RAK magazine January 2021

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Raisingyour ARIZONA Kids partner on the parenting path Reviving the lost art of

LETTER WRITING Raising Outdoor Kids:


Q&A: Arizona's 2021 Teacher of the Year FINDING THE RIGHT WORDS FOR 2021

Sofia Hansen (8) of Phoenix.

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January 2021 FEATURES 18


Chandler High School Spanish teacher Sara Wyffels explains what it’s been like to teach online through the pandemic — from the frustrations to the perks of utilizing new technology.


18 16


Local Pen Pal Life founder Colleen Schwab wants to help teens to retirees slow down and connect through the written word.





How will the pandemic affect New Year resolutions?

• Time Magazine’s Kid of the Year • Girl Scout cookies are coming • Nominate teens for Junior Achievement’s annual 18 Under 18 awards • Pantone chooses gray and yellow as its 2021 Colors of the Year • Free entrance days for National Parks in 2021 • Arizona Renaissance Festival halts upcoming season • Pediatrician Q&A: When does a sick child need a doctor’s care, and will the COVID-19 vaccine be safe for kids? • Using Common Sense: Young kids are obsessed with YouTube, but not its educational videos • Raising Outdoor Kids: A bucket list of New Year adventures






Top January events

Finding the right words

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021




How will the pandemic affect New Year resolutions? IN JANUARY, I typically focus on all the

more than that, I want to spend quality

a new twist on an old-fashioned pen pal

things I’d like to do better: exercise, lose

time with the people I love, to travel

service. Pen Pal Life matches you with a

weight, organize my house and my life,

with our daughter and show her a wider

pen pal based on common interests, and

write my novel, etc. Those are all worthy

world, and to imagine a better future and

keeps your home address safe by acting

new year resolutions, but in 2021, after

brainstorm how we get there. I don’t have

as an intermediary. At a time when we

enduring months of the coronavirus

a clue what’s coming in 2021. I can only

need more, not fewer, connections, this

pandemic, I have more practical goals.

hope things are looking up, with vaccines

idea is fascinating.

No one really knows how the plague year of 2020 will affect a generation. Will our kids be like our grandparents

giving us a way to return to some form of normalcy. In this issue, Chandler pediatrician

Finally, Sheri Smith tries to put 2020 — and 2021 — into words. She’s surveyed languages across the

who grew up during the Great

Dr. Natalie Teng helps parents make that

globe, finding words that explain our

Depression learning never to throw

adjustment. She tackles parents’ questions

experiences during the pandemic and

things away? Will we be more aloof after

about the coronavirus vaccine for kids, and

beyond. One of my favorites is “fika,” a

months of shunning human contact, or

when they need to see a doctor and when

Swedish word meaning “a moment to slow

more loving now that we understand

they can be cared for at home. Dr. Teng

down and appreciate the good things in

what’s at stake? Will we be more willing

thinks it will be summer or fall before kids

life, usually accompanied by sweet baked

to slow down, or will we insist on

can get vaccinated for this virus because

goods and coffee.” Many of the words she

resuming life at warp speed? Will our

dosages still need to be studied in children.

found evoke togetherness and celebration

generation seek truth and fact, or retreat

But she assures us that when available to

— words we hope will come in handy in

to lazy, uninformed opinion?

children, it will be safe.

2021. We hope this new year brings you

All I know is that life will never

Not many of us started a whole new

completely be the same. In 2021, I’m

business during the pandemic, but Local

hoping to give myself a break. Yes, I want

Pen Pal Life founder Colleen Schwab did

to focus on better health, because we

just that. She wants to help everyone,

understand more than ever that without

from teens to retirees, slow down and

good health, little else is possible. But

connect through the written word with

2 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

health, hope and much happiness.

Kara G. Morrison, Editor kara@RAKmagazine.com

January 2021 | Vol 31 | No 8 PUBLISHER Karen Davis Barr EDITOR Kara G. Morrison CONTRIBUTORS Ilana Lowery, Sheri Smith, Natalie Teng, Lisa Van Loo

ART DIRECTOR Michèlle-Renée Adams COVER PHOTOGRAPHY Ronald J. Hansen OPERATIONS MANAGER Tina Gerami-Bynum MARKETING CONSULTANTS Shannon Cornall, Kate Reed, Mary Vandenberg

R aising A rizona K ids magazine (ISSN 1051-4295) was created to connect Valley families to local resources and share real-life stories about the challenges and joys of raising children. Copy­right © 2021 by R aising A rizona K ids, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Subscription price is $20 for one year or $35 for two years. Back issues are $6 per copy. Make address changes on our website or mail changes to our office. Content guide­lines are avail­able at raisingarizonakids.com.

@RAKmagazine on Twitter; RAKmagazine on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Pinterest. CONTACT US: editorial@RAKmagazine.com familytime@RAKmagazine.com advertising@RAKmagazine.com subscriptions@RAKmagazine.com 10645 N. Tatum Blvd. #200-314 Phoenix, AZ 85028 P: 480–991–KIDS (5437) | F: 480–991–5460 raisingarizonakids.com IN PARTNERSHIP WITH

az grown kids

Above: Kid of the Year: Gitanjali Rao. Photo by Sharif Hamza for TIME. Right: Dylan Capshaw with his rescued kangaroo. Photo courtesy of Dylan Capshaw/PRNewswire.

15-year-old scientist is TIME’s Kid of the Year GITANJALI RAO, a 15-year-old scientist and

we’re sitting here in the middle of a new

its 2019 Person of the Year. Thunberg’s

inventor from Lone Tree, Colorado, was

global pandemic, and we’re also, like, still

following prompted the media company

named TIME’s first ever Kid of the Year

facing human-rights issues. There are

to look into other exceptional teenagers

in December. The Kid of the Year award

problems that we did not create but that

working to change the world.

recognizes young leaders who make positive

we now have to solve, like climate change

impacts on their communities. Rao was

and cyberbullying with the introduction

was one of the top 20 finalists for the Kid

chosen from more than 5,000 nominees for

of technology.

of the Year honor. At a young age, Dylan

using technology to tackle issues ranging

Dylan Capshaw, a Scottsdale teenager,

"I think more than anything right

began rescuing at-risk pets and wildlife.

from contaminated drinking water to

now, we just need to find that one thing

He started the Dylan Capshaw Wildlife

opioid addiction and cyberbullying.

we’re passionate about and solve it. Even

Foundation and sanctuary, along with two

if it’s something as small as, I want to find

pandemic-response organizations: For The

Dec. 14, 2020, issue, which features an

an easy way to pick up litter. Everything

Frontline and The Sanitation Stations.

interview conducted by Angelina Jolie.

makes a difference. Don’t feel pressured

Read more about Capshaw at

In it, Rao says, “Our generation is facing

to come up with something big.”

Rao appears on the cover of TIME’s

so many problems that we’ve never seen

The new award came from the

dylancapshawwildlifefoundation.com and explore the finalists for TIME Kid of the

before. But then at the same time we’re

aftermath of TIME choosing teenager and

Year 2020 at time.com/5916772/kid-of-

facing old problems that still exist. Like,

global climate activist Greta Thunberg as


4 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

Deadline looms for

Junior Achievement’s annual


JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT of Arizona’s annual

18 Under 18 awards program honors 18 outstanding young people in Arizona — up-and-comers who show exceptional entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, community service and an overall extraordinary skill set. Nominees must attend an Arizona K-12 school From left: Brownies Lilly Rowe and Sofia Armendariz of Troop 7267 in Phoenix.

Girl Scout COOKIES are coming!

and submissions must include: • Examples demonstrating an exemplary track record in all four of the judging criteria categories: Entrepreneurial Spirit,

JANUARY BRINGS GIRL SCOUT cookie season, and not even a global pandemic can

Leadership, Making the Community

put a stop to truckloads of Thin Mints and Samoas. Each year, more than 10,000

Better and Extraordinary Skillset.

Girl Scouts who are part of the Arizona Cactus-Pine Council sell 2-3 million boxes of cookies in Arizona, with all proceeds supporting local programs, camps and community service projects. The iconic cookies will be sold locally — with new safety measures in place — Jan. 18-Feb. 28, and Girl Scouts can take pre-orders from friends and family

• One letter of reference from someone other than the nominator. • A creative submission to support the nominations (photo, video, PowerPoint, song, etc.).

Jan. 4-17. The sales go on so that girls can continue to develop entrepreneurial

The deadline for nominations is Jan. 24.

skills and raise funds for learning opportunities, but the annual Girl Scout

Honorees will be recognized at a special

Cookie Dessert Challenge will be on hiatus this year. The challenge will return

event in the spring. Find a 2021 nomination

in 2022, with dozens of local restaurants competing for the best original dessert

form at 18under18.org. For more

made using Girl Scout cookies. Learn more about cookie sales and the Girl

information call 480-377-8500 or write to

Scouts organization at girlscoutsaz.org.


RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


az grown good to know


PANTONE 2021 Colors of the Year THINK OF IT as the sun breaking through a thick gray sky — a

metaphor we hope sticks for 2021. Pantone — a New Jersey based company that has standardized colors used in graphic design, fashion design, product design, printing and manufacturing — has chosen Ultimate Gray and Illuminating (a soft, sunny yellow) as its 2021 Colors

Colors of the Year

of the Year.

2021: Ultimate Gray

It’s only the second time Pantone has chosen a duo rather than

and Illuminating

2011: Honeysuckle 2010: Turquoise

a single Color of the Year. Pantone named Serenity and Rose Quartz

2020: Classic Blue

2009: Mimosa

(pastel blue and subtle pink) as its 2016 Colors of the Year. For 2021,

2019: Living Coral

2008: Blue Iris

Pantone calls the union of Ultimate Gray and Illuminating “practical and

2018: Ultra Violet

2007: Chili Pepper

rock solid but at the same time warming and optimistic. … It is a story

2017: Greenery

2006: Sand Dollar

of color that encapsulates deeper feelings of thoughtfulness with the

2016: Serenity and

2005: Blue Turquoise

promise of something sunny and friendly.”

Rose Quartz

Practically speaking, Pantone’s Color of the Year choices are made

2004: Tigerlily

2015: Marsala

2003: Aqua Sky

in consultation with global color and manufacturing experts and often

2014: Radiant Orchid

2002: True Red

forecast color trends. Expect to see more medium gray and sunny

2013: Emerald

2001: Fuchsia Rose

yellow homegoods, clothes and products in stores this year.

2012: Tangerine Tango

2000: Cerulean

FULL MOON TOURS at Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center offer guests

the chance to see what the Scottsdale sanctuary's native wildlife is up to in the mysterious hours of night. You might even hear a serenade from the Mexican gray wolves or the tiny howl of the grasshopper mouse! Tours take place during each month's full moon and are held completely outside. Dress for the weather, bring water and wear close-toed shoes. The

6 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

Full Moon Tour tickets are $30 for ages 13 and up, $20 for ages 3-13, and free for kids under 3. SWCC also offers daytime and twilight tours. Tours are by reservation only and tickets must be purchased in advance at southwestwildlife.org BAZILFOTO

Howling at the moon

tour route is lit and light refreshments are included.

Sponsored Content

Educational Webinars

Free from the Arizona Attorney General’s Office! AS WE MOVE INTO 2021, I want all parents, students, and educators to know that the Arizona Attorney General’s Office is here to support you in providing a safe and informed environment for our youth. Accordingly, our Community Outreach and Education team has prioritized ways to communicate as we all continue to manage the challenges of COVID-19. Our office has expanded online accessibility to the programs typically provided in person at Arizona’s schools. Community Outreach coordinators are also now available virtually and can provide live presentations to classrooms or work with faculty to help students access prerecorded presentations that can be viewed anytime on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device. Educational program topics include Internet Safety, Opioid Awareness, Vaping and E-cigarettes, Anti-Bullying, Human Trafficking, Consumer Protection, and Suicide Awareness and Prevention. Of special note, January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month so we are highlighting our frequently requested prevention program. Human trafficking is a difficult topic for families to discuss, but sadly it is a significant issue in our state that cannot be ignored. Based on data gathered by the U.S. State Department, Arizona is a prime transit destination area for both sex and labor trafficking in the United States. While some may believe that the victims of human trafficking have come from outside Arizona, or even outside the United States, we know that many of these victims are actually from our local communities. With the average age of sex trafficking victims being 14 in the State of Arizona, our sons, daughters, nieces and nephews are the prime targets for these predators. The good news is that there are effective steps we can take as parents and guardians to help prevent this from happening to a loved one.


The Human Trafficking presentation provided by Community Outreach coordinators is available for students in grades 7 to 12, parents, teachers, and the general public. This hour-long program describes human trafficking and how the perpetrators use social media and other tactics to find and entrap their victims. It also provides precious insight about the warning signs to look for, examples of trafficking incidents that happened in Arizona, and the best ways to report suspected activity. I encourage all Arizonans to be a part of the solution by educating themselves and their families. If you are concerned someone you know may be a victim of human trafficking, you can call 911 or the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1(888) 373-7888. Finally, along with the array of informational presentations our office has developed grade-appropriate assignments to support students, teachers, and parents. Students, after watching a live or pre-recorded presentation, can complete an assignment for their teachers or parents to ensure comprehension of the material. All educational programs are provided free of charge and can be conveniently accessed at AZAG.gov/outreach/webinars or by contacting us at (602) 542-2123 or CommunityOutreach@azag.gov. I wish you and your family a safe and joyful year in 2021.

ENGLISH: @AZAGOutreach ° SPANISH: @ProcuradorArizona °

Mark Brnovich Arizona Attorney General


az grown good to know

Above: Balanced Rock at Arches National Park in Utah. Photo by NPS/Kim DeGrazio⁣. Above left: Joshua trees at Joshua Tree National Park in California. Photo by NPS/ Emily Hassell. Left: A caver exploring an illuminated underground chamber within Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico. Photo by NPS / Dan Pawlak.

Free entrance days for


children ages 16 and younger and up to three adults per family.

Canyon — will be free on six days in 2021, starting with Martin

Passes are good for the duration of the fourth grader’s school

Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 18. Other free entrance

year, expiring Aug. 31.

days this year are:

In 2020, fifth graders were also granted free access to

• April 17: First day of National Park Week

national parks, wildlife refuges and other federal lands managed

• Aug. 4: First anniversary of the Great American Outdoors Act

by the Department of the Interior through the current academic

• Aug. 25: National Park Service’s birthday

year, because some fourth graders were unable to make full

• Sept. 25: National Public Lands Day

use of the Every Kid Outdoors passes due to the COVID-19

• Nov. 11: Veterans Day

pandemic. Gold Star Families and active duty military continue

The free entrance days are available at more than 400 National Park Service sites nationwide, including 22 in Arizona.

to have free access to national parks. The National Park Service also runs a Junior Ranger

Fourth grade students continue to have free access to national

Program. Young visitors (typically ages 5-13, although anyone

parks through the Every Kid Outdoors program (formerly Every

can participate) complete a series of activities during a park visit,

Kid in a Park), which offers free admission to national parks

share their answers with a park ranger and receive an official

for fourth graders and their families. Parents and educators

Junior Ranger patch or certificate. Learn more about all these

can print passes at everykidoutdoors.gov. The passes admit all

programs at nps.gov/kids

8 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

Sign up for


magazine’s FREE WEEKLY eNEWSLETTER and get more local parenting information right to your phone!

Arizona Renaissance Festival

halts upcoming season ONE ANNUAL SPRING tradition won’t be happening this year. The Arizona Renaissance

Festival, originally scheduled to start next month in Apache Junction, has been cancelled. As recently as Dec. 6, plans were in full swing for new guidelines, new ticketing procedures and heightened safety operations for the outdoor festival, a 16th-century European-styled park in a whimsical and historical setting featuring artisans, stages for live entertainment, rides, games, jousting knights, music and comedy performers and food and drink. The festival was supposed to run each weekend from Feb. 6 to April 4. In a Dec. 9 statement on Facebook, festival organizers cited surging cases of COVID-19


as the reason for “a difficult decision.” For the most up-to-date information, visit arizona.



RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


az grown health


When does a sick child need a doctor’s care, and how can parents feel confident the COVID-19 vaccine (when available) will be safe for kids?

AS THE PANDEMIC continues and flu season

be challenging to determine if symptoms

fast/labored breathing or the child is

ramps up, East Valley pediatrician Natalie

are something you can manage at home

difficult to wake, it is time to call your

Teng answers questions about fevers and

or if this requires a doctor’s visit or even

pediatrician to determine the best course

other symptoms that mandate a call to

a trip to the emergency room. My first

of action. Also, if your child has a fever for

the doctor or trip to the emergency room.

recommendation to parents is to always

more than 2-3 days without improvement,

Teng also relays that while kids may

trust your gut. If you are uncomfortable

or if a rash develops with the fever, we

not be able to get a COVID-19 vaccine

with your child’s symptoms, call your

would recommend your child be evaluated.

until summer or fall, parents should have

pediatrician for further direction. If your

confidence the vaccine will be safe and

child has a cold or the flu, the main

What benchmarks absolutely mandate

effective for children.

symptoms to monitor are fever, hydration,

a call to the pediatrician? You should

breathing and energy level. Along with a

contact your pediatrician if your newborn

Please help parents understand the

fever above 100.4 degrees for newborns

has a fever higher than 100.4 degrees. For

difference between a simple cold or

or 102 degrees for ages three months to a

older children, call your pediatrician if

flu that can be treated at home versus

year, the symptoms occurring alongside

your child has a persistent fever over 102, if

something more serious that requires

the fever are very significant. If your child

he/she is having problems with breathing,

a physician visit or emergency-room

is having high fevers that are difficult to

is in pain, has a rash with the fever, seems

visit. As a parent, one of the most stressful

control or are accompanied by little oral

listless or appears dehydrated. In general,

times is when your little one is sick. It can

intake of fluids, decreased wet diapers,

any concerns that continue for more

10 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

than 2-3 days without improvement also

should be evaluated by their pediatrician

teens, children and infants. Vaccines for

warrant a call to your child’s doctor.

and medication not be given unless

children will not likely be available until

instructed to do so by your doctor.

the summer or fall of 2021.

What conditions can a pediatrician treat via

Symptoms of congestion, runny nose

telemedicine? Telemedicine has become a

and cough are common with colds and the

When that time comes, how can

very useful tool for pediatricians to manage

flu. Home remedies such as saline nasal

parents have confidence that a COVID-

certain issues. Telemedicine can be used

sprays or drops, cool mist humidifiers

19 vaccine developed at “warp speed”

effectively to diagnose certain ailments such

and frequent blowing of the nose are

and originally intended for adults will

as pink eye, some rashes, or discuss mental

safe methods to manage these symptoms

be safe for children? Due to funding

health issues. Wellness visits and some other

regardless of the age of the child. Over

designated for COVID-19 vaccine

concerns are still better evaluated by your

the counter cold medications should be

development, researchers have been able

provider in the office, so it is best to contact

avoided until they are discussed with your

to find an effective and safe vaccine much

your pediatrician to determine the best way

pediatrician due to age restrictions and side

faster than in the past. However, the most

to manage your child’s concerns.

effects noted with these products.

important parts of vaccine development


have not been rushed. There are many What are the best ways to keep a child

Is it too late for children to get flu

strict protections in place to help ensure

with cold or flu comfortable and moving

shots for this flu season? It is not too

that COVID-19 vaccines will be safe.

toward recovery at home? Sleep is a very

late for children to get the flu shot for this

Like all vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines go

important component to recovering when

flu season. We often have a later arrival

through a rigorous, multi-stage testing

ill and allows your child’s body to develop

of the flu in this part of the country and

process, including large trials that involve

a proper immune response to the illness in

encourage flu vaccination until the flu

tens of thousands of people. These trials

order to recover. It is normal that they will

season ends, which is often late spring.

are specifically designed to identify any

want to sleep more than usual during the

Call your pediatrician today to determine

common side effects or other safety

first several days as their body is working

the best way to have your child vaccinated.

concerns. These same processes will be

to fight off the illness. Fluids are also an

put in place when evaluating the vaccine

important component to recovery. Your

What about the vaccine that’s on the

safety and dosing for children. For these

child may not want to drink, so it can

horizon to prevent the spread of COVID-

reasons, parents can have confidence that

take some creativity to get in those fluids.

19? We know that healthcare workers,

a COVID-19 vaccine that is approved for

Popsicles and ice chips as well as small but

teachers, essential workers, the elderly,

children will be safe and effective.

frequent sips throughout the day can help

etc. will be first to be inoculated.

keep your child hydrated.

How long do you think it will be until

Dr. Natalie Teng is a boardcertified pediatrician who

children also will qualify for this

graduated from the University

to illness and does help our body fight

vaccination? As we begin the process

of Notre Dame and the

and recover. If your child has a fever above

of vaccinating certain populations of

101.5 degrees and is active and playful,

adults for COVID-19, many question

medication may not be needed. However,

the timing of vaccinating children.

she served the community of Casa Grande for 14

for higher fevers above 101.5, medication

Studying the vaccines in children is a

years. A mother of three, Dr. Teng lives in Chandler

to treat fever is recommended. As a

separate process, and it will take months

reminder, infants less than 2 months of age

to determine the safety and dosing in

Fever is part of our immune response

University of Illinois. Following her 2001-2004 pediatric residency training at Phoenix Children’s Hospital,

and practices at Desert Shores Pediatrics, where she is on the COVID-19 Task Force.

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


az grown technology


Young kids are obsessed with YouTube, but not its educational videos By Ilana Lowery

EVEN BEFORE THE coronavirus

Sense Media in partnership with the

content study, we saw firsthand what

pandemic sent parents, educators

University of Michigan. Researchers

kids are seeing in many online videos:

and kids online for work, school and

analyzed the YouTube viewing of ages

an abundance of advertising and other

socializing, the amount of time young

0-8, including the quality of content

content that we found disturbing,

kids spent watching online videos had

and pervasive advertising that children

but not much that qualified as truly

doubled since 2017 to an average of 39

see on the main platform — which still


minutes per day in early 2020.

contains vast amounts of content targeted

Online video sites like YouTube and TikTok have officially overtaken any other form of screen time for children

The study shows that watching

to children despite the launch of YouTube

online videos on sites such as

Kids in 2015.

YouTube now constitutes the largest

The analysis found that during their

proportion of children’s total TV and

ages 8 and younger. Common Sense

online video viewing, kids are also seeing

video viewing, and whether they are

Media also found one in five videos

content that’s inappropriate for their

following recommended videos or being

viewed by these children on YouTube

age level, from advertising to violence to

served banner ads, young children are

contained ads that often included

sexual content.

avid users of this platform that was

pervasive and inappropriate advertising,

“This explosion of online video

violence and other questionable content.

viewing matters when we consider

These are among the key findings of

the amount of content children are

originally designed for use by teens and adults, Robb said. Lindsey, a Scottsdale mom who

a new report, Young Kids and YouTube:

exposed to on platforms like YouTube,”

asked that we not use her last name,

How Ads, Toys, and Games Dominate

said Michael Robb, senior director of

rarely lets her children, ages 3 and 5,

Their Viewing, published by Common

research at Common Sense. “In our

go "free for all" and watch YouTube or

12 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com




Common Sense Media and the University of Michigan found only 4

personalities. I have no evidence other than observation, but I notice a negative change in attitude when they’ve watched it," says Lindsey. "If we ever watch YouTube, it’s on a big TV screen that I control and turn off after the video. I find

Sammy Williams of Ahwatukee has a similar observation about her 7-year-old son,


automatically play.”

“The videos change their



it especially unsettling that other videos

Better YouTube channels for kids

YouTube Kids.

percent of the videos young kids reported viewing on YouTube had a

who she says is a “total sweetheart, except

high educational value. That’s unfortunate, because many YouTube

when we let him watch YouTube videos.”

channels do provide interesting, informative and appropriate content for

She likens his behavior during YouTube to a

kids, including these channels reviewed by Common Sense Media.

gambler sitting in front of a slot machine.

Age 3 and up

Age 10 and up

next video is like waiting for the jackpot.

Mother Goose Club: Celebrated videos

Channel Frederator: Fascinating color

It puts him in a trance,” she says. “I rarely

teach preschool skills in songs, rhymes.

commentary for cartoon superfans.

have trouble getting him off other screen

ChuChu TV: Exceptional channel teaches

SoulPancake: Thought-provoking videos

activities, but there’s something about

young kids with songs, rhymes.

have lots of positive messages.

the YouTube video format that makes it

Little Baby Bum: Songs, rhymes and

Life Noggin: Big questions answered


vibrant animation for preschoolers.

through eye-catching graphics.

YouTube, but experts say it’s not rising to

Age 5 and up

Age 11 and up

the top of what kids are consuming.

Khan Academy: Educational videos are an

Studio C: Clean comedy sketches get

exceptional resource for students.

laughs without profanity.

or outrageous content that creators have

Age 6 and up

Age 12 and up

posted to get more views, which leads to

EvanTube HD: Engaging young host shares

Crash Course: Lively hosts, funny images

more ad revenue and getting featured in

a variety of fun content for kids.

bring academic topics to life.

“Getting that dopamine hit of the

Good content for kids does exist on

“In our study, most children were watching the videos with branded products

Minutephysics: Complex STEM topics

recommendation feeds,” said Dr. Jenny Radesky, a developmental behavioral

Age 8 and up

explained with simple sketches.

pediatrician and researcher at Michigan

Barbie: Doll-powered vids promote

SciShow: Answers to serious, silly, and

Medicine C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital

positivity and self-expression.

some sexy science questions.

who co-authored the YouTube report.

HiHo Kids: Diverse, funny cast of kids try new things, meet new people.

Age 14 and up

YouTube to offer positive role models,

Dude Perfect: These guys deliver trick

Tyler Oakley: Sweet, honest Oakley offers

diverse perspectives, or cool creative ideas

shots, clean laughs, fun battles.

messages of acceptance for teens.

“There’s so much potential for

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


Additional study findings in the study Young Kids and YouTube: How Ads, Toys, and Games Dominate Their Viewing, include: •


Young Kids and YouTube





az grown technology

to the young minds that love this platform, but unfortunately those videos were uncommon in our participants’ viewing histories,” she said. According to the report, more than a third (34 percent) of children 8 and younger watch online videos every day, up from 24 percent three years ago, and access to mobile devices is driving much of the growth in online video viewing. Nearly half (46 percent) of 2- to 4-year-olds and more than two-thirds (67 percent) of 5- to 8-year-

Almost half of videos viewed by children younger than age 8 featured or

olds have their own tablet or smartphone.

promoted products for children to buy. Of these videos, 22 percent were

When looking at a sample of videos

considered high in consumerism because they centered on toys, involved

viewed on YouTube, 95 percent of early

YouTubers promoting their own merchandise or prominently featured branded

childhood content included some form of


advertising, and one in five videos viewed by children age 8 and under contained ads

Out of all the different negative content types, children younger than 8 are

that were not age appropriate, Robb said.

most likely to see physical violence, with three in 10 videos containing at least

Those inappropriate ads ranged from violent

mild physical violence. Interpersonal violence, including bullying, meanness,

video games and lingerie to alcohol and

pranking or other manipulative behavior was seen in 20 percent of videos.

politics, he said. Even in age-appropriate

Mild or moderate sexual content was present in about 65 percent of videos.

videos, inappropriate ads appeared 9 percent

Diverse representations and/or positive role modeling were seen in only 24 percent of videos. Although YouTube could potentially be a window into a diverse set of families and perspectives, three out of four videos are missing diverse representations and positive role models.

to 22 percent of the time. The study also found that young children are primarily watching entertainment, not educational content. Almost a quarter of videos were classified

Almost all parents report monitoring their young children’s YouTube use

as educational, though most only

at least somewhat. The 63 percent of parents said they monitor their

touched on basic educational concepts,

child’s YouTube main usage “very much;” 34 percent said they monitor it

or filled the videos with toys or vicarious

“somewhat,” and 3 percent admitted they do not monitor their child’s YouTube

experiences. Only about 4 percent of

usage at all. Co-viewing was least likely during videos in the early elementary

videos had a high educational value.

and tween/teen categories, which contain the highest amounts of violence and consumerism. •

For more information on how parents can better monitor children’s YouTube usage and minimize exposure to inappropriate content, read Common Sense Media’s Ultimate Guide to YouTube, aimed at parents: commonsensemedia. org/blog/parents-ultimate-guide-to-youtube

14 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

Ilana Lowery is the Arizona director for Common Sense Media. She can be reached at ilowery@commonsense.org.

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raisingarizonakids.com/digital-library RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


az grown raising outdoor kids

A bucket list of

NEW YEAR ADVENTURES Story by Lisa Van Loo | Photos by Ron Abler

It’s been really easy to dream lately,

out and play. We did what anybody else

summer, and the one nearest us kept our

with a vaccine being administered and

could have and loved every minute of it —

spirits afloat through the long, hot summer

hope on the horizon that life will return

swimming, fishing and floating.

of 2020.

to some sense of what we knew before the

We’re not sure what we would have

Once it becomes safe enough for

pandemic hit. We mentally escape often,

done without the lake, since many local

reservations, we may be among the first

looking at hot airfare deals and thinking

swimming pools were closed. That’s one

in line to take our crew to experience

— hard — about diving in and taking

thing we’ll be looking forward to in the

Antelope Canyon near Page in northern

advantage of screaming discounts.

new year — returning to the various city

Arizona. We visited without them a

pools we love for different reasons, be it

few years ago, and a photo hanging

craving to fly and found alternative escapes.

the high dive or the lazy river or the side-

in our family room has captured the

The beach was kind to us over the summer

by-side twisty slides that let you race to the

kids’ attention ever since. Without an

when guidelines allowed us to visit, while

finish. Without a pool of our own in the

opportunity to see it this year, it makes

local trails and lakes fed our desire to get

backyard, city pools are our reprieve in the

us even more eager to see it once tours

For the most part, we’ve ignored the

16 January 2021


become available again. While we’re there, we’ll stop at nearby Horseshoe Bend. We kayaked and camped down along the river without the kids just before Thanksgiving (which was incredible), but the kids haven’t had a chance to see the overlook. And they want to. Lowell Observatory, in Flagstaff, has been on our list for a while now, too. So, once indoor activities are a little more safe,

2021 travel bucket list

we’d love the opportunity to get up there and get a better look at the universe — or

With coronavirus vaccinations underway, there’s a good chance families will be able to

at least as much as we can see. Camping

enjoy traveling in 2021. This is a great month to start your own bucket list of Arizona (find

gives us a pretty spectacular view of the

more inspiration at visitarizona.com) and out-of-state travel destinations. Here’s what we

night sky, but we’re pretty sure Lowell

plan to explore as soon as possible.

could get us a little closer. Across state lines, we’d love to get

ANTELOPE CANYON — This slot canyon east of Page in northern Arizona sits inside

back to southern Utah and spend more

Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park, and guided tours are mandatory. The sandstone

time exploring there. There are so many

canyon, known for its wave-like appearance, is a much-photographed and beloved state

slot canyons to see and so many parks to

landmark. navajonationparks.org/tribal-parks/lake-powell/

experience, most notably Canyonlands National Park, which we haven’t yet gotten

HORSESHOE BEND — Another much photographed state landmark, Horseshoe Bend is

a chance to see.

where the Colorado River bends around a sandstone canyon near Page. It’s inside Glen

And finally, we continue to dream of Yosemite National Park in central

Canyon National Recreation Area and accessible via a short hike from a Page parking lot. nps.gov/glca/planyourvisit/horseshoe-bend.htm

California. We were ready to go this year, campsite reservation in hand, only to learn

LOWELL OBSERVATORY — This observatory was established in 1894 on a mesa

of the campground’s closure early in the

overlooking downtown Flagstaff and is credited with the discovery of Pluto. In addition

pandemic. We’ll try again, though, and get

to being a family friendly tourism destination, the observatory is an independent, non-

in there at some point. The kids won’t let

profit research institution. Lowell.edu

us hear the end of it, and we can’t seem to stop dreaming about it. Lisa Van Loo is a Gilbert freelance journalist. Ron Abelar is an avid outdoorsman and photographer. Together, they are parenting five children. Follow them on Instagram @ RaisingOutdoorKids

CANYONLANDS NATIONAL PARK — Located in southeastern Utah near Moab, this

park is known for its colorful landscape of canyons, mesas and buttes eroded by the Colorado and Green rivers. nps.gov/cany YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK — Located in central California, this 1,200 square mile

park features waterfalls, deep valleys, grand meadows, ancient giant sequoias and a vast wilderness area. nps.gov/yose

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


Q&A with

SARA WYFFELS, Arizona’s 2021 Teacher of the Year

IF THERE’S EVER been a time to celebrate teachers,

it’s now. Parents struggling to get kids to pay attention to online school see firsthand how important teachers are in the life of a child. And the thousands of teachers who have kept kids

By RAK staff

learning and engaged through a global pandemic and entirely new “classroom” structures and teaching methods deserve a medal! As most of Arizona’s teachers were working to reach kids through a computer screen, Sara Wyffels became Arizona’s 2021 Teacher of the

18 January 2021


Year. The Chandler High School Spanish teacher grew up in a Seattle suburb, studied Spanish at Western Washington University and earned a Master of Arts in teaching from the University of Portland. We caught up with her just before winter break, and found teaching for Chandler Online Academy hasn’t diminished her

think overall students learned new skills, and that they’ll be

love for the job. Overall, she thinks all students have learned new

OK? Personally, I do not view the scenario this year as a loss of

online skills and responsibility that will benefit them forever,

learning at all, but as a loss of opportunities. There is learning

and has found a silver lining in new technology that helps

from this year that will benefit our students for the rest of

enhance learning.

their lives. My third-grader and fifth-grader have learned more

Here’s what else Wyffels has been thinking about as she

responsibility this year than any other.

embarks (if the pandemic allows) on a year of speeches, events and appearances across the state.

The Arizona Educational Foundation says “Everyone’s story includes a teacher.” Who was the most influential teacher in

Has there ever been a more difficult year for teachers than

your life? My junior high teachers were the most impactful in

2020? How are you coping? This is true. What has been most

my life. I always felt challenged by them, but simultaneously

disheartening is seeing educators left out of decisions that

I was accepted for who I was, and I was encouraged to be myself.

directly affect our classrooms, our work and our lives. I focus on what I can control or change and on using my voice.

What made you want to be a teacher? I decided that I wanted to share the power of human connections with younger people,

What’s been the biggest challenge of virtual classes? Have

because I believe that we can do better. We can use language

you found any silver lining? I am teaching for Chandler

to understand one another and foster a more peaceful and

Online Academy, so I am teaching completely remotely. The

empathetic world.

biggest challenge is that there have been students I haven’t been able to reach at all. My silver lining is the technology. There

Studying abroad in college had a big impact on you. What was

are pieces that have enhanced teaching and learning that I will

that experience like? I wish every student could have a study

hang on to forever!

abroad experience. I lived with a family and took college courses in Segovia, Spain. I learned that humans all want similar things:

What can you tell parents and teachers who are feeling

safety and love. It was also my first experience understanding

burned out with virtual classes? Find ways to make human

how people from the United States are viewed in the world. It

connections. Come together with other parents and teachers who

was a mirror to my identity and my humanity; it will always be

are in the same boat, share and support each other in this way.

one of the best times of my life.

Together, we can creatively problem solve. What’s been your proudest moment as an educator? Some kids haven't thrived online, even as teachers went above

Achieving my National Board Certification is a

and beyond to keep students learning and engaged. Are you

professional landmark for me. It solidified my

worried about a loss of learning on a larger scale, or do you

identity as an expert in my profession, and

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


What would you tell a college student who is interested in becoming a teacher, but worried about things like pay and workload? We need you amazing young people in our profession! For us to sustain this work, we have to prepare for advocacy work, be reflective, and draw boundaries and hold to them. Those of us who are veterans have a responsibility to mentor our young teachers. What’s your main message as you travel (hopefully this year!) in your Teacher of the Year role? Let’s leave “normal” behind us. “Normal” was not working for all students; we can do better than “normal.” Let’s look at our educational systems, bring stakeholders together with educators and equity at the center, and make some different decisions about how we proceed forward and renew systems to be more equitable and inclusive for all students. You’ve taught Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes. Can you explain what the IB program is all about? I love IB, because the learning is circular and the process is continuous and reflective, which is what I believe

connected. It is based on the idea that we are global citizens,

teaching should be always!

and that we are responsible for reflecting on our own humanity while learning about ideas and places that are not our own, thus

What’s been your biggest challenge as a teacher? Having

creating a more understanding world.

people who have never done your job make decisions, policies and mandates about how it should be done. I look forward to

Anything you’d like to add? I would just like to add that if

working with our community to include teachers as decision

you do not know more than one language, I encourage you

makers in school districts.

to think about learning one. It is good for your brain, and it benefits our society as a whole, because it not only gives

What are the biggest challenges for Arizona educators right

us opportunities to share more with others, it gives us more

now? The teacher shortage is very concerning to me. I am worried

opportunities to listen to others.

about the toll it takes on existing teachers and the effect it will have on our students. We need to work with our state government to improve teacher salaries [and] professional development opportunities and increase funding to public education.

20 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

Learn more about the Arizona Teacher of the Year awards at azedfoundation.org/teacherof-the-year

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For 30 years, we’ve been right there with local families during both the good and challenging times. FREE weekly eNewsletter: raisingarizonakids.com/newsletter Calendar of family events: raisingarizonakids.com/calendar

RaisingARIZONAKids RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


REVIVING the lost art of


Local Pen Pal Life founder Colleen Schwab wants to help teens to retirees slow down and connect through the written word By Kara G. Morrison

22 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com


nce the pandemic hit, Scottsdale

Are you a frequent letter writer? I am a letter writer, and had

entrepreneur Colleen Schwab started ramping up work

a pen pal when I was younger. My career has been built around

on a new side venture where she connects everyone from teens to

marketing and communications, creating the foundation to

retirees with pen pals in other states and countries. She founded

emotionally connect messages to the intended receiver. While I love

Pen Pal Life with the goal of reviving the lost art of letter writing

technology, and it has enabled career success, I yearn for moments

and helping people really connect, at a time when so many feel

in life that are different, emotional and make you pause. For me and

isolated and alone. Pen Pal Life (penpal.life) currently boasts

many others, letter writing is what enables that to happen.

nearly 130 customers from across the globe. Schwab, an Arizona State grad who is also senior vice

What are the benefits of letter writing vs. emails, Facebook,

president of marketing and communications for the Greater

etc.? The pandemic taught us all a lesson in perspective and

Phoenix Economic Council, cites many reasons letter writing is

really made it obvious that social media is a way to connect, but it

preferable to email, Facebook posts and our social media world.

doesn’t actually provide real connection. There is more technology

“While I love technology, and it has enabled career success, I

available today than ever before, but the rates of loneliness

yearn for moments in life that are different, emotional and make

are increasing. Younger people report higher rates of anxiety

you pause,” she explains. “For me and many others, letter writing

and depression as well. But, interestingly, research shows that

is what enables that to happen.”

loneliness may subside for younger adults when they reduce their

One surprise? Pen Pal Life has attracted a large number of

social media usage. Letter writing also comes with added benefits.

20- and 30-year-olds, who are drawn to a more meaningful

It has been proven to make you happier. Taking the time to put

form of communication than social media. During a busy

pen to paper affirms the importance of a relationship. It’s cathartic

holiday season, Schwab helped explain the retro-cool draw of a

to slow down and be intentional about what you’re saying, and

pen pal, and why learning to slow down during this pandemic

the end result of writing a letter is that the receiver will smile at

has been a good thing.

the mailbox. Everyone’s inbox is [so] bombarded by emails that it is hard to find meaning and purpose in the endless scrolling.

You were thinking of “simpler times” when you came up with

Receiving a letter is a heartfelt novelty that leaves a lasting impact.

this idea? I grew up on a hobby farm in Minnesota. My days were

This feeling can never be replaced by technology.

spent feeding a baby calf before school, planting flower bulbs in early fall and spending as much time in my garden as possible. As

What ages are signing up for Pen Pal Life? We have customers

we all get older, life gets busier, so we have to be intentional about

aged 13-57, with the most common age group being people in

how we create those “simpler times” for ourselves. The pandemic

their 20s and 30s. This trend has surprised me. Prior to launching,

forced us to not fill our time with going out, shopping in brick

many people anticipated this would be a program for people who

and mortar stores and seeing our family or friends freely. So many

were retired. But that’s not what we’re seeing. Our customer base

forces aligned to enable the model of Pen Pal Life to become a

is growing, and we’re currently working with 128 pen pals from

success during these times.

across the globe.

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


Pen Pal Life This local company connects people around the globe to pen pals with common interests for $5-$8 per month.

Email hello@penpal.life

or call 602-780-3047.

You’ve said Pen Pal Life is a great “slow parenting” trend for getting kids to step away from technology and connect with someone in writing. Can you elaborate? Slow parenting or the slow movement is all about slowing down the pace of life, and letter writing is an opportunity to do just that. For kids, there are many advantages to writing letters. With technology, everything is so immediate. With letter writing, it is a process that takes time. One must put pen to paper, write the letter, lick the envelope, place the stamp, drop it in the mailbox and then wait. This lesson can be applied to many areas of life, setting up a child for future success. Letter writing is also shown to increase memory and understanding by activating the brain in ways that typing cannot replicate.

also seen trust between people and business decrease, and that is largely due to the increase in technology and people not always

What percentage of your clients are kids, and is there a

offering up their true self in the digital world. Also during the

minimum or recommended age? This is an area of our business

pandemic, our homes have never been more sacred. They house

we hope to build partnerships around in 2021. When a minor

our most precious possessions, whether that be our kids, family,

contacts us requesting a pen pal, we request that we speak with

friends or prized possessions. Not sharing your home address

their parent or guardian in advance to add a layer of security

with a stranger provides you one less thing to stress about. With

to the process. While I know this is one more thing to do for

Pen Pal Life, you still have the opportunity to connect with

already busy parents, it is a critical step that we’re passionate

someone from across the globe [without having] to share your

about. All kids that we have been contacted by so far are based

home address. There’s a sense of calm, excitement and freedom

in the United States.

that comes from that.

A big part of Pen Pal Life is connecting pen pals while keeping

How are you screening applicants, and do you ever read any

home addresses anonymous. Why is that? While crime rates

of the letters to make sure content is appropriate? Our pen

in the U.S. have decreased since 1990 in most major cities, we’ve

pal match form asks for a bit of information about the person

24 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

and desired traits of their ideal match. We do our best to connect

tell you to let that go, because at the heart of letter writing is

people that appear to have similar interests. Just like developing

your true self. It is all about authenticity, so don’t get so caught

friends, having some commonalities enables a connection to be

up on making sure every word is spelled perfectly, or that

formed more easily. We do not read the letters that come in due to

your grammar is without error, or that your letter structure

wanting that relationship between the two people that opted into

is what you think it should be. Letter writing also affords

it. Our open door policy does encourage any of our pen pals to

us the opportunity to provide context to the moments that

come to us if there is an area of concern.

happen in our lives or the thoughts we’re having. With our technology devices, we’re accustomed to giving the

What are you hearing from customers? Our customers all have different motivations for wanting to write letters. Some seek nostalgia, some are intrigued by something they’ve never done before, some are wanting a break from social media, and others just want to see the world

Cliff Notes of life. When you sit down to write a

"It has been

PROVEN to make you HAPPIER."

through someone else’s eyes slowly. Many also find that letter writing is a creative outlet and

letter, think about the context that helps you visualize the story like when you’re reading a book. In those happy moments, this will help you commit those moments to memory. With those challenging stories to write, putting it to paper can help to release the emotions tied to the situation. While I say all of this, know that it is 100

percent OK to start slow. Write a short letter that is maybe

they create a routine around writing. Whether that be having a

just a sentence or two, maybe a paragraph. The important thing

glass of wine, sipping a cup of tea or watching the sunrise, letter

is to put pen to paper. I guarantee whoever you’re sending that

writing is an individualized process that can be done where wifi

letter to will be thankful you did.

doesn’t exist. What would you like to add? We know that not everyone is Can you share any personal experiences with letters through

interested in having a long-term pen pal. We also know that

Pen Pal Life? Every person that opts into a pen pal relationship

writing down words on paper can be an emotional release,

is an emotional process for me because I’m humbled that people

cathartic and fun. So we also recently created The Random

seek to meet someone new via letter writing. One memorable

Letter Project. This is an opportunity that for free, you can

moment is when I was contacted by a woman seeking a pen

write a letter with your thoughts, confessions, life story, or story

pal for her uncle. He is 78 years old, recently widowed, plays

about how your kid made you smile and send it off. You’ll then

the handbells and delivers meals on wheels. She said he enjoys

get one letter back from someone doing the same. This won’t

writing letters and hoped that finding someone to connect with

be an ongoing pen pal, but sort of a random moment to get a

via letters would give him something fun to look forward to.

random letter without ever having to reveal your home address

That’s really what we’re all about — smiling at the mailbox and

or personally identifiable information. We invite everyone to

saving letter writing.

try it out and smile at the mailbox while learning a snippet of someone else’s life. You never know what you might read!

Do you have any tips for effective letter writing — to a pen pal or even to a friend or family member? Many people almost

Kara G. Morrison is the editor of Raising Arizona Kids and the mother of Sofia (8).

get intimidated by the process of letter writing, but I’m here to

Reach her at kara@rakmagazine.com.

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


family time!

Zoo Lights (Nov. 7-Jan. 31).

JANUARY TOP EVENTS NOTE: Because last-minute schedule changes can occur, please confirm dates and times on event websites. Find more extensive day-by-day event listings at raisingarizonakids.com/calendar Send calendar information to familytime@RAKmagazine.com

26 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

NOV. 7-JAN. 31: ZooLights. For the first time in its history, see ZooLights from the comfort of your own car on select nights, or walk through to see the millions of twinkling holiday lights and dazzling animal sculptures. The Africa Trail and all-new Wildlife Lantern Safari feature polar bears, mammoths, koalas, kangaroos and more. 5:30-10:30 p.m. Purchase Cruise Zoolights tickets in advance. Cruise-through: $75/carload ($60 for members). Walk-through: $16-$20 per person. Kettle corn, hot cocoa, souvenir photos and select glow items for sale. 455 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix. phoenixzoo.org

NOV. 14-JAN. 3: Lights at the Farm. Vertuccio Farms’ holiday lights show runs 5:30-10 p.m. nightly, with ice skating, a 10-foot snowman, ceramic elves, reindeer and a life-size nativity scene. Limited capacity to observe social distancing. On-leash dogs are welcome. $13 at gate ($10 on select dates), $11 online, free for ages 2 and younger. $8 skating ($5 on select dates). 4011 S. Power Road, Mesa. 480-882-1482 or vertucciofarms.com or lightsatthefarm.com

JAN. 2: The Three Little Pigs. The famous big bad (but not so smart) wolf visits three little pigs during this Great Arizona Puppet Theater drive-in performance. $40 per vehicle ($30 for members); tickets must be purchased before 5 p.m. the day before the show. Great Arizona Puppet Theater, 302 W. Latham St., Phoenix. 602-262-2050 or azpuppets.org

JAN. 4: The Musical Instrument Museum launches a Spring 2021 video collection for students. Explore STEM-based field trips and experience a virtual concert with rapper @MegaRan. $2 per student. https://mim.org/field-trips/virtual-field-trip-andPHOENIX ZOO



“Big Rig Rescue!” Changing Hands Bookstore Zoppé: An Italian Family Circus (Dec. 26-Jan.10) in Tempe.

presents a virtual family event featuring Tucson author Chris Gall, creator of the Dinotrux books, now a Netflix series. In his newest children’s

NOV. 27-JAN. 10

book, “Big Rig Rescue!” (hardcover, $17.95),

Holiday Lights at McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park. Scottsdale’s train park has extended its train ride through

Gall presents readers with a fresh perspective

a holiday lights display. See it 6-9:30 p.m. nightly (except Dec. 24-25 and 31) through Jan. 10. $15 includes train and

on wreckers, tools, towing, and teamwork.

carousel rides and access to the holiday photo pod garden; free for ages 2 and younger with paying adult. The event


will feature one-hour blocks at 6 p.m., 7:15 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., and rides will be at 50 percent capacity to allow for social distancing. Masks are required. 7301 E. Indian Bend Road, Scottsdale. 480-312-2312 or therailroadpark.com/ holidaylights

JAN. 9-10: Jack and the Beanstalk. A drive-in puppet show about a brave little boy, a giant and an overgrown

DEC. 26-JAN. 10:

beanstalk. 10 a.m. Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday. $40

Zoppé: An Italian Family Circus. An old-world Italian traditional circus production, this year with a Covid twist: It

per vehicle ($30 for members); tickets must be

takes place in an elevated traditional circus ring with the audience safely watching from their own vehicles. The Big

purchased before 5 p.m. the day before the show.

Top and a large LED screen are suspended in air to allow greater viewing of acrobats, equestrian showmanship, canine

Great Arizona Puppet Theater, 302 W. Latham St.,

capers, clowns and more. Times vary. $49-$199/carload. Big Surf, 1500 N. McClintock Dr., Tempe. zoppe.net

Phoenix. 602-262-2050 or azpuppets.org

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


family time! JANUARY TOP EVENTS JAN. 9-30: Dog Days at Desert Botanical Garden. Enjoy a “pawsitively” perfect morning stroll through the Garden as you and your pup explore the beauty and sniffs of the trails. 8-11 a.m. Saturdays. $9.95-$29.95. 1201 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix. 480-941-1225 or dbg.org

JAN 16: Itty Bitty Open. The Junior Golf Association of Arizona hosts this 33rd annual free event at numerous Valley-wide locations. Kids ages 3-5 years and their parents can participate in clinics at 9, 10 or 11 a.m. to learn basic golf skills of golf taught by qualified PGA and LPGA professionals. Then, kids participate in fun-filled, non-competitive golf games and tournaments. Each golfer receives a set of plastic golf clubs, balls, a bag and a visor. An adult “caddie” must accompany each golfer. A special contest with prizes will be held at each session for the Best Dressed Golfer and Caddie Team. Space is limited. Sign up before Jan. 11. 602-944-6168 or jgaa.org/news/itty-bittyopen-set-for-january-16-2021

Old Macdonald. There’s lots of zany barnyard fun to be had with Old MacDonald and his farm animal friends during a drive-in performance of this this funny, sing-along show. $40 per vehicle ($30 for members); tickets must be purchased before 5 p.m. the day before the show. Great Arizona Puppet Theater, 302 W. Latham St., Phoenix. 602-262-2050 or azpuppets.org

JAN. 16-18: Empty Bowls. Stop by any Arizona As You Wish pottery painting studio and paint a ceramic bowl to be donated to Tempe Empty Bowls, a local organization that brings awareness and provides assistance to the hungry in our community. Bowls painted will be sold at Tempe Empty Bowls on Feb. 27 to raise

Dog Days at Desert Botanical Garden (Jan. 9-30).

28 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com


funds for United Food Bank and Tempe Community Action Agency. Bowls are $12, and As You Wish will waive studio fees. asyouwishpottery.com

JAN. 18: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day March. Celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The march typically begins at 9 a.m. at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, 1401 E. Jefferson St. in Phoenix, and concludes with speakers at Margaret T. Hance Park. Details TBA. azmlk.org

JAN. 19-APRIL 25 Wind, Water and Earth. Natasha Lisitsa and Daniel Schultz of Waterlily Pond Studio make their public garden debut with Wind, Water and Earth — an exhibit of largescale living sculptures at the Desert Botanical Garden. The San Francisco-based wife-and-husband duo combine the emotion of flowers with fascinating structures of industrial materials. Their work has been commissioned by modern art museums, cathedrals, public spaces and cultural organizations globally. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. $9.95-$29.95. 1201 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix. 480-941-1225 or dbg.org

JAN. 20: Getting to Know the Birds Around You! Learn how to

all throughout Jacob’s Crosscut Trail in Lost Dutchman State Park. 9 a.m. Pre-register early by calling 480-982-4485. Masks are required and binoculars are recommended. Program is free, but $7 park entry fee still applies. 6109 N. Apache Trail, Apache Junction. azstateparks.com

JAN. 23-24:


distinguish between birds and seek out hawks to hummingbirds

Getting to Know the Birds Around You! (Jan. 20).

JAN. 30: Doggie Street Festival is one of the largest adopt-a-thons and pet celebrations. Friendly pets and their

Cinderella. Great Arizona Puppet Theater presents a

owners can discover favorite pet products and services and enjoy yummy treats, vet tips, a kids area and

drive-up performance of this story about a beautiful girl,

entertainment. Bring your own friendly dog! 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free. Steele Indian School Park, 300 E. Indian

a wicked step-family, a fairy godmother, a handsome

School Road, Phoenix. doggiestreetfestival.org

prince and transparent footwear 10 a.m. Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday. $40 per vehicle ($30 for members); tickets must

Little Red Riding Hood. The Big Bad Wolf is up to no good and Little Red Riding Hood is in trouble during

be purchased before 5 p.m. the day before the show. Great

this drive-up puppet show full of music, fun and excitement. 10 a.m. $40 per vehicle ($30 for members); tickets

Arizona Puppet Theater, 302 W. Latham St., Phoenix. 602-

must be purchased before 5 p.m. the day before the show. Great Arizona Puppet Theater, 302 W. Latham St.,

262-2050 or azpuppets.org

Phoenix. 602-262-2050 or azpuppets.org

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


first person

Finding the words By Sheri Smith

30 January 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com


pajamas, tossing aside our cloth masks and

imagine myself saying as I rise from bed

hand sanitizers. We will hug each other

on Jan. 1, 2021. I want to believe that the

tentatively as we whisper into one another’s

world I wake up to in the new year will feel

ears, “It was all just a dream, right?”

different, filled with sunshine and hope

Only it wasn’t.

and rejuvenation — that 2020 will fade

The year 2020 was a gut-wrenching,

away like a bad dream. “Well, that was weird,” I imagine us

soul-crushing series of disappointments and tragedies. And the residual effects of

saying. Smiling. Shaking our heads in

that year will linger well into 2021 and

disbelief. As we finally emerge from our

beyond. We will have to face the fact that

we have lost so many of our friends and

accompanied by sweet baked goods and coffee.

family, missed so many celebrations, put so many dreams on hold. I think most of us will agree that, as a

during this time of isolation from the outside world, I also discovered a few

Apnapan (Hindi) Having a quality where you

words that describe the life I look forward

accept people, think of them as your own,

to experiencing again someday:

whole, 2020 was a bust. But is that all it

take care of the ones you love — not for

was? If we are honest with ourselves, we

anything in return.

Flaneur (French) A person who strolls the city in order to experience it: Deliberately aimless.

would probably have to say no. We were thrust into uncharted territory in our lives,

Tsundoku (Japanese) The act of acquiring

for sure, with things we once took for

books that then pile up, often unread, in one’s

Feierabend (German) Literally “evening

granted suddenly denied. But in those new


celebration”; the festive mood that can arrive at the end of a working day.

turbulent waters, we discovered something too — about ourselves, about our

Merak (Serbian) A feeling of bliss and the

priorities, about what is truly meaningful

sense of oneness with the universe that

Sobremesa (Spanish) When the food has

and what it means to survive.

comes from the simplest of pleasures, the

finished, but the conversation is still flowing,

pursuit of small, daily pleasures that all add up

so you hang out, talk, laugh, cry, connect and

to a great sense of happiness and fulfillment.

spend time together.

didn’t accomplish as much as I thought

Fernweh (German) An ache for distant

Desbundar (Portuguese) Shedding one’s

I would with so much more time on

places; missing places you’ve never been:

inhibitions in having fun.

my hands, but what I did achieve was a

Craving for travel.

Some of the things I learned in 2020 I don’t have a name for. I discovered sides to myself that I didn’t know existed. I

Samar (Arabic) Staying up late and having

deeper understanding of who I am and what I’m made of. One of the things I learned is how limited the English language is in describing

Anam Cara (Gaelic) A person with whom you can share your deepest thoughts, feelings, and dreams with, your soul friend.


some of the feelings I unearthed in the

And here is the one I wish to return to most of all:

darkest days of a global pandemic. So I

Lagom (Swedish) Being in perfect balance; just

looked to other cultures for words that feel

the right amount; not too much, not too little.

Piliriqatigiinniq (Inuit) Togetherness, community spirit, working together for the

more relevant to the 2020 experience. Here is some of the new vocabulary I learned:

conversations with friends or family.

Duende (Spanish) The mysterious power of

common good.

art to deeply move a person. Mysa (Swedish) To engage in an activity that

Here’s to 2021. May we learn from

is comfortable and pleasurable, especially at

Ukiyo (Japanese) Living in the moment,

the past and bring a better version of

home, being content and cozy.

detached from the bothers of life: The

ourselves into the future.

floating world. Cheers!

Mizpah (Hebrew) The deep emotional bond between people, especially those separated by

Metanoia (Greek) The journey of changing

distance or death.

one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life: Spiritual conversion.

Sheri Smith, freelance writer and mother of two, lives in Scottsdale.

Fika (Swedish) A moment to slow down and appreciate the good things in life, usually

Although I have learned a lot about myself

RaisingARIZONAKids.com January 2021


Every Every

YEAR is the

with you

best one


CHEERS many more! more! mo to

Happy New Year, friends! RaisingARIZONAKids your partner on the parenting path

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