend forever,” he said, adding that

Mr Biju was waiting for his family’s visas to be stamped by Sunday. “He was all set to receive his wife Sanisha and two sons – Sreedev [3-yearold] and Rahuldev [9 months].” Mr Biju had been working as the shop in charge at the GSF Hypermarket for the past five years. Mr Ravi and him were neighbours back in their hometown Vadakara in Kerala. Mr Ravi, a Bahrain resident for the past 25 years had brought Mr Biju to Bahrain. “He was gentle and

soft spoken. He was also a strong Congress activist,” Mr Ravi said and confirmed that Mr Biju was not alcoholic. Reportedly, Mr Biju had expressed irritation about being in the hospital on Wednesday night and had urged Mr Ravi to take him back home. “I consoled him and told him that everything is going to be fine and he was also excited that his family was joining him soon,” said Mr Ravi. Mr Biju’s body, which is in the SMC Mortuary, will be repatriated today.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Press Club opened DT News Desk news@dt.bh

ahrain Press Club was inaugurated yesterday B by Information Affairs Authority President Shaikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa. The launch of the club coincides with the cele bration of World Press Freedom Day in the Kingdom and the selection of Manama as ‘Capital of Arab Press in 2012’. Shaikh Fawaz said that the club will help the media in the country make a quantum leap and serve as a vital and rich source of news about Bahrain. He also asserted that the club will support and develop local and regional media by hosting training work shops and forums in which renowned media experts tackle media issues and address them, adding that it will provide all kinds of support for public and pri vate media establish ments, including hi-tech equipment, in order to help them carry out their noble mission and upgrade the media industry in general. He hailed the support of the Executive and Legislative branches for the media sector, and wished the club’s officials success in assuming their duties. The Bahrain Media Club, will collect news about Bahrain and dissem inate it to the whole world. It will enhance communi cation between journalists and consolidate partner ship between the private and public sectors.

TERROR PLOT A terrorist attack using gas cylinders in Shaikh Zahid Avenue, A’ali created panic among the residents. Protesters parked a pick up truck next to the road and tried to attack the cops by detonating it with a cylinder. No one was injured when the cylinder exploded at 11:30pm. Civil defence arrived at the scene and extinguished the fire. PICS: ANWAR MOIDEEN

TRAVEL BAN IS ‘UNJUST’ Roberto Carrillo roberto@dt.bh

he practice of placing travel bans on expaT triates is unjust and a new legislation needs to be passed to protect the rights of domestic workers, the head of a human rights society said yesterday. There are about 4,000 expatriates who are stuck in Bahrain because of travel bans against them. They do not have jobs and cannot go back to their home country.

Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) will highlight their case at the upco§ming UN Human Rights High Commission in Geneva, Switzerland on May 21. “Bahrain’s Immigration Department refuses to renew the residency of individuals who had a travel ban against them. This means they can’t get a work permit, because of which they can’t work and pay off the debts,” the report said. BHRWS Secretary General Faisal Fulad said

that travel bans are unjust. “This is common practice in Bahrain by banks and we question the validity of such action under the International Code of Banking Practice.” Mr. Fulad further highlighted several conventions which the practice violates. He stressed that stopping people from travelling and from working as a violation of articles 11 and 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). He cited

Article 11 which states, “No one shall be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation.” Article 12 also states that everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own subject only to restrictions that are provided by law, are necessary in order to protect national security, public order, public health or morals, or the rights and freedoms of others. In addition, article 6 of the International Covenant

on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) protects “the right of everyone to the opportunity to gain his living by work which he freely chooses or accepts.” “The combined violation of these rights impinges on other rights as well, including the right to an adequate standard of living (ICESR article 11) and the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health (ICESR article 12),” Mr. Fulad added.

Creepy freebie! DT News Desk news@dt.bh

shopper who bought a brand of chocolate on A a ‘buy one get one free’

NON-VEG CHOCOLATE The chocolates in which the worm was found.

offer, got the shock of his life as it came bundled with a live worm, a freebie he did not expect. The person did not report the case to the supermarket, but contact-

ed DT instead as he wanted to highlight the issue. He said that people often buy items on such offers as they think they get a good bargain. Supermarkets usually have such offers when the product is close to expiry date and want to dispose of the goods at least at cost price instead of incurring a loss.

The expiry date stamp on the chocolate bars is June 2012, which is still a month away. So essentially the chocolate should not have had the worm and it shouldn’t have decomposed. But it did and this raises the question on what went wrong. Was it wrong handling or wrong storage methods?


Friday, May 4, 2012

CP visits Korea army training centre Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, accompanied by his son Shaikh Mohammed bin Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, yesterday paid a visit to the Korean army’s Special Operations Training Centre. He also attended a work luncheon hosted, in cooperation with Bahrain Economic Development Board, by the Federation of Korean Industries, the Korean International Trade Authority, the Korean Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Korean Union for Small and Medium Industries.

Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) Commander-in-Chief Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa yesterday received Japanese Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defence Kazuya Shimba and his accompanying delegation, currently visiting the Kingdom. During the meeting, Shaikh Khalifa lauded the advanced level of Bahraini-Japanese ties in all fields, especially the military one. They also discussed ways of bolstering bilateral military ties and other issues of mutual concern. Minister of State for Defence Affairs Lt General Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, BDF Chief of Staff Major-General Shaikh Daij bin Salman Al Khalifa, Japanese Ambassador Shigeki Sumi, Director of BDF General Command Major-General Youssef Ahmed Al Jalahma, Inspector-General Abdulla Hassan Al Nuaimi and Director of Military Cooperation Colonel Shaikh Ahmed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa also attended.

Interior Minister Lieutenant General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa took part in the 13th consultative meeting of the GCC Interior Ministers held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He described the GCC union phase as an inevitable necessity due to regional and international circumstances and challenges. He pointed out that the GCC union shall be based on fostering social security and civic peace and strengthening mechanisms of social partnership.

National Unity new phase Minister of Human Rights and Social Development Dr. Fatima Al Balooshi revealed that the third phase of the guidance programme of national social unity (wehda wahda) will be launched soon. Dr. Al Balooshi said that the 3rd phase of the programme will target a wider audience by various events and projects that will take place in all governorates. The minister also said the new phase aims to enhance perspectives of unity through cooperation with Bahraini cooperative associations to consolidate partnership between the governmental sector and the privet sector. Dr. Al Balooshi explained that the programme consists of two pioneering projects, the first being a “Peace Knights” camp that will hold several workshops in physiological and sociological issues. The other project is represented by a popular choir that will tour in Bahraini cities and villages to spread awareness on social values.

Honour for Fahad Al Binali Information Affairs Authority (IAA) President Shaikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa yesterday honoured Fahad Al Binali in recognition of being selected as the best model of a governmental entity interaction with the media by the Belgian media training company. Shaikh Fawaz lauded the efforts of Al Binali in bringing out the real image of the civil project implemented by Bahrain on all levels as well as the bright image of the reform project of His Majesty.

The Interior Minister yesterday received Bahrain Shooting Association Chairman Shaikh Salman bin Khalid Al Khalifa and members of the marksmanship team in the ministry, who attained prime positions in the 10-metre open-air competition and the 50-metre prone-position rifle shooting competition for women during the Arab Police Shooting (Olympiad) Championship hosted in the UAE. The Minister congratulated members of the shooting team on their success and achievements, praising accomplishments made by the Public Security Sports Association.

Minister of State for Defence Affairs Lt-General Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulla Al Khalifa yesterday received US Military Attache Colonel Rondy Taylor who introduced to the minister the newly-assigned US Military Attache Colonel John West on the occasion of the latter's appointment. The minister welcomed the newly-appointed US Military Attache and praised the efforts of his predecessor, lauding the bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, particularly in the military aspects and various other fields of cooperation.

Under the slogan, ‘A Gulf gathers us….A theatre unifies us’, Education Minister Dr. Majeed Al Nuaimi inaugurated the fifth Gulf School Theatre Festival in the presence of Shaikh Essam bin Sultan Al Qassimi, the Head of the Office of the Supreme Council Member of UAE Federation, and Ruler of Sharjah, HH Shaikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi. The festival will conclude on May 10.

Palestinian Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs Dr. Mahmoud Al Habbash yesterday received in Ramallah the Bahraini Solidarity Delegation headed by Shaikh Ali Matar and Palestinian ambassador in Bahrain Khalid Aref. Dr. Al Habbash described the visit as a sign of support for the Palestinian people who continue to suffer under the Israeli occupation. He also hailed Bahrain support for the Palestinian rights to freedom and the establishment of an independent and sovereign state with Al Quds (Jerusalem) as its capital. Dr Al Habbash asserted that Al Quds and all its Islamic and Christian religious sites belong to the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims, highlighting the danger of galloping settlement construction of Jerusalem.

Minister of State for Information Affairs Sameera Rajab yesterday received Director of the United Nations Information Centre in the GCC Nejib Friji. Mr. Friji delivered to the minister a joint letter from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and UNESCO General Director Irina Bokova on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day. Ms Rajab said that the message delivered by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa on the World Press Freedom Day came to stress a genuine political determination to maintain the freedom of Press.

Friday, May 4, 2012

FRENCH VOTE DUEL! Sarkozy, Hollande lock horns as nation gets ready for Sunday polls Paris


rench President Nicolas Sarkozy made a last-ditch appeal to far-right voters yesterday, saying they could be decisive in Sunday’s election runoff, after he failed to land a knockout blow in a debate with Socialist frontrunner Francois Hollande. Wednesday’s three-hour televised duel, watched by 17.8 million people out of an electorate of 44.5m, was billed as Sarkozy’s last opportunity to overturn a poll deficit of six to 10 points, drawing on his skills as an aggressive debater. But the first opinion poll released after the debate suggested Hollande, who remained unflappable and took the battle to a tense and agitated Sarkozy, strengthened his position. The LH2 survey showed 45 per cent of viewers found Hollande more convincing, versus 41pc for Sarkozy, who would be the 12th euro zone leader to be swept from office since the bloc’s debt crisis began in 2009. “Sarkozy was the favourite for the debate and he failed to win: Hollande took it on points,” said Christian Delporte, a political and media analyst. “Hollande had a real challenge to show that he was presidential material - and he managed it.” Returning to the airwaves after a few hours’ sleep in a bid to win over waverers, Sarkozy appealed directly to the nearly one-fifth of voters who backed the hard right National Front in the first round on April 22. He urged them not to follow the example of party candidate Marine Le Pen, who said she would cast a blank vote. “An election has never been this close. The opinion polls are lying,” Sarkozy told RTL radio. “If you want the policies of Francois Hollande - the systematic legalisation of illegal immigrants, the right to vote for immigrants - go ahead and abstain.” To save his political skin on Sunday, Sarkozy needs to ac-

complish a near-impossible balancing act by convincing some 80 pc of Le Pen’s voters and attracting the lion’s share of supporters of Francois Bayrou, a centrist who came fifth in the first round with 9.1 pc of the vote. Sarkozy reminded backers of Bayrou’s Democratic Movement that he had promised to write a balanced budget rule into the Constitution, while Hollande had refused. French media mostly agreed that Hollande, 57, who used flashes of wit to unbalance his pugnacious rival, remains on track to become France’s first Socialist president since Francois Mitterrand left office in 1995. “Hollande still favourite after the debate,” Le Monde wrote on its front page. Even right-wing Le Figaro newspaper noted that, since every euro zone leader to seek re-election since 2008 had lost, Sarkozy faced an uphill battle. Hollande was confident and relaxed in the early exchanges of Wednesday’s contest, pledging to be “the president of unity” accusing Sarkozy of dividing the French people.


He accused Sarkozy, also 57, of was using the global economic crisis to break promises made when he won power in 2007 to bring unemployment down to 5 pc. “With you it’s very simple: it’s never your fault,” Hollande said. Sarkozy, stressing the inexperience of a rival who has

never been a minister, repeatedly accused his opponent of lying about economic figures and reeled off reams of statistics in an attempt to swamp his adversary. Deriding Hollande’s pledge to be a “normal president”, Sarkozy said: “Your normality is not up to the challenge.” Markets, however, appeared unfazed at the prospect of a win by Hollande, who has pledged to raise taxes on large corporations and hike the marginal tax rates for top earners to 75 pc. Hollande has soothed investors’ concerns in recent weeks by moderating his call for the renegotiation of a Germaninspired European budget discipline treaty, which many had feared would derail efforts to deal with euro zone crisis. He said he would balance France’s budget by 2017, just a year later than Sarkozy. “Supposing Francois Hollande wins the election on Sunday, we do not expect a major policy shift with respect to the fiscal stance in France,” JP Morgan economist Raphael BrunAguerre said. Europe was one of the main subjects of Wednesday’s debate, as well as the sickly economy,

high unemployment, nuclear power and immigration. Hollande, who says he wants to defend millions of Europeans at threat from government cutbacks, shot back: “Europe has not got over it. Europe is today facing a possible resurgence of the crisis with generalised austerity. That’s what I don’t want.” Sarkozy, being punished in part for his brash manner, is the most unpopular president to run for re-election and the first in recent history to lose a firstround vote.




Friday, May 4, 2012

KUWAIT DEATH PENALTY LAW FOR BLASPHEMY Kuwait City uwaiti lawmakers endorsed a legal amendment yesterday which could make insulting God and the Prophet Mohammad by Muslims punishable by death, in a second reading that brings the proposal a step closer to passing. The plan still needs approval by Kuwait’s ruler before it becomes law and follows a high-profile case of suspected blasphemy on Twitter which caused an uproar in the state. The draft now includes a new clause which will mean the death penalty will only be applied if the person stands by their actions when questioned by a judge. This would give defendants the opportunity to repent and face a prison term or a fine instead. The amendment, which would apply the death penalty only for Muslims, was backed by 40 members of parliament, while six opposed it - slightly more than in the previous reading. Around 85 per cent of Kuwait’s inhabitants are thought to be Muslim. Expatriate Christians and Hindus are the next largest


NEW LAW PUSH MPs raise their hands during a parliament session at the National Assembly in Kuwait City. groups. Blasphemy is illegal under Kuwait’s publications law and under the penal code as slander or libel. At present it carries a jail term, the length of which depends on the severity of the comments

and their perceived effect on society, lawyers say. Islamist MPs proposed toughening the law in March after authorities arrested a Kuwaiti man they said had defamed the Prophet, his companions and his wife on the Twitter

messaging site. The man, identified by his lawyer as Hamad alNaqi, has told police his account was hacked. He is now in pre-trial detention. Dozens of Sunni activists protested to condemn Naqi, who is from

Kuwait’s Shi’ite Muslim minority. Other countries which have used the death penalty in blasphemy cases include Kuwait’s neighbour Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, according to Amnesty International.

Tunisia fines TV boss on morality charges Tunis unisian court fined a television boss 2,400 dinars ($1,550) yesterday for showing a film that includes a scene depicting God, drawing US criticism and highlighting a growing divide between Islamists and secularists. The court found Nabil Karoui, head of the private TV station Nessma, guilty of disturbing public order and attacking moral values by broadcasting the awardwinning animated film “Persepolis”. The film, about a girl growing up in Iran, includes a scene depicting God, which is forbidden in Islam. It enraged some Salafi Islamists who subsequently attacked the station. The fine was substantially less severe than the prison term that Karoui’s Islamist opponents had demanded. The charges carried a possible sentence of up to three years in prison. Tunisia is struggling to balance religious sensitivities with newfound freedom of expression nearly 18 months after its revolution ousted veteran dictator Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and set off a wave of “Arab Spring” uprisings in the region.


Iraq VP death squad trial delayed Baghdad he trial of Iraq’s fugitive vice-president, Tareq al-Hashemi, accused of running death squads, was postponed yesterday after defence lawyers argued it should be held in a special court. The leading Sunni Muslim politician fled Baghdad in December when the Shia-led government issued a warrant for his arrest. He denies all charges and says they are politically motivated.


Now in Istanbul, he has refused to stand trial in Baghdad, saying Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki controls the courts. Hashemi’s son-in-law, Ahmed Ahmed Kahtan, and 73 of his bodyguards have also been charged. No defendant was in court. Iraq’s delicately-balanced ruling coalition of Shias, Sunnis and Kurds has been strained since the government brought charges against Hashemi

and tried to remove another Sunni leader, Deputy Prime Minister Saleh alMutlaq, shortly after US troops pulled out of the

Snake outwits chasers in Saudi

Riyadh huge snake strayed into a crowded neighbourhood in Saudi Arabia and caused panic before it was chased by the police, the civil defence and residents. But all of them failed to capture the reptile. The snake, more than 1.5 metres



country in December. Judiciary spokesman Abdel Sattar al-Beriqdar said the trial had been postponed to May 10 because a file related to the venue objections by Hashemi’s lawyers was in another court. Hashemi’s defence team argued he should not be tried in the Central Criminal Court, saying that the Iraqi constitution provided for a “special court” for senior political figures.

long, was cornered and crippled by a man using a large stick but then it managed to escape and hide inside a parked car owned by a Pakistani shop keeper in the Western town of Taif. Police and civil defence units

spent at least one hour to try and get the snake out of the car but they failed after they could not find it. “A Saudi man then came up with a good idea…he towed the vehicle to the car wash station and told the workers there to flush out a snake which is hiding inside,” Kabar newspaper said.

HUNGRY A malnourished Malian refugee child is weighed at the Medecins sans Frontières (MSF) medical centre of the M’bere refugee camp near Bassiknou, Mali. The fighting in Mali has left more than 60,000 people internally displaced. Camp Mbere receives an average of 1,000 refugees per day.


Friday, May 4, 2012




hen Norwegian ferry captain Jon Olsen asked the young policeman to cover his gun so as not to upset children on an island summer camp last July, he could hardly have expected that within minutes the officer would turn into a mass murderer. Olsen told Anders Behring Breivik’s trial yesterday how Breivik, wearing a police uniform, had obliged and covered the gun in a plastic bag, saying he was just there to protect the camp after a terrorist attack on Oslo hours earlier. Olsen even helped Breivik with his bags on arrival at the island of Utoeya, only to watch him unwrap the gun and shoot Olsen’s girlfriend Monica point-blank, starting a killing spree that claimed the lives of 69 people, most of them teenage campers.



Breivik leaves the court room during his trial in Oslo.

“I think Monica says something, or I did, about how he could cover his rifle, because the mood at Utoeya is

a bit tense,” Olsen said. Olsen’s voice betrayed little emotion. He said the shock had probably

erased much of his memory. “I see he shoots (security guard) Trond Berntsen from behind and I see Trond fall down. I don’t remember if I can see him shoot Monica or not, I think I do.” Standing about 10 metres away, Olsen fled for his life into the woods and waited - in vain for help to arrive. Norwegian police, distracted by Breivik’s earlier bomb attack that had killed eight people in Oslo, have been criticised for not responding faster to the calls for help from Utoeya. Olsen finally returned to his boat, after Breivik had moved on, to ferry a handful of people back to the lakeshore, lying down flat in fear that Breivik would fire at the boat. Breivik listened impassively to Olsen’s account in a courtroom specially built for the trial, now in the third of its expected 10 weeks.

Man drinks own urine for 5 days to survive Houston n American engineering student left forgotten in a holding cell by federal drug agents without food or water for five days said he survived the ordeal by drinking his own urine. Daniel Chong, a student of University of California, San Deigo was swept up into custody with eight others in a DEA raid on April 21 that found 18,000 ecstasy pills, other drugs and weapons. After several hours of questioning, the 24-year-old student said that DEA agents told him that they would let him go and even drive him home. He was then returned to the cell to await release. The student said he languished in the cell as agents outside his Five-by-Ten windowless cell could not hear his cries for help. “I had to recycle my own urine. I had to do what I had to do to survive ,” Chong said. Chong said, in frustration, he bit into his glasses to break them and tried to use a shard to scratch “Sorry Mom” into his arm to desperately pass time and keep his mind away from the ordeal. The student was finally found on April 25. and taken to a hospital for treatment.


NEW LIFELINE The chip is 3mm by 3mm, and is implanted into the eyeball of sufferers.

Electronic eye implant trials ‘successful’ London wo British men who have been totally blind for many years have had part of their vision restored after surgery to fit pioneering eye implants. They are able to perceive light and even some shapes from the devices which were fitted behind the retina. The men are part of a clinical trial carried out at the Oxford Eye Hospital and King’s College Hospital in London. Professor Robert MacLaren and Tim Jackson are leading the trial. The two patients, Chris James and Robin Millar, lost their vision due to a condition known as retinitis pigmentosa, where the photoreceptor cells at the back of the eye gradually cease to function. The wafer-thin, 3mm square microelectronic chip has 1,500 light-sensitive pixels which take over the function of the photoreceptor rods and cones. The surgery involves placing it behind the


retina from where a fine cable runs to a control unit under the skin behind the ear. When light enters the eye and reaches the chip it stimulates the pixels which sends electronic signals to the optic nerve and from there to the brain. The chip can have its sensitivity altered via an external power unit which connects to the chip via a magnetic disc on the scalp. Chris James from Wroughton in Wiltshire said there was a “magic moment” when the implant was switched on for the first time and he saw flashing lights - showing that the device was functional. “I am able to make out a curve or a straight line close-up but I find things at distance more difficult. It is still early days as I have to learn to interpret the signals being sent to my brain from the chip.” James, a motor-racing enthusiast, says his ambition is to be able to make out the silhouettes of different cars on the race-track.

FLAG OFF! Toy soldiers, one with a Chinese flag and one with a US flag are seen for sale on a street in Shanghai yesterday.

Man punishes wife by shaving off her hair An Afghan man in Saudi Arabia tied his wife up and shaved her head off as a punishment for disobeying him, a newspaper reported. Police arrested the man, in his 50s, in the western town of Makkah after a hospital report showed his wife also suffered from bruises. “Besides shaving all her hair off, he also punched her many times as she tried to resist…he also caused a cut in her scalp while shaving her head by the razor,” Alriyadh Arabic language daily said.

Maid treated after suicide An Ethiopian housemaid admitted to hospital in Saudi Arabia with fractures in the head and other parts of the body following a suicide attempt managed to kill herself a few days after she started to recover. The maid has been in hospital in Riyadh following her attempt to commit suicide at King Khaled airport in the capital last week and doctors said she committed a suicide just after her condition began to improve. “She went into the bathroom in her room, opened the window and threw herself out…she hit the ground and died instantly,” Kabar newspaper said, quoting hospital spokesman Ibrahim Al Subaih. The paper quoted doctors as saying the girl is believed to have suffered from mental problems before killing herself.

Hanged body causes panic Traffic on a busy street in Saudi Arabia came to a standstill after drivers spotted “a man hanged” by the bridge above the road. Shocked drivers and other passers-by on the road in the central town of Buraidah flooded police with calls about a dead body hanged just above the street during the evening rush hour. Police and civil defence cars rushed to the scene and dangled down the body which was wearing traditional Saudi dress. “The presumed dead man turned out to be a dummy…all this fuss and panic was because of a dummy,” Alriyadh newspaper said.


Friday, May 4, 2012

OBAMA CAMPAIGN TARGETS INDIA Washington he Obama Campaign in a new ad has accused presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of outsourcing jobs to India when he was the Massachusetts Governor. "What about Mitt Romney? As a corporate CEO, he shipped American jobs to places like Mexico and China. As governor, he outsourced state jobs to a call center in India. He's still pushing tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas," said the advertisement which will run in the key States of Virginia, Ohio and Iowa. "It's just what you'd expect from a guy who had a Swiss Bank account," says the advertisement which is approved by President Barack Obama, who is seeking his reelection this November. The Obama Campaign is believed to be spending about $780,000 on running this ad in these key States, reports said. The Indian IT software and services companies get about 60 per cent of their revenues from the US market, as American firms outsource their back office jobs to India and other countries to cut cost.



Pakistani truck bomb driver held in Kabul Kabul Afghanistan's intelligence agency prevented a large terrorist attack, arresting a Pakistani citizen driving a truck packed with explosives, according to a statement yesterday. The agency said in the statement that the man was arrested on a main road in Kabul's east. It said the man was going to use the truck bomb in a suicide attack, but it was unclear if the attack was imminent. The agency did not say what the suspected target was. It pledged to release more details as they became available. The arrest came a day after a suicide attack on the same road killed seven people. In that attack, one militant detonated his car

bomb outside a compound where foreigners live, while two other attackers dressed as women fought their way inside before being killed. In eastern Paktya province, six Taliban militants were killed and two

others wounded yesterday when the roadside bomb they were building in a mosque exploded, said Roullah Samon, a spokesman for the provincial governor. He said four of those killed were foreign fighters.

Afghan soldiers patrol the streets of Kabul.


Nigeria cattle market attack kills 56 Maiduguri/Abuja unmen set off explosives and fired on a cattle market in remote northeastern Nigeria overnight, killing at least 56 people, a nurse who received bodies in the local hospital said yesterday. The police commissioner put the number of dead at 34. It was not clear who was behind the attack on Wednesday night in the town of Potiskum, in Yobe state, which has been an occasional target for militant Islamist sect Boko Haram. Police Commissioner Moses Namiri said security forces had confirmed 34 killed and that Islamist sect Boko Haram was suspected to be behind the attack. Witness Mama Yusuf, a retired civil servant, said there were dead bodies on the ground, though he could not say how many. Boko Haram has been fighting a low-level insurgency for more than two years and has become the main security threat facing


People inspect the blast site. Africa's top oil producer, although it is far from any oil producing facilities. It usually targets police or authority figures, and although civilians have increasingly borne the brunt of its attacks, they are normally targeted for being a perceived enemy of the group, such as Christians, rather than being randomly killed. Sometimes violence in Nigeria, especially in parts of the north or the volatile

Middle Belt - where the largely Christian south and Muslim north meet - is driven by ethnic rivalry over land and resources that has little to do with the Boko Haram attacks. Boko Haram, which wants to impose an Islamic state on Nigeria's mixed population of Muslims and Christians, has been blamed for hundreds of killings since its uprising against the government began in 2009.



Friday, May 4, 2012 CURRENCIES














Dollar Euro Pound Saudi Riyal Yen Indian Rupee



Sell Cash Sell Draft 0.37800 0.37800 0.5030 0.5005 0.6185 0.6060 0.10062 0.10065 0.004860 0.004790 0.00738 0.00719


Market Rate Bahrain (10gm) BD 198.30 London (1 ounce) $1,638.51 New York (1 ounce) $1,638.90 London New York


$116.74 $103.35

RUPEE SINKING HOPELESSLY Slide knocks off $9bn from FIIs’ India holdings

DT Business Desk biz@dt.bh


he rupee slid to an over four-month low as India’s policy uncertainty and worsening economic fundamentals are sparking concerns that a rout is in the making, one that the RBI will be unable to prevent. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was seen stepping in to

defend the currency via dollar sales for a second consecutive session yesterday, which helped slow the pace of falls, but not expectations the rupee could head to the record low levels hit in December. The central bank’s hands are seen tied because of India’s relatively low foreign exchange reserves and a widening current account deficit aggravated by foreign capital leaving the

country. Any further intervention would also worsen an acute liquidity shortage that has seen repo borrowings surge for seven consecutive sessions. This has led to speculation the RBI may resort to administrative tools like those it introduced in mid-December after the rupee had hit a record low of 54.30. “INR looks increasingly help-


less in the face of large trade deficit and recent outflows of foreign equity and bond capital,” said Dariusz Kowalczyk, senior economist and strategist at Credit Agricole CIB. “In the short run don’t catch the falling knife,” he added. “Wait for the RBI measures before jumping in.” The rupee fell to a low of 53.47 to the dollar yesterday, a level last seen on Dec 29, 2011,

before pulling back to close at 53.41/42 levels. It had closed at 52.96/97 on Wednesday. The value of international investors’ holdings in the Indian market has eroded by $9 billion in the past month when the rupee slid 4% against the US dollar. This is in contrast to a near $40bn notional gain in the first quarter when the Indian rupee was the best performing cur-

Catch someone doing something right.

rency in the region. Experts are indicating that the rupee is likely to remain under pressure in the next few months. FIIs, once the main drivers of the Indian market, have turned negative on Indian equities since April 1. After investing over 43,951 crore, or over $8.85bn, in the first three months of 2012, pulled out 1,109 crore, or $206 million from equities in April.


Friday, May 4, 2012

New Kid on the Block Robin Varghese

term. Tata Steel: Current market price of Rs463.65 and PE/EPS ratio in favour, it’s a long term holding stock. Short term gains can be expected in the next 3 months with the stock moving up to and beyond the Rs 495 region. Dhanlaxmi Bank: Current market price of Rs63.90 this stock looks set to reach the Rs90 mark in the next 6-12 months. The Bank had a change in management and the new management has been able to scotch rumours of the Bank ending up as a Kerala Bank and instead will remain an All India Bank. The business thrust will be on Retail growth with a book value of Rs99.00 along with sitting duck for takeovers and mergers the stock has the potential to climb.

IPO- Samvardhana Motherson Finance Limited (SMFL) This company is coming out with a public issue of shares (IPO – initial public offering) at a price band of Rs113-118. The issue opened on May 2 and will close today. Facts: This company has done anchor allotment of its shares to the tune of Rs1.93 crores at Rs115 which means a premium of Rs105. The Anchor investors include Royal Bank of Scotland, First state Investments (HK), IVY Pacific Fund, Birla Sun Life, Monetary Authority of Singapore and Government Your queries of Singapore. Shakir (Hamad Town): I Analysis: 1. This Rs1600 crore have purchased 100 shares plus fund raising pro- of Reliance @ 832. The stock gramme has not yet been seems to be slipping. What do you advise? appraised by any bank/FI 2. Valuations look Robin: The stock is ruling expensive especially it being at around Rs745 but with a loss making company. strong PE/EPS ratio this 3. It has a maze of stock has the potential to subsidiaries, reach 960. What JV’s & associis holding it ates and the pro- STOCK MARKET back is the moter groups adverse reports OVERVIEW have already related to KG promoted 23 Basin Gas outentities. put. The fundamentals are 4. Considering post strong and the growth story issue equity of around Rs593 has suffered a temporary crore and its demand of PE setback however as I said multiple of 10 the net profit earlier the potential is alive for FY 13 should be around and kicking. You can buy Rs590 crore which is unlike- more to lower your average ly to happen. if you have the staying 5. Usage of funds not power. clear since it is not being Sunil Prasad (Salmaniya): used for capacity expansion but for debt repayments and My daughter has just started with her first job with a Joint venture investments. 6. Cash flow negative monthly savings potential of Rs30000, she would like to in the past 7. Cost of share be advised on Savings acquisition by promoters is Avenue. less than Rs10 Robin: Many congratula8. One of the promot- tions to your daughter on ers is part selling his stake in getting her first job, I the offer. would simply advise her to 9. Offer for sale pro- relax and enjoy life and ceeds are being routed keep liquid funds in her through tax havens. savings account for the 10. Promoters and time being. Ideal position their associates and joint would be 6 months venture partners are a com- expenses as savings. Once plicated lot and hard to that is safely tucked away demystify. into her savings bank Recommendation: If you account we can talk about have a strong risk appetite monthly plans, IPO’s, go for it otherwise stay out. housing etc. Market Whispers Amtek India: Current market price of Rs105.30 this stock looks set to touch the region of 115 in the short

Disclaimer: The views expressed in these columns are that of the writer and not of the newspaper or organisation he represents.



A customer looking at bangles displayed in a jewellery shop in India.

New Delhi old prices yesterday rose to all-time high of Rs29,695 per 10 grams in the billion market here as investors shifted funds from melting equity markets to the precious metal, considered as a safe-haven investment. Gold closed higher by Rs35


at Rs 29,695 per 10 grams over the previous close. Silver, however, lacked necessary follow up support and declined by Rs400 to Rs56,200 per kg on reduced offtake by industrial units. Traders said gold raced to record high levels as stockists and retail customers preferred to park their funds in

the precious metal amid weak stocks and forex markets. Gold of 99.9 and 99.5 per cent purity rose by Rs 35 each to new peak level of Rs29,695 and Rs29,555 per 10 grams respectively. Sovereign remained steady at Rs23,750 per piece of eight grams.

On the other hand, silver ready remained selling pressure and lost Rs400 to Rs56,200 per kg and weeklybased delivery by Rs375 to Rs56,710 per kg. Silver coins continued to be asked at last level of Rs66,000 for buying and Rs67,000 for selling of 100 pieces.

Biz incubators platform DT Business Desk biz@dt.bh

he Bahrain Development Bank's (BDB) Bahrain T Business Incubator Centre (BBIC) has announced a special training programme for business incubators management on May 28-29. The programme is in conjunction with the The Inaugural GCC Future Entrepreneurs Forum which is also being held in Bahrain from May 30-31. The Forum will take place under the patronage of Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, and is supported by the Finance

Ministry, with the participation of ministers, senior officials and businessmen in GCC countries and internationally. Chairman Shaikh Hisham bin Mohammed Al Khalifa "Our vision with this training programme is to encourage more entrepreneurs in GCC economies. This specialised training will highlight issues related to management of business incubators through the use of multiple models to review the basic rules for business incubators management. "The training programme will look at the reasons and factors of success, in addition to reviewing effective ways in the marketing and managing

projects to build close working relationships with stakeholders such as senior officials, politicians, members of trade unions, managers and brokers by highlighting their vital role in the development of project successes," he added. The programme is organised with the support of MENAinc ñ the MENA Business Incubation Network and infoDev as an international supporter. The Centre is currently establishing a technological incubator for business at the University of Bahrain in collaboration with the University, to encourage the establish-

Shaikh Hisham ment of knowledge-based business among university students and strengthen the trend towards self-employment. BBIC has also been appointed as a coordinating centre and centre responsible for the direct connection of MENAinc for the second consecutive year.

Friday, May 4, 2012


THE PARADIGM SHIFT Westerners dreaming of jobs in India and China

HONEYCOMB Workers are seen at their workstations on the floor of an outsourcing centre in Bangalore. Dubai he booming markets of India and China, where a new war for professional talent is hotting up, will see incredible opportunities for Western professionals, a noted marketing expert has said. “The new war for professional talent is hotting up like never before and will see huge and developing opportunities for westerners looking for jobs in India and China,” said Nirmalya


Kumar, Professor of Marketing at London Business School. Speaking to industry leaders, students and alumni at a session at the Dubai Centre celebrating London Business School's five years of commitment to education in the region, Professor Kumar highlighted the shift from Indians and Chinese looking to the west for jobs and the reverse happening at a rapid rate. “When you go to the

emerging markets it's about growth, it's about ambition and setting up businesses and factories,” Kumar, who recently launched his book India Inside and is the codirector of the School's Aditya Birla India Centre, said. Multinational companies are ramping up in new markets on a scale that is incredible and presents opportunities for Westerners looking for jobs in India and China.

“We have to move our people from the west to the east and we have to make it easier. We have to pressure China and India to be as open to western people as westerners have been to Indian and Chinese immigrants,” he said. Kumar believes this change will set corporate agendas over the next decade. According to him, the Indian government needs to be encouraged to make it easier for Europeans and

Americans to get visas to work in India. Delivering his presentation on 'The Emergence of Growth Economies and Corporate Giants' here, Kumar also touched on India's ability to transition from services whilst changing perceptions that the country is not innovative enough. “Bright ideas are bizarrely regarded as a Western preserve. Indians make good accountants and programmers, but are not

the best for innovation. After all, where are the Indian Googles and iPods?” Kumar asked the audience. “Take for example, Intel a company that prides itself on “Inspired Innovation that's Changing the World.” While Intel ensures consumers know they're using a personal computer powered by Intel innovation, there isn't any label on the product showing that the innovation originated in India,” he said.

Al Baraka units bag international awards DT Business Desk biz@dt.bh

our subsidiary banking units of Bahrain based Islamic F banking group Al Baraka Banking Group (ABG) have won Global Finance Magazine's 'Best Islamic Bank' Award of 2012. These banking units are Banque Al Baraka D'Algerie as the Best Islamic Bank in Algeria, Jordan Islamic Bank as the Best Islamic Bank in Jordan for the fourth year and also the Best Islamic Retail Bank in the World for the third year in a row, Al Baraka Islamic Bank Bahrain as the Best Islamic Bank in Bahrain and Al Baraka Bank as the Best Islamic Bank in South Africa. The award was announced

vation in banking operin a final result stateations and other ment by the magazine's important criteria such Award Committee, as strategic relationwhich included in its ships, geographic membership, a number reach, profitability and of economists and edirobustness of financial tors of Global Finance, position. international financial The award will be advisors and a number given in a ceremony to of bank managers and Mr Yousif be held in Tokyo at the experts in the field of same time as the Annual banking. Al Baraka units received this Meetings of the International award for their prominent role Monetary Fund (IMF) and in the Islamic banking sector, World Bank on October 13, 2012. On the occasion, President & their ability to achieve consistent growth in the future and Chief Executive Adnan Ahmed meeting professional standards Yousif said: “We are very happy in terms of the quality of prod- with the achievement of four of ucts and services offered to our banking units in winning clients, as well as for their orig- this international award, which inality and innovation in servic- reflects the leading status that es and customer service, con- these units enjoy in their countinued development and inno- tries. These awards come to

affirm the excellent performance of these units and the good reputation they have in the Islamic banking sector at the local, regional and international levels. The President and Chief Executive of the Group added “the subsidiary banking units of our Group, through their long history in countries where they operate, have come to be amongst the leading financial institutions in servicing their communities and are most established in terms of their expertise and knowledge of the local markets, which has enabled them to achieve rapid expansion in terms of number of branches and to offer more innovative and high quality products and services to their customer base”.

A technician holds a newly-struck silver medal for the 2012 London Paralympic Games at the Royal Mint in Llantrisant, Wales. Rio Tinto is the exclusive provider of precious metals for the 4,700 Gold, Silver and Bronze medals at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.


Friday, May 4, 2012




Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.3963 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.3933 Bangladesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00484 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00462 Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.3908 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.3868 Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0697 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0647 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0630 Euro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.5030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.5005 Hongkong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.04982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.04942 India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00738 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00719 Indonesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00004271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Iran Tuman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00021967 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iraqi Dinar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.000302 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.004860 . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.004790 Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.5343 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.5350 Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00038426 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3650 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.363 Malaysia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.269000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.1269 New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.3087 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.3077 Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0677 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nepal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00511 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00449 Oman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.98000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.98300 Pakistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00427 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00416 Philippines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00895 Qatar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.10379 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.10374 Saudi Arabia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.10062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.10065 Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.3074 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.3064 South Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.05060 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.05050 Sri Lanka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00330 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00302 Swedish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.4214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.4184 Syria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.005740 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0057 Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.013400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thailand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.012480 . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.012390

London acebook Inc. the world’s most popular social-networking site, is seeking as much as $11.8 billion in its initial public offering, the largest on record for an Internet company. About 337.4 million shares are being sold at $28 to $35 each, according to a regulatory filing from Menlo Park, California-based Facebook. That compares with the $2.92bn IPO for German Internet company T-Online International AG in 2000. Founded in 2004 and led by 27-year-old Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook has amassed more than 900m users and reported a 24-fold


increase in sales over the past four years. The company’s popularity as a tool for staying connected online will spur demand for the stock, even as some investors steer clear of a valuation they deem too high, said Francis Gaskins, president of researcher IPOdesktop.com. “Some people will buy Facebook stock no matter what -- they’ll just buy it,” said Gaskins, who is based in Marina Del Rey, California. “There’s going to be an initial push of enthusiasm and money, but ultimately, in a year or so, it will come down to valuation metrics. It has to.” The company was consid-

ering an IPO valuation of as high as $100bn, people with knowledge of the matter have said. At that amount, Facebook would have a market capitalization about half as high as Google’s -- even though it has one-10th the sales. Facebook is offering 180m of the shares, while existing owners such as Accel Partners and Digital Sky Technologies are offering 157.4m shares, according to the filing. Zuckerberg is offering 30.2m of his 533.8m of shares in the sale. The majority of his net proceeds will be used to pay taxes associated with exercising a stock option. Facebook filed for the IPO Feb. 1, using a place-

holder amount of $5bn. Zuckerberg, a co-founder, is the company’s top holder, filings show. Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. are leading Facebook’s IPO. The shares will be listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol FB. The initial share sale would dwarf the 2004 IPO of Google, Facebook’s biggest competitor for online ads and the world’s most valuable Internet company. Google’s offering, the same year Zuckerberg helped found Facebook, raised $1.9bn and valued the company then at about $23bn.

Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.2221 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6185 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6060 United Arab Emirates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.102800 . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.102800 United States of America . . . . . . . . . . . .0.37800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.37800 Yuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.061100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0611

Rates are in Bahraini Dinars at 17.00 local time, taken during previous day. Rates are for indication purposes only. For firm rates or for currencies not listed above please call Bahrain Financing. Company. Telephone: 17228888, Website: www.bfc.com.bh



1UK Stg


100 Yen






























Samsung unwraps Galaxy SIII Helsinkin amsung Electronics unveiled a new top-of-therange Galaxy smartphone yesterday, updating the most direct rival to Apple's iPhone with a larger touch screen and more powerful processor. The South Korean technology group, which overtook Finnish company Nokia as the world's biggest cellphone maker earlier this year, said the SIII model would go on sale in some markets in late May and around the world from June. Last week, Samsung reported a record $5.2 billion quarterly profit, boosted by Galaxy SII smartphones whose sales outstripped the iPhone.


JK Shin, president and head of Samsung's mobile division, presents the new Galaxy SIII smartphone during its launch at The Earls Court Exhibition Centre in London. Samsung's handset division moved more than 20,000 Galaxy phones an hour in the

first quarter and contributed most of its operating profit. The new SIII will have a 4.8

inch touch screen, 8 megapixel camera and will use the latest version of Google's Android software. Won-Pyo Hong, head of product strategy at Samsung's mobile business, said it expected sales of the SIII to outstrip predecessor SII's more than 20 million units. “Definitely, we expect so. The level of interest from our partners has been bigger,” Hong told Reuters in an interview. He said the marketing budget would also increase, even if brand awareness was already quite high. “We need to spend more on marketing to address consumer interest and to meet requirements of our partners,” he said.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Who’s in charge of the world? London s the US really in decline? Can China become a superpower? Can Europe rebuild? How fast can the rest rise? These are interesting issues, but today’s world faces a more urgent and important question: While we’re figuring all that out, who will lead? Unfortunately, the answer is no one. In this G-Zero era, no one is driving the bus. The United States and its European allies can no longer drive the global political and economic agenda. The scramble to produce a coordinated and effective multinational response to the 2008 financial crisis made that clear, but the growing leverage of emerging states like China, India, Brazil, Russia and others was apparent years before US financial institutions began melting down and the Eurozone descended into crisis. Yes, America remains the most powerful and influential country on Earth – and will for the foreseeable future. Its economy is still the world’s largest. No single nation can compete with its cultural influence, and only America can project military power in every region. But in coming years mounting federal debt and the domestic political attention now focused on this issue will force the architects of US foreign policy to become more sensitive to costs and risks when making potentially expensive strategic choices. At home, it will be harder for presidents to persuade taxpayers and lawmakers that bolstering the stability of countries like Iraq or Afghanistan is worth a bloody, costly fight. That means decoupling support for a “strong military,” an always popular position, from security guarantees for countries that no longer meet a narrowing definition of vital U.S. interests. Abroad, questions will arise about America’s commitment to the security of particular regions, encouraging local players to test U.S. resolve and to exploit any weakness they think they’ve found. Few want a global policeman, but some will have second thoughts when they realise they lack protection against a neighbourhood bully. Yet, other countries aren’t exactly lining up to fill this vacuum. The ongoing battle to bolster the Eurozone will discourage


THE POWER TRIANGLE Chinese President Hu Jintao, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and US President Barack Obama. European leaders from searching abroad for new ways to extend the influence of their governments, and leading developing states have too many challenges at home and foreign-policy plans for their immediate neighbourhoods to embrace the risks and burdens that come with a larger share of global leadership. China’s leaders, in particular, already have their hands full. They have already acknowledged that their country’s growth model is “unstable, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable,” and they know that their ability to guide the country through the next stage of its development is far from certain. India, Brazil, and Turkey can continue to grow for the next ten years with the same basic formula that triggered growth during the past ten. The United States, Europe, and Japan can reinvest in eco-

nomic systems that have a long history of success. But China must undertake enormously complex and ambitious political and economic reforms if it is to continue its drive to become a modern, middle-class power. China faces the added complication that today’s international environment is fast becoming less friendly to China’s expansion. Higher prices for the oil, gas, metals and minerals needed to fuel China’s expansion will weigh on growth. The rise of other emerging powers will add to the upward pressure on food and other commodity prices, undermining public confidence in government, the most important source of China’s social stability. In addition, as statebacked Chinese companies draw their government into the political and economic lives of so many other countries, they face

Bapco launches smart fuel card Sadeem Manama apco launched its new smart fuel card – Sadeem yesterday at a ceremony held in Ritz Carlton. Lauding the ongoing commitment in upgrading its services & operations to meet the needs and expectations of its customers, Energy Minister Dr Abdul Hussain Mirza said Sadeem is a personalised smart card for the payment of fuel in Bahrain’s service stations. BAPCO Chairman Adel Al Moayyed, Chief Executive Gordon Smith and members of the Board and the Executive Management of BAPCO were present at the function.


Dr Mirza lauching ‘Sadeem’ smart fuel card, as other Bapco officials look on.

the same backlash from local companies and workers that plagues so many other foreign firms doing business far from home. And because the Chinese government has such a direct stake in the success of these companies, Beijing will be drawn into conflicts it has never coped with before. We can’t know what the future holds for the United States, China, or any of these countries. There are good reasons to bet on U.S. resilience, but that will depend on the ability and willingness of American leaders to rebuild the country’s strength from within. Europe has advantages that will reinforce the strength of its markets, and for all Japan’s problems, it is still the world’s thirdlargest economy. Most emerging powers will continue to emerge, but some will have more staying power than others.

Sensex tumbles 151 points New Delhi he BSE barometer Sensex tumbled yesterday by 151 points as a weak rupee, disappointing earnings and negative global cues dampened investor sentiment. The 30-share Sensex, which opened lower, remained in the negative territory throughout and finally settled at 17,151.19, a fall of 150.72 points or 0.87 per cent, extending the losses for the second day in a row. The 50-share Nifty also dipped by 50.75 points or 0.97 per cent to a 4-week low of 5,188.40. Contrary to the market sentiment, IT shares attracted good buying support due to fall in the rupee value as a weak domestic currency will boost margins. Wipro rose by 1.93 per cent, followed by TCS (1 per cent) and Infosys (0.53 per cent). On the global front, Asian markets closed weak yesterday after disappointing data from both sides of the Atlantic rekindled concerns about the strength of the global economic recovery. Key benchmark indices in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan ended with minor losses while from China closed with small gains. Japanese financial markets remain closed for public holidays today and tomorrow.



Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

JOHANSSON’S A STAR! Ashton Kutcher

‘Racist’ Kutcher ad pulled Los Angeles n online ad featuring Ashton Kutcher as an Indian man has been pulled offline after viewers called it racist. The images and video for Popchips feature the 34year-old Two and a Half Men star in brown makeup portraying a Bollywood producer named Raj who is “looking for love.” They were removed from YouTube and Facebook after being criticised online. Other videos featuring Kutcher as a stoner, tattooed Southerner and pasty fashionista remain online. A spokeswoman for Popchips says the dating parody featuring the four characters was “created to provoke a few laughs and was never intended to stereotype or offend anyone.” She added that the company hopes “people can enjoy this in the spirit it was intended.” A spokeswoman for Kutcher did not return messages seeking comment.

She cried like a baby


Los Angeles ctress Cameron Diaz says she cried after a hairdresser cut her hair short last year. “There was a little misunderstanding. I said, ‘Oh I just


want a little bit off’ ... and it went from here to here,” contactmusic.com quoted her as saying. On seeing her new style, Cameron was so upset that she burst into tears. “I just burst into tears and

started crying, and I felt so vulnerable. For a woman to all of a sudden have no hair, oh my god,” she added. The 39-year-old revealed that the situation was more awkward because the stylist was a friend.

Brangeline buys a $10m house

Jolie and Pitt

“I felt really bad, she felt really bad, she started crying, I started crying, a couple of other people started crying. I ended up writing her a few emails after, the next couple days, assuring her I wasn't going to kill her,” she said.

Los Angeles ctress Scarlett Johansson was honoured with the 2,470th star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She says she was over the moon on receiving the accolade. “This industry in which I was practically raised has been so impossibly kind to


me. There's never a day where I go to set and don't thank my lucky stars to simply be a working actor,” femalefirst.co.uk quoted her as saying. The 27-year-old was joined by her mother, grandmother, sister and co-star Jeremy Renner at the Wednesday ceremony.

“Scarlett is built like a classic Hollywood movie star. However, it is only betrayed by her no-nonsense attitude, her sharp wit and self-deprecating sense of humour that truly defines her alluring charm,” Renner said.



Scarlett Johansson poses by her star after it was unveiled on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.

Bipasha Basu

Avoid link-ups, says Bipasha Mumbai ipasha Basu is upset at incessant rumours surrounding her relationship status. She wants the speculation to stop, and says just because she is a fun-loving and outgoing person, this doesn't mean she is dating anyone she meets. “For a long time my name is being yo-yoed with few people. As and when dating, break up, then patch up and marriage stories are being made. I really wish all this stops as none of it is happening,” tweeted Bipasha.


Mumbai efore Katrina Kaif's rivals get envious, a clarification is in order. Priyanka


The actress recently shot for an ad film in Bangkok that features her in a triple role “playing fairy tale characters Cinderella, Red Riding Hood

and Snow White”. They're her favourite characters and “she had a whale of a time shooting for it”, informs our source.

Priyanka turns singer Mumbai t was bound to happen. Now that she's pursuing her ambition to be a singer, she is bound to get requests from producers to sing for their films. Buzz is that Rakesh Roshan is toying with the idea of having Priyanka Chopra sing a song, if not a few verses for his film. She had earlier


sung a few lines in Bluffmaster. Even though she hasn't stepped into the recording booth or given her approval yet, the actress who's in Los Angeles finishing her music album, is said to be considering the offer. A source reveals, “Priyanka doesn't want people to look at her as a singer now. Her focus is always going to be films, but singing will also happen on the side.”

Jackson unleashes his Fury Los Angeles fter popping up in cameos during the credits of Marvel films as the authoritative, eye-patchwearing Nick Fury, Samuel L. Jackson steps fully into his role as the head of peacekeeping agency S.H.I.E.L.D. in The Avengers. He assembles the supercrew of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, the Incredible Hulk and Hawkeye as part of his ‘Avengers Initiative’ to help fight Thor's brother, Loki, who threatens to wipe out humanity. “It’s great to stand there and look around and go okay, these guys are actually here


Jackson so we do have the Avengers,” Jackson said during a recent interview. “Director and writer Joss (Whedon) is so savvy about the genre and how to flesh characters out so it's not just a set piece fest of stuff blowing up and peo-

ple chasing each other... There's sadness, there's joy, there's fear, there's all this stuff that goes into making this film that makes it sort of special, way more special than it could have been.” Jackson will reprise his

G Scarlett Johansson waves before unveiling her star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood. Vidya

Vidya Balan to promote sanitation campaign New Delhi ollywood actor Vidya Balan became the brand ambassador of the rural development ministry to spread awareness about sanitation and cleanliness in the country yesterday. Balan said the sanitation campaign needs to become a national obsession. According to a statement, she has agreed to campaign for two years and to be involved in the Nirmal B h a r a t Abhiyan — the restructured version of the Total Sanitation Campaign. R u r a l D eve l o p m e n t Minister Jairam Ramesh said Balan will appear in ad campaigns to propagate construction and use of toilets besides promoting habit of hand washing, personal hygiene and managing waste. According to UNICEFWHO Joint Monitoring Programme Report 2010, nearly 60 per cent of India's 1.1 billion people still practice open defecation and close to 58pc of all open defecation in the world is in India.


Los Angeles elebrity couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have bought a 10 million pounds mansion in Richmond area. When Pitt was filming thriller World War Z last summer, the couple stayed there with their six children and decided to buy the property named Whornes Place. According to The Sun, the property has an indoor pool and 15th century wooden beams. “Brad and Angelina hold an affection for the UK, so this investment makes sense,” said a source.

More more more of Katrina


character in the next Captain America film, which starts shooting in January, but he's unsure of Nick Fury's fate beyond that. Could his origin story be in the works? “I have no idea,” he said. “I had a nine picture deal, I've only done five of them, so I guess so. It's possible.” The 63-year-old actor took a break from working with Quentin Tarantino on Django Unchained to promote The Avengers. And while he stayed mum on the project (“It's another nondisclosure thing”), he said he has no problem shifting gears from Tarantino's dramatic Western tale to the superhero world.

Madhuri devours mangoes! Mumbai ctress Madhuri Dixit, who has settled back in Mumbai after a sabbatical from Bollywood, is gorging on Alphonso mangoes. “It is mango season in Mumbai. Had forgotten how good the hapoose amba (Alphonso mango) could be,” tweeted Madhuri. The 44year-old was perhaps missing the taste of local mangoes as she had shifted to Denver after marrying US-based surgeon Sriram Nene. Now she is back in Mumbai for good.



Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

JOHANSSON’S A STAR! Ashton Kutcher

‘Racist’ Kutcher ad pulled Los Angeles n online ad featuring Ashton Kutcher as an Indian man has been pulled offline after viewers called it racist. The images and video for Popchips feature the 34year-old Two and a Half Men star in brown makeup portraying a Bollywood producer named Raj who is “looking for love.” They were removed from YouTube and Facebook after being criticised online. Other videos featuring Kutcher as a stoner, tattooed Southerner and pasty fashionista remain online. A spokeswoman for Popchips says the dating parody featuring the four characters was “created to provoke a few laughs and was never intended to stereotype or offend anyone.” She added that the company hopes “people can enjoy this in the spirit it was intended.” A spokeswoman for Kutcher did not return messages seeking comment.

She cried like a baby


Los Angeles ctress Cameron Diaz says she cried after a hairdresser cut her hair short last year. “There was a little misunderstanding. I said, ‘Oh I just


want a little bit off’ ... and it went from here to here,” contactmusic.com quoted her as saying. On seeing her new style, Cameron was so upset that she burst into tears. “I just burst into tears and

started crying, and I felt so vulnerable. For a woman to all of a sudden have no hair, oh my god,” she added. The 39-year-old revealed that the situation was more awkward because the stylist was a friend.

Brangeline buys a $10m house

Jolie and Pitt

“I felt really bad, she felt really bad, she started crying, I started crying, a couple of other people started crying. I ended up writing her a few emails after, the next couple days, assuring her I wasn't going to kill her,” she said.

Los Angeles ctress Scarlett Johansson was honoured with the 2,470th star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She says she was over the moon on receiving the accolade. “This industry in which I was practically raised has been so impossibly kind to


me. There's never a day where I go to set and don't thank my lucky stars to simply be a working actor,” femalefirst.co.uk quoted her as saying. The 27-year-old was joined by her mother, grandmother, sister and co-star Jeremy Renner at the Wednesday ceremony.

“Scarlett is built like a classic Hollywood movie star. However, it is only betrayed by her no-nonsense attitude, her sharp wit and self-deprecating sense of humour that truly defines her alluring charm,” Renner said.



Scarlett Johansson poses by her star after it was unveiled on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.

Bipasha Basu

Avoid link-ups, says Bipasha Mumbai ipasha Basu is upset at incessant rumours surrounding her relationship status. She wants the speculation to stop, and says just because she is a fun-loving and outgoing person, this doesn't mean she is dating anyone she meets. “For a long time my name is being yo-yoed with few people. As and when dating, break up, then patch up and marriage stories are being made. I really wish all this stops as none of it is happening,” tweeted Bipasha.


Mumbai efore Katrina Kaif's rivals get envious, a clarification is in order. Priyanka


The actress recently shot for an ad film in Bangkok that features her in a triple role “playing fairy tale characters Cinderella, Red Riding Hood

and Snow White”. They're her favourite characters and “she had a whale of a time shooting for it”, informs our source.

Priyanka turns singer Mumbai t was bound to happen. Now that she's pursuing her ambition to be a singer, she is bound to get requests from producers to sing for their films. Buzz is that Rakesh Roshan is toying with the idea of having Priyanka Chopra sing a song, if not a few verses for his film. She had earlier


sung a few lines in Bluffmaster. Even though she hasn't stepped into the recording booth or given her approval yet, the actress who's in Los Angeles finishing her music album, is said to be considering the offer. A source reveals, “Priyanka doesn't want people to look at her as a singer now. Her focus is always going to be films, but singing will also happen on the side.”

Jackson unleashes his Fury Los Angeles fter popping up in cameos during the credits of Marvel films as the authoritative, eye-patchwearing Nick Fury, Samuel L. Jackson steps fully into his role as the head of peacekeeping agency S.H.I.E.L.D. in The Avengers. He assembles the supercrew of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, the Incredible Hulk and Hawkeye as part of his ‘Avengers Initiative’ to help fight Thor's brother, Loki, who threatens to wipe out humanity. “It’s great to stand there and look around and go okay, these guys are actually here


Jackson so we do have the Avengers,” Jackson said during a recent interview. “Director and writer Joss (Whedon) is so savvy about the genre and how to flesh characters out so it's not just a set piece fest of stuff blowing up and peo-

ple chasing each other... There's sadness, there's joy, there's fear, there's all this stuff that goes into making this film that makes it sort of special, way more special than it could have been.” Jackson will reprise his

G Scarlett Johansson waves before unveiling her star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood. Vidya

Vidya Balan to promote sanitation campaign New Delhi ollywood actor Vidya Balan became the brand ambassador of the rural development ministry to spread awareness about sanitation and cleanliness in the country yesterday. Balan said the sanitation campaign needs to become a national obsession. According to a statement, she has agreed to campaign for two years and to be involved in the Nirmal B h a r a t Abhiyan — the restructured version of the Total Sanitation Campaign. R u r a l D eve l o p m e n t Minister Jairam Ramesh said Balan will appear in ad campaigns to propagate construction and use of toilets besides promoting habit of hand washing, personal hygiene and managing waste. According to UNICEFWHO Joint Monitoring Programme Report 2010, nearly 60 per cent of India's 1.1 billion people still practice open defecation and close to 58pc of all open defecation in the world is in India.


Los Angeles elebrity couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have bought a 10 million pounds mansion in Richmond area. When Pitt was filming thriller World War Z last summer, the couple stayed there with their six children and decided to buy the property named Whornes Place. According to The Sun, the property has an indoor pool and 15th century wooden beams. “Brad and Angelina hold an affection for the UK, so this investment makes sense,” said a source.

More more more of Katrina


character in the next Captain America film, which starts shooting in January, but he's unsure of Nick Fury's fate beyond that. Could his origin story be in the works? “I have no idea,” he said. “I had a nine picture deal, I've only done five of them, so I guess so. It's possible.” The 63-year-old actor took a break from working with Quentin Tarantino on Django Unchained to promote The Avengers. And while he stayed mum on the project (“It's another nondisclosure thing”), he said he has no problem shifting gears from Tarantino's dramatic Western tale to the superhero world.

Madhuri devours mangoes! Mumbai ctress Madhuri Dixit, who has settled back in Mumbai after a sabbatical from Bollywood, is gorging on Alphonso mangoes. “It is mango season in Mumbai. Had forgotten how good the hapoose amba (Alphonso mango) could be,” tweeted Madhuri. The 44year-old was perhaps missing the taste of local mangoes as she had shifted to Denver after marrying US-based surgeon Sriram Nene. Now she is back in Mumbai for good.



Friday, May 4, 2012

Shura Council Secretariat yesterday celebrated Labour Day under the patronage of Chairman Ali Saleh Al Saleh. Mr Al Saleh hailed the efforts of the employees and their loyalty.

The Indian School yesterday held its Investiture Ceremony to induct the newly-formed Prefect and Student Council for the year 2012-13. Indian Ambassador Dr. Mohan Kumar was the Chief Guest. School Chairman Abraham John, Vice Chairman R. Pavithran, Secretary Ramesh Sambasivan, Principal V R Palanisamy, Vice Principals Maria Waltin and Dr Asfaq Ahmed, Asst. Vice Principal, Head Teachers, the Prefect and Student Council office bearers, members of Executive Committee Stanley Joseph, Dr. Ashraf, Dr. Shine Mary, Rosalyne Roy, Sreedevi Panicker (Staff Representative), parents and students attended the ceremony. Above, Mr John presenting a painting to Dr Kumar.

The students council members with school officials.


Samskara Thrissur last night organised Easter and Vishu celebrations. Above, Samskara President Sugathan M R, sixth from left, General Secretary Joy Manjali, seventh from left, and other officials cutting a cake as part of the celebration. Around 300 people attended the event at Hoora Anarath hall. A variety of cultural programmes were also held.

Friday, May 4, 2012

ASRY celebrated World Health Day 2012 with a unique programme aimed at improving the quality of life and overall health of its employees aged over 50. The theme ‘Ageing and health’ echoes the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recent focus on maximising people’s health. During the celebration, ASRY Chief Executive Chris Potter reiterated the need to care for employees aged over 50 years through maintaining better health conditions. Nearly 75 employees and workers over the age of 55 participated in the event, which lasted for more than two hours. They were introduced to specialised exercises by a fitness coach, and educated on good health care practices. Human Resources and Development Director Shaikh Daij bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, Company's Medical Centre Head Dr. Manoj Kumar and other top officials also attended the event.

The General Organisation for Youth and Sports (GOYS) celebrated Labour Day by presenting flowers to its employees, in appreciation of their special efforts. GOYS President Hisham Al Jowder said that the Kingdom’s celebration of Labour Day comes at a time when it is going through a period of advancement and sustainable development in all aspects.

Al Asdeqa Kindergarten yesterday organised a function to mark World Press Day. Kindergarten Head Zakiya Abdulaal said that freedom of press is one of the most important factors needed for the development of all societies. She said that the children now know how to follow up on news and the qualities a journalist should possess.




Friday, May 4, 2012

CLASSIC PIE REHASHED! Pooja Rajpal Kasala news@dt.bh


he American Pie gang is back with yet another over-the-top raunchy, outrageous comedy - The American Reunion. If you thought the previous films from the franchise were crazy, this latest offering surpasses the earlier ones in its adult content and explicit words. The movie is directed by Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg, and stars Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan, Chris Klein, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Seann William Scott, Tara Reid, Mena Suvari, Eddie Kaye Thomas, John Cho, Jennifer Coolidge and Eugene Levy among others. This time around, each character is well past his younger years and has had his own unique journey; the first few scenes focus on how their life has changed. Jim (Jason Biggs) is married to Michelle (Alyson Hannigan) and have a baby together, Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) has been living it up, Oz (Chris Klein) is a popular anchor, Kevin (Thoman Ian Nicholas) is an architect and Stifler (Seann William Scott) is working at an investment firm. As the title suggests, the gang comes together for their high school reunion, which for the characters serves as a much needed respite from their present life and a definite stroll down memory lane to revisit the notoriously glorious days. The weekend soon evolves into a series of crazy mishaps, misadventures, pranks and well, American Pie revisited! American Reunion succeeds in capturing the spirit of the original and at the same time offers the viewers a fresh take. The flavour -- gross humor and adult content -- that made the original Pie work, is kept intact. There is a good balance between comedy and characterisation and the film has a more modern and contemporary context. The high school worries are over and replaced with adult concerns like fidelity, responsibility, careers and parenthood. There is also a mention of Facebook making the movie a lot more today! Despite all the comedy, there is sweetness and nostalgia, lessons on love and life, exemplified by the awkward conversations between Jim and his dad (Eugene Levy) in the, father-son moments. Levy is more entertaining than ever, eyebrows and all! For the audience who grew up on these movies there will be a lot of connect, but for the uninitiated American Reunion will be an avalanche of crudity. The jokes and humour are more or less the same! Though the boys have grown older but wiser? Ahem! The bittersweet themes of brotherhood, friendship, 90’s nostalgia, crass and crude jokes, profanity -the typical trademark of the Pie franchise are vibrant and very much built in. It may not be a perfect film, but it does manage to capture the essence of a reunion and one does get their fair share of chuckles (for sure it’s not refined comedy!) A word of caution for the parents, American Reunion - an absolute no no for the little ones!


Friday, May 4, 2012

For a load of Italian Puja Tiwari puja@dt.bh


dliya has always been on the top of the list while looking for a place to eat, mainly because of the variety of restaurants it has to offer. I came across Mino’s while passing by a mural of worshipping men on the wall in Adliya’s Block 338, which is festooned with modern, out-of-the-box art. Mino’s is an Italian eatery, and the modest entrance disguises the size of the place, which has a spacious and well-designed interior. It is reminiscent of a typical Italian refectory. For a place so nicely decked, it was odd that it was almost devoid of visitors. The menu had everything from Pasta, Pizza, Salads and more. Since we were on a quick lunch, we ordered Capricciosa pizza and Chicken Pollo Risotto. While waiting for the food, the waiter brought complimentary Bruschetta, which is a dip of tomatoes, basil, garlic and a bit of vinegar served with French bread. The Bruschetta was amazing, with the dip being tangy and slightly spicy on crispy bread.

A few minutes before the main course arrived, I got busy taking in the detailed interior. The music playing in the background was English, and I thought classic Italian tunes would have complimented the ambience by a few notches. The pizza had salami, mushroom and artichokes with creamy cheese on a thin base. All the ingredients meshed well with each other and resulted in a tasty delight. I was anticipating the chicken risotto, simply because it had been ages since I had it. However, what was brought to the table was chicken stuffed with cottage cheese and spinach on a bed of regular, flavoured rice, which definitely did not look like risotto. What a compromise! The rice was lightly flavoured and soft, and the chicken filling tasted great, spiced just right. Mino’s is good for lunch or dinner, with generous food portions at a reasonable pricing, accompanied by a soothing ambiance. Perhaps they just need to incorporate a more authentic recipe for risotto and buy a CD with Italian melodies instead of English!


Pic for representative purposes only

This dragon’s cute and fluffy Najla Qamber news@dt.bh


edheart is the first book in a new series which is focused on a dragon that is completely unique. I haven’t read anything like this. At first, the protagonist Kallon, seemed depressing, pitiful and very stubborn but that’s just his character when his story begins. As a girl comes into the picture everything changes for him. At some point, I even thought Kal-

lon was very cute and fluffy just like Toothless from ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. I never thought I would like reading about dragons. The characters were strong and the plot was kind of weak, but it picks up after a while. As the story moves on, we meet potential antagonists who always find a way to ruin everything for our Hero. The story picks up and then slows down a little towards the end. And at some point it kept on going in circles and I thought it

wouldn’t end. But it did with a bang, a good bang. I admire Gamber’s writing style and as she writes the next following books I’m positive it’ll get better. Her writing style was clean and easy to read, a perfect combination for a Young Adult Epic Fantasy book like this. I enjoyed the first book and I’ll be anticipating the next. It wasn’t something I expected, it completely blew me away. I’d recommend this to the adventurous reader.

The story in brief... E

nter the lands of Leland Province, where dragon and human societies have long dwelled side by side. Superstitions rise sharply, as a severe drought strips the land of its bounty, providing fertile ground for the darker ambitions of Fordon Blackclaw, Dragon Council Leader, who seeks to subdue humans or wipe them off the face of the land. As the shadow of danger creeps

across Leland Province, a young dragon named Kallon Redheart, who has turned his back on dragons and humans alike, comes into an unexpected friendship. Riza Diantus is a young woman whose dreams can no longer be contained by the narrow confines of her village, and when she finds herself in peril, Kallon is the only one with the power to save her. Yet to do so means

he must confront his past, and embrace a future he stopped believing in. A tale of friendship, courage, and ultimate destiny, Redheart invites readers to a wondrous journey through the Leland Dragon Series.A tale of friendship, courage, and ultimate destiny, Redheart invites readers to a wondrous journey through the Leland Dragon Series.

Title : REDHEART (The Leland Dragon #1) Author

: Jackie Gamber

Review by : NajlaQamber



Friday, May 4, 2012


Yesterday’s Solution

Baby Blues ACROSS


1- Swedish auto; 5- Moisturizer ingredient; 9- Trades; 14- If not; 15- It’s owed; 16- Distribute; 17- Cross; 18- Bear in the sky; 19- Gymnast Comaneci; 20- Large wild oxen; 22- Desk with slanted top; 24- Broadway beginning; 25- Swerved; 26- Official count of population; 29Litmus reddeners; 31- Hilton competitor; 32- And ___ goes; 33- Biol., e.g.; 36- ___ Lingus; 37- Endless; 40- ___ favor; 41- Ask invasive questions; 42- Charge per unit; 43- Butler’s love; 45- Heartburn; 47- Playing marbles; 48- Gather over time; 51- Struck, old-style; 52Swinish; 54- Single-celled critter; 58- Artist’s support; 59- Not new; 61- Explorer Tasman; 62- Bikini blast; 63- Electric fish; 64- Musical ending; 65- Indistinct; 66- Preservative; 67Sharp;

DOWN 1- Balkan native; 2- Baseball family name; 3- Beginning; 4- Bedridden; 5- Grownups; 6- Vive ___!; 7- Delivery room docs; 8- Bibliography abbr.; 9- Moved rhythmically; 10Thrills; 11- Tree of the birch family; 12- River of Tours; 13- Rise to one’s feet; 21- Sharp; 23- Madonna role; 26- Fellow; 27- Watchful one; 28- ___ a soul; 29- Artery that feeds the trunk; 30- Motion picture; 32- Show to a table; 33- Petty quarrel; 34- An apple or a planet will have this at the centre; 35- Nest eggs, briefly; 38- Attempts; 39- Reasoning; 44- Frame for hanging hats; 45- Collar; 46- Culpable; 47- In the thick of; 48- At right angles to a ships length; 49- Raccoon relative; 50- Lawsuits; 51- Sniff; 53- Colors; 55- Bassoon relative; 56“Venerable” English monk; 57- Brio; 60- Where the buoys are;



Comics for Kids

Beetle Bailey




Friday, May 4, 2012


businessman walks into a bank in San Francisco A and asks for the loan officer. He says he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow

$7,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for such a loan. So the businessman hands over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checks out, and the bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. An employee drives the Rolls into the bank’s underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the businessman returns, repays the $7,000 and the interest, which comes to $19.67. The loan officer says, “We are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little confused. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What confuses us is why would you bother to borrow $7,000?”

MAY 04

In History

Kangxi, fourth emperor of China’s Qing dynasty, was born. He ascended the throne at the age of seven, and reigned for 61 years bringing stability to the region 1979: Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s first woman prime minister. She was the longest serving British prime minister of the 20th century 1929: Actress Audrey Hepburn, noted for her roles in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and My Fair Lady, was born 1980: Yugoslav president Marshall Tito, wartime partisan leader, died 2004: Taiwan’s parliament passed a law requiring official documents to be written from left to right


4 2 9 5 8 3



















7 3

6 3



9 5


6 1 7 2 8


9 3

7 1



2 4 7 6













c 2005-2006

14: Medium











The objective is to fill Sudoku a 9x9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 sub-grids that compose the grid (also called “boxes”, “blocks”, “regions”, or “sub-squares”) contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid, which typically has a unique solution. 7





































































Sudoku 14: Medium




Special (Solutions) 2006




Animal Word Search

Picture: Getty Images

c 2005-2006

The businessman replied, “Where else in San Francisco can I park my car for two weeks for $20 bucks?”

Special 2006



24 Friday, May 4, 2012


Email: letters@dt.bh

Lessons to be learnt John Paul


he Amwaj drowning tragedy was indeed shocking. I have been to this place and I have noticed that there are no signboards warning



think Bahrain has taken some wonderful initiatives to propagate the freedom of speech. It was encouraging to see His Majesty’s comments on Press freedom. A country is made stronger when its people are given the freedom to express themselves in their own ways. It is also important for people to realise that this right is given to them with a responsibility. It is each individual’s civic duty to ensure that they think about what they say and not abuse their freedom of speech. It’s important to realise that we must verify the things we say and respect the opin-

ions of others. We must remember to combine our freedom of speech with ideals of honesty and integrity. I have seen a lot of people in a lot of countries abuse their freedom of speech to make baseless claims and slanderous accusations without any evidence. Many a time, people take these comments on face value as they are unable to verify them. Conning the population like this should never be allowed and I think it’s disgraceful when people feel the need to resort to such underhand methods. I am glad to see that publications in Bahrain have always strived to maintain their integrity.

Star Teller

people not to swim in the waters which are obviously deep. I hope authorities are investigating the incident and also questioning why it happened. They have to find solutions to prevent another such incident. It is unfair to blame Amwaj. But I do think that there

should be a prompt medical service in the area. Regular patrols around the beaches should also be organised. This will ensure that swimmers are safe. The security and staff of Amwaj should also be trained in first aid so that they too can save lives in the future.

Oddl Enou y gh

FLEECED Romain Mattei photographed what looks like a monkey massaging a stray cat on a pavement in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. However, the cheeky monkey was doing the moggy a favour by searching for fleas.

ARIES March 21 - April 19 Love is on the rise. Discussing plans with your lover, a friend, relative or neighbour can rectify any problem before it has a chance to develop. Honesty, integrity and playing by the rules will lead to your success.

LEO July 23 - August 22 Communication will be key when dealing with others. Your ability to tie things together and make sense out of something that may confuse others will help you win the support you need professionally and the love and affection you want personally.

SAGITTARIUS November 22 - December 21 You’ll attract attention and make a difference in any organization or group to which you contribute. Love is in the stars, and discussing plans with someone special will bring positive results. A change at home will ease your stress.

TAURUS April 20 - May 20 Pick up a hobby or get involved in a group or event that will help you expand your interests or your financial future. Don’t let responsibilities limit you, but do engage in pursuits that can stabilize your personal life.

VIRGO August 23 - September 22 Visit someone you respect or who can offer you knowledge, wisdom or food for thought. Expand your awareness and you’ll discover a way to overcome an obstacle that has been holding you back. Don’t let an emotional situation deter you.

CAPRICORN December 22 - January 19 Make positive changes to your home, but stick to your budget. Not everyone will be happy with your decisions, so you are best to get approval from neighbors or family before you move forward. Love is highlighted.

GEMINI May 21 - June 21 Take pride in what you do. Love is on the rise, and talking about the way you feel and what your intentions are will help you build a stronger relationship with someone special. A money deal must be handled carefully.

LIBRA September 23 - October 22 Take charge when it comes to your personal relationships. Don’t leave anything to chance and be sure to make your intentions clear. Love is in the stars, and you can enhance our lifestyle by making positive personal moves. Make a commitment.

CANCER June 22 - July 22 A change to one of your relationships will leave you wondering what happened. A secret you were keeping probably instigated the problem. Backtracking now will take ingenuity, honesty and sacrifice in order to keep the relationship equal.

SCORPIO October 23 - November 21 Take care of pressing matters involving medical issues, institutions, government agencies or large corporations. A promise you fulfil will lead to a personal opportunity. Take on a project that will enhance your home and living arrangements.

AQUARIUS January 20 - February 18 Size up your financial situation and find a way to decrease your debt. A relationship will help stabilize your personal life. A chance to make extra cash is apparent. Resurrect an old idea that you can refurbish to fit a growing need. PISCES February 19 - March 20 Don’t get hung up on trivial matters. Look at the big picture and decide where you fit in. Anger will stand in the way of your success. Refrain from saying something that will incriminate you. Let experience be your guide.

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communication skill, managing large level of clients,handling the team. Position is based in Bahrain. Send your CV to : hrd1986@gmail.com ................................................................ In need of FIELD SALESMAN for a foodstuff company. Those who are interested may submit their CV to: awali@batelco. com.bh ................................................................ Qualified SAFETY OFFICER for our company. Applicant must be in Bahrain Contact on 33205168 Email abumajidattari@gmail.Com ................................................................ EEG/ EMG TECHNICIAN. Experience 2 to 3 years. Education Basic - Diploma. Any Nationality,Gender. Interested applicants can forward their resume to epicbahrain@gmail.com ................................................................ SIGN BOARD DESIGNER and ALUMINUM OR A/C CUTTER. Interested applicant may please send their resume to anrym69@hotmail.com ................................................................ Full time Male PHYSIOTHERAPIST wanted to work in private clinic. 2 years experience preferred. please email your CV to isteqlal@gmail.com ................................................................ A newly established division of one of the esteemed group of companies in Hidd is in need of a light and HEAVY DUTY VEHICLE DRIVER (Indian nationality preferred). Send resume to abs@kbs-bh.com ................................................................ Female GUEST SERVICE OFFICER for an International Serviced Residence. Pleasing personality, College Graduate / College Level, Experience in Hospitality Industry / Consumer Service “Visa Available” Please Send your CV / Resume to: paul.verdad@ the-ascott.com ................................................................ Looking for OFFICE RECEPTIONIST. Should have basic typing experience of MS Word, Excel. Preferred Filipina. Interested candidates please send resume with recent photograph to email: cecilia@ cpcbh.com Call :33555667

scaffolding group of company Should have good experience and driving licence.send C.V by email to bahrin@manar.com.sa Fax: 17180336 Mobile:36991154 ................................................................ Urgently required JUICE MAKER. (male applicant only) Salary: BD 150/month. Accommodation: free. Please call 33321335 or 66388568 Send CV to camieoch1@yahoo. com ................................................................ ARABIC COOK - For Arab nationals with complete oriental cuisine experience. Male SECURITY GUARDS Asian nationality.BAR HELPER - Basic knowledge of standard cocktail preparation. BAR TENDER.Thorough knowledge of bar operation with inventory system. WAITERS - Minimum 2 years Bar & Restaurant experience. WAITRESS - Minimum 2 years Bar Waitress experience. Respond immediately for an interview on 38381302 with complete CV windsor@batelco.com.bh. ................................................................ SECRETARY urgently needed for a new plant in HIdd. Should possess a high level of organizational, communication and inter-personal skills. Interested applicants can forward their resume to abs@ kbs-bh.com ................................................................ We are looking for an experienced MARKETING MANAGER for a leading Document Solution Company in Bahrain. Essential requirements: Degree, Bahrain Driving licence, At least 2 - 3 years marketing experience. Good command over spoken English, Team handling experience. Send CV to admin@ copyexpress-me.com ................................................................ New establishment URGENTLY looking for BICYCLE MECHANIC with extensive working experience (Must be more than 4 years). Attractive remuneration package awaits the right candidate. Interested candidate may email CV to recruitbz@gmail.com Priority will be given to candidate who can start work instantly.

driving licence. Salary +Commission for an online marketing company. Call Oscar: 39246555 or send your CV via email oscar.desilvas@gmail.com ................................................................ We are looking for an experienced WEB DESIGNER with knowledge in Dream Viewer, Photoshop with some PHP knowledge. Please call 39246555 ................................................................ A Leading construction & maintenance company urgently requires CIVIL ENGINEERS. Candidates should have minimum 2 years GCC experience in quantity surveying,estimation and site supervision. Proficiency in Auto-CAD is preferred. Interested candidates may send their resume to hrconjobs@ gmail.com ................................................................ Looking for an OFFICE RECEPTIONIST for a Consultant firm on Exhibition Road. Should have basic typing experience of MS Word, Excel. Post your CV to thomasvk@ batelco.com.bh ................................................................ CASHIER EXCHANGE (Only Srilanka Lady) Call 33162738 ................................................................ FLOOR SUPERVISOR: Salary BD 500++ job description achieving sales volume & value, inventory control, increasing customer data base, providing high end service to customer, merchandising , forecasting , execution of promotion, new products displays, periodic review of stocks and reporting, suggest necessary action to liquidate old stock, teamwork. Apply online www.gulfjobs.com ................................................................ PROJECT MANAGER (for water line project): salary BD 700 - 1000, (B.E Civil ) 10-12 years exp in water line jobs. Apply online www.gulfjobs.com ................................................................ PROJECT MANAGER -for bridge construction: Salary BD 1000 - 1200 (B.E Civil ) 10-12 years exp in bridge construction. Apply online www.gulfjobs.com ................................................................ SALES OFFICER: quantity 5 nos. Salary BD 300 - 400/-

CLASSIFIEDS DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS: Colour (Minimum size: 10cm) BD 13/- per single column centimetre. Black & White (Minimum size: 3cm) BD 7/- per single column centimetre. Classifieds Linage Advertisement (Minimum 10 words) 0.300 fils per word. Series discount: 3+1 Free.

sales management achieving monthly sales target and securing at least two technical presentations, marketing company’s products. performing comparative analysis and preparing manager reports. Apply online www.gulfjobs.com ................................................................ BRAND MANAGER: good GCC exp , Salary negotiable. Apply onine www.gulfjobs.com ................................................................ OPERATION MANAGER FOR SECURITY SYSTEM (IT): salary negotiable, Job description: good GCC exp. Apply online www.gulfjobs.com ................................................................ PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER: salary negotiable, Bahraini or

injket, laser multifunction products like HP, EPSON, brother also service laptops , 4 to 5 years exp needed , any nationality. Apply online www.gulfjobs.com ................................................................ MANAGER FABRICATION DIVISION: Salary Negotiable, Job Description BE / B Tech Civil Engineeting + MBA with 10 - 15 years exp in the same field. Apply online www. gulfjobs.com ................................................................ HVAC DESIGN ENGINEERS: Salary Negotiable, Job Description BE / B Tech Mechanical Engineeting with 8 - 10 years exp in the same field. Apply online www.gulfjobs.com

GENERAL MANAGER, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SALARY BD 2500-3000 + PERFORMANCE BONUS Education:Bachelors degree minimum Professional qualification in Sales & Marketing & Insurance qualification (ACII or equivalent) or Certification in international business development Total experience 15-20 Years relevant domain experience 15 years JOB SPECIFICATION • Bachelor’s degree a minimum, ideally in Commerce/ Business Administration. MBA a plus. • Minimum of 15 years of relevant industry experience in a senior management position; intimate knowledge of the Bahraini and/or GCC market strongly preferred. • Extensive knowledge of finance and accounting principles and practices (IFRS); ability to interpret and assist with the preparation of financial reports; experience interacting and collaborating with internal and external auditors. • Demonstrated experience in sales, marketing, relationship-building, and business development activities. • Fluency in written and spoken English a must. Arabic proficiency preferable but not required. Contact: Jeremiah Jasher | Business Consultant | +9 7 3 3 9 0 1 8 8 6 2 | (+9 7 3 1 7 2 4 6 2 6 7 Email Id : jasher@minds-united.com

DEADLINE: Classifieds display advertisements: 9 AM Classifieds linage advertisements: 11 AM Cancellations: Display & Linage Advertisements: 1 PM

Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Friday, Classifieds May 4, 2012 fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds www.dt.bh Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds27 Classifieds fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds ClassifiedsOFFICES Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds FOR rent in Seef Contact - 33772013 , Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds ClassifiedsSponsored ClassifiedsbyClassifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds 17 402 482 with commercial address BBM - 2780c996 fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds ClassifiedsROPERTY Classifieds Classifiedsstarting Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds ARS RENTAL BD120/monthly. Tel ................................................................ HUMMeR NissaN HONDaClassifieds Classifieds Classifieds FOR RENT Classifieds 33778788, 36685826Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds 2 BEDROOMS 1 Bathroom, fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds ClassifiedsGarden, Classifieds Classifieds near Philipina WAREHOUSE SPACEClassifieds MAHOOZ Electricity, 2AC included, Cont: Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Um Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Near Classifieds Al Bander Resort, UNFURNISHED FLAT, Car park, 36488957,34020136. Al-Baidh; Villas & Flats Classifieds are fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Cont: 33900057. ................................................................ available at variousClassifieds locations Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds 1 FF BEDROOM, Bathroom, for rent. Landlord’s fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds................................................................ Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds FULLY FURNISHED BIG FLAT, Office: Tel: 17641010, Kitchen, Cont: 36488957, Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Balcony, Maid Room, Car park, Fax: 17641111, 2006 HUMMeR 2009 NissaN 2009 HONDa aCCORD 34020136. 36367756. fieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Email: Classifieds Classifieds ClassifiedsCont:Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds 80000kms 52,000kms Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds 47000kms abdullapark@batelco.com.bh ................................................................ 099 17554477, 36661099 Classifieds Call: 17554477, 36661099 Call: 17554477, ................................................................ Mobile:39459681, 39643888. Classifieds Classifieds Call: Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds36661099 Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds SHOP & FLAT for rent, Classifieds Cont: RIGHT MOTORS RIGHT MOTORS RIGHT MOTORS




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VILLAS NEAR COUNTRY MALL (Swimming pool + Garden + 24 hrs Security). OFFICE + SHOP IN SALMABAD. Tel. 17783087, 39199273 39468932.


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ALL USED CARS 2007- 2012, call Neil 36338828. 8 Seated CMC Van Veryca 2010 Model for lease BD 140/- Only monthly sUZUki (Negotiable). Please Call:36323494 contact: 36039979/ REF MAy006 39599397


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REF MAy008

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LULU View, 1 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. Very modern furniture, pool, gym, sauna, steam, jacuzzi, car parking - all facilities. Yearly. Call 36050211 Email alrais@batelco.com.bh LULU View TWO BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. Very modern furniture, pool, gym, sauna, steam, jacuzzi, car parking - all facilities. Yearly. Call 36050211 Email alrais@batelco.com.bh BRAND NEW Contemporary 2BR, FURNISHED APARTMENT, pool, Squash court, gymnasium, BD550/Tel. 36612118

NissaN Call: 39250605

iNFiNTi Call: 33421112 REF MAy012


HONDa Call: 39228546 REF MAy013

REF MAy014



JUFFAIR: Daily/Weekly/ Monthly. 1/2/3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished Apartments, Spacious, Modern Furniture, Good Location. Contact: 36661673/36555427/ 33313733 email: gfcentre@gmail.com HAMALA

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BMw Call: 39857555

2007 GMC Call: 39100192 REF MAy018


REF MAy020

REF MAy019




4+1 BR LUXURY VILLA + Private Pool, Solid wood Kitchen with island, 4 Bathrooms, Spacious Garden, Garages for 2 carsVery safe location near British School and close to Amenities, Restaurants and Supermarkets, BD1500/exclusive. Tel. 39686692 SEEF

2003 kia Call: 39857555

2002 JaGUaR Call: 39113334 REF MAy024

2009 BMw 328.i (Us speCs) Call: 36706527 REF MAy025

REF MAy026

2 STOREY BUILDING in the heart of Seef District, good for Embassy, multi-clinic,1st class restaurant. Call 39633018

CLASSIFIEDS DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS: Colour (Minimum size: 10cm) BD 13/- per single column centimetre. Black & White (Minimum size: 3cm) BD 7/- per single column centimetre. Classifieds Linage Advertisement (Minimum 10 words) 0.300 fils per word. Series discount: 3+1 Free.

FULLY FURNISHED FLAT, Balcony, Car park, Cont: 36367756. ................................................................ 2 BEDROOMS, 2 Bathrooms, Hall, Car park, Lift, Unfurnished, BD 260, Cont: 36367756. ................................................................ 2 BEDROOMS, 2 Bathrooms, Semi furnished, Car park, BD 300, Cont: 39801780. ................................................................ LUXURY APARTMENT, Gym, Car park, Security, Swimming pool, BD 800 Cont: 39801780.

HIDD/ARAD FULLY FURNISHED VILLA, Balcony garage, Pool, Cont: 33900057. ................................................................ 3 BEDROOMS apartments, Approved building US navy, BD 756, 873, Cont: 39801780. ................................................................ FULLY FURNISHED FLAT, Balcony, Car park, Cont: 36367756. HOORA UNFURNISHED FLAT, Car park, New Building, Cont: 33900057. ................................................................ FULLY FURNISHED FLAT, Car park, Cont: 33900057. ................................................................ 1 BEDROOM fully furnished studio flat, BD 230, Cont: 36367756. BUDAIYA MEDITERRANEAN VILLA, Budaiya on the Sea, 5BR, small compound, peaceful, pool, garden, verandah, terraces, sea, environmentally friendly, BD 900, Tel. 33848884, see details on: www.latifgarden.com GUDAIBIYA NEW FLATS Rent BD 230/- 2 Rooms, 2 Bathrooms, Hall, Lift, Car park in Gafool near Al-Hawj. Flats available in Gudaibiya and other different places. Contact 39288637, 39941611, 13648888

2 BEDROOMS SEMI FURNISHED FLAT near Gudaibya Police Station. Small Hall, 2 Bathrooms Equipped with airconditioner, curtains & Tiles Flooring Price BD- 240. Exclusive

17715654, 39471090. ................................................................ 2 BEDROOMS Flat with Electricity, Near Palace Masjid, BD 250, Cont: 36488957, 34020136. ................................................................ 2 BEDROOMS, 2 Bathrooms, BD270, Cont: 33071217. ................................................................

1 BEDROOM 1 Bathroom, Kitchen, BD 170, Cont:33071217. ................................................................ FURNISHED FLAT & SHOP, Cont: 36005575. ................................................................ OFFICE & FLAT, Cont: 39823719. ................................................................ FULLY FURNISHED, Balcony, Gym, Car park, Pool, Cont: 36367756. ................................................................ 2 BEDROOMS, 2 Bathrooms, Hall, Kitchen, Balcony, Car park, BD 300, Cont: 36367756. ADLIYA 2 BEDROOM FULLY FURNISHED APARTMENT in Adilya.1 bathroom Guest lobby & 24 hour security, Parking slot Swimming Pool Price - BD 300 All inclusive Contact - 33772013 ................................................................

WHOLE BLDG FOR RENT 2 Nos of 4 storey bldg. 10-12 flats all 2 bed room each. Comes with split AC + Fridge + Cooker + Washing Machine.

New Look Real Estate Tel: 36337575 - 17713446 JUFFAIR HOMES THREE BEDROOM SUPER LUXURY Apartment Fine serviced, truly home, large gym, Pool, Jacuzzi and all facilities: Yearly, Mob: 39952390 email: venuslinks@yahoo.com

DEADLINE: Classifieds display advertisements: 9 AM Classifieds linage advertisements: 11 AM Cancellations: Display & Linage Advertisements: 1 PM


Friday, May 4, 2012

CINECO (20) 1. The Avengers (PG-13) (Action/ Adventure) Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. Shows at 11.30am, noon, 2.30pm, 3pm, 5.30pm, 6pm, 8.30pm, 9pm, 11.30pm and midnight Shows at (3D) 11.15am, 11.45am, 2.15pm, 2.45pm, 5.15pm, 5.45pm, 8.15pm, 8.45pm, 11.15pm and 11.45pm Shows at VIP (I) 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm and 11pm Shows at VIP (II) 10:45am, 1.45pm, 4.45pm, 7.45pm and 10:45pm. 2 Retreat (15) (Thriller) Starring: Jamie Bell, Cillian Murphy and Thandie Newton. Shows at noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm and midnight 3 Mercenaries (15) (Action) Starring: Robert Fucilla, Billy Zane and Vas Blackwood Shows at 11.45am, 1.45pm, 3.45pm, 5.45pm, 7.45pm, 9:45 and 11.45pm. 4 Rampart (15, ) (Drama/Thriller) Starring: Woodey Harrelson, Robin Wright and Sigourney Weaver. Shows at 12:30pm, 2.45pm, 5pm, 7.15pm, 9.30pm and 11.45pm 5 Margin Call (15) (Thriller) Starring: Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany and Jeremy Irons. Shows at 1pm, 5.15pm and 9:30pm. 6 Jannat 2 (Hindi/Thriller/Crime) Starring: Emraan Hashmi, Randeep Hooda and Esha Gupta Shows at 12.15pm, 4.30pm and 8:45pm. 7 Safe (15) (Action/Thriller) Starring: Jason Statham, Catherine Chan and Chris Sarandon. Shows at 10:30am, 12.45pm, 3pm, 5.15pm, 7.30pm, 9:45 and midnight 8 Battleship (15) (Action/ Adventure) Starring: Alexander Skarsgard, Brooklyn Decker and Liam Neeson. Shows at 11am, 1.30pm, 4pm, 6.30pm, 9pm and 11.30pm. 9 The Lucky One (15) (Romantic) Starring: Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling and Blythe Danner. Shows at 12.15pm, 2.30pm, 4.45pm, 7pm, 9.15pm and 11.30pm. 10 A Thousand Words (15) (Comedy) Starring: Eddie Murphy, Cliff Curtis and Kerry Washington. Shows at 11.30am, 1.30pm, 3.30pm, 5.30pm, 7.30pm, 9.30pm and 11.30pm. 11 The Hunger Games (15) (Action/Adventure) Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth. Shows at 12.15pm, 3pm, 5.45pm, 8.30pm and 11.15pm 12 How I Spent My Summer Vacation (15) (Action/ Adventure) Starring: Mel Gibson, Peter Storemare and Dean Norris. Shows at 11.15am, 1.15pm,






3.15pm, 5.15pm, 7.15pm, 9.15pm and 11.15pm Mirror Mirror (PG13) (Adventure/Comedy/ Family) Starring: Lily Collins, Julia Roberts and Armie Hammer. Shows at noon, 2.15pm, 4.30pm, 6.45pm, 9pm, 11.15pm Flypaper (15) (Thriller/Crime) Starring: Patrick Dempsey, Ashley Judd and Tim Blake Nelson. Shows at 10:30am, 2.45pm, 7pm and 11.15pm The Cabbin in the Woods (15, ) (Horror/Thriller) Starring: Richard Jenkins, Bradley Whiteford and Chris Hemsworth. Shows at 11am, 3.15pm, 7.30pm and 11.45pm Wrath of the Titans (15) (Action/Adventure) Starring: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson and Rosamund Pike. Shows at 7.15pm, 9.15pm and 11.15pm Dr.Seuss The Lorax (PG) (Animation/Comedy/ Adventure) Starring: Zac Efron, Taylor Swift






Battleship (15) (Action/ Adventure) Starring: Alexander Skarsgard, Brooklyn Decker and Liam Neeson. Shows at 11am, 1.30pm, 4pm, 6.30pm, 9pm and 11.30pm. The Lucky One (15) (Romantic) Starring: Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling and Blythe Danner. Shows at 11.15am, 1.15pm, 3.15pm, 5.15pm, 7.15pm, 9.15pm and 11.15pm A Thousand Words (15) (Comedy) Starring: Eddie Murphy, Cliff Curtis and Kerry Washington. Shows at 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm and 11pm The Hunger Games (15) (Action/Adventure) Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth. Shows at 12.15pm, 3pm, 5.45pm, 8.30pm and 11.15pm How I Spent My Summer Vacation (15) (Action/ Adventure) Starring: Mel Gibson, Peter








EXTREME ACTION A scene from the movie The Avengers. and Danny Devito. Shows at 11.15am, 1.15pm, 3.15pm and 5:15pm. 18 Street Dance 2 (15) (Musical/ Teens) Starring: Tom Conti, George Sampson and Falk Hentschel. Shows at (3D) 5pm, 7pm, 9pm and 11pm 19 The Outback 3D (PG) ( Animat i o n / Advent u r e / Comedy) Starring: Kathryn Beckett, Ian Calder and Kate Ceberano. Shows at (3D) 11am, 1pm and 3pm



The Avengers (PG-13) (Action/ Adventure) Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. Shows at noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm and midnight Shows at (3D) 11am, 11.30pm, 2pm, 2.30pm, 5pm, 5.30pm, 8pm, 8.30pm, 11pm and 11.30pm. Rampart (15, ) (Drama/Thriller) Starring: Woodey Harrelson, Robin Wright and Sigourney Weaver. Shows at 12.30pm, 2.45pm, 5pm, 7.15pm, 9.30pm and 11.45pm


Storemare, Dean Norris. Shows at 11.30am, 1.30pm, 3.30pm, 5.30pm, 7.30pm, 9.30pm and 11.30pm. Omar Wa Salma (15) (Comedy) Starring: Tamer Hosny and May Ezz El Deen. Shows at noon, 2.15pm, 4.30pm, 6.45pm, 9pm and 11.15pm

SEEF (I) 1




Retreat (15) (Thriller) Starring: Jamie Bell, Cillian Murphy and Thandie Newton. Shows at 11.45am, 1.45pm, 3.45pm, 5.45pm, 7.45pm, 9:45 and 11.45pm Mercenaries (15) (Action) Starring: Robert Fucilla, Billy Zane and Vas Blackwood Shows at 11.30am, 1.30pm, 3.30pm, 5.30pm, 7.30pm, 9.30pm and 11.30pm. Margin Call (15) (Thriller) Starring: Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany and Jeremy Irons. Shows at 2pm, 6.45pm and 11.30pm. Jannat 2 (Hindi/Thriller/Crime) Starring: Emraan Hashmi, Randeep Hooda and Esha Gupta Shows at 11.30am, 4.15pm and 9:00pm.

Safe (15) (Action/Thriller) Starring: Jason Statham, Catherine Chan and Chris Sarandon. Shows at noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm and midnight 22 Female Kottayam (Malayalam) Starring: Fahad Fazil, Rima Kallingal and T G Ravi Shows at 10:45am, 1.15pm, 3.45pm, 6.15pm, 8.45pm and 11.15pm Dhammu (Telugu) Starring: Junior Ntr, Trisha Krishnan and Karthika Nair. Shows at 11.15am, 2.15pm, 5.15pm, 8.15pm and 11.15pm

The Avengers (PG-13) (Action/ Adventure) Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. Shows at 3pm, 5.30pm, 8pm and 10:30pm. Shows at (3D) 2.30pm, 5pm, 7.30pm and 10pm. Safe (15) (Action/Thriller) Starring: Jason Statham, Catherine Chan and Chris Sarandon. Shows at 2.30pm, 4.30pm, 6.30pm, 8.30pm and 10:30pm. Battleship (15) (Action/ Adventure) Starring: Alexander Skarsgard, Brooklyn Decker and Liam Neeson. Shows at 5.45pm and 10:15pm. The Lucky One (15) (Romantic) Starring: Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling and Blythe Danner. Shows at 3.45pm and 8:15pm.


The Avengers (PG-13) (Action/ Adventure) Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. Shows at 3.30pm, 4.30pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8.30pm, 9.30pm and midnight


Jannat 2 (Hindi/Thriller/Crime) Starring: Emraan Hashmi, Randeep Hooda, Esha Gupta Shows at noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm and midnight


Mayamohini (Malayalam) Starring: Dileep, Biju Menon and Lekshmi Rai. Shows at 2pm, 5.15pm, 8.30pm and 11.45pm


We Bought A Zoo ( Drama / Comedy ) Starring: Matt Damon, Colin Ford, Scarlett Johansson, Timing: 11:00, 13:30, 16:00, 18:30, 21:00, 23:30


Chronicle ( Drama / Sci-Fi / Thriller ) Starring: Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly, Alex Russell Timing: 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00 3 Agent Vinod ( Hindi / Suspense / Thriller / Action) Starring: Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Timings: 11:00, 14:15, 17:30, 20:45, 00:00 4 The Descendants ( Comedy / Drama ) Starring:Michel Hazanavicius, George Clooney, Stephen Daldry Timings: 11:15, 13:45, 16:15, 18:45, 21:15, 23:45 5 Titanic – 3D ( Drama / Epic / Romance ) Starring: Leonardo Di Caprio, Kate Winslet Timings: 19:15, 22:45 5 The Pirates: Band of Misfits – 3D (Animation /Adventure /Family) Starring: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Hugh Grant, Brendan Gleeson Timings: 11:15, 13:15, 15:15, 17:15 6 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip Wrecked (Animation/Action/Adventure) Starring: Jason Lee, David Cross, Amy Poehler Timings: 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00 7 Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu ( Hindi / Romance / Comedy ) Starring:Kareena Kapor, Imran Khan Timings: 11:30, 13:45, 16:00, 18:15, 20:30, 22:45 8 This Means War ( Action / Comedy / Romance ) Starring: Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine and Tom Hardy Timings: 11:30, 13:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30, 21:30, 23:30 9 Jannath 2 ( Hindi / Crime / Thriller) Starring: Emraan Hashmi, Randeep Hooda, Esha Gupta, Imran Zahid Timings: 13:30, 18:45, 23:45 9 TEZZ ( Hindi / Action / Thriller) Starring: Ajay Devgn, Kangna Ranuat, Anil Kapoor, Zayed Khan, Sameera Reddy Timings: 11:00, 16:15, 21:30 10 Underworld 4: Awakening 2 D ( Action / Fantasy / Horror ) Starring: Kate Beckinsale, Stephen Rea, Michael Ealy, Theo James, Timings: 11:15, 13:15, 15:15, 17:15, 19:15, 21:15, 23:15 11 X - Large ( Arabic / Comedy ) Starring: Ahmed Helmy, Donya Samir Ghanem, Emy Samir Ghanem Timings: 11:00, 13:30, 16:00, 18:30, 21:00, 23:30 12 Houseful 2 ( Hindi / Comedy ) Starring: Akshay Kumar, Asin Timings: 12:00, 15:15, 18:30, 21:45 All Shows After Midnight Only on Thursdays, Fridays & Holidays


Friday, May 4, 2012


iva Karting Track is all geared up to host the V third round of the Bahrain Karting Sprint Championship today at the Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) in both the Bahrain Rotax Mojo Max Championship as well as in the Arrive and Race sprints. The Rotax Mojo Max Championship pits Rotax kart owners against one another in ultra-fast, high-adrenaline racing. Today’s meeting follows an exciting second round of action held in early April, when promising young racers Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al Khalifa, and Shaikh Isa bin Abdulla Al Khalifa displayed their limitless potential with fine drives in the Junior Max category. Joining them were Paul Stanley and David Van Der Berg, who enjoyed a treble victories in the Max and Max Masters divisions respectively. All five racers are once again expected to excel in the 1.414-km Commission Internationale de Karting (CIK)-approved Viva circuit. The third round’s programme is scheduled to get underway at 4pm with technical scrutineering. Following warm-up runs and a qualifying session, the first race in the Junior Max class is scheduled to be held at

Asif released London Pakistani pace bowler Mohammad Asif was released from prison in Britain yesterday after serving half of a one-year term for involvement in a match-fixing scam that shook the world of cricket. His London law firm, SJS Solicitors, confirmed the 29year-old had been freed from Canterbury Prison in southeast England.

Wallace retires Dublin Ireland and Muster flanker David Wallace was forced to retire from rugby yesterday after failing to fully recover from the knee injury that ruled him out of last year’s World Cup. Wallace, who made a brief comeback last month, was part of Ireland’s grand slam-winning team in 2009 and won 72 caps in an 11-year international career.

Wrestler tests positive

VROOMING AHEAD Karters in action during an earlier event. 6.20pm, race two will be at 7.20pm followed by the third at 8.20pm. Participants in the Max and Max Masters classes will also hold three races following warm-up and qualifying sessions. The first race will flag off at 6.40pm, with race two at 7.40pm and race three at 8.40pm and each race will be held over 11 laps. Those currently owning a Rotax kart and interested in taking part could compete in the season’s

third round after paying an entry fee of BD55 per person. All competitors should have a Bahrain Motor Federation (BMF) racing licence and those without this could apply for one at the BMF. An application form and medical form will need to be submitted, along with a passport-size photograph and BD10. Drivers younger than 18 years should need a parent

or a guardian to sign the necessary forms. Meanwhile, the Arrive and Race sprints are once again expected to feature a full grid of 20 karters for each event. This is a leisure category, although results of the races count towards the Sodi W Series Sprint Cup World Ranking, which gives the participant a chance to be part of an international leisure karting ranking and an opportunity to qualify for

the annual world finals. Viva Karting Track will provide participants with karts, driver’s equipment and other necessary technical support. The karts used in the championship are Sodikart RX7 270cc models. The first 13-lap race is scheduled to flag off at 7pm, which will be followed by race two at 8pm. There will also be warm-up and qualifying runs prior to the first race.

Royal Golf Club steals the show DT Sports Desk news@dt.bh

he second edition of the Royal Golf Club (RGC) vs Bahrain T Golf Club (BGC) Trophy was held on Labour Day at the Royal Golf Club. The home side had won the inaugural event in 2010. Two teams of 12 players apiece faced each other in pairs in the Betterball matchplay format with the first flight contested by the two scratch teams. A second social flight was also held in the same format with 48 players taking part.

The Royal Golf Club team clinched the trophy by 4.5-1.5 with the duo of Mark Underwood and Todd Gillespie seeing off Ali Saleh and Daij Ahmed of BGC 3&2 while the RGC’s Cormac Flannery and Craig Mills shared a half point each against Abdulla Al Hakam and Khalid Al Rowaie. Nasser Yaqoob and Nabeel Sabt got the better of Yousif Majid and Mohamed Al Sayed to secure the away side’s only win as the teams of Dan Owen/ Ilya Goniker, Phil Jones/ Sam Hobday and Rob Lane/ Andy Wieser all won points for the home

side. Both teams enjoyed refreshments in the Royal Golf Club’s Members’ Lounge after the match and Royal Golf Club Men’s Captain Ebrahim Esbai was presented with the trophy by his Bahrain Golf Club counterpart Hamad Salem. “It’s nice to see such a good relationship between the two clubs,” said Cormac Flannery of the Royal Golf Club. “There was great atmosphere out there today on the course. Players and spectators alike were applauding good shots from both sides.”

Mr.Flannery with the trophy.

London Britain’s top Olympic hope in Greco-Roman wrestling, Ukraine-born Myroslav Dykun, has been suspended and risks missing London 2012 after failing a dope test, British Wrestling said yesterday. “He’s tested positive with his ‘A’ sample and has been suspended with immediate effect. We believe it’s from the amphetamines group,” British Wrestling chief executive Colin Nicholson said. The 2010 Commonwealth Games 66kg gold medallist faces a likely twoyear ban if a ‘B’ test confirms the initial positive result.

Fiorentina appoint Guerini Florence Fiorentina promoted team manager Vincenzo Guerini to the role of head coach yesterday after sacking Delio Rossi for punching his own player during a match. Rossi, usually one of the calmest coaches in the histrionic Italian league, lost his cool when substituting Serbian midfielder Adem Ljajic in the first half of the 2-2 home draw with relegated Novara on Wednesday. The player ironically applauded the coach as he entered the dugout and Rossi grabbed Ljajic before landing two blows while scrabbling around on the ground.


Friday, May 4, 2012

MANCINI HAPPY TO PLAY THE UNDERDOG London ith the dust settled on a frantic midweek Manchester derby that handed the title initiative to City with just 180 minutes left of a fascinating Premier League season, the mind games remain in full swing between Alex Ferguson and Roberto Mancini. A 1-0 win at home to their neighbours on Monday put the destiny of the silverware in City's hands as they seek to end a 44-year wait to be crowned champions of England. City and United are level on 83 points with Roberto Mancini's side having a superior goal difference of eight going into games at high-flying Newcastle United on Sunday and relegation-threatened Queen Park Rangers a week later. United welcome Swansea City to Old Trafford on Sunday before completing their campaign at Sunderland. Mancini had barely sat down at his post-match


news conference after Vincent Kompany's goal had settled a tense, attritional match, when he declared United, seeking a fifth Premier League title in six seasons, were still favourites because they had “easier” games left. Ferguson, a past master in psychological warfare to unsettle his rivals when the pressure is ratcheted up, said City were in the driving seat but defiantly stated that “it was not over”. “They only need to win two games of football. It's not over. As long as there are games of football to play, it's not over of course,” he said. In an eerie similarity to 1968, City won that year's first division title on the final day of the season at St James' Park, beating Newcastle 4-3 and denying Matt Busby's United, who lost 2-1 at home to Sunderland. While a victory over Newcastle would merely put the champagne on ice for City, influential Spanish play-

Mancini maker David Silva said Sunday's clash was “like a final for us now”. “We knew we had to win on Monday,” he said.

“Mentally we were ready to win it. We did that and now we have to continue concentrating on the job,” he said.

“If we end up winning the title, Monday's win could be the most important win of my club career. But we have to win the championship for that win to mean something.” Away from the title battle, the final two rounds of fixtures will also determine who can plan for Champions League football and which two sides join Wolverhampton Wanderers through the relegation trap door. Newcastle's 2-0 win at Chelsea on Wednesday courtesy of a stunning double from Papiss Cisse and Tottenham Hotspur's 4-1 victory at Bolton Wanderers left them level on 65 points, one point behind third-placed Arsenal. Tottenham, who are above Newcastle on goal difference, look slight favourites to finish in the top four as they face Aston Villa on Sunday before finishing the season at home to Fulham.

US tow truck boss to lead Rangers rescue London he American owner of a tow-truck maker has been chosen to rescue stricken former Scottish soccer champions Rangers after the Glasgow club went into administration three months ago. Bill Miller, whose company is based in the southern state of Tennessee, saw off competition from the Blue Knights, a consortium led by former Rangers director Paul Murray which enjoyed the backing of fans' groups. The decision should mark the beginning of the end of one of the most turbulent episodes in the 140-year history of Rangers, who have won the Scottish title a record 54 times. “We are delighted to announce that today we have received an unconditional bid for the business and assets of Rangers Football Club plc from Mr Bill Miller which has been accepted and he is now the preferred bidder,” administrators Duff and Phelps said in a statement. “Mr Miller now proposes to complete his transaction by the end of the season,” it added.


Sakhir set for Track Xperience DT Sports Desk news@dt.bh

ahrain International Circuit (BIC) continues B its activities tomorrow with its year-round programme of fun and entertainment with a Track Xperience in Sakhir. It offers members of the public the unique chance of getting into four of the most electrifying road cars and enjoy the thrills of powering around the BIC’s race track. The exclusive fleet includes a Mitsubishi Evolution X, a Hyundai Genesis 2.0T, a Caterham G7 and a V8 Lumina SS each of which has its own distinct features that will contribute to a most

memorable drive. Track Xperience begins with the participants getting into a 291bhp Evo X for three laps in the passenger’s seat while a highly qualified instructor takes you down the track at an exhilarating speed. The guests will then get a chance to personally take on the circuit, first getting behind the wheel of a 210bhp Genesis for three laps and then moving on to enjoy a drive in a 160bhp Caterham for five laps. The Track Xperience then culminates with an exciting passenger ride in a 400bhp V8 Lumina SS - a racing beast that could generate a mind-boggling pace of nearly 270km/h with its 5,700cc engine.

Participants power their cars during an earlier event at BIC. This V8 Lumina ride, however, is optional, and it comes at an additional cost. The Track Xperience boasts a total of 14 laps,

covering a complete distance of 35.7 kilometres. It lasts nearly two hours. The entire package could be purchased for BD115, while the V8 Lumina

ride costs an additional BD12. All those interested in taking part in the Track Xperience should hold a valid driver’s licence and

one that has been issued for at least a year. It must be submitted to the officials at BIC when registering for the activity on the day.


Friday, May 4, 2012

RACE FOR EUROPE TAKES CENTRESTAGE IN LA LIGA Madrid he battles to qualify for Europe and to avoid relegation take centrestage in La Liga this weekend after Real Madrid ended Barcelona’s reign in Spain to win the league title on Wednesday. Jose Mourinho’s champions, with 94 points and two games left to play, head to Granada tomorrow with their sights now set on beating the league points record of 99 set by Pep Guardiola’s Barcelona in 2010. Barca, seven points back in second, play their final home game against city rivals Espanyol, when the Nou Camp will seek to give Guardiola a fitting send off after four trophy-ladened seasons at the helm. Guardiola will step down at the end of the campaign when his assistant Tito Vilanvoa is to replace him. The two Spanish giants, the world’s richest clubs by revenue, have once again left the rest of the league trailing in the distance this season. Valencia, in pole position to secure the third automatic Champions League qualification slot, are 29 points


ON THE TOP Real Madrid players arrive on an open bus at Cibeles square in Madrid yesterday to celebrate winning the title. adrift in third on 58 from 36 games. They are three points ahead of Malaga in fourth, who, if they can hang on to their place, will have the chance to reach the

Champions League for the first time via the final qualifying round in August. Unai Emery’s Valencia can assure their return to the group stages of the competition and a third consecutive

‘champion of the rest of the league’ tag with a victory at home to regional rivals Villarreal. “We are assured of a top four finish, but the satisfaction will come from

being third,” Emery, who is expected to leave at the end of the campaign, said after their 4-0 victory over Osasuna on Wednesday. “We are favourites to secure this place, but Malaga

Mourinho are strong and can still reach us.” Qatar-owned Malaga, one of the league’s biggest spenders in the closed season, have a difficult trip to play direct rivals for Europe, Atletico Madrid. The Europa League finalists are sixth with 50 points, two behind Levante in fifth, and the two are on course to qualify for Europe’s secondtier club competition next season. “The lads are making a great effort and we are going to fight while there are still possibilities,” Atletico coach Diego Simeone said when questioned about the tiredness of his players after their 1-1 draw at home to Real Sociedad. At the foot of the table, basement side Racing Santander are relegated but 19th-placed Sporting Gijon and 18th-placed Real Zaragoza still have chances to survive. Sporting host Real Betis and Zaragoza are at home to Racing, while Rayo Vallecano, Villarreal and Granada in 15th could all still get dragged down to the second division.

Bahrain take on Malaysia Aidan Payne aidan@dt.bh

ahrain’s National Under-16 cricket team, led by skipper B Lalith Lal, will have to wait until tomorrow to kick off their Group B campaign when they take on hosts Malaysia, led by Thejas Rajah, at the Kinrara Oval in Kuala Lumpur. The Asian Cricket Council (ACC) U-16 Elite Cup will begin today with three matches starting at 10am local time (5am Bahrain). In Group A, Hong Kong, captained by Anshuman Rath who is also the wicket keeper, play Oman, captained by Abishek Ramesh, at the Penang Sports Club, while in Group B, Kuwait will take on Nepal, captained by Dipendra Chand, at the Bayuemas Oval and Malaysia play Iran, led by Afshin Tiredast at Kinrara Oval. Tomorrow’s other matches are in Group A when Singapore, led by Navim Param, and Thailand open their campaigns at the Penang Sports Club and in Group B Iran and Kuwait take to the field at the

Bayuemas Oval. Bahrain’s team, sponsored by Alba with the support of the General Organisation for Youth and Sports (GOYS) and the Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC), reached Malaysia on Monday following a ‘capping ceremony’ at the Alba Club in Riffa which was attended by Malaysia’s Ambassador to Bahrain Dato Sri Ahmed Shahizan bin Abdulsamad, Alba Chief Executive Laurent Schmitt, Bahrain Cricket Association (BCA) officials and representatives from schools whose players are in the squad.

Apart from the 18-man squad, accompanying the team are team manager and Head of Schools and Youth Cricket at the BCA Mukunda Warrier, national coach Amir Waseem and development manager Prachur Shukla. In the last edition held in Nepal in 2010, Singapore lifted the trophy defeating the hosts by 68 runs. Malaysia claimed third place after defeating Hong Kong by seven wickets while Bahrain came sixth after losing by six wickets to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait beat Thailand by 68 runs to finish seventh.

Bahrain Group B schedule: (Tomorrow): Malaysia (Kinrara Oval). May 6: Nepal (Kinrara Oval). May 8: Kuwait (Kinrara Oval). May 9: Iran (Bayuemas Oval). Squad: Team captain Lalith Lal (Indian School), Vice-captain Harshun Shukla (New Millennium School), Adithya Manivannan, Albin Mathew, Akshay Bharadwaj, Venkat Sainarayan, Bilal Siddiqui (all Indian School), Avais Muzaffar, Shan Mohammed, Abdulla Fayaz (all Pakistan Urdu School), Mohammed Arslan, Lakshman Hamannanga (Ibn Al Hytham Islamic School), Anandha Krishna (Asian School), Bharath Srinivasan (The International School of Choueifat). Reserves: Mohammed Arafat (Pakistan Urdu School). Mohammed Nabeel (Indian School). Mohammed Shafiq (Indian School), Vaibhav Chandrashekhar (Bahrain School). Officials: Team Manager: Mukunda Warrier. National Coach: Amir Waseem. Development Manager: Prachur Shukla.

Bahrain team with officials during the capping ceremony at Alba Club. Complete Schedule: (Today): Group A (GA): Hong Kong vs Oman (Penang Sports Club (PSC). Group B (GB): Kuwait vs Nepal (Bayuemas Oval), Malaysia vs Iran (Kinrara Oval). (Tomorrow): GA: Singapore vs Thailand (PSC). GB: Iran vs Kuwait (Bayuemas), Malaysia vs Bahrain (Kinrara). May 6: GA: Hong Kong vs Thailand (PSC). GB: Bahrain v Nepal (Kinrara). May 7: GA: Oman vs Singapore (PSC). GB: Malaysia vs Kuwait (Bayuemas). May 8: GA: Hong Kong vs Singapore (PSC). GB: Iran vs Nepal (Bayuemas), Bahrain vs Kuwait (Kinrara). May 9: GA: Oman vs Thailand (PSC). GB: Bahrain vs Iran (Bayuemas), Malaysia vs Nepal (Kinrara). May 11: Semi-finals: B1 vs A2 (Bayuemas), A1 vs B2 (Kinrara). 7th Place Match: A4 vs B4 (Selangor Turf Club (STC). May 12: 3rd/4th Playoff: Loser SF1 vs Loser SF2 (Bayuemas). 5th/6th Playoff: A3 v B3 (Kinrara). 8th/9th Playoff: Loser 7th Place Match vs B5 (at STC). May 13: Final: Winner SF1 vs Winner SF2 (Kinrara).





SPORTS Friday, May 4, 2012


MASTERLY TOUCH Mumbai batsman Sachin Tendulkar, left, plays a shot as Pune wicket keeper Robin Uthappa looks on. Pune umbai Indians outclassed Pune Warriors in the 'battle of neighbours' at Pune's Subrata Roy Sahara Stadium here yesterday. Mithun Manhas's unbeaten 42 off 34 failed to save game for the Pune side as the hosts fell short of one run against the visitors. Harbhajan Singh and Malinga scalped two wickets each. While chasing 121 against Mumbai Indians, Pune lost Robin Uthappa in the fourth over. He was dismissed by Munaf Patel


at 18 off 18 balls. The host suffered another jolt at the score of forty runs when Jesse Ryder was caught out on Harbhajan Singh's delivery. Michael Clarke was next to depart, who was also dismissed by Harbhajan at 14 off 15 balls. He was soon followed by Steven Smith. Skipper Sourav Ganguly and Mithun Manhas got together to added crucial forty seven runs for the team. Still twenty seven runs away, Pune lost Sourav Ganguly at the score of 16

of 24. He was bowled out by Malinga. Pune lost Parnell in the penultimate over; he was dismissed by Malinga. After electing to bat against the hosts, Mumbai Indians' openers gave a steady start to the innings. Sachin and James Franklin added first fifty runs in 51 deliveries before Franklin was scalped by Bhuvneshwar Kumar at 25 off 23 balls. He was caught at mid-on while attempting to toss the ball scross the boundary line. He was soon followed by

Rohit Sharma in the next over. He was run out at three. Mumbai Indians suffered another blow when Sachin Tendulkar was caught behind at 34. He was scalped by Ashish Nehra. In his next over, Ashish Nehra got another breakthrough when he dismissed Robin Peterson at 13 off 14 balls. A Rayudu was the next man to depart he was dismissed by B Kumar at the score of one run. With Mumbai still under

the score of hundred, Thisara Perera and skipper Harbhajan Singh also went back to pavilion in close succession. Both were dismissed for a duck. None of the Mumbai batsmen were able to withstand Pune's attack. Mumbai Indians were restricted to 120 in twenty overs. Sachin Tendulkar, 34 off 35 ball was the top-scorer for Mumbai. Ashish Nehra and Bhuvneshwar Kumar took two wickets each.

RESULTS Pune vs Mumbai MI 120/9 (20 overs) PWI 119/6 (20 overs)

TODAY’S FIXTURE Chennai vs Deccan

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