COLLIDE a perfectly elastic collision
everyday collisions natural collisions sPorts collisions auto collisions aFterMatH
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How do you Perceive a collision?
Thinking of collisions in different ways has sparked a notion for me. Looking at the different elements around and seeing how they impact one another. The force of two hands coming together or even a drip off a spoon into a cup of tea. The collision of a racket and a ball meeting together
becoming racquetball. The collisions that we never think twice about happen all the time. Taking the idea of a car collision being the first thought and reversing to think of just objects in general coming together with great force is one that will change the mind forever.
everyday collisions
The everyday collision isn’t the most extreme collision, but more so the collision that you forget about after an hour. It’s ultimately the collision that never really happened. Running into another person happens all the time, especially in crowded areas. Most everyday collisions can be harmful to both the person as well as the location of the collision. No matter how common the collision is the outcome is often worse than the initial impact. Slipping on a wet floor, falling from a chair or ladder, even something as simple as a cut to finger or other body part can be a nightmare for the person who mopped the floor with no signage, or the employer who asked the employee to screw in a new lightbulb or open a box with a box cutter.
Workman’s compensation or even a lawsuit can take place if the injuries sustained by the individual are serious. Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee’s right to sue his or her employer for the tort of negligence. The trade-off between assured, limited coverage and lack of recourse outside the worker compensation system is known as “the compensation bargain”. One of the problems that the compensation bargain solved is the problem of employers becoming insolvent as a result of high damage awards. The system of collective liability was created to prevent that, and thus to ensure security of compensation to the workers. Individual immunity is the necessary corollary to collective liability.
While plans differ among jurisdictions, provision can be made for weekly payments in place of wages (functioning in this case as a form of disability insurance), compensation for economic loss (past and future), reimbursement or payment of medical and like expenses (functioning in this case as a form of health insurance), and benefits payable to the dependents of workers killed during employment (functioning in this case as a form of life insurance). General damage for pain and suffering, and punitive damages for employer negligence, are generally not available in workers’ compensation plans, and negligence is generally not an issue in the case. These laws were first enacted in Europe and Oceania, with the United States following thereafter.
The collisions between animals is second nature to them. They often do it as a sign of strength or just a to entertain themselves. Just as humans often “play fight�, animals have the same connection with one another.
natural collisions
Natural collisions take place all over. Growing up in the south suburbs of Chicago, I have seen different types of weather take place. Even though they all have a collision of some sort, none compares to the impact of hail onto a vehicle or any object in its path. The damage done is a nightmare for homeowners and drivers. The same goes for storms that take place and cause nature to collide with the things we work so hard for. The impact can be a horrible sight, the damage , the cost and the need to sometimes start over, nature can really be a headache to deal with.You take the good with the bad.
Major impact events have significantly shaped Earth’s history, having been implicated in the formation of the Earth– Moon system, the evolutionary history of life, the origin of water on Earth, and several mass extinctions. Impact structures are the result of impact events on solid objects and, as the dominant landforms on many of the System’s solid objects, present the most solid evidence of prehistoric events. Notable impact events include the Late Heavy Bombardment, which occurred early in history of the Earth–Moon system, and the Chicxulub impact, 66 million years ago, believed to be the cause of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.
Throughout recorded history, hundreds of Earth impacts (and exploding bolides) have been reported, with some occurrences causing deaths, injuries, property damage, or other significant localized consequences. One of the best-known recorded impacts in modern times was the Tunguska event, which occurred in Siberia, Russia, in 1908. The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor event is the only known such incident in modern times to result in a large number of injuries, excluding the 1490 Ch’ing-yang event in China, and the Chelyabinsk meteor is the largest recorded object to have encountered the Earth since the Tunguska event.
nice Play or serious inJury?
At our core, human beings are a savage bunch. So when we see violent collisions, it really gets our blood pumping. How else do you explain Philadelphia Eagles fans cheering with glee seeing someone laying on the ground hurt? Or hollering like a wild man when I see blood shed after one person crashing into another?
Current medical terminology in the United States uses the term collision sport to refer to sports like rugby, roller derby, American football, ice hockey, and lacrosse, the term contact sport to refer to sports such as soccer and basketball, and the term limited-contact sport to sports like squash and baseball.
sPorts collisions
In collision sports (eg, boxing, ice hockey, [American] football, lacrosse, and rodeo), athletes purposely hit or collide with each other or with inanimate objects with great force. In contact sports athletes routinely make contact with each other or inanimate objects but usually with less force than in collision sports. In limitedcontact sports, contact with other athletes or with inanimate objects is infrequent or inadvertent. Many sports will penalize contact with rules for certain situations or instances to help reduce the incidence of physical trauma or litigation for assault or grievous bodily harm. Many sports involve a degree
of player-to-player or player-to-object contact. The term “contact sport� is used in both team sports and combat activities, medical terminology and television game shows, such as American Gladiators and Wipe-out, to certain degrees. Contact between players is often classed by different grades ranging from non-contact, where there is no contact between players, to full-contact or collision sports, where the rules allow for significant physical contact. Injuries in some contact sports have been fatal. Injury rates in professional rugby league are higher than in some other contact sports.
A (full) contact sport is any sport for which significant physical impact force on players, either deliberate or incidental, is allowed for within the rules of the game. Contact actions include tackling, blocking and a whole range of other moves that can differ substantially in their rules and degree of application. A semi-contact sport is typically a combat sport involving striking and containing physical contact between the combatants simulating fullpower techniques. The techniques are restricted to limited power, and rendering the opponent unconscious is forbidden. Some semi-contact sports use a point system to determine the winner and use extensive protective gear to protect the athletes from injury. Examples of semi-contact sports include karate, Kalaripayattu, kickboxing, various Chinese
martial arts that incorporate contact rules sparring, and kendo. Another indicator of a semi-contact martial arts competition system is that after a point is rewarded the adversaries will be separated and resume the match from safe distance, but often it is possible to argue if some martial arts sports belong in one contact group or another. Limited-contact sports are sports for which the rules are specifically designed to prevent contact between players either intentionally or unintentionally. Contact can still happen, but penalties are often used to disallow substantial contact between players. These penalties, including physically removing players from the field of play, mean that contact is moderate or rare.
The physics behind billiards (or the physics behind pool), in large part, involves collisions between billiard balls. When two billiard balls collide the collision is nearly elastic. An elastic collision is one in which the kinetic energy of the system is conserved before and after impact. Therefore, for simplicity one can assume that for collisions involving billiard balls, the collision is perfectly elastic.
Once the bowling ball hits some pins, it sends those pins into more pins, those pins into more pins, and so on. Because of this kinetic insanity, strikes are almost as unique as snow flakes (but twice as pretty). Each interaction between two or more pins and/or the ball is an elastic collision. The pins bounce against one another because their momentum is conserved during the collision(s).
For collisions between balls, momentum is always conserved (just like in any other collision). For a simplified case assuming no friction (discussed below), we can combine this fact with the elastic-collision assumption to find the trajectory of two colliding billiard balls after impact. The figure below shows a collision between two billiard balls. For the general case, the collision is not head on, which is what the figure shows.
To achieve the most pin action, the bowler must put plenty of energy into the system and also find a direction of impact to efficiently distribute the kinetic energy. During pin action, some of the energy is transformed into sound. First, there must be lots of pin action to be producing all of those collision sounds; second, the bowler is very strong, has thrown the ball parallel to the horizon, and has hit the pins at an angle capable of distributing the kinetic energy efficiently.
“Pin action”, a.k.a. “pins erupting into chaos”, is caused by elastic collisions.
When they meet at a high speed it is then that the collision has occurred. The force of the objects coming together creates the collision.
auto collisions
Line of impact – It is the line which is common normal for surfaces are closest or in contact during impact. This is the line along which internal force of collision acts during impact and Newton’s coefficient of restitution is defined along this line. The motion behind most collisions is pretty evident when you see the actual impact of the two objects. Watching as they come together to essentially become one object. Most collisions are spontaneous and unexpected and give the collision more meaning and feeling behind them.
A bus accident isn’t anything like a car (or even a truck) accident. In addition to the numerous safety regulations that govern bus companies and their drivers, crashes often result from underlying medical conditions, like untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea, that most lawyers either overlook or don’t have the experience or resources to prove. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations establish strict rules that govern the number of hours a bus driver can spend driving and on duty. These same regulations also expressly prohibit bus companies from allowing bus drivers to drive while they’re fatigue OR when they are likely to become fatigued. Train accidents are frequently the culmination of a sequence of events, and a variety of conditions or circumstances that may have contributed to its occurrence and have met the dollar criteria for reporting.
Five types of train accidents. 1.track, roadbed and structure - Roadbed - Track Geometry 2. signal and communication 3.train operation – Human Factor - Use of Brakes - Employee Physical Condition - Flagging, Hand & Radio Signals 4. Mechanical and electrical Failures - Brakes - Trailer or Container on Flatcar 5. Miscellaneous causes - Environment Conditions - Loading Procedures - Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Accidents
News of any terrible air accident instantly raises questions about aircraft safety and the threat of terrorism. What we do know is that there are several causes that are more likely to occur than any other. Pilot error As aircraft have become more reliable, the proportion of crashes caused by pilot error has increased and now stands at around 50%. Mechanical failure Equipment failures still account for around 20% of aircraft losses, despite improvements in design and manufacturing quality. weather Bad weather accounts for around 10% of aircraft losses. Despite a plethora of
electronic aids like gyroscopic compasses, satellite navigation and weather data uplinks, aircraft still founder in storms, snow and fog. sabotage About 10% of aircraft losses are caused by sabotage. As with lightning strikes, the risk posed by sabotage is much less than many people seem to believe. other forms of human error The remaining losses are attributed to other types of human error, like mistakes made by air traffic controllers, dispatchers, loaders, fuellers or maintenance engineers. Sometimes required to work long shifts, maintenance engineers can make potentially catastrophic mistakes.
are you covered?
After most collisions there are injuries, damage and even money spent. When two cars come together we know that there will have to be repairs done or even another vehicle purchased. With other objects like glasses or everyday things, there really isn’t any repair done just automatic purchasing. When you have humans colliding with other humans or from accidents the damage done there is more so internal and takes time to fix. It
can sometimes be a life-changing collision that takes place. A simple repurchase isn’t the solution then. The risk that athletes take every game is very crucial to the longevity of their careers. Many players don’t make it to the full extent of their career because of the damage done to their bodies after years of collisions with other players or the ground.
If your vehicle is damaged after an accident, follow these tips to get it fixed and back on the road as soon as possible. Usually, you don’t have to get any estimates yourself. Normally, the insurance company that is paying to repair your car damage will have an on-the-road estimator go to your car and estimate the cost of repairing the car. Alternatively, if your car can be driven lawfully, some companies may ask you to drive your car to their closest estimating facility.
select the repair shop. This is something to check out when you renew your insurance policy or get a new policy -- do you have the right to select the shop that will repair your vehicle? Obviously, if they have the right, insurance companies will send you to go to a repair shop that gives them favorable rates, in order to save the insurance company money. These deals between insurance companies and repair shops are known as DRP (Direct Referral Program) Contracts.
You can probably choose where you want to have repairs done. However, some insurance companies are writing their policies to give them the right to
The repair facility can -- and probably will -- fix your car with parts that aren’t necessarily new or made by the vehicle manufacturer.
Car rental agencies primarily serve people who require a temporary vehicle, for example those who do not own their own car, travelers who are out of town, or owners of damaged or destroyed vehicles who are awaiting repair or insurance compensation. Car rental agencies may also serve the self-moving industry needs, by renting vans or trucks, and in certain markets other types of vehicles such as motorcycles or scooters may also be offered. Getting into a car accident can lead to several unwanted consequences, including permanent injuries, loss of earnings, etc. Why not do everything you can to avoid a car accident in the first place then?
Emergency aircraft evacuation refers to emergency evacuation from an aircraft which may take place on the ground, in water, or mid-flight. There are standard evacuation procedures and special evacuation equipment. Commercial aircraft are equipped with aircraft safety cards detailing evacuation procedures. These include locating and using emergency exits, using slides and flotation devices for water landings. Because train wrecks usually cause widespread property damage as well as injury or death, the intentional wrecking of a train in regular service is often treated as an extremely serious crime. For example, in the U.S. state of California, the penalty for intentionally causing a nonfatal train wreck is life imprisonment with the possibility of parole. For a fatal train wreck, the possible legal consequences
are either life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, or even the death penalty. The willful wrecking of a train is punishable by death or life imprisonment without parole by the United States federal government. The unusual harshness of California’s train wrecking statute has been expressly recognized by its appellate courts. The Supreme Court of California explained in 1972 that train wrecking is one of only eight crimes in the California Codes for which a capital sentence is authorized. The California Court of Appeal pointed out the next year that (at that time) train wrecking was the only other crime besides aggravated kidnapping in the Penal Code for which the Legislature had expressly established the punishment of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
Trauma from contact or collision sports resulting in recurrent minor head injuries could worsen epilepsy. These risks are theoretical for the most part, and very few case reports support these notions. It has become increasingly clear that a more reasoned approach is to individualize the decision for each sport and each patient based on a risk–benefit analysis, which leads to few restrictions overall. An impact winter is a hypothesized period of prolonged cold weather due to the impact of a large asteroid or comet on the Earth’s surface. If an asteroid were
to strike land or a shallow body of water, it would eject an enormous amount of dust, ash, and other material into the atmosphere, blocking the radiation from the sun. This would cause the global temperature to decrease drastically. If an asteroid or comet with the diameter of about 5 km (3.1 mi) or more were to hit in a large deep body of water or explode before hitting the surface, there would still be an enormous amount of debris ejected into the atmosphere. It has been proposed that an impact winter could lead to mass extinction, wiping out the world’s existing species.
If your car is damaged or destroyed in an accident, collision insurance coverage will typically pay to fix or replace it. Types of covered accidents include hitting another car or hitting a stationary object, like a bridge or a tree. Homeowners insurance is a form of property insurance designed to protect an individual’s home against damages to the house itself, or to possessions in the home. Homeowners insurance also provides liability coverage against accidents in the home or on the property.
While homeowners insurance covers most scenarios where loss could occur, some events are typically excluded from policies, namely: earthquakes, floods or other “acts of God” and acts of war. For people who live in certain parts of the country, adding an extra policy for earthquake insurance or flood insurance can be a good idea to offer further home protection and peace of mind. Some homeowners insurance is designed for renters, typically HO-4 or “renters insurance”, and only covers possessions within the home and isolated events not covered in the property insurance held by the owner.